Whittington Crockett = Sarah Lacy Topping [177346]
Whittington Crockett ------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
Accomack Co. VA
d.16_Jan_1876, Seaford VA
Sarah Lacy Topping [177346] -----
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of Whittington Crockett
d.4_Aug_1847, Seaford VA
|-- Capt. Carey W. Crockett Sr.
| (Washington) [144232]
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1870, 1880
| b.22_Oct_1817, York Co. VA
| d.7_Dec_1900, York Co. VA
|-- Martha Crockett [144233]
| b.1820, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of ________ Montogomery
|-- John Tyler Crockett [91461]
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1850, 1870
| b.11_Jan_1817, York Co. VA
| d.7_Feb_1888, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Zebora Crockett [144234]
| b.1827, York Co. VA
|-- Robert W. Crockett [89048]
| sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
| farmer, York Co. VA,
| 1870, 1910
| b.25_Jan_1829, York Co. VA
| d.7_Nov_1912
|-- Franklin J. Crockett
| [144235]
| sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
| b.1832, York Co. VA
|-- Frederick P. Crockett
| [82702]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
| b.19_Sep_1834, York Co. VA
| d.24_Jun_1907, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Mary Crockett [144236]
| b.1837, York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Whittington Crockett = Mary Hogg [144231]

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Capt. Carey W. Crockett Sr. = Mary Elizabeth James
Capt. Carey W. Crockett Sr. -----
(Washington) [144232]
farmer, York Co. VA,
1870, 1880
b.22_Oct_1817, York Co. VA
d.7_Dec_1900, York Co. VA
Mary Elizabeth James ------------
Mathews Co. VA
m.31_Dec_1840, York Co. VA
wife of
Capt. Carey W. Crockett Sr.
d.7_Jul_1903, York Co. VA
|-- Sarah Ann Crockett [144238]
| b.9_Jan_1843, York Co. VA
| m.29_Jul_1858, York Co. VA
| wife of Asa Shield
| d.21_May_1874
|-- Laura F. Crockett [90945]
| b.21_Mar_1846, York Co. VA
| m.1_Jan_1866
| wife of Thomas Sparrow
| d.8_Oct_1898
|-- Mary Elizabeth Crockett
| (Bettie) [144239]
| school teacher, 1870
| b.28_Jun_1848, York Co. VA
| m.31_Jan_1871,
| Accocmack Co. VA
| wife of Travis A. Crockett
| d.13_Sep_1896
|-- Clara A. Crockett [144240]
| b.14_Feb_1850, York Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1871
| wife of William H. Harris
| m.8_Jul_1908
| wife of John W. Tennis
| d.15_Apr_1923
|-- Ethelbert Washington Crockett
| [144241]
| b.8_Aug_1851, Virginia
| d.2_May_1907, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Carey Washington Crockett Jr.
| [133115]
| sailor, York Co, VA, 1870
| b.27_Nov_1853, York Co. VA
| d.27_Jan_1881
|-- Corah V. Crockett [144242]
| b.4_Sep_1855, York Co. VA
| m.30_Dec_1873
| wife of James E. F. Llewellyn
| d.1924
|-- Sydney Frank Crockett
| [144243]
| b.15_May_1857, York Co. VA
|-- William H. Crockett [148152]
| b.10_May_1859, York Co. VA
| d.17_May_1859, York Co. VA
|-- Rebecca Adnie Crockett
| [144244]
| b.1_Jun_1860, York Co. VA
| m.24_Dec_1878
| wife of John W. Tennis
| d.18_Apr_1906
|-- Elverta Crockett [144245]
| b.16_Jan_1862, York Co. VA
| m.25_Apr_1881
| wife of Edward L. Crockett
| d.25_Dec_1920
|-- Viola Cartrue Crockett
| [144246]
| b.14_Mar_1864, York Co. VA
| m.15_Mar_1884
| wife of Thomas M. Chandler
|-- Ferdinand D. Crockett
| [144247]
| b.17_Jul_1866, York Co. VA
| d.27_Jul_1942, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Emma Olivia Crockett
| [144248]
| b.21_Oct_1868, York Co. VA
| m.1888
| wife of L. L. Crockett

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Ethelbert Washington Crockett = Sarah Jane Mills [144249]
Ethelbert Washington Crockett ---
b.8_Aug_1851, Virginia
d.2_May_1907, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Sarah Jane Mills [144249] -------
b.27_Mar_1855, Virginia
wife of
Ethelbert W. Crockett
d.9_Nov_1904, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Clarence Edward Crockett Sr.
| [88710]
| b.22_Mar_1879, Virginia
| d.6_Mar_1961
|-- Irene Crockett [89977]
| b.28_Sep_1880, York Co. VA
| m.18_Jun_1899, Virginia
| wife of Fred Lewis Hogg
| d.28_Mar_1963, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Mary Louise Crockett [89893]
| b.21_Sep_1883, Virginia
| m.1_Jan_1906, Virginia
| wife of James S. Hogg
| d.10_Sep_1946
|-- Margaret Virginia Crockett
| [148083]
| b.29_Sep_1885, Virginia
| m.14_Jul_1904, Virginia
| wife of
| Peter J. Mitchell Jr.
| d.Jul_1936, Newport News VA
|-- Mattie Amelia Crockett
| [148084]
| b.3_Jan_1887, Virginia
| m.10_Mar_1914, Virginia
| wife of
| Harry Worthington Sr.
|-- Addie B. Crockett [182063]
| b.ca.1888
| d.ca.1896, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Ella Crockett [182064]
| b.ca.1888
| d.ca.1896, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Cary W. Crockett [182065]
| b.ca.1888
| d.ca.1896, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Frances Crockett [148085]
| b.18_Sep_1897, Virginia
| m.3_May_1920, Virginia
| wife of
| Joseph Ballentine Sr.
| d.Jan_1981, Yorktown VA
|-- ________ Crockett [177388]
| b.1899, Virginia
| d.1899, Virginia
|-- ________ Crockett [177389]
| b.1901, Virginia
| d.1901, Virginia
|-- ________ Crockett [177390]
| b.1903, Virginia
| d.1903, Virginia

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________ Montgomery [144250] = Martha Crockett [144233]
________ Montgomery [144250] ----
Martha Crockett [144233] --------
b.1820, Accomack Co. VA
wife of ________ Montogomery

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John Tyler Crockett [91461] = Mary Ann Tennis [144251]
John Tyler Crockett [91461] -----
farmer, York Co. VA,
1850, 1870
b.11_Jan_1817, York Co. VA
d.7_Feb_1888, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Mary Ann Tennis [144251] --------
b.10_Oct_1826, Fox Hill,
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of John T. Crockett
d.16_Jun_1882, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Addicus Crockett [144252]
| private,
| 32nd Virginia Infantry
| b.1846, York Co. VA
| d.1864, Richmond VA
|-- John W. Crockett [144253]
| b.1848, York Co. VA
|-- Margaret Crockett [144254]
| b.1849, York Co. VA
|-- Jefferson T. Crockett
| [91283]
| farmer York Co. VA, 1880
| fisherman,
| York Co. VA, 1900
| b.28_Mar_1852, Virginia
| d.12_Feb_1930, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Maggie Crockett [144255]
| b.1854, Virginia
|-- Theadore C. Crockett
| [144256]
| b.1855, Virginia
|-- Hiram Lafayette Crockett
| [144257]
| b.10_Oct_1855, York Co. VA
| d.9_Sep_1943,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- Lavinia Crockett [144258]
| b.15_Oct_1859, Crab Neck,
| York Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1878, York Co. VA
| wife of Richard B. Tennis
| d.18_Sep_1945, Norfolk VA
|-- Ella Wade Crockett [194404]
| b.29_Oct_1863, York Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1880
| wife of John F. Smith
| d.2_Sep_1891, York Co. VA
| bu: Providence Methodist
| Church, Dare VA
|-- Addicus C. Crockett [144260]
| b.1866, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
John Tyler Crockett [91461] = Mary Frances Couch [91315]

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Jefferson T. Crockett = Virginia Ann Dawson
Jefferson T. Crockett -----------
farmer York Co. VA, 1880
York Co. VA, 1900
b.28_Mar_1852, Virginia
d.12_Feb_1930, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Virginia Ann Dawson -------------
(Puss) [91284]
b.22_May_1859, Virginia
wife of
Jefferson T. Crockett
d.10_Aug_1933, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Judson L. Crockett [144261]
| fisherman, 1910-1930
| b.21_Apr_1878, Virginia
| d.26_Feb_1936, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- George W. Crockett [182067]
| b.12_Nov_1888
| d.10_Jul_1889, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Mary Lizzie Crockett [91033]
| b.2_Apr_1882, Virginia
| m.25_Dec_
| wife of Isaac W. Sparrer
| d.5_Jan_1946
|-- William W. Crockett [133290]
| b.Apr_1888, Virginia
| d.18_May_1951, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Violie V. Crockett [144262]
| b.Oct_1899, Virginia
|-- Bell Crockett [144263]
| b.Jan_1982, Virginia
| m.18_Jul_1915
| wife of George F. Wood
|-- John Tyler Crockett [144264]
| WWI veteran
| b.9_Apr_1896, Virginia
| d.21_Dec_1949, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Syphron Theodore Crockett
| [90291]
| b.27_Aug_1899, Virginia
| d.6_Jan_1927

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Judson L. Crockett [144261] = Willie Bell Lindsey [144265]
Judson L. Crockett [144261] -----
fisherman, 1910-1930
b.21_Apr_1878, Virginia
d.26_Feb_1936, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Willie Bell Lindsey [144265] ----
b.1_Jan_1882, Virginia
wife of Judson Crockett
d.8_Dec_1955, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Wiley P. Crockett [88810]
| b.25_May_1902, Virginia
| d.1_Feb_1981, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Judson Leroy Crockett
| [144266]
| fisherman, 1930
| b.2_Jan_1904, Virginia
| d.15_Mar_1975, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Mary V. Crockett [182070]
| b.Mar_1907
| d.Feb_1908, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Esther Virginia Crockett
| [144267]
| b.16_Feb_1912, York Co. VA
| m.1_Sep_1929
| wife of William S. Wornom
| d.21_Mar_2003, York Co. VA
| bu: Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Charles L. Crockett [144268]
| b.1913, Virginia
|-- Annie G. Crockett [144269]
| b.1917, Virginia

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Judson Leroy Crockett = Thelma Mae Riley [144270]
Judson Leroy Crockett -----------
fisherman, 1930
b.2_Jan_1904, Virginia
d.15_Mar_1975, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Thelma Mae Riley [144270] -------
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Judson L. Crockett
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Hilda Mae Crockett [88632]
| b.1925, Virginia
| m.30_Jun_1940
| wife of Garland G. Hogge

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John Tyler Crockett [91461] = Mary Frances Couch [91315]
John Tyler Crockett [91461] -----
farmer, York Co. VA,
1850, 1870
b.11_Jan_1817, York Co. VA
d.7_Feb_1888, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Mary Frances Couch [91315] ------
b.12_Dec_1839, New Jersey
wife of Thomas W. Sparrow
wife of John T. Crockett
d.25_Mar_1904, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Clifton Herbert Crockett
| [91462]
| b.4_Jul_1886
| d.11_Jul_1886
father's other spousal relationships
John Tyler Crockett [91461] = Mary Ann Tennis [144251]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Washington Sparrow = Mary Frances Couch [91315]

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Wiley P. Crockett [88810] = Mary Alice Parker [88807]
mother's other spousal relationships
George Burnett [88818] = Mary Alice Parker [88807]

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James Moore [88813] = Charlotte Crockett [88811]

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Jimmy Moore [88814] = Shirly Gaines [88815]
Jimmy Moore [88814] -------------
Shirly Gaines [88815] -----------
wife of Jimmy Moore
|-- Nancy Leigh Moore [88816]
| b.22_Feb_1967

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Merrill Nice [88817] = Carrie Belle Crockett
Merrill Nice [88817] ------------
Carrie Belle Crockett -----------
wife of Merrill Nice

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Syphron Theodore Crockett = Minnie Madeline Hogge [88896]
mother's other spousal relationships
Adolphus Allen Morgan = Minnie Madeline Hogge [88896]

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Syphron Theodore Crockett Jr. = Peggy Joyce Dye [90297]
Syphron Theodore Crockett Jr. ---
(Diddy) [90292]
b.5_Feb_1927, York Co. VA
d.31_Mar_2007, Yorktown VA
Peggy Joyce Dye [90297] ---------
b.4_Jan_1928, Pensacola,
Escambria Co. FL
m.1_Oct_1944, South Mill,
Camden Co. NC
wife of
Syphron T. Crockett Jr.
d.7_May_1982, York Co. VA
|-- Living Crockett [90298]
| FTDNA kit no. 159057
|-- Living Crockett [90299]
|-- Living Crockett [90300]
|-- Living Crockett [90301]

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Living Crockett [90298] = Living Southern [90302]
Living Crockett [90298] ---------
FTDNA kit no. 159057
Living Southern [90302] ---------
wife of Living Crockett
|-- Living Crockett [90303]

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Robert W. Crockett [89048] = Susan Catherine James
Robert W. Crockett [89048] ------
sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
farmer, York Co. VA,
1870, 1910
b.25_Jan_1829, York Co. VA
Susan Catherine James -----------
b.24_May_1935, Virginia
wife of Robert W. Crockett
d.2_Dec_1917, York Co. VA
|-- Celestia Evaline Crockett
| (Lessie) [89050]
| b.2_May_1856, York Co. VA
| m.13_Apr_1876
| wife of Silas S. Hogge
| d.17_Nov_1936, York Co. VA
|-- Oscar Hall Crockett [147713]
| b.24_Oct_1857
| d.27_Dec_1858
|-- Robert Thomas Crockett
| [144271]
| b.13_May_1860, Virginia
|-- George Jackson Crockett
| [89051]
| b.12_Feb_1863
|-- Amanda Virginia Crockett
| [144272]
| b.15_Jun_1867, Virginia
| m.10_Apr_1889
| wife of M. H. Minter
| wife of Edward Crockett
|-- Charles Lumsden Crockett
| [144273]
| b.26_Nov_1868, York Co. VA
| d.6_Apr_1946, Mathews Co. VA
|-- Susan Agnes Crockett
| [147809]
| b.10_Sep_1870
| m.7_Dec_1898
| wife of Alvin L. Powell Sr.
| d.2_Oct_1937
|-- Lloyd King Crockett [147810]
| b.4_Jul_1872
|-- Elmer Crown Crockett
| [147811]
| b.17_Sep_1876
| d.5_Jun_1958

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George Jackson Crockett = Nancy V. Haskins [82698]

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William Robert Crockett = Edith M. Charles [88956]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Franklin Smith [194405] = Edith M. Charles [88956]

