William Hogg [206285] = unknown
William Hogg [206285] -----------
of York Co. VA before 1658
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Hogg [206286]
| of York Co. VA before 1691
| note: parents of this
| individual not proved
John Hogg came to Virginia in 1657 as headright to Capt. Leonard
Chamberlain. He settled in New Kent County.

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John Hogg [206286] = unknown
John Hogg [206286] --------------
of York Co. VA before 1691
note: parents of this
individual not proved
unknown -------------------------
|-- Charles Hogg [90612]
| d.1736, York Co. VA
| note: parents of this
| individual not proved

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Charles Hogg [90612] = unknown
Charles Hogg [90612] ------------
d.1736, York Co. VA
note: parents of this
individual not proved
unknown -------------------------
|-- Richard Hogg [90613]
| lived near Williamsburg
| 1762-1768
| note: parents of this
| individual not proved
George Edward Hogg served in Company C, 21st Virginia Militia. He
enlisted in December 1861 and was transfered to Capt. John W. Puller's
Company in January 1862. His Brothers Lewis and Samuel also served
in the southern army.

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Richard Hogg [90613] = unknown
Richard Hogg [90613] ------------
lived near Williamsburg
note: parents of this
individual not proved
unknown -------------------------
|-- Charles Hogg [90614]
| d.1809, York Co. VA
| note: parents of this
| individual not proved
|-- John Hogg Sr. [88526]
| planter, York Co. VA
| b.ca.1760
| d.1843, York Co. VA
| note: parents of this
| individual not proved
|-- Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318]
| b.1773, Gloucester Co. VA
| d.1852, York Co. VA
note: parents of this
individual not proved

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Charles Hogg [90614] = Susanna (Sally) ________
Charles Hogg [90614] ------------
d.1809, York Co. VA
note: parents of this
individual not proved
Susanna (Sally) ________ --------
wife of Charles Hogg
d.ca.1812, York Co. VA
|-- Randal Hogg [90616]
| d.1811, York Co. VA
|-- John Hogg the_younger
| [90617]
| d.1818, York Co. VA
|-- James Hogg [90618]
| d.1821, York Co. VA
|-- Stephen Hogg [90619]
| b.5_Dec_1786,
| Charles Parish, York Co. VA
| d.1807, York Co. VA
|-- Frances Hogg [90620]
| m.15_Jan_1810, York Co. VA
| wife of Edmond Powers
Richard Hogg Sr. held the rank of Lieutenant in the Virginia State
Navy during the American Revolution. In May 1776 he was engaged in
Marine Service Recruiting and in March 1777 he was serving on the

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James Hogg [90618] = Rebecca Wornom [90622]
mother's other spousal relationships
Charles Bayley Ironmonger = Rebecca Wornom [90622]

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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Amos Moore [90624]
|-- James Moore [90625]

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James Moore [90625] = Elizabeth James Hogg [90623]

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Edmond Powers [90621] = Frances Hogg [90620]
Edmond Powers [90621] -----------
Frances Hogg [90620] ------------
m.15_Jan_1810, York Co. VA
wife of Edmond Powers

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John Hogg Sr. [88526] = unknown
John Hogg Sr. [88526] -----------
planter, York Co. VA
d.1843, York Co. VA
note: parents of this
individual not proved
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Hogg Sr. [88514]
| b.1785, York Co. VA
| d.1848, York Co. VA
|-- Zachariah Hogg [88515]
| b.ca.1791, York Co. VA
| d.1844, York Co. VA
|-- John Hogg Jr. [88516]
| b.ca.1794, York Co. VA
| d.1840, York Co. VA
|-- James Hogg [88517]
| b.ca.1798, York Co. VA
| d.1847, York Co. VA
|-- Mary D. Hogg [88518]
| b.1801, York Co. VA
| m.17_Jun_1822, York Co. VA
| wife of Jesse Bassett
| d.ca.1850
|-- Thomas Hogg Sr. [88519]
| farmer
| b.1804, York Co. VA
| d.1856, York Co. VA
|-- Lewis Hogg Jr. [88520]
| farmer
| b.1810, York Co. VA
| d.1856, York Co. VA

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William Hogg Sr. [88514] = unknown

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Zachariah Hogg [88515] = ________ ________ [89156]
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Maria Hogg [88717]
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Jane Schmelz [88716]

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William Hogg Jr. [89157] = Sarah Hogg [88669]
father's other spousal relationships
William Hogg Jr. [89157] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis

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James William Hogg [89159] = Cornelia Hays Hogg [89153]
James William Hogg [89159] ------
Gloucester Co. VA, 1900
Gloucester Co. VA, 1910
b.Sep_1834, Virginia
Cornelia Hays Hogg [89153] ------
b.4_Sep_1839, Virginia
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of James William Hogg
|-- Lemuel Leonard Hogg [89161]
| b.16_Feb_1860
| d.10_Oct_1864
|-- Catherine Jane Hogg [89162]
| b.29_Sep_1861
| d.18_Dec_1861
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Hogg [89163]
| b.29_Sep_1861, Virginia
| m.26_Dec_1878,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of William A. Haywood
| d.12_Apr_1932
|-- Cora Lee Hogg [89164]
| b.7_Apr_1866
| d.20_Feb_1880
| died unmarried
|-- Roberta Alice Hogg [89165]
| b.18_Jan_1868, Virginia
| m.16_Oct_1888,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of William P. Williams
| d.29_Jan_1936
|-- Mary Catherine Hogg [89166]
| b.8_Jan_1870
| m.18_Apr_1888
| wife of John H. Willett
| d.24_Jul_1894
|-- Richard Lloyd Hogg [89167]
| b.23_Jul_1872
| d.23_Aug_1873
|-- John Edwin Hogg [89168]
| b.31_Mar_1874
| d.13_Feb_1939
|-- Ada Wiatt Hogg [89169]
| b.26_Jan_1876, Virginia
| m.May_1903
| wife of John H. Willett
| m.25_Dec_1925
| wife of
| Rev. James F. Fletcher
| d.2_Nov_1964
|-- Clinton Janes Hogg [89170]
| b.31_Dec_1879, Virginia
| d.21_Aug_1961

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Living Hogge [207118] = ________ ________ [208337]
Living Hogge [207118] -----------
________ ________ [208337] ------
wife of David T. Hogge
|-- Living Hogge [207117]
| Hogg DNA Project ID VA1658d
| FTDNA kit no. 195868

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John Edwin Hogg [89168] = Florida F. (Flossie) Minor

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Charles Jennings Hogg = Florence Myrtle Shackelord

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Charles Mathew Hogg Sr. = Anne Montgomery [89281]
Charles Mathew Hogg Sr. ---------
Gloucester Co. VA
Anne Montgomery [89281] ---------
wife of Charles M. Hogg
|-- Betsy Anne Hogg [89282]
| b.12_Nov_1953
|-- Charles Mathew Hogg Jr.
| [89283]
| b.17_Jul_1958

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Victor Russell Mowry [89284] = Ellen (Nellie) Hogg [89272]

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George Edward Mowry MD = Cornelia Nye [89288]
George Edward Mowry MD ----------
Cornelia Nye [89288] ------------
wife of George E. Mowry
|-- Elizabeth Lynn Mowry [89289]
| b.25_Dec_1953
|-- Nancy Cornelia Mowry [89290]
| b.21_Sep_1955
|-- George Edward Mowry Jr.
| [89291]
| b.3_Feb_1957

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Paul Frederick Mowry [89286] = Lula ________ [89292]
Paul Frederick Mowry [89286] ----
Lula ________ [89292] -----------
wife of Paul F. Mowry
|-- Nelie Daie Mowry [89293]
| b.23_Jun_1951
|-- George Victor Mowry [89294]
| b.31_Dec_1952
|-- Grace Lee Mowry [89295]
| b.9_May_1961

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Dr. Robert Larman = Nancy Elizabeth Mowry
Dr. Robert Larman ---------------
Kirkpatrick [89296]
Nancy Elizabeth Mowry -----------
wife of
Robert L. Kirkpatrick
|-- Robert L. Kirkpatrick Jr.
| [89297]
| b.27_May_1954
|-- Russell Dale Kirkpatrick
| [89298]

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George Paul DeHardit [89299] = Cornelia (Nelie) Hogg
George Paul DeHardit [89299] ----
Cornelia (Nelie) Hogg -----------
wife of George P. DeHardit
|-- George Paul DeHardit Jr.
| [89300]
| b.3_Sep_1922
| d.15_Jan_1938
|-- Judge John Edwin DeHardit
| [89301]
| b.26_Sep_1924
|-- William Minor DeHardit
| [89302]
| b.30_Aug_1929
|-- Miriam Patrica DeHardit
| [89303]
| b.14_Dec_1931
| wife of Clarence F. Hicks

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William Minor DeHardit = Elizabeth Jenkins [89304]
William Minor DeHardit ----------
Elizabeth Jenkins [89304] -------
wife of William M. DeHardit
|-- Elizabeth Jenkins DeHardit
| [89305]
| b.28_Mar_1961

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Clarence Flippo Hicks = Miriam Patrica DeHardit
Clarence Flippo Hicks -----------
Miriam Patrica DeHardit ---------
wife of Clarence F. Hicks
|-- Robert DeHardit Hicks
| [89307]
| b.16_Mar_1956
|-- Patricia Dee Hicks [89308]
| b.20_Sep_1958
|-- John Flippo Hicks [89309]
| b.30_Aug_1962
|-- Paula Minor Hicks [89310]
| b.10_Mar_1966

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Edward Welford Hogg [89275] = Floye Sisson [89311]

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Fred Baker Richmond [89314] = Jane Ann Hogg [89312]
Fred Baker Richmond [89314] -----
Jane Ann Hogg [89312] -----------
wife of Fred B. Richmond
|-- Mary Ann Richmond [89315]
| b.30_Jul_1952
|-- Elizabeth Ballard Richmond
| [89316]
| b.28_Mar_1956
|-- Fred Baker Richmond Jr.
| [89317]
| b.4_Apr_1959

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Edward Welford Hogg Jr. = Rozalia Cruise [89318]
Edward Welford Hogg Jr. ---------
Rozalia Cruise [89318] ----------
wife of George W. Hogg Jr.
|-- Gayle Leigh Hogg [89319]
| b.21_Jul_1954
|-- Alice Ann Hogg [89320]
| b.11_Jun_1955
|-- Nancy Welford Hogg [89321]
| b.6_Apr_1961

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James Roland Hogg [89276] = Stella Rowe [89322]

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David Victor Bristow [89324] = Joyce Annette Hogg [89323]
David Victor Bristow [89324] ----
Joyce Annette Hogg [89323] ------
wife of David V. Bristow
|-- Vicki Lynn Bristow [89325]
| b.5_Apr_1958
|-- Stella Deanne Bristow
| [89326]

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Edward Guy Smith [89327] = Mildred Hogg [89277]

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Dr. William W. Crittenden Jr = Peggy Ann Smith [89328]
Dr. William W. Crittenden Jr ----
Peggy Ann Smith [89328] ---------
wife of
Dr. William W. Crittenden Jr.
|-- William W. Crittenden III
| [89330]
| b.23_Apr_1960
|-- Guy Smith Crittenden [89331]
| b.24_May_1962
|-- Mildred Ann Crittenden
| [89332]
| b.16_Jan_1965

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Dr. Paul Hogg MD [89278] = Dorothy Williams [89333]
Dr. Paul Hogg MD [89278] --------
Newport News and
Gloucester VA
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Point,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Abingdon Episcopal
Church Cemetery,
White Marsh VA
Dorothy Williams [89333] --------
wife of Dr. Paul Hogg MD
|-- Dr. John Roger Hogg MD
| [89334]
| Medical College of VA, 1963
| pediatrician, Newport News VA
| b.6_Mar_1937,
| New Hanover Co. NC
|-- Rebecca Lynn Hogg [89335]
| b.27_Jan_1941
| m.9_May_1964
| wife of
| Woodward M. Sherman Jr.
| d.28_Jun_2010,
| Newport News VA
|-- Rev. Dr. Paul (Peter) Hogg
| Jr., DD [89336]
| Randolph Macon College, 1969
Virginia Theological
Seminary, 1974
Newport News VA
Hogg DNA Project ID VA1658c
FTDNA kit no. 167525

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Dr. John Roger Hogg MD = Dr. Carol Campbell MD
Dr. John Roger Hogg MD ----------
Medical College of VA, 1963
pediatrician, Newport News VA
New Hanover Co. NC
Dr. Carol Campbell MD -----------
wife of Dr. John R. Hogg
|-- Dr. Paul Sumpter Hogg MD
| [89338]
| BS, Davidson College,
| Davidson NC
| MS, William and Mary College,
| 1989
| Medical College of VA, 1993
| Surgeon, Suffolk VA

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Woodward Meredith Sherman Jr. = Rebecca Lynn Hogg [89335]
Woodward Meredith Sherman Jr. ---
Rebecca Lynn Hogg [89335] -------
wife of
Woodward M. Sherman Jr.
Newport News VA

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Rev. Dr. Paul (Peter) Hogg = Toni ________ [200748]
Rev. Dr. Paul (Peter) Hogg ------
Jr., DD [89336]
Randolph Macon College, 1969
Virginia Theological
Seminary, 1974
Newport News VA
Hogg DNA Project ID VA1658c
FTDNA kit no. 167525
Toni ________ [200748] ----------
wife of
Rev. Dr. Paul Hogg Jr. DD
|-- John Hogg [200749]
| of Charleston SC
|-- Peter Hogg [200750]
| b.1976
| d.1998

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Rev. James F. Fletcher = Ada Wiatt Hogg [89169]
Rev. James F. Fletcher ----------
Ada Wiatt Hogg [89169] ----------
b.26_Jan_1876, Virginia
wife of John H. Willett
wife of
Rev. James F. Fletcher
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Franklin P. Willett [166148] = Ada Wiatt Hogg [89169]

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Clinton Janes Hogg [89170] = Elizabeth Jeanette Buck
father's other spousal relationships
Clinton Janes Hogg [89170] = Ruby Estelle Thomas [200183]

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________ Hurst [89358] = Alice ________ [89359]
________ Hurst [89358] ----------
Alice ________ [89359] ----------
wife of ________ Hurst
wife of Francis C. Hogg
mother's other spousal relationships
Francis Cochen Hogg [89355] = Alice ________ [89359]

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Francis Cochen Hogg [89355] = Alice ________ [89359]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Hurst [89358] = Alice ________ [89359]

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Charles Wyndham Hogg [89356] = Lida Ruth Ware [89360]
Charles Wyndham Hogg [89356] ----
b.22_Dec_1090, Virginia
Lida Ruth Ware [89360] ----------
wife of Charles W. Hogg
|-- Walter Herman Hogg [89361]
| b.1937
| d.23_Nov_2004,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Carolyn Jeanette Hogg
| [89362]
| b.1940
|-- Charles Francis Hogg [89363]
| b.1945

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Walter Herman Hogg [89361] = Alice McCarthy [89364]
Walter Herman Hogg [89361] ------
Gloucester Co. VA
Alice McCarthy [89364] ----------
wife of Walter H. Hogg
|-- Robin Jeanette Hogg [89365]
| b.1962
|-- Charles Francis Hogg [89366]
| b.1963

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Thomas Robert Harris [89367] = Lucretia Tyler Hogg [89357]

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Clinton Janes Hogg [89170] = Ruby Estelle Thomas [200183]
father's other spousal relationships
Clinton Janes Hogg [89170] = Elizabeth Jeanette Buck
mother's other spousal relationships
Clarence Foster Thomas = Ruby Estelle Thomas [200183]

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Edward Purnell [213129] = Cynthia Ann Nightingale
Edward Purnell [213129] ---------
Cynthia Ann Nightingale ---------
wife of Edward Parnell
wife of Alfred V. Glass
mother's other spousal relationships
Alfred Vaughn Glass [213130] = Cynthia Ann Nightingale

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Alfred Vaughn Glass [213130] = Cynthia Ann Nightingale
Alfred Vaughn Glass [213130] ----
Cynthia Ann Nightingale ---------
wife of Edward Parnell
wife of Alfred V. Glass
|-- Virginia Mae Glass [213131]
|-- William Edward Glass
| [213132]
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward Purnell [213129] = Cynthia Ann Nightingale

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Living Foster [226287] = Living Hogge [88876]
Living Foster [226287] ----------
Living Hogge [88876] ------------
wife of Living Foster
m.16_Sep_1962, Poquoson,
York Co. VA
wife of Bernard C. Baugh
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Living O'Hara
mother's other spousal relationships
Bernard Clyde Baugh [88875] = Living Hogge [88876]
Living O'Hara [226288] = Living Hogge [88876]

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Bernard Clyde Baugh [88875] = Living Hogge [88876]
Bernard Clyde Baugh [88875] -----
b.18_May_1940, Thomasville AL
d.28_Feb_2001, Lamar,
Prowers Co. CO
Living Hogge [88876] ------------
wife of Living Foster
m.16_Sep_1962, Poquoson,
York Co. VA
wife of Bernard C. Baugh
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Living O'Hara
mother's other spousal relationships
Living Foster [226287] = Living Hogge [88876]
Living O'Hara [226288] = Living Hogge [88876]

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Living O'Hara [226288] = Living Hogge [88876]
Living O'Hara [226288] ----------
Living Hogge [88876] ------------
wife of Living Foster
m.16_Sep_1962, Poquoson,
York Co. VA
wife of Bernard C. Baugh
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Living O'Hara
mother's other spousal relationships
Living Foster [226287] = Living Hogge [88876]
Bernard Clyde Baugh [88875] = Living Hogge [88876]

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William Hogg Jr. [89157] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis
William Hogg Jr. [89157] --------
Martha Ann Jackson Davis --------
b.5_Oct_1827, Virginia
wife of William Hogg Jr.
wife of John Foster
d. after 1880
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- William Hogg [89468]
| died in infancy
father's other spousal relationships
William Hogg Jr. [89157] = Sarah Hogg [88669]
mother's other spousal relationships
Charles Danley [133331] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis
John Foster [82780] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis

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Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Maria Hogg [88717]
Zachariah Hogg [88515] ----------
b.ca.1791, York Co. VA
d.1844, York Co. VA
Maria Hogg [88717] --------------
wife of Zachariah Hogg
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = ________ ________ [89156]
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Jane Schmelz [88716]

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________ Barnes [88507] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
________ Barnes [88507] ---------
Jane Schmelz [88716] ------------
wife of ________ Barnes
wife of Zachariah Hogg
wife of Samuel Cunningham
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
Samuel Cunningham [204167] = Jane Schmelz [88716]

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Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = ________ ________ [89156]
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Maria Hogg [88717]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Barnes [88507] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
Samuel Cunningham [204167] = Jane Schmelz [88716]

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William Mour(n)ing [89473] = Sarah ________ [89474]
William Mour(n)ing [89473] ------
farmer, Back River,
Elizabeth City Co. VA, 1860
b.1810, Virginia
Sarah ________ [89474] ----------
wife of William Mouring
b.1818, Virginia
|-- Frances A. Mouring [89540]
| b.Apr_1844,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
| wife of William Hogg Yr.
| d.1901
|-- Thomas R, Mouring [204660]
| b.1846, Virginia
|-- William Mouring [200151]
| b.1848, Virginia
|-- Sarah J. Mouring [200152]
| b.1850, Virginia
|-- Margaret Mouring [89475]
| b.21_Mar_1852, Virginia
| m.15_May_1870
| wife of Robert T. Hogg
| d.11_Feb_1937
|-- Robert A. Mouring [204661]
| b.1854, Virginia
|-- Mary E. Mouring [204662]
| b.1857, Virginia

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Robert Thomas Hogg [89470] = Margaret Mouring [89475]

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John Thomas Hogg [89476] = Mamie Lumber [89485]
John Thomas Hogg [89476] --------
Mamie Lumber [89485] ------------
wife of John Thomas Hogg
|-- ________ Hogg [89486]
| died at birth
|-- Oliver Linwood Hogg [89487]
| b.16_Sep_1901
| d.1949
|-- John Thomas Hogg Jr. [89488]
| of Baltimore MD
| b.Feb_1905
father's other spousal relationships
John Thomas Hogg [89476] = Myra ________ [89491]

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Oliver Linwood Hogg [89487] = Helen Richardson [89489]
Oliver Linwood Hogg [89487] -----
Helen Richardson [89489] --------
wife of Oliver L. Hogg
|-- no_children

