Robert Dawson [145776] = unknown
Robert Dawson [145776] ----------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
b.1783, Eastern Shore VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Thomas Dawson [82800]
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1850, 1880
| b.1811, York Co. VA
| d. after 1880
|-- Mary Elizabeth Dawson
| [194373]
| b.14_Aug_1816, York Co. VA
| m.15_May_1834
| wife of
| William M. Montgomery
| d.26_Nov_1881
|-- Isabella Dawson [209067]
| b.ca.1823, York Co. VA
| wife of John A. Tennis
| d.1885, McPherson Co. KS
|-- William I. Dawson [159119]
| Sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1870-1880
| b.5_Sep_1826, York Co. VA
| d. York Co. Va
|-- James H. W. Dawson [159120]
| (Henry Washington)
| Sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
| b.1831, York Co. VA
| d.1879, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Robert W. Dawson [159140]
| house carpenter,
| York Co. VA, 1870
| carpenter, Warwick Co. VA,
| 1900
| b.1836, York Co. VA

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Thomas Dawson [82800] = Paulina Frances Davis
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Elizabeth James White
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Latanie East [82802]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Mary Cary Davis [88690]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Martha A. H. Dawson [133056]

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Y. S. Slaight [145777] = Sarah Elizabeth Dawson
Y. S. Slaight [145777] ----------
of Statin Island NY
b.14_Dec_1847, New York
Sarah Elizabeth Dawson ----------
(Lizzie) [145773]
wife of James Y. S. Slaight
d.28_Jul_1926, Seaford VA
|-- Clarence James Slaight
| [145778]
| b.21_Feb_1871, Virginia
| d.15_Apr_1940
|-- Eugene Elmer Slaight
| [145779]
| b.21_Feb_1871, Virginia
| d.Nov_1951
|-- Norris Slaight [145780]
| b.24_Aug_1872, Virginia
| d.10_Nov_1894, drowned,

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Clarence James Slaight = Martha S. Wainwright

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James Slaight [145782] = Hazel Carmines [145783]

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Donald Gravely [145786] = Carolyn Slaight [145784]
Donald Gravely [145786] ---------
Carolyn Slaight [145784] --------
wife of Donald Gravely
|-- Debbie Gravely [145787]
| b.30_Sep_1954

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Eugene Elmer Slaight = Lola Mae Hornsby [145803]

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Edwin Myers [145819] = Helen Slaight [145805]
Edwin Myers [145819] ------------
Helen Slaight [145805] ----------
wife of Edwin Myers
|-- Edwina Myers [145820]
| b.18_Sep_1932
| wife of A. B. Smith
|-- Susan Myers [145821]
| b.4_Jan_1941

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Lloyd Fletcher [145822] = Lolo Mae Slaight [145806]
Lloyd Fletcher [145822] ---------
Lolo Mae Slaight [145806] -------
wife of Lloyd Fletcher
|-- Dianne M. Fletcher [145823]
| b.6_Apr_1941
|-- Bruce Fletcher [145824]
| b.20_Jan_1946

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Wilmer Anderson [145825] = Margaret Young Slaight
Wilmer Anderson [145825] --------
Margaret Young Slaight ----------
wife of Wilmer Anderson
|-- John William Anderson
| [145826]
| b.1946
|-- Daniel Anderson [145827]
| b.1949

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A. B. Smith [145828] = Gwyndolyn Slaight [145809]
A. B. Smith [145828] ------------
Gwyndolyn Slaight [145809] ------
wife of A. B. Smith
|-- Lynn Smith [145829]
| b.17_Jun_1962
|-- Susan Smith [145830]
| b.18_Sep_1954
|-- A. B. Smith Jr. [145831]
| b.19_Oct_1956
father's other spousal relationships
A. B. Smith [145828] = Edwina Myers [145820]

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A. B. Smith [145828] = Edwina Myers [145820]
A. B. Smith [145828] ------------
Edwina Myers [145820] -----------
wife of A. B. Smith
father's other spousal relationships
A. B. Smith [145828] = Gwyndolyn Slaight [145809]