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Charles Haskins Crockett = Catherine Emerson [88953]
Charles Haskins Crockett --------
b.28_Jan_1916, York Co. VA
Catherine Emerson [88953] -------
wife of Charles H. Crockett
|-- Charles Crockett Jr. [88951]
| b.10_Aug_1944, York Co. VA
|-- Jerry Wayne Crockett [88952]
| b.23_Sep_1946, York Co. VA

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William Robert Crockett = Olive Rosamond Williams
William Robert Crockett ---------
b.4_Jun_1918, York Co. VA
Newport News VA
Olive Rosamond Williams ---------
b.11_Oct_1919, York Co. VA
wife of William R. Crockett
Fredricksburg VA
|-- Nancy Faye Crockett [88949]
| b.Mar_1949

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Clarence Edward Crockett Sr. = Edna Marvin Stroud [88699]
mother's other spousal relationships
Leroy A. Hornsby [88705] = Edna Marvin Stroud [88699]

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Wilfred Travis Crockett = Lois Evelyn Hogg [88551]
Wilfred Travis Crockett ---------
b.29_Jun_1904, Virginia
d.Jul_1981, Virginia
Lois Evelyn Hogg [88551] --------
b.24_May_1911, Virginia
m.1929, York Co. VA
wife of Wilfred T. Crockett
d.18_Aug_1963, York Co. VA
|-- Janice Arlette Crockett
| [88604]
| b.2_Jul_1933, Seaford VA
| m.5_Sep_1955, York Co. VA
| wife of Roy Ervin Mathis
| d.13_Nov_1987, Seaford VA
| bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
| Newport News VA
| SSN:229-42-6516
|-- Carey Thomas Crockett
| [88605]
b.10_Nov_1944, Virginia

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Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] = Janice Arlette Crockett
Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] --------
b.22_Oct_1931, Cordele GA
Newport News VA
bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
Newport News VA
Janice Arlette Crockett ---------
b.2_Jul_1933, Seaford VA
m.5_Sep_1955, York Co. VA
wife of Roy Ervin Mathis
d.13_Nov_1987, Seaford VA
bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
Newport News VA
|-- Living Mathis [203988]
| wife of Living Mathews
father's other spousal relationships
Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] = Phillis Ann Stout [212564]

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Carey Thomas Crockett = Virginia Lee Gindhart
Carey Thomas Crockett -----------
b.10_Nov_1944, Virginia
Virginia Lee Gindhart -----------
wife of Carey T. Crockett

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John Thomas Crockett [88714] = Lucille Gindhart [88728]

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James Freeman Jr. [88734] = Sharon Crockett [88729]
James Freeman Jr. [88734] -------
Sharon Crockett [88729] ---------
wife of James Freeman Jr.

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Edward Westcott [88730] = Kathryn Crockett [88715]
Edward Westcott [88730] ---------
Kathryn Crockett [88715] --------
b.7_Mar_1916, Virginia
wife of Edward Westcott
|-- Clarence Westcott [88731]
|-- David Westcott [88732]
|-- Sandra Kay Westcott [88733]
| b.6_Feb_1961

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Carey Washington Crockett Jr. = Lurania Frances Ironmonger

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Leonard Franklin Crockett = Adelaide Davis [133117]
Leonard Franklin Crockett -------
b.1878, York Co. VA
Adelaide Davis [133117] ---------
b.20_May_1879, Virginia
m.ca.1896, York Co. VA
wife of Leonard Crockett
wife of Francisco DeAlba
d.24_Jun_1957, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Laurena Frances Crockett
| (Lulie, Lula) [133118]
| b.15_Jun_1897, Virginia
| m.11_Nov_1922
| wife of MacDowell Moore
| d.Mar_1977, Yorktown VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Francisco DeAlba [145894] = Adelaide Davis [133117]

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William W. Crockett [133290] = Emma Frances White [133254]
William W. Crockett [133290] ----
b.Apr_1888, Virginia
d.18_May_1951, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Emma Frances White [133254] -----
wife of William W. Crockett
d.25_May_1965, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- William Ashton Crockett
| [133291]
| Sgt., U.S. Army, WWII
| b.11_Jan_1917, York Co. VA
| d.29_Apr_1981, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Hilda Kathleen Crockett
| [182071]
| b.12_Mar_1919, York Co. VA
| d.25_Jul_1919, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Frances Kathleen Crockett
| [133292]
| b.20_Jul_1920, York Co. VA
| m.6_Apr_1940
| wife of John C. Howell
| wife of ________ Atkins
| d.Apr_1994, Newport News VA
|-- Ruth Tillage Crockett
| [133293]
| b.5_Sep_1921, York Co. VA
| d.9_Jan_2006,
| Newport News VA
|-- Lauretta Virginia Crockett
| [133294]
| b.13_Mar_1924, York Co. VA
| wife of ________ Jackson
| d.15_May_1964, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Carlye Crockett [182072]
| d. infant
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA

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John Corbett Howell Sr. = Frances Kathleen Crockett
John Corbett Howell Sr. ---------
Frances Kathleen Crockett -------
b.20_Jul_1920, York Co. VA
wife of John C. Howell
wife of ________ Atkins
d.Apr_1994, Newport News VA
|-- John Corbett Howell Jr.
| (Jay) [133296]
| b.4_Nov_1945

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Frederick P. Crockett = Mary Emily Ironmonger
Frederick P. Crockett -----------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
b.19_Sep_1834, York Co. VA
d.24_Jun_1907, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Mary Emily Ironmonger -----------
b.1_Oct_1839, York Co. VA
m.25_Dec_1855, York Co. VA
wife of
Frederick P. Crockett
d.1_Nov_1885, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Eliza W. Crockett [82741]
| b.17_Sep_1859, York Co. VA
| m.28_Oct_1876
| wife of Charles W. Wright
| d.9_May_1911
|-- Eudevilla Crockett [145487]
| d. in infancy
|-- Beauregard Crockett [145488]
| d. in infancy
|-- Alice Crockett [82704]
| b.1863, Virginia
| m.19_Jun_1881
| wife of Hillary Hansford
| d. after Nov_1886,
| York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Crockett
| (Betty) [144274]
| b.12_Sep_1865, York Co. VA
| m.24_Dec_1884, Virginia
| wife of
| Ferdinand D. Crockett
| d.20_Sep_1942, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Nora Magdaline Crockett
| [91014]
| b.26_Jul_1867, Virginia
| m.25_Dec_1883
| wife of William T. Sparrer
| d.28_Feb_1955
father's other spousal relationships
Frederick P. Crockett = Diademma Hansford [82668]

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Frederick P. Crockett = Diademma Hansford [82668]
Frederick P. Crockett -----------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
b.19_Sep_1834, York Co. VA
d.24_Jun_1907, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Diademma Hansford [82668] -------
wife of William Haskins
wife of
Frederick P. Crockett
d.24_Apr_1904, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Frederick Crockett Jr.
| [82705]
| of Mississippi
| b.ca.1887
|-- Della Crockett [82706]
| b.1889
| m.18_Dec_1907
| wife of Charles Lindsay
father's other spousal relationships
Frederick P. Crockett = Mary Emily Ironmonger
mother's other spousal relationships
William Creed Haskins = Diademma Hansford [82668]

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Charles Lindsay [82707] = Della Crockett [82706]

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E. Lee Carbell [82710] = Elizabeth Beatrice Lindsay
E. Lee Carbell [82710] ----------
Elizabeth Beatrice Lindsay ------
wife of E. Lee Carbell
|-- no_children

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________ Rouse [82711] = Lillian Lindsay [82709]
________ Rouse [82711] ----------
Lillian Lindsay [82709] ---------
wife of ________ Rouse
|-- no_children

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Franklin J. Crockett = Ellen A. ________ [144275]
Franklin J. Crockett ------------
sailor, York Co. VA, 1850
farmer, York Co. VA, 1870
b.1832, York Co. VA
Ellen A. ________ [144275] ------
b.1842, Virginia
wife of Franklin J. Crockett
|-- Martha L. Crockett [144276]
| b.1863, Virginia
|-- Mary O. Crockett [144277]
| b.1865, Virginia
|-- Benjamin F. Crockett
| [144278]
| b.1867, Virginia
|-- James Samuel Crockett
| [144279]
| b.1869, Virginia

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Ferdinand D. Crockett = Sarah Elizabeth Crockett
Ferdinand D. Crockett -----------
b.17_Jul_1866, York Co. VA
d.27_Jul_1942, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Sarah Elizabeth Crockett --------
(Betty) [144274]
b.12_Sep_1865, York Co. VA
m.24_Dec_1884, Virginia
wife of
Ferdinand D. Crockett
d.20_Sep_1942, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- ________ Crockett [182066]
| b.ca.1885
| d.ca.1887, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Lillian Evelyn Crockett
| [82792]
| b.13_Nov_1888, York Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1905, Virginia
| wife of John K. Foster
| d.1_Sep_1948, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Alberta Crockett [147913]
| (Birdia) (adopted)
| b.24_Feb_1902
wife of Reginald P. Crockett
d.1980, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA

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Robert Thomas Crockett = Lee Crockett [147812]
Robert Thomas Crockett ----------
b.13_May_1860, Virginia
Lee Crockett [147812] -----------
wife of Robert T. Crockett
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Ida Moreland [147813]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Betty Bennett [147832]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]

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Robert Thomas Crockett = Ida Moreland [147813]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lee Crockett [147812]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Betty Bennett [147832]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]

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George C. Cluverius Sr. = Nina Crockett [133133]
mother's other spousal relationships
Marvin Edward Smith [133127] = Nina Crockett [133133]

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George C. Cluverius Jr. = Hope Forrest [147818]
George C. Cluverius Jr. ---------
Hope Forrest [147818] -----------
wife of
George C. Cluverius Jr.
|-- Michael Wayne Cluverius
| [147819]
|-- Joni Ann Cluverius [147820]

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William Sulzberger [147821] = Anne Moreland Cluverius
William Sulzberger [147821] -----
Anne Moreland Cluverius ---------
wife of William Sulzberger
|-- Susanne Sulzberger [147822]
|-- Cynthia Sulzberger [147823]

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Clifton P. Mills [147824] = Annie Crockett [147814]

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Dexter Haven [147827] = Doris Mills [147825]
Dexter Haven [147827] -----------
Doris Mills [147825] ------------
wife of Dexter Haven
|-- Katharine Pendleton Haven
| (Penny) [147828]

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Theodore Antoniewicz = Helen Mills [147826]
Theodore Antoniewicz ------------
Helen Mills [147826] ------------
wife of Theodore Antoniewicz
|-- Susan Antoniewicz [147830]
|-- Kay Antoniewicz [147831]

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Robert M. Crockett Sr. = Lillie Virginia Shields
Robert M. Crockett Sr. ----------
Lillie Virginia Shields ---------
b.19_Mar_1903, Virginia
wife of Lloyd O. Richardson
wife of Robert M. Crockett
|-- Robert M. Crockett Jr.
| [90280]
| b.14_Oct_1937
mother's other spousal relationships
Lloyd Odell Richardson = Lillie Virginia Shields

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________ Moore [147833] = Betty Bennett [147832]
________ Moore [147833] ---------
Betty Bennett [147832] ----------
wife of ________ Moore
wife of Robert T. Crockett
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Betty Bennett [147832]

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Robert Thomas Crockett = Betty Bennett [147832]
Robert Thomas Crockett ----------
b.13_May_1860, Virginia
Betty Bennett [147832] ----------
wife of ________ Moore
wife of Robert T. Crockett
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lee Crockett [147812]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Ida Moreland [147813]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Moore [147833] = Betty Bennett [147832]

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Robert Thomas Crockett = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]
Robert Thomas Crockett ----------
b.13_May_1860, Virginia
Lucy Curtis Minson [89136] ------
b.4_Mar_1867, Warwick Co. VA
wife of Winslow C. Hogge
wife of Robert T. Crockett
d.13_Jan_1966, Hampton VA
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Thomas Crockett = Lee Crockett [147812]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Ida Moreland [147813]
Robert Thomas Crockett = Betty Bennett [147832]
mother's other spousal relationships
Winslow Christopher Hogg = Lucy Curtis Minson [89136]

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M. H. Minter [147834] = Amanda Virginia Crockett
M. H. Minter [147834] -----------
of Mathews Co. VA
Amanda Virginia Crockett --------
b.15_Jun_1867, Virginia
wife of M. H. Minter
wife of Edward Crockett
|-- Robert Claytor Minter
| [147835]
|-- Harvey Linwood Minter
| [147836]
|-- Susan Lorene Minter [147837]
|-- Elsie May Minter [147838]
| d. age 16
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward Crockett [147846] = Amanda Virginia Crockett

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Robert Claytor Minter = Gertrude Griffin [147839]

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J. Harold Puckett [147844] = Edith Minter [147841]

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Jake Marshall [147845] = Elinor Minter [147842]

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Edward Crockett [147846] = Amanda Virginia Crockett
Edward Crockett [147846] --------
of Tangier Island VA
Amanda Virginia Crockett --------
b.15_Jun_1867, Virginia
wife of M. H. Minter
wife of Edward Crockett
|-- no_children
mother's other spousal relationships
M. H. Minter [147834] = Amanda Virginia Crockett

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Charles Lumsden Crockett = Laura F. Minter [147847]
Charles Lumsden Crockett --------
b.26_Nov_1868, York Co. VA
d.6_Apr_1946, Mathews Co. VA
Laura F. Minter [147847] --------
b.9_Mar_1871, Mathews Co. VA
wife of Charles L. Crockett
d.18_Nov_1930, Bohannon,
Mathews Co. VA
|-- Charles Winchester Crockett
| [147850]
| ice plant truck driver,
| Jackson, Nash Co. NC, 1930
| b.15_Dec_1895, Bohannon,
| Mathews Co. VA
| d.Dec_1968,
| Newport News VA
|-- Mary Aleyne Crockett
| [147849]
| b.1905, Virginia
| wife of Sands Jones
|-- Laura Dorothy Crockett
| [147848]
| b.1911, Virginia
wife of John Mason

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John Mason [147851] = Laura Dorothy Crockett
John Mason [147851] -------------
Laura Dorothy Crockett ----------
b.1911, Virginia
wife of John Mason
|-- Waverly Mason [147852]

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Sands Jones [147853] = Mary Aleyne Crockett
Sands Jones [147853] ------------
Mary Aleyne Crockett ------------
b.1905, Virginia
wife of Sands Jones
|-- Gordon Jones [147854]
|-- Gerald Jones [147855]

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Mary Elizabeth Stringfield = Charles Winchester Crockett
Mary Elizabeth Stringfield ------
North Carolina
wife of Charles W. Crockett
d.26_May1989, North,
Mathews Co. VA
Charles Winchester Crockett -----
ice plant truck driver,
Jackson, Nash Co. NC, 1930
b.15_Dec_1895, Bohannon,
Mathews Co. VA
Newport News VA
|-- Laura Lorene Crockett
| [147859]
| b.2_Jul_1918, Wilson Co. NC
| wife of Tom Edwards
| d.12_Sep_2004, Mathews Co. VA
|-- Charles Edward Crockett
| [147857]
| b.15_Jun_1920, Wilson Co. NC
| d.Feb_1989, Vienna VA
|-- Betty Jane Crockett [147858]
| b.1928, North Carolina
| wife of James A. Jensen
|-- Joseph Day Crockett [147860]
| b.13_Aug_1930, Nash Co. NC
| d.1955-1956

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Alvin Lionell Powell Sr. = Susan Agnes Crockett

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Alvin Lionell Powell Jr. = Grace Elizabeth Ramsey
Alvin Lionell Powell Jr. --------
Grace Elizabeth Ramsey ----------
wife of Alvin L. Powell Jr.

