Baldwin IX of_Flanders = Marie of_Champagne [13884]
Baldwin IX of_Flanders ----------
(Baldwin VI of_Hainaut)
count of Flanders
and Hainaut, 1195-1205
emperor of Constantinople
b.1171, Valenciennes
d.11_Jun_1205, Bulgaria
Marie of_Champagne [13884] ------
wife of Baldwin VI,
count of Hainaut
|-- Jeanne of_Flanders [2524]
| countess of Flanders
| and Hainaut, 1205-1224
| b.1188
| m.1_Jan_1212
| wife of Fernando of Portugal
| m.2_Apr_1237
| wife of Thomas II of Savoy
| d.5_Dec_1244, Marquette
|-- Margaret II of_Flanders
| [12509]
countess of Flanders
and Hainaut, 1224-1278
b.2_Jun_1202, Valenciennes
m. before 23_Jul_1212
wife of Bouchard d'Avenes
divorced ca.1221
wife of
Guillaume II de_Dampierre

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Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = Margarite of_Lorraine
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] ----
count of Hainaut, 1171-1195
margrave of Namur, 1189-1195
count Baldwin VIII
of Flanders, 1191-1195
d.17_Dec_1195, Mons
Margarite of_Lorraine -----------
wife of Baldwin V,
count of Hainaut
|-- Isabella of_Hainaut [12511]
| countess of Artois
| b.ca.1170, Valenciennes
| m.28_Apr_1180, Bapaume,
| Pas-De-Calais, France
| wife of Philip II,
| king of France
| d.15_Mar_1190, Paris
| bu. Notre Dame, Paris
|-- Baldwin IX of_Flanders
| (Baldwin VI of_Hainaut)
| [12510]
| count of Flanders
| and Hainaut, 1195-1205
| emperor of Constantinople
| b.1171, Valenciennes
| d.11_Jun_1205, Bulgaria
|-- Philip I of_Namur [138800]
| margrave of Namur, 1195-1212
| regent of Flanders, 1200-1212
| b.1175
| d.12_Oct_1212
|-- Yolanda of_Flanders [12512]
| margrave of Namur, 1212-1217
| empress of Constantinople,
| 1217-1219
| b.ca.1175
| m.1_Jul_1193, Soissons
| wife of Pierre de Courtenay
| d.Aug_1219, Constantinople
|-- Henri of_Flanders [138801]
| emperor of Constantinople,
| 1206-1216
| b.ca.1176
| d.11_Jul_1216, murdered
|-- Eustach of_Flanders [138802]
| regent of Thessaloniki,
| 1210-1216
| d, after 1217
|-- Sibylle of_Flanders [138803]
| b.1179
| m.1196-1198
| wife of
| Guichard IV de_Beaujeu
| d.9_Jan_1217
|-- Godfrey of_FlanderS [138804]
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown

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Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = Alix of_Namur [85438]
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut -----------
(de Bouwer) [12515]
count of Hainaut, 1120-1171
Alix of_Namur [85438] -----------
wife of Baldwin IV,
count of Hainaut
|-- Yolande of_Hainaut [138805]
| b.1131
| m.1151-1152
| wife of Ives II de_Nesle
| m.ca.1179
| wife of Hugues IV de_St._Pol
| d. after 1202
|-- Baldwin of_Hainaut [138806]
| b.ca.1134
| d.1147-1150
|-- Agnes of_Hainaut [12514]
| b.ca.1142
| m. before 1164
| wife of Raoul I,
| sire de_Coucy
| d. before 1174
|-- Geoffroy of_Hainaut [138807]
| count of Ostervant
| b.1147
| d.7_Apr_1163
|-- Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513]
| count of Hainaut, 1171-1195
| margrave of Namur, 1189-1195
| count Baldwin VIII
| of Flanders, 1191-1195
| b.1150
| d.17_Dec_1195, Mons
|-- Laurette of_Hainaut [138808]
| b.ca.1150
| wife of Dietrich van_Aalst
| m.1173
| wife of
| Bouchard IV de_Montmorency
|-- Henri of_Hainaut [138809]
| signure de_Sebourg
| d. after 1207
|-- Eustach of_Hainaut [138810]
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown

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Baldwin III of_Hainaut = Yolande of_Guelders [81909]

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Baldwin II of_Hainaut = Ida of_Louvain [12961]

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Baldwin VI of_Flanders = Richilde ________ [12935]
Baldwin VI of_Flanders ----------
(de Mons) [12521]
count of Flanders
(Baldwin I of Hainaut)
count of Hainaut
Richilde ________ [12935] -------
wife of Herman,
count of Hainaut
wife of Baldwin VI,
count of Flanders
|-- Gilbert de_Gaunt [12518]
| b.ca.1092
| d.ca.1095
|-- Baldwin II of_Hainaut
| [12519]
| count of Hainaut, 1071-1098
| b.ca.1056
| d.1098, Palestine,
| on 1st crusade
|-- Arnold III of_Hainaut
| [12520]
| count of Flanders
count of Hainaut
d.1071, battle of Kassel
mother's other spousal relationships
Herman of_Hainaut [13178] = Richilde ________ [12935]

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Baldwin V of_Flanders = Adele of_France [11052]
Baldwin V of_Flanders -----------
(de Lille) [12524]
count of Flanders
b.1012, Flanders
d.1_Sep_1067, Lille
Adele of_France [11052] ---------
b.1002, France
m.1028, Paris
wife of Baldwin V,
count of Flanders
mistress of Richard III,
duke of Normandy
d.8_Jan_1079, Monastere de L'O
|-- Baldwin VI of_Flanders
| (de Mons) [12521]
| count of Flanders
| (Baldwin I of Hainaut)
| count of Hainaut
|-- Robert le_Frison [12522]
| count of Flanders
| b.ca.1035
| d.1093
|-- Matilda of_Flanders [12523]
| b.1032
| m.1053
wife of William the Conqueror,
king of England
d.3_Nov_1083, Caen, France
mother's other spousal relationships
Richard III of_Normandy = Adele of_France [11052]

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Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Ogive of_Luxembourg [81980]
Baldwin IV of_Flanders ----------
(the Bearded) [12526]
count of Flanders
count of Valenciennes
b.980, Flanders
d.30_May_1036, Flanders
Ogive of_Luxembourg [81980] -----
wife of Baldwin IV,
count of Flanders
d.21_Feb_1030, Flanders
|-- Baldwin V of_Flanders
| (de Lille) [12524]
| count of Flanders
| b.1012, Flanders
| d.1_Sep_1067, Lille
|-- Ermengