Robert Hubbard [29225] = unknown

group index
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home page

Joseph Ham [29303] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
Joseph Ham [29303] --------------
d.1638, York Co. VA
Sibella Caynhoo [29305] ---------
m. before 1648
wife of Jerome Ham
wife of Matthew Hubbard
m. after 1667
wife of William Aylett
|-- Elizabeth Ham [29229]
|-- Jerome Ham Jr. [29230]
mother's other spousal relationships
Matthew Hubbard [29226] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
William Aylett [29309] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]

group index
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home page

Matthew Hubbard [29226] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
mother's other spousal relationships
Joseph Ham [29303] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
William Aylett [29309] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard [29231] = Elizabeth ________ [29234]

group index
main index
home page

unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Richard Harrison [29239]
|-- Mary Harrison [29240]
| wife of John Hubbard Jr.

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard Jr. [29235] = Mary Harrison [29240]
John Hubbard Jr. [29235] --------
of Caroline Co. VA
moved to Amelia Co. VA,
before 1744
Mary Harrison [29240] -----------
wife of John Hubbard Jr.
|-- Peter Hubbard [29241]
| moved to Anson Co. NC,
| ca.1751
| d. before 1773
|-- George Hubbard [29242]
| of Charles City Co. VA
|-- Richard Hubbard [29243]
| of Burke Co., Richmond Co.,
| and Columbia Co. GA
|-- John Hubbard [29244]
| d. young
|-- Elizabeth Hubbard [29245]
| d. young
father's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard Jr. [29235] = Sarah Stone [29246]

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard Jr. [29235] = Sarah Stone [29246]
John Hubbard Jr. [29235] --------
of Caroline Co. VA
moved to Amelia Co. VA,
before 1744
Sarah Stone [29246] -------------
wife of John Hubbard Jr.
wife of John Carter
|-- John Hubbard [29247]
| d.1751, Caroline Co. VA
|-- Ursley Hubbard [29248]
|-- James Hubbard [29249]
|-- Daniel Hubbard [29250]
| of Louisa Co. VA
| b.ca.1737
|-- Eusebius Hubbard [29251]
| of Caroline Co. VA
| moved to Bedford Co. VA
| moved to Henry Co. VA
| moved to Madison Co. KY
| moved to St. Louis Co. MO
| b.1743/44, Caroline Co. VA
| d.7_Mar_1818,
| St. Louis Co. MO
|-- Mary Hubbard [29252]
father's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard Jr. [29235] = Mary Harrison [29240]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Carter [29330] = Sarah Stone [29246]

group index
main index
home page

Benjamine Hubbard [29237] = Sarah ________ [29253]
Benjamine Hubbard [29237] -------
of King William Co. VA
Sarah ________ [29253] ----------
wife of Benjamine Hubbard
|-- Sarah Hubbard [29254]
| wife of Abraham Echols
|-- Benjamine Hubbard [29255]
| of Halifax Co. VA
|-- Edward Hubbard [29256]
| of Pittsylvania Co. VA
|-- Joseph Hubbard [29257]
| of Halifax Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

________ Underwood [29317] = Tabitha ________ [29318]
________ Underwood [29317] ------
Tabitha ________ [29318] --------
wife of ________ Underwood
wife of Matthew Edloe Jr.
mother's other spousal relationships
Matthew Edloe Jr. [29316] = Tabitha ________ [29318]

group index
main index
home page

John Edloe [29319] = Rebecca Hubbard [29232]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Hubbard Jr. [29233] = Ellen ________ [29260]

group index
main index
home page

John Bennett [29310] = unknown
John Bennett [29310] ------------
d. before 1666
unknown -------------------------
|-- Katherine Bennett [29261]
| m. before 1650
| wife of John Hubbard
| m.ca.1668
wife of James Besouth

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard [29227] = Katherine Bennett [29261]
mother's other spousal relationships
James Besouth [29311] = Katherine Bennett [29261]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Hubbard [29263] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

James Hubbard [29265] = Elizabeth ________ [29269]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Ballard [29284] = Jane Clack [29276]
Robert Ballard [29284] ----------
b.1695, York Co. VA
d.19_Mar_1735, York Co. VA
Jane Clack [29276] --------------
wife of Robert Ballard
wife of Matthew Hubbard
|-- Jane Ballard [29277]
|-- Henrietta Ballard [29278]
|-- Charlotte Ballard [29279]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Ballard [161936] = Anna Thomas [161937]
Thomas Ballard [161936] ---------
b.1630, Inkborogh,
Worcester, England
d.24_Mar_1689, Bruton Parish,
James City Co. VA
Anna Thomas [161937] ------------
b.1633, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas Ballard
d.16_Sep_1678, Bruton Parish,
James City Co. VA
|-- Thomas Ballard [29280]
| b.1655, James City Co. VA
| d.11_Jun_1711, Surry Co. VA
|-- Margaret Martha Ballard
| [161922]
| b.1658-1661, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA
| d. before 1689, Virginia
|-- John Ballard [161923]
| b.1653, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA
| d. before 1694,
| James City Co. VA
|-- Lydia Ballard [161924]
| b.1657, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA
| d. before 1700, Virginia
|-- Elizabeth Ballard [161925]
| b.1659, James City Co. VA
|-- William Ballard [161926]
| b.1663, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA
|-- Francis Ballard [161927]
| b.1656-1665, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA
| d.12_Mar_1719,
| Strawberry Banks,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- Matthew Ballard [161928]
| b.1667, Bruton Parish,
| James City Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Ballard [29280] = Catherine Hubbard [29264]
Thomas Ballard [29280] ----------
b.1655, James City Co. VA
d.11_Jun_1711, Surry Co. VA
Catherine Hubbard [29264] -------
b.1660, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas Ballard
d. before 26_Sep_1706,
Norfolk Co. VA
|-- Katherine Ballard [29285]
| b.1679-1690, York Co. VA
| d.1777, York Co, VA
|-- John Ballard [29286]
| b.1681-1693, York Co. VA
| d.16_Sep_1745, York Co. VA
|-- Matthew Ballard [29281]
| b.1685, James City Co. VA
| d.1720, York Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth Ballard [29289]
| b.1687, York Co. VA
| wife of ________ Smith
| d.16_Sep_1745, York Co. VA
|-- Anne Ballard [29283]
| b.1689, York Co. VA
| wife of John Major
| d.1743, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Thomas Ballard [29282]
| b.1695, James City Co. VA
| d.1754, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Robert Ballard [29284]
| b.1695, York Co. VA
| d.19_Mar_1735, York Co. VA
|-- Francis Ballard [161929]
| b.1699, Spotsylvania Co. VA
| d.1719, Spotsylvania Co. VA
|-- William Ballard [29287]
| b.1700, Spotsylvania Co. VA
| d.1719, Yorktown VA
|-- Mary Ballard [29288]
| b.1703, Spotsylvania Co. VA
| d. after 26_Sep_1706,
| Virginia

group index
main index
home page

Robert Hubbard [29228] = unknown
Robert Hubbard [29228] ----------
of Warwick Co. VA
member, house of Burgess
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Hubbard [29290]
|-- Robert Hubbard [29291]

group index
main index
home page

James Hubbard [29326] = Frances ________ [29642]
James Hubbard [29326] -----------
Frances ________ [29642] --------
wife of James Hubbard
|-- James Hubbard [29292]
| b.1765, Bruton Parish
| d.1841, York Co. VA
|-- Matthew Hubbard [29293]
| b.1766, Bruton Parish
|-- Meriwether Hubbard [29294]
| b.1767, Bruton Parish

group index
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home page

James Hubbard [29292] = Susanna Moore [29295]

group index
main index
home page

unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joseph Ham [29303]
| d.1638, York Co. VA
|-- Jerome Ham [29304]

group index
main index
home page

Rev. William Caynhoo [29306] = Dorithy ________ [29307]
Rev. William Caynhoo [29306] ----
d.1644, York Co. VA
Dorithy ________ [29307] --------
m.ca.1630, England
wife of William Caynhoo
m. before 1650
wife of John Underwood
|-- Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
| m. before 1648
| wife of Jerome Ham
| m.ca.1653
wife of Matthew Hubbard
m. after 1667
wife of William Aylett
mother's other spousal relationships
John Underwood [29308] = Dorithy ________ [29307]

group index
main index
home page

John Underwood [29308] = Dorithy ________ [29307]
John Underwood [29308] ----------
Dorithy ________ [29307] --------
m.ca.1630, England
wife of William Caynhoo
m. before 1650
wife of John Underwood
mother's other spousal relationships
Rev. William Caynhoo [29306] = Dorithy ________ [29307]

group index
main index
home page

William Aylett [29309] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
William Aylett [29309] ----------
Sibella Caynhoo [29305] ---------
m. before 1648
wife of Jerome Ham
wife of Matthew Hubbard
m. after 1667
wife of William Aylett
|-- William Aylett [127118]
| b. before 1683
| d. after 1723, Fairfield,
| King William Co. VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Joseph Ham [29303] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]
Matthew Hubbard [29226] = Sibella Caynhoo [29305]