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Earl Douglas Powell Sr. = Albertine Archibald [147868]
Earl Douglas Powell Sr. ---------
Albertine Archibald [147868] ----
wife of Earl D. Powell
|-- Earl Douglas Powell Jr.
| [147869]
| b.6_Apr_1929
|-- Wayne Archibald Powell
| [147870]
| b.20_Mar_1932
| d.1934
|-- Wayne Archibald Powell
| [147871]
| b.9_Mar_1936
|-- Margaret Powell [147872]
| b.18_Jan_1941
| m.17_Jul_1959
| wife of Leyland E. Bryant
|-- Louise Powell [147873]
| b.18_Jan_1941

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Earl Douglas Powell Jr. = Wilmer Proctor [147874]
Earl Douglas Powell Jr. ---------
Wilmer Proctor [147874] ---------
wife of Earl D. Powell Jr.

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Leyland Eugene Bryant = Margaret Powell [147872]
Leyland Eugene Bryant -----------
Margaret Powell [147872] --------
wife of Leyland E. Bryant
|-- Michael Eugene Bryant
| [147876]
| b.15_Apr_1960

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William Wallace Powell Sr. = Elsie Irene Wildman [147877]

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William Wallace Powell Jr. = Beverley Jeanne Heasley
William Wallace Powell Jr. ------
Beverley Jeanne Heasley ---------
wife of
William W. Powell Jr.
|-- James William Powell
| [147882]
| b.17_Feb_1959

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Richard L. Brown [147883] = Judith Lynn Powell [147879]

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James Malvern Powell Sr. = Helen Gwaltney Norfleet
James Malvern Powell Sr. --------
Helen Gwaltney Norfleet ---------
wife of James M. Powell
|-- Helen Sue Powell [147885]
| b.17_Jan_1939
| m.5_Sep_1959
| wife of
| Martin B. Williams Jr.
|-- James Malvern Powell Jr.
| [147886]

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Martin Braxton Williams Jr. = Helen Sue Powell [147885]
Martin Braxton Williams Jr. -----
Helen Sue Powell [147885] -------
wife of
Martin B. Williams Jr.

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Roy Thomas Scott Sr. = Agnes Bond Powell [147866]
Roy Thomas Scott Sr. ------------
Agnes Bond Powell [147866] ------
wife of Roy T. Scott
|-- Roy Thomas Scott Jr.
| [147889]
| b.6_Aug_1942
|-- Sue Marilyn Scott [147890]
| b.12_Jul_1946

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Lloyd King Crockett [147810] = Sarah Frances Howard
Lloyd King Crockett [147810] ----
Sarah Frances Howard ------------
wife of Lloyd K. Crockett
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Lloyd King Crockett [147810] = Rosa Lillian Harris [147892]

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Lloyd King Crockett [147810] = Rosa Lillian Harris [147892]
Lloyd King Crockett [147810] ----
Rosa Lillian Harris [147892] ----
wife of Lloyd K. Crockett
|-- no_children
father's other spousal relationships
Lloyd King Crockett [147810] = Sarah Frances Howard

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Thomas Jefferson Pargoe = Margaret Ellen Kemp [200701]
Thomas Jefferson Pargoe ---------
b.8_Apr_1843, South Amboy NJ
d.24_Jan_1888, Virginia
bu. Elmwood Cemetery,
Norfolk VA
Margaret Ellen Kemp [200701] ----
Glloucester Co. VA
wife of Thomas J. Pargoe
d.11_Aug_1908, Norfolk VA
|-- Willetta Pargoe [147893]
| (Etta)
| m.1_Jun_1898
| wife of Elmer C. Crockett
| d.March_1911
|-- Eulaie Pargoe [200696]
|-- Ida Pargoe [147894]
| b.Sep_1881, Virginia
| m.1900
| wife of Wilmer C. Davis
| m. 20_Aug_1916
| wife of Elmer C. Crockett
|-- Limwood Pargoe [200697]
|-- Margaret Pargoe [200698]
|-- Thomas Pargoe [200699]
|-- Lucy Amelia Pargoe [144556]
| b.14_Jan_1884,
| Glloucester Co. VA
| m.22_Apr_1906, York Co. VA
| wife of
| William T. Ironmonger
| d.20_Jun_1946,
Newport News VA

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Elmer Crown Crockett = Willetta Pargoe [147893]
Elmer Crown Crockett ------------
Willetta Pargoe [147893] --------
wife of Elmer C. Crockett
|-- Lettie Crockett [147895]
| wife of John Hall
|-- Reginald P. Crockett
| [147896]
| fisherman, York Co. VA, 1920
| b.24_Sep_1901, Virginia
| d.1981, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Ernest Martin Crockett
| [147897]
| b.1903, Virginia
d.28_Mar_1923, drowned
father's other spousal relationships
Elmer Crown Crockett = Ida Pargoe [147894]

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Elmer Crown Crockett = Ida Pargoe [147894]
father's other spousal relationships
Elmer Crown Crockett = Willetta Pargoe [147893]
mother's other spousal relationships
Wilmer Davis [147898] = Ida Pargoe [147894]

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John Hall [147900] = Lettie Crockett [147895]

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Edward Hall [147901] = Helen Walker [147905]

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Elmer Hall [147902] = ________ Staples [147906]

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Ned Rash [147907] = Etta Hall [147903]
Ned Rash [147907] ---------------
Etta Hall [147903] --------------
wife of Ned Rash
|-- Jimmy Rash [147908]
|-- Jerry Rash [147909]

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Diltz Riley [147910] = Alice Marie Hall [147904]
Diltz Riley [147910] ------------
Alice Marie Hall [147904] -------
wife of Diltz Riley
|-- Sarah Dale Riley [147911]
|-- Lettie Marie Riley [147912]

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Reginald P. Crockett = Alberta Crockett [147913]
Reginald P. Crockett ------------
fisherman, York Co. VA, 1920
b.24_Sep_1901, Virginia
d.1981, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Alberta Crockett [147913] -------
(Birdia) (adopted)
wife of Reginald P. Crockett
d.1980, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Alberta Crockett [147914]
| b.12_May_1924
| m.26_Jun_1941
| wife of Bruce Flowers
|-- Ernest Crockett [147915]
| b.5_Aug_1925
|-- Rodgers Crockett Sr.
| [147916]
| b.30_Oct_1926
|-- Sarah Virginia Crockett
| [147917]
| b.19_Nov_1927
| m.1_Jan_1944
| wife of James W. Diggs Jr.
|-- William Reginald Crockett
| [147918]
| b.8_Oct_1929
| d.1991, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Robert Winston Crockett
| [147919]
| b.1_May_1931
| d.3_Feb_1932, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Levelia Ann Crockett
| [147920]
| b.30_Aug_1932
| m.19_Jan_1949
| wife of Irving W. Dryden Jr.
|-- Emma Lee Crockett [147921]
| b.2_Apr_1934, Seaford VA
| m.3_Sep_1949, Jeffs,
| York Co. VA
| wife of William L. Firth Jr.
| divorced, 21_Jan_1975,
| York Co. VA
| m.17_Jul_1983, Newport News VA
| wife of Arthur W. Marsette
| divorced, 7_Jul_1988,
| York Co. VA
| m.30_Jul_1988, Poquoson,
| York Co. VA
| wife of James Curtis Hogge
| d.29_Jun_1998, Newport News VA
|-- Ferdinand Crockett [82400]
| b.17_Jun_1935
|-- Bessie Lou Crockett [147922]
| b.11_Jan_1940
| d.19_Jan_1941, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Lessie Sue Crockett [147923]
| b.11_Jan_1940
| d.19_Sep_1945, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA

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Bruce Flowers [147924] = Alberta Crockett [147914]
Bruce Flowers [147924] ----------
Alberta Crockett [147914] -------
wife of Bruce Flowers
|-- David Flowers [147925]
| b.16_Jul_1943
|-- Sandra Flowers [147926]
| b.11_Dec_1944
|-- Etta Flowers [147927]
| b.8_Feb_1951

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Ernest Crockett [147915] = Catherine Firth [147928]
Ernest Crockett [147915] --------
Catherine Firth [147928] --------
wife of Ernest Crockett
|-- Patricia Crockett [147929]
father's other spousal relationships
Ernest Crockett [147915] = Jennie Forrest [147930]

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Ernest Crockett [147915] = Jennie Forrest [147930]
Ernest Crockett [147915] --------
Jennie Forrest [147930] ---------
wife of Ernest Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
Ernest Crockett [147915] = Catherine Firth [147928]

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Rodgers Crockett Sr. = Vivian Cocran [147931]
Rodgers Crockett Sr. ------------
Vivian Cocran [147931] ----------
wife of Rodgers Crockett
|-- Mary Elizabeth Crockett
| [147932]
| b.10_Feb_1947
|-- Charles Crockett [147933]
|-- Rodgers Crockett Jr.
| [147934]
|-- Robert Crockett [147935]
|-- Birdia Ann Crockett [147936]

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James W. Diggs Jr. [147937] = Sarah Virginia Crockett
James W. Diggs Jr. [147937] -----
Sarah Virginia Crockett ---------
wife of James W. Diggs Jr.
|-- Hilda Virginia Diggs
| [147938]
| b.19_Sep_1944
|-- Winfrey Diggs [147939]
| b.Nov_1947
|-- Elmer Diggs [147940]
| b.Jun_1950
|-- Debra Diggs [147941]
| b.Mar_1960

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William Reginald Crockett = Josephine Evans [147942]
William Reginald Crockett -------
d.1991, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Josephine Evans [147942] --------
wife of William R. Crockett
|-- Winston Crockett [147943]
| b.30_Aug_1952
|-- Jo Anne Crockett [147944]
| b.1_Nov_1955
|-- Douglas Lee Crockett
| [147945]
| b.31_May_1960

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John Tyler Crockett [144264] = Lila B. Parker [159469]
John Tyler Crockett [144264] ----
WWI veteran
b.9_Apr_1896, Virginia
d.21_Dec_1949, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Lila B. Parker [159469] ---------
b.15_Jan_1897, Virginia
wife of John T. Crockett
d.30_Jul_1914, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Tyler Crockett [144264] = Clara Belle Dawson [159158]

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Arthur Walter Marsette = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]
Arthur Walter Marsette ----------
b.16_Nov_1920, Glens Falls NY
d.7_Feb_1991, Hampton VA
Emma Lee Crockett [147921] ------
b.2_Apr_1934, Seaford VA
m.3_Sep_1949, Jeffs,
York Co. VA
wife of William L. Firth Jr.
divorced, 21_Jan_1975,
York Co. VA
m.17_Jul_1983, Newport News VA
wife of Arthur W. Marsette
divorced, 7_Jul_1988,
York Co. VA
m.30_Jul_1988, Poquoson,
York Co. VA
wife of James Curtis Hogge
d.29_Jun_1998, Newport News VA
mother's other spousal relationships
William Louis Firth Jr. = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]
James Curtis Hogge [88880] = Emma Lee Crockett [147921]

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Ferdinand Crockett [82400] = Alice Burcher [82395]

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Elmer Berkeley Crockett = Bessie Wilson [147954]
Elmer Berkeley Crockett ---------
served in Army Air Corps,
WWII, POW in Germany
Bessie Wilson [147954] ----------
wife of Berkeley Crockett

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James Samuel Crockett = Sarah Elizabeth Shield

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________ Jones [148010] = Lillie Crockett [148008]
________ Jones [148010] ---------
Lillie Crockett [148008] --------
wife of ________ Jones
wife of Maurice Solomon
|-- James Jones [148011]
| b.13_Mar_1912
mother's other spousal relationships
Maurice Solomon [148012] = Lillie Crockett [148008]

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Maurice Solomon [148012] = Lillie Crockett [148008]
Maurice Solomon [148012] --------
Lillie Crockett [148008] --------
wife of ________ Jones
wife of Maurice Solomon
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Jones [148010] = Lillie Crockett [148008]

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John Williams [148013] = Cora Crockett [148009]
John Williams [148013] ----------
Cora Crockett [148009] ----------
wife of John Williams
wife of ________ Deering
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Deering [148014] = Cora Crockett [148009]

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________ Deering [148014] = Cora Crockett [148009]
________ Deering [148014] -------
Cora Crockett [148009] ----------
wife of John Williams
wife of ________ Deering
|-- Sydney Deering [148015]
| b.30_Dec_1919
mother's other spousal relationships
John Williams [148013] = Cora Crockett [148009]

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Travis Asbury Crockett = Mary Elizabeth Crockett
Travis Asbury Crockett ----------
of Tangier Island VA
Mary Elizabeth Crockett ---------
(Bettie) [144239]
school teacher, 1870
b.28_Jun_1848, York Co. VA
Accocmack Co. VA
wife of Travis A. Crockett
|-- Willard F. Crockett [148049]
| b.5_Feb_1873,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.24_Nov_1888
|-- Nellie I. Crockett [148050]
| b.13_Feb_1875
| d.19_Sep_1875
|-- Clara E. Crockett [148051]
| b.28_Mar_1877,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1895,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Joshua Parks
| d.23_Oct_1920
|-- Sadie B. Crockett [148052]
| b.13_Aug_1879.
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.4_Oct_1880,
| St. George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary E. Crockett [148053]
| b.21_Aug_1883,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.26_Sep_1883

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Joshua S. Parks [148054] = Clara E. Crockett [148051]
Joshua S. Parks [148054] --------
b.1873, Accomack Co. VA
Clara E. Crockett [148051] ------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Joshua Parks
|-- no_children