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________ Wright [163208] = Myra ________ [89491]
________ Wright [163208] --------
Myra ________ [89491] -----------
wife of ________ Wright
wife of John Thomas Hogg
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
John Thomas Hogg [89476] = Myra ________ [89491]

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John Thomas Hogg [89476] = Myra ________ [89491]
father's other spousal relationships
John Thomas Hogg [89476] = Mamie Lumber [89485]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Wright [163208] = Myra ________ [89491]

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Jesse Hope Hogg [89480] = Emily Lewelling [89508]

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Felix Goring Hatchett = Margaret Hogg [89509]
Felix Goring Hatchett -----------
Margaret Hogg [89509] -----------
b.23_Jun_1920, Virginia
wife of Felix G. Hatchett
|-- Robert Bryan Hatchett
| [89512]
| b.28_Nov_1950
|-- Philip Lewelling Hatchett
| [89513]

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Jesse Hope Hogg Jr. [89510] = Ann Morris [89514]
Jesse Hope Hogg Jr. [89510] -----
b.31_Jan_1923, Virginia
Ann Morris [89514] --------------
wife of Jesse H. Hogg Jr.
|-- Jesse Hope Hogg III [89515]
| b.21_Apr_1956
|-- Thomas Morris Hogg [89516]
| b.30_Sep_1958

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Robert Mason Dunn [89517] = Sarah Frances Hogg [89481]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Mason Dunn [89517] = Lady Katherine Hogg [89484]

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William Lyda Elkins [89519] = Lottie Jane Hogg [89482]

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John McDonald [89521] = Sarah Frances Elkins [89520]

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Harry Purrington Hogg = Rosa Giddings [89522]
Harry Purrington Hogg -----------
of Williamsburg VA
Rosa Giddings [89522] -----------
wife of Harry P. Hogg
d.3_Jun_1965, Richmond VA
|-- Henrietta Hogg [89523]
| wife of Alexander Hagen

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Alexander Hagen [89524] = Henrietta Hogg [89523]
Alexander Hagen [89524] ---------
of Bon Air VA
Henrietta Hogg [89523] ----------
wife of Alexander Hagen
|-- ________ Hagen [89525]
| adopted

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Robert Mason Dunn [89517] = Lady Katherine Hogg [89484]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Mason Dunn [89517] = Sarah Frances Hogg [89481]

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Robert Mason Dunn Jr. = Irma Dell Moore [89526]
Robert Mason Dunn Jr. -----------
Irma Dell Moore [89526] ---------
wife of Robert M. Dunn Jr.
|-- ________ Dunn [89527]
|-- ________ Dunn [89528]

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Samuel Cunningham [204167] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
Samuel Cunningham [204167] ------
Jane Schmelz [88716] ------------
wife of ________ Barnes
wife of Zachariah Hogg
wife of Samuel Cunningham
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Barnes [88507] = Jane Schmelz [88716]
Zachariah Hogg [88515] = Jane Schmelz [88716]

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Benjamin Franklin Hogg = Jennie ________ [89529]
Benjamin Franklin Hogg ----------
Jennie ________ [89529] ---------
wife of Benjamin F. Hogg
|-- Alexander Hogg [89530]
| died young

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Samuel Cunningham [89531] = Mary ________ [89532]
Samuel Cunningham [89531] -------
of Elizabeth City Co. VA
Mary ________ [89532] -----------
wife of Samuel Cunningham
|-- Mary E. Cunningham [89533]
| b.1846
| m.28_Sep_1865
| wife of William Hogg Yr.

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William (Bill) Hogg = Mary E. Cunningham [89533]
father's other spousal relationships
William (Bill) Hogg = Elizabeth Williams [89536]
William (Bill) Hogg = Frances A. Mouring [89540]

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James Williams [89534] = Lizzie ________ [89535]
James Williams [89534] ----------
of Elizabeth City Co. VA
Lizzie ________ [89535] ---------
wife of James Williams
|-- Elizabeth Williams [89536]
| b.1850
| m.4_Feb_1869
| wife of William Hogge Yr.

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William (Bill) Hogg = Elizabeth Williams [89536]
father's other spousal relationships
William (Bill) Hogg = Mary E. Cunningham [89533]
William (Bill) Hogg = Frances A. Mouring [89540]

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William Walker Hogge = Mamie Janie Harris [89542]
William Walker Hogge ------------
Elizabeth City Co. VA, 1900
b.Jun_1874, Virginia
Mamie Janie Harris [89542] ------
of Crab Neck VA
b.Mar_1878, Virginia
wife of William W. Hogge
|-- ________ Hogg [89543]
| b.14_Jul_1899
| d.28_Sep_1899
|-- Louise Howe Hogg [89544]
| b.1901
| d.1902
|-- William Wilton Hogg [89545]
| b.16_Oct_1903
|-- Margaret Jane Hogg [89546]
| b.21_Aug_1908
| m.16_Apr_1927
| wife of William L. Hudson

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William Wilton Hogg [89545] = ________ ________ [89547]
William Wilton Hogg [89545] -----
________ ________ [89547] -------
wife of William W. Hogg
|-- ________ Hogg [89548]
|-- ________ Hogg [89549]

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William L. Hudson [89550] = Margaret Jane Hogg [89546]

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William L. Hudson Jr. = Doris Wilson [89552]
William L. Hudson Jr. -----------
Doris Wilson [89552] ------------
wife of William L. Hudson Jr
|-- Sheri Lynn Hudson [89553]
|-- William Keith Hudson [89554]

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Wesley Parkerson [89561] = Jame E (Janie) Hogg [89538]
Wesley Parkerson [89561] --------
Jame E (Janie) Hogg [89538] -----
b.Aug_1877, Virginia
wife of Thomas R. Saunders
wife of Wesley Parkerson
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Hinde Saunders = Jame E (Janie) Hogg [89538]

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William Adams [89562] = Lousetta Hogg [89539]

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Richard Morgan [89569] = Lois Adams [89563]
Richard Morgan [89569] ----------
Lois Adams [89563] --------------
wife of Richard Morgan
|-- no_children

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William Rushin [89570] = Rosa Adams [89564]
William Rushin [89570] ----------
Rosa Adams [89564] --------------
wife of William Rushin
|-- no_children

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Joseph Adams [89567] = Mary Manley [89571]
Joseph Adams [89567] ------------
Mary Manley [89571] -------------
wife of Joseph Adams
|-- no_children

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William Earl Bussek [89572] = Frances Adams [89568]
William Earl Bussek [89572] -----
Frances Adams [89568] -----------
wife of William E. Bussek
|-- Ellen Bussek [89573]
| wife of John Crews
|-- William Earl Bussek [89574]
|-- Elizabeth Lee Bussek [89575]

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John Crews [89576] = Ellen Bussek [89573]
John Crews [89576] --------------
Ellen Bussek [89573] ------------
wife of John Crews
|-- Craig Crews [89577]
|-- Scott Crews [89578]
|-- Carolyn Crews [89579]

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William (Bill) Hogg = Frances A. Mouring [89540]
William (Bill) Hogg -------------
the_younger [89472]
Frances A. Mouring [89540] ------
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of William Hogg Yr.
|-- Lou Hogge [159297]
| b.Jan_1880, Virginia
|-- Selma Hogg [89541]
| b.21_Apr_1882,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
| wife of Nathaniel Saunders
d.23_Jul_1961, Hampton VA
father's other spousal relationships
William (Bill) Hogg = Mary E. Cunningham [89533]
William (Bill) Hogg = Elizabeth Williams [89536]

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John Hogg Jr. [88516] = Sarah ________ [89467]
John Hogg Jr. [88516] -----------
b.ca.1794, York Co. VA
d.1840, York Co. VA
Sarah ________ [89467] ----------
wife of John Hogg
the younger
|-- Eliza Hogg [89463]
| b.ca.1829
|-- Elizabeth Hogg [89464]
| b.ca.1831
|-- Thomas W. Hogg [89465]
| b.1834
| d.Jun_1875
|-- John Hogg IV [89466]
| b.ca.1836

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Thomas W. Hogg [89465] = Columbia Diana Burt [89461]
Thomas W. Hogg [89465] ----------
Columbia Diana Burt [89461] -----
b.1842, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas W. Hogg
m. before 1880
wife of William T. Wood
|-- Anna Hogg [89452]
| b.1859
| died in infancy
|-- John Allen Hogg [89453]
| sailor, York Co. VA, 1880
| b.7_Oct_1861, Virginia
| d.20_Mar_1895, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Anna Cornelia Hogg [89454]
| b.13_Jan_1864, Virginia
| n.3_Jul_1884
| wife of William C. Hansford
| d.16_Dec_1912, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Frank Lee Hogg [89455]
| 14_Feb_1867, Virginia
| d.15_Oct_1956, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Robert Thomas Hogg [89456]
| oysterman, York Co. VA, 1900
| b.15_Oct_1867, Virginia
| d.27_Nov_1941, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Bullard Hogg [89457]
| b.ca.1870, Virginia
| died in infancy
|-- Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458]
| oysterman, York Co. VA, 1900
| boatman, York Co. VA, 1910
| boat cook, York Co. VA, 1920
| b.22_Feb_1872, Virginia
| d.19_Aug_1965, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Cossie Hogg [89459]
| b.1874, Virginia
| d.1878
|-- Martha (Mattie) E. Hogg
| [89460]
| b.15_Aug_1875, Virginia
| m.24_Nov_1892
| wife of George S. Montgomery
| d.17_Nov_1960
mother's other spousal relationships
William Thomas Wood [165364] = Columbia Diana Burt [89461]

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John Allen Hogg [89453] = India (Indiana) A. Parker
John Allen Hogg [89453] ---------
sailor, York Co. VA, 1880
b.7_Oct_1861, Virginia
d.20_Mar_1895, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
India (Indiana) A. Parker -------
b.15_Jun_1867, Virginia
wife of John Allen Hogg
wife of George T. Hogg
d.24_Jul_1901, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Joseph Allen Hogg [88545]
| oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
| fisherman, York Co. VA, 1820
| b.2_Apr_1887, Virginia
| d.Nov_1932, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Lena Hogg [88546]
| b.1889
| wife of Earl Phillips
|-- Emmett T. Hogg [88547]
| b.14_Jan_1895
| d.15_Apr_1929, York Co. VA
died unmarried
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA

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Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] = Fannie Burcher [88985]
Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] -------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
fisherman, York Co. VA, 1820
b.2_Apr_1887, Virginia
d.Nov_1932, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Fannie Burcher [88985] ----------
wife of Joseph A. Hogg
d. before 1910
|-- Marie Hogg [88980]
| b.4_Mar_1908
| m.12_Dec_1930
| wife of Raymond Forrest
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] = Flossie Ellen Graves [88984]

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Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] = Flossie Ellen Graves [88984]
Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] -------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
fisherman, York Co. VA, 1820
b.2_Apr_1887, Virginia
d.Nov_1932, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Flossie Ellen Graves [88984] ----
b.1894, Virginia
wife of Joseph A. Hogg
wife of William Swartz
d.1967, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Allen Ralph Hogg [88981]
| b.12_Jul_1917
| d.3_Aug_1917, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Mattie Jane Hogg [88982]
| b.31_Mar_1919
| d.15_Jun_1919, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- John Elwood Hogg [88983]
| b.11_Feb_1922
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Allen Hogg [88545] = Fannie Burcher [88985]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Swartz [82471] = Flossie Ellen Graves [88984]

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John Elwood Hogg [88983] = Bamah Elledge [89649]

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________ Ribick [89653] = Mary Ellen Hogg [89650]
________ Ribick [89653] ---------
Mary Ellen Hogg [89650] ---------
wife of ________ Ribick

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Robert Edward Carroll = Gail Estelle Hogg [89651]
Robert Edward Carroll -----------
Gail Estelle Hogg [89651] -------
wife of Robert E. Carroll

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Earl Phillips [89655] = Lena Hogg [88546]

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Reid Meredith [89662] = Mary Bell Phillips [89656]

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Earl Phillips Jr. [89657] = Rosalyn White [89663]

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________ Padgett [89665] = Marguerite ________ [89664]
mother's other spousal relationships
Emmett Phillips [89658] = Marguerite ________ [89664]

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Emmett Phillips [89658] = Marguerite ________ [89664]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Padgett [89665] = Marguerite ________ [89664]

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Austin Phillips [89659] = Gwenn Amory [89666]
Austin Phillips [89659] ---------
Gwenn Amory [89666] -------------
wife of Austin Phillips
|-- Charles King Phillips
| [89667]
|-- Wayne Austin Phillips
| [89668]
|-- Rebecca Phillips [89669]

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Clyde Wood [89670] = Indianna Phillips [89660]

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Larry Atkins [89674] = Bonnie Wood [89671]
Larry Atkins [89674] ------------
Bonnie Wood [89671] -------------
wife of Larry Atkins
|-- ________ Atkins [89675]

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Malcolm Sherwood Page = Jill Cynthia Clark [90515]
Malcolm Sherwood Page -----------
Jill Cynthia Clark [90515] ------
wife of Malcolm S. Page
|-- Jessica Anne Page [213134]
| b.19_Aug_1980
| m.19_Jul_2008
| wife of Joseph Carl Gentry
|-- Emily Cameron Page [213135]
| b.5_Apr_1995

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Frank Lee Hogg [89455] = Jennie Bunting [88942]
father's other spousal relationships
Frank Lee Hogg [89455] = Emma Westcott [88946]
mother's other spousal relationships
James Wright Jr. [82737] = Jennie Bunting [88942]

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Albert Shreeves [89679] = ________ ________ [89680]
Albert Shreeves [89679] ---------
of Norfolk Co. VA
________ ________ [89680] -------
wife of Albert Shreeves
father's other spousal relationships
Albert Shreeves [89679] = Maggie Lee Hogg [88941]

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Albert Shreeves [89679] = Maggie Lee Hogg [88941]
father's other spousal relationships
Albert Shreeves [89679] = ________ ________ [89680]

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Frank Lee Hogg [89455] = Emma Westcott [88946]
Frank Lee Hogg [89455] ----------
14_Feb_1867, Virginia
d.15_Oct_1956, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Emma Westcott [88946] -----------
wife of Frank Lee Hogg
wife of ________ Swartz
d.23_Oct_1965, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943]
| b.17_Nov_1904, York Co. VA
|-- Lola M. Hogg [88944]
| b.22_Sep_1908, York Co VA
| m.16_Oct_1942
| wife of William Fox
|-- Rethia Hogg [88945]
| b.12_Aug_1913, York Co. VA
| d.21_Dec_1931
died unmarried
father's other spousal relationships
Frank Lee Hogg [89455] = Jennie Bunting [88942]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Swartz [184980] = Emma Westcott [88946]

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Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Hazel Cottee [89681]
father's other spousal relationships
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Gertrude Miller [89683]
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Dorothy Mickey [89684]

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Mercer Vanzan Hogge Jr. = Betty Elkins [89685]
Mercer Vanzan Hogge Jr. ---------
d.27_Jan_2009, Seaford,
York Co. VA
Betty Elkins [89685] ------------
wife of Mercer V. Hogg Jr.
|-- Cathy Hogg [89686]
| b.1950
|-- Living Hogge [89687]
| Hogg DNA Projcrt ID VA1658d
|-- Kevin Hogg [89688]
| b.1957

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Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Gertrude Miller [89683]
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] ------
b.17_Nov_1904, York Co. VA
Gertrude Miller [89683] ---------
wife of Mercer V. Hogg
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Hazel Cottee [89681]
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Dorothy Mickey [89684]

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Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Dorothy Mickey [89684]
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] ------
b.17_Nov_1904, York Co. VA
Dorothy Mickey [89684] ----------
wife of Mercer V. Hogg
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Hazel Cottee [89681]
Mercer Vanzan Hogg [88943] = Gertrude Miller [89683]

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William Fox [89689] = Lola M. Hogg [88944]
William Fox [89689] -------------
Lola M. Hogg [88944] ------------
b.22_Sep_1908, York Co VA
wife of William Fox

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________ Swartz [184980] = Emma Westcott [88946]
________ Swartz [184980] --------
Emma Westcott [88946] -----------
wife of Frank Lee Hogg
wife of ________ Swartz
d.23_Oct_1965, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Edward Swartz [218134]
| b.1894, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
Frank Lee Hogg [89455] = Emma Westcott [88946]

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Robert Thomas Hogg [89456] = Elizabeth (Lizzie) Parker
Robert Thomas Hogg [89456] ------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1900
b.15_Oct_1867, Virginia
d.27_Nov_1941, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Parker -------
b.22_May_1869, Virginia
wife of Robert T. Hogg
d.19_Apr_1951, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Columbia Mazilla Hogg
| [89691]
| b.29_Oct_1889, Virginia
| m.8_Jan_1905
| wife of Jesse C. Wainwright
|-- William Allen Hogg [89692]
| b.20_Aug_1892, Virginia

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William Allen Hogg [89692] = Eve Freeman [89698]
father's other spousal relationships
William Allen Hogg [89692] = Sadie Quinn [89700]

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William Allen (Sammie) Hogg = Laura Mae Fletcher [89704]
William Allen (Sammie) Hogg -----
Jr. [89699]
Laura Mae Fletcher [89704] ------
wife of William A. Hogg Jr.
|-- Ronald Hogg [89705]
| b.3_Nov_1946
|-- James Hogg [89706]
| b.May_1948

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William Allen Hogg [89692] = Sadie Quinn [89700]
William Allen Hogg [89692] ------
b.20_Aug_1892, Virginia
Sadie Quinn [89700] -------------
wife of William A. Hogg
|-- Joseph J. Hogg [89701]
|-- Robert Hogg [89702]
|-- ________ Hogg [89703]
| twin to Robert
| died at birth
d. York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Allen Hogg [89692] = Eve Freeman [89698]

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Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] = Effie D. Swartz [89707]
Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] ------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1900
boatman, York Co. VA, 1910
boat cook, York Co. VA, 1920
b.22_Feb_1872, Virginia
d.19_Aug_1965, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Effie D. Swartz [89707] ---------
wife of Sydney M. Hogg
d.ca.1895, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] = Mary (Mamie) A. Dawson

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Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] = Mary (Mamie) A. Dawson
Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] ------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1900
boatman, York Co. VA, 1910
boat cook, York Co. VA, 1920
b.22_Feb_1872, Virginia
d.19_Aug_1965, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Mary (Mamie) A. Dawson ----------
b.12_Jul_1878, Virginia
wife of William W. Parker
wife of Sydney M. Hogg
d.1_Apr_1955, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Sydney Mercer Hogg [89458] = Effie D. Swartz [89707]
mother's other spousal relationships
William H. Parker [89709] = Mary (Mamie) A. Dawson

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Howard Forrest Woodward = Rose Marie Howell [226289]
Howard Forrest Woodward ---------
b.12_Nov_1936, Laconia,
Belknap Co. NH
d.12_Aug_1995, Hampton VA
Rose Marie Howell [226289] ------
b.7_Jan_1939, Newport News VA
m.18_Apr_1957, Newport News VA
wife of Howard F. Woodward
divorced, 8_Mar_1976,
Hampton VA
m.1976, Pasquotank Co. NC
wife of Monroe C. Hogge
|-- Living Woodward [226291]
| wife of Living Ezzell
|-- Living Woodward [226292]
| wife of Living Ezzell
|-- Living Woodward [226293]
| wife of Living Williams
|-- Living Woodward [226294]
| m.4_Nov_1981, Newport News VA
| wife of Ronald Lewis Martin
| m.11_Feb_1983, Hampton VA
| divorced 10_Dec_1987, Virginia
| wife of Harvey Boyd Stepp
| wife of Living Taylor
|-- Katherine Diana Woodward
| [226295]
| b.15_Feb_1965, Hampton VA
| m.5_Jul_1993, Newport News VA
| wife of Living Parker
divorced, 29_Feb_2008,
Virginia Beach VA
m.10_Jun_2008, Hampton VA
wife of Eddie A. Ezzell III
d.16_Mar_2012, Newport News VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Monroe Collier Hogge [88878] = Rose Marie Howell [226289]

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unknown = unknown

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Living Ezzell [226296] = Living Woodward [226291]

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Living Ezzell [226297] = Living Woodward [226292]

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Living Williams [226299] = Living Woodward [226293]

