William Burcher [81772] = Elizabeth Wood [81791]

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John Burcher [81773] = ________ Garrow [81788]

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John Burcher [81780] = Elizabeth Moss [81787]
John Burcher [81780] ------------
Charles Parish,
York Co. VA
d.1756, York Co. VA
Elizabeth Moss [81787] ----------
b.1682, Virginia
m. before 1722
wife of John A. Rogers
m. before 1736
wife of John Burcher
d.1_Jan_1771, York Co VA
|-- John Burcher [81773]
| b. before 1736
| d.1782, York Co. VA
|-- Ann Burcher [81774]
| b. before 1741
| m. before 1756
| wife of John hay
| d. after 1782
|-- Clara Burcher [81775]
| b.1736-1756
| not married, 1782
|-- Moss Burcher [81776]
| b.1736-1756
| d. before 1782
|-- James Burcher [81777]
| b.1736-1756
| d. before 1782
|-- Mary Burcher [81778]
| b.1736-1756
| wife of Charles Sheilds
| m. before 1782
| wife of ________ Sharlock
| d. after 1782
mother's other spousal relationships
John Aduston Rogers [81536] = Elizabeth Moss [81787]

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Bartholomew Burcher [81785] = Elizabeth ________ [130115]
Bartholomew Burcher [81785] -----
Charles Parish,
York Co. VA
Elizabeth ________ [130115] -----
wife of Bartholomew Burcher
Charles Parish,
York Co. VA
|-- John Burcher [130112]
| b.1_Nov_1705,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- Ann Burcher [130113]
| b.29_Jul_1707,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- Bartholomew Burcher [130114]
| b.11_Feb_1708,
| Charles Parish,
York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Bartholomew Burcher [81785] = Dorithy ________ [81786]

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John Garrow [81790] = unknown
John Garrow [81790] -------------
d.1805, York Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ Garrow [81788]
| m. before 1762
| wife of John Burcher
| d. before 1782
|-- Mary Garrow (?) [81789]
| m.1785, York Co. VA
wife of Thomas Dawson

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Bartholomew Burcher [81785] = Dorithy ________ [81786]
Bartholomew Burcher [81785] -----
Charles Parish,
York Co. VA
Dorithy ________ [81786] --------
wife of Bartholomew Burcher
|-- Dorithy Burcher [81779]
| b.17_Sep_1717.
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- John Burcher [81780]
| b.28_Jan_1719,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
| d.1756, York Co. VA
|-- William Burcher [81781]
| b.19_Jan_1721,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- Lewis Burcher [81782]
| b.21_Feb_1723,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- Sarah Burcher [81783]
| b.13_Sep_1725,
| Charles Parish,
| York Co. VA
|-- Martha Burcher [81784]
| b.7_Jul_1727,
| Charles Parsish,
| York Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
Bartholomew Burcher [81785] = Elizabeth ________ [130115]

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John Burcher [81769] = Sarah Palmer [130116]
John Burcher [81769] ------------
b.1818, Warwick Co. VA
d.Dec_1876, Warwick Co. VA
Sarah Palmer [130116] -----------
b.1821, York Co. VA
m. before 1847
wife of John Burcher
Newport News, VA
|-- Caroline Missouri Burcher
| (Carrie) [130163]
| b.1847, Warwick Co. VA
| m.7_Oct_1869,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of John C. Burcher
| m.7_Dec_1882,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of John E. Burcher
| d.29_Nov_1927,
| Warwick Co. VA
|-- George W. Burcher [130164]
| b.Apr_1849, Warwick Co. VA
| d.7_Oct_1920,
| Newport News VA
|-- John Edward Burcher [130165]
| (Eddie)
| b.1853, Warwick Co. VA
| d.18_Jul_1932,
| Newport News VA
|-- Henry E. Burcher [130168]
| b.1857, Warwick Co. VA
| d. after 1934
|-- James William Burcher
| [130169]
| b.Sep_1861, Warwick Co. VA
| d.14_Jul_1931,
| Warwick Co. VA
|-- Addie Lee Burcher [130170]
| b.8_Aug_1863,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.24_Dec_1882,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of Robert M. Allen
| m. before 1910
| wife of W. E. Carmen
| d.12_Jun_1921, Norfolk VA
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Burcher
| [130171]
| b.Feb_1869, Warwick Co. VA
| m.25_Dec_1884,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of James Bonewell
| d.1952, Newport News VA

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John Hay [130117] = Ann Burcher [81774]
John Hay [130117] ---------------
Ann Burcher [81774] -------------
b. before 1741
m. before 1756
wife of John hay
d. after 1782

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Charles Sheilds [130118] = Mary Burcher [81778]
Charles Sheilds [130118] --------
Mary Burcher [81778] ------------
wife of Charles Sheilds
m. before 1782
wife of ________ Sharlock
d. after 1782
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Sharlock [130119] = Mary Burcher [81778]

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________ Sharlock [130119] = Mary Burcher [81778]
________ Sharlock [130119] ------
Mary Burcher [81778] ------------
wife of Charles Sheilds
m. before 1782
wife of ________ Sharlock
d. after 1782
mother's other spousal relationships
Charles Sheilds [130118] = Mary Burcher [81778]

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James R. Brooks [145403] = Carolyn Burcher [145412]
James R. Brooks [145403] --------
Carolyn Burcher [145412] --------
wife of James R. Brooks
|-- David Russell Brooks
| [145401]
| b.25_Mar_1944
|-- Bonnie Lee Brooks [145402]
| b.11_Jun_1957

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Edward Burcher [81766] = Frances Russell [130120]
Edward Burcher [81766] ----------
b.1801, Warwick Co. VA
Frances Russell [130120] --------
b.1808, York Co. VA
m.25_Mar_1825, York Co. VA
wife of Edward Burcher
|-- Frances Burcher [130121]
| b.1831, York Co. VA
|-- James Gardiner Burcher
| [130122]
| grocer
| b.1834, York Co. VA
|-- John Edward Burcher [130123]
| (Ned)
| b.1837, York Co. VA
| d.16_Feb_1907
|-- Frederick P. Burcher [90568]
| b.1840, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Ann E. Burcher [130124]
| b.1842, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Emeline Burcher [130125]
| b.1849, Warwick Co. VA

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John Edward Burcher [130123] = Mary E. Ironmonger [130126]
John Edward Burcher [130123] ----
b.1837, York Co. VA
Mary E. Ironmonger [130126] -----
b.1837, York Co. VA
wife of John E. Burcher
|-- Eliza A. Burcher [130127]
| b.4_Mar_1861, Grafton,
| York Co. VA
| m.1879
| wife of James H. Burcher
| d.24_Mar_1922, York Co. VA
|-- Mary Elizabeth "Lizzie"
| Burcher [130128]
| b.15_Nov_1863, Grafton,
| York Co. VA
| m.1883
| wife of Hickerson Montgomery
| d.23_Sep_1942, Seaford,
| York Co. VA
|-- Alice Frances Burcher
| [130129]
| b.1867
| wife of Mack C. Burcher
| d.1952
|-- Laura Burcher [130130]
| b.1869
| wife of Lewis Burcher
|-- Willie Burcher [130131]
| b.Sep_1872, Virginia
| m.1897
| wife of Samuel K. Burcher
|-- ________ Burcher [130132]
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Burcher [130123] = Caroline Missouri Burcher