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William Morris [145832] = Winifred Slaight [145810]
William Morris [145832] ---------
Winifred Slaight [145810] -------
wife of William Morris
|-- Barry Morris [145833]
| b.1948
|-- Margaret Morris [145834]
| b.1950
|-- Lou Anne Morris [145835]
| b.23_Nov_1959

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Thomas Doddy [145836] = Nancy Slaight [145811]
Thomas Doddy [145836] -----------
Nancy Slaight [145811] ----------
wife of Thomas Doddy
|-- Paul Doddy [145837]
| b.8_Jan_1950
|-- Lola Doddy [145838]
| b.14_Nov_1951
|-- Chris Doddy [145839]
| b.14_Dec_1955
|-- Lisa Doddy [145840]
| b.25_Jun_1959

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Thomas Dawson [82800] = Elizabeth James White
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Paulina Frances Davis
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Latanie East [82802]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Mary Cary Davis [88690]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Martha A. H. Dawson [133056]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Henry Minor [133057] = Elizabeth James White

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Thomas Dawson [82800] = Latanie East [82802]
Thomas Dawson [82800] -----------
farmer, York Co. VA,
1850, 1880
b.1811, York Co. VA
d. after 1880
Latanie East [82802] ------------
b.1828, York Co. VA
m.16_Jan_1847, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas Dawson
|-- Thomas Dawson [145774]
| b.1847, York Co. VA
|-- Robert Dawson [145775]
| b.1849, York Co. VA
|-- Shadrack Dawson [133306]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1880
| oysterman, York Co. VA,
| 1900, 1910
| b.17_Jan_1854, Virginia
| d.23_Feb_1924, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Humphrey Billups Dawson
| [144073]
| sailor, York Co. VA, 1880
| merchant, York Co. VA,
| 1910
| b.30_Sep_1856, Virginia
| d.29_Mar_1927, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Ada A. Dawson [144072]
| b.10_Oct_1859, York Co. VA
| m.23_Dec_1875,
| Crab Neck, York Co. VA
| wife of James E. West
| d.19_Jul_1920
|-- Alice Dawson [82803]
| b.1864, Virginia
| m.30_Aug_1881
| wife of Lemuel Foster
| d. York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Paulina Frances Davis
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Elizabeth James White
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Mary Cary Davis [88690]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Martha A. H. Dawson [133056]

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Shadrack Dawson [133306] = Mary Winder [182096]
Shadrack Dawson [133306] --------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1880
oysterman, York Co. VA,
1900, 1910
b.17_Jan_1854, Virginia
d.23_Feb_1924, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Mary Winder [182096] ------------
b.1855, Virginia
wife of Shadrack Dawson
d.1880, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Mary A. Dawson [89708]
| (Mamie)
| b.12_Jul_1878, Virginia
| m.1895
| wife of William W. Parker
| wife of Sydney M. Hogg
| d.1_Apr_1955, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Lenora Dawson [184979]
| b.1879, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
Shadrack Dawson [133306] = Adelina Doggett White

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Shadrack Dawson [133306] = Adelina Doggett White
Shadrack Dawson [133306] --------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1880
oysterman, York Co. VA,
1900, 1910
b.17_Jan_1854, Virginia
d.23_Feb_1924, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Adelina Doggett White -----------
(Ida) [133067]
b.1860, Virginia
wife of Shadrack Dawson
d.5_Oct_1941, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Maurice Bertrand Dawson
| [133307]
| b.12_Apr_1889
| d.9_Jul_1889
|-- Robert Winton Dawson
| [133308]
| oysterman, York Co. VA,
| 1910
| b.14_Jul_1891, Virginia
|-- Sylvan Purcell Dawson
| [133309]
| b.6_Jan_1894
| d.4_Jul_1894
|-- Sylvia Frances Dawson
| [133310]
| b.19_Mar_1897, Virginia
| m.11_Jun_1916
| wife of Walter W. Cooper
| m.4_Sep_1937
| wife of Thomas C. Forrest
| d.26_Feb_1977, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Thomas Austin Dawson
| [133311]
| b.9_Apr_1901
father's other spousal relationships
Shadrack Dawson [133306] = Mary Winder [182096]