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Ronald Lewis Martin [226300] = Living Woodward [226294]
Ronald Lewis Martin [226300] ----
b.1_Jan_1958, Hampton VA
d.27_Nov_1982, Hampton VA
Living Woodward [226294] --------
m.4_Nov_1981, Newport News VA
wife of Ronald Lewis Martin
m.11_Feb_1983, Hampton VA
divorced 10_Dec_1987, Virginia
wife of Harvey Boyd Stepp
wife of Living Taylor
mother's other spousal relationships
Harvey Boyd Stepp [226301] = Living Woodward [226294]
Living Taylor [226302] = Living Woodward [226294]

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Harvey Boyd Stepp [226301] = Living Woodward [226294]
Harvey Boyd Stepp [226301] ------
b.3_Mar_1950, Greene Co. NC
d.6_Oct_2002, Durham NC
Living Woodward [226294] --------
m.4_Nov_1981, Newport News VA
wife of Ronald Lewis Martin
m.11_Feb_1983, Hampton VA
divorced 10_Dec_1987, Virginia
wife of Harvey Boyd Stepp
wife of Living Taylor
mother's other spousal relationships
Ronald Lewis Martin [226300] = Living Woodward [226294]
Living Taylor [226302] = Living Woodward [226294]

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Living Taylor [226302] = Living Woodward [226294]
Living Taylor [226302] ----------
Living Woodward [226294] --------
m.4_Nov_1981, Newport News VA
wife of Ronald Lewis Martin
m.11_Feb_1983, Hampton VA
divorced 10_Dec_1987, Virginia
wife of Harvey Boyd Stepp
wife of Living Taylor
mother's other spousal relationships
Ronald Lewis Martin [226300] = Living Woodward [226294]
Harvey Boyd Stepp [226301] = Living Woodward [226294]

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Living Parker [226303] = Katherine Diana Woodward
Living Parker [226303] ----------
Katherine Diana Woodward --------
b.15_Feb_1965, Hampton VA
m.5_Jul_1993, Newport News VA
wife of Living Parker
divorced, 29_Feb_2008,
Virginia Beach VA
m.10_Jun_2008, Hampton VA
wife of Eddie A. Ezzell III
d.16_Mar_2012, Newport News VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Eddie Arnold Ezzell III = Katherine Diana Woodward

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Eddie Arnold Ezzell III = Katherine Diana Woodward
Eddie Arnold Ezzell III ---------
d.16_Mar_2012, Newport News VA
Katherine Diana Woodward --------
b.15_Feb_1965, Hampton VA
m.5_Jul_1993, Newport News VA
wife of Living Parker
divorced, 29_Feb_2008,
Virginia Beach VA
m.10_Jun_2008, Hampton VA
wife of Eddie A. Ezzell III
d.16_Mar_2012, Newport News VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Living Parker [226303] = Katherine Diana Woodward

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Monroe Collier Hogge [88878] = Rose Marie Howell [226289]
Monroe Collier Hogge [88878] ----
b.1_Dec_1931, York Co. VA
Rose Marie Howell [226289] ------
b.7_Jan_1939, Newport News VA
m.18_Apr_1957, Newport News VA
wife of Howard F. Woodward
divorced, 8_Mar_1976,
Hampton VA
m.1976, Pasquotank Co. NC
wife of Monroe C. Hogge
mother's other spousal relationships
Howard Forrest Woodward = Rose Marie Howell [226289]

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James Hogg [88517] = Martha Hansford [82322]
James Hogg [88517] --------------
b.ca.1798, York Co. VA
d.1847, York Co. VA
Martha Hansford [82322] ---------
wife of James Hogg
m.22_Dec_1867, York Co. VA
wife of James Rowe
|-- Baker Hogg [88947]
| b.ca.1841
| died young
|-- Sydney Hogg [88948]
| b.1845
died young
mother's other spousal relationships
James Rowe [82716] = Martha Hansford [82322]

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Jesse Bassett [89739] = Mary D. Hogg [88518]
Jesse Bassett [89739] -----------
Mary D. Hogg [88518] ------------
b.1801, York Co. VA
m.17_Jun_1822, York Co. VA
wife of Jesse Bassett
|-- John B. Bassett [89740]
| of Baltimore MD
| b.ca.1825
|-- Thomas Bassett [89741]
| b.1828

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Thomas Bassett [89741] = Elizabeth Hogg [88928]

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________ Carpenter [89745] = Roberta S. Bassett [89744]

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Thomas Hogg Sr. [88519] = Mary Van_Huff [88932]

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Robert Lynch [88927] = Mary Eliza Hogg [88929]
Robert Lynch [88927] ------------
Mary Eliza Hogg [88929] ---------
wife of Robert Lynch
wife of Robert Cluverius
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert H. Cluverius [88933] = Mary Eliza Hogg [88929]

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Thomas H. Hogg [88931] = Elizabeth Ann Mason [82327]
mother's other spousal relationships
Lewis Hansford Jr. [82319] = Elizabeth Ann Mason [82327]

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Lewis Hogg Jr. [88520] = Susan Hubbard [29302]
Lewis Hogg Jr. [88520] ----------
b.1810, York Co. VA
d.1856, York Co. VA
Susan Hubbard [29302] -----------
b.1804-1810, Virginia
m.ca.1834, York Co. VA
wife of Lewis Hogg Jr.
d.ca.1847, York Co. VA
|-- John Hogg [88509]
| sailor
| b.1834, York Co. VA
|-- Samuel Hogg [88510]
| farmer and waterman
| b.1_Mar_1836, York Co. VA
| d.10_Feb_1908, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- Lewis Hogg III [88511]
| farmer and waterman
| b.1838, York Co. VA
| d.10_Feb_1912, York Co. VA
|-- George Edward Hogg [88512]
| farmer
| b.17_Feb_1840, York Co. VA
| d.25_Apr_1897, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- Stephen Hogg [88513]
| b.1841, York Co. VA
| d. before 1850

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Samuel Hogg [88510] = Nancy Wright [89006]
Samuel Hogg [88510] -------------
farmer and waterman
b.1_Mar_1836, York Co. VA
d.10_Feb_1908, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
Nancy Wright [89006] ------------
wife of Samuel Hogg
|-- Susan Florance Hogg [89007]
| b.6_Oct_1858
| m.8_Jul_1874
| wife of John Hansford
| d.2_May_1935, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Christopher Hogg [89008]
| died in infancy
|-- Matilda Ann Hogg [89009]
| died in infancy
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Hogg [88510] = Maria Jane Lindsay [89012]

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Thomas Lindsay [162303] = unknown

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Francis Lindsay [89010] = Margaret Edwards [89011]

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Samuel Hogg [88510] = Maria Jane Lindsay [89012]
Samuel Hogg [88510] -------------
farmer and waterman
b.1_Mar_1836, York Co. VA
d.10_Feb_1908, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
Maria Jane Lindsay [89012] ------
wife of Samuel Hogg
d.7_Mar_1929, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
|-- William Henry Hogg [89013]
| b.2_Jun_1867
| d.20_Aug_1934, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- John Samuel Hogg [89014]
| b.7_Feb_1869
| d.4_Oct_1873
|-- Annie Lee Hogg [89015]
| b.28_Dec_1870
| m.2_Jan_1890
| wife of Leroy R. Hogge
| wife of William E. Curtis
| d.16_Sep_1950, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- Joseph Thomas Hogg [89016]
| b.23_Dec_1873, York Co. VA
| d.3_Feb_1914, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Hogg [89017]
| died in infancy
|-- ________ Hogg [89018]
| died in infancy
|-- ________ Hogg [89019]
| died in infancy
|-- Rosa Frances Hogg [89020]
| b.2_Jun_1877, York Co. VA
| m.16_Aug_1893, York Co. VA
| wife of Marcellus P. Callis
| d.1_Oct_1954, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- James Samuel Hogg [89021]
| b.23_Feb_1879
| d.16_Sep_1964
|-- Andrew Bureguard Hogg
| [89022]
| b.17_Jan_1882
| d.4_Oct_1942, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- Charles Jackson Hogg [89023]
| b.28_Jun_1887
| d.7_Dec_1913, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Hogg [88510] = Nancy Wright [89006]

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Edward Thomas Winder [89746] = Alice Bird Lindsay [89747]
Edward Thomas Winder [89746] ----
Alice Bird Lindsay [89747] ------
wife of Edward T. Winder
|-- Frances Elizabeth Winder
| [89748]
| b.5_Sep_1867
wife of William H. Hogg
d.13_Feb_1958, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery

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William Henry Hogg [89013] = Frances Elizabeth Winder
William Henry Hogg [89013] ------
d.20_Aug_1934, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
Frances Elizabeth Winder --------
wife of William H. Hogg
d.13_Feb_1958, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
|-- Judge William Edward Hogg
| [89749]
| b.3_Mar_1890
| d.4_Nov_1964
|-- Elizabeth (Bessie) Lindsey
| Hogg [89750]
| b.4_Oct_1891
| m.10_Mar_1909,
| Elizabeth City NC
| wife of John W. Ironmonger
| d.1975, Seaford, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Charles Clarence Hogg
| [89751]
| b.30_Oct_1893
| d.Aug_1894
|-- Alice Maria Hogg [89752]
| b.17_Apr_1895
| m.1_Jan_1916
| wife of William B. Moore
| d.23_May_1957
|-- Bertha Frances Hogg [89753]
| b.28_Feb_1898
| d.12_Aug_1898

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Judge William Edward Hogg = Gertrude Virginia Ironmonger
Judge William Edward Hogg -------
Gertrude Virginia Ironmonger ----
wife of Charles J. Hogg
wife of William E. Hogg
d.24_Nov_1942, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Mildred Virginia Hogg
| [89755]
| b.14_Mar_1920
| m.16_May_1941
| wife of James T. Lee
father's other spousal relationships
Judge William Edward Hogg = Mamie Lee [89762]

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James Thomas Lee [89756] = Mildred Virginia Hogg

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Robert Randolph Denton = Carol Virginia Lee [89757]
Robert Randolph Denton ----------
Carol Virginia Lee [89757] ------
wife of Robert R. Denton
|-- Robert Carroll Denton
| [89761]
| b.6_Jul_1962

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________ Michniak [204663] = Linda ________ [89766]
________ Michniak [204663] ------
Linda ________ [89766] ----------
wife of ________ Michniak
wife of James T. Lee Jr.
|-- Michael Michnaik [89767]
|-- Debbie Michnaik [89768]
|-- Pam Michniak [89769]
mother's other spousal relationships
James Thomas Lee Jr. [89759] = Linda ________ [89766]

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James Thomas Lee Jr. [89759] = Linda ________ [89766]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Michniak [204663] = Linda ________ [89766]

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________ Marsh [89763] = Mamie Lee [89762]
________ Marsh [89763] ----------
Mamie Lee [89762] ---------------
wife of ________ Marsh
wife of William E. Hogg
mother's other spousal relationships
Judge William Edward Hogg = Mamie Lee [89762]

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Judge William Edward Hogg = Mamie Lee [89762]
father's other spousal relationships
Judge William Edward Hogg = Gertrude Virginia Ironmonger
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Marsh [89763] = Mamie Lee [89762]

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Living Kenney [223836] = Living Hogge [90466]
Living Kenney [223836] ----------
Living Hogge [90466] ------------
wife of Living Kenney
|-- Nicole Katherine Kenney
| ("Nicky") [223837]
| b.21_Jul_1972, Hollywood FL
Delray Beach FL

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Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. = Living Cook [226304]
Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. --------
b.22_Jul_1933, York Co. VA
d.10_Jun_1991, Hampton VA
Living Cook [226304] ------------
wife of Norris F. Hogge Sr.
divorced, 14_Dec_1961,
Hampton VA
m.28_May_1962, Hampton VA
wife of Living Hughes
|-- Living Hogge [226305]
father's other spousal relationships
Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. = Living Fuller [226308]

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Living Hogge [226305] = Living Little [226306]
Living Hogge [226305] -----------
Living Little [226306] ----------
m.12_Mar_1979, Hampton VA
wife of Living Hogge
divorced, 7_Apr_1981, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
Living Hogge [226305] = Living Karter [226307]

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Living Hogge [226305] = Living Karter [226307]
Living Hogge [226305] -----------
Living Karter [226307] ----------
m.24_Nov_1982, Hampton VA
wife of Living Hogge
wife of Living Everett
father's other spousal relationships
Living Hogge [226305] = Living Little [226306]

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Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. = Living Fuller [226308]
Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. --------
b.22_Jul_1933, York Co. VA
d.10_Jun_1991, Hampton VA
Living Fuller [226308] ----------
wife of Living Held
Pasquotank Co. NC
wife of Living Price
divorced, 15_May_1962,
Norfolk VA
m.16_Jun_1962, Portsmouth VA
wife of Living Parker
divorced, 9_Jul_1965, Virginia
m.1965, Pasquotank Co. NC
wife of Norris F. Hogge Sr
father's other spousal relationships
Norris Frankin Hogge Sr. = Living Cook [226304]

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John Edward Hogge [88882] = Living Stone [226309]
John Edward Hogge [88882] -------
"Bay Boy"
b.15_Sep_1939, York Co. VA
d.29_Jul_2001, Hampton VA
Living Stone [226309] -----------
m.24_Oct_1980, Hampton
wife of John Edward Hogge
wife of Living Booth
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Hogge [88882] = Living Sullivan [226310]

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John Edward Hogge [88882] = Living Sullivan [226310]
John Edward Hogge [88882] -------
"Bay Boy"
b.15_Sep_1939, York Co. VA
d.29_Jul_2001, Hampton VA
Living Sullivan [226310] --------
m.29_Dec_1986, Newport News VA
wife of John Edward Hogge
wife of Living Godwin
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Hogge [88882] = Living Stone [226309]

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James Curtis Hogge [88880] = Hazel Irene Treat-Briggs
James Curtis Hogge [88880] ------
b.13_Jul_1940, Messick,
York Co. VA
d.7_Oct_2006, Hampton VA
Hazel Irene Treat-Briggs --------
b.10_Sep_1929, Illinois
m.21_Jul_1973, Hampton VA
wife of James Curtis Hogge
d.29_Sep_1984, Hampton VA
father's other spousal relationships
James Curtis Hogge [88880] = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]

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James Curtis Hogge [88880] = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]
James Curtis Hogge [88880] ------
b.13_Jul_1940, Messick,
York Co. VA
d.7_Oct_2006, Hampton VA
Emma Lee Crockett [147921] ------
b.2_Apr_1934, Seaford VA
m.3_Sep_1949, Jeffs,
York Co. VA
wife of William L. Firth Jr.
divorced, 21_Jan_1975,
York Co. VA
m.17_Jul_1983, Newport News VA
wife of Arthur W. Marsette
divorced, 7_Jul_1988,
York Co. VA
m.30_Jul_1988, Poquoson,
York Co. VA
wife of James Curtis Hogge
d.29_Jun_1998, Newport News VA
father's other spousal relationships
James Curtis Hogge [88880] = Hazel Irene Treat-Briggs
mother's other spousal relationships
William Louis Firth Jr. = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]
Arthur Walter Marsette = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]

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Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. = Living Shrader [226312]
Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. ---------
b.30_Dec_1944, Hampton VA
d.5_Mar_2000, Amelia,
St. Mary Parish, LA
Living Shrader [226312] ---------
m.5_Aug_1968, Hampton VA
wife of Joe Ashwell Musgrove
divorced, 18_Dec_1970,
Hampton VA
m.8_Jan_1971, Hampton VA
wife of Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr.
divorced, 28_Aug_1978, Virginia
|-- Living Hogge [226313]
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. = Living Berreth [226314]

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Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. = Living Berreth [226314]
Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. ---------
b.30_Dec_1944, Hampton VA
d.5_Mar_2000, Amelia,
St. Mary Parish, LA
Living Berreth [226314] ---------
m.16_Nov_1987, Norfolk VA
wife of Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr.
wife of Living McPherson
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr. = Living Shrader [226312]

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Jerome Wallace Hogge III = Andrea Dawn Wellman [225161]
Jerome Wallace Hogge III --------
Newport News, VA
Andrea Dawn Wellman [225161] ----
m.25_Jun_1988, Warrenton VA
wife of Jerome W. Hogge III
|-- Nichols Alexander Hogge
| [225162]
| b.28_Oct_1994,
| Fairfax Co. VA

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Joseph Thomas Hogg [89016] = Irene Lee Hall [82646]

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Joseph Woodland [89822] = Nannie Hogg [88958]
Joseph Woodland [89822] ---------
Nannie Hogg [88958] -------------
wife of Joseph Woodland
|-- ________ Woodland [89823]
| died in infancy

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William Herbert Trench = Minnie Hogg [88960]
William Herbert Trench ----------
Minnie Hogg [88960] -------------
wife of William H. Trench
d.24_Oct_1992, Suffolk VA
|-- Evelyn Jeanette Trench
| [89845]
| m.1945
| wife of Raymond Bailey
|-- Louise Trench [89846]
| m.11_Dec_1950
wife of Jack Moore

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Raymond Bailey [89847] = Evelyn Jeanette Trench
Raymond Bailey [89847] ----------
Evelyn Jeanette Trench ----------
wife of Raymond Bailey
|-- Mark Bailey [89848]
|-- David Bailey [89849]
mother's other spousal relationships
Jack Moore [89850] = Evelyn Jeanette Trench

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Jack Moore [89850] = Evelyn Jeanette Trench
Jack Moore [89850] --------------
Evelyn Jeanette Trench ----------
wife of Raymond Bailey
|-- Linda Page Moore [89851]
|-- Micky Moore [89852]
|-- William Moore [89853]
mother's other spousal relationships
Raymond Bailey [89847] = Evelyn Jeanette Trench

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Vernon Cawthorne [89857] = Rosa Virginia Hogg [88961]
Vernon Cawthorne [89857] --------
Rosa Virginia Hogg [88961] ------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Frank L. Curtis
wife of Vernon Cawthorne
Warwick Co. VA
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Frank Lee Curtis [89854] = Rosa Virginia Hogg [88961]

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Douglas A. Hogg [88962] = Addie ________ [162440]
Douglas A. Hogg [88962] ---------
of Grottoes VA
Warwick Co. VA, 1930
b.1915, Virginia
Addie ________ [162440] ---------
wife of Douglas A. Hogg

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James Samuel Hogg [89021] = Mary Louise Crockett [89893]

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Andrew Bureguard Hogg = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Thomas Dudley = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
George Topping [82808] = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]

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Charles Jackson Hogg [89023] = Gertrude Virginia Ironmonger
Charles Jackson Hogg [89023] ----
d.7_Dec_1913, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Gertrude Virginia Ironmonger ----
wife of Charles J. Hogg
wife of William E. Hogg
d.24_Nov_1942, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Charles James Hogg [89754]
| b.24_Sep_1913
| d.23_Jan_2002,
| Gloucester Co. VA

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Charles James Hogg [89754] = Ruth Genevieve Clegg [89916]

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Charles Linn Jenkins [89921] = Sarah (Sally) Elizabeth Hogg
Charles Linn Jenkins [89921] ----
of Georga
Sarah (Sally) Elizabeth Hogg ----
b.5_Aug_1946, Richmond VA
wife of Charles L. Jenkins
d.29_Sep_1976, Yorktown VA
|-- Betsey Jenkins [198604]
| wife of ________ Taylor

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Ken Gatlin [198605] = Janice Hogg [89918]
Ken Gatlin [198605] -------------
Janice Hogg [89918] -------------
wife of Ken Gatlin
|-- Carrie Gatlim [198606]
|-- Brent Gatlin [198607]

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________ Lundberg [198608] = Mary Louise Hogg [89919]
________ Lundberg [198608] ------
Mary Louise Hogg [89919] --------
wife of ________ Lundbert
wife of William Bowen
|-- Tracy Lundberg [198609]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Bowen [198610] = Mary Louise Hogg [89919]

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William Bowen [198610] = Mary Louise Hogg [89919]
William Bowen [198610] ----------
Mary Louise Hogg [89919] --------
wife of ________ Lundbert
wife of William Bowen
|-- Katie Bowen [198611]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Lundberg [198608] = Mary Louise Hogg [89919]

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Harold Dumas [198612] = Kathy Lynn Hogg [89920]
Harold Dumas [198612] -----------
Kathy Lynn Hogg [89920] ---------
wife of Harold Dumas
|-- Lisa Dumas [198613]
| wife of ________ Blow
|-- Sarah Dumas [198614]
| wife of ________ Locke

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Luther Buregaurd Hogg = Veronica McPherson [196687]