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Lemuel Manning Burcher = Anne Lee Daughtry [145405]
Lemuel Manning Burcher ----------
Anne Lee Daughtry [145405] ------
wife of Lemuel M. Burcher
|-- Charles Manning Burcher
| [145404]
| b.15_Aug_1956
| (adopted)

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Frederick P. Burcher [90568] = Frances R. Powell [159071]
father's other spousal relationships
Frederick P. Burcher [90568] = Amanda Hogg [88979]

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Frederick P. Burcher [90568] = Amanda Hogg [88979]
father's other spousal relationships
Frederick P. Burcher [90568] = Frances R. Powell [159071]

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Thomas F. Brooks [145406] = Neva V. Burcher [145410]
Thomas F. Brooks [145406] -------
Neva V. Burcher [145410] --------
wife of Thomas F. Brooks

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Arthur Ribble [145407] = Mildred Burcher [145408]
Arthur Ribble [145407] ----------
Mildred Burcher [145408] --------
wife of Arthur Ribble

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Anthony Burcher [145284] = Michell ________ [145282]
Anthony Burcher [145284] --------
Michell ________ [145282] -------
wife of Anthony Burcher
|-- Living Burcher [145280]
|-- Living Burcher [145281]

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George Morris [90585] = Anna L. Burcher [90571]
George Morris [90585] -----------
Anna L. Burcher [90571] ---------
b.Dec_1885, Virginia
wife of George Morris
d. before 1967

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James Gardiner Burcher = Ann Powell [130142]
James Gardiner Burcher ----------
b.1834, York Co. VA
Ann Powell [130142] -------------
wife of James G. Burcher
d. before 1880
|-- Arthur E. Burcher [130144]
| store keeper
| b.Sep_1866, Virginia
|-- Maggie Burcher [130145]
| b.1868
|-- Annie Frances Burcher
| [90493]
| b.14_Feb_1871, Virginia
| m.28_Feb_1890
| wife of Thomas W. Hogge
| d.4_Nov_1943
| bu. Grafton Christian
| Church Cemetery, Grafton VA
|-- James Russel Burcher
| [130147]
| b.Dec_1873, Virginia
|-- William L. Burcher [130148]
| b.1877
father's other spousal relationships
James Gardiner Burcher = Mary E. Powell [159581]
James Gardiner Burcher = Frances Jeannette Shield

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James Gardiner Burcher = Mary E. Powell [159581]
father's other spousal relationships
James Gardiner Burcher = Ann Powell [130142]
James Gardiner Burcher = Frances Jeannette Shield

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Lewis E. Burcher [81768] = Susan Stacy [130153]
Lewis E. Burcher [81768] --------
b.1814, Warwick Co. VA
d. before 1880
Susan Stacy [130153] ------------
b.1818, Warwick Co. VA
m. before 1834
wife of Lewis E. Burcher
d. after 1880
|-- Miles Burcher [130154]
| b.1837, Warwick Co. VA
|-- William Burcher [130155]
| b.1838, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Robert Burcher [130156]
| b.1840, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Samuel Burcher [130157]
| b.1845, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Lucy Burcher [130158]
| b.1847, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Lewis Burcher [130159]
| b.1850, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Mack Chelton Burcher
| [130160]
| b.1852
| d.1907
|-- James H. Burcher [130161]
| b.1854, Virginia
| d. after 1930
|-- Ellen Burcher [130162]
| b.1856

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John C. Burcher [130166] = Martha ________ [130167]
father's other spousal relationships
John C. Burcher [130166] = Caroline Missouri Burcher

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John C. Burcher [130166] = Caroline Missouri Burcher
John C. Burcher [130166] --------
b.1838, York Co. VA
Caroline Missouri Burcher -------
(Carrie) [130163]
b.1847, Warwick Co. VA
Warwick Co. VA
wife of John C. Burcher
Warwick Co. VA
wife of John E. Burcher
Warwick Co. VA
|-- Ida Vine Burcher [130174]
| b.6_Jan_1879, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
John C. Burcher [130166] = Martha ________ [130167]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Edward Burcher [130123] = Caroline Missouri Burcher

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John Edward Burcher [130123] = Caroline Missouri Burcher
John Edward Burcher [130123] ----
b.1837, York Co. VA
Caroline Missouri Burcher -------
(Carrie) [130163]
b.1847, Warwick Co. VA
Warwick Co. VA
wife of John C. Burcher
Warwick Co. VA
wife of John E. Burcher
Warwick Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Burcher [130123] = Mary E. Ironmonger [130126]
mother's other spousal relationships
John C. Burcher [130166] = Caroline Missouri Burcher

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William Burcher [81765] = Rebecca ________ [146888]
William Burcher [81765] ---------
Rebecca ________ [146888] -------
b.1812, York Co. VA
wife of William Burcher
|-- Elizabeth Burcher [146884]
| b.1830, York Co. VA
|-- ________ Burcher [146885]
| d. before 1850
|-- John C. Burcher [130166]
| farmer
| b.1838, York Co. VA
|-- William Burcher [146886]
| b.1847, York Co. VA

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Oliver P. Copeland [130175] = Sarah ________ [130176]
Oliver P. Copeland [130175] -----
Sarah ________ [130176] ---------
wife of Oliver P. Copeland
|-- Virginia Copeland [130177]
| b.1847, Virginia
| m.16_Jan_1876,
Warwick Co. VA
wife of George W. Burcher

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George W. Burcher [130164] = Virginia Copeland [130177]
George W. Burcher [130164] ------
b.Apr_1849, Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
Virginia Copeland [130177] ------
b.1847, Virginia
Warwick Co. VA
wife of George W. Burcher
|-- Sarah Burcher [130178]
| b.Jan_1877
| d.Jul_1877
|-- ________ Burcher [130179]
| b.7_Jul_1878
| d.7_Jul_1878
|-- Olive Burcher [130180]
| b.1879
|-- George M. Burcher [130181]
| b.20_Oct_1882
| d.20_Aug_1968,
| Newport News VA
|-- ________ Burcher [130182]
| b.9_Dec_1885
| d.9_Dec_1885
father's other spousal relationships
George W. Burcher [130164] = Elizabeth Fuller [130186]
George W. Burcher [130164] = Bertha Esther Crawford

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George M. Burcher [130181] = Hortense Massie [130183]
George M. Burcher [130181] ------
Newport News VA
Hortense Massie [130183] --------
wife of George M. Burcher

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A. G. Fuller [130184] = Martha ________ [130185]
A. G. Fuller [130184] -----------
Martha ________ [130185] --------
wife of A. G. Fuller
|-- Elizabeth Fuller [130186]
| b.1865
| m.27_Jun_1888,
Warwick Co. VA
wife of George W. Burcher