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William H. Harris [148055] = Clara A. Crockett [144240]
William H. Harris [148055] ------
b.1850, Virginia
d. before 8_Jul_1908,
Clara A. Crockett [144240] ------
b.14_Feb_1850, York Co. VA
wife of William H. Harris
wife of John W. Tennis
|-- Annie Lee Harris [148056]
| b.8_Jul_1873, Virginia
| m.18_May_1894
| wife of Roland H. Diggs
|-- George W. Harris [148057]
| b.15_Aug_1874, Virginia
| d.1_Jul_1875
|-- William Frank Harris
| [148058]
| b.22_Jan_1876, Virginia
|-- Daniel C. Harris [148059]
| b.8_Apr_1878, Virginia
| d.2_Jul_1880
|-- Clara O. Harris [148060]
| b.7_Jun_1879, Virginia
| d.13_Jul_1880
|-- Mary F. M. Harris [148061]
| b.3_Feb_1881, Virginia
| d.31_Jul_1882
|-- Georgia Louise Harris
| [148062]
| b.1_Sep_1882, Virginia
| m.16_May_1900
| wife of J. T. Ellis
|-- ________ Harris [148063]
| b.22_Sep_1888, Virginia
| d.25_Sep_1888, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
John William Tennis = Clara A. Crockett [144240]

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Roland H. Diggs [148064] = Annie Lee Harris [148056]
Roland H. Diggs [148064] --------
b.1869, Virginia
Annie Lee Harris [148056] -------
b.8_Jul_1873, Virginia
wife of Roland H. Diggs
|-- Clarence N. Diggs [148065]
| b.23_Apr_1894, Virginia
| d.Dec_1974, Hampton VA
|-- Ruby L. Diggs [148066]
| b.19_Aug_1896, Virginia
| d.26_Aug_1896, Virginia
|-- Arlean W. Diggs [148067]
| b.3_Oct_1897, Virginia
| m.26_Jan_1916
| wife of Henry M. Trice
| d.Aug_1979, Arlington VA
|-- Clara J. Diggs [148068]
| b.21_Nov_1900, Virginia
| m.25_Jan_1919
| wife of Robert S. Begor
| d.May_1989, Hampton VA
|-- Gordon W. Diggs [148069]
| b.1_Feb_1901
|-- Harry O. Diggs [148070]
| b.31_May_1904, Virginia
| d.Mar_1970, St. Louis MO
|-- Lelia H. Diggs [148071]
| b.29_Nov_1907
|-- Neldia S. Diggs [148072]
| b.15_Oct_1909

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Clarence N. Diggs [148065] = Mattie V. Russell [148073]
Clarence N. Diggs [148065] ------
b.23_Apr_1894, Virginia
d.Dec_1974, Hampton VA
Mattie V. Russell [148073] ------
b.1895, Virginia
wife of Clarence N. Diggs
d. before 1997

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Henry M. Trice [148074] = Arlean W. Diggs [148067]
Henry M. Trice [148074] ---------
b.1893, Virginia
d. before 1997
Arlean W. Diggs [148067] --------
b.3_Oct_1897, Virginia
wife of Henry M. Trice
d.Aug_1979, Arlington VA
|-- Dorothy Ann Trice [148075]
| b.21_Oct_1919

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Robert S. Begor [148076] = Clara J. Diggs [148068]
Robert S. Begor [148076] --------
b.1895, Virginia
d. before 1997
Clara J. Diggs [148068] ---------
b.21_Nov_1900, Virginia
wife of Robert S. Begor
d.May_1989, Hampton VA
|-- Robert Begor [148077]
| b.13_Jan_1920, Virginia
| d.Sep_1978, Smithfield VA
|-- Roland Begor [148078]
| b.23_Jul_1922
|-- Alma L. Begor [148079]
| b.25_Sep_1923

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Gordon W. Diggs [148069] = Virginia Russon [148080]
Gordon W. Diggs [148069] --------
Virginia Russon [148080] --------
wife of Gordon W. Diggs

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William Frank Harris = Maude Harris [148081]
William Frank Harris ------------
b.22_Jan_1876, Virginia
Maude Harris [148081] -----------
b.1880, Virginia
wife of William F. Harris

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J. T. Ellis [148082] = Georgia Louise Harris
J. T. Ellis [148082] ------------
b.1875, Virginia
Georgia Louise Harris -----------
b.1_Sep_1882, Virginia
wife of J. T. Ellis

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Peter Jefferson Mitchell Jr. = Margaret Virginia Crockett
Peter Jefferson Mitchell Jr. ----
Margaret Virginia Crockett ------
b.29_Sep_1885, Virginia
m.14_Jul_1904, Virginia
wife of
Peter J. Mitchell Jr.
d.Jul_1936, Newport News VA
|-- Maitland Pearl Mitchell
| [148087]
| b.4_Jul_1906
| m.15_Jun_1931
| wife of
| Dr. Walter R. Chastian
|-- Margaret Katherine Mitchell
| [148088]
| b.4_Aug_1908
| m.30_May_1930
| wife of Edward N. Hawthorne
| m.19_Apr_1938
| wife of James W. Brantley
| m.16_Jun_1948
| wife of
| Lt.Col. Stephen A. Hewitt Sr.
|-- Mary Louise Mitchell
| [148089]
| b.26_Nov_1925
wife of
Donald E. Jolissaint Sr.

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Dr. Walter Ralph Castian Sr. = Maitland Pearl Mitchell
Dr. Walter Ralph Castian Sr. ----
(Chastian) [148090]
Lt.Col. U.S.A.
Maitland Pearl Mitchell ---------
wife of
Dr. Walter R. Chastian
|-- Walter Ralph Castian Jr.
| (Chastian) [148091]
| b.26_Mar_1939

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Edward N. Hawthorne [148092] = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
Edward N. Hawthorne [148092] ----
b.1906, Virginia
Margaret Katherine Mitchell -----
wife of Edward N. Hawthorne
wife of James W. Brantley
wife of
Lt.Col. Stephen A. Hewitt Sr.
mother's other spousal relationships
James Worth Brantley = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
Lt.Col. Stepheh A. Hewitt Sr. = Margaret Katherine Mitchell

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James Worth Brantley = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
James Worth Brantley ------------
b.1906, Virginia
Margaret Katherine Mitchell -----
wife of Edward N. Hawthorne
wife of James W. Brantley
wife of
Lt.Col. Stephen A. Hewitt Sr.
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward N. Hawthorne [148092] = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
Lt.Col. Stepheh A. Hewitt Sr. = Margaret Katherine Mitchell

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Lt.Col. Stepheh A. Hewitt Sr. = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
Lt.Col. Stepheh A. Hewitt Sr. ---
(Adelbert) [148094]
Margaret Katherine Mitchell -----
wife of Edward N. Hawthorne
wife of James W. Brantley
wife of
Lt.Col. Stephen A. Hewitt Sr.
|-- Stephen Adelbert Hewitt Jr.
| [148095]
| b.8_Nov_1950
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward N. Hawthorne [148092] = Margaret Katherine Mitchell
James Worth Brantley = Margaret Katherine Mitchell

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Donald Everett Jolissaint Sr. = Mary Louise Mitchell
Donald Everett Jolissaint Sr. ---
Mary Louise Mitchell ------------
wife of
Donald E. Jolissaint Sr.
|-- Donald Everett Jolissaint Jr.
| [148097]
| b.24_Dec_1954
|-- Robert Edward Jolissaint
| [148098]

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Harry Worthington Sr. = Mattie Amelia Crockett
Harry Worthington Sr. -----------
b.1883, Virginia
Mattie Amelia Crockett ----------
b.3_Jan_1887, Virginia
m.10_Mar_1914, Virginia
wife of
Harry Worthington Sr.
|-- Harry Worthington Jr.
| [148100]
| b.26_Jun_1916, Virginia
| d.Nov_1971, Virginia

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Harry Worthington Jr. = Anne Derby [148101]
Harry Worthington Jr. -----------
b.26_Jun_1916, Virginia
d.Nov_1971, Virginia
Anne Derby [148101] -------------
wife of
Harry Worthington Jr.
|-- Richard Worthington [148102]
|-- Mary Ann Worthington
| [148103]
|-- Linda Worthington [148104]

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Joseph Ballentine Sr. = Frances Crockett [148085]
Joseph Ballentine Sr. -----------
b.1895, Virginia
d. before 1997
Frances Crockett [148085] -------
b.18_Sep_1897, Virginia
m.3_May_1920, Virginia
wife of
Joseph Ballentine Sr.
d.Jan_1981, Yorktown VA
|-- Joseph Ballentine Jr.
| [148106]
| b.Dec_1924
|-- Johnie Ballentine [148107]

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William F. Lewellen [177380] = Mary E. ________ [177381]
William F. Lewellen [177380] ----
Gloucester Co. VA, 1850
b.1803, Virginia
Mary E. ________ [177381] -------
b.1807, Virginia
wife of William F. Lewellen
|-- James Edward F. Llewellyn
| [148108]
| b.28_Dec_1845, Virginia
| d.1924
|-- William M. Llewellyn
| [177377]
| b.1850, Virginia

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James Edward F. Llewellyn = Corah V. Crockett [144242]
James Edward F. Llewellyn -------
b.28_Dec_1845, Virginia
Corah V. Crockett [144242] ------
b.4_Sep_1855, York Co. VA
wife of James E. F. Llewellyn
|-- Clifton Lanness Llewellyn
| [148109]
| b.7_Nov_1874, Virginia
|-- William Carey Llewellyn
| [148110]
| b.6_May_1876, Virginia
| d.5_Jan_1907
|-- Alonza Edward Llewellyn
| [148111]
| b.23_May_1877, Virginia
|-- Marvin Llewellyn [148112]
| b.31_Jul_1878, Virtinia
|-- John Thomas Llewellyn Sr.
| [148113]
| b.21_Sep_1879, Virginia
|-- Logan Mallory Llewellyn
| [148114]
| b.29_Sep_1881, Virginia
| d.29_Jul_1882
|-- Mary Elizabeth Llewellyn
| [148115]
| b.11_Jan_1883, Virginia
| d.Sep_1883
|-- Irvin Llewellyn [148116]
| b.26_Jan_1884, Virginia
|-- Mallory Llewellyn [148117]
| b.2_Mar_1885, Virginia
|-- Milton Llewellyn [148118]
| b.19_Oct_1886, Virginia
|-- Estelle Llewellyn [148119]
| b.13_Mar_1888, Virginia
| m.29_Jul_1914
| wife of E. Marvin Duncan
|-- Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn Sr.
| (Elroy) [147965]
| b.17_Oct_1892, Virginia
| d. before 1998

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Clifton Lanness Llewellyn = Lettie Mount [148120]
Clifton Lanness Llewellyn -------
b.7_Nov_1874, Virginia
Lettie Mount [148120] -----------
b.1884, Virginia
wife of Clifton L. Llewellyn
|-- Lloyd Llewellyn [148121]
| b.13_Feb_1911
|-- Raymound Llewellyn [148122]
| b.26_Jan_1913

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William Carey Llewellyn = Nannie Davis [148123]
William Carey Llewellyn ---------
b.6_May_1876, Virginia
Nannie Davis [148123] -----------
b.1877, Virginia
wife of William C. Llewellyn
|-- Mabel Llewellyn [148124]
| b.22_May_1899, Virginia
| m.1_May_1919
| wife of Claud Hotaling
|-- Ruth Llewellyn [148125]
| b.17_Apr_1906, Virginia

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Claud Hotaling [148126] = Mabel Llewellyn [148124]
Claud Hotaling [148126] ---------
b.1896, Virginia
d. before 1997
Mabel Llewellyn [148124] --------
b.22_May_1899, Virginia
wife of Claud Hotaling
|-- Margaret Hotaling [148127]
| b.25_May_1921
|-- Gwendolyn Hotaling [148128]
| b.21_May_1923

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Alonza Edward Llewellyn = Flora Proctor [148129]
Alonza Edward Llewellyn ---------
b.23_May_1877, Virginia
Flora Proctor [148129] ----------
b.1888, Virginia
wife of Alonza E. Llewellyn
|-- Graydon Beveridge Llewellyn
| [148130]
| b.3_Jan_1914

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Marvin Llewellyn [148112] = Sallie Walsh [148131]
Marvin Llewellyn [148112] -------
b.31_Jul_1878, Virtinia
Sallie Walsh [148131] -----------
b.1877, Virginia
wife of Marvin Llewellyn
|-- Marvin Lanness Llewellyn
| [148132]
| b.10_Nov_1902
|-- Lawrence Edward Llewellyn
| [148133]
| b.19_Mar_1910
|-- Clarence Duncan Llewellyn
| [148134]
| b.11_Jan_1914

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John Thomas Llewellyn Sr. = Maggie Lundie [148135]
John Thomas Llewellyn Sr. -------
b.21_Sep_1879, Virginia
Maggie Lundie [148135] ----------
b.1883, Virginia
wife of John T. Llewellyn Sr.
|-- Cora Vivian Llewellyn
| [148136]
| b.19_Sep_1907
|-- Loutrell Llewellyn [148137]
| b.14_Jul_1909
|-- John Thomas Llewellyn Jr.
| [148138]
| b.8_Jun_1912

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Irvin Llewellyn [148116] = Nodia Morel [148139]
Irvin Llewellyn [148116] --------
b.26_Jan_1884, Virginia
Nodia Morel [148139] ------------
b.1892, Virtinia
wife of Irvin Llewellyn
d. before 1997
|-- Adelaide Virginia Llewellyn
| [148140]
| b.8_Mar_1913

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Mallory Llewellyn [148117] = Audrey Robertson [148141]
Mallory Llewellyn [148117] ------
b.2_Mar_1885, Virginia
Audrey Robertson [148141] -------
b.1887, Virginia
wife of Mallory Llewellyn
|-- no_children

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Milton Llewellyn [148118] = Lula Tickle [148142]
Milton Llewellyn [148118] -------
b.19_Oct_1886, Virginia
Lula Tickle [148142] ------------
b.1886, Virginia
wife of Milton Llewellyn
|-- Milton Edward Llewellyn
| [148143]
| b.13_Sep_1907, Virginia
| d.8_Dec_1990, West Virginia
|-- Ralph Waldo Llewellyn
| [148144]
| b.20_Oct_1911
|-- Lula Lee Llewellyn [148145]
| wife of Rufus House

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Rufus House [148146] = Lula Lee Llewellyn [148145]
Rufus House [148146] ------------
Lula Lee Llewellyn [148145] -----
wife of Rufus House
|-- Joyce House [148147]
| b.14_Aug_1942
|-- Gay House [148148]
| b.14_Aug_1942

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E. Marvin Duncan [148149] = Estelle Llewellyn [148119]
E. Marvin Duncan [148149] -------
b.1884, Virginia
Estelle Llewellyn [148119] ------
b.13_Mar_1888, Virginia
wife of E. Marvin Duncan
|-- Audrey Duncan [148150]
| b.15_Jul_1915
|-- Horace C. Duncan [148151]
| b.19_Jun_1918

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Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn Sr. = Pearl Ann Shield [147960]