group index
main index
home page

Luke Boyse [29314] = Alice ________ [29315]
Luke Boyse [29314] --------------
Alice ________ [29315] ----------
wife of Luke Boyse
wife of Matthew Edloe Sr.
mother's other spousal relationships
Matthew Edloe Sr. [29313] = Alice ________ [29315]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Edloe Sr. [29313] = Alice ________ [29315]
Matthew Edloe Sr. [29313] -------
came to Virginia on the
NEPTUNE in 1618
Alice ________ [29315] ----------
wife of Luke Boyse
wife of Matthew Edloe Sr.
|-- Matthew Edloe Jr. [29316]
| of James City Co. VA
| member, house of Burgess
mother's other spousal relationships
Luke Boyse [29314] = Alice ________ [29315]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Edloe Jr. [29316] = Tabitha ________ [29318]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Underwood [29317] = Tabitha ________ [29318]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Jackson [29312] = Joanna ________ [29320]
Robert Jackson [29312] ----------
Joanna ________ [29320] ---------
wife of Robert Jackson
wife of James Besouth
mother's other spousal relationships
James Besouth [29311] = Joanna ________ [29320]

group index
main index
home page

James Besouth [29311] = Joanna ________ [29320]
father's other spousal relationships
James Besouth [29311] = Katherine Bennett [29261]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Jackson [29312] = Joanna ________ [29320]

group index
main index
home page

James Besouth [29311] = Katherine Bennett [29261]
father's other spousal relationships
James Besouth [29311] = Joanna ________ [29320]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard [29227] = Katherine Bennett [29261]

group index
main index
home page

James Archer [29321] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29262]
James Archer [29321] ------------
Elizabeth Hubbard [29262] -------
m.1677, York Co. VA
wife of James Archer
|-- John Archer [29322]
|-- Ann Archer [29323]

group index
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home page

Dudley Digges [29324] = Mary Hubbard [29273]

group index
main index
home page

George Holden [29325] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29275]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Hubbard [29270] = Jane Clack [29276]

group index
main index
home page

John Carter [29330] = Sarah Stone [29246]
John Carter [29330] -------------
of Caroline Co. VA
Sarah Stone [29246] -------------
wife of John Hubbard Jr.
wife of John Carter
mother's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard Jr. [29235] = Sarah Stone [29246]

group index
main index
home page

Abraham Echols [29331] = ________ ________ [29332]
father's other spousal relationships
Abraham Echols [29331] = Sarah Hubbard [29254]

group index
main index
home page

Abraham Echols [29331] = Sarah Hubbard [29254]
father's other spousal relationships
Abraham Echols [29331] = ________ ________ [29332]

group index
main index
home page

Manoah Chiles [29333] = unknown
Manoah Chiles [29333] -----------
a Quaker
of Caroline Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agnes Chiles [29334]
| m.10_Sep_1744, Cedar Creek
| Monthly Meeting,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of Peter Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

Peter Hubbard [29241] = Agnes Chiles [29334]
Peter Hubbard [29241] -----------
moved to Anson Co. NC,
d. before 1773
Agnes Chiles [29334] ------------
m.10_Sep_1744, Cedar Creek
Monthly Meeting,
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Peter Hubbard
|-- Elizabeth Hubbard [29335]
| b.ca.1750
| m.ca.1770, Marlboro SC
| wife of William Stubbs
|-- Peter Hubbard Jr. [29336]
| b.31_Jul_1756
| enlisted, 8_Jul_1775, Cheraw
| District, SC, S. C. Troops,
| Revolutionary War
| moved to Montomery Co. TN,
| ca.1790-95
| d.26_Aug_1844, Bond Co. IL
|-- John Hubbard [29337]
| b.1763
| d.1789, Marlboro SC
|-- Manoah Hubbard [29338]
| b.ca.1766
| moved to Warren Co. GA

group index
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home page

William Stubbs [29339] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29335]

group index
main index
home page

James Stubbs [29342] = Sarah Fuller [29349]

group index
main index
home page

Shadrach Easterling [29350] = Rebecca Stubbs [29343]

group index
main index
home page

Jacob Odom [29351] = Nancy Stubbs [29344]

group index
main index
home page

William Morris Jr. [29352] = Ann Stubbs [29345]
William Morris Jr. [29352] ------
Ann Stubbs [29345] --------------
wife of William Morris Jr.

group index
main index
home page

Benjamine Moore [29353] = Frances Stubbs [29346]

group index
main index
home page

Henry Welsh [29354] = Elizabeth Stubbs [29347]

group index
main index
home page

Elisha Hill [29355] = Martha Stubbs [29348]
Elisha Hill [29355] -------------
moved to Fayette Co. GA,
before 1830
Martha Stubbs [29348] -----------
wife of Elisha Hill
|-- John W. Hill [29356]
| b.15_Jan_1812
| d.27_Nov_1884
|-- Nancy Hill [29357]
|-- William Hill [29358]
|-- Sarah Hill [29359]
|-- Mary Hill [29360]
|-- Elisha Hill [29361]
|-- Martha Hill [29362]
|-- Elizabeth Hill [29363]
|-- Ann Hill [29364]

group index
main index
home page

Elvira McGriff [29365] = John W. Hill [29356]
Elvira McGriff [29365] ----------
wife of John W. Hill
John W. Hill [29356] ------------

group index
main index
home page

Peter Hubbard Jr. [29336] = Mary Ann ________ [29366]
Peter Hubbard Jr. [29336] -------
enlisted, 8_Jul_1775, Cheraw
District, SC, S. C. Troops,
Revolutionary War
moved to Montomery Co. TN,
d.26_Aug_1844, Bond Co. IL
Mary Ann ________ [29366] -------
m. Montgomery Co. TN
wife of Peter Hubbard Jr.
|-- John Hubbard [29367]
|-- William Hubbard [29368]
|-- Peter Hubbard [29369]
|-- Francis Hubbard [29370]
|-- David Hubbard [29371]
|-- Manoah Hubbard [29372]
|-- Nancy Hubbard [29373]
|-- Caty Hubbard [29374]
|-- Eli Hubbard [29375]
|-- Philip Hubbard [29376]
|-- James Hubbard [29377]
|-- Lucy Hubbard [29378]

group index
main index
home page

John Crew [29379] = unknown
John Crew [29379] ---------------
a Quaker
of Charles City Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Judith Crew [29380]
| 19_Jan_1740, Ceder Creek
| Monthly Meeting,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of George Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

George Hubbard [29242] = Judith Crew [29380]

group index
main index
home page

George Hubbard [29381] = Priscilla Ladd [29386]
George Hubbard [29381] ----------
Priscilla Ladd [29386] ----------
wife of George Hubbard
|-- John K. Hubbard [29387]
| b.1792
|-- Exum S. Hubbard [29388]
| b.1794
|-- Amos Hubbard [29389]
| b.1796
|-- Sarah Hubbard [29390]
| b.1798
| m.1820
| wife of Thomas Hargrove
|-- Robert Hubbard [29391]
| b.1801
|-- Elizabeth Hubbard [29392]
| b.1803
| m.1827
| wife of Matthew P. Terrell
|-- Mary Ann Hubbard [29393]
| b.1805
| m.1829
| wife of Leonard Hargrove
|-- George Hubbard [29394]
| b.1806
father's other spousal relationships
George Hubbard [29381] = Elizabeth Ladd [29400]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Hargrove [29395] = Sarah Hubbard [29390]
Thomas Hargrove [29395] ---------
of Goochland Co. VA
Sarah Hubbard [29390] -----------
wife of Thomas Hargrove

group index
main index
home page

Matthew P. Terrell [29396] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29392]

group index
main index
home page

Leonard Hargrove [29397] = Mary Ann Hubbard [29393]

group index
main index
home page

William Ladd [29398] = Mary ________ [29399]
William Ladd [29398] ------------
of Charles City Co. VA
Mary ________ [29399] -----------
wife of William Ladd
|-- Elizabeth Ladd [29400]
| m.7_May_1811
| wife of George Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

George Hubbard [29381] = Elizabeth Ladd [29400]
George Hubbard [29381] ----------
Elizabeth Ladd [29400] ----------
wife of George Hubbard
|-- James Hubbard [29401]
| b.1814
|-- Joseph Hubbard [29402]
| b.1819
|-- Maria Hubbard [29403]
| b.1821
|-- Martha Ann Hubbard [29404]
| b.1824
father's other spousal relationships
George Hubbard [29381] = Priscilla Ladd [29386]

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard [29382] = Sarah Pattison [29405]
John Hubbard [29382] ------------
Sarah Pattison [29405] ----------
of Guilford Co. NC
wife of John Hubbard
|-- Jemima Hubbard [29406]
father's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard [29382] = Martha Sanders [29407]

group index
main index
home page

John Hubbard [29382] = Martha Sanders [29407]
father's other spousal relationships
John Hubbard [29382] = Sarah Pattison [29405]

group index
main index
home page

George Hubbard [29408] = Nancy Shields [29409]
George Hubbard [29408] ----------
Nancy Shields [29409] -----------
wife of George Hubbard
|-- Martha Hubbard [29410]
|-- William Hubbard [29411]
| of Fairmont and Marion IN
| b.1810
| d.1865
|-- John Hubbard [29412]
|-- Elias Hubbard [29413]
|-- Thomas Hubbard [29414]
|-- George Hubbard [29415]
|-- Louise Hubbard [29416]
|-- Mary Ann Hubbard [29417]

group index
main index
home page

William Hubbard [29411] = unknown
William Hubbard [29411] ---------
of Fairmont and Marion IN
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sallie Hubbard [29418]
|-- Edith Hubbard [29419]
|-- Nathan Hubbard [29420]
|-- Rhoda Hubbard [29421]
|-- James Hubbard [29422]
|-- Ann Hubbard [29423]

group index
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home page

Daniel Hubbard [29250] = Sarah Pasture [29424]

group index
main index
home page

Joel Durrett [29430] = Sarah Chowning [29431]
Joel Durrett [29430] ------------
Sarah Chowning [29431] ----------
wife of Joel Durrett
|-- Elizabeth Durrett [29432]
| b.14_Feb_1771
| m.17_Jan_1792, Orange Co. VA
| wife of Carter Hubbard
|-- Diana Durrett [29433]
| m.26_Dec_1804
wife of Joseph Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

Carter Hubbard [29425] = Elizabeth Durrett [29432]

group index
main index
home page

Benjamin Durrett [29443] = Sarah Hubbard [29434]
Benjamin Durrett [29443] --------
Sarah Hubbard [29434] -----------
wife of Benjamin Durrett
wife of William Hazzard
mother's other spousal relationships
William Hazzard [29444] = Sarah Hubbard [29434]

group index
main index
home page

William Hazzard [29444] = Sarah Hubbard [29434]
William Hazzard [29444] ---------
Sarah Hubbard [29434] -----------
wife of Benjamin Durrett
wife of William Hazzard
mother's other spousal relationships
Benjamin Durrett [29443] = Sarah Hubbard [29434]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Walker [29445] = Nancy Hubbard [29435]
Thomas Walker [29445] -----------
Nancy Hubbard [29435] -----------
wife of Thomas Walker
wife of John Sublett
mother's other spousal relationships
John Sublett [29446] = Nancy Hubbard [29435]

group index
main index
home page

John Sublett [29446] = Nancy Hubbard [29435]
John Sublett [29446] ------------
Nancy Hubbard [29435] -----------
wife of Thomas Walker
wife of John Sublett
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Walker [29445] = Nancy Hubbard [29435]

group index
main index
home page

Achilles Durrett [29447] = unknown
Achilles Durrett [29447] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Ann Durrett [29448]
| m.27_May_1819
| wife of Elijah D. Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

Elijah D. Hubbard [29437] = Mary Ann Durrett [29448]

group index
main index
home page

Garland C. Hubbard [29438] = Mary Buchanan [29449]

group index
main index
home page

Daniel Hubbard [29439] = Nancy Bailey [29450]
Daniel Hubbard [29439] ----------
Nancy Bailey [29450] ------------
wife of Daniel Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

James M. Hubbard [29442] = Sophia Gaddie [29451]
James M. Hubbard [29442] --------
Sophia Gaddie [29451] -----------
wife of James M. Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Hubbard [29429] = Diana Durrett [29433]

group index
main index
home page

Carter A. Hubbard [29452] = Martha Ann Breeding [29458]

group index
main index
home page

William David Bailey [29459] = Sarah Frances Hubbard
William David Bailey [29459] ----
Sarah Frances Hubbard -----------
wife of William D. Bailey

group index
main index
home page

________ Dickerson [29460] = Mary Hubbard [29454]
________ Dickerson [29460] ------
Mary Hubbard [29454] ------------
wife of ________ Dickerson
wife of Sam Tandy Moore
mother's other spousal relationships
Sam Tandy Moore [29461] = Mary Hubbard [29454]

group index
main index
home page

Sam Tandy Moore [29461] = Mary Hubbard [29454]
Sam Tandy Moore [29461] ---------
Mary Hubbard [29454] ------------
wife of ________ Dickerson
wife of Sam Tandy Moore
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Dickerson [29460] = Mary Hubbard [29454]

group index
main index
home page

Dandridge Poor [29462] = Emily L. Hubbard [29455]
father's other spousal relationships
Dandridge Poor [29462] = Lucy Tucker Gupton [29463]

group index
main index
home page

Dandridge Poor [29462] = Lucy Tucker Gupton [29463]
Dandridge Poor [29462] ----------
Lucy Tucker Gupton [29463] ------
wife of Dandridge Poor
father's other spousal relationships
Dandridge Poor [29462] = Emily L. Hubbard [29455]

group index
main index
home page

Rowland Mardis [29464] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29456]
Rowland Mardis [29464] ----------
Elizabeth Hubbard [29456] -------
wife of Rowland Mardis
wife of Larkin Durrett
mother's other spousal relationships
Larkin Durrett [29465] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29456]

group index
main index
home page

Larkin Durrett [29465] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29456]
Larkin Durrett [29465] ----------
Elizabeth Hubbard [29456] -------
wife of Rowland Mardis
wife of Larkin Durrett
mother's other spousal relationships
Rowland Mardis [29464] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29456]

group index
main index
home page

Johnson Watson [29466] = unknown
Johnson Watson [29466] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Rachael Watson [29468]
| m.4_Jul_1817
| wife of Walker T. Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

Walker Taliaferro Hubbard = Rachael Watson [29468]

group index
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home page

Eusebius Hubbard [29251] = Amy Durrett [29469]

group index
main index
home page

Durrett Hubbard [29470] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

John Patterson Sr. [29482] = Keziah Holiday [29483]
father's other spousal relationships
John Patterson Sr. [29482] = Sarah Hubbard [29471]

group index
main index
home page

Elisha Patterson [29485] = Lucy Hubbard [29477]

group index
main index
home page

Eusebius Hubbard [29478] = Ann Patterson [29486]

group index
main index
home page

Shadrach Barnes [29487] = unknown
Shadrach Barnes [29487] ---------
of Boone Co. MO
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Barnes [29488]

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John Barnes [29488] = Sarah Hubbard [29481]

group index
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home page

Joseph Jamison [29492] = Sarah Hubbard [29471]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Patterson Sr. [29482] = Sarah Hubbard [29471]

group index
main index
home page

William Douglas [29504] = Frances Jamison [29493]

group index
main index
home page

Davis Petty [29513] = Sarah Douglas [29505]
Davis Petty [29513] -------------
Sarah Douglas [29505] -----------
wife of Davis Petty

group index
main index
home page

John Douglas [29506] = Ann Liza Long [29514]
mother's other spousal relationships
David B. Rowland [29515] = Ann Liza Long [29514]

group index
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home page

David B. Rowland [29515] = Elizabeth Douglas [29509]
father's other spousal relationships
David B. Rowland [29515] = Ann Liza Long [29514]

group index
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home page

William Short [29516] = Amy Douglas [29507]
William Short [29516] -----------
Amy Douglas [29507] -------------
wife of William Short
d.1_Sep_1885, Scotland Co. MO

group index
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home page

David B. Rowland [29515] = Ann Liza Long [29514]
father's other spousal relationships
David B. Rowland [29515] = Elizabeth Douglas [29509]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Douglas [29506] = Ann Liza Long [29514]

group index
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home page

John H. Bean [29517] = Malinda Douglas [29510]
John H. Bean [29517] ------------
of Macon Co. MO
Malinda Douglas [29510] ---------
wife of John H. Bean

group index
main index
home page

William Proctor Douglas = Martha March [29518]
William Proctor Douglas ---------
of Knox Co. MO
Martha March [29518] ------------
wife of William P. Douglas
father's other spousal relationships
William Proctor Douglas = Sarah Wirt [29519]

group index
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home page

William Proctor Douglas = Sarah Wirt [29519]
William Proctor Douglas ---------
of Knox Co. MO
Sarah Wirt [29519] --------------
wife of William P. Douglass
father's other spousal relationships
William Proctor Douglas = Martha March [29518]

group index
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home page

Joseph Beeler Douglas = Nannie Wirt [29520]
Joseph Beeler Douglas -----------
Brig. General in Civil War
Nannie Wirt [29520] -------------
wife of Josepb B. Douglass

group index
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home page

William Jamison [29494] = Andronica Scott [29521]
William Jamison [29494] ---------
Andronica Scott [29521] ---------
wife of William Jamison
|-- Rebecca Jamison [29522]
| b.1804
| wife of John D. White
| wife of ________ Hovey
|-- John Jamison [29523]
| moved to Texas
| b.1806
|-- Martin Jamison [29524]
| b.1808
|-- Sarah Jamison [29525]
| b.1811
|-- Jane Jamison [29526]
| b.1813
| wife of William Caldwell
|-- Louisa Jamison [29527]
| b.1815
|-- James Hume Jamison [29528]
| b.1820
|-- William Marshall Jamison
| [29529]
| b.1822
|-- Cordella Jamison [29530]
| b.1824
|-- Sophronia Jamison [29531]
| b.1825
|-- Joseph Jamison [29532]
| b.1828

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home page

John D. White [29533] = Rebecca Jamison [29522]
John D. White [29533] -----------
Rebecca Jamison [29522] ---------
wife of John D. White
wife of ________ Hovey
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Hovey [29534] = Rebecca Jamison [29522]

group index
main index
home page

________ Hovey [29534] = Rebecca Jamison [29522]
________ Hovey [29534] ----------
Rebecca Jamison [29522] ---------
wife of John D. White
wife of ________ Hovey
mother's other spousal relationships
John D. White [29533] = Rebecca Jamison [29522]

group index
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home page

John Jamison [29523] = Eveline McKay [29535]
John Jamison [29523] ------------
moved to Texas
Eveline McKay [29535] -----------
wife of John Jamison

group index
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home page

William Caldwell [29536] = Jane Jamison [29526]
William Caldwell [29536] --------
Jane Jamison [29526] ------------
wife of William Caldwell

group index
main index
home page

Robert Jeffreys [29537] = Elizabeth Jamison [29495]

group index
main index
home page

Washington Epperson [29539] = Nancy Jeffreys [29538]
Washington Epperson [29539] -----
Nancy Jeffreys [29538] ----------
wife of Washington Epperson

group index
main index
home page

Phineas James [29540] = Amy Jamison [29496]
Phineas James [29540] -----------
of Green Co. IL
Amy Jamison [29496] -------------
wife of Phineas James
wife of Dennis Carrico
mother's other spousal relationships
Dennis Carrico [29541] = Amy Jamison [29496]

group index
main index
home page

Dennis Carrico [29541] = Amy Jamison [29496]
Dennis Carrico [29541] ----------
of Green Co. IL
Amy Jamison [29496] -------------
wife of Phineas James
wife of Dennis Carrico
mother's other spousal relationships
Phineas James [29540] = Amy Jamison [29496]

group index
main index
home page

Harrison Jamison [29497] = Ellender Barnes [29542]
Harrison Jamison [29497] --------
moved to Texas
b.23_Oct_1793, Kentucky
Ellender Barnes [29542] ---------
wife of Harrison Jamison
|-- Lucinda Jamison [29543]
|-- William Jamison [29544]
|-- James Jamison [29545]
|-- John Jamison [29546]
|-- Elizabeth Jamison [29547]
|-- Minerva Jamison [29548]
|-- Thomas Jamison [29549]
|-- Sophie Jamison [29550]
|-- Angus Jamison [29551]
|-- Milton Jamison [29552]
|-- Mary Jamison [29553]
|-- Rebecca Jamison [29554]

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John Jamison [29498] = Mary Patterson [29555]
John Jamison [29498] ------------
Mary Patterson [29555] ----------
wife of John Jamison
|-- Joseph Jamison [29556]
|-- William Jamison [29557]
|-- Simon Jamison [29558]
|-- James Jamison [29559]
|-- Kesiah Jamison [29560]
|-- John Jamison [29561]
|-- Isaiah Jamison [29562]
|-- Sarah Jamison [29563]
|-- Elender Jamison [29564]
|-- David Jamison [29565]
|-- Elizabeth Jamison [29566]
|-- Mary Jamison [29567]
father's other spousal relationships
John Jamison [29498] = Susannah Powers [29568]

group index
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home page

John Jamison [29498] = Susannah Powers [29568]
John Jamison [29498] ------------
Susannah Powers [29568] ---------
m.27_Apr_1823, Morgan Co. MO
wife of John Jamison
father's other spousal relationships
John Jamison [29498] = Mary Patterson [29555]

group index
main index
home page

Ephraim Jamison [29499] = Clarissa Hinton [29569]
Ephraim Jamison [29499] ---------
of Polk, Boliver Co. MO
Clarissa Hinton [29569] ---------
wife of Ephraim Jamison
|-- Mary Jamison [29570]
| b.1811
| wife of Josiah Dent
|-- John Jamison [29571]
|-- William Jamison [29572]
|-- Harrison Jamison [29573]
|-- Joseph Jamison [29574]
|-- Nancy Jamison [29575]
|-- Laura Jamison [29576]
| wife of W. Welch

group index
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home page

Josiah Dent [29577] = Mary Jamison [29570]
Josiah Dent [29577] -------------
Mary Jamison [29570] ------------
wife of Josiah Dent

group index
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home page

W. Welch [29578] = Laura Jamison [29576]

group index
main index
home page

Peyton Jamison [29500] = Mary Ann Bishop [29579]
Peyton Jamison [29500] ----------
Mary Ann Bishop [29579] ---------
wife of Peyton Jamison
|-- Robert Jamison [29580]
|-- Joseph Jamison [29581]
|-- Parilee Jamison [29582]
|-- Adaline Jamison [29583]
|-- Sarah Jamison [29584]
| b.1845
| wife of ________ Wilcox

group index
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home page

________ Wilcox [29585] = Sarah Jamison [29584]
________ Wilcox [29585] ---------
Sarah Jamison [29584] -----------
wife of ________ Wilcox

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Jamison [29501] = Margaret Foulks [29586]
Joseph Jamison [29501] ----------
of Missouri
Margaret Foulks [29586] ---------
m.1827, Logan Co. KY
wife of Joseph Jamison

group index
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home page

John Patterson Jr. [29484] = Jane Jamison [29502]

group index
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home page

Joseph Patterson [29595] = Sally Patterson [29587]

group index
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home page

Isaiah Jamison [29562] = Nancy Patterson [29589]

group index
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home page

John Northern [29596] = Eleanor Patterson [29591]

group index
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home page

________ Patten [29597] = Elizabeth Patterson [29592]

group index
main index
home page

Durrett Hubbard Jamison = Elizabeth Osborne [29598]
Durrett Hubbard Jamison ---------
of Franklin Co. MO
d. before 1850
Elizabeth Osborne [29598] -------
wife of Durrett H. Jamison
|-- Elizabeth Jamison [29599]
|-- Sarah Jamison [29600]

group index
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home page

John Patterson Sr. [29482] = Sarah Hubbard [29471]
father's other spousal relationships
John Patterson Sr. [29482] = Keziah Holiday [29483]
mother's other spousal relationships
Joseph Jamison [29492] = Sarah Hubbard [29471]

group index
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home page

David Patterson [29601] = Susan E. Hauser [29602]
David Patterson [29601] ---------
Susan E. Hauser [29602] ---------
wife of David Patterson
|-- Carlie Patterson [29603]
|-- Rachael Patterson [29604]
|-- Talton Patterson [29605]
|-- Milton Patterson [29606]
|-- Marshall Patterson [29607]

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George Hubbard [29472] = Mary Ballew [29608]

group index
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home page

Durrett Hubbard [29610] = Elizabeth Greenup [29615]
Durrett Hubbard [29610] ---------
moved to Illinois,
after second marriage
Elizabeth Greenup [29615] -------
wife of Durrett Hubbard
|-- George F. Hubbard [29616]
|-- Arathusa Turner Hubbard
| [29617]
|-- William B. Hubbard [29618]
father's other spousal relationships
Durrett Hubbard [29610] = Polly Jarmon [29620]

group index
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home page

William B. Hubbard [29618] = Elizabeth Barnes [29619]

group index
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home page

Durrett Hubbard [29610] = Polly Jarmon [29620]
Durrett Hubbard [29610] ---------
moved to Illinois,
after second marriage
Polly Jarmon [29620] ------------
wife of Durrett Hubbard
father's other spousal relationships
Durrett Hubbard [29610] = Elizabeth Greenup [29615]

group index
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George Hubbard [29611] = Patsy H. Gibbs [29621]
George Hubbard [29611] ----------
Patsy H. Gibbs [29621] ----------
wife of George Hubbard

group index
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home page

John Hubbard [29614] = Durcilla ________ [29622]
John Hubbard [29614] ------------
Durcilla ________ [29622] -------
wife of John Hubbard
|-- Mary Hubbard [29623]
|-- Frances Hubbard [29624]
|-- Celia Hubbard [29625]
|-- Thomas Hubbard [29626]
|-- Elizabeth Hubbard [29627]

group index
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home page

John Hubbard [29473] = Ann Bellew [29628]
John Hubbard [29473] ------------
Ann Bellew [29628] --------------
of Madison Co. KY
wife of John Hubbard

group index
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home page

John Proctor [29629] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29475]

group index
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home page

Daniel Hubbard [29476] = Betsy Manier [29630]
Daniel Hubbard [29476] ----------
Betsy Manier [29630] ------------
m.9_Mar_1801, Garrett Co. KY
wife of Daniel Hubbard

group index
main index
home page

James Buchanan [29631] = Mildred D. Hubbard [29440]
James Buchanan [29631] ----------
Mildred D. Hubbard [29440] ------
wife of James Buchanan
wife of John W. Chaudoin
mother's other spousal relationships
John W. Chaudoin [29632] = Mildred D. Hubbard [29440]

group index
main index
home page

John W. Chaudoin [29632] = Mildred D. Hubbard [29440]
John W. Chaudoin [29632] --------
Mildred D. Hubbard [29440] ------
wife of James Buchanan
wife of John W. Chaudoin
mother's other spousal relationships
James Buchanan [29631] = Mildred D. Hubbard [29440]

group index
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home page

Samuel Mourning [29633] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29441]

group index
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home page

Alexander Chowning [29634] = Nancy Hubbard [29426]
Alexander Chowning [29634] ------
Nancy Hubbard [29426] -----------
wife of Alexander Chowning

group index
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home page

William Landram [29635] = Mary Hubbard [29427]
William Landram [29635] ---------
Mary Hubbard [29427] ------------
wife of William Landram

group index
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William Major [162307] = Elizabeth Mason [162308]
William Major [162307] ----------
b.ca.1657, York Co. VA
St. Peter's Parish,
New Kent Co. VA
Elizabeth Mason [162308] --------
b.ca.1657, Norfolk Co. VA
wife of William Major
|-- John Major [29637]
| b.1677, Norfolk Co. VA
| d. before 1737,
| Norfolk Co. VA
|-- William Major [162304]
| b.ca.1679, Norfolk Co. VA
| d.4_Oct_1716,
| Norfolk Co. VA
|-- Lemuel Major [162305]
| b.ca.1681, Norfolk Co. VA
| d.ca.1714, Norfolk Co. VA

group index
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Champion Smith [29636] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29428]

group index
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home page

John Major [29637] = Anne Ballard [29283]
John Major [29637] --------------
b.1677, Norfolk Co. VA
d. before 1737,
Norfolk Co. VA
Anne Ballard [29283] ------------
b.1689, York Co. VA
wife of John Major
d.1743, Charles City Co. VA
|-- John Major [161930]
| b.ca.1705, York Co. VA
| d.4_May_1768,
| Westover Parish,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Edward Major [161931]
| b.ca.1707, York Co. VA
| d.1756, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Bernard Major [161932]
| b.ca.1710, York Co. VA
| d.1793, Charles City Co. VA
|-- ________ Major [161933]
| d.ca.1718, Virginia
|-- James Major [161934]
| b.ca.1720, Virginia
| d. before Jan_1780,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- ________ Major [161935]
| d.ca.1722,
| Charles City Co. VA

group index
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home page

________ Smith [29638] = Elizabeth Ballard [29289]
________ Smith [29638] ----------
Elizabeth Ballard [29289] -------
b.1687, York Co. VA
wife of ________ Smith
d.16_Sep_1745, York Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

unknown = Mary ________ [29640]
unknown -------------------------
Mary ________ [29640] -----------
wife of Matthew Hubbard
|-- Mary Hubbard [29641]
| b.5_Dec_1689, York Co. VA
| d.4_Jan_1689, York Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