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George W. Burcher [130164] = Elizabeth Fuller [130186]
father's other spousal relationships
George W. Burcher [130164] = Virginia Copeland [130177]
George W. Burcher [130164] = Bertha Esther Crawford

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John M. Crawford [135346] = Mary Miller [135347]

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Allan Tappan [135348] = Mary Jane Williams [135349]

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Albert W. Crawford [130187] = Esther Tappan [130188]
mother's other spousal relationships
Norman Crawford [130242] = Esther Tappan [130188]

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George W. Burcher [130164] = Bertha Esther Crawford
George W. Burcher [130164] ------
b.Apr_1849, Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
Bertha Esther Crawford ----------
b.Mar_1873, Nebraska
Newport News VA
wife of George W. Burcher
wife of W. L. Lahmayer
|-- Dr. Allan West Burcher
| [130190]
| dentist
| Leuit., Army Medical Corp.
| World War I
| b.1_Apr_1893
| d.15_Jan_1986, Norfolk VA
|-- Russel Palmer Burcher
| [130191]
wife of Paul J. Kvale
d. Virginia Beach VA
father's other spousal relationships
George W. Burcher [130164] = Virginia Copeland [130177]
George W. Burcher [130164] = Elizabeth Fuller [130186]
mother's other spousal relationships
W. L. Lahmayer [130210] = Bertha Esther Crawford

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Dr. Allan West Burcher = Ruth S. Ford [130192]
Dr. Allan West Burcher ----------
Leuit., Army Medical Corp.
World War I
d.15_Jan_1986, Norfolk VA
Ruth S. Ford [130192] -----------
Newport News VA
wife of Dr. Allan W. Burcher
d.13_Mar_1987, Virginia
|-- Jeanne Keller Burcher
| [130193]
| b.18_Mar_1920,
| Newport News VA
| wire of Rev. George F. Kahle
|-- Allan West Burcher Jr.
| [130194]

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Rev. George F. Kahle = Jeanne Keller Burcher
Rev. George F. Kahle ------------
Jeanne Keller Burcher -----------
Newport News VA
wire of Rev. George F. Kahle

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Allan West Burcher Jr. = Nancy Chapman [130196]
Allan West Burcher Jr. ----------
Nancy Chapman [130196] ----------
wife of Allen W. Burcher Jr.

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Ole Juulson Kvale [130197] = Ida T. Smiley [130198]
Ole Juulson Kvale [130197] ------
U. S. House
of Representatives
Ida T. Smiley [130198] ----------
wife of Ole J. Kvale
|-- Paul John Kvale [130199]
| b.27_Mar_1896, Rock Co. WS
| d.14_Jun_1960, Benson MN

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Paul John Kvale [130199] = Russel Palmer Burcher

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W. L. Lahmayer [130210] = Bertha Esther Crawford
W. L. Lahmayer [130210] ---------
Bertha Esther Crawford ----------
b.Mar_1873, Nebraska
Newport News VA
wife of George W. Burcher
wife of W. L. Lahmayer
mother's other spousal relationships
George W. Burcher [130164] = Bertha Esther Crawford

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John Edward Burcher [130165] = Mary Anna Parker [130213]
John Edward Burcher [130165] ----
b.1853, Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
Mary Anna Parker [130213] -------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of John E. Burcher
Warwick Co. VA
|-- John Henry Burcher [130214]
| b.6_feb_1879
| d.1_Mar_1932
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Burcher
| (Sadie) [130215]
| b.25_Oct_1881,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.30_Oct_1901,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of Albert R. Crawford
| d.18_Sep_1940,
| Newport News VA
|-- Grace Burcher [130216]
| b.1883
| d. infant
|-- George Edward Burcher
| [130217]
| b.5_Dec_1885,
| Warwick Co. VA
| d.20_Aug_1960,
| Newport News VA
|-- Aulden Young Burcher
| [130218]
| clothier, realtor
| b.22_Mar_1887,
| Warwick Co. VA
| d.21_Jan_1959,
| Newport News VA
| bu. Grace Epispcopal Church,
| Yorktown VA
|-- Hattie B. Burcher [130219]
| b.1_Sep_1889,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.1904
| wife of Acie A. Owens
| d.7_Jun_1956,
Warwick Co. VA
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Burcher [130165] = Lucy Selina Hawley [130277]

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John Henry Burcher [130214] = Barbara Marie Ostenkamp

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Ernest Burcher [199089] = Virginia Wright [199137]
Ernest Burcher [199089] ---------
b.18_Dec_1904, Virginia
d.Dec_1980, Newport News VA
Virginia Wright [199137] --------
of New Castle VA
wife of Ernest M. Burcher
wife of Klon Morrison
d.29_Apr_2002, Salem VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Klon Morrison [199136] = Virginia Wright [199137]

group index
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Edwin Gammage [130224] = Teresa Burcher [130221]

group index
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John Henry Burcher Jr. = Birdie ________ [130225]
John Henry Burcher Jr. ----------
(Jack) [130222]
Birdie ________ [130225] --------
wife of John H. Burcher Jr.
|-- Living Burcher [130226]
|-- Living Burcher [130227]
|-- Living Burcher [130228]

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Warren Stansberry [130229] = Anne Burcher [130223]
Warren Stansberry [130229] ------
Anne Burcher [130223] -----------
wife of Warren Stansberry
|-- Living Stansberry [130230]
|-- Living Stansberry [130231]

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Albert Ray Crawford [130209] = Sarah Elizabeth Burcher

group index
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Adrian Crawford [130232] = Dorothy ________ [130235]
Adrian Crawford [130232] --------
d.Oct_1965, Newport News VA
Dorothy ________ [130235] -------
wife of Adrian Crawford
|-- Living Crawford [130236]
|-- Living Crawford [130237]

group index
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William Leo Carleton = Glenna Crawford [130233]
William Leo Carleton ------------
Newport News VA
Glenna Crawford [130233] --------
wife of William L. Carleton
Newport News VA
|-- Living Carlton [159117]
|-- Living Carlton [159118]

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Cleo Crawford [130234] = Siglinda ________ [130239]
Cleo Crawford [130234] ----------
Rocky Mt. NC
d.Nov_1982, Newport News VA
Siglinda ________ [130239] ------
wife of Cleo Crawford
|-- Living Crawford [130240]
|-- Living Crawford [130241]

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Norman Crawford [130242] = Esther Tappan [130188]
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert W. Crawford [130187] = Esther Tappan [130188]

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George Edward Burcher = Elva Virginia Crawford
George Edward Burcher -----------
Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
Elva Virginia Crawford ----------
b.31_Dec_1889, Virginia
m.5_Nov_1910, Greensboro NC
wife of George E. Burcher
d.30_Nov_1942, Virginia
|-- Margaret Frances Burcher
| [130245]
| b.20_Jan_1913,
| Newport News VA
| wife of John E. Hubbard
| wife of Jesse B. Barricklow
| d.14_Feb_1995, Lynchburg VA
|-- Maryanna Burcher [130246]
| b.2_Apr_1914,
| Newport News VA
| wife of Ralph W. Smith
| d.4_Feb_2000, Hampton VA
|-- Esther Rae Burcher [130247]
| b.4_Jun_1916,
| Newport News VA
| wife of Clinton English
| wife of Harold Tolefson
| d.May_1984,
| St. Petersburg FL
|-- George Edward Burcher Jr.
| [130248]
| b.27_Dec_1918,
| Newport News VA
Newport News VA
bu. Greenlawn Cemetery,
Newport News VA