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Robert Winton Dawson = Myrtle Davenport [133312]
Robert Winton Dawson ------------
oysterman, York Co. VA,
b.14_Jul_1891, Virginia
Myrtle Davenport [133312] -------
wife of Robert W. Dawson
|-- Leslie Dawson [133313]
| b.18_Jul_1918
|-- Rose Ellen Dawson [133314]
| b.20_Nov_1921
| m.23_Jan_1943
| wife of Paul Martin

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Paul Martin [133315] = Rose Ellen Dawson [133314]
Paul Martin [133315] ------------
Rose Ellen Dawson [133314] ------
wife of Paul Martin
|-- Robert Emery Martin [133316]
| b.13_Sep_1944
|-- Paul Richard Martin [133317]
| b.24_Nov_1947
|-- Patriece Martin [133318]
| b.23_May_1952
|-- Corrinne Martin [133319]
| b.28_Oct_1954

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Walter Wesley Cooper = Sylvia Frances Dawson
Walter Wesley Cooper ------------
d.22_Feb_1934, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Sylvia Frances Dawson -----------
b.19_Mar_1897, Virginia
wife of Walter W. Cooper
wife of Thomas C. Forrest
d.26_Feb_1977, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Ida Margaret Cooper [133321]
| b.7_Sep_1918
| m.21_Oct_1939
| wife of Joseph Holloway
|-- Walter Ivan Cooper [133322]
| b.9_Aug_1920
|-- Audrey Leonice Cooper
| [133323]
| b.7_Aug_1925
wife of Charles Danley
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas C. Forrest [133324] = Sylvia Frances Dawson

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Joseph Holloway [133325] = Ida Margaret Cooper [133321]
Joseph Holloway [133325] --------
Ida Margaret Cooper [133321] ----
wife of Joseph Holloway
|-- Myrna Frances Holloway
| [133326]
| b.17_Jan_1943

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Walter Ivan Cooper [133322] = Gladys Bonton [133327]
Walter Ivan Cooper [133322] -----
Gladys Bonton [133327] ----------
wife of Walter I. Cooper
|-- Eleanor Cooper [133328]
|-- Walter D. Cooper [133329]
|-- Teresa Ann Cooper [133330]

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Charles Danley [133331] = Audrey Leonice Cooper
Charles Danley [133331] ---------
Audrey Leonice Cooper -----------
wife of Charles Danley
|-- Margaret Susan Danley
| [133332]

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Thomas C. Forrest [133324] = Sylvia Frances Dawson
Thomas C. Forrest [133324] ------
Sylvia Frances Dawson -----------
b.19_Mar_1897, Virginia
wife of Walter W. Cooper
wife of Thomas C. Forrest
d.26_Feb_1977, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Walter Wesley Cooper = Sylvia Frances Dawson

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Thomas Austin Dawson = Janie Bradshaw [133333]
Thomas Austin Dawson ------------
Janie Bradshaw [133333] ---------
wife of Thomas A. Dawson
|-- Lelia Marie Dawson [133334]
|-- James Austin Dawson [133335]
|-- Ida Mae Dawson [133336]

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John Foster [82780] = Rebecca Hansford [82325]
father's other spousal relationships
John Foster [82780] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis

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Maurice Eure [145489] = Edna Elizabeth Foster
Maurice Eure [145489] -----------
b.5_May_1913, York Co. VA
d.24_Jan_1987, Yorktown VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Edna Elizabeth Foster -----------
b.19_Jan_1915, York Co. VA
m.11_May_1934, Virginia
wife of Maurice Eure
d.24_Aug_1948, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- no_children

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Allen Foster [82781] = Sadelia A. Charles [82786]

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Charles W. Scott [82790] = Edna Lee Foster [82787]
Charles W. Scott [82790] --------
Edna Lee Foster [82787] ---------
wife of Charles W. Scott
|-- Helen Sadelia Scott [82791]
| b.26_Jun_1906
| d.8_Mar_1907