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Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn Jr. = Grace Eldridge [147968]
Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn Jr. ----
(Elroy) [147966]
Grace Eldridge [147968] ---------
wife of
Dr. Charles E. Llewellyn Jr.
|-- Charles Elroy Llewellyn III
| [147969]
| b.30_Oct_1950
|-- George Eldridge Llewellyn
| [147970]
| b.2_Dec_1952
|-- Richard Shield Llewellyn
| [147971]
| b.26_Jan_1955

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Dr. William M. Ditto = Ann Llewellyn [147967]
Dr. William M. Ditto ------------
Ann Llewellyn [147967] ----------
wife of
Dr. William M. Ditto
|-- Carol Ann Ditto [147973]
| b.17_Oct_1950
|-- Frances H. Ditto [147974]
| b.7_Sep_1952
|-- Janet M. Ditto [147975]
| b.15_Apr_1955
|-- William L. Ditto [147976]
| b.1_Apr_1957

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Sydney Frank Crockett = Rebecca Hopkins [148153]
Sydney Frank Crockett -----------
b.15_May_1857, York Co. VA
Rebecca Hopkins [148153] --------
b.14_Apr_1861, York Co. VA
m.16_Sep_1881, Virginia
wife of Sydney F. Crockett
|-- Alexander Crockett [148154]
| b.25_May_1882, Virginia
|-- Martha Crockett [148155]
| b.12_Sep_1884
| m.Apr_1907
| wife of Arthur Hefner Sr.
| d.15_Aug_1922
|-- Minnie L. Crockett [148156]
| b.6_Jan_1886
| m.23_Sep_1906
| wife of Mathias Butler
| d.2_Jul_1955, York Co. VA
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Annie Crockett [148157]
| b.17_Jul_1889
| d.17_Apr_1890
|-- Charles Clayton Crockett
| [148158]
| b.13_Mar_1891
| d.22_May_1914, York Co. VA,
| unmarried
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Cora Crockett [148159]
| b.12_May_1894, Virginia
| d.5_Jun_1895, Virginia
|-- Mary Magdaline Crockett
| [148160]
| b.8_Dec_1895, Virginia
| m.18_Aug_1914
| wife of
| William C. Beshears Sr.
| d. before 1997
|-- ________ Crockett [148161]
| b.17_May_1899, Virginia
| d.26_May_1899, Virginia

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Alexander Crockett [148154] = Rosa Watson [148162]
Alexander Crockett [148154] -----
b.25_May_1882, Virginia
Rosa Watson [148162] ------------
b.1888, Virginia
m.30_Nov_1908, Virginia
wife of Alexander Crockett
|-- Louise Crockett [148163]
| b.28_Apr_1911
|-- Ervin Crockett [148164]
| b.17_Jul_1914
|-- Minnie Crockett [148165]
| b.21_Aug_1915
|-- Ernest Crockett [148166]
| b.28_Mar_1919

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Arthur Hefner Sr. [148167] = Martha Crockett [148155]
Arthur Hefner Sr. [148167] ------
Martha Crockett [148155] --------
wife of Arthur Hefner Sr.
|-- May E. Hefner [148168]
| b.24_Jan_1908
| wife of George Johnson
|-- James Preston Hefner
| [148169]
| b.27_Jan_1909
|-- Walter H. Hefner [148170]
| b.14_Apr_1910
|-- Joseph A. Hefner [148171]
| b.4_Mar_1911
|-- Charles Hefner [148172]
| b.Mar_1915
|-- Mary Hefner [148173]
| b.4_Jun_1917
|-- Arthur Hefner Jr. [148174]
| b.1_Jun_1919

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George Johnson [148175] = May E. Hefner [148168]
George Johnson [148175] ---------
May E. Hefner [148168] ----------
wife of George Johnson

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Mathias Butler [148176] = Minnie L. Crockett [148156]
Mathias Butler [148176] ---------
Minnie L. Crockett [148156] -----
wife of Mathias Butler
d.2_Jul_1955, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Gilbert Butler [148177]
| b.14_Aug_1907, Virginia
| d.Jul_1982, Norfolk VA
|-- Alice Butler [148178]
| b.16_Aug_1908
|-- Lucille Butler [148179]
| b.9_Oct_1910
|-- Ralph Butler [148180]
| b.7_Oct_1912
|-- Woodrow W. Butler [148181]
| b.24_Jan_1914
|-- Evelyn Butler [148182]
| b.17_Jan_1915
|-- Mary E. Butler [148183]
| b.3_Oct_1916

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William C. Beshears Sr. = Mary Magdaline Crockett
William C. Beshears Sr. ---------
Mary Magdaline Crockett ---------
b.8_Dec_1895, Virginia
wife of
William C. Beshears Sr.
d. before 1997
|-- William C. Beshears Jr.
| [148185]
| b.2_Sep_1915
|-- Ruth N. Beshears [148186]
| b.30_Sep_1916
|-- Thelma L. Beshears [148187]
| b.16_Oct_1917
|-- Jack T. Beshears [148188]
| b.26_Dec_1918
|-- Myrtle R. Beshears [148189]
| b.22_Jun_1920
|-- Robert C. Beshears [148190]
| b.14_Nov_1921

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Hiram Lafayette Crockett = Ann Eliz Tennis [200274]

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Leonard Fulton Crockett = Esther Florence Tennis

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Luther Lafayette Crockett = Ester V. Osborn [208415]
Luther Lafayette Crockett -------
Ester V. Osborn [208415] --------
wife of Luther L. Crockett
|-- Robert Wilton Crockett
| [208417]
| b.7_Oct_1906
| d.15_Dec_1946
|-- Luther Lafayette Crockett Jr.
| [208427]

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Elmer Lee Crockett [208416] = Helen Hawkins [208428]
Elmer Lee Crockett [208416] -----
Helen Hawkins [208428] ----------
wife of Elmer Lee Crockett
|-- Elizabeth Crockett [208429]
|-- Virginia Crockett [208430]
|-- Lydia Crockett [208431]
|-- Marjorie Crockett [208432]
|-- Hiram Crockett [208433]
|-- William Crockett [208434]

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William Hiram Crockett = Lauretta Belski [208435]
William Hiram Crockett ----------
Lauretta Belski [208435] --------
wife of William H. Crockett
|-- Robert Crockett [208436]
|-- David Crockett [208437]
|-- Harry Crockett [208438]

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Elliott Howe [208439] = Nannie Louise Crockett
Elliott Howe [208439] -----------
Nannie Louise Crockett ----------
wife of Elliott Howe
|-- James W. Howe [208440]
|-- Elsie Marie Howe [208441]
|-- Mary Anne Howe [208442]

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Edward L. Crockett [148211] = Elverta Crockett [144245]

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Rufus Crockett [148212] = Edith Crockett [148215]
Rufus Crockett [148212] ---------
Edith Crockett [148215] ---------
wife of Rufus Crockett
|-- John Edward Crockett
| [148216]
| b.12_Dec_1907
|-- Ruth H. Crockett [148217]
| b.13_Sep_1913
|-- James C. Crockett [148218]
| b.7_Jun_1917

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William Pruitt [148219] = Nettie Crockett [148213]
William Pruitt [148219] ---------
Nettie Crockett [148213] --------
wife of William Pruitt
|-- Margaret Pruitt [148220]
| b.2_Mar_1911
|-- Frances Pruitt [148221]
| b.10_May_1913
|-- William Pruitt [148222]
| b.26_Oct_1916
|-- Elverta Pruitt [148223]
| b.23_Apr_1923

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Thomas M. Chandler [148224] = Viola Cartrue Crockett
Thomas M. Chandler [148224] -----
Viola Cartrue Crockett ----------
b.14_Mar_1864, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas M. Chandler
|-- Clara Chandler [148225]
| b.30_Sep_1885
| m.23_Dec_1914
| wife of Ernest Wynn
|-- Robert Chandler [148226]
| b.8_May_1888
|-- Arthur Chandler [148227]
| b.21_Oct_1896
| d.10_Oct_1918, unmarried

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Ernest Wynn [148228] = Clara Chandler [148225]
Ernest Wynn [148228] ------------
Clara Chandler [148225] ---------
wife of Ernest Wynn
|-- no_children

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Robert Chandler [148226] = Jennie Nottingham [148229]
Robert Chandler [148226] --------
Jennie Nottingham [148229] ------
wife of Robert Chandler
|-- Audrey Chandler [148230]
| (adopted)

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L. L. Crockett [148231] = Emma Olivia Crockett
L. L. Crockett [148231] ---------
of Tangier Island VA
Emma Olivia Crockett ------------
b.21_Oct_1868, York Co. VA
wife of L. L. Crockett
|-- Charles Crockett [148232]
| d. unmarried
|-- Peter Crockett [148233]
| b.4_Apr_1897
| d. unmarried
|-- Wilmer Crockett [148234]
| d. unmarried
|-- Carey Crockett [148235]
| b.9_Jun_1900

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John Roy Crockett [208420] = Carrie Smith [208453]
John Roy Crockett [208420] ------
Carrie Smith [208453] -----------
wifr of John R. Crockett
|-- Betty Anne Crockett [208454]
| b.1922
|-- Hattie Adell Crockett
| [208455]
| b.1923

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O. J. Bushey [208456] = Florence Bernice Crockett
O. J. Bushey [208456] -----------
Florence Bernice Crockett -------
wife of O. J. Bushey
|-- Carolyn Ann Bushey [208457]
| b.1931

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Sampson Crockett [177345] = Elsie Tyler [177351]
Sampson Crockett [177345] -------
b.1700, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1733, Somerset Co. MD
Elsie Tyler [177351] ------------
b.ca.1706, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
m.ca.1721, Somerset Co. MD
wife of Sampson Crockett
|-- Joseph Samuel Crockett
| [177352]
| b.19_May_1722,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.28_Apr_1806,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Tyler Crockett [177353]
| b.21_Feb_1724/25,
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA

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Living Mathews [203989] = Living Mathis [203988]

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Charles Edward Crockett = unknown
Charles Edward Crockett ---------
b.15_Jun_1920, Wilson Co. NC
d.Feb_1989, Vienna VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Living Crockett [211707]

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Joseph Samuel Crockett = Sally Patsy Tyler [177357]
Joseph Samuel Crockett ----------
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sally Patsy Tyler [177357] ------
b.1725 Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
m.1744, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Joseph S. Crockett
d.1802, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
bu. Canton Ridge,
Tangier Island VA
|-- Mary Crockett [177358]
| (Molly)
| b.1745, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1760, Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Richard Evans
| d.1806, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Leah Crockett [177361]
| b.1750, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1770, St. Georges Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Stephen Hopkins
| d.1844
|-- Thomas Crockett [177362]
| (Tommy)
| b.1754, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1815, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Rachel Crockett [177364]
| b.1760, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1819, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Joseph Tyler Crockett
| [177359]
| b.1761, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1829, York Co. VA
|-- Sarah Crockett [177360]
| b.1765, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1775(?),
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Solomon Linton
|-- John Crockett [177366]
| b.11_Aug_1766,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.17_Nov_1834,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Jesse Crockett [177363]
| b.ca.1769, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Tabitha Crockett [177367]
| b.1770, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Asa Crockett [177370]
| b.ca.1778, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Southy Crockett [177371]
| b.ca.1780, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Zachariah Crockett [177365]
| b.1780, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1844, Accomack Co. VA

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Bailey Smith [201334] = Sarah Long [177373]
Bailey Smith [201334] -----------
Sarah Long [177373] -------------
b.1772, Fox Hill,
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of Joseph T. Crockett
d.1870, York Co. VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Joseph Tyler Crockett = Sarah Long [177373]

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Joseph Tyler Crockett = Sarah Long [177373]
Joseph Tyler Crockett -----------
b.1761, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1829, York Co. VA
Sarah Long [177373] -------------
b.1772, Fox Hill,
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of Joseph T. Crockett
d.1870, York Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth Crockett [201335]
| wife of Bailey Smith
|-- Joseph Tyler Crockett Jr.
| [177374]
| b.1793, Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Jan_1813,
| near Hampton VA,
| war of 1812
|-- Zeporah Crockett [201336]
| (Zaphoria)
| m.4_Apr_1817
| wife of Jesse Hopkins
|-- Martha Crockett [177376]
| (Patty, Patsy)
| b.1783, Accomack Co. VA
| m.1796, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Dawson Provoo
| m.Sep_1800
| wife of Joseph C. Hopkins
| d.1863
|-- Whittington Crockett
| [144230]
| farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
| b.8_May_1794,
| Accomack Co. VA
d.16_Jan_1876, Seaford VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Bailey Smith [201334] = Sarah Long [177373]

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Whittington Crockett = Mary Hogg [144231]
Whittington Crockett ------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
Accomack Co. VA
d.16_Jan_1876, Seaford VA
Mary Hogg [144231] --------------
b.1802, York Co. VA
m.5_Feb_1848, York Co. VA
wife of Whittington Crockett
d.1_Jun_1875, Seaford VA
father's other spousal relationships
Whittington Crockett = Sarah Lacy Topping [177346]

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Joseph Tyler Crockett Jr. = Caty Doughty [177378]
Joseph Tyler Crockett Jr. -------
b.1793, Accomack Co. VA
near Hampton VA,
war of 1812
Caty Doughty [177378] -----------
b.ca.1792, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of
Joseph T. Crockett Jr.