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Harry Cooper Gleason [89899] = Margaret Mary Hogg [89896]
Harry Cooper Gleason [89899] ----
Margaret Mary Hogg [89896] ------
South Mills NC
wife of Harry C. Gleason
|-- Veronica Mary Geason [89900]
| b.14_Jun_1944,
| Newport News VA
| m.14_Nov_1961,
| Elizabeth City NC
| wife of Loyd Carver
|-- Deborah Ann Barbara Gleason
| [89901]
Newport News VA

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Loyd Carver [89902] = Veronica Mary Geason [89900]
Loyd Carver [89902] -------------
Veronica Mary Geason [89900] ----
Newport News VA
Elizabeth City NC
wife of Loyd Carver
|-- Michelle Carver [89903]
| b.19_Mar_1964, Hammond IN

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William Vincent Hogg [89897] = Beatrice Joy Mingee [89904]
William Vincent Hogg [89897] ----
b.20_Apr_1925, Baltimore MD
d.24_Aug_2005, Hampton VA
SSN: 224-22-8966
Beatrice Joy Mingee [89904] -----
m.Aug_1944, North Carolina
wife of William V. Hogg
|-- William Vincent Hogg Jr.
| [89905]
| b.29_May_1946
|-- Paul Steven Hogg [89906]
| b.13_Feb_1950
father's other spousal relationships
William Vincent Hogg [89897] = Betty Hill Newan [89907]

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William Vincent Hogg Jr. = Doris Kay ________ [196686]
William Vincent Hogg Jr. --------
Doris Kay ________ [196686] -----
wife of William V. Hogg Jr.
d.7_Sep_2008, Richmond VA

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William Vincent Hogg [89897] = Betty Hill Newan [89907]
William Vincent Hogg [89897] ----
b.20_Apr_1925, Baltimore MD
d.24_Aug_2005, Hampton VA
SSN: 224-22-8966
Betty Hill Newan [89907] --------
m.23_Jul_1955, Emporia VA
wife of William V. Hogg
|-- Mary Ann Hogg [89908]
| b.21_Nov_1956
|-- Johnny Hogg [89909]
| b.5_Jan_1958
father's other spousal relationships
William Vincent Hogg [89897] = Beatrice Joy Mingee [89904]

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Edward Joseph Jolin [89910] = Gloria Veronica Hogg [89898]
Edward Joseph Jolin [89910] -----
b.Feb_1930, Williamsport PA
Gloria Veronica Hogg [89898] ----
b.9_Oct_1929, Baltimore MD
m.14_Jun_1952, Langley AFB VA
wife of Edward J. Jolin
|-- Catherine Jolin [89911]
| b.3_Sep_1953, Hampton VA
|-- Charles Jolin [89912]
| b.26_Nov_1954, England
|-- Edward Joseph Jolin Jr.
| [89913]
| b.19_Jun_1056, Portsmouth VA
|-- Margaret Marie Jolin [89914]
| b.29_May_1958, New Mexico
|-- Debra Ann Jolin [89915]
| b.4_Aug_1959, New Mexico

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Lewis Hogg III [88511] = Emily Hudgins [89922]
Lewis Hogg III [88511] ----------
farmer and waterman
b.1838, York Co. VA
d.10_Feb_1912, York Co. VA
Emily Hudgins [89922] -----------
b.1842, Mathews Co. VA
wife of Lewis Hogg III
d.17_May_1897, York Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth (Bettie) Ann Hogg
| [89923]
| b.26_Sep_1865, Virginia
| m.31_Nov_1889
| wife of Thomas H. Wilson
| d.4_Jul_1935
|-- Fitzhugh Lee Hogg [89924]
| b.14_Feb_1868, Virginia
| d.21_Jan_1941
|-- Frederick Lewis Hogg [89925]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1930
| b.29_Jan_1872, York Co. VA
| d.2_Jun_1936, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- John William (Gruder) Hogg
| [89926]
| b.5_Apr_1874, Virginia
| d.24_Feb_1923
|-- Joseph P. Hogg [89927]
| b.1879, Virginia
| died in infancy
|-- ________ Hogg [89928]
| died in infancy

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Fitzhugh Lee Hogg [89924] = Lucy Acree [89964]

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Horace Linwood Hogg [89965] = Georgie Frances Burcher
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Livesay [146093] = Georgie Frances Burcher

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Linwood Douglas Hogge = Dorothy Moyers [89969]
Linwood Douglas Hogge -----------
Dorothy Moyers [89969] ----------
wife of Linwood D. Hogge
|-- Craig Randolph Hogge [89970]
| b.15_May_1963

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Dr. Thomas Uriah Vermillion = Emily Rebecca Hogg [89966]
Dr. Thomas Uriah Vermillion -----
of West Virginia
and Hampton VA
Emily Rebecca Hogg [89966] ------
wife of Thomas U. Vermillion
|-- Stephen Trinkle Vermillion II
| [89972]
| b.4_Apr_1939
|-- Robert Lee Vermillion
| [89973]
| b.31_Jul_1942

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Stephen Trinkle Vermillion II = Ethel Gayle Cameron [89974]
Stephen Trinkle Vermillion II ---
Ethel Gayle Cameron [89974] -----
wife of Stephen T.
Vermillion II
|-- Stephen Thomas Vermillion
| [89975]
| b.29_Jul_1964
|-- Martha Blue Vermillion
| [89976]

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Frederick Lewis Hogg [89925] = Irene Crockett [89977]
Frederick Lewis Hogg [89925] ----
farmer, York Co. VA, 1930
b.29_Jan_1872, York Co. VA
d.2_Jun_1936, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Irene Crockett [89977] ----------
b.28_Sep_1880, York Co. VA
m.18_Jun_1899, Virginia
wife of Fred Lewis Hogg
d.28_Mar_1963, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Garland Randolph Hogg
| [89978]
| b.15_Jan_1900, Virginia
| d.18_Oct_1900, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Harry Raymond Hogg [89979]
| sheet metel worker,
| York CDo. VA, 1930
| b.30_Dec_1901, Virginia
| d.20_Sep_1972, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Clifton G. Hogg [89980]
| machinest, York Co. VA, 1930
| b.2_Aug_1903
| d.21_Sep_1955, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Lewis Ethelbert Hogg [89981]
| b.21_Nov_1910, York Co. VA
| d.Apr_1974, Virginia Beach VA
| SSN:226-05-1269
|-- Reginald Wilson Hogg Sr.
| [89982]
| b.29_Dec_1912, York Co. VA
| d.21_Dec_1997, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Hogg [89983]
| b.1916
| twins
| died at birth
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Hogg [89984]
| b.1916
| twins
| died at birth
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA

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Harry Raymond Hogg [89979] = Catherine Dodson [89985]
Harry Raymond Hogg [89979] ------
sheet metel worker,
York CDo. VA, 1930
b.30_Dec_1901, Virginia
d.20_Sep_1972, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Catherine Dodson [89985] --------
wife of Harry R. Hogg
|-- no_children

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Clifton G. Hogg [89980] = Marie Slaight [89986]
Clifton G. Hogg [89980] ---------
machinest, York Co. VA, 1930
d.21_Sep_1955, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Marie Slaight [89986] -----------
b.17_Feb_1909, Virginia
wife of Clifton G. Hogg
d.16_Dec_1968, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Vivian Hogg [89987]
| b.26_Oct_1936
| m.22_Oct_1955
| wife of Howard L. Smoot Jr.
|-- Jane Hogg [89988]
| b.26_Mar_1942
| m.3_Jun_1961
| wife of Charles Dobbins

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Charles Dobbins [89993] = Jane Hogg [89988]
Charles Dobbins [89993] ---------
Jane Hogg [89988] ---------------
wife of Charles Dobbins
|-- Elaine Dobbins [89994]
| b.5_Mar_1962
|-- Dianne Dobbins [89995]
| b.8_Aug_1965

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Lewis Ethelbert Hogg [89981] = Bessie Ruth Bray [89996]
Lewis Ethelbert Hogg [89981] ----
b.21_Nov_1910, York Co. VA
d.Apr_1974, Virginia Beach VA
Bessie Ruth Bray [89996] --------
b.8_Apr_1912, York Co. VA
wife of Lewis E. Hogg
Williamsburg VA
bu. Peninsula Memorial Park,
Newport News VA
|-- Bette Jo Hogg [89997]
| b.23_Jul_1934, Yorktown VA
| wife of Walter Reiser
| d.12_Jan_2009, Yorktown VA
| bu. Peninsular Memorial Park,
| Newport News VA
|-- Judy Hogg [89998]
| b.May_1942, York Co. VA
wife of
William C. Saylor Jr.

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Walter Reiser [89999] = Bette Jo Hogg [89997]
Walter Reiser [89999] -----------
Bette Jo Hogg [89997] -----------
b.23_Jul_1934, Yorktown VA
wife of Walter Reiser
d.12_Jan_2009, Yorktown VA
bu. Peninsular Memorial Park,
Newport News VA
|-- Carol Ann Reiser [90000]
|-- Laura Reiser [90001]
|-- Julie Reiser [90002]

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William Clarence Saylor Jr. = Judy Hogg [89998]
William Clarence Saylor Jr. -----
Judy Hogg [89998] ---------------
b.May_1942, York Co. VA
wife of
William C. Saylor Jr.
|-- Ruth Anne Saylor [90004]
| b.Oct_1962

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Reginald Wilson Hogg Sr. = Elizabeth Kelly Johnson
Reginald Wilson Hogg Sr. --------
b.29_Dec_1912, York Co. VA
d.21_Dec_1997, York Co. VA
Elizabeth Kelly Johnson ---------
"Betsy" [90005]
Elizabeth City Co. VA
m.17_Sep_1938, Fox Hill,,
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of Reginald W. Hogg Sr.
Newport News VA
|-- Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr.
| [90006]
| b.18_Dec_1941, Hampton VA
| d.1_Feb_2008, Yorktown VA

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Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Johnson [144289]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. --------
b.18_Dec_1941, Hampton VA
d.1_Feb_2008, Yorktown VA
Living Johnson [144289] ---------
wife of Reginald W. Hogg Jr.
father's other spousal relationships
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Alderson [144285]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Carranza [144288]

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Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Alderson [144285]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. --------
b.18_Dec_1941, Hampton VA
d.1_Feb_2008, Yorktown VA
Living Alderson [144285] --------
wife of Reginald W. Hogg Jr.
|-- Living Hogg [144286]
| wife of Living Turner Jr.
| Hogg Project ID ATF0334
| FTDNA kit no. 540110
father's other spousal relationships
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Johnson [144289]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Carranza [144288]

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Living Turner Jr. [144287] = Living Hogg [144286]
Living Turner Jr. [144287] ------
Living Hogg [144286] ------------
wife of Living Turner Jr.
Hogg Project ID ATF0334
FTDNA kit no. 540110

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Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Carranza [144288]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. --------
b.18_Dec_1941, Hampton VA
d.1_Feb_2008, Yorktown VA
Living Carranza [144288] --------
wife of Reginald W. Hogg Jr.
father's other spousal relationships
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Johnson [144289]
Reginald Wilson Hogg Jr. = Living Alderson [144285]

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John William (Gruder) Hogg = Rosanna Davenport White

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Stephen Sheriff II [193785] = Amy Morrison [193786]
Stephen Sheriff II [193785] -----
of Scotland
Amy Morrison [193786] -----------
wife of Stephen Sheriff II
|-- Margaret M. Sheriff [90014]
| immigrated to America, 1916
| b.30_Apr_1907, Scotland
| m.16_Feb_1925
| wife of William C. Hogge Sr.
| d.27_Aug_2000, York Co. VA
|-- Eric Harlin Sheriff [193787]
| b.6_Apr_1916,
Newport News VA
d.26_Jan_2009, Yorktown VA

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William Cowles Hogge Sr. = Margaret M. Sheriff [90014]

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William (Bill) Cowles Hogge = Mildred Mulkey [90017]
William (Bill) Cowles Hogge -----
Jr. [90015]
Mildred Mulkey [90017] ----------
wife of William C. Hogge Jr.
|-- William Cowles (Butch) Hogge
| III [90018]
| b.2_May_1948
|-- Anne Taylor Hogge [90019]
| b.10_Oct_1949
|-- Miles A. Hogge [90020]
| b.Aug_1952
| d.22_Jun_1955
|-- Stephen Ross Hogge [90021]
| b.5_Mar_1954
|-- John Shelton Hogge [90022]
| b.8_Dec_1955

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Dr. Vincent Paul Pisula = Amy Russell Morrison Hogge
Dr. Vincent Paul Pisula ---------
of Pennsylvania
Amy Russell Morrison Hogge ------
wife of Dr. Vincent Pisula
|-- Vincent Paul Pisula Jr.
| [90024]
| b.17_Jun_1950
|-- Mary Elizabeth Pisula
| [90025]
| b.27_Jul_1951
|-- Joseph Pisula [90026]
| b.2_Jun_1955
|-- Margaret Ann Pisula [90027]
| b.6_Dec_1958

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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Virginia Williams [193788]
| wife of Eric H. Sheriff
| d.16_Dec_2008
|-- John D. Williams [193789]

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Eric Harlin Sheriff [193787] = Virginia Williams [193788]

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John Lewis Hogge [90011] = Virginia Ann Curtis [90028]

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D. F. Atkins [90033] = Virginia Anne "Jan" Hogge
D. F. Atkins [90033] ------------
Virginia Anne "Jan" Hogge -------
wife of D. F. Atkins
|-- Alden Lewis Atkins [90034]
| b.14_Oct_1959
|-- Anne Ferrel Atkins [90035]
| b.7_Oct_1962

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Charles Read Morton Jr. = Elizbeth (Bette) Curtis
Charles Read Morton Jr. ---------
Elizbeth (Bette) Curtis ---------
Hogge [90030]
wife of
Charles R. Morton Jr.
|-- Elizabeth Curtis Morton
| [90037]
| b.28_Oct_1958
|-- Ann French Morton [90038]
| b.13_Apr_1964

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John William "Jack" Hogge II = Susan Upshur Hooper [90039]
John William "Jack" Hogge II ----
b.10_Mar_1939, Newport News VA
Susan Upshur Hooper [90039] -----
wife of John W. Hogge II
|-- John Lewis Hogge II [90040]
| b.18_Jun_1962
|-- Elizabeth Bowen Hogge
| [90041]
| b.18_Jul_1964

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Charles William Wood III = Martha Cowles Hogge [90032]
mother's other spousal relationships
Gary O'Neal Forrest [196700] = Martha Cowles Hogge [90032]

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Jerome Wallace Hogge [90013] = Augusta Clarke Wallace

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Jerome Wallace Hogge Jr. = Martha Anne Nicholls [90046]
Jerome Wallace Hogge Jr. --------
Martha Anne Nicholls [90046] ----
wife of Jerome W. Hogge Jr.
|-- Jacqueline Pointer Hogge
| [90047]
| b.12_Jun_1961,
| Newport News, VA
|-- Jerome Wallace Hogge III
| [90048]
Newport News, VA

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George Edward Hogg [88512] = ________ Oliver [88557]
George Edward Hogg [88512] ------
b.17_Feb_1840, York Co. VA
d.25_Apr_1897, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
________ Oliver [88557] ---------
wife of George E. Hogg
|-- Bonepart Hogg [88508]
| died in infancy
father's other spousal relationships
George Edward Hogg [88512] = Sarah Ann Rowe [88542]

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Living Hogge [131005] = Living Stockdale [216164]
Living Hogge [131005] -----------
Living Stockdale [216164] -------
wife of Living Hogge
|-- Living Hogge [216165]
|-- Living Hogge [216166]

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George Edward Hogg [88512] = Sarah Ann Rowe [88542]
George Edward Hogg [88512] ------
b.17_Feb_1840, York Co. VA
d.25_Apr_1897, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
Sarah Ann Rowe [88542] ----------
b.6_Sep_1846, York Co. VA
wife of George E. Hogg
d.1_Nov_1906, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
|-- Benjamin B. Hogg [88558]
| b.30_Sep_1867, York Co. VA
| d.5_Aug_1890, York Co. VA
| bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
| Church Cemetery
|-- Cora Lee Hogg [88559]
| b.25_Dec_1869, York Co. VA
| m.19_Jul_1893, York Co. VA
| wife of William B. Owens
| d.14_May_1925, York Co. VA
|-- Caroline Virginia (Jennie)
| Hogg [88560]
| b.7_Nov_1872, York Co. VA
| m.May_1894, York Co. VA
| wife of John Henry Shields
| m.1906, York Co. VA
| wife of Edward L. Kempton
| d.20_Nov_1954, York Co. VA
|-- Rebecca Susan Hogg [88561]
| b.5_May_1874, York Co. VA
| m.24_Dec_1895, York Co. VA
| wife of Walter T. Shields
| d.5_Dec_1934, York Co. VA
|-- George Thomas Hogge Sr.
| [88562]
| farmer and oysterman
| b.22_Jul_1877, York Co. VA
| d.14_Dec_1939, York Co. VA
|-- Garry Franklin Hogge [88563]
| oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1920
| fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930
| b.3_Sep_1878, York Co. VA
| d.28_Jun_1957, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Sarah (Sadie) Elizabeth Hogg
| [88564]
| b.14_May_1881, York Co. VA
| m.25_Feb_1900, York Co. VA
| wife of Archer M. Shields
| d.8_Apr_1938, York Co. VA
|-- Alexander Alonza Hogg
| [88565]
| b.13_Dec_1885, York Co. VA
| d.15_Jul_1957, York Co. VA
|-- John Cumy Hogg [88566]
| b.12_Jan_1889, York Co. VA
| d.19_Jan_1963, Hampton VA
father's other spousal relationships
George Edward Hogg [88512] = ________ Oliver [88557]

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Edward Lincoln Kempton = Caroline Virginia (Jennie)
Edward Lincoln Kempton ----------
Caroline Virginia (Jennie) ------
Hogg [88560]
b.7_Nov_1872, York Co. VA
m.May_1894, York Co. VA
wife of John Henry Shields
m.1906, York Co. VA
wife of Edward L. Kempton
d.20_Nov_1954, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Kempton [90146]
| twins
| died shortly after birth
|-- ________ Kempton [90147]
| twins
| died shortly after birth
mother's other spousal relationships
John Henry Shields [90141] = Caroline Virginia (Jennie)

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George Thomas Hogge Sr. = India (Indiana) A. Parker
George Thomas Hogge Sr. ---------
farmer and oysterman
b.22_Jul_1877, York Co. VA
d.14_Dec_1939, York Co. VA
India (Indiana) A. Parker -------
b.15_Jun_1867, Virginia
wife of John Allen Hogg
wife of George T. Hogg
d.24_Jul_1901, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Ernest Oscar Hogg [88548]
| b.20_Jan_1898, York Co. VA
| d.3_Oct_1974, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
George Thomas Hogge Sr. = Lena Elizabeth Williams
George Thomas Hogge Sr. = Ethel D. Presson [88573]

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Ernest Oscar Hogg [88548] = Ethel D. Presson [88573]
Ernest Oscar Hogg [88548] -------
b.20_Jan_1898, York Co. VA
d.3_Oct_1974, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Ethel D. Presson [88573] --------
wife of Ernest Oscar Hogg
d.31_Jul_1993, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Oscar T. Hogg [88570]
| b.27_Jan_1927, Virginia
| d.8_Oct_1930, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Robert Earl Hogge [88571]
| b.11_Nov_1929, Virginia
| d.22_May_1996,
| Hennepin Co. MN
|-- Frances Hogg [88572]
| b.19_Dec_1933, Virginia
| m.4_Oct_1952
wife of Dalton McLawhorn

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Robert Earl Hogge [88571] = Ida Lou Boom [88574]
Robert Earl Hogge [88571] -------
b.11_Nov_1929, Virginia
Hennepin Co. MN
Ida Lou Boom [88574] ------------
wife of Robert Earl Hogg
|-- Marcy Ann Hogge [88567]
| b.20_Jul_1960,
| Hennepin Co. MN
| m.6_Oct_1984,
| Hennepin Co. MN
| wife of Donald C. Lindner
|-- Linda Ann Hogge [88568]
| b.18_Dec_1962,
| Hennepin Co. MN
| m.17_Sep_1988,
| Hennepin Co. MN
| wife of Michael J. Rommel
|-- David Lee Hogge [88569]
| b.13_Jul_1966,
| Hennepin Co. MN
|-- Janet Leigh Hogge [164581]
| b.22_May_1970,
| Hennepin Co. MN

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Donald C. Lindner [164628] = Marcy Ann Hogge [88567]
Donald C. Lindner [164628] ------
Marcy Ann Hogge [88567] ---------
Hennepin Co. MN
Hennepin Co. MN
wife of Donald C. Lindner