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John Kemp Foster [82788] = Lillian Evelyn Crockett
John Kemp Foster [82788] --------
b.10_Oct_1881, York Co. VA
d.16_Jun_1967, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Lillian Evelyn Crockett ---------
b.13_Nov_1888, York Co. VA
m.25_Dec_1905, Virginia
wife of John K. Foster
d.1_Sep_1948, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- ________ Foster [82793]
| b.1913, York Co. VA
| d.1913, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Edna Elizabeth Foster
| [82794]
b.19_Jan_1915, York Co. VA
m.11_May_1934, Virginia
wife of Maurice Eure
d.24_Aug_1948, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA

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Robert Elmer Foster [82789] = Virginia Southall [82795]

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William Kegal [82798] = Alma A. Foster [82796]
William Kegal [82798] -----------
Alma A. Foster [82796] ----------
wife of William Kegal
|-- Carolyn Ann Kegal [82799]
| b.Oct_1928

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James Edward West [144074] = Ada A. Dawson [144072]
James Edward West [144074] ------
b.Mar_1952, York Co. VA
Ada A. Dawson [144072] ----------
b.10_Oct_1859, York Co. VA
Crab Neck, York Co. VA
wife of James E. West
|-- Rubert Humphrey West
| [144075]
| b.8_Nov_1885
| d.23_Jul_1961

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Rubert Humphrey West = Elizabeth Sefton Coffin
Rubert Humphrey West ------------
Elizabeth Sefton Coffin ---------
wife of Rubert H. West
|-- James Edward West [132214]
| b.14_Apr_1920
| d.19_Feb_1989

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James Edward West [132214] = Emma Lee Moore [132215]

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Living Austin [132208] = Living West [132218]
Living Austin [132208] ----------
Living West [132218] ------------
wife of Living Austin
|-- Living Austin [132209]

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William Hamilton [145764] = Margaret Foster [145763]
William Hamilton [145764] -------
Margaret Foster [145763] --------
b.27_Aug_1859, Virgiinia
wife of William Hamilton
d.24_Apr_1898, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Horace W. Hamilton [145765]
| b.14_Apr_1894
| d.27_Aug_1923, unmarried
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Marion Hamilton [145766]
| wife of ________ Owens
|-- Everett Hamilton [145767]

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________ Owens [145768] = Marion Hamilton [145766]

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Lemuel Foster [82782] = Alice Dawson [82803]
Lemuel Foster [82782] -----------
b.1854, Virginia
d. after 1880, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Alice Dawson [82803] ------------
b.1864, Virginia
wife of Lemuel Foster
d. York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
| b.1882
| wife of William T. Dudley
| m.16_Sep_1900
| wife of George Topping
| wife of Andrew B. Hogg
| d.1965
|-- Lillie Foster [82805]
| d. York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Larry Foster [82806]
| d. York Co. VA, unmarried
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA

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William Thomas Dudley = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
William Thomas Dudley -----------
Ethel Inez Foster [82804] -------
wife of William T. Dudley
wife of George Topping
wife of Andrew B. Hogg
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
George Topping [82808] = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
Andrew Bureguard Hogg = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]

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George Topping [82808] = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
George Topping [82808] ----------
Ethel Inez Foster [82804] -------
wife of William T. Dudley
wife of George Topping
wife of Andrew B. Hogg
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
William Thomas Dudley = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]
Andrew Bureguard Hogg = Ethel Inez Foster [82804]

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John Foster [82780] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis
John Foster [82780] -------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1880
b.1830, Virginia
d. after 1880, York Co, VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Martha Ann Jackson Davis --------
b.5_Oct_1827, Virginia
wife of William Hogg Jr.
wife of John Foster
d. after 1880
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Margaret Foster [145763]
| b.27_Aug_1859, Virgiinia
| wife of William Hamilton
| d.24_Apr_1898, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- John Foster Jr. [82783]
| b.1860, Virginia
d. after 1880, York Co. VA,
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Foster [82780] = Rebecca Hansford [82325]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Hogg Jr. [89157] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis
Charles Danley [133331] = Martha Ann Jackson Davis