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John Seymour Hubbard = Margaret Frances Burcher
John Seymour Hubbard ------------
Margaret Frances Burcher --------
Newport News VA
wife of John E. Hubbard
wife of Jesse B. Barricklow
d.14_Feb_1995, Lynchburg VA
|-- Living Hubbard [130250]
|-- Living Hubbard [130251]
|-- Marla Jo Hubbard [130252]
| wife of Richard Sandridge
|-- Living Hubbard [130253]
mother's other spousal relationships
Jesse Ben Barricklow = Margaret Frances Burcher

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Jesse Ben Barricklow = Margaret Frances Burcher
Jesse Ben Barricklow ------------
d.20_Mar_2001, Lynchburg VA
Margaret Frances Burcher --------
Newport News VA
wife of John E. Hubbard
wife of Jesse B. Barricklow
d.14_Feb_1995, Lynchburg VA
mother's other spousal relationships
John Seymour Hubbard = Margaret Frances Burcher

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Ralph W. Smith [130255] = Maryanna Burcher [130246]
Ralph W. Smith [130255] ---------
Maryanna Burcher [130246] -------
Newport News VA
wife of Ralph W. Smith
d.4_Feb_2000, Hampton VA
|-- Living Smith [130256]
|-- Living Smitn [130257]

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Clinton English [130258] = Esther Rae Burcher [130247]
Clinton English [130258] --------
Esther Rae Burcher [130247] -----
Newport News VA
wife of Clinton English
wife of Harold Tolefson
St. Petersburg FL
mother's other spousal relationships
Harold Tolefson [130259] = Esther Rae Burcher [130247]

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Harold Tolefson [130259] = Esther Rae Burcher [130247]
Harold Tolefson [130259] --------
Esther Rae Burcher [130247] -----
Newport News VA
wife of Clinton English
wife of Harold Tolefson
St. Petersburg FL
|-- Richard Tolefson [130260]
mother's other spousal relationships
Clinton English [130258] = Esther Rae Burcher [130247]

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George Edward Burcher Jr. = Virginia Marian Pearson
George Edward Burcher Jr. -------
Newport News VA
Newport News VA
bu. Greenlawn Cemetery,
Newport News VA
Virginia Marian Pearson ---------
wife of
George E. Burcher Jr.
|-- Living Burcher [130262]
|-- Living Burcher [130263]
| wife of Living Pryor
|-- Living Burcher [130264]

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Aulden Young Burcher = Margaret Conner Bookman
Aulden Young Burcher ------------
clothier, realtor
Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
bu. Grace Epispcopal Church,
Yorktown VA
Margaret Conner Bookman ---------
d.28_Dec_1964, Yorktown VA

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Acie A. Owens [130266] = Hattie B. Burcher [130219]
Acie A. Owens [130266] ----------
Warwick Co. VA
Hattie B. Burcher [130219] ------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Acie A. Owens
Warwick Co. VA
|-- Ruby S. Owens [130267]
| b.1908, Virginia
|-- Opal Edna Owens [130268]
| b.1_Jul_1909, Virginia
| wife of W. A. Haughton
| d.Jan_1999
|-- Anna Pearl Owens [130269]
| b.1920, Virginia
| wife of C. M. Price

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W. A. Haughton [130270] = Opal Edna Owens [130268]
W. A. Haughton [130270] ---------
Opal Edna Owens [130268] --------
b.1_Jul_1909, Virginia
wife of W. A. Haughton

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C. M. Price [130271] = Anna Pearl Owens [130269]
C. M. Price [130271] ------------
Anna Pearl Owens [130269] -------
b.1920, Virginia
wife of C. M. Price
|-- Living Price [130272]
|-- Living Price [130273]
|-- Living Price [130274]

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William Edward Hawley = Elva Elizabeth Wilbern
William Edward Hawley -----------
Elva Elizabeth Wilbern ----------
wife of William E. Hawley
|-- Lucy Selina Hawley [130277]
| b.26_Aug_1877,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.27_Jun_1900
wife of John E. Burcher
Newport News VA

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John Edward Burcher [130165] = Lucy Selina Hawley [130277]
father's other spousal relationships
John Edward Burcher [130165] = Mary Anna Parker [130213]

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John F. Whipple [130280] = Annie Lee Butler [130281]
John F. Whipple [130280] --------
Annie Lee Butler [130281] -------
wife of John F. Whipple
|-- Lloyd Francis Whipple
| [130282]
| b.ca.1894, Hanover VA

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Lloyd Francis Whipple = Alice Douglas Burcher
Lloyd Francis Whipple -----------
b.ca.1894, Hanover VA
Alice Douglas Burcher -----------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Lloyd F. Whipple
|-- Living Whipple [130283]
|-- Living Whipple [130284]
|-- Living Whipple [130285]
|-- Living Whipple [130286]
|-- Living Whipple [130287]

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________ Rowe [159400] = Barbary ________ [159401]
________ Rowe [159400] ----------
b. Virginia
d. before 1900
Barbary ________ [159401] -------
b.Aug_1864, Virginia
wife of ________ Rowe
wife of ________ Schvals
wife of William H. Evans
d. after 1930
|-- A. Claiborne Rowe [130288]
| oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
| sailor, York Co. VA, 1920
| oysterman,
| Newport News VA, 1930
b.Jan_1883, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Schvals [159402] = Barbary ________ [159401]
William H. Evans [141824] = Barbary ________ [159401]

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A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] = Mary J. Topping [130289]
A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] ------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
sailor, York Co. VA, 1920
Newport News VA, 1930
b.Jan_1883, Virginia
Mary J. Topping [130289] --------
b.1892, Virginia
wife of A. Claiborne Rowe
|-- Philip Rowe [159398]
| b.1907, Virginia
|-- Bernard Hawkness Rowe
| [130290]
| b.30_Nov_1912, Messick VA
| d.19_Feb_1989,
| Newport News VA
|-- Carolton C. Rowe [159399]
| b.1916, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] = Viola N. ________ [159404]

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Bernard Hawkness Rowe = Salli Bet Burcher [130279]
Bernard Hawkness Rowe -----------
b.30_Nov_1912, Messick VA
Newport News VA
Salli Bet Burcher [130279] ------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Bernard H. Rowe
|-- Living Rowe [130291]
|-- Living Rowe [130292]

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Henry E. Burcher [130168] = Dora W. Allen [130297]

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________ Allen [135343] = Sarah ________ [130304]
________ Allen [135343] ---------
Sarah ________ [130304] ---------
wife of ________ Allen
wife of Clifton C. Burcher
|-- Living Allen [130305]
|-- Living Allen [130306]
|-- living Allen [130307]
mother's other spousal relationships
Clifton Christopher Burcher = Sarah ________ [130304]