________ Newman [29643] = Elizabeth Hubbard [29300]
________ Newman [29643] ---------
Elizabeth Hubbard [29300] -------
wife of ________ Newman
|-- Elizabeth E. Newman [29644]

group index
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home page

________ Smith [29645] = Mary Hubbard [29301]
________ Smith [29645] ----------
Mary Hubbard [29301] ------------
wife of ________ Smith
|-- Napoleon B. Smith [29646]

group index
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home page

Thomas Hubbard [29266] = Martha ________ [29647]
Thomas Hubbard [29266] ----------
b.25_Nov_1679, York Co. VA
Martha ________ [29647] ---------
wife of Thomas Hubbard
|-- Mary Hubbard [29648]
| b.31_Jul_1703, York Co. VA
|-- Thomas Hubbard [29649]
| b.25_Dec_1704, York Co. VA

group index
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William Aylett [127118] = Ann Woodward Taylor [127119]

group index
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home page

William Aylett [127120] = Ann Ashton [127121]
William Aylett [127120] ---------
Ann Ashton [127121] -------------
m.18_May_1725, Essex Co. VA
wife of William Aylett
d. before 1731
|-- Anne Aylett [127122]
| b.1726, Westmoreland Co. VA
| m.1743, Virginia
| wife of Augustine Washington
| d.Apr_1774
|-- Elizabeth Aylett [127123]
| b.1725-1731
wife of William Booth
father's other spousal relationships
William Aylett [127120] = Elizabeth Eskridge [127126]

group index
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home page

George Eskridge [127124] = Rebecca Bonum [127125]
George Eskridge [127124] --------
Rebecca Bonum [127125] ----------
wife of George Eskridge
|-- Elizabeth Eskridge [127126]
| b.1714, Sandy Point,
| Westmoreland Co. VA
Westmoreland Co. VA
wife of William Aylett

group index
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home page

William Aylett [127120] = Elizabeth Eskridge [127126]
father's other spousal relationships
William Aylett [127120] = Ann Ashton [127121]

group index
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home page

William Thomas [161938] = Anne Aibley [161939]
William Thomas [161938] ---------
b. before 1610
Anne Aibley [161939] ------------
wife of William Thomas
|-- Anna Thomas [161937]
| b.1633, York Co. VA
| wife of Thomas Ballard
| d.16_Sep_1678, Bruton Parish,
James City Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Ballard [29282] = Mary Dancy [161940]
Thomas Ballard [29282] ----------
b.1695, James City Co. VA
d.1754, Charles City Co. VA
Mary Dancy [161940] -------------
wife of Thomas Ballard
|-- Mary Ballard [161941]
| b.ca.1728,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of James Major
| d.ca.1770,
Charles City Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

James Major [161934] = Mary Ballard [161941]
James Major [161934] ------------
b.ca.1720, Virginia
d. before Jan_1780,
Charles City Co. VA
Mary Ballard [161941] -----------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of James Major
Charles City Co. VA
|-- John Major [161942]
| b. before 1748, Virginia
| d. before Apr_1785,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Sarah Major [161943]
| b.ca.1750, Virginia
|-- Ballard Major [161944]
| b.ca.1752, Virginia
|-- James Major [161945]
| b.ca.1754, Virginia
|-- Elizabeth Major [161946]
| b.ca.1765, Virginia
| wife of David Gill
|-- Mary Dancy Major [161947]
| b.ca.1758, Virginia
|-- Martha Major [161948]
| b.ca.1760, Virginia
|-- ________ Major [161949]
| b.ca.1762, Virginia
| d.1779

group index
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Bernard Major [161932] = Sarah ________ [161950]
Bernard Major [161932] ----------
b.ca.1710, York Co. VA
d.1793, Charles City Co. VA
Sarah ________ [161950] ---------
wife of Bernard Major

group index
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David Gill [161951] = Elizabeth Major [161946]

group index
main index
home page

Capt. William Hartwell = Mary Stevens [162110]
Capt. William Hartwell ----------
b. before 1662
Mary Stevens [162110] -----------
b. before 1662
wife of
Capt. William Hartwell
|-- Mary Hartwell [162111]
| b. before 1682,
| James City Co. VA
| wife of Maj. George Marable
| d.26_Dec_1770,
Charles City Co. VA

group index
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home page

George Marable [162310] = Agnes Marjoram [162311]
George Marable [162310] ---------
Cantebury, Kent, England
d.1684, Jamestown VA
Agnes Marjoram [162311] ---------
wife of George Marable
d.ca.1680, James City Co. VA
|-- Maj. George Marable [162112]
| b.ca.1665,
| James City Co. VA
| d.ca.1747,
| James City Co. VA
|-- William Marable [162309]
| b.ca.1670

group index
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home page

Maj. George Marable [162112] = Mary Hartwell [162111]
Maj. George Marable [162112] ----
James City Co. VA
James City Co. VA
Mary Hartwell [162111] ----------
b. before 1682,
James City Co. VA
wife of Maj. George Marable
Charles City Co. VA
|-- William Marable [162113]
| b.ca.1700,
| James City Co. VA
| d. after 1762,
| Petersburg VA
|-- George Marable Jr. [162114]
| b.1705, James City Co. VA
| d.1776-1778,
| Westover Parish,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Henry Hartwell Marable
| [162115]
| b.ca.1708
| d.ca.1775, Sussex Co. VA
|-- Benjamin Marable [162116]
| b.1710, James City Co. VA
| d.1773, Charles City Co. VA

group index
main index
home page

William Marable [162113] = Frances ________ [162117]
William Marable [162113] --------
James City Co. VA
d. after 1762,
Petersburg VA
Frances ________ [162117] -------
wife of William Marable
father's other spousal relationships
William Marable [162113] = Elizabeth Chermeson [162118]
William Marable [162113] = Mary Travis [162121]

group index
main index
home page

William Marable [162113] = Elizabeth Chermeson [162118]
William Marable [162113] --------
James City Co. VA
d. after 1762,
Petersburg VA
Elizabeth Chermeson [162118] ----
b. James City Co. VA
wife of William Marable
James City Co. VA
|-- Mary Marable [162119]
| b.ca.1726
| wife of Robert Wooding
| d. before 1768,
| Lunenburg CO. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Marable [162113] = Frances ________ [162117]
William Marable [162113] = Mary Travis [162121]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Wooding [162120] = Mary Marable [162119]
Robert Wooding [162120] ---------
Mary Marable [162119] -----------
wife of Robert Wooding
d. before 1768,
Lunenburg CO. VA

group index
main index
home page

William Marable [162113] = Mary Travis [162121]
father's other spousal relationships
William Marable [162113] = Frances ________ [162117]
William Marable [162113] = Elizabeth Chermeson [162118]

group index
main index
home page

Matthew Marable [162122] = Mary Meriwether [162126]
Matthew Marable [162122] --------
Mecklenburg Co. VA
Mary Meriwether [162126] --------
wife of Matthew Marable

group index
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home page

William Marable Jr. [162123] = Judith More [162127]

group index
main index
home page

John Marable [162124] = Tabatha ________ [162128]
John Marable [162124] -----------
James City Co. VA
d. after 1804,
Lunenburg Co. VA
Tabatha ________ [162128] -------
wife of John Marable

group index
main index
home page

Christopher Edward Marable = Elizabeth ________ [162129]

group index
main index
home page

George Marable Jr. [162114] = Ann ________ [162130]
George Marable Jr. [162114] -----
b.1705, James City Co. VA
Westover Parish,
Charles City Co. VA
Ann ________ [162130] -----------
wife of George Marable Jr.
d.1796, Westover Parish,
Charles City Co. VA
|-- William Marable [162131]
| b.1744, Charles Ciry Co. VA
| d. before 1796,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Capt. George Marable
| [162132]
| b.ca.1750,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.20_Mar_1818,
| Halafax Co. VA
|-- Capt. Henry H. Marable
| (Hartwell) [162133]
| b.ca.1750,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.1789, Sussex Co. VA
|-- Abraham Marable [162035]
| b.1750-1760,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.1850-1860,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Lieut. Edward Marable
| [162134]
| b.ca.1752,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.ca.1805,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Agnes Marable [162135]
| b. before 1760
| wife of ________ Collier
| d. after 1790
|-- Amy Marable [162136]
| b. before 1760,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of William R. Drinkard
| d. before 1796,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Martha Marable [162137]
| b. before 1760
| wife of John Major
| d. after 1818
|-- Benjamin Marable [162138]
|-- John Marable [162139]
| d. after 1794

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William Marable [162131] = Susannah Weaver [162140]
William Marable [162131] --------
b.1744, Charles Ciry Co. VA
d. before 1796,
Charles City Co. VA
Susannah Weaver [162140] --------
wife of William Marable

group index
main index
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Capt. George Marable = Sarah Sherman [162141]
Capt. George Marable ------------
Charles City Co. VA
Halafax Co. VA
Sarah Sherman [162141] ----------
b. before 1765
wife of Capt. George Marable
Halifax Co. VA

group index
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Capt. Henry H. Marable = Elizabeth Mason [162142]
Capt. Henry H. Marable ----------
(Hartwell) [162133]
Charles City Co. VA
d.1789, Sussex Co. VA
Elizabeth Mason [162142] --------
b.ca.1749, Sussex Co. VA
wife of
Capt. Henry H. Marable
d.4_Jun_1828, Sussex Co. VA
|-- Edward Marable [162460]
| b.2_Nov_1774,
| Albemarle Parish,
| Surry Co. VA
| d.ca.1837, Surry Co. VA
|-- Mary D. Marable [162461]
|-- Henry Hartwell Marable
| [162462]
| b. before 1789,
Surry Co. VA
d. after 1820,
Morgan Co. GA

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Abraham Marable [162035] = ________ ________ [162143]
father's other spousal relationships
Abraham Marable [162035] = Kathrine Jackson [162144]
Abraham Marable [162035] = Judith P. Gill [162034]

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Abraham Marable [162035] = Kathrine Jackson [162144]
Abraham Marable [162035] --------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Kathrine Jackson [162144] -------
wife of Abraham Marable
d. before 1812,
Charles City Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Abraham Marable [162035] = ________ ________ [162143]
Abraham Marable [162035] = Judith P. Gill [162034]

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Abraham Marable [162035] = Judith P. Gill [162034]
Abraham Marable [162035] --------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Judith P. Gill [162034] ---------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Abraham Marable
d.1859, Charles City Co. VA
|-- ________ Marable [162036]
| wife of ________ Lloyd
|-- Nancy F. Marable [162037]
| b.1813-1814, Virginia
| wife of David M. Pond
| d.5_May_1868,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Maj. Watkins Marable
| (Wattie) [162038]
| b.Jan_1818,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.28_Mar_1879,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Mary E. Marable [162465]
| b.ca.1819
| wife of ________ Ireland
| wife of David Eshon
| wife of Thomas Willis
|-- Agnes Marable [162466]
| b.1822, Charles City Co. VA
| wife of William J. Bullifant
| d.10_Jul_1853,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Henry M. Marable [162467]
father's other spousal relationships
Abraham Marable [162035] = ________ ________ [162143]
Abraham Marable [162035] = Kathrine Jackson [162144]

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________ Lloyd [162039] = ________ Marable [162036]
________ Lloyd [162039] ---------
________ Marable [162036] -------
wife of ________ Lloyd
|-- George A. Lloyd [162040]
| b.ca.1834

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David M. Pond [162041] = Nancy F. Marable [162037]
David M. Pond [162041] ----------
b.1814-1815, Virginia
Charles City Co. VA
Nancy F. Marable [162037] -------
b.1813-1814, Virginia
wife of David M. Pond
Charles City Co. VA
|-- Robert T. Pond [162042]
| b.ca.1840,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Sarah Jordon Pond [162043]
| b.11_Sep_1845,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of A. Allen Glenn
| d.7_Sep_1936, Richmond VA
|-- Mary Bolling Pond [162044]
| b.1_Jul_1853,
| Charles City Co. VA
wife of John W. Haynes Sr.
d.21_Dec_1922, Richmond VA

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Robert T. Pond [162042] = Louisa ________ [162045]
Robert T. Pond [162042] ---------
Charles City Co. VA
Louisa ________ [162045] --------
wife of Robert T. Pond

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A. Allen Glenn [162046] = Sarah Jordon Pond [162043]

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J. C. Dickerson [162048] = Florence Glenn [162047]

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Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Margaret A. F. Parsons
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. -------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Margaret A. F. Parsons ----------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of
Braxton J. Haynes Sr.
Charles City Co. VA
|-- John William Haynes Sr.
| [162049]
| b.5_Nov_1849,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.15_May_1934,
| Henrico Co. VA
|-- ________ Haynes [162183]
| b.Mar_1855,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.2_Sep_1856,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Maggie Haynes [162184]
| b.15_Aug_1856,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of Edward T. Haines Jr.
| d.25_Dec_1950,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Sarah Haynes [162185]
| b.1_Oct_1859,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.1_Oct_1859,
Charles City Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth A. Goddin [162207]
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth Rebecca Ammons

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John William Haynes Sr. = Mary Bolling Pond [162044]
John William Haynes Sr. ---------
Charles City Co. VA
Henrico Co. VA
Mary Bolling Pond [162044] ------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of John W. Haynes Sr.
d.21_Dec_1922, Richmond VA
|-- Martha M. Haynes [162050]
| b.1872, Charles City Co. VA
| wife of Hampton T. Melton
| d.1822-1834
|-- John William Haynes Jr.
| [162051]
| b.Dec_1873,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.24_May_1897, Richmond VA
|-- R. L. Haynes [162052]
| b.Oct_1878,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.8_Aug_1879,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Ola Haynes [162053]
| b.1880, Richmond VA
| wife of Willie Stonnell
| d. Baltimore MD
|-- Walter Linwood Haynes
| [162054]
| b.26_Apr_1883
| d.3_Oct_1958
|-- Ida Haynes [162055]
| b.3_Jan_1887, Richmond VA
| wife of William F. Hilliard
| d.2_Jun_1968, Richmond VA
|-- Myrtle J. Haynes [162056]
| b.30_Sep_1889
| d.19_Jun_1891
|-- Blanche Earl Haynes [162057]
| b.19_Jul_1893, Richmond VA
| wife of William V. McDonough
| d.16_Apr_1973, Richmond VA

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Hampton T. Melton [162058] = Martha M. Haynes [162050]

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Willie Stonnell [162059] = Ola Haynes [162053]
Willie Stonnell [162059] --------
Ola Haynes [162053] -------------
b.1880, Richmond VA
wife of Willie Stonnell
d. Baltimore MD
|-- B. C. Stonnell Jr. [162318]
|-- Mary M. Stonnell [162319]

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Walter Linwood Haynes = Alice ________ [162060]
Walter Linwood Haynes -----------
Alice ________ [162060] ---------
wife of Walter L. Haynes
|-- Earl Linwood Haynes [162320]
| b.4_Dec_1903
| d.15_Jul_1904
|-- Edna M. Haynes [162321]
| b.1905
| wife of ________ Gant
| d.19_Apr_1932
|-- Alice Haynes [162322]
| b. after 1907
|-- John William Haynes [162323]
| b. after 1907
| d.14_Sep_1941
|-- Walter Linwood Haynes Jr.
| [162324]
| b.16_Jul_1907
| d.14_Oct_1915
|-- Doris Bolling Haynes
| [162325]
| b.17_Oct_1918
| wife of ________ Hicks
| d.24_Jan_1977

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William Franklin Hilliard = Ida Haynes [162055]

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Maj. Watkins Marable = Chrisitanna Ladd [162063]
Maj. Watkins Marable ------------
(Wattie) [162038]
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Chrisitanna Ladd [162063] -------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Maj. Watkins Marable
Charles City Co. VA
|-- Albert Warren Marable
| [162064]
| b.ca.1840,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Sarah A. Marable [162065]
| b.ca.1850

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Albert Warren Marable = Margaret A. Binns [162066]
Albert Warren Marable -----------
Charles City Co. VA
Margaret A. Binns [162066] ------
wife of Albert W. Marable
|-- William Henry Marable
| [162067]
| b.1861, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Addie Marable [162068]
| b.1862, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Victoria Ann Marable
| [162069]
| b.1862, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Wesley Morgan Marable
| [162070]
| b.24_Aug_1870,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.15_Jan_1947,
| Portsmouth VA
|-- Martha Marable [162071]
| b.1872, Charles City Co. VA
| d.1878, Charles City Co. VA
|-- James Marable [162072]
| b.1873, Charles City Co. VA

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Lieut. Edward Marable = Martha Major [162145]
Lieut. Edward Marable -----------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Martha Major [162145] -----------
wife of
Lieut. Edward Marable
|-- Martha Marable [162473]
| d.1828, Charles City Co. VA
|-- Edward Henry Marable
| [162474]
|-- George Marable [162475]
|-- Major Marable [162476]
|-- Benjamin Marable [162477]

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________ Collier [162146] = Agnes Marable [162135]
________ Collier [162146] -------
Agnes Marable [162135] ----------
b. before 1760
wife of ________ Collier
d. after 1790

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William Rollerson Drinkard = Amy Marable [162136]
William Rollerson Drinkard ------
Charles City Co. VA
Amy Marable [162136] ------------
b. before 1760,
Charles City Co. VA
wife of William R. Drinkard
d. before 1796,
Charles City Co. VA

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John Major [162148] = Martha Marable [162137]

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Henry Hartwell Marable = Mary ________ [162149]
Henry Hartwell Marable ----------
d.ca.1775, Sussex Co. VA
Mary ________ [162149] ----------
wife of Henry H. Marable
d.26_Dec_1770, Sussex Co. VA

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Benjamin Marable [162116] = Judith ________ [162150]

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James Baugh [162154] = Agnes Marable [162151]