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Michael Joseph Rommel = Linda Ann Hogge [88568]
Michael Joseph Rommel -----------
Linda Ann Hogge [88568] ---------
Hennepin Co. MN
Hennepin Co. MN
wife of Michael J. Rommel
|-- Andrew Michael Rommell
| [164630]
| b.2_Dec_1989,
| Hennepin Co. MN
|-- Abigail Linn Rommel [164631]
| b.28_Jan_1994,
| Hennepin Co. MN
|-- Alex Michael Rommel [164632]
| b.2_Aug_1996,
| St. Louis Co. MN

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Dalton McLawhorn [88577] = Frances Hogg [88572]
Dalton McLawhorn [88577] --------
Frances Hogg [88572] ------------
b.19_Dec_1933, Virginia
wife of Dalton McLawhorn
|-- Barry McLawhorn [88575]
| b.5_Feb_1954
|-- Wade Lee McLawhorn [88576]
| b.3_Oct_1960

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George Thomas Hogge Sr. = Lena Elizabeth Williams
George Thomas Hogge Sr. ---------
farmer and oysterman
b.22_Jul_1877, York Co. VA
d.14_Dec_1939, York Co. VA
Lena Elizabeth Williams ---------
b.29_Aug_1888, York Co. VA
m.19_Jan_1904, York Co. VA
wife of George T. Hogg Sr.
d.21_Jan_1972, York Co. VA
|-- Percy Everett Hogg [88549]
| merchant
| b.21_Feb_1906, York Co. VA
| d.3_Oct_1952, York Co. VA
|-- Otis Melbourne (Boots) Hogge
| [88550]
| house carpenter
| b.15_Jan_1908, York Co. VA
| d.17_Apr_1959, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Lois Evelyn Hogg [88551]
| b.24_May_1911, Virginia
| m.1929, York Co. VA
| wife of Wilfred T. Crockett
| d.18_Aug_1963, York Co. VA
|-- Lena Elizabeth (Bett) Hogge
| [88552]
| b.24_Mar_1914, York Co. VA
| m.21_May_1932,
| South Mills NC
| wife of Coleman W. Shields
| d.12_Nov_2003,
| Newport News VA
|-- Mattie Pauline Hogg [201464]
| b.17_Jul_1917, York Co. VA
| d.Sep_1717, York Co. VA
|-- George Thomas Hogge Jr.
| [88553]
| b.16_Sep_1918, York Co. VA
| d.Nov_1988, Virginia
|-- Garland Goodwin (Buckshot)
| Hogge [88554]
| b.16_Aug_1921, York Co. VA
| d.1980, Virginia
|-- Katherine Dolores Hogge
| [88555]
| b.21_Nov_1928, York Co. VA
| m.1950, York Co. VA
| wife of Welford F. Harlan
| d.Feb_1995, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
George Thomas Hogge Sr. = India (Indiana) A. Parker
George Thomas Hogge Sr. = Ethel D. Presson [88573]

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Percy Everett Hogg [88549] = Ettamae Newton Smith [88580]
Percy Everett Hogg [88549] ------
b.21_Feb_1906, York Co. VA
d.3_Oct_1952, York Co. VA
Ettamae Newton Smith [88580] ----
wife of Percy Everett Hogg
|-- Judith Ann Hogg [88578]
| b.14_Dec_1942, Virginia
| m.6_Jun_1964
| wife of John David Freed
|-- Percy Everett Hogg Jr.
| [88579]
b.8_Oct_1947, Virginia

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John David Freed [90228] = Judith Ann Hogg [88578]
John David Freed [90228] --------
Judith Ann Hogg [88578] ---------
b.14_Dec_1942, Virginia
wife of John David Freed

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Otis Melbourne (Boots) Hogge = Georgie Henrietta Sparrer
Otis Melbourne (Boots) Hogge ----
house carpenter
b.15_Jan_1908, York Co. VA
d.17_Apr_1959, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Georgie Henrietta Sparrer -------
Havre deGrace MD
m.2_Apr_1932, Yorktown VA
wife of Otis M. Hogge
Newport News VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- George Melbourne Hogg
| [88501]
| aerospace technician
| b.18_Apr_1933, Virginia
|-- Otis Carl Hogge [88502]
| construction manager
| b.25_Aug_1934, Virginia
| d.Aug_1985, Nashville TN
|-- Norman Stuart Hogge [88503]
| marine technician
| b.4_Oct_1937, Virginia
|-- Margaret Marietta Hogge
| [88504]
| b.14_Oct_1940, Virginia
| m.1960, Seaford, York Co. VA
| wife of Larry L. Kilbourn
| divorced
| m.1966
| wife of E. Carl Blevins
| d.19_Mar_2006,
| Newport News VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Henry Dwight Hogge [88505]
| aerospace scientist
| b.13_Nov_1946, Williamsburg VA
| Hogg DNA Project ID VA1658a
| FTDNA kit no. 99054
|-- Ralph Drennen Hogge [88506]
| electrical supplier
| b.6_Nov_1952, Williamsburg VA

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George Melbourne Hogg = Bethany Estelle Forrest

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Gregory Forrest Hogg [88582] = Kim ________ [88585]
Gregory Forrest Hogg [88582] ----
b.26_Apr_1958, Virginia
Hogg DNA Project ID VA1658b
FTDNA kit no. N49787
Kim ________ [88585] ------------
b. Korea
wife of Gregory F. Hogg
|-- George Kim Hogg [88581]
| b.1988, Maryland

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Lt.col. Norman L. Kirby = unknown

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Edward Leroy Kirby [88641] = Pamela Lynn Hogg [88583]

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Otis Carl Hogge [88502] = Irene L. (Teddy) Belford
father's other spousal relationships
Otis Carl Hogge [88502] = Judy ________ [182811]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Stevens [182810] = Irene L. (Teddy) Belford

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Steven Craig Mills [88602] = Carla Ann Hogge [88587]
Steven Craig Mills [88602] ------
Carla Ann Hogge [88587] ---------
m.1980, Nashville TN
wife of Steven Craig Mills
|-- Landon Mills [88603]
|-- MacKayla Mills [206057]

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Living Smotherman [203663] = Brenda Gayle Hogge [88586]

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Otis Carl Hogge [88502] = Judy ________ [182811]
Otis Carl Hogge [88502] ---------
construction manager
b.25_Aug_1934, Virginia
d.Aug_1985, Nashville TN
Judy ________ [182811] ----------
wife of Otis Carl Hogge
father's other spousal relationships
Otis Carl Hogge [88502] = Irene L. (Teddy) Belford

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Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] = Ruth ________ [182969]
Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] -----
marine technician
b.4_Oct_1937, Virginia
Ruth ________ [182969] ----------
wife of Norman S. Hogge
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] = Elizabeth Taylor [88595]

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Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] = Elizabeth Taylor [88595]
Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] -----
marine technician
b.4_Oct_1937, Virginia
Elizabeth Taylor [88595] --------
b.1945, Haleyville AL
wife of Norman Stuart Hogge
|-- Missy Hogge [88593]
| dau. of Elizabeth Taylor
| from previous marriage
|-- David Hogge [88594]
| b.1969, Virginia
d.1976, Seaford, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Norman Stuart Hogge [88503] = Ruth ________ [182969]

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Denny ________ [88592] = Missy Hogge [88593]
Denny ________ [88592] ----------
Missy Hogge [88593] -------------
dau. of Elizabeth Taylor
from previous marriage
|-- Lewis ________ [88590]
| b.1983, Virginia
|-- Ryan ________ [88591]
| b.1989, Virginia

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Larry L. Kilbourn [88600] = Margaret Marietta Hogge
Larry L. Kilbourn [88600] -------
of Aurora IL
Margaret Marietta Hogge ---------
b.14_Oct_1940, Virginia
m.1960, Seaford, York Co. VA
wife of Larry L. Kilbourn
wife of E. Carl Blevins
Newport News VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Lori Lynn Kilbourn [88599]
| b.2_Sep_1961, Virginia
| m.1980, Seaford, York Co. VA
| wife of William Joe Jenkins
mother's other spousal relationships
Elmer Carl Blevins [89764] = Margaret Marietta Hogge

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Elmer Carl Blevins [89764] = Margaret Marietta Hogge
Elmer Carl Blevins [89764] ------
Newport News VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Margaret Marietta Hogge ---------
b.14_Oct_1940, Virginia
m.1960, Seaford, York Co. VA
wife of Larry L. Kilbourn
wife of E. Carl Blevins
Newport News VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Larry L. Kilbourn [88600] = Margaret Marietta Hogge

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Henry Dwight Hogge [88505] = Carole Sue Booth [90630]

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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Natalie Gonzalez [189050]
|-- Alexandra Gonzalez [189051]
| wife of Andrew C. Hogge

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Andrew Clayton Hogge [88499] = Alexandra Gonzalez [189051]

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Ralph Drennen Hogge [88506] = Mary Armistead [88601]

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George Thomas Hogge Jr. = Hattie Elizabeth Cooke
George Thomas Hogge Jr. ---------
b.16_Sep_1918, York Co. VA
d.Nov_1988, Virginia
Hattie Elizabeth Cooke ----------
wife of George T. Hogg Jr.
d.21_May_1965, York Co. VA
|-- Nancy Cooke Hogge [88616]
| b.15_Feb_1941, Virginia
| m.16_Feb_1957
| wife of Nelson Barnes
| wife of David Barrick
|-- George Thomas (Bubba) Hogge
| III [88617]
| b.15_Jul_1942, Virginia
|-- Sherry Elizabeth Hogge
| [88618]
| b.2_May_1945, Virginia
wife of Caldwell V. Hudson

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David Barrick [194367] = Nancy Cooke Hogge [88616]
David Barrick [194367] ----------
Nancy Cooke Hogge [88616] -------
b.15_Feb_1941, Virginia
wife of Nelson Barnes
wife of David Barrick
mother's other spousal relationships
Nelson Barnes [88615] = Nancy Cooke Hogge [88616]

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George Thomas (Bubba) Hogge = Mary Susan Rollins [88621]
George Thomas (Bubba) Hogge -----
III [88617]
b.15_Jul_1942, Virginia
Mary Susan Rollins [88621] ------
wife of George T. Hogg III
|-- Wesley Thomas Hogge [88620]
| b.22_Aug_1966

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Caldwell Vincent Hudson = Sherry Elizabeth Hogge
Caldwell Vincent Hudson ---------
Sherry Elizabeth Hogge ----------
b.2_May_1945, Virginia
wife of Caldwell V. Hudson

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Garland Goodwin (Buckshot) = Hilda Mae Crockett [88632]
Garland Goodwin (Buckshot) ------
Hogge [88554]
b.16_Aug_1921, York Co. VA
d.1980, Virginia
Hilda Mae Crockett [88632] ------
b.1925, Virginia
wife of Garland G. Hogge
|-- Garland Goodwin Hogge Jr.
| [88624]
| master plumber
| b.24_Feb_1941, Virginia
| d.10_Dec_2004, Wicomico,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee)
| Hogge [88625]
| of Gloucester VA
| b.24_Jun_1943, Virginia
|-- Charles Nelson Hogge [88626]
| of Tyner NC
| b.3_Feb_1945, Virginia
|-- Douglas Warren Hogge [88627]
| b.25_Aug_1946, Virginia
| d.5_Jun_1966, Viet Nam
|-- Sandra Mae Hogge [88628]
| b.17_Apr_1949, Virginia
| m.23_Nov_1964
| wife of Frederick L. Walker
|-- Mary Catherine Hogge [88629]
| b.22_Dec_1951, Virginia
| wife of ________ Lewis
|-- Debra Kay Hogge [88630]
| b.4_Feb_1958, Virginia
| wife of Rex Alphin
|-- Elizabeth Ann Hogge [88631]
| b.3_Sep_1960, Virginia
| wife of Lee Brinkman-Oliver

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Robert G. Erheart [201397] = unknown
Robert G. Erheart [201397] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Rebecca Erheart [88633]
| wife of Garland G. Hogge Jr.
| wife of Buddy Huss

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Garland Goodwin Hogge Jr. = Rebecca Erheart [88633]
Garland Goodwin Hogge Jr. -------
master plumber
b.24_Feb_1941, Virginia
d.10_Dec_2004, Wicomico,
Gloucester Co. VA
Rebecca Erheart [88633] ---------
wife of Garland G. Hogge Jr.
wife of Buddy Huss
|-- Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge
| [88622]
| b.ca.1963
| wife of ________ Bradley
| m.ca.2007
| wife of Tracy L. Spencer
| d.18_Sep_2009, Hayes,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Garland Goodwin (Bubba)
| Hogge III [88623]
of Williamsburg VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Buddy Huss [201396] = Rebecca Erheart [88633]

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________ Bradley [144224] = Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge
________ Bradley [144224] -------
of Williamsburg VA
Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge ------
wife of ________ Bradley
wife of Tracy L. Spencer
d.18_Sep_2009, Hayes,
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Khristi Nichole Bradley
| [144221]
| wife of Joseph T. Gurganus
|-- Erica Jonne Bradley [144222]
|-- Lauren Paige Bradley
| [144223]
| wife of Brandon Ward
mother's other spousal relationships
Tracy L. Spencer [201395] = Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge

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Joseph Todd Gurganus = Khristi Nichole Bradley
Joseph Todd Gurganus ------------
of Williamsburg VA
Khristi Nichole Bradley ---------
wife of Joseph T. Gurganus

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Brandon Ward [201394] = Lauren Paige Bradley
Brandon Ward [201394] -----------
Lauren Paige Bradley ------------
wife of Brandon Ward

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Tracy L. Spencer [201395] = Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge
Tracy L. Spencer [201395] -------
Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge ------
wife of ________ Bradley
wife of Tracy L. Spencer
d.18_Sep_2009, Hayes,
Gloucester Co. VA
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Bradley [144224] = Cynthia Lynn (Sissy) Hogge

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Buddy Huss [201396] = Rebecca Erheart [88633]
Buddy Huss [201396] -------------
Rebecca Erheart [88633] ---------
wife of Garland G. Hogge Jr.
wife of Buddy Huss
mother's other spousal relationships
Garland Goodwin Hogge Jr. = Rebecca Erheart [88633]

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Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) = Diane Scaff [88637]
Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) --------
Hogge [88625]
of Gloucester VA
b.24_Jun_1943, Virginia
Diane Scaff [88637] -------------
wife of Thomas L. Hogge
|-- Judith Ann Hogge [88634]
|-- Robin Marie Hogge [88635]
|-- Stephen Michael Hogge
| [88636]
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) = Linda ________ [144229]

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Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) = Linda ________ [144229]
Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) --------
Hogge [88625]
of Gloucester VA
b.24_Jun_1943, Virginia
Linda ________ [144229] ---------
wife of Thomas L. Hogge
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Leroy (Tommy Lee) = Diane Scaff [88637]

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Charles Nelson Hogge [88626] = Muriel Rosebud Dawson
father's other spousal relationships
Charles Nelson Hogge [88626] = Wilma ________ [144228]

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Charles Nelson Hogge [88626] = Wilma ________ [144228]
father's other spousal relationships
Charles Nelson Hogge [88626] = Muriel Rosebud Dawson

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Frederick Lee Walker Sr. = Sandra Mae Hogge [88628]
Frederick Lee Walker Sr. --------
Gloucester Co, VA
d.2_Nov_2013, Hayes,
Gloucester Co, VA
Sandra Mae Hogge [88628] --------
b.17_Apr_1949, Virginia
wife of Frederick L. Walker

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________ Lewis [144227] = Mary Catherine Hogge [88629]
________ Lewis [144227] ---------
of Hayes, Gloucester Co. VA
Mary Catherine Hogge [88629] ----
b.22_Dec_1951, Virginia
wife of ________ Lewis

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Rex Alphin [144226] = Debra Kay Hogge [88630]
Rex Alphin [144226] -------------
of Zuni VA
Debra Kay Hogge [88630] ---------
b.4_Feb_1958, Virginia
wife of Rex Alphin

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Lee Brinkman-Oliver [144225] = Elizabeth Ann Hogge [88631]
Lee Brinkman-Oliver [144225] ----
of Ware Neck VA
Elizabeth Ann Hogge [88631] -----
b.3_Sep_1960, Virginia
wife of Lee Brinkman-Oliver

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Welford Franklin Harlan = Katherine Dolores Hogge
Welford Franklin Harlan ---------
b.1_Sep_1923, Virginia
d.18_Jul_1993, Virginia
Katherine Dolores Hogge ---------
b.21_Nov_1928, York Co. VA
m.1950, York Co. VA
wife of Welford F. Harlan
d.Feb_1995, Virginia
|-- David Franklin Harlan
| [88638]
| adopted
| b.12_Jan_1957

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Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] = Martha (Mattie) E. Ironmonger
Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] ----
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
farmer, York Co. VA, 1920
fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930
b.3_Sep_1878, York Co. VA
d.28_Jun_1957, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Martha (Mattie) E. Ironmonger ---
b.15_Sep_1881, York Co. VA
wife of Garry F. Hogg
d.18_Jul_1933, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Paul F. Hogge [90236]
| adopted
| fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930
| b.1905, Virginia
| died unmarried
father's other spousal relationships
Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] = Lucretia ________ [90238]

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Augustus G. Eure [90237] = Lucretia ________ [90238]
Augustus G. Eure [90237] --------
sheet metel worker,
York Co. VA, 1930
b.27_Jul_1889, Virginia
d.27_May_1932, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Lucretia ________ [90238] -------
b.6_Jan_1892, Virginia
wife of Augustus G. Eure
wife of Garry F. Hogg
d.12_Mar_1976, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Morris L. Eure [182098]
| b.1914, Virginia
|-- Roy E. Eure [182099]
| b.1915, Virginia
|-- Ethel M. Eure [182100]
| b.27_Dec_1916, Virginia
| d.4_Dec_1967, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] = Lucretia ________ [90238]

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Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] = Lucretia ________ [90238]
Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] ----
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
farmer, York Co. VA, 1920
fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930
b.3_Sep_1878, York Co. VA
d.28_Jun_1957, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Lucretia ________ [90238] -------
b.6_Jan_1892, Virginia
wife of Augustus G. Eure
wife of Garry F. Hogg
d.12_Mar_1976, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Garry Franklin Hogge [88563] = Martha (Mattie) E. Ironmonger
mother's other spousal relationships
Augustus G. Eure [90237] = Lucretia ________ [90238]

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Alexander Alonza Hogg = Carrie Grunby Jayne [88898]
Alexander Alonza Hogg -----------
b.13_Dec_1885, York Co. VA
d.15_Jul_1957, York Co. VA
Carrie Grunby Jayne [88898] -----
wife of Alexander A. Hogge
|-- Minnie Madeline Hogge [88896]
| b.26_Feb_1908, Dandy,
| York Co. VA
| m.15_May_1926, York Co. VA
| wife of Syphron T. Crockett
| m.12_Dec_1929, York Co. VA
| wife of Adolphus A. Morgan
| d.26_Feb_2002, Hampton VA
|-- William (Bill) Alonza Hogge
| [88897]
b.1_May_1912, Dandy,
York Co. VA
d.25_May_1999, Yorktown VA

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William (Bill) Alonza Hogge = Gladys Virginia Hansford
William (Bill) Alonza Hogge -----
b.1_May_1912, Dandy,
York Co. VA
d.25_May_1999, Yorktown VA
Gladys Virginia Hansford --------
wife of William A. Hogge
d.9_Jan_2010, Yorktown VA
bu. Peninsula Menorial Park,
Newport News VA
|-- Robert William Hogge [88891]
| b.11_Mar_1935, Dandy,
| York Co. VA
| d.28_Sep_1973,
| Newport News VA
|-- Joan Anne Hogge [88892]
| b.13_Jan_1939, York Co. VA
| m.14_Mar_1961
| wife of Edward F. Rhyne
| d.22_Jul_1992, Dandy,
| York Co. VA
|-- Richard Allen Hogge [88893]
| b.7_Sep_1941
|-- Paul Edward Hogge [88894]
| b.9_Sep_1945
|-- Henry Albert Hogge [88895]
| b.23_Jun_1948

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Richard Allen Hogge [88893] = Sandra Elizabeth Deckard
Richard Allen Hogge [88893] -----
Sandra Elizabeth Deckard --------
wife of Richard A. Hogge
|-- Robin Lynn Hogge [88884]
| b.23_Apr_1961

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Edward Franklin Rhyne = Joan Anne Hogge [88892]
Edward Franklin Rhyne -----------
Joan Anne Hogge [88892] ---------
b.13_Jan_1939, York Co. VA
wife of Edward F. Rhyne
d.22_Jul_1992, Dandy,
York Co. VA
|-- Edward Dewayne Rhyne [88888]
| b.31_Oct_1962
|-- William Ray Rhyne [88889]
| b.23_Oct_1964

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Paul Edward Hogge [88894] = Brenda Elaine Shields

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Henry Albert Hogge [88895] = Cathy Paulette Shields

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________ Tighe [218407] = Clara Isabella Righter
________ Tighe [218407] ---------
d. before 1900
Clara Isabella Righter ----------
b.20_Jul_1867, Chester,
Delaware Co. PA
m. before 1882
wife of ________ Tighe
wife of Albert T. Bean
District Heights,
Prince Georges Co MD
|-- Beulah Tighe [218408]
| b.Mar_1882, Pennsylvania
| wife of John Bradford
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Clara Isabella Righter

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John Bradford [218409] = Beulah Tighe [218408]
John Bradford [218409] ----------
b.1873, Delaware
Beulah Tighe [218408] -----------
b.Mar_1882, Pennsylvania
wife of John Bradford
|-- Clara Bradford [218410]
| b.19_Feb_1903,
| Newport News VA
| d.7_May_1929, Roanoke VA
|-- Beulah Bradford [218411]
| b.1907, Newport News VA

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John Cumy Hogg [88566] = Manson Ironmonger [90316]
John Cumy Hogg [88566] ----------
b.12_Jan_1889, York Co. VA
d.19_Jan_1963, Hampton VA
Manson Ironmonger [90316] -------
b.27_Jan_1879, Virginia
m.5_Aug_1903, York Co. VA
wife of Calvin Hornsby
m.5_Aug_1917, York Co. VA
wife of John C. Hogg
d.14_Jan_1943, Fox Hill,
Elizabeth City Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
John Cumy Hogg [88566] = Anna Augie Anderson [90317]
mother's other spousal relationships
Calvin Hornsby [165419] = Manson Ironmonger [90316]

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John Cumy Hogg [88566] = Anna Augie Anderson [90317]
John Cumy Hogg [88566] ----------
b.12_Jan_1889, York Co. VA
d.19_Jan_1963, Hampton VA
Anna Augie Anderson [90317] -----
b.1890, Lindale VA
m.14_Apr_1943, York Co. VA
wife of John C. Hogg
Newport News VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
John Cumy Hogg [88566] = Manson Ironmonger [90316]

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Richard Fielding Hogge = Jessica Cameron [216167]

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William Wright [90327] = Elizabeth ________ [90328]
William Wright [90327] ----------
of York-Hampton Parish,
York Co. VA
Elizabeth ________ [90328] ------
wife of William Wright
|-- Nancy Wright [90319]
| b.3_Mar_1778,
| York-Hampton Parish,
| York Co. VA
| ba.17_Apr_1778,
York-Hampton Parish,
York Co. VA
m.16_Feb_1801, York Co. VA
wife of Lewis Hogg Sr.