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Clifton Christopher Burcher = Nina R. ________ [135344]
Clifton Christopher Burcher -----
Nina R. ________ [135344] -------
wife of Clifton C. Burcher
d. after 1920
|-- Raymond Elmer Burcher
| [130308]
| b.1913
| d. after 1961
|-- Living Burcher [130309]
|-- Carl Burcher [135345]
| b.1919
| d. before 1959
father's other spousal relationships
Clifton Christopher Burcher = Sarah ________ [130304]

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W. J. Morgan [130310] = Olive Burcher [130300]

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Milton Morgan [130311] = unknown
Milton Morgan [130311] ----------
d. after 1934,
drowned in James River
unknown -------------------------
|-- Living Morgan [130313]
|-- Living Morgan [130314]
|-- Living Morgan [130315]
|-- Living Morgan [130316]

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Milbourn Burcher Drewery = Genevive ________ [218957]
Milbourn Burcher Drewery --------
Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
Genevive ________ [218957] ------
wife of Milburn B. Drewery
|-- Jeffrey Drewery [218958]
|-- John C. Drewery [218959]

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James William Burcher = Ellen Ann Davis [130319]
father's other spousal relationships
James William Burcher = Winnie Martin [130334]

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Marion Hubert Drewery = Carrie L. Burcher [130320]
Marion Hubert Drewery -----------
b.7_Oct_1884, Warwick Co. VA
d.Jul_1951, Newport News VA
Carrie L. Burcher [130320] ------
b.Jan_1886, Warwick Co. VA
wife of Marion H. Drewery
|-- Leonard Herbert Drewery
| [130323]
| b.28_Oct_1903,
| Warwick Co. VA
| d.Jun_1975, Newport News VA
|-- Ethel Marie Drewery [130324]
| b.5_Apr_1905, Warwick Co. VA
| m.9_Jan_1825, Warwick Co. VA
| wife of Charles W. Hornsby
| d.26_Dec_1992,
| Newport News VA
|-- Hazel J. Drewery [130325]
| b.20_Feb_1908,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.26_Oct_1931,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of Rufus G. Adams
| d.28_Apr_1997,
| Newport News VA
|-- Matthew P. Drewery [130326]
| b.31_Mar_1910,
| Warwick Co. VA
| d.Mar_1977, Newport News VA
|-- Milbourn Burcher Drewery
| [130327]
| b.24_Jul_1918,
| Warwick Co. VA
| d.7_Mar_1996,
Newport News VA

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Wesley M. Peters [218944] = Othie J. ________ [218945]
Wesley M. Peters [218944] -------
b.1866, Virginia
Othie J. ________ [218945] ------
b.1874, Virginia
wife of Wesley M. Peters
|-- Doris Irene Peters [218946]
| b.1891, Virginia
|-- Emma Peters [218947]
| b.1893, Virginia
|-- Georgie F. Peters [218948]
| b.1896, Virginia
|-- Wesley M. Peters [218949]
| b.1898, Virginia
|-- David D. Peters [218950]
| b.1900, Virginia
|-- Kathleen Peters [130328]
| b.16_Aug_1906,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.4_Apr_1924,
| Newport News VA
| wife of Leonard H. Drewery
| d.Jul_1977, Newport News VA
|-- Martha J. Peters [218951]
| b.1908, Virginia
|-- Thomas Ottaway Peters
| [218952]
| b.1910, Virginia
|-- Melsena Peters [218953]
| b.1913, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Gertrude Peters [218954]
| b.1920, Warwick Co. VA

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Leonard Herbert Drewery = Kathleen Peters [130328]
Leonard Herbert Drewery ---------
Warwick Co. VA
d.Jun_1975, Newport News VA
Kathleen Peters [130328] --------
Warwick Co. VA
Newport News VA
wife of Leonard H. Drewery
d.Jul_1977, Newport News VA
|-- Doris I. Drewery [130329]
| b.1925, Warwick Co. VA

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Rufus Grover Adams [130331] = Hazel J. Drewery [130325]
Rufus Grover Adams [130331] -----
b.1_Aug_1908, Warwick Co. VA
d.Mar_1982, Newport News VA
Hazel J. Drewery [130325] -------
Warwick Co. VA
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Rufus G. Adams
Newport News VA
|-- Donald Sheldon Adams
| [218081]
| b.12_May_1936,
| Warwick Co. VA

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Matthew P. Drewery [130326] = Lola B. Crafford [130332]
Matthew P. Drewery [130326] -----
Warwick Co. VA
d.Mar_1977, Newport News VA
Lola B. Crafford [130332] -------
Warwick Co. VA
wife of Matthew P. Drewery
Newport News VA
|-- Paul Drewery [218960]

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Garnett Sheldon Burcher = Lula M. ________ [130333]
Garnett Sheldon Burcher ---------
Lula M. ________ [130333] -------
wife of Garnett S. Burcher

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James William Burcher = Winnie Martin [130334]
James William Burcher -----------
b.Sep_1861, Warwick Co. VA
Warwick Co. VA
Winnie Martin [130334] ----------
of Poquoson VA
m.19_Feb_1927, Yorktown VA
wife of James W. Burcher
father's other spousal relationships
James William Burcher = Ellen Ann Davis [130319]

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Jesse G. Todd [206274] = Rosalie M. Burcher [206283]
Jesse G. Todd [206274] ----------
shipyard ship fitter,
Newport News VA, 1920
shipyard vulcanizer, Wythe,
Elizabeth City Co. VA, 1930
b.1895, Virginia
Rosalie M. Burcher [206283] -----
b.31_Dec_1899, Virginia
wife of Jessie G. Todd
d.Dec_1978, Newport News VA

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Mathew C. Owens [206327] = Bessie ________ [206331]
Mathew C. Owens [206327] --------
oyster planter, Denbigh,
Warwick Co. VA, 1910
house carpenter, Denbigh,
Warwick Co. VA, 1920
b.1870, Virginia
Bessie ________ [206331] --------
b.1883, Virginia
wife of Mathew C. Owens
|-- Robert H. Owens [206321]
| laborer, Denbigh,
| Warwick Co. VA, 1920
| b.1904, Virginia
|-- Nettie Louise Owens [206275]
| b.15_Apr_1907, Virginia
| m.24_Dec_1927
| wife of Ernest S. Burcher
| d.Feb_2001
|-- Paul L. Owens [206322]
| b.1910, Virginia
|-- Philip F. Owens [206323]
| b.1910, Virginia
|-- Mathew B. Owens [206324]
| b.1912, Virginia

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Ernest Stafford Burcher = Nettie Louise Owens [206275]

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Ernest Edward Burcher = Elizabeth Maude Hill
Ernest Edward Burcher -----------
Elizabeth Maude Hill ------------
of Sunbury NC
wife of Ernest E. Burcher

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Cecil Owens Burcher [206277] = Norma Lee Hankins [206280]