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Solomon Linton [177379] = Sarah Crockett [177360]
Solomon Linton [177379] ---------
b.ca.1749, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Sarah Crockett [177360] ---------
b.1765, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Solomon Linton
|-- Sarah Linton [134552]
| b.1770-1780
| m.ca.1795
| wife of Josiah Evans
| d.after 1830

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Thomas Crockett [177362] = Priscilla Tyler [177394]
Thomas Crockett [177362] --------
b.1754, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1815, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Priscilla Tyler [177394] --------
b.ca.1760, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1790, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Thomas Crockett
|-- Caty Crockett [177395]
| b.ca.1792, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.12_Dec_1812,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Elisha Crockett
|-- Henry Crockett [177396]
| b.ca.1794, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Annie Crockett [177397]
| b.18_Mar_1796,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.29_Dec_1818,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John Thomas
| d.7_Feb_1870,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Asa Thomas Crockett [177398]
| b.ca.1798, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Tyler Crockett [177399]
| b.ca.1800, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Joseph Crockett [177400]
| b.ca.1802, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Henry Crockett [177396] = Sally Thomas [177401]
Henry Crockett [177396] ---------
b.ca.1794, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sally Thomas [177401] -----------
b.ca.1794, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Henry Crockett
|-- Mary A. Crockett [177402]
| b.12_Feb_1815,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.9_Nov_1837,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Lewis Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA

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Asa Thomas Crockett [177398] = Catherine Moore [177403]
Asa Thomas Crockett [177398] ----
b.ca.1798, Accomack Co. VA
Catherine Moore [177403] --------
b.ca.1797, Accomack VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Asa T. Crockett
|-- Thomas H. Crockett [177404]
| b.9_Dec_1820,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Nov_1879,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Asa J. Crockett [177405]
| b.1822, Prospeck Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1907, Accomack Co. VA

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Thomas H. Crockett [177404] = Nancy Smith [177406]
Thomas H. Crockett [177404] -----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Nancy Smith [177406] ------------
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1843, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Thomas H. Crockett
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Margaret Susan Crockett
| [177407]
| b.3_Feb_1844,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.9_Jul_1928,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William F. Crockett [177408]
| b.15_Sep_1851,
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA

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Asa J. Crockett [177405] = Susan E. Turner [177409]
Asa J. Crockett [177405] --------
b.1822, Prospeck Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1907, Accomack Co. VA
Susan E. Turner [177409] --------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Asa J. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- George W. Crockett [177410]
| b.1845, Accomack Co. VA
| d.1903, St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary F. Crockett [177411]
| b.1848, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1873, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Edward T. Guy
| d.1917, Accomack Co. VA
|-- John A. Crockett [177412]
| b.1851, Accomack Co. VA
| d.1912, St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Benjamin Franklin Crockett
| [177413]
| b.16_Dec_1852,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.29_Dec_1919,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Catherine Crockett [177414]
| b.ca.1854, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Joseph Crockett [177415]
| b.ca.1859, Accomack Co. VA
| d.1922, Mobile, AL
|-- Kate Crockett [177416]
| b.ca.1861, Accomack Co. VA
|-- James E. Crockett [177417]
| b.25_Mar_1862, Hacks Neck,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Oct_1898, Hacks Neck,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Virginia Lee Crockett
| [177418]
| b.1864, Accomack Co. VA
| d.1933, Harborton,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Annie Louise Crockett
| [177419]
| b.10_Jun_1867,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.20_Dec_1877,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Thomas J. Crockett [177420]
| b.Jan_1877, Accomack Co. VA
| d.20_Aug_1877,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA

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George W. Crockett [177410] = Virginia Davis [177421]
George W. Crockett [177410] -----
b.1845, Accomack Co. VA
d.1903, St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Virginia Davis [177421] ---------
b.1857, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George W. Crockett
d.1931, Accomack Co. Va
|-- Inez Crockett [177422]
| b.ca.1868, Accomack Co. VA

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Edward Thomas Guy [177423] = Mary F. Crockett [177411]
Edward Thomas Guy [177423] ------
b.ca.1848, Accomack Co. VA
Mary F. Crockett [177411] -------
b.1848, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.1873, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Edward T. Guy
d.1917, Accomack Co. VA

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John A. Crockett [177412] = Bettie P. Ayres [177424]
John A. Crockett [177412] -------
b.1851, Accomack Co. VA
d.1912, St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Bettie P. Ayres [177424] --------
Accomack Co. Virginia
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John A. Crockett
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- ________ Crockett [177425]
| b.ca.1883, Accomack Co. VA

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Benjamin Franklin Crockett = Ellenora Carmine [177426]
Benjamin Franklin Crockett ------
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Ellenora Carmine [177426] -------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Benjamin F. Crockett
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Stella Crockett [177427]
| b.ca.1883, Accomack Co. VA
| d. Richmond VA

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Joseph Crockett [177415] = Alma Fincher [177428]
Joseph Crockett [177415] --------
b.ca.1859, Accomack Co. VA
d.1922, Mobile, AL
Alma Fincher [177428] -----------
b.ca.1863, Mobile, AL
m.ca.1890, Mobile, AL
wife of Joseph Crockett

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James E. Crockett [177417] = Evalena Evans [177429]
James E. Crockett [177417] ------
b.25_Mar_1862, Hacks Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
d.25_Oct_1898, Hacks Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
Evalena Evans [177429] ----------
b.16_Apr_1890, Hacks Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of James E. Crockett
m.1901, Baltimore MD
wife of William D. Evans
|-- ________ Crockett [177430]
| b.10_Jun_1891,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.19_Jun_1891,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Harold E. Crockett [177431]
|-- Evalyn Crockett [177432]
|-- Annie Crockett [177433]
| b.1897, Hacks Neck,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1935, Baltimore MD
mother's other spousal relationships
William D. Evans [178529] = Evalena Evans [177429]

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________ Crockett [177430] = Mary Alice Leach [177434]
________ Crockett [177430] ------
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary Alice Leach [177434] -------
b.1_Aug_1898, Virginia
wife of Harold E Crockett

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Tyler Crockett [177399] = Euphamia Evans [177435]
Tyler Crockett [177399] ---------
b.ca.1800, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Euphamia Evans [177435] ---------
b.ca.1800, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Tyler Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elijah Somers
|-- Margaret Crockett [177436]
| b.1828
| m.1849, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Jacob Sparrow Jr.
| m.19_Aug_1856,
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elijah Spence
father's other spousal relationships
Tyler Crockett [177399] = Caty Doughty [177437]
mother's other spousal relationships
Elijah Somers [177976] = Euphamia Evans [177435]

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Tyler Crockett [177399] = Caty Doughty [177437]
Tyler Crockett [177399] ---------
b.ca.1800, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Caty Doughty [177437] -----------
b.ca.1792, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Tyler Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
Tyler Crockett [177399] = Euphamia Evans [177435]

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Jesse Crockett [177363] = ________ ________ [177438]
Jesse Crockett [177363] ---------
b.ca.1769, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
________ ________ [177438] ------
m.ca.1782, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Jesse Crockett
|-- Anna Crockett [177439]
| b.1802, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.28_Apr_1819,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Teackle Evans
|-- Planner Crockett [177440]
| b.ca.1803, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.9_Aug_1895, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Henny Crockett [177441]
| b.1804, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Dennard Paul

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Planner Crockett [177440] = Polly Crockett [177532]
Planner Crockett [177440] -------
b.ca.1803, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.9_Aug_1895, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Polly Crockett [177532] ---------
b.ca.1807, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Planner Crockett
|-- Eliza Crockett [177442]
| b.1834, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- George Riley Crockett
| [177443]
| b.1836, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1905
|-- Jane Crockett [177444]
| b.1838, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Hugh Crockett [177445]
| b.1840, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth Crockett [177446]
| b.1842, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Tryphenia A. Crockett
| [177447]
| b.1844, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.21_Jan_1873,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Lewis F. Marshall
| d.25_Aug_1933
|-- Rachel Crockett [177448]
| b.1847, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1892, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Stewart B. Crockett [177449]
| b.ca.1853, Accomack Co. VA
| d.1_Nov_1854, Fox Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William Henry Crockett
| [177450]
| b.1854, Fox Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.20_Mar_1935, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA

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George Riley Crockett = Sarah A. Martin [177451]
George Riley Crockett -----------
b.1836, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sarah A. Martin [177451] --------
b.1858, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George R. Crockett
d. after 1910,
Accomack Co. VA

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William Henry Crockett = Margaret J. Stant [177452]
William Henry Crockett ----------
b.1854, Fox Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.20_Mar_1935, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Margaret J. Stant [177452] ------
b.1854, Accomack Co. VA
m.17_Feb_1875, Onancock,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William H. Crockett
d.Jul_1919, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Henry Crockett = Lovinthe E. Bradshaw

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William Henry Crockett = Lovinthe E. Bradshaw
William Henry Crockett ----------
b.1854, Fox Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.20_Mar_1935, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Lovinthe E. Bradshaw ------------
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William H. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn R. Stant
d.21_Jan_1932, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Henry Crockett = Margaret J. Stant [177452]
mother's other spousal relationships
Severn R. Stant [178171] = Lovinthe E. Bradshaw

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Dennard Paul [177454] = Henny Crockett [177441]
Dennard Paul [177454] -----------
b.1802, Accomack Co. VA
Henny Crockett [177441] ---------
b.1804, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Dennard Paul

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Zachariah Crockett [177365] = Polly Evans [177455]
Zachariah Crockett [177365] -----
b.1780, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1844, Accomack Co. VA
Polly Evans [177455] ------------
b.ca.1773, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
m.ca.1790, Somerset Co, MD
Maryland, USA
wife of Zachariah Crockett
|-- Elisha Crockett [177456]
| b.ca.1791, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Thomas Crockett [177457]
| b.ca.1793, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Joseph Crockett [177458]
| b.1799, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- John Crockett [177459]
| b.ca.1795, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- David Crockett [177460]
| b.1816, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.30_Nov_1874,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Alice Crockett [177461]
| (Alcey)
| b.1800, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.12_Jan_1821,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of William Tyler
| d.10_Jul_1861
|-- Josiah Crockett [177462]
| b.ca.1801, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. Virginia
|-- Rachel Crockett [177463]
| b.1809, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1826, Smith Island,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Severn Tyler
| d.13_Dec_1841
|-- Peter Crockett [177464]
| b.1816, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.23_Feb_1882

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Elisha Crockett [177456] = Caty Crockett [177395]

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Joseph Crockett [177458] = Zipporah Parks [177465]
Joseph Crockett [177458] --------
b.1799, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Zipporah Parks [177465] ---------
b.1799, Somerset Co. MD
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Joseph Crockett
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Southey S. Crockett [177466]
| b.2_Oct_1817,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.13_Mar_1905,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Thomas W. Crockett [177467]
| b.1824, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Henry Crockett [177468]
| b.ca.1826, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary Crockett [177469]
| b.ca.1828, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Southey S. Crockett [177466] = Elizabeth A. Moore [177470]
Southey S. Crockett [177466] ----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth A. Moore [177470] -----
b.ca.1820, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Southey S. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- John W. Crockett [177471]
| b.1842, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Margaret A. Crockett
| [177472]
| b.1844, Accomack Co. VA
| d.16_Aug_1855,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary C. Crockett [177473]
| b.1846, Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Southey S. Crockett [177466] = Rachel Moore [177474]

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Southey S. Crockett [177466] = Rachel Moore [177474]
Southey S. Crockett [177466] ----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Rachel Moore [177474] -----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Southey S. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth A. Crockett
| [177475]
| b.13_Oct_1859,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.29_Mar_1876,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Andrew J. Killman
| d.30_Aug_1918,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- John W. Crockett [177476]
| b.8_Feb_1864,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.7_Sep_1929,
| St George Parish,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- George Southey Crockett
| [177477]
| b.1865, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Maggie Crockett [177478]
| b.26_Oct_1868,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.11_Feb_1884, Onancock,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Dallas W. Hart
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Southey S. Crockett [177466] = Elizabeth A. Moore [177470]

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Andrew Jackson Killman = Elizabeth A. Crockett
Andrew Jackson Killman ----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth A. Crockett -----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Andrew J. Killman
Accomack Co. VA

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John W. Crockett [177476] = Kate R. Hauck [177480]
John W. Crockett [177476] -------
Accomack Co. VA
St George Parish,
Accomack Co. VA
Kate R. Hauck [177480] ----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John W. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Harry S. Crockett [177481]
| b.24_Mar_1884,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1963, Accomack Co. VA
|-- John S. Crockett [177482]
| b.17_Jan_1887,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1944, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Beatrice E. Crockett
| [177483]
| b.24_Jun_1888,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mark M. Crockett [177484]
| b.30_Jun_1890,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.18_Feb_1919,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- David B. Crockett [177485]
| b.28_Mar_1894,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.12_Nov_1908,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ernest B. Crockett [177486]
| b.28_Mar_1894,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.8_Apr_1896,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Harry S. Crockett [177481] = Lula White [177487]
Harry S. Crockett [177481] ------
Accomack Co. VA
d.1963, Accomack Co. VA
Lula White [177487] -------------
b.1879, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Harry S. Crockett
d.1958, Accomack Co. VA

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George Southey Crockett = Margaret S. Croxton [177488]
George Southey Crockett ---------
b.1865, Accomack Co. VA
Margaret S. Croxton [177488] ----
b.ca.1865, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George S. Crockett

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Dallas W. Hart [177489] = Maggie Crockett [177478]
Dallas W. Hart [177489] ---------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Maggie Crockett [177478] --------
Accomack Co. VA
m.11_Feb_1884, Onancock,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Dallas W. Hart
Accomack Co. VA

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Thomas W. Crockett [177467] = Susan Payne [177490]
Thomas W. Crockett [177467] -----
b.1824, Accomack Co. VA
Susan Payne [177490] ------------
b.1826, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Thomas W. Crockett
|-- Edward C. Crockett [177491]
| b.9_Sep_1856, Prospect Neck,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Sep_1930,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Edna S. Crockett [177492]
| b.ca.1858, Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas W. Crockett [177467] = Cordelia Paul [177494]

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Edward C. Crockett [177491] = Annie C. Ward [177493]
Edward C. Crockett [177491] -----
b.9_Sep_1856, Prospect Neck,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Annie C. Ward [177493] ----------
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Edward C. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA

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Thomas W. Crockett [177467] = Cordelia Paul [177494]
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas W. Crockett [177467] = Susan Payne [177490]

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Joseph Crockett [177495] = Margaret S. Guy [177496]
Joseph Crockett [177495] --------
b.1870, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Margaret S. Guy [177496] --------
b.1873, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Joseph Crockett

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David Crockett [177460] = Mary Jane Evans [177497]
David Crockett [177460] ---------
b.1816, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary Jane Evans [177497] --------
b.ca.1827, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of David Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Sarah Emiline Crockett
| [177498]
| b.ca.Apr_1850,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1866
| wife of Seth Williams
|-- Matilda Crockett [177499]
| b.ca.1854, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Drusilla Ellen Crockett
| [177500]
| b.20_Dec_1856,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1876
| wife of Peter Williams
|-- Elisha Crockett [177501]
| b.ca.1859, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary A. Crockett [177502]
| b.ca.1857, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.26_Aug_1876,
| Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Pettie H. Shores
father's other spousal relationships
David Crockett [177460] = Emiline Crockett [177506]

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Seth Williams [177503] = Sarah Emiline Crockett
Seth Williams [177503] ----------
Sarah Emiline Crockett ----------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Seth Williams

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Peter Williams [177504] = Drusilla Ellen Crockett
Peter Williams [177504] ---------
Drusilla Ellen Crockett ---------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Peter Williams

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Elisha Crockett [177501] = Sarah E. Crockett [177505]
Elisha Crockett [177501] --------
b.ca.1859, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sarah E. Crockett [177505] ------
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elisha Crockett

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David Crockett [177460] = Emiline Crockett [177506]
David Crockett [177460] ---------
b.1816, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Emiline Crockett [177506] -------
b.ca.1816, Somerset Co. MD
m.ca.19_May_1836, Hog Neck,
Somerset Co. Maryland
wife of David Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
David Crockett [177460] = Mary Jane Evans [177497]

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William Tyler [177507] = Alice Crockett [177461]
William Tyler [177507] ----------
b.1793, Tylerton,
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Alice Crockett [177461] ---------
b.1800, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William Tyler