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Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318] = Nancy Wright [90319]
Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318] ----------
b.1773, Gloucester Co. VA
d.1852, York Co. VA
note: parents of this
individual not proved
Nancy Wright [90319] ------------
York-Hampton Parish,
York Co. VA
York-Hampton Parish,
York Co. VA
m.16_Feb_1801, York Co. VA
wife of Lewis Hogg Sr.
|-- Lucy Hogg [90320]
| b.1802
| m.4_Jan_1832
| wife of Lewis Spencer
|-- George Hogg [90321]
| b.1804
| d.May_1847, York Co. VA
|-- Lewis Hogg the_younger
| [90322]
| b.ca.1805
| d.18_May_1840
| died unmarried
|-- Benjamin Hogg [90323]
| b.ca.1807
| d.1828
|-- Edward Hogg [90324]
| b.1810
father's other spousal relationships
Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318] = Elizabeth Campbell [88681]

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________ Peters [90413] = Rebecca ________ [90414]
________ Peters [90413] ---------
Rebecca ________ [90414] --------
wife of ________ Peters
|-- Mary Peters [90415]
| wife of George Hogg

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George Hogg [90321] = Mary Peters [90415]

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Edward Hogg [90324] = Clarentine Clarke [90426]
Edward Hogg [90324] -------------
Clarentine Clarke [90426] -------
b.1921, York Co. VA
m.21_May_1832, York Co. VA
wife of Edward Hogg
d.1877, York Co. VA
|-- Thomas Enos Hogg [88974]
| b.ca.1835
| d. before 1887
|-- Lucy Hogg [88975]
| b.ca.1838
| died young, unmarried
|-- George Hogg [88976]
| b.28_Mar_1843
| d.11_Nov_1879
|-- Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg
| [88977]
| farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1800
| b.15_Feb_1850, Virginia
| d.28_Jan_1930
| bu. Grafton Christian Church
| Cem., Grafton, York Co. VA
|-- Mary (Lizzie) Elizabeth Hogg
| [88978]
| b.1851
| m.19_Dec_1874
| wife of William A. Fox
| wife of ________ Saunders
| bu. Denbigh Baptist Church
| Cemetery, Newport News VA
|-- Amanda Hogg [88979]
| b.1857
| m.14_Aug_1879
| wife of Frederick P. Burcher

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Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] = ________ Buchanan [88970]
Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] --------
d. before 1887
________ Buchanan [88970] -------
wife of Thomas Enos Hogg
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] = Martha E. Fox [81382]

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Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] = Martha E. Fox [81382]
Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] --------
d. before 1887
Martha E. Fox [81382] -----------
b.1852, Warwick Co. VA
m.26_Dec_1869, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas Enos Hogg
m.1881, York Co. VA
wife of John W. Williams
m.1893, York Co. VA
wife of James T. Parker
d. after 1910
|-- Thomas Enos Hogge Jr.
| [88971]
| b.Jun_1872
| d. York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Hogge [88972]
| died in infancy
|-- Lloyd C. Hogge [88973]
| b.1878
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Enos Hogg [88974] = ________ Buchanan [88970]
mother's other spousal relationships
John W. Williams [88484] = Martha E. Fox [81382]
James T. Parker [81388] = Martha E. Fox [81382]

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Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Annie E. Parker [88918]
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. -----------
d. York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Annie E. Parker [88918] ---------
wife of Thomas E. Hogge Jr.
d.10_Apr_1918, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Norris E. Hogge [88964]
| pvt. Co. B, 163 Infantry
| b.1_Apr_1897
| d.27_Sep_1918, France,
| world_war_I
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- William Enos Hogge [88965]
| b.Jun_1898
| d.Feb_1951, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Eva Mae Hogge [88966]
| b.1_May_1899
| m.5_Mar_1916
| wife of
| Jefferson D. Hansford
| m.15_Jun_1929
| wife of
| Frederick L. Hansford
| d.17_Jan_1973, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- Lloyd Collier Hogge [88967]
| b.7_Sep_1903, York Co. VA
| d.11_Aug_1963, Hampton VA
|-- Linwood Percy Hogge [88968]
| b.29_Jul_1905
| d.Jun_1971, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Benjamin Lee Hogge [88969]
| b.1909
| d.21_Dec_1966
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Sarah Ann (Sallie) Swartz
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Dora Estelle Hansford

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William Enos Hogge [88965] = Annie Eliza Hansford [82273]
William Enos Hogge [88965] ------
d.Feb_1951, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Annie Eliza Hansford [82273] ----
wife of William E. Hogge
d.9_Oct_1918, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
William Enos Hogge [88965] = Nettie B. Davis [88963]

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William Enos Hogge [88965] = Nettie B. Davis [88963]
William Enos Hogge [88965] ------
d.Feb_1951, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Nettie B. Davis [88963] ---------
wife of William E. Hogge
|-- William Enos Hogge Jr.
| [88910]
| b.5_Aug_1921, York Co. VA
| d.16_Apr_1982,
| Newport News VA
|-- James Edward Hogge [88911]
| b.17_Apr_1923, York Co. VA
| d.19_Nov_1992, Yorktown VA
|-- Delma Hogge [88912]
| wife of ________ Ware
| wife of John Erdman
|-- Thomas J. Hogge [88913]
| b.11_Dec_1933, Dandy,
| York Co. VA
| d.2_Sep_2002, Yorktown VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Enos Hogge [88965] = Annie Eliza Hansford [82273]

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William Enos Hogge Jr. = Jeanneil Biddle Cox [88908]
father's other spousal relationships
William Enos Hogge Jr. = Sarah Bess Mulkey [88909]

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William Enos Hogge Jr. = Sarah Bess Mulkey [88909]
father's other spousal relationships
William Enos Hogge Jr. = Jeanneil Biddle Cox [88908]

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James Edward Hogge [88911] = Helen Hill [88907]
James Edward Hogge [88911] ------
b.17_Apr_1923, York Co. VA
d.19_Nov_1992, Yorktown VA
Helen Hill [88907] --------------
wife of James Hogge
|-- Margaret Hogge [88906]

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________ Ware [88903] = Delma Hogge [88912]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Erdman [88905] = Delma Hogge [88912]

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Paul Ware [88902] = Kay Wainwright [88901]
Paul Ware [88902] ---------------
Kay Wainwright [88901] ----------
wife of Paul Ware

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John Erdman [88905] = Delma Hogge [88912]
John Erdman [88905] -------------
Delma Hogge [88912] -------------
wife of ________ Ware
wife of John Erdman
|-- ________ Erdman [88904]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Ware [88903] = Delma Hogge [88912]

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Thomas J. Hogge [88913] = Anna Waddles [88900]
Thomas J. Hogge [88913] ---------
b.11_Dec_1933, Dandy,
York Co. VA
d.2_Sep_2002, Yorktown VA
Anna Waddles [88900] ------------
wife of Thomas J. Hogge
|-- Barry T. Hogge [88899]
| b.8_Oct_1955
| d.16_Mar_2011,
| Newport News VA

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Lloyd Collier Hogge [88967] = Mattie Lee Wilson [88883]
Lloyd Collier Hogge [88967] -----
b.7_Sep_1903, York Co. VA
d.11_Aug_1963, Hampton VA
Mattie Lee Wilson [88883] -------
b.7_May_1915, Dare,
York Co. VA
wife of Lloyd C. Hogge
d.7_Dec_2000, Newport News VA
|-- Monroe Collier Hogge [88878]
| b.1_Dec_1931, York Co. VA
|-- Norris Frankin Hogge Sr.
| [88879]
| b.22_Jul_1933, York Co. VA
| d.10_Jun_1991, Hampton VA
|-- Thomas Wilson Hogge [88881]
| "Pee Wee"
| b.3_May_1935, York Co. VA
| d.10_Mar_1942, Hampton VA
|-- John Edward Hogge [88882]
| "Bay Boy"
| b.15_Sep_1939, York Co. VA
| d.29_Jul_2001, Hampton VA
|-- James Curtis Hogge [88880]
| b.13_Jul_1940, Messick,
| York Co. VA
| d.7_Oct_2006, Hampton VA
|-- Living Hogge [88876]
| m.ca.1960
| wife of Living Foster
| m.16_Sep_1962, Poquoson,
| York Co. VA
| wife of Bernard C. Baugh
| m.28_Oct_1995,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Living O'Hara
|-- Thomas Wilson Hogge Sr.
| [226315]
| b.30_Dec_1944, Hampton VA
| d.5_Mar_2000, Amelia,
| St. Mary Parish, LA
|-- Annie V. Hogge [88877]
| wife of ________ Summerfield

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________ Summerfield = Annie V. Hogge [88877]
________ Summerfield ------------
Annie V. Hogge [88877] ----------
wife of ________ Summerfield

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Linwood Percy Hogge [88968] = Mary Laney Holloway [208330]

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Linwood Percy (Bubba) Hogge = Living Insley [88874]
Linwood Percy (Bubba) Hogge -----
Jr. [90432]
d.22_Nov_2002, Poquoson VA
Living Insley [88874] -----------
wife of Linwood P. Hogge
|-- Living Hogge [88873]
| wife of Living Wainwright
|-- Living Hogge [208335]
| wife of Living Hobson
|-- Living Hogge [208336]

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Benjamin Lee Hogge [88969] = Margaret Ann Winder [88872]

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________ Ward [88868] = Margaret Sue Hogge [88870]

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Joseph Carl Gentry [213136] = Jessica Anne Page [213134]
Joseph Carl Gentry [213136] -----
Jessica Anne Page [213134] ------
wife of Joseph Carl Gentry

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Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Sarah Ann (Sallie) Swartz
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. -----------
d. York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Sarah Ann (Sallie) Swartz -------
b.8_Mar_1885, York Co. VA
wife of John H. Nelson
wife of Thomas E. Hogge Jr.
d.17_Jul_1935, Seaford,
York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Annie E. Parker [88918]
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Dora Estelle Hansford
mother's other spousal relationships
John H. Nelson [90966] = Sarah Ann (Sallie) Swartz

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Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Dora Estelle Hansford
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. -----------
d. York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cem., Seaford, York Co. VA
Dora Estelle Hansford -----------
wife of Thomas E. Hogge Jr.
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Annie E. Parker [88918]
Thomas Enos Hogge Jr. = Sarah Ann (Sallie) Swartz

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John Walter [148525] = Mary ________ [148524]
John Walter [148525] ------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
b.1810, Eastern Shore VA
Mary ________ [148524] ----------
b.1813, Eastern Shore VA
wife of John Walter
|-- Hester Walter [148521]
| b.1837, Eastern Shore VA
|-- Emma (Emiley) Jane Walter
| [90433]
| b.1845, Eastern Shore VA
| m.1_Mar_1866
| wife of George Hogge
|-- Sam Walter [148522]
| b.1847, York Co. VA
|-- John Walter [148523]
| b.1849, York Co. VA

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George Hogg [88976] = Emma (Emiley) Jane Walter
George Hogg [88976] -------------
Emma (Emiley) Jane Walter -------
b.1845, Eastern Shore VA
wife of George Hogge
|-- Vera L. Hogge [90434]
| b.11_Dec_1871
| m.6_Apr_1892
| wife of Conrad H. Kite
| m.15_Apr_1906
| wife of Edward Groves
| living in 1967
|-- George Walter Hogge Sr.
| [90435]
| Saloon Owner,
| Newport News VA, 1910
| Resteraunt Propriator,
| Prince George's Co. MD,
| 1930
| b.15_Nov_1874, Grafton,
| Yofk Co. VA
| d.8_Feb_1962, LaPlata,
| Charles Co. MD
|-- Alexander (Alec) Hogge
| [90436]
| lumberman,
York Co. VA, 1910
house carpinter,
York Co. VA, 1920
b.2_Feb_1878, Virginia

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Conrad H. Kite [90437] = Vera L. Hogge [90434]
Conrad H. Kite [90437] ----------
of Baltimore MD
Vera L. Hogge [90434] -----------
wife of Conrad H. Kite
wife of Edward Groves
living in 1967
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward Groves [90438] = Vera L. Hogge [90434]

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Edward Groves [90438] = Vera L. Hogge [90434]
Edward Groves [90438] -----------
Vera L. Hogge [90434] -----------
wife of Conrad H. Kite
wife of Edward Groves
living in 1967
|-- Dorothy Groves [90439]
| b.29_Jan_1907
| m.31_Oct_1923
wife of J. H. Jackson
wife of Edgar Lindsey
mother's other spousal relationships
Conrad H. Kite [90437] = Vera L. Hogge [90434]

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J. H. Jackson [90440] = Dorothy Groves [90439]
J. H. Jackson [90440] -----------
Dorothy Groves [90439] ----------
wife of J. H. Jackson
wife of Edgar Lindsey
|-- Jane Jackson [90441]
| b.12_Feb_1925
| m.9_Jul_1948
wife of Ralph Burnham
mother's other spousal relationships
Edgar Lindsey [90442] = Dorothy Groves [90439]

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Ralph Burnham [90444] = Jane Jackson [90441]
Ralph Burnham [90444] -----------
Jane Jackson [90441] ------------
wife of Ralph Burnham
|-- Cheryl Burnham [90445]
| b.1949
| m.14_Oct_1967
| wife of R. G. Nicholas
|-- Donna Burnham [90446]
| b.13_Jan_1952
|-- Dorothy Burnham [90447]
| b.1957

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R. G. Nicholas [90448] = Cheryl Burnham [90445]
R. G. Nicholas [90448] ----------
Cheryl Burnham [90445] ----------
wife of R. G. Nicholas

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Edgar Lindsey [90442] = Dorothy Groves [90439]
Edgar Lindsey [90442] -----------
Dorothy Groves [90439] ----------
wife of J. H. Jackson
wife of Edgar Lindsey
|-- Kenneth Edgar Lindsey
| [90443]
| b.12_Mar_1944
mother's other spousal relationships
J. H. Jackson [90440] = Dorothy Groves [90439]

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Kenneth Edgar Lindsey = Beverly Niceley [90449]
Kenneth Edgar Lindsey -----------
Beverly Niceley [90449] ---------
wife of Kenneth E. Lindsey
|-- Kenneth Edgar Lindsey Jr.
| [90450]
| b.1962
|-- Kendra Elizabeth Lindsey
| [90451]

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Jacob B. Richter [148520] = Beulah S. McIlvain [148519]
Jacob B. Richter [148520] -------
ship carpenter,
of Chester PA, 1880
b.Jan_1838, Delaware
Beulah S. McIlvain [148519] -----
b.1844, New Jersey
b.Apr_1861, Chester,
Delaware Co. PA
wife of Jacob B. Righter
d.1920, Newport News
|-- Jacob E. Righter [148515]
| b.1865, Delaware
|-- Clara Isabella Righter
| [148516]
| b.20_Jul_1867, Chester,
| Delaware Co. PA
| m. before 1882
| wife of ________ Tighe
| m.1901
| wife of Albert T. Bean
| d.18_May_1936,
| District Heights,
| Prince Georges Co MD
|-- William J. Righter [148517]
| b.1873, Chester,
| Delaware Co. PA
|-- Bertha Mae Righter [90452]
| b.9_Oct_1884, Chester,
| Delaware Co. PA
| m.9_Apr_1900
wife of George W. Hogge Sr.
wife of Albert T. Bean
d.21_Jan_1948, Washington DC

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Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Clara Isabella Righter
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] -----
b.29_Nov_1889, Roanoke VA
West Palm Beach FL
Clara Isabella Righter ----------
b.20_Jul_1867, Chester,
Delaware Co. PA
m. before 1882
wife of ________ Tighe
wife of Albert T. Bean
District Heights,
Prince Georges Co MD
father's other spousal relationships
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Bertha Mae Righter [90452]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Tighe [218407] = Clara Isabella Righter

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George Walter Hogge Sr. = Bertha Mae Righter [90452]
George Walter Hogge Sr. ---------
Saloon Owner,
Newport News VA, 1910
Resteraunt Propriator,
Prince George's Co. MD,
b.15_Nov_1874, Grafton,
Yofk Co. VA
d.8_Feb_1962, LaPlata,
Charles Co. MD
Bertha Mae Righter [90452] ------
b.9_Oct_1884, Chester,
Delaware Co. PA
wife of George W. Hogge Sr.
wife of Albert T. Bean
d.21_Jan_1948, Washington DC
|-- Clara I. Hogge [90453]
| b.1903, Virginia
| wife of Eugene Mason
|-- George Walter Hogge Jr.
| [90454]
| medical doctor
| of LaPlata MD
| b.21_Sep_1906, Virginia
| d.16_May_1992, Goldsboro NC
|-- Francis Aylett Hogge
| [90455]
| b.21_Nov_1909,
| Newport News VA
| d.10_May_1981, Clinton,
| Prince Georges Co. MD
|-- Helen M. Hogge [90456]
| b.1919, Virginia
| wife of Lawrence Fowler
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Bertha Mae Righter [90452]

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Eugene Richard Mason [90457] = Clara I. Hogge [90453]
Eugene Richard Mason [90457] ----
b.5_Apr_1891, Burlington,
Licking Co. OH
d. before 1967
Clara I. Hogge [90453] ----------
b.1903, Virginia
wife of Eugene Mason
|-- ________ Mason [90458]
| adopted

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George Walter Hogge Jr. = Elizabeth "Betty" ________
George Walter Hogge Jr. ---------
medical doctor
of LaPlata MD
b.21_Sep_1906, Virginia
d.16_May_1992, Goldsboro NC
Elizabeth "Betty" ________ ------
b.1909, Washington DC
wife of George W. Hogge Jr.
|-- Vincent Hogge [90460]
| b.1934, Washington DC
|-- George Walter Hogge III
| [90462]
| b.19_Mar_1937, Washington DC
|-- David L. Hogge [90461]
| b.5_Jan_1939, Washington DC