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Glenn Caperton Reynolds = Dorothy Ann Burcher [206278]
Glenn Caperton Reynolds ---------
Clifton Forge VA
d.26_Jun_2010, Louisa Co. VA
Dorothy Ann Burcher [206278] ----
wife of Glenn C. Reynolds
|-- Living Reynolds [206325]

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Robert Olsen [206284] = Minnie L. Burcher [206282]
Robert Olsen [206284] -----------
shipyard crane operator,
Newport News VA, 1920
b.1895, Virginia
Minnie L. Burcher [206282] ------
b.Sep_1996, Virginia
wife of Robert Olsen

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Robert R. Owens [206320] = Ann J. ________ [206319]
Robert R. Owens [206320] --------
oysterman, Denbigh,
Warwick Co. VA, 1870
sailor, Denbigh,
Warwick Co. VA, 1880
b.1845, Virginia
Ann J. ________ [206319] --------
b.1846, Virginia
wife of Robert Owens
|-- Cathrine Owens [206326]
| b.1867, Virginia
|-- Mathew C. Owens [206327]
| oyster planter, Denbigh,
| Warwick Co. VA, 1910
| house carpenter, Denbigh,
| Warwick Co. VA, 1920
| b.1870, Virginia
|-- Magie Owens [206328]
| b.1872, Virginia
|-- Phillip T. Owens [206329]
| laborer, Denbigh,
| Warwick Co. VA, 1920
| b.1875, Virginia
|-- Susin Owens [206330]
| b.Oct_1879, Virginia

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W. E. Carmen [130354] = Addie Lee Burcher [130170]
father's other spousal relationships
W. E. Carmen [130354] = Ruby ________ [130356]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert M. Allen [130296] = Addie Lee Burcher [130170]

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________ Lane [130355] = Ruby ________ [130356]
________ Lane [130355] ----------
Ruby ________ [130356] ----------
wife of ________ Lane
wife of W. E. Carmen
|-- Ashton C. Lane [130357]
| b.1910
mother's other spousal relationships
W. E. Carmen [130354] = Ruby ________ [130356]

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W. E. Carmen [130354] = Ruby ________ [130356]
father's other spousal relationships
W. E. Carmen [130354] = Addie Lee Burcher [130170]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Lane [130355] = Ruby ________ [130356]

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James A. Bonewell [130358] = unknown
James A. Bonewell [130358] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- James F. Bonewell [130359]
| b.Apr_1861
| d.1_Nov_1821,
Warwick Co. VA

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James F. Bonewell [130359] = Sarah Elizabeth Burcher

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Andrew C. Brown [130369] = Lillian V. Bonewell [130360]

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Joe Dudley Snyder [130370] = Vivian J. Bonewell [130361]

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Joseph Charles Phillips = Bertha Russell Bonewell
Joseph Charles Phillips ---------
Bertha Russell Bonewell ---------
wife of Joseph P. Phillips

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Albert R. Dawson [159139] = Ida B. ________ [159126]
Albert R. Dawson [159139] -------
Oyster planter,
Warwick Co. VA, 1910-1920
b.1867, Virginia
Ida B. ________ [159126] --------
b.1874, Virginia
wife of Albert R. Dawson
|-- Annette Dawson [159127]
| (Annie D.)
| b.1893, Virginia
|-- Virginia Dawson [159128]
| b.1896, Virginia
|-- Esther Robina Dawson
| [130372]
| b.1902, Virginia
wife of Shelton J. Bonewell

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Shelton James Bonewell = Esther Robina Dawson
Shelton James Bonewell ----------
Esther Robina Dawson ------------
b.1902, Virginia
wife of Shelton J. Bonewell
|-- Living Bonewell [130373]
|-- Living Bonewell [130374]

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Roger Vernon Terry [130376] = Audrey Victoria Bonewell
Roger Vernon Terry [130376] -----
Audrey Victoria Bonewell --------
wife of Roger V. Terry

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James H. Burcher [130161] = Eliza A. Burcher [130127]

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Samuel Kerby Burcher = Willie Burcher [130131]
Samuel Kerby Burcher ------------
farmer, Grafton VA., 1900
farmer, Poquoson VA.,
1910, 1920
b.Nov_1866, Virginia
Willie Burcher [130131] ---------
b.Sep_1872, Virginia
wife of Samuel K. Burcher
|-- Vadden W. Burcher [179592]
| b.Nov_1893, Virginia
|-- Minnie L. Burcher [206282]
| b.Sep_1996, Virginia
| wife of Robert Olsen
|-- Rosalie M. Burcher [206283]
| (Rossie)
| b.31_Dec_1899, Virginia
| m.1917
| wife of Jessie G. Todd
| d.Dec_1978, Newport News VA
|-- Roy H. Burcher [179593]
| b.1903, Virginia
|-- Ernest Stafford Burcher
| [179594]
| b.14_Sep_1905, Virginia
| d.May_1953
|-- Mary E. Burcher [179595]
| b.1909, Virginia
|-- Hazel Burcher [179596]
| b.1913, Virginia

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Lewis Burcher [130159] = Laura Burcher [130130]

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Mack Chelton Burcher = Alice Frances Burcher

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Miles Burcher [130154] = Mary E. "Maggie" Charles
Miles Burcher [130154] ----------
b.1837, Warwick Co. VA
Mary E. "Maggie" Charles --------
b.6_Dec_1834, York Co. VA
wife of Miles Burcher
d.30_Apr_1905, Virginia
|-- Charles lewis Burcher
| (Charley) [130378]
| farmer, 1900, 1910
| b.13_Nov_1860, Virginia
| d.22_Sep_1922, York Co. VA
|-- Lee Anna Burcher [130379]
| b.1864, Virginia
| wife of ________ Cox
|-- Samuel Kerby Burcher
| [130380]
| farmer, Grafton VA., 1900
| farmer, Poquoson VA.,
| 1910, 1920
| b.Nov_1866, Virginia
|-- Belle Burcher [130381]
| b.1868, Virginia
| wife of John E. Fox
|-- Mary Susan Burcher [130382]
| b.31_Oct_1868, Virginia
| m.4_Apr_1889, York Co. VA
| wife of William W. Wilson
| d.5_May_1926, Virginia
| bu. Grafton Christian Church,
| Grafton, York Co. VA
|-- Peter F. Burcher [130383]
| farmer, 1910
| b.1872, Virginia
|-- Miles Edward Burcher
| [130384]
| farmer, 1930
| b.1874, Virginia
|-- Amanda Burcher [130385]
| b.1876, Virginia
|-- Loftis L. Burcher [130386]
| b.1878, Virginia

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________ Cox [131594] = Lee Anna Burcher [130379]

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________ Wilson [131595] = Mary Susan Burcher [130382]
________ Wilson [131595] --------
Mary Susan Burcher [130382] -----
b.31_Oct_1868, Virginia
m.4_Apr_1889, York Co. VA
wife of William W. Wilson
d.5_May_1926, Virginia
bu. Grafton Christian Church,
Grafton, York Co. VA
mother's other spousal relationships
William Willis Wilson = Mary Susan Burcher [130382]