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Benjamin Marable [162152] = Mary Lyell [162155]
Benjamin Marable [162152] -------
Charles Parish, York Co. VA
Mary Lyell [162155] -------------
wife of Benjamin Marable

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Rev. Henry Hartwell Marable = Elizabeth Mason [162156]
Rev. Henry Hartwell Marable -----
Charles Parish, York Co. VA
d.26_Oct_1833, Smyrna TN
Elizabeth Mason [162156] --------
wife of
Rev. Henry H. Marable
d.17_Dec_1840, Smyrna TN
|-- Benjamin Marable [162482]
| b.ca.1776, Virginia
| d.1836, Rutherford Co. TN
|-- Henry Hartwell Marable
| [162483]
| d.ca.1841
|-- Braxton Marable [162484]
| b.ca.1777
| d.ca.1841,
| Rutherford Co. TN
|-- Dr. John Hartwell Marable
| [162485]
| b.18_Nov_1786,
| Lawrenceville,
| Brunswick Co. VA
| d.11_Apr_1844, Escape,
| Montgomery Co. TN
|-- Elizabeth Haywood Marable
| [162486]
| b.15_May_1796
| wife of Amza Jones
| d.7_Nov_1835,
| Rutherford Co. TN
|-- Isaac Mason Marable [162487]
| b.ca.1797
| d.25_Jul_1819,
| Rutherford Co. TN
|-- Travis H. Marable [162488]
| d. before Dec_1825,
| Rutherford Co. TN

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Edward T. Haines Jr. = Maggie Haynes [162184]
Edward T. Haines Jr. ------------
Charles City Co. VA
Charels City Co. VA
Maggie Haynes [162184] ----------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Edward T. Haines Jr.
Charles City Co. VA
|-- Eva Haines [162330]
| b.28_Sep_1880
| wife of Samuel L. Magill
| d.15_Mar_1972,
| Charles City Co. VA

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Christopher Haynes [162187] = Anne Young [162188]
Christopher Haynes [162187] -----
Charles City Co. VA
Anne Young [162188] -------------
wife of Christopher Haynes
|-- Edward Haynes [162189]
| b.1750-1760
| d. before Jan_1796,
| Charles City Co. VA

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Edward Haynes [162189] = unknown

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William C. Haynes [162190] = Lucretia ________ [162191]
father's other spousal relationships
William C. Haynes [162190] = Elizabeth B. ________

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Robert Haynes [162192] = Frances ________ [162198]
Robert Haynes [162192] ----------
Charles City Co. VA
Frances ________ [162198] -------
wife of Robert Haynes
|-- James Presly Haynes [162199]
| b.1843-1847
| d.11_Dec_1874,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Robertanna Haynes [162200]
| b.ca.1847
| wife of James Hall
|-- Richard Leander Haynes
| [162201]
| b.ca.1848,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Wilmer Haynes [162202]
| b.ca.1849
|-- Virginies Haynes [162203]
| b.ca.Nov_1859

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James Hall [162204] = Robertanna Haynes [162200]
James Hall [162204] -------------
Prince George Co. VA
Robertanna Haynes [162200] ------
wife of James Hall

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Richard Leander Haynes = Jennie L. Haynes [162205]
Richard Leander Haynes ----------
Charles City Co. VA
Jennie L. Haynes [162205] -------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Richard L. Haynes
Charles City Co. VA

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Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth A. Goddin [162207]
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. -------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Elizabeth A. Goddin [162207] ----
b.1847, New Kent Co. VA
wife of
Braxton J. Haynes Sr.
Charles City Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Margaret A. F. Parsons
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth Rebecca Ammons

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Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth Rebecca Ammons
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. -------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Elizabeth Rebecca Ammons --------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of
Braxton J. Haynes Sr.
Charles City Co. VA
|-- Braxton Joshua Haynes Jr.
| [162209]
| b.16_Jun_1870,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.5_Mar_1925,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Roland Clark Haynes [162210]
| b.28_Feb_1872,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.18_Sep_1919,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Christopher Haynes [162211]
| b.Feb_1874,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.Aug_1874,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Walker Thomas Haynes
| [162212]
| b.12_Jun_1875,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.15_Sep_1929,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Virginia Octavia Haynes
| [162213]
| b.12_Jul_1878,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- O. Virginia Haynes [162214]
| b.13_Jul_1879,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.20_Aug_1888,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Alice Haynes [162215]
| b.ca.1880,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.12_Aug_1890,
| Charles City Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Margaret A. F. Parsons
Braxton Joshua Haynes Sr. = Elizabeth A. Goddin [162207]

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Braxton Joshua Haynes Jr. = Maggie Hughes [162216]
Braxton Joshua Haynes Jr. -------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Maggie Hughes [162216] ----------
wife of
Braxton J. Haynes Jr.
Charles City Co. VA

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Walker Thomas Haynes = Mildred O. Parsons [162217]
Walker Thomas Haynes ------------
Charles City Co. VA
Charles City Co. VA
Mildred O. Parsons [162217] -----
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Walker T. Haynes
Charles City Co. VA

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Christopher Haynes [162194] = Elizabeth J. Blank [162218]
Christopher Haynes [162194] -----
Elizabeth J. Blank [162218] -----
wife of Christopher Haynes
|-- Lucretia Sarah Haynes
| [162219]
| b.1859

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Edward B. Haynes [162197] = Frances A. E. Hall [162220]

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William C. Haynes [162190] = Elizabeth B. ________
father's other spousal relationships
William C. Haynes [162190] = Lucretia ________ [162191]

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Christopher B. Haynes = Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222]
Christopher B. Haynes -----------
Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222] ----
Charles City Co. VA
wife of
Christopher B. Haynes
wife of John Biggs
|-- Virginia R. Haynes [162227]
| b.ca.1855,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d. Charles City Co. VA
|-- Dorothilla Haynes [162228]
| b.ca.1856,
| Charles City Co. VA
| d.Sep_1859,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Sarah L. Haynes [162229]
| b.ca.1860,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of Charles Backus
|-- Mildred A. Haynes [162230]
| b.ca.1862
| wife of William C. Blanks
|-- Rosa V. Haynes [162231]
| b.ca.1863,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of William S. Ammons
|-- Braxton B. Haynes [162232]
| b.Sep_1864,
| Charles City Co. VA
|-- Betty A. Haynes [162233]
| b.20_Jun_1867,
| Charles City Co. VA
| wife of James H. Edwards
mother's other spousal relationships
John Biggs [162239] = Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222]

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Charles Backus [162234] = Sarah L. Haynes [162229]
Charles Backus [162234] ---------
Charles City Co. VA
Sarah L. Haynes [162229] --------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Charles Backus

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William C. Blanks [162235] = Mildred A. Haynes [162230]

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William S. Ammons [162236] = Rosa V. Haynes [162231]
William S. Ammons [162236] ------
Charles City Co. VA
Rosa V. Haynes [162231] ---------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of William S. Ammons

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Braxton B. Haynes [162232] = Rosa V. Marable [162237]
Braxton B. Haynes [162232] ------
Charles City Co. VA
Rosa V. Marable [162237] --------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of Braxton B. Haynes

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James H. Edwards [162238] = Betty A. Haynes [162233]
James H. Edwards [162238] -------
Charles City Co. VA
Betty A. Haynes [162233] --------
Charles City Co. VA
wife of James H. Edwards

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John Biggs [162239] = Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222]
John Biggs [162239] -------------
b.ca.1831, Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222] ----
Charles City Co. VA
wife of
Christopher B. Haynes
wife of John Biggs
mother's other spousal relationships
Christopher B. Haynes = Elizabeth J. Haynes [162222]

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William B. Haynes [162223] = Adelaide Victoria Goddin
William B. Haynes [162223] ------
Adelaide Victoria Goddin --------
b.6_Mar_1840, Virginia
wife of William B. Haynes
d.8_May_1925, Richmond VA

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James E. Brophy [162241] = Sarah E. B. Haynes [162225]

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Edward Major [162306] = unknown
Edward Major [162306] -----------
b.1615, England
d.Jan_1654, Virginia
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Major [162307]
| b.ca.1657, York Co. VA
| d.4_Oct_1716,
| St. Peter's Parish,
| New Kent Co. VA

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Bennett Marjoram [162312] = unknown
Bennett Marjoram [162312] -------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agnes Marjoram [162311]
| wife of George Marable
| d.ca.1680, James City Co. VA

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Raymond L. Melton Sr. = Ruth ________ [162331]
Raymond L. Melton Sr. -----------
b.31_Dec_1892, Richmond VA
d.5_Nov_1962, Richmond VA
Ruth ________ [162331] ----------
wife of Raymond L. Melton

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________ Gant [162332] = Edna M. Haynes [162321]
________ Gant [162332] ----------
Edna M. Haynes [162321] ---------
wife of ________ Gant

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________ Hicks [162333] = Doris Bolling Haynes
________ Hicks [162333] ---------
Doris Bolling Haynes ------------
wife of ________ Hicks

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William Linwood Hilliard = Gladys Bailey [162334]
William Linwood Hilliard --------
Gladys Bailey [162334] ----------
wife of William L. Hillard

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Garland Elmore Hilliard = Christine Mundy [162335]
Garland Elmore Hilliard ---------
b.3_Jan_1911, Richmond VA
d. Richmond VA
Christine Mundy [162335] --------
b.17_Sep_1920, Richmond VA
wife of Garland E. Hilliard
d.25_May_1955, Richmond VA