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George Walter Hogge III = Patricia Ann Still [220127]
George Walter Hogge III ---------
b.19_Mar_1937, Washington DC
Patricia Ann Still [220127] -----
b.18_Mar_1938, Mardeline MO
wife of George W. Hogge III
d.27_Mar_2009, Durham NC
|-- George Walter Hogge IV
| [90463]
| b.5_Sep_1958, North Carolina
|-- Michael Ryon Hogge [220128]
| b.1961, North Carolina

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Francis Aylett Hogge = Karherine Eloise Young
Francis Aylett Hogge ------------
Newport News VA
d.10_May_1981, Clinton,
Prince Georges Co. MD
Karherine Eloise Young ----------
b.27_Aug_1909, Churchville,
Augusta Co. VA
m.18_Aug_1934, Washington DC
wife of Francis A. Hogge
d.Oct_1982, Clinton,
Prince Georges Co. ND
|-- Frances Eloise Hogge [90465]
| b.25_Oct_1939, Washington DC
| d.23_Oct_2011, Milton,
| Santa Rosa Co. FL
|-- Living Hogge [90466]
| wife of Living Kenney
|-- Bertie Alice Hogge [90467]
| b.24_Jul_1949, Washington DC
| d.24_Jul_2011, Norfolk VA

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Helen M. Hogge [90456] = Lawrence Fowler [90468]
Helen M. Hogge [90456] ----------
b.1919, Virginia
wife of Lawrence Fowler
Lawrence Fowler [90468] ---------
|-- ________ Fowler [90469]
|-- ________ Fowler [90470]
|-- ________ Fowler [90471]
|-- ________ Fowler [90472]

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Alexander (Alec) Hogge = Ada Martin [90473]
Alexander (Alec) Hogge ----------
York Co. VA, 1910
house carpinter,
York Co. VA, 1920
b.2_Feb_1878, Virginia
Ada Martin [90473] --------------
b.1884, Virginia
wife of Alexander Hogge
|-- Kenneth Martin Hogge [90474]
| joiner, shipyard,
| Newport News VA, 1930
| b.13_Nov_1905, Virginia
| d.Dec_1984, Hampton VA
|-- Allen Hogge [90475]
| of Quincy MA
| b.1908, Virginia
| d.12_Feb_1962
|-- Melson Hogge [90476]
| of Maryland
| b.1912, Virginia
|-- Mildred Hogge [90477]
| b.1914, Virginia
| wife of Fred Posey
|-- Mattie Hogge [90478]
| b.1917, Virginia
| wife of Ervin Hibbitt
|-- Edith Hogge [90479]
| b.1919, Virginia
|-- Eva Hogge [90480]
| b.1919, Virginia
|-- Milton Hogge [90481]
| of Washington DC
| b. after 1920

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Kenneth Martin Hogge [90474] = Lola ________ [201460]
Kenneth Martin Hogge [90474] ----
joiner, shipyard,
Newport News VA, 1930
b.13_Nov_1905, Virginia
d.Dec_1984, Hampton VA
Lola ________ [201460] ----------
b.1909, West Virginia
wife of Kenneth M. Hogge
|-- Kenneth Carlton Hogge
| [90482]
| U.S. Army, World War II
| b.15_Dec_1927, Virginia
| d.26_Apr_1987,
| Newport News VA
| bu. Hampton National
Cemetery, Hampton VA

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Kenneth Carlton Hogge = Karin ________ [201461]
Kenneth Carlton Hogge -----------
U.S. Army, World War II
b.15_Dec_1927, Virginia
Newport News VA
bu. Hampton National
Cemetery, Hampton VA
Karin ________ [201461] ---------
wife of Kenneth C. Hogge
|-- Jennifer M. Hogge [201463]
| b.1953
|-- Mark S. Hogge [201462]
| b.1954

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Allen Hogge [90475] = Alice ________ [90483]
Allen Hogge [90475] -------------
of Quincy MA
b.1908, Virginia
Alice ________ [90483] ----------
wife of Allen Hogge
|-- ________ Hogge [90484]
| adopted

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Fred Posey [90485] = Mildred Hogge [90477]
Fred Posey [90485] --------------
d. before 1967
Mildred Hogge [90477] -----------
b.1914, Virginia
wife of Fred Posey
|-- ________ Posey [90486]
|-- ________ Posey [90487]
|-- ________ Posey [90488]
|-- ________ Posey [90489]
| adopted

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Ervin Hibbitt [90490] = Mattie Hogge [90478]
Ervin Hibbitt [90490] -----------
of Kansas
Mattie Hogge [90478] ------------
b.1917, Virginia
wife of Ervin Hibbitt
|-- Sandra Hibbitt [90491]
|-- Joanne Hibbitt [90492]

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Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg = Betty Ann Fox [81383]
Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg -----
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1800
b.15_Feb_1850, Virginia
bu. Grafton Christian Church
Cem., Grafton, York Co. VA
Betty Ann Fox [81383] -----------
b.1855, Warwick Co. VA
m.8_Apr_1887, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas W. Hogge
d. before 1890
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg = Annie Frances Burcher

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Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg = Annie Frances Burcher
Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg -----
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1800
b.15_Feb_1850, Virginia
bu. Grafton Christian Church
Cem., Grafton, York Co. VA
Annie Frances Burcher -----------
b.14_Feb_1871, Virginia
wife of Thomas W. Hogge
bu. Grafton Christian Church
Cem., Grafton, York Co. VA
|-- Irene Clarentine Hogge
| [90494]
| b.16_Aug_1891, Virginia
| m.21_Jun_1911
| wife of Frank Clark
|-- William Russell Hogge
| [90495]
| b.Feb_1897, Virginia
| d.14_Nov_1942
|-- Mary Lena Hogge [90496]
| b.Mar_1900, Virginia
| m.14_May_1918
| wife of Marvin C. Fox
| d.1972
| bu. Grafton Christian Church
| Cem., Grafton, York Co. VA
|-- Louise Hogge [90497]
| b.1903
| died unmarried
|-- Edna M. Hogge [90498]
| b.13_Jun_1905, Virginia
| wife of Emmett L. Fox
| d.Jul_1980, Yorktown VA
| bu. Parklawn Memorial Park,
| Hampton VA
|-- Thelma Hogge [90499]
| b.1909
| wife of William Overby
|-- Elizabeth Hogge [90500]
| b.13_May_1913
| wife of Clyde Johnson
|-- ________ Hogge [90501]
| died in infancy
|-- ________ Hogge [90502]
| died in infancy
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas (Tommy) William Hogg = Betty Ann Fox [81383]

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Frank Clark [90503] = Irene Clarentine Hogge

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Lort H. Nightingale [90508] = Fannie Badkins Clark [90504]
Lort H. Nightingale [90508] -----
Fannie Badkins Clark [90504] ----
wife of Lort H. Nightingale
|-- Cynthia Ann Nightingale
| [90509]
| adopted
wife of Edward Parnell
wife of Alfred V. Glass

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Franklin Lee Clark [90505] = Marie Bogue [90510]
Franklin Lee Clark [90505] ------
Marie Bogue [90510] -------------
wife of Franklin L. Clark
|-- Sharon Louise Clark [90511]
| b.1942
|-- Nancy Catherine Clark
| [90512]
| b.14_Feb_1947

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Paul Raymond Griesenauer = Annie (Nancy) Katherine
Paul Raymond Griesenauer --------
d.10_Dec_2005, Roanoke VA
Annie (Nancy) Katherine ---------
Clark [90506]
wife of Paul R. Griesenauer

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James William Clark [90507] = Janet Jolly [90514]

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William Russell Hogge = Annie Hornsby [90516]
William Russell Hogge -----------
b.Feb_1897, Virginia
Annie Hornsby [90516] -----------
b.1_Aug_1904, York Co. VA
wife of Russell Hogge
d.Nov_1986, Yorktown VA
|-- Clinton Arthur Hogge [90517]
|-- James W. Hogge [90518]

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William Overby [90561] = Thelma Hogge [90499]
William Overby [90561] ----------
Thelma Hogge [90499] ------------
wife of William Overby
|-- Patricia Overby [90562]
|-- Jerry Overby [90563]

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Clyde Johnson [90564] = Elizabeth Hogge [90500]

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William Clyde Johnson = unknown
William Clyde Johnson -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Christopher Johnson [90566]

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________ Saunders [90567] = Mary (Lizzie) Elizabeth Hogg
________ Saunders [90567] -------
Mary (Lizzie) Elizabeth Hogg ----
wife of William A. Fox
wife of ________ Saunders
bu. Denbigh Baptist Church
Cemetery, Newport News VA
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
William Allen Fox [81364] = Mary (Lizzie) Elizabeth Hogg

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Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318] = Elizabeth Campbell [88681]
father's other spousal relationships
Lewis Hogg Sr. [90318] = Nancy Wright [90319]

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Alexander Hogg [90329] = Eliza Buckner Cooke [90588]
Alexander Hogg [90329] ----------
of Fort Worth TX
d.10_Aug_1911, Baltimore MD
Eliza Buckner Cooke [90588] -----
wife of Alexander Hogg
|-- Mary Lulie Hogg [90589]
| b.9_Apr_1865
| d.4_Oct_1955
| died unmarried
|-- Walter Delaney Hogg [90590]
| b.17_Jul_1867
| d.29_Nov_1867
|-- Virginia (Nannie) Dabney
| Hogg [90591]
| b.17_Mar_1869
| wife of William P. Wynne
| d.1949
|-- Julia Ellen Hogg [90592]
| b.ca.1872
| wife of Thomas J. Powell
| d.Nov_1911

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William P. Wynne [90593] = Virginia (Nannie) Dabney

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Richard M. Wynne [90594] = Rachel Leona Kafferty
Richard M. Wynne [90594] --------
Rachel Leona Kafferty -----------
wife of Richard M. Wynne
|-- Richard M. Wynne Jr. [90598]
|-- William Laurence Wynne
| [90599]
| d.1948
| died unmarried
|-- Warren Giles Wynne [90600]

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John P. Muller [90601] = L. Pauline Wynne [90595]
John P. Muller [90601] ----------
L. Pauline Wynne [90595] --------
wife of John P. Muller
|-- John P. Muller Jr. [90602]

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William P. Wynne Jr. [90596] = Merle Carter [90603]

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Thomas Jefferson Powell = Julia Ellen Hogg [90592]
Thomas Jefferson Powell ---------
Julia Ellen Hogg [90592] --------
wife of Thomas J. Powell
|-- Margaret Buckner Powell
| [90605]
| wife of Curtis A. Hertig
|-- Thomas Jefferson Powell Jr.
| [90606]
| b.1899
| d.1919
| died unmarried
|-- Alexander Kyle Powell
| [90607]
| b.24_Oct_1902
d.19_Apr_1949, El Paso TX

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Curtis A. Hertig [90608] = Margaret Buckner Powell
Curtis A. Hertig [90608] --------
of Fort Worth TX
Margaret Buckner Powell ---------
wife of Curtis A. Hertig
|-- no_children

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Alexander Kyle Powell = Laura Louise Jones [90609]
Alexander Kyle Powell -----------
d.19_Apr_1949, El Paso TX
Laura Louise Jones [90609] ------
of Texarkana TX
wife of Alexander K. Powell
|-- no_children

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________ Davis [157352] = Elizabeth ________ [157353]
________ Davis [157352] ---------
Elizabeth ________ [157353] -----
wife of ________ Davis
|-- Lucy Ann Davis [157354]
| b.1844, Virginia
|-- George Thomas Davis [157355]
| farmer, 1870
| b.1847, Virginia
|-- James Henry Davis [157356]
| b.1848, Virginia

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George Thomas Davis [157355] = Margaret J. ________
George Thomas Davis [157355] ----
farmer, 1870
b.1847, Virginia
Margaret J. ________ ------------
b.1853, Virginia
wife of George T. Davis

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Thomas Hogg [157358] = Mary E. ________ [157359]
Thomas Hogg [157358] ------------
farmer, 1870
b.1840, Virginia
Mary E. ________ [157359] -------
b.1844, Virginia
wife of Thomas Hogg
|-- James Hogg [157360]
| b.1869, Virginia

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Living Hogge [205214] = Living Firth [205212]

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Living Insley [205216] = Living Hogge [205215]

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Mark Christopher Smith = Robin Gayle Wood [205633]

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Paul Jay Holbrooke Jr. = Catherine William (Billie)
Paul Jay Holbrooke Jr. ----------
Catherine William (Billie) ------
Wood [205635]
wife of
Paul Jay Holbrooke Jr.

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Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Bertha Mae Righter [90452]
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] -----
b.29_Nov_1889, Roanoke VA
West Palm Beach FL
Bertha Mae Righter [90452] ------
b.9_Oct_1884, Chester,
Delaware Co. PA
wife of George W. Hogge Sr.
wife of Albert T. Bean
d.21_Jan_1948, Washington DC
father's other spousal relationships
Albert Thomas Bean [148518] = Clara Isabella Righter
mother's other spousal relationships
George Walter Hogge Sr. = Bertha Mae Righter [90452]

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Richard Hogg Jr. = Mildred (Francis) ________
Richard Hogg Jr. ----------------
b.abt 1748, York Co. VA
d.1795, York Co. VA
Mildred (Francis) ________ ------
wife of Richard Hogg Jr.
d.1800, York Co. VA
|-- John Hogg Jr. [88655]
| b.ca.1774
| d.ca.1838, York Co. VA
|-- Richard Hogg [88656]
| b.ca.1776
|-- Sarah (Sally) Hogg [88657]
| b.ca.1777
| m.ca.1792
| wife of Benjamin Stroud
| d.ca.1795
|-- Stephen Hogg [88658]
| b.ca.1779
| d.1808
|-- Mary Hogg [88659]
| b.ca.1780
| m.ca.1794
| wife of Williby Jordan
| d.ca.1800
|-- Frances Hogg [88660]
| b.ca.1787
|-- Elizabeth Hogg [88661]
| b.1790

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John Hogg Jr. [88655] = Elizabeth Hay [88664]

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Elisha East [88831] = Frances Hogg [88666]
Elisha East [88831] -------------
Frances Hogg [88666] ------------
m.18_Jun_1822, York Co. VA
wife of William Stroud
m.2_May_1840, York Co. VA
wife of Elisha East
|-- Thomas East [88832]
| died young
mother's other spousal relationships
William Stroud [88673] = Frances Hogg [88666]

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Richard Hogg [90627] = Elizabeth M. Hogg [88667]
Richard Hogg [90627] ------------
of Gloucester Co. VA
Elizabeth M. Hogg [88667] -------
m.1828, York Co. VA
wife of William R. Patrick
m.27_Dec_1844, York Co. VA
wife of Richard Hogg
mother's other spousal relationships
William Rogers Patrick = Elizabeth M. Hogg [88667]

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Robert R. Throckmorton = unknown
Robert R. Throckmorton ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Throckmorton
| [88991]
| m.24_Dec_1831
| wife of Thomas Hogg Jr.

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Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Elizabeth Throckmorton
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Martha J. Nottingham [88992]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Julia Nottingham [88993]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Francis M. (Fannie) Smith

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unknown = unknown

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Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Martha J. Nottingham [88992]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] ---------
Martha J. Nottingham [88992] ----
wife of Thomas Hogg Jr.
|-- Leroy Riley Hogge [88994]
| oysterman,
| Yotk Co. VA, 1870
| b.1840, York Co. VA
| d.26_Dec_1909
|-- Addison R. Hogge [88995]
| b.1841
| d.30_Dec_1887
|-- Joseph Baily Hogge [88996]
| retail grocer,
| Yotk Co. VA, 1870
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1880, 1900, 1910
| b.1844, York Co. VA
| d.24_Mar_1918
|-- Silas Scott Hogge [88997]
| oysterman,
| Yotk Co. VA, 1870
| b.27_Jan_1847, York Co. VA
d.1_Dec_1918, Baltimore MD
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Elizabeth Throckmorton
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Julia Nottingham [88993]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Francis M. (Fannie) Smith

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Leroy Riley Hogge [88994] = Mary Virginia Wornom [89003]
father's other spousal relationships
Leroy Riley Hogge [88994] = Annie Lee Hogg [89015]

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Leroy Howell Hogge [89004] = Minnie Edwards [89024]

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Marvin Hoge [89025] = Grace Baker [89027]
Marvin Hoge [89025] -------------
Grace Baker [89027] -------------
wife of ________ Saunders
wife of Marvin Hoge
|-- no_children

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Eugene W. Hoge [89026] = Ethel West [89028]

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L. W. Brabble [89030] = Mary V. Hogge [89005]
L. W. Brabble [89030] -----------
Mary V. Hogge [89005] -----------
wife of L. W. Brabble
|-- no_children

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Leroy Riley Hogge [88994] = Annie Lee Hogg [89015]
Leroy Riley Hogge [88994] -------
Yotk Co. VA, 1870
b.1840, York Co. VA
Annie Lee Hogg [89015] ----------
wife of Leroy R. Hogge
wife of William E. Curtis
d.16_Sep_1950, York Co. VA
bu. Hornsbyville Baptist
Church Cemetery
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Leroy Riley Hogge [88994] = Mary Virginia Wornom [89003]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Edward Curtis = Annie Lee Hogg [89015]

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Joseph Baily Hogge [88996] = Kiturah Coles Hudgins
Joseph Baily Hogge [88996] ------
retail grocer,
Yotk Co. VA, 1870
farmer, York Co. VA,
1880, 1900, 1910
b.1844, York Co. VA
Kiturah Coles Hudgins -----------
(Kitty) [89031]
b.16_Feb_1853, Virginia
wife of Joseph B. Hogge
|-- Clinton Hogge [89032]
| b.16_Feb_1877, York Co. VA
| d.25_Oct_1925
|-- Upton Mosby Hogge [89033]
| b.18_Apr_1880, York Co. VA
|-- Linda Hogge [89034]
| school teacher,
| York Co. VA, 1910
| b.11_Dec_1883, York Co. VA
| wife of Rev. W. S. Leake
|-- Joseph Bradley Hogge
| [89035]
| physician,
| York Co. VA, 1910
Newport News VA, 1920
customs officer,
Newport News VA, 1930
b.1_Dec_1893, York Co. VA
d.Nov_1983, Newport News VA

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Clinton Hogge [89032] = Mary Fitzgerald [89036]

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Charles Reed [89038] = Katherine Hogge [89037]
Charles Reed [89038] ------------
Katherine Hogge [89037] ---------
wife of Charles Reed
|-- Jane F. Reed [89039]
| b.4_Nov_1947, Richmond VA
|-- Leslie L Reed [89040]
| b.26_Jun_1950, Richmond VA

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Upton Mosby Hogge [89033] = Dora Sabiston [89041]

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A. Johnson [89044] = Helen Hogge [89042]
A. Johnson [89044] --------------
Helen Hogge [89042] -------------
wife of A. Johnson
|-- no_children

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Narron Hogge [89043] = ________ ________ [89045]
Narron Hogge [89043] ------------
died in World War II
________ ________ [89045] -------
wife of Narron Hogge
|-- no_children

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Rev. W. S. Leake [89046] = Linda Hogge [89034]
Rev. W. S. Leake [89046] --------
Linda Hogge [89034] -------------
school teacher,
York Co. VA, 1910
b.11_Dec_1883, York Co. VA
wife of Rev. W. S. Leake
|-- no_children

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Joseph Bradley Hogge = Mary Byerly [89047]
Joseph Bradley Hogge ------------
York Co. VA, 1910
Newport News VA, 1920
customs officer,
Newport News VA, 1930
b.1_Dec_1893, York Co. VA
d.Nov_1983, Newport News VA
Mary Byerly [89047] -------------
wife of Joseph B. Hogge
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bradley Hogge = Mary Byerly [210290]