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Josiah Crockett [177462] = Elizabeth Parks [177508]
Josiah Crockett [177462] --------
b.ca.1801, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. Virginia
Elizabeth Parks [177508] --------
Black Walnut Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Josiah Crockett
|-- William Crockett [177509]
| b.1829, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Emeline Crockett [177510]
| b.1832, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- David Crockett [177511]
| b.7_Nov_1833,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Oct_1898,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Zipporah Crockett [177512]
| b.ca.1838, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Elisha Crockett [177513]
| b.1841, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Eliza A. Crockett [177514]
| b.1843, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1864, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John E. Parks
| d.1910, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Lorenzo Dow Crockett
| [177515]
| b.Feb_1844,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.5_Feb_1910,
| Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Josiah Crockett [177462] = Sally Shepherd [177521]

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William Crockett [177509] = Ailsy Crockett [177541]
William Crockett [177509] -------
b.1829, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Ailsy Crockett [177541] ---------
b.1830, Accomack Co. VA
wife of William Crockett
|-- Luellen Crockett [177516]
| b.ca.1858, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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David Crockett [177511] = Elizabeth Savage [177517]
David Crockett [177511] ---------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth Savage [177517] -------
b.Oct_1834, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of David Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Elisha Crockett [177518]
| b.1857, Accomack Co. VA

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Elisha Crockett [177518] = Elizabeth A. Shears [177519]
Elisha Crockett [177518] --------
b.1857, Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth A. Shears [177519] ----
b.1860, Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elisha Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
Elisha Crockett [177518] = Mary Crockett [177520]

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Elisha Crockett [177518] = Mary Crockett [177520]
Elisha Crockett [177518] --------
b.1857, Accomack Co. VA
Mary Crockett [177520] ----------
b.1861, Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elisha Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
Elisha Crockett [177518] = Elizabeth A. Shears [177519]

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John Edward Parks [177522] = Eliza A. Crockett [177514]
John Edward Parks [177522] ------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Eliza A. Crockett [177514] ------
b.1843, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1864, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John E. Parks
d.1910, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA

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Josiah Crockett [177462] = Sally Shepherd [177521]
Josiah Crockett [177462] --------
b.ca.1801, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. Virginia
Sally Shepherd [177521] ---------
b.ca.1801, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Josiah Crockett
d.ca.1826, Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Josiah Crockett [177462] = Elizabeth Parks [177508]

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Peter Crockett [177464] = Jane ________ [177523]
Peter Crockett [177464] ---------
b.1816, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Jane ________ [177523] ----------
b.ca.1816, Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1837, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Peter Crockett
|-- Margaret Crockett [177524]
| b.ca.1838, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Louis Crockett [177525]
| b.ca.1841, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Crockett
| [177526]
| b.ca.1850, Fox Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Somerset Co. MD
wife of James B. Marshall
d.26_Jan_1896, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA

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James Brindle Marshall = Sarah Elizabeth Crockett
James Brindle Marshall ----------
b.17_Jul_1853, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Sarah Elizabeth Crockett --------
b.ca.1850, Fox Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Somerset Co. MD
wife of James B. Marshall
d.26_Jan_1896, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA

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John Crockett [177366] = Elizabeth ________ [177528]
John Crockett [177366] ----------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth ________ [177528] -----
b.ca.1770, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1789, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- John Crockett [177529]
| b.ca.1795, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Annanias Crockett [177530]
| b.ca.1797, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d. before 22_Aug_1835,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- George Crockett [177531]
| b.1799, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Polly Crockett [177532]
| b.ca.1807, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.21_Feb_1827,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Planner Crockett
|-- Thomas Crockett [177533]
| b.1803, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Anne Crockett [177534]
| b.ca.1807, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.27_Jan_1834,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Absalom Lewis
|-- Severn Crockett [177535]
| b.10_Sep_1811,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.15_Sep_1868,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Lewis Crockett [177536]
| b.ca.1820, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Catty Crockett [177537]
| b.ca.1817, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Triffana Crockett [177538]
| b.ca.1797, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.15_Dec_1818,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Peter Evans
| d.1876
|-- William Crockett [177539]
| b.ca.1790, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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John Crockett [177529] = Sarah Paul [177540]
John Crockett [177529] ----------
b.ca.1795, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sarah Paul [177540] -------------
b.ca.1807, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ailsy Crockett [177541]
| b.1830, Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1855
| wife of William Crockett
|-- Elliotte T. Crockett
| [177542]
| b.21_May_1833,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.25_Dec_1901,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Alexander Crockett [177543]
| b.ca.1834, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Maranda Crockett [177544]
| b.ca.1837, Accomack Co. VA
| m.1870
| wife of Richard Corbett
|-- Polly Crockett [177545]
| b.ca.1838, Accomack Co. VA
|-- John Crockett [177546]
| b.ca.1841, Accomack Co. VA

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Elliotte T. Crockett = Catherine Pruitt [177547]
Elliotte T. Crockett ------------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Catherine Pruitt [177547] -------
b.1839, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Elliotte T. Crockett
|-- George E. Crockett [177548]
| b.7_Jul_1859,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.6_Nov_1881,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Martha Ann Avry Crockett
| [177549]
| b.27_Feb_1861,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.26_May_1886,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Aaron B. Bradshaw
| d.17_Mar_1947
|-- Laura Jane Crockett [177550]
| b.1862, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1_Sep_1884,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Elijah Parks
|-- Rachel L. Crockett [177551]
| b.7_May_1870,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.11_Jul_1888,
| Smith Island,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of John A. T. Guy
| d.19_Feb_1892,
| Smith Island,
| Somerset Co. MD
|-- Sarah Crockett [177552]
| b.1875, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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John A. T. Guy [177553] = Rachel L. Crockett [177551]
John A. T. Guy [177553] ---------
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Rachel L. Crockett [177551] -----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of John A. T. Guy
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
|-- William H. Guy [177554]
| b.24_Dec_1889,
| Smith Island,
| Somerset Co. MD
| d.19_Aug_1960,
| Smith Island,
| Somerset Co. MD

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William H. Guy [177554] = Addie F. Middleton [177555]
William H. Guy [177554] ---------
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
Addie F. Middleton [177555] -----
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
m.ca.1920, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of William H. Guy
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD

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Alexander Crockett [177543] = Catherine ________ [177556]
Alexander Crockett [177543] -----
b.ca.1834, Accomack Co. VA
Catherine ________ [177556] -----
b.ca.1841, Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1858, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Alexander Crockett
|-- George E. W. Crockett
| [177557]
| b.22_Oct_1858,
| Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA

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Annanias Crockett [177530] = Polly Mason [177558]
Annanias Crockett [177530] ------
b.ca.1797, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d. before 22_Aug_1835,
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Polly Mason [177558] ------------
b.ca.1800, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Annanias Crockett
|-- Annanias Crockett [177559]
| b.ca.1822, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Zipporah Crockett [177560]
| b.ca.1824, Accomack Co. VA
| m.1846, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John D. Taylor
|-- Rose Crockett [177561]
| b.ca.1826, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Sally Ann Crockett [177562]
| b.ca.1828, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Gilbert Crockett [177563]
| b.ca.1830, Accomack Co. VA

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Annanias Crockett [177559] = Sarah Riggen [177564]
Annanias Crockett [177559] ------
b.ca.1822, Accomack Co. VA
Sarah Riggen [177564] -----------
b.ca.1825, Somerset Co. MD
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Annanias Crockett
|-- Mary E. Crockett [177565]
| b.ca.1853, Somerset Co. MD
| m.10_Feb_1874,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Elisha S. Gunby
|-- Sarah Jane Crockett [177566]
| b.ca.1857, Somerset Co. MD
| m.2_Feb_1887,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Beverly T. Mears
|-- Abednego R. Crockett
| [177567]
| b.ca.1860, Somerset Co. MD
|-- Emma Crockett [177568]
| b.ca.1864, Somerset Co. MD
| m.27_Oct_1885,
| Somerset Co. MD
wife of Orrie L Mitchell

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Elisha Samuel Gunby [177569] = Mary E. Crockett [177565]
Elisha Samuel Gunby [177569] ----
b.ca.1852, Somerset Co. MD
Mary E. Crockett [177565] -------
b.ca.1853, Somerset Co. MD
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Elisha S. Gunby

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Beverly Tucker Mears = Sarah Jane Crockett [177566]
Beverly Tucker Mears ------------
b.ca.1857, Somerset Co. MD
Sarah Jane Crockett [177566] ----
b.ca.1857, Somerset Co. MD
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Beverly T. Mears

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Abednego R. Crockett = Lillian J. Lawson [177571]
Abednego R. Crockett ------------
b.ca.1860, Somerset Co. MD
Lillian J. Lawson [177571] ------
b.ca.1861, Somerset Co. MD
Somerset Co. MD
wife of
Abednego R. Crockett

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Orrie L. Mitchell [177572] = Emma Crockett [177568]
Orrie L. Mitchell [177572] ------
b.ca.1861, Somerset Co. MD
Emma Crockett [177568] ----------
b.ca.1864, Somerset Co. MD
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Orrie L Mitchell

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John D. Taylor [177573] = Zipporah Crockett [177560]
John D. Taylor [177573] ---------
b.ca.1820, Accomack Co. VA
Zipporah Crockett [177560] ------
b.ca.1824, Accomack Co. VA
m.1846, Accomack Co. VA
wife of John D. Taylor

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George Crockett [177531] = Sinah Evans [177574]
George Crockett [177531] --------
b.1799, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sinah Evans [177574] ------------
b.1810, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George Crockett
|-- Severn James Crockett
| [177575]
| b.1831, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d. before 1870
|-- Mary Adis Crockett [177576]
| b.1832, Accomack Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1851,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of James P. Miles
| m.27_Feb_1881, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John H. Justice
|-- John S. Crockett [177577]
| b.1833, Accomack Co. VA
| d.21_Aug_1889, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- George R. Crockett [177578]
| b.ca.1834, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Riley Crockett [177579]
| b.1837, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William T. Crockett [177580]
| b.1840/41, Accomack Co. VA
| d.19_Nov_1879,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Anna Eliza Crockett [177581]
| b.1842, Accomack Co. VA
| m.2_Feb_1858,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of John R. Marshall
| d.1866

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Severn James Crockett = Rebecca Ann Drewer [177582]
Severn James Crockett -----------
b.1831, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d. before 1870
Rebecca Ann Drewer [177582] -----
b.ca.1836, Baltimore MD
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn J. Crockett
d.10_Jun_1902, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Margaret A. Crockett
| [177583]
| b.ca.1861, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.7_Nov_1878,
| Jenkins Bridge,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John A. Ellis
| d.16_Dec_1951, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Severn James Crockett
| [177584]
b.1863, Accomack Co. VA
d.27_Dec_1938, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA

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John A. Ellis [177585] = Margaret A. Crockett
John A. Ellis [177585] ----------
b.13_Sep_1855, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1915, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Margaret A. Crockett ------------
b.ca.1861, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Jenkins Bridge,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John A. Ellis
d.16_Dec_1951, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA

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Severn James Crockett = Agnes M. Myers [177586]
Severn James Crockett -----------
b.1863, Accomack Co. VA
d.27_Dec_1938, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Agnes M. Myers [177586] ---------
b.6_Feb_1868, Portsmouth VA
m.9_Nov_1890, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn J. Crockett
d.24_Feb_1937, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- William James Crockett
| [177587]
| b.31_May_1891,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.26_Oct_1966, Nassawadox,
| Northampton Co. VA
|-- Myrtle Lorraine Crockett
| [177588]
b.13_Aug_1895, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John C. C. Lewis
d.26_Apr_1983, Salisbury MD

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John Carlton Carl Lewis = Myrtle Lorraine Crockett
John Carlton Carl Lewis ---------
b.11_May_1894, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
d.13_Jul_1974, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Myrtle Lorraine Crockett --------
b.13_Aug_1895, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John C. C. Lewis
d.26_Apr_1983, Salisbury MD

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James P. Miles [177590] = Mary Adis Crockett [177576]
James P. Miles [177590] ---------
b.1824, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1_Aug_1874, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary Adis Crockett [177576] -----
b.1832, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of James P. Miles
m.27_Feb_1881, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John H. Justice
mother's other spousal relationships
John Henry Justice [177591] = Mary Adis Crockett [177576]

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John Henry Justice [177591] = Mary Adis Crockett [177576]
John Henry Justice [177591] -----
b.Jan_1828, Accomack Co. VA
d.Oct_1903, Accomack Co. VA
Mary Adis Crockett [177576] -----
b.1832, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of James P. Miles
m.27_Feb_1881, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John H. Justice
mother's other spousal relationships
James P. Miles [177590] = Mary Adis Crockett [177576]

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John S. Crockett [177577] = Rachel Ann Linton [177592]
John S. Crockett [177577] -------
b.1833, Accomack Co. VA
d.21_Aug_1889, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Rachel Ann Linton [177592] ------
b.1848, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John S. Crockett
d.1915, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Elizabeth Anna Crockett
| [177593]
| b.ca.1865, Accomack Co. VA
| m.2_Mar_1882, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of George O. Evans
| d.ca.1895, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary E. Crockett [177594]
| b.ca.1867, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.10_Aug_1882,
| Temperanceville,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Thomas F. Lewis
|-- John Crockett [177595]
| b.Nov_1869, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- John W. Crockett [177596]
| b.26_Nov_1871, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Flora E. Crockett [177597]
| b.Dec_1875, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.2_Oct_1892,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of George T. Shaw
|-- Zanie F. Crockett [177598]
| b.8_Nov_1886,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.26_Jul_1903,
| Somerset Co. MD
| wife of Lewis B. Spence
| d.25_Mar_1970,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William Pulling Crockett
| [177599]
| b.9_Sep_1888,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d. before 1997,
| Accomack Co. VA

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George Oliver Evans [177600] = Elizabeth Anna Crockett
George Oliver Evans [177600] ----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.14_Aug_1942, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Elizabeth Anna Crockett ---------
b.ca.1865, Accomack Co. VA
m.2_Mar_1882, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George O. Evans
d.ca.1895, Accomack Co. VA

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Thomas Fellmore Lewis = Mary E. Crockett [177594]
Thomas Fellmore Lewis -----------
b.ca.1849, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary E. Crockett [177594] -------
b.ca.1867, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Thomas F. Lewis

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George T. Shaw [177602] = Flora E. Crockett [177597]
George T. Shaw [177602] ---------
b.Jan_1870, Accomack Co. VA
Flora E. Crockett [177597] ------
b.Dec_1875, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of George T. Shaw

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William Pulling Crockett = Florence W. Stant [177603]
William Pulling Crockett --------
Accomack Co. VA
d. before 1997,
Accomack Co. VA
Florence W. Stant [177603] ------
b.Mar_1896, Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MA
m.4_Jun_1911, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William P. Crockett

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William T. Crockett [177580] = Rebecca Ann Crockett
William T. Crockett [177580] ----
b.1840/41, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Rebecca Ann Crockett ------------
b.1837, Baltimore MD
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William T. Crockett
d.10_Jun_1902, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA