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Charles Hyman Hilliard = Anne Louise Rowe [162336]
Charles Hyman Hilliard ----------
Anne Louise Rowe [162336] -------
wife of Charles H. Hilliard

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Aubrey Earl Hilliard = Constance Donatti [162337]
Aubrey Earl Hilliard ------------
Constance Donatti [162337] ------
wife of Aubry E. Hilliard

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William Vincent McDonough = b. before 1760
William Vincent McDonough -------
b.4_Dec_1884, Richmond VA
d.8_Jan_1967, Richmond VA
b. before 1760 ------------------
wife of ________ Collier
d. after 1790
Amy Marable [162136]
b. before 1760,
Charles City Co. VA
wife of William R. Drinkard
d. before 1796,
Charles City Co. VA
Martha Marable [162137]
b. before 1760
wife of John Major
d. after 1818
|-- William Anthony McDonough
| [162338]
| b.19_Apr_1913, Richmond VA
| d.27_Aug_1978, Richmond VA
|-- Mary Margaret McDonough
| [162339]
| b.8_Sep_1914, Richmond VA
| wife of Robert M. Howard
| d.6_Jun_1988, Richmond VA
|-- Ann Theresa McDonough
| [162340]
| b.3_Feb_1916, Richmond VA
| wife of Henry H. Bryan II
|-- Marguerite Frances McDonough
| [162341]
| b.20_Nov_1917, Richmond VA
| wife of Theodore F. Baldacci
| d. Richmond VA
|-- Joseph Vincent McDonough
| [162342]
| b.16_Sep_1919, Richmond VA
| d.5_Oct_1997, Richmond VA
|-- Louise Delores McDonough
| [162343]
| b.3_Aug_1921, Richmond VA
| wife of Franklin R. Chancey
| d.7_Dec_1996, Richmond VA
|-- Hugh James McDonough Sr.
| [162344]
| b.7_Sep_1923, Richmond VA
|-- Helen Marie McDonough
| [162345]
| b.3_May_1925, Richmond VA
| wife of Robert G. Saunders
|-- Mary Elizabeth McDonough
| [162346]
| b.2_Oct_1927, Richmond VA
| wife of William Shaia
|-- James Alphonsus McDonough
| [162347]
| b.1_Apr_1931, Richmond VA
|-- Mary Jane McDonough [162348]
| b.3_Mar_1933, Richmond VA
| wife of Mahlon D. Waltrip Sr.

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William Anthony McDonough = Margaret Doris Allen
William Anthony McDonough -------
b.19_Apr_1913, Richmond VA
d.27_Aug_1978, Richmond VA
Margaret Doris Allen ------------
b.11_Jul_1915, Richmond VA
wife of William A. McDonough
d.8_May_1992, Richmond VA

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Robert McDonald Howard Sr. = Mary Margaret McDonough
Robert McDonald Howard Sr. ------
b.14_May_1914, Petersburg VA
d.6_Jan_1994, Richmond VA
Mary Margaret McDonough ---------
b.8_Sep_1914, Richmond VA
wife of Robert M. Howard
d.6_Jun_1988, Richmond VA

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Henry Herbert Bryan II = Ann Theresa McDonough
Henry Herbert Bryan II ----------
b.18_Nov_1905, High Point NC
d.14_Sep_1978, Richmond VA
Ann Theresa McDonough -----------
b.3_Feb_1916, Richmond VA
wife of Henry H. Bryan II

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Theodore Francis Baldacci Sr. = Marguerite Frances McDonough
Theodore Francis Baldacci Sr. ---
b.11_Oct_1917, Richmond VA
d.Oct_1987, Richmond VA
Marguerite Frances McDonough ----
b.20_Nov_1917, Richmond VA
wife of Theodore F. Baldacci
d. Richmond VA

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Joseph Vincent McDonough = Marian Lucille Talley
Joseph Vincent McDonough --------
b.16_Sep_1919, Richmond VA
d.5_Oct_1997, Richmond VA
Marian Lucille Talley -----------
wife of Joseph V. McDonough

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Franklin Ross Chancey = Louise Delores McDonough
Franklin Ross Chancey -----------
Louise Delores McDonough --------
b.3_Aug_1921, Richmond VA
wife of Franklin R. Chancey
d.7_Dec_1996, Richmond VA

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Hugh James McDonough Sr. = Jaunita Rebecca Warner
Hugh James McDonough Sr. --------
b.7_Sep_1923, Richmond VA
Jaunita Rebecca Warner ----------
wife of
Hugh J. McDonough Sr.

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Robert G. Saunders [162356] = Helen Marie McDonough
Robert G. Saunders [162356] -----
b. Richmond VA
Helen Marie McDonough -----------
b.3_May_1925, Richmond VA
wife of Robert G. Saunders

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William Shaia [162357] = Mary Elizabeth McDonough
William Shaia [162357] ----------
b. Richmond VA
Mary Elizabeth McDonough --------
b.2_Oct_1927, Richmond VA
wife of William Shaia
mother's other spousal relationships
Daniel William Turner Sr. = Mary Elizabeth McDonough

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Daniel William Turner Sr. = Mary Elizabeth McDonough
Daniel William Turner Sr. -------
b.27_Mar_1928, Lynchburg OH
d.1_Nov_1976, Charlotte NC
Mary Elizabeth McDonough --------
b.2_Oct_1927, Richmond VA
wife of William Shaia
mother's other spousal relationships
William Shaia [162357] = Mary Elizabeth McDonough

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James Alphonsus McDonough = Elizabeth Mae Skubon
James Alphonsus McDonough -------
b.1_Apr_1931, Richmond VA
Elizabeth Mae Skubon ------------
Henrico Co. VA
wife of James A. McDonough
d. Richmond VA
father's other spousal relationships
James Alphonsus McDonough = Pat McDonough [162360]

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James Alphonsus McDonough = Pat McDonough [162360]
James Alphonsus McDonough -------
b.1_Apr_1931, Richmond VA
Pat McDonough [162360] ----------
b.Dec_1922, Australia
wife of James A. McDonough
father's other spousal relationships
James Alphonsus McDonough = Elizabeth Mae Skubon

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Mahlon Delano Waltrip Sr. = Mary Jane McDonough [162348]
Mahlon Delano Waltrip Sr. -------
Mary Jane McDonough [162348] ----
b.3_Mar_1933, Richmond VA
wife of Mahlon D. Waltrip Sr.

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Samuel L. Magill [162362] = Eva Haines [162330]
Samuel L. Magill [162362] -------
Charles City Co. VA
Eva Haines [162330] -------------
wife of Samuel L. Magill
Charles City Co. VA

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Elijah Brooks [162456] = Mary Marable [162452]
Elijah Brooks [162456] ----------
Mary Marable [162452] -----------
wife of Elijah Brooks

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David Brooks [162457] = Frances Marable [162453]

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Champion Christopher Marable = Mary I. Moreman [162458]
Champion Christopher Marable ----
b.1783, Charlotte Co. VA
d.1854, Jasper Co. GA
Mary I. Moreman [162458] --------
wife of Champion C. Marable

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Robert Marable [162455] = Catherine Vickors [162459]
Robert Marable [162455] ---------
b. after 1784
d.1718, Clarke Co. GA
Catherine Vickors [162459] ------
wife of Robert Marable

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Watson Marable [162463] = Minerva ________ [162464]

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________ Ireland [162468] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
________ Ireland [162468] -------
Mary E. Marable [162465] --------
wife of ________ Ireland
wife of David Eshon
wife of Thomas Willis
mother's other spousal relationships
David Eshon [162469] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
Thomas Willis [162470] = Mary E. Marable [162465]

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David Eshon [162469] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
David Eshon [162469] ------------
d. before 1859
Mary E. Marable [162465] --------
wife of ________ Ireland
wife of David Eshon
wife of Thomas Willis
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Ireland [162468] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
Thomas Willis [162470] = Mary E. Marable [162465]

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Thomas Willis [162470] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
Thomas Willis [162470] ----------
Mary E. Marable [162465] --------
wife of ________ Ireland
wife of David Eshon
wife of Thomas Willis
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Ireland [162468] = Mary E. Marable [162465]
David Eshon [162469] = Mary E. Marable [162465]

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William J. Bullifant = Agnes Marable [162466]
William J. Bullifant ------------
Agnes Marable [162466] ----------
b.1822, Charles City Co. VA
wife of William J. Bullifant
Charles City Co. VA

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Henry M. Marable [162467] = Sally Ladd [162472]

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Edward Henry Marable = Elizabeth Major [162478]

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Richare Baugh [162480] = Elizabeth Harvel [162481]
Richare Baugh [162480] ----------
Elizabeth Harvel [162481] -------
wife of Richard Baugh

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Benjamin Marable [162482] = Lucy Barnes [162489]
Benjamin Marable [162482] -------
b.ca.1776, Virginia
d.1836, Rutherford Co. TN
Lucy Barnes [162489] ------------
wife of Benjamin Marable
Rutherford Co. TN

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Dr. John Hartwell Marable = Ann Jones Watson [162490]
Dr. John Hartwell Marable -------
Brunswick Co. VA
d.11_Apr_1844, Escape,
Montgomery Co. TN
Ann Jones Watson [162490] -------
b.30_Jun_1790, Virginia
wife of Dr. John H. Marable
d.21_Jan_1860, Escape,
Montgomery Co. TN

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Amza Jones [162491] = Elizabeth Haywood Marable
Amza Jones [162491] -------------
Elizabeth Haywood Marable -------
wife of Amza Jones
Rutherford Co. TN

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