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Silas Scott Hogge [88997] = Celestia Evaline (Lessie)
Silas Scott Hogge [88997] -------
Yotk Co. VA, 1870
b.27_Jan_1847, York Co. VA
d.1_Dec_1918, Baltimore MD
Celestia Evaline (Lessie) -------
Crockett [89050]
b.2_May_1856, York Co. VA
wife of Silas S. Hogge
d.17_Nov_1936, York Co. VA
|-- Hinton Harvey Hogge [89052]
| b.15_Feb_1877
| d.19_Sep_1883
|-- Eva Marion Hogge [89053]
| b.5_May_1879
| m.27_Feb_1901
| wife of Copeland S. Shield
| d.16_Dec_1907
|-- Vaiden Mahone Hogge [89054]
| b.10_Nov_1880
| d.17_Aug_1885
|-- Lula Hinton Hogge [89055]
| b.3_Oct_1882
| m.5_Apr_1905
| wife of Saintie E. Parker
| d.Apr_1956
|-- Carrie Lee Hogge [89056]
| b.16_Apr_1884
| d.1_Jan_1935
| died unmarried
|-- Martha Sue Hogge [89057]
| b.16_Apr_1884
| d.19_Aug_1884
|-- Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058]
| school teacher
| b.31_Jul_1885
| m.25_Mar_1909
| wife of John W. Bunkley
| m.19_Jun_1921
| wife of Benton C. Charles
|-- Logan Warnell Hogge [89059]
| b.3_Mar_1888
| d.30_Jul_1896
|-- Lola Catherine Hogge [89060]
| b.9_Sep_1891
| m.30_Aug_1911
| wife of Edward T. Mathews
| wife of
| Clarence E. Knight Sr.
|-- Verna Rebecca Hogge [89061]
| b.4_May_1893
| m.26_Aug_1913
| wife of Dr. Charles R.
| Sheppard
| d.Sep_1966
|-- Robert T. Hogge [89062]
| served in WWI
| b.23_Jun_1896

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Saintie Elmo Parker [89080] = Lula Hinton Hogge [89055]
Saintie Elmo Parker [89080] -----
b.11_Feb_1880, Ahoskie,
Hertford Co. NC
d.Sep_1962, Hampton VA
Lula Hinton Hogge [89055] -------
wife of Saintie E. Parker
|-- Lucille Evelyn Parker
| [89081]
| b.29_Dec_1905, Virginia
| wife of
| Claude A. Swanson Hornsby Sr.
| d.1987
|-- Hinton Elmo Parker Sr.
| [89082]
Newport News VA
Newport News VA

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Hinton Elmo Parker Sr. = Virginia ________ [89086]
Hinton Elmo Parker Sr. ----------
Newport News VA
Newport News VA
Virginia ________ [89086] -------
wife of Hinton E. Parker Sr.
|-- Patricia Parker [89087]
|-- Hinton Elmo Parker Jr.
| [89088]
|-- James Parker [89089]
|-- Carolyn Parker [89090]

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John W. Bunkley [89091] = Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058]
John W. Bunkley [89091] ---------
Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058] -----
school teacher
wife of John W. Bunkley
wife of Benton C. Charles
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
Benton C. Charles [89092] = Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058]

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Benton C. Charles [89092] = Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058]
Benton C. Charles [89092] -------
Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058] -----
school teacher
wife of John W. Bunkley
wife of Benton C. Charles
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
John W. Bunkley [89091] = Mattie Vaiden Hogge [89058]

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Edward Thomas Mathews = Lola Catherine Hogge [89060]
mother's other spousal relationships
Clarence Edward Knight Sr. = Lola Catherine Hogge [89060]

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Jodie Atkins Sr. [89099] = Altie Evelyn Mathews [89094]
Jodie Atkins Sr. [89099] --------
Altie Evelyn Mathews [89094] ----
wife of Jodie Atkins Sr.
|-- Jodie Atkins Jr. [89100]

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Winston Edward Mathews = Patricia Weyburn [89101]
Winston Edward Mathews ----------
Patricia Weyburn [89101] --------
wife of Winston E. Mathews
|-- ________ Mathews [89102]
father's other spousal relationships
Winston Edward Mathews = Marion Smith [89103]

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Winston Edward Mathews = Marion Smith [89103]
Winston Edward Mathews ----------
Marion Smith [89103] ------------
wife of Winston E. Mathews
father's other spousal relationships
Winston Edward Mathews = Patricia Weyburn [89101]

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Clarence Edward Knight Sr. = Lola Catherine Hogge [89060]
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward Thomas Mathews = Lola Catherine Hogge [89060]

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John Deal Sr. [89104] = Virginia Kathryn Knight
John Deal Sr. [89104] -----------
Virginia Kathryn Knight ---------
wife of John Deal Sr.
|-- Emily Deal [89105]
|-- John Deal Jr. [89106]

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Clarence Edward Knight Jr. = Edith Jones [89107]
Clarence Edward Knight Jr. ------
Edith Jones [89107] -------------
wife of Clarence Edward
Knight Jr.
|-- Clarence Edward Knight III
| [89108]
|-- Larry Knight [89109]
|-- Gloria Knight [89110]
|-- Edyth Lynn Knight [89111]

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Dr. Charles R. Sheppard = Verna Rebecca Hogge [89061]

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________ Romanick [89119] = Mary Elizabeth Sheppard
________ Romanick [89119] -------
Mary Elizabeth Sheppard ---------
wife of ________ Romanick
|-- Stanley Brent Romanick
| [89120]

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Charles E. Sheppard [89115] = unknown
Charles E. Sheppard [89115] -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mattie Jo Ann Sheppard
| [89122]
|-- Sandra K. Sheppard [89123]
|-- Susan E. Sheppard [89124]
|-- Charles Reuben Sheppard
| [89125]

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________ O'Rouke [89126] = Verna Frances Sheppard
________ O'Rouke [89126] --------
Verna Frances Sheppard ----------
wife of ________ O'Rouke
|-- Diane O'Rouke [89127]
|-- Sharon O'Rouke [89128]
|-- Charles O'Rouke [89129]

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Thomas Scott Sheppard = ________ ________ [89130]
Thomas Scott Sheppard -----------
________ ________ [89130] -------
wife of Thomas S. Sheppard
|-- Sonya Sheppard [89131]
|-- Brenda Sheppard [89132]

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________ Bryant [89133] = Marion Deloris Sheppard
________ Bryant [89133] ---------
Marion Deloris Sheppard ---------
wife of ________ Bryant
|-- Larry Bryant [89134]
|-- Donna Bryant [89135]

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Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Julia Nottingham [88993]
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Elizabeth Throckmorton
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Martha J. Nottingham [88992]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Francis M. (Fannie) Smith

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Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Francis M. (Fannie) Smith
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Elizabeth Throckmorton
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Martha J. Nottingham [88992]
Thomas Hogg Jr. [88668] = Julia Nottingham [88993]
mother's other spousal relationships
John A. Skinner [144176] = Francis M. (Fannie) Smith

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Winslow Christopher Hogg = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]

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Cornelius M. Taylor [89138] = Bett Hogge [89137]

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Cornelius M. Taylor Jr. = ________ ________ [89141]
Cornelius M. Taylor Jr. ---------
________ ________ [89141] -------
wife of
Cornelius M. Taylor Jr.
|-- Brett Scott Taylor [89142]

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Carey Gresham [89143] = Kathryn Taylor [89140]
Carey Gresham [89143] -----------
Kathryn Taylor [89140] ----------
wife of Carey Greaham
|-- Winslow Gresham [89144]

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John Hay [89145] = Frances Presson [89151]
John Hay [89145] ----------------
d.1788, York Co. VA
Frances Presson [89151] ---------
Charles Parish, York Co. VA
wife of John Hay
d.1790, York Co. VA
|-- John Hay [88662]
|-- James Hay [88663]
|-- Elizabeth Hay [88664]
| wife of John Hogg Jr.
|-- Rebecca Hay [88665]
| m. after 1800
| wife of Stephen Hogg

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Stephen Hogg [88658] = Rebecca Hay [88665]

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Richard Hogg [89147] = Mary Katherine Morris
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Hogg [89147] = Elizabeth Hall [203349]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Hall [89152] = Mary Katherine Morris

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William Franklin Hogg = Julia Frances Bray [89370]
William Franklin Hogg -----------
b.1840, Virginia
d.1911, Gloucester Co. VA
Julia Frances Bray [89370] ------
b.1845, Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of William F. Hogg
b.1917, Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Edgar Russell Hogg [89371]
| rail road clerk,
| Norfolk VA, 1900
| steamship co. clerk,
| Norfolk VA, 1910-1930
| b.5_Jun_1871
|-- Mattie Ruth Hogg [89372]
| b.27_Aug_1873
| d.11_Jul_1900
| died unmarried
|-- Audrey Dallas Hogg [89373]
| b.17_Aug_1875
| wife of Dooley B. Liles
| d.1900
|-- Catherine Pauline (Kate)
| Hogg [89374]
| b.31_Aug_1877
| wife of Robert W. P. Muse
| d.22_Mar_1934
|-- William Otis Hogg [89375]
| b.4_Dec_1879
| d.Dec_1912
| died unmarried
|-- Evelyn Blanch Hogg [89376]
| b.31_Aug_1881,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Seth L. Bray
| d.30_Dec_1971,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Gloucester Point Cem.,
| Gloucester Point VA
|-- Georgie Lee Hogg [89377]
| b.23_Sep_1884
| wife of Homer Pitts
| d.3_Jun_1917
|-- Mamie Thomas Hogg [89378]
| b.6_Aug_1888
| d.Jul_1958
| died unmarried

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Edgar Russell Hogg [89371] = Etta Newbill [89379]
Edgar Russell Hogg [89371] ------
rail road clerk,
Norfolk VA, 1900
steamship co. clerk,
Norfolk VA, 1910-1930
Etta Newbill [89379] ------------
b.1875, Virginia
wife of Edgar R. Hogg
|-- Francis Russell Hogg [89380]
| telephone co.
| traffic inspecter,
| Charleston WV, 1930
| b.3_Oct_1900, Virginia
| d.9_Apr_1993, Raleigh NC

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Francis Russell Hogg [89380] = Kathleen (Kitty) Morgan
Francis Russell Hogg [89380] ----
telephone co.
traffic inspecter,
Charleston WV, 1930
b.3_Oct_1900, Virginia
d.9_Apr_1993, Raleigh NC
Kathleen (Kitty) Morgan ---------
b.1904, South Carolina
wife of Francis R. Hogg
|-- David Hogg [89382]
|-- Douglas Hogg [89383]

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Dooley Battle Liles [89384] = Audrey Dallas Hogg [89373]
Dooley Battle Liles [89384] -----
Audrey Dallas Hogg [89373] ------
wife of Dooley B. Liles
|-- no_children

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Robert Wake P. Muse [89385] = Catherine Pauline (Kate)

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George Meredith Trible Jr. = Margaret Ruth Muse [89387]

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George Meredith Trible III = Charlotte Lorraine Wright
George Meredith Trible III ------
Charlotte Lorraine Wright -------
m.21_Jan_1967, Richmond VA
wife of George M. Trible III

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James Robert Moseley Jr. = Paula Muse Trible [89391]
James Robert Moseley Jr. --------
Paula Muse Trible [89391] -------
wife of James R. Moseley Jr.
|-- Margaret Trible Moseley
| [89395]
| b.31_May_1962
|-- James Robert Moseley III
| [89396]
| b.8_Mar_1964
|-- George Garrett Moseley
| [89397]
| b.23_Jun_1966

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Robert Elbert Muse [89388] = Norma Effie Sargeant [89398]

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Robert Sargeant Muse [89399] = Cary Trevillian [89400]

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Homer Pitts [89404] = Georgie Lee Hogg [89377]
Homer Pitts [89404] -------------
Georgie Lee Hogg [89377] --------
wife of Homer Pitts
|-- ________ Pitts [89405]
| died in infancy

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Richard Henry Hogg [89155] = Mary F. Hall [89406]
Richard Henry Hogg [89155] ------
b.4_Jan_1842, Virginia
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Hill Cemetery,
Gloucester Co. VA
Mary F. Hall [89406] ------------
b.1846, Virginia
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Richard H. Hogg
d. before 1875
|-- ________ Hogg [89407]
|-- ________ Hogg [89408]
| twins
| d.at_birth
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Henry Hogg [89155] = Audrey Dallas Hogg [89373]
Richard Henry Hogg [89155] = #L:../../40/00/f00843.shtml

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Richard Henry Hogg [89155] = Audrey Dallas Hogg [89373]
Richard Henry Hogg [89155] ------
b.4_Jan_1842, Virginia
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Hill Cemetery,
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Lena Morris Hogg [89410]
| b.29_Sep_1875,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| m.1_Sep_1895,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of G. G. Bray
| m.1904
| wife of John L. Jenkins
| d.15_Feb_1943,
| Williamsburg VA
|-- Richard Thornton Hogg
| [89411]
| farmer, Gloucester Co. VA,
| 1910, 1920
| b.12_Aug_1877, Virginia
| d.26_Feb_1930
|-- Elizabeth Catherine Hogg
| [89412]
| b.14_Apr_1880
| m.11_May_1913
| wife of Cecil Clopton
| d.17_Apr_1950
|-- William Buchannon Hogg
| [89413]
| b.17_Aug_1882
| d.20_Nov_1910,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Hill Cemetery,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| died unmarried
|-- Harry Lee Hogg [89414]
| b.7_Oct_1885
| d.18_Oct_1891,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Hill Cemetery,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- James Talmage Hogg [89415]
| b.22_Jun_1888
| d.7_Oct_1889,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Hill Cemetery,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Joel Hayes Hogg [89416]
| farm labor,
| Gloucester Co. VA, 1910
| farmer,
| Gloucester Co. VA, 1920
| b.29_Jan_1890
| d.11_Mar_1969,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Hill Cemetery,
Gloucester Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Henry Hogg [89155] = Mary F. Hall [89406]

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R. Westly Jenkins [197748] = unknown
R. Westly Jenkins [197748] ------
farmer, Hawthorne,
Rappahannoc Co. VA, 1910
b.1832, Virginia
unknown -------------------------
|-- John L. Jenkins [197749]
| farmer, Hawthorne,
| Rappahannoc Co. VA, 1910
| b.1869, Virginia

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John L. Jenkins [197749] = Lena Morris Hogg [89410]
John L. Jenkins [197749] --------
farmer, Hawthorne,
Rappahannoc Co. VA, 1910
b.1869, Virginia
Lena Morris Hogg [89410] --------
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of G. G. Bray
wife of John L. Jenkins
Williamsburg VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Granville Grratiott Bray = Lena Morris Hogg [89410]

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Richard Thornton Hogg = Cora Williams [89420]
Richard Thornton Hogg -----------
farmer, Gloucester Co. VA,
1910, 1920
b.12_Aug_1877, Virginia
Cora Williams [89420] -----------
b.1875, Virginia
wife of Richard T. Hogg
d. after 1930
|-- Jennie Hogg [89421]
| telephone operator,
| Gloucester Co. VA, 1030
| b.14_May_1901, Virginia
| wife of James M. Rowe
| m. after 1930
| wife of William Porter
| wife of Elmer E. Haury
|-- John Henry Hogg [89422]
| garage mechanic,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1930
b.2_Apr_1903, Virginia
d.Mar_1982, Virginia

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James Mortimer Rowe [89423] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
James Mortimer Rowe [89423] -----
Jennie Hogg [89421] -------------
telephone operator,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1030
b.14_May_1901, Virginia
wife of James M. Rowe
m. after 1930
wife of William Porter
wife of Elmer E. Haury
|-- Emma Rowe [89424]
| b.1924, Virginia
| wife of Ashby T. Walthal
|-- James Mortimer Rowe Jr.
| [89425]
b.1925, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
William Porter [89436] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
Elmer Earl Haury [89437] = Jennie Hogg [89421]

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Ashby Turner Walthal [89426] = Emma Rowe [89424]
Ashby Turner Walthal [89426] ----
Emma Rowe [89424] ---------------
b.1924, Virginia
wife of Ashby T. Walthal
|-- Ashby Walthal [89427]
|-- Arthur Wayne Walthal [89428]
|-- Kimberly Jo Walthal [89429]

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Ashby Walthal [89427] = Judy Rowe [89430]
Ashby Walthal [89427] -----------
Judy Rowe [89430] ---------------
wife of Ashby Walthal
|-- ________ Walthal [89431]
|-- ________ Walthal [89432]

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James Mortimer Rowe Jr. = Virginia Oliver [89433]
James Mortimer Rowe Jr. ---------
b.1925, Virginia
Virginia Oliver [89433] ---------
wife of James M. Rowe Jr.
|-- Annette Rowe [89434]
|-- James Mortimer Rowe III
| [89435]

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William Porter [89436] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
William Porter [89436] ----------
Jennie Hogg [89421] -------------
telephone operator,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1030
b.14_May_1901, Virginia
wife of James M. Rowe
m. after 1930
wife of William Porter
wife of Elmer E. Haury
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
James Mortimer Rowe [89423] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
Elmer Earl Haury [89437] = Jennie Hogg [89421]

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Elmer Earl Haury [89437] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
Elmer Earl Haury [89437] --------
Jennie Hogg [89421] -------------
telephone operator,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1030
b.14_May_1901, Virginia
wife of James M. Rowe
m. after 1930
wife of William Porter
wife of Elmer E. Haury
|-- Elmer Earl Haury [89438]
| b.Jun_1941
mother's other spousal relationships
James Mortimer Rowe [89423] = Jennie Hogg [89421]
William Porter [89436] = Jennie Hogg [89421]

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James B. Williams [205365] = Virginia O. ________
James B. Williams [205365] ------
merchant, Ware district,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1930
b.1882, Virginia
Virginia O. ________ ------------
b.1886, Virginia
wife of James B. Williams
|-- Mary Williams [89439]
| b.1908, Gloucester Co. VA
| m.1926
| wife of John H. Hogg

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John Henry Hogg [89422] = Mary Williams [89439]
John Henry Hogg [89422] ---------
garage mechanic,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1930
b.2_Apr_1903, Virginia
d.Mar_1982, Virginia
Mary Williams [89439] -----------
b.1908, Gloucester Co. VA
wife of John H. Hogg

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Cecil Clopton [89440] = Elizabeth Catherine Hogg

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Randolph Snider [89443] = Mildred Cecilia Clopton
Randolph Snider [89443] ---------
of Powhatan VA
Mildred Cecilia Clopton ---------
wife of Randolph Snider
|-- Betty Snider [89444]
|-- Cecil Snider [89445]

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Dr. Raymond Sidney Brown MD = Elizabeth Morris Clopton
Dr. Raymond Sidney Brown MD -----
of Gloucester VA
Elizabeth Morris Clopton --------
wife of Raymond S. Brown
|-- Elizabeth Randolph Brown
| [89447]
| b.2_Dec_1945
|-- Thelma Robins Brown [89448]
| b.13_Aug_1947
|-- Raymond Sidney Brown Jr.
| [89449]
| b.12_Jan_1949
| d.26_Mar_1962
|-- Cecilia Clopton (ceci) Brown
| [89450]
| b.2_Jul_1952

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Joel Hayes Hogg [89416] = Barta Worrell [89451]
Joel Hayes Hogg [89416] ---------
farm labor,
Gloucester Co. VA, 1910
Gloucester Co. VA, 1920
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Hill Cemetery,
Gloucester Co. VA
Barta Worrell [89451] -----------
wife of Joel Hayes Hogg
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Hill Cemetery,
Gloucester Co. VA

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Richard Hogg [89147] = Elizabeth Hall [203349]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Hogg [89147] = Mary Katherine Morris

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Williby Jordan [88886] = Mary Hogg [88659]
Williby Jordan [88886] ----------
Mary Hogg [88659] ---------------
wife of Williby Jordan
|-- Ann (Nancy) Jordan [88887]
| b.1795
| m.16_Apr_1813, York Co. VA
| wife of Lewis Hansford
| d.1831
father's other spousal relationships
Williby Jordan [88886] = Anne Curtis [81715]

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Williby Jordan [88886] = Anne Curtis [81715]
Williby Jordan [88886] ----------
Anne Curtis [81715] -------------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Williby Jordan
father's other spousal relationships
Williby Jordan [88886] = Mary Hogg [88659]

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Joseph Bradley Hogge = Mary Byerly [210290]
Joseph Bradley Hogge ------------
York Co. VA, 1910
Newport News VA, 1920
customs officer,
Newport News VA, 1930
b.1_Dec_1893, York Co. VA
d.Nov_1983, Newport News VA
Mary Byerly [210290] ------------
b.1893, Virginia
wife of Joseph B. Hogge
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bradley Hogge = Mary Byerly [89047]

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Gene Ray Hogge [89029] = Deborah Russell [210365]
Gene Ray Hogge [89029] ----------
Deborah Russell [210365] --------
wife of Gene R. Hogge
|-- Zachary Hogge [210366]
|-- Ryan Hogge [210367]

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