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Charles Francis Burcher = Effie P. Kellum [131599]
Charles Francis Burcher ---------
farmer, 1900
b.13_Nov_1886, Virginia
d.21_Oct_1958, York Co. VA
Effie P. Kellum [131599] --------
wife of Charles F. Burcher
|-- Living Burcher [131596]
|-- Living Burcher [131597]
|-- Living Burcher [131598]
father's other spousal relationships
Charles Francis Burcher = Florence Topping [131620]

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Charles lewis Burcher = Sarah Ray [131151]
Charles lewis Burcher -----------
(Charley) [130378]
farmer, 1900, 1910
b.13_Nov_1860, Virginia
d.22_Sep_1922, York Co. VA
Sarah Ray [131151] --------------
(Sallie) (Wray)
b.10_Jul_1859, York Co. VA
m.16_Dec_1880, York Co. VA
wife of Charles L. Burcher
d.10_Jul_1931, York Co. VA
|-- Levin Cosby Burcher [131603]
| b.Feb_1884, Virginia
|-- Charles Francis Burcher
| [131600]
| farmer, 1900
| b.13_Nov_1886, Virginia
| d.21_Oct_1958, York Co. VA
|-- Carrie Burcher [131601]
|-- Mary Dedman Burcher [131602]
| wife of ________ Crandol
|-- Nannie Belle Burcher
| [131604]
| school teacher, 1910
| b.28_Sep_1888, Virginia
| m.10_Apr_1916, York Co. VA
| wife of Eskrich P. White
| d.6_Dec_1936, York Co. VA
|-- Neva Lee Burcher [131605]
| b.Aug_1890, Virginia
| wife of ________ Wornom
|-- Sarah Elizabeth Burcher
| [131606]
|-- Howard Ray Burcher [131607]
| b.Feb_1895, Virginia
| farmer, 1930
|-- Miles Cary Burcher [131608]
| b.Jan_1897, Virginia
|-- John Thomas Burcher [131609]
| insurance agent,
| York Co. VA, 1930
| b.Mar_1898, Virginia
|-- Linwood Irwin Burcher
| [131610]
| b.Sep_1899, Virginia

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________ Crandol [131611] = Mary Dedman Burcher [131602]

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________ Wornom [131612] = Neva Lee Burcher [131605]

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Ray Burcher [145286] = Dorothy H. ________ [184182]

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W. W. Parker [131613] = Mary Ann Dawson [131614]
W. W. Parker [131613] -----------
Mary Ann Dawson [131614] --------
wife of W. W. Parker
|-- Living Parker [131615]
| wife of Living Burcher

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Living Burcher [131596] = Living Parker [131615]

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Charles Francis Burcher = Florence Topping [131620]
Charles Francis Burcher ---------
farmer, 1900
b.13_Nov_1886, Virginia
d.21_Oct_1958, York Co. VA
Florence Topping [131620] -------
wife of Charles F. Burcher
father's other spousal relationships
Charles Francis Burcher = Effie P. Kellum [131599]

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Clifton Christopher Burcher = Sarah ________ [130304]
father's other spousal relationships
Clifton Christopher Burcher = Nina R. ________ [135344]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Allen [135343] = Sarah ________ [130304]

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Asher Tappan [135350] = Polly Simpson [135351]

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John Tappan [135352] = Sarah Munford [135353]
John Tappan [135352] ------------
Sarah Munford [135353] ----------
wife of John Tappan
|-- Asher Tappan [135350]
| of New Jersey

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Clinton Edward Burcher = Fannie Bell Wood [137730]

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Howard Ray Burcher [131607] = Cora Alleyne Gywnn [145289]

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Clyde Edward Burcher = Margaret Hansford [82385]
Clyde Edward Burcher ------------
Margaret Hansford [82385] -------
wife of Clyde E. Burcher
|-- Alice Burcher [82395]
| b.15_Jun_1935
| m.3_Jul_1953
| wife of Ferdinand Crockett
|-- Clyde Edward Burcher [82396]
| b.15_Jul_1940
|-- Mary Louise Burcher [82397]
| b.1941
|-- Thomas Clinton Burcher
| [82398]
| b.1943

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James Burcher [81763] = Elizabeth Stroud [146890]
James Burcher [81763] -----------
Elizabeth Stroud [146890] -------
m.11_Jan_1826, York Co. VA
wife of James Burcher

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Peter F. Burcher [130383] = Ruth F. ________ [145291]
Peter F. Burcher [130383] -------
farmer, 1910
b.1872, Virginia
Ruth F. ________ [145291] -------
b.1873, Virginia
wife of Peter F. Burcher
|-- Maud E. Burcher [145290]
| b.1906, Virginia

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Levin Cosby Burcher [131603] = Mary Curtis Ironmonger

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Miles Edward Burcher = Carrie Maude Ironmonger
Miles Edward Burcher ------------
farmer, 1930
b.1874, Virginia
Carrie Maude Ironmonger ---------
b.14_May_1870, York Co. VA
m.30_Dec_1913, York Co. VA
wife of Miles E. Burcher
Newport News VA
|-- no_children

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Arthur E. Burcher [130144] = Addie L. ________ [145295]
Arthur E. Burcher [130144] ------
store keeper
b.Sep_1866, Virginia
Addie L. ________ [145295] ------
b.Jun_1870, Virginia
wife of Arthur E. Burcher
|-- Edward G. Burcher [145292]
| b.Sep_1893, Virginia
|-- Addie Burcher [145293]
| b.Jan_1895, Virginia
|-- Charles R. Burcher [145294]
| b.Dec_1895, Virginia

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George W. Burcher [130139] = Willie Marshall Davis
George W. Burcher [130139] ------
rail road laborer, 1910
ship yard chipper, 1920
b.12_May_1880, Warwick Co. VA
d.15_Sep_1861, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetary, Seaford VA
Willie Marshall Davis -----------
wife of Delancy Graves
wife of George Burcher
d.7_Aug_1936, York Co. VA
bu. Zion Methodist Church
Cemetary, Seaford VA
|-- Georgie Frances Burcher
| [89967]
| b.1904, Virgiinia
| m.11_Nov_1922
| wife of Horace L. Hogg
| wife of ________ Livesay
|-- Mary Madeline Burcher
| [146091]
| b.1907, Virginia
| wife of Leslie Hearn
|-- Robert Charles Burcher
| [146092]
| b.1919, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
Delancy Graves [145958] = Willie Marshall Davis

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________ Livesay [146093] = Georgie Frances Burcher
________ Livesay [146093] -------
Georgie Frances Burcher ---------
b.1904, Virgiinia
wife of Horace L. Hogg
wife of ________ Livesay
mother's other spousal relationships
Horace Linwood Hogg [89965] = Georgie Frances Burcher

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Leslie Hearn [146094] = Mary Madeline Burcher
Leslie Hearn [146094] -----------
Mary Madeline Burcher -----------
b.1907, Virginia
wife of Leslie Hearn
|-- Charlotte Hearn [146095]