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William I. Dawson [159119] = Ann Elizabeth Tennis
William I. Dawson [159119] ------
Sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
farmer, York Co. VA,
b.5_Sep_1826, York Co. VA
d. York Co. Va
Ann Elizabeth Tennis ------------
b.2_Dec_1830, Virginia
m.Feb_1854, York Co. VA
wife of William I. Dawson
d.29_Mar_1892, York Co. VA
bu. Providence Methodist
Church Cemetary
|-- John R. Dawson [131165]
| laborer, York Co. VA, 1880
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1920
| b.31_Jul_1854, York Co. VA
| d.28_Jul_1915
|-- Virginia Ann Dawson
| (Puss) [91284]
| b.22_May_1859, Virginia
| m.1876
| wife of
| Jefferson T. Crockett
| d.10_Aug_1933, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Mary Lee B. Dawson [159123]
| (Brittingham)
| b.24_Aug_1861, Virginia
| wife of Jefferson Davis
| d.1930
|-- Albert Sidney Dawson
| [159124]
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1910, 1930
| b.22_Nov_1867, Virginia
| d.3_Apr_1946
|-- Margaret Belle Dawson
| (Maggie) [159125]
| b.3_Feb_1871, York Co. VA
| m.11_Mar_1892, York Co. VA
| wife of
| William M. Presson Jr.
| d.9_Jun_1938, York Co. VA
| bu: Providence Methodist
| Church, Dare, VA
|-- Clifton Baker Dawson
| [159133]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1910
| b.7_Mar_1874, Virginia
| d.15_Sep_1946

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John R. Dawson [131165] = Rosanna Davis [131166]
father's other spousal relationships
John R. Dawson [131165] = Melissa Sarah Moore [131162]

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John R. Dawson [131165] = Melissa Sarah Moore [131162]
John R. Dawson [131165] ---------
laborer, York Co. VA, 1880
farmer, York Co. VA, 1920
b.31_Jul_1854, York Co. VA
Melissa Sarah Moore [131162] ----
(Aunt Sissie)
b.14_Sep_1871, York Co. VA
wife of John R. Dawson
m. after 1915
wife of Jim Gardner
d.21_Sep_1927, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
John R. Dawson [131165] = Rosanna Davis [131166]
mother's other spousal relationships
Jim Gardner [131167] = Melissa Sarah Moore [131162]

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Albert Sidney Dawson = Mary L. ________ [159141]
Albert Sidney Dawson ------------
farmer, York Co. VA,
1910, 1930
b.22_Nov_1867, Virginia
Mary L. ________ [159141] -------
b.1877, Virginia
wife of Albert S. Dawson
|-- William Stanley Dawson
| [131592]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1910
| b.5_Dec_1893, York Co. VA
| d.16_Jun_1977, Yorktowb VA
|-- Mary L. Dawson [159142]
| b.1898, Virginia
|-- Sydney W. Dawson [159143]
| b.1904, Virginia
|-- John W. Dawson [159144]
| b.1915, Virginia

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James H. W. Dawson [159120] = Charlotte Riggins [159134]
James H. W. Dawson [159120] -----
(Henry Washington)
Sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
b.1831, York Co. VA
d.1879, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Charlotte Riggins [159134] ------
b.10_Mar_1834, Virginia
wife of James H. W. Dawson
d.12_Nov_1895, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Florida Dawson [159135]
| (Dae)
| b.1864, Virginia
| wife of John J. Cheatle
|-- Abigail Dawson [159136]
| b.Dec_1864, York Co. VA
| wife of ________ Mitchell
| m.11_Aug_1898, York Co. VA
| wife of Merritt Moore Sr.
|-- John Seymour Dawson [159137]
| oysterman, York Co. VA,
| 1910
| b.17_Mar_1868, Virginia
| d.9_May_1959, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- James W. Dawson [159138]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1910
| b.29_Sep_1869, Virginia
| d.1_Jun_1946, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Robert Dawson [159145]
| b.1870, Virginia
|-- Charles W. Dawson [159146]
| b.10_Mar_1870, Virginia
| d.6_May_1892, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- William Dawson [159147]
| b.1875, Virginia
|-- Oliver Dawson [159148]
| b.1877, Virginia
|-- Ethel C. Dawson [159149]
| b.1878, Virginia
|-- George Whitfield Dawson
| [159150]
| b.Apr_1880, Virginia
| d.12_Dec_1888, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA

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Robert W. Dawson [159140] = Victoria James [145665]
Robert W. Dawson [159140] -------
house carpenter,
York Co. VA, 1870
carpenter, Warwick Co. VA,
b.1836, York Co. VA
Victoria James [145665] ---------
wife of Robert Dawson
|-- Victoria A. C. Dawson
| (Annie Crooks) [145668]
| b.7_Apr_1870, Virginia
| m.22_Jun_1893
| wife of Joseph Williamson
| d.2_Mar_1920

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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joseph Williamson [145669]
| engineer, Warwick Co. VA,
| 1900
| b.1870, Virginia
|-- Ida V. Williamson [159151]
| b.1884, Virginia

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Joseph Williamson [145669] = Victoria A. C. Dawson

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Roland Bush Anderson Sr. = Lula O. Williamson [145671]
Roland Bush Anderson Sr. --------
Lula O. Williamson [145671] -----
b.17_Apr_1896, Virginia
wife of
Roland B. Anderson Sr.
|-- Roland Bush Anderson Jr.
| [145675]

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Harry W. Williamson [145672] = Omelia Hobbs [145676]
Harry W. Williamson [145672] ----
b.29_Aug_1897, Virginia
Omelia Hobbs [145676] -----------
wife of Harry W. Williamson
|-- no_children

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Bruce B. Williamson Sr. = Anna M. Mullen [145677]
Bruce B. Williamson Sr. ---------
b.30_Oct_1899, Virginia
Anna M. Mullen [145677] ---------
wife of
Bruce B. Williamson Sr.
|-- Bruce B. Williamson Jr.
| [145678]
| b.3_Mar_1935
|-- James M. Williamson [145679]
| b.23_Sep_1947

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Allen Bushnell [133184] = Martha A. H. Dawson [133056]

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Avery Williams [133187] = Aileen Bushnell [133185]

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Cornell Williams [133190] = ________ Booker [145413]

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Thomas Dawson [82800] = Mary Cary Davis [88690]
Thomas Dawson [82800] -----------
farmer, York Co. VA,
1850, 1880
b.1811, York Co. VA
d. after 1880
Mary Cary Davis [88690] ---------
Mathews Co. VA
m. before 1847
wife of William Stroud
wife of Thomas Dawson
d. before 1880, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Paulina Frances Davis
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Elizabeth James White
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Latanie East [82802]
Thomas Dawson [82800] = Martha A. H. Dawson [133056]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Stroud [88683] = Mary Cary Davis [88690]

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James W. Dawson [159138] = Annie Irene Shield [144655]
James W. Dawson [159138] --------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1910
b.29_Sep_1869, Virginia
d.1_Jun_1946, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Annie Irene Shield [144655] -----
b.24_May_1874, Virginia
wife of James W. Dawson
d.26_Mar_1926, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Bernice D. Dawson [159153]
| b.1897, Virginia
|-- Elsie I. Dawson [159154]
| b.1903, Virginia

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Humphrey Billups Dawson = Sarah Elizabeth Green
Humphrey Billups Dawson ---------
sailor, York Co. VA, 1880
merchant, York Co. VA,
b.30_Sep_1856, Virginia
d.29_Mar_1927, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Sarah Elizabeth Green -----------
b.25_Dec_1869, Virginia
wife of Humphrey B. Dawson
d.19_Nov_1959, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Luther T. Dawson [90060]
| oysterman, York Co. VA,
| 1910
| b.1892, Virginia
|-- Mary Louise "Lee" Dawson
| [133297]
| b.28_Apr_1894, York Co. VA
| m.28_Jun_1914, Crab Neck,
| York Co. VA
| wife of Ernest A. White
| d.18_Aug_1978,
| Newport News VA
|-- Cosmos Madeline "Madge"
| Dawson [159157]
| b.5_Aug_1895, York Co. VA
| wife of Edward C. Williams
| d.15_Oct_1989, Dandy,
| York Co. VA
|-- Clara Belle Dawson [159158]
| b.1_Aug_1898, Virginia
| wife of John T. Crockett
| d.2_Mar_1969, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Isabella Vandella Dawson
| "Lizzie" [159159]
| b.27_Oct_1900, York Co. VA
| wife of James H. Moore
| d.21_Aug_1985,
| Newport News VA
|-- Alvin P. Sawson [159160]
| b.1903, Virginia
|-- Kermit B. Dawson [159161]
| b.17_Dec_1907, Virginia
| d.21_Apr_1973, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA