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John Riley Marshall [177605] = Anna Eliza Crockett [177581]
John Riley Marshall [177605] ----
b.1835, Accomack Co. VA
Anna Eliza Crockett [177581] ----
b.1842, Accomack Co. VA
Somerset Co. MD
wife of John R. Marshall
|-- Mary E. Marshall [177606]
| b.1860, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Susan Marshall [177607]
| b.1864, Accomack Co. VA

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Thomas Crockett [177533] = Mary Ann Evans [177608]
Thomas Crockett [177533] --------
b.1803, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary Ann Evans [177608] ---------
b.1815, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Thomas Crockett
|-- Alice Crockett [177609]
| b.1831, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ellen Crockett [177610]
| b.1835, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Sinai Crockett [177611]
| b.1837, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Margaret C. Crockett
| [177612]
| b.ca.1841, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary Crockett [177613]
| b.1841, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.6_Nov_1861,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Riley Crockett
|-- John Crockett [177614]
| b.1843, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Severn T. Crockett [177615]
| b.1845, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.10_Jul_1910,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ann Crockett [177616]
| b.1849, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Riley Crockett [177579] = Mary Crockett [177613]

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Severn T. Crockett [177615] = Nellie A. Marshall [177617]
Severn T. Crockett [177615] -----
b.1845, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Nellie A. Marshall [177617] -----
b.Feb_1850, Accomack Co. VA
Somerset Co. MD
wife of Severn T. Crockett
d.1878, Accomack Co. VA,
|-- Lewis F. Crockett [177618]
| b.ca.1876, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Severn T. Crockett [177615] = Mary Catherine Linton

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Severn T. Crockett [177615] = Mary Catherine Linton
Severn T. Crockett [177615] -----
b.1845, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary Catherine Linton -----------
b.15_Jun_1860, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
m.21_Nov_1880. Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn T. Crockett
d.10_May_1933, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary Crockett [177620]
| b.Mar_1883, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1_Dec_1902, Saxis,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William Morris Crockett
| [177621]
| b.May_1887, Saxis,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1_Apr_1943, Norfolk VA
father's other spousal relationships
Severn T. Crockett [177615] = Nellie A. Marshall [177617]

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Absalom Lewis [177622] = Anne Crockett [177534]
Absalom Lewis [177622] ----------
b.ca.1808, Accomack Co. VA
d.1892, Accomack Co. VA
Anne Crockett [177534] ----------
b.ca.1807, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Absalom Lewis
|-- Raymond Lewis [177623]
| b.1838, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Harrison Lewis [177624]
| b.ca.1841, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Salathiel Lewis [177625]
| b.1844, Accomack Co. VA

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Severn Crockett [177535] = Chloe Parks [177626]
Severn Crockett [177535] --------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Chloe Parks [177626] ------------
b.ca.1815, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn Crockett
|-- John Crockett [177627]
| b.13_Dec_1834,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.15_Mar_1889,
| Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Severn Crockett [177535] = Eleanor Pruitt [177631]

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John Crockett [177627] = Jane Dize [177628]
John Crockett [177627] ----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Jane Dize [177628] --------------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John Crockett
|-- Melissa E. Crockett [177629]
| b.1859, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Crockett [177627] = Rachel Pruitt [177630]

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John Crockett [177627] = Rachel Pruitt [177630]
John Crockett [177627] ----------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
Rachel Pruitt [177630] ----------
b.ca.1825, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of John Crockett
father's other spousal relationships
John Crockett [177627] = Jane Dize [177628]

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Severn Crockett [177535] = Eleanor Pruitt [177631]
Severn Crockett [177535] --------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Eleanor Pruitt [177631] ---------
b.ca.1822, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Severn Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Caroline Crockett [177632]
| b.1838, Accomack Co. VA
| m.28_Feb_1856,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John P. Thomas
| d.18_May_1913,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary E. Crockett [177633]
| b.ca.1842, Accomack Co. VA
|-- George T. Crockett [177634]
| b.15_Mar_1845,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.30_Aug_1851,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Mary Crockett [177635]
| b.ca.1855, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- George William Crockett
| [177636]
| b.22_Oct_1858,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Severn Crockett [177535] = Chloe Parks [177626]

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George William Crockett = Matilda Jane Spence [177637]
George William Crockett ---------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Matilda Jane Spence [177637] ----
b.1860, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.1878, Accomack Co. VA
wife of George W. Crockett
d.1940, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Malissa A. Crockett [177638]
| b.1879, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.14_Feb_1897,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of William T. Evans
| d.1953
|-- Mary Ellen Crockett [177639]
| b.1880, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1_May_1899,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of William E. Thomas
| d.3_Feb_1971,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Cora A. Crockett [177640]
| b.22_May_1883,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.24_Dec_1899,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John M. Crockett
|-- William Severn Crockett
| [177641]
| b.8_Sep_1886,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.15_Mar_1905,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Connor Richard Crockett
| [177642]
| b.1889, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1942
|-- Dollie F. Crockett [177643]
| b.1892, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.1910, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of John T. Payne
| d.1973, Accomack Co. VA
|-- Carroll Wesley Crockett
| [177644]
| b.21_May_1895,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.6_May_1900,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Walter Lee Crockett [177645]
| b.9_Mar_1898,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.3_Feb_1971

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William Thelbert Evans = Malissa A. Crockett [177638]
William Thelbert Evans ----------
b.1877, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
d.1955, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Malissa A. Crockett [177638] ----
b.1879, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William T. Evans

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John M. Crockett [177647] = Cora A. Crockett [177640]
John M. Crockett [177647] -------
b.1880, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Cora A. Crockett [177640] -------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of John M. Crockett

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William Severn Crockett = Estella Pruitt [177648]
William Severn Crockett ---------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Estella Pruitt [177648] ---------
b.ca.1885, Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1905, Accomack Co. VA
wife of William S. Crockett

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Connor Richard Crockett = Mariah Williams [177649]
Connor Richard Crockett ---------
b.1889, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mariah Williams [177649] --------
b.ca.1890, Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1910, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Connor R. Crockett
d. before 1997,
Accomack Co. VA

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John T. Payne [177650] = Dollie F. Crockett [177643]
John T. Payne [177650] ----------
b.1889, Accomack Co. VA
Dollie F. Crockett [177643] -----
b.1892, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.1910, Accomack Co. VA
wife of John T. Payne
d.1973, Accomack Co. VA

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Walter Lee Crockett [177645] = Maggie Eskridge [177651]
Walter Lee Crockett [177645] ----
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Maggie Eskridge [177651] --------
b.ca.1890, Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1915, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Walter L. Crockett
d. before 1997,
Accomack Co. VA

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Lewis Crockett [177536] = Mary A. Crockett [177402]
Lewis Crockett [177536] ---------
b.ca.1820, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary A. Crockett [177402] -------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Lewis Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ann Crockett [177652]
| b.1837, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.7_Apr_1856,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Peter Crockett
|-- Elisha Crockett [177653]
| b.1841, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- William H. H. Crockett
| [177654]
| b.2_Mar_1846,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.20_Feb_1896,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ellen Crockett [177655]
| b.1847, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Catherine Crockett [177656]
| b.1849, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Emily Rally Crockett
| [177657]
| b.1851, Accomack Co. VA
| m.19_Oct_1884,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of
| Zachariah H. Crockett
|-- Nellie Crockett [177658]
| b.1856, Accomack Co. VA
| m.15_May_1876,
| Accomack Co. VA
| wife of William R. Crockett
| d.2_Oct_1883,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Peter Crockett [177659] = Ann Crockett [177652]
Peter Crockett [177659] ---------
b.1838, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Ann Crockett [177652] -----------
b.1837, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Peter Crockett

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William H. H. Crockett = Arabella ________ [177660]
William H. H. Crockett ----------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Arabella ________ [177660] ------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1868, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of
William H. H. Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Jesse W. Crockett [177661]
| b.1869, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Lewis Hill Crockett [177662]
| b.1870, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Sadie Crockett [177663]
| b.1877, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.2_Dec_1891,
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Tubman B. Pruitt

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Jesse W. Crockett [177661] = Bettie L. Thomas [177664]
Jesse W. Crockett [177661] ------
b.1869, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Bettie L. Thomas [177664] -------
b.1871, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Jesse W. Crockett

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Lewis Hill Crockett [177662] = Jennie Conner [177665]
Lewis Hill Crockett [177662] ----
b.1870, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Jennie Conner [177665] ----------
b.1870, Accomack Co. VA
m.20_Mar_1892, Onancock,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Lewis H. Crockett

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Tubman B. Pruitt [177666] = Sadie Crockett [177663]
Tubman B. Pruitt [177666] -------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Sadie Crockett [177663] ---------
b.1877, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Tubman B. Pruitt

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Zachariah H. Crockett = Emily Rally Crockett
Zachariah H. Crockett -----------
b.1854, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Emily Rally Crockett ------------
b.1851, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of
Zachariah H. Crockett

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William Ranford Crockett = Nellie Crockett [177658]
William Ranford Crockett --------
b.1858, Accomack Co. VA
Nellie Crockett [177658] --------
b.1856, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William R. Crockett
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Louis Hill Crockett [177669]
| b.1880, Accomack Co. VA
| d.27_Sep_1881,
| Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Ranford Crockett = Amanda D. Thomas [177753]

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William Crockett [177539] = Rhoda Parks [177670]
William Crockett [177539] -------
b.ca.1790, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Rhoda Parks [177670] ------------
b.ca.1795, Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William Crockett
|-- Permelia Crockett [177671]
| b.15_Apr_1836,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| m.ca.1853, Accomack Co. VA
| wife of Gabriel Shores
| d.1_Jun_1902,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- James D. Crockett [177672]
| b.1838, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
|-- Ellen Crockett [177673]
| b.1834, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
Smith Island,
Somerset Co. MD
wife of George Pruitt

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Gabriel Shores [177674] = Permelia Crockett [177671]
Gabriel Shores [177674] ---------
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Permelia Crockett [177671] ------
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
m.ca.1853, Accomack Co. VA
wife of Gabriel Shores
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
|-- Pettie H. Shores [177675]
| b.ca.1857, Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA
| d.1_Apr_1931,
| Tangier Island,
| Accomack Co. VA

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Pettie H. Shores [177675] = Mary A. Crockett [177502]
Pettie H. Shores [177675] -------
b.ca.1857, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Mary A. Crockett [177502] -------
b.ca.1857, Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
wife of Pettie H. Shores

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Dawson Provoo [177754] = Whittington Crockett
Dawson Provoo [177754] ----------
Whittington Crockett ------------
farmer, York Co. VA, 1850
Accomack Co. VA
d.16_Jan_1876, Seaford VA

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William Ranford Crockett = Amanda D. Thomas [177753]
William Ranford Crockett --------
b.1858, Accomack Co. VA
Amanda D. Thomas [177753] -------
Accomack Co. VA
Accomack Co. VA
wife of William R. Crockett
Tangier Island,
Accomack Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
William Ranford Crockett = Nellie Crockett [177658]

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John Tyler Crockett [144264] = Clara Belle Dawson [159158]
John Tyler Crockett [144264] ----
WWI veteran
b.9_Apr_1896, Virginia
d.21_Dec_1949, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
Clara Belle Dawson [159158] -----
b.1_Aug_1898, Virginia
wife of John T. Crockett
d.2_Mar_1969, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- Aldredge Crockett [198156]
| b.1921, York Co. VA
| wife of Howard L. Smoot Sr.
|-- ________ Crockett [182068]
| d. infant
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
| Cemetery, Seaford VA
|-- ________ Crockett [182069]
| d. infant
| bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetery, Seaford VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Tyler Crockett [144264] = Lila B. Parker [159469]

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John Edward Lane [208856] = Pauline Esther Crockett
John Edward Lane [208856] -------
Pauline Esther Crockett ---------
wife of John E. Lane
|-- John Edward Lane Jr.
| [208857]
| b.1937
|-- Pauline Mary Esther Lane
| [208858]

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Paul Fulton Crockett = Elizabeth Lawrence [208859]
Paul Fulton Crockett ------------
Elizabeth Lawrence [208859] -----
wife of Paul F. Crockett
|-- Lawrence Fulton Crockett
| [208860]
|-- Raymond Vernon Crockett
| [208861]
|-- Anne Elizabeth Crockett
| [208862]
|-- Nancy Narie Crockett
| [208863]
|-- Bernice Lou Crockett
| [208864]

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Charles Spencer Hopkins = Jessie Marie Crockett
Charles Spencer Hopkins ---------
(Dick) [208865]
Jessie Marie Crockett -----------
wife of Charles S. Hopkins
|-- Charles Spencer Hopkins
| [208866]
| b.1948
|-- Esther Marie Hopkins
| [208867]

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John Leo Swicegood [212565] = Phillis Ann Stout [212564]
John Leo Swicegood [212565] -----
b.3_May_1934, Salisbury NC
Newport News VA
Phillis Ann Stout [212564] ------
b.31_Aug_1935, High Point NC
wife ofJohn Leo Swicegood
wife of Roy Ervin Mathis
d.27_May_1998, Seaford VA
bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
Newport News VA
|-- Living Swicegood [212566]
|-- Living Swicegood [212567]
mother's other spousal relationships
Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] = Phillis Ann Stout [212564]

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Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] = Phillis Ann Stout [212564]
Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] --------
b.22_Oct_1931, Cordele GA
Newport News VA
bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
Newport News VA
Phillis Ann Stout [212564] ------
b.31_Aug_1935, High Point NC
wife ofJohn Leo Swicegood
wife of Roy Ervin Mathis
d.27_May_1998, Seaford VA
bu. Peninsula Mem. Park,
Newport News VA
father's other spousal relationships
Roy Ervin Mathis [88606] = Janice Arlette Crockett
mother's other spousal relationships
John Leo Swicegood [212565] = Phillis Ann Stout [212564]

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Zebora Crockett [144234] = Susan P. Goodwin [215920]

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Thomas Whittington Crockett = Lucy Howard Hopkins [215922]
Thomas Whittington Crockett -----
b.Jan_1859, Virginia
d.3_Dec_1936, Virginia
Lucy Howard Hopkins [215922] ----
b.7_Sep_1867, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas W. Crockett
|-- Carrll Godwin Crockett
| [215924]
| b.18_Frb_1890, York Co. VA
| d.24_Nov_1980, Boonr,
| Watauga Co. NC
|-- Paul Whittinhton Crockett
| [215925]
| b.15_Jul_1899, York Co. VS
| d.23_Jun_1970,
| Newport News VA
|-- Colburn Hopkins Crockett
| [215923]
| b.27_Sep_1902, Virginia
| d.23_Aug_1958, Yorktown VA
|-- Doris C. Crockett [215926]
| b.5_Jul_1910, York Co. VA
| d.11_Apr_1964, Washington DC

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