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John F. Hall [146878] = Sarah ________ [146879]
John F. Hall [146878] -----------
farmer, 1880
b.1842, Virginia
Sarah ________ [146879] ---------
b.1844, Virginia
wife of John F. Hall
|-- William Hall [146880]
| b.1868, Virginia
|-- Mary A. Hall [146881]
| b.1871, Virginia
| m.8_Mar_1888,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of William E. Burcher
|-- Martha Hall [146882]
| b.1873, Virginia
|-- Irexener L. Hall [146883]
| b.Oct_1879, Virginia

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William E. Burcher [130172] = Katiie Owens [199083]
father's other spousal relationships
William E. Burcher [130172] = Mary A. Hall [146881]
William E. Burcher [130172] = Maggie Smith [199086]

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________ Schvals [159402] = Barbary ________ [159401]
________ Schvals [159402] -------
b. Virginia
d. before 1900
Barbary ________ [159401] -------
b.Aug_1864, Virginia
wife of ________ Rowe
wife of ________ Schvals
wife of William H. Evans
d. after 1930
|-- James C. Schvals [159403]
| b.Mar_1889, Virginia
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Rowe [159400] = Barbary ________ [159401]
William H. Evans [141824] = Barbary ________ [159401]

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A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] = Viola N. ________ [159404]
A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] ------
oysterman, York Co. VA, 1910
sailor, York Co. VA, 1920
Newport News VA, 1930
b.Jan_1883, Virginia
Viola N. ________ [159404] ------
b.1906, Virginia
wife of A. Claiborne Rowe
|-- William R. Rowe [159405]
| b.1926, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
A. Claiborne Rowe [130288] = Mary J. Topping [130289]

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Clifton L. Burcher [165199] = ________ ________ [165200]
Clifton L. Burcher [165199] -----
farmer, Warwick Co. VA,
1920, 1930
b.1891, Virginia
________ ________ [165200] ------
wife of Clifton L. Burcher
|-- Lena V. Burcher [165201]
| b.1912, Virginia
|-- Robert L. Burcher [165202]
| b.1914, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
Clifton L. Burcher [165199] = Laura V. Wood [159616]

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Clifton L. Burcher [165199] = Laura V. Wood [159616]
Clifton L. Burcher [165199] -----
farmer, Warwick Co. VA,
1920, 1930
b.1891, Virginia
Laura V. Wood [159616] ----------
b.1893, Virginia
wife of Clifton Burcher
wife of Ernest Harris
|-- Edith M. Burcher [165203]
| b.1921, Virginia
|-- James E. Burcher [165204]
| b.1925, Virginia
|-- Gladys M. Burcher [165205]
| b.1929, Virginia
father's other spousal relationships
Clifton L. Burcher [165199] = ________ ________ [165200]
mother's other spousal relationships
Ernest Harris [165307] = Laura V. Wood [159616]

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John Thomas Burcher [131609] = Emma Belle Presson [165576]

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Vadden W. Burcher [179592] = Gladys ________ [179597]

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________ Norris [179602] = Minnie Burcher [179599]

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Wilton Burcher [179600] = Ernestine ________ [179603]

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Linwood Irwin Burcher = Mary Phillips [179604]
Linwood Irwin Burcher -----------
b.Sep_1899, Virginia
Mary Phillips [179604] ----------
wife of Linwood I. Burcher
d.1_Jul_2007, Poquoson VA
|-- Jean Burcher [179605]
| wife of ________ Forrest
|-- Cornell Burcher [179606]

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________ Forrest [179607] = Jean Burcher [179605]
________ Forrest [179607] -------
Jean Burcher [179605] -----------
wife of ________ Forrest
|-- Nathan Forrest [179608]

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Richard Sandridge [180096] = Marla Jo Hubbard [130252]

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Linwood Burcher [145287] = Doris Riggins [184183]

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Ray Matthew Burcher Jr. = Toni ________ [184184]

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James Gardiner Burcher = Frances Jeannette Shield
James Gardiner Burcher ----------
b.1834, York Co. VA
Frances Jeannette Shield --------
m. after 1880
wife of James G. Burcher
|-- Shep Burcher [130149]
| d. young
|-- Frances Burcher [130150]
| b.1890
|-- Margaret Burcher [130151]
|-- Ida Burcher [130152]
father's other spousal relationships
James Gardiner Burcher = Ann Powell [130142]
James Gardiner Burcher = Mary E. Powell [159581]

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________ Palmer [194361] = Elizabeth Burcher [81762]
________ Palmer [194361] --------
Elizabeth Burcher [81762] -------
b.1791, York Co. VA
wife of ________ Palmer
m. before 1820
wife of Edmund Patrick
d. after 1860
mother's other spousal relationships
Edmund Patrick [194360] = Elizabeth Burcher [81762]

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John O. Mason [199091] = Martha A. Burcher [199087]

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Sheldon Mason [199071] = Living Parker [199063]

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Robert Owens [199081] = Nannie ________ [199082]
Robert Owens [199081] -----------
Nannie ________ [199082] --------
wife of Robert Owens
|-- Katiie Owens [199083]
| b.1867
| m.5_Apr_1884
wife of William E. Burcher

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William E. Burcher [130172] = Mary A. Hall [146881]
father's other spousal relationships
William E. Burcher [130172] = Katiie Owens [199083]
William E. Burcher [130172] = Maggie Smith [199086]

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Charlie Smith [199084] = Fannie ________ [199085]
Charlie Smith [199084] ----------
Fannie ________ [199085] --------
wife of Charlie Smith
|-- Maggie Smith [199086]
| b.1873
| m.28_Sep_1890
wife of William E. Burcher

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William E. Burcher [130172] = Maggie Smith [199086]
father's other spousal relationships
William E. Burcher [130172] = Katiie Owens [199083]
William E. Burcher [130172] = Mary A. Hall [146881]

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Klon Morrison [199136] = Virginia Wright [199137]
Klon Morrison [199136] ----------
Virginia Wright [199137] --------
of New Castle VA
wife of Ernest M. Burcher
wife of Klon Morrison
d.29_Apr_2002, Salem VA
mother's other spousal relationships
Ernest Burcher [199089] = Virginia Wright [199137]

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Donald Sheldon Adams = Virginia Dee ________
Donald Sheldon Adams ------------
Warwick Co. VA
Virginia Dee ________ -----------
wife of Donald S. Adams
|-- Donald Paul Adams [218080]
| b.26_Jun_1964
| d.21_Apr_2013,
| Newport News VA
|-- Joanne Adams [218955]
|-- Linda Adams [218956]

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Donald Paul Adams [218080] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Donald Paul Adams [218080] = Tammie ________ [218085]
mother's other spousal relationships
Tammie ________ [218085] = unknown

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Kyle P. Adams [218083] = unknown

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Donald Paul Adams [218080] = Tammie ________ [218085]
Donald Paul Adams [218080] ------
Newport News VA
Tammie ________ [218085] --------
wife of Donald P. Adams
father's other spousal relationships
Donald Paul Adams [218080] = unknown

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Mack Chelton Burcher = Elizabeth Ann/Anna Forrest

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