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Luther T. Dawson [90060] = Edna Muriel Owens [90055]
mother's other spousal relationships
James W. Dawson [159138] = Edna Muriel Owens [90055]

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Alfred Lee Long [90079] = Lois Irene Dawson [90062]

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Lewis Austin Payne [90082] = Lois Althea Long [90080]
Lewis Austin Payne [90082] ------
Lois Althea Long [90080] --------
wife of Lewis A. Payne
|-- Jean Marie Payne [90083]
| b.28_May_1959
|-- Valerir Anne Payne [90084]
| b.26_Sep_1963
|-- Michael Payne [90085]
| b.11_Jun_1965

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Robert Crosby Long [90081] = Jean Coats [90086]
Robert Crosby Long [90081] ------
Jean Coats [90086] --------------
wife of Robert C. Long
|-- Jerry Preston Long [90087]
| b.28_Jun_1965
|-- Tammy Darlene Long [90088]
| b.22_Nov_1966

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Omega C. West [90094] = Wilbur Thomas Dawson [90064]

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Wilbur Thomas Dawson Jr. = Betty Dye [90098]
Wilbur Thomas Dawson Jr. --------
Betty Dye [90098] ---------------
wife of Wilbur T. Dawson Jr.

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LaVerne Alexander White = Edna Louise Dawson [90063]
LaVerne Alexander White ---------
Edna Louise Dawson [90063] ------
wife of LaVerne A. White
|-- Ronald LaVerne White [90090]
| b.7_Oct_1942
|-- Russell Wayne White [90091]
| b.24_Feb_1946
|-- Larry Eugene White [90092]
| b.31_Dec_1948
|-- Beverly Louise White [90093]
| b.19_Apr_1954

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Gene McDonald [90100] = Mabel Virginia Dawson
Gene McDonald [90100] -----------
Mabel Virginia Dawson -----------
wife of Gene McDonald

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William Stanley Dawson = Mollie Betty Martin [131588]

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________ Mitchell [131169] = Abigail Dawson [159136]
________ Mitchell [131169] ------
Abigail Dawson [159136] ---------
b.Dec_1864, York Co. VA
wife of ________ Mitchell
m.11_Aug_1898, York Co. VA
wife of Merritt Moore Sr.
mother's other spousal relationships
Merritt Moore Sr. [90893] = Abigail Dawson [159136]

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Clifton Baker Dawson = Bessie L. Wainwright
Clifton Baker Dawson ------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1910
b.7_Mar_1874, Virginia
Bessie L. Wainwright ------------
b.1883, Virginia
wife of Clifton B. Dawson
|-- Eunice M. Dawson [165207]
| b.1907, Virginia
| m.20_Jun_1925
| wife of Samuel Wood

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John James Cheatle [182073] = Florida Dawson [159135]
John James Cheatle [182073] -----
farmer, Yoek Co. VA, 1920
b.1864, Virginia
Florida Dawson [159135] ---------
b.1864, Virginia
wife of John J. Cheatle
mother's other spousal relationships
George W. Houseman [184986] = Florida Dawson [159135]

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R. Winder [182094] = Mary N. ________ [182095]
R. Winder [182094] --------------
Mary N. ________ [182095] -------
wife of R. Winder
|-- Mary Winder [182096]
| (Mollie)
| b.1855, Virginia
wife of Shadrack Dawson
d.1880, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA

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George W. Houseman [184986] = Florida Dawson [159135]
George W. Houseman [184986] -----
d.24_Nov_1896, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Florida Dawson [159135] ---------
b.1864, Virginia
wife of John J. Cheatle
|-- Lola F. Houseman [184987]
| b.6_Oct_1897
| d.19_Jan_1899, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
mother's other spousal relationships
John James Cheatle [182073] = Florida Dawson [159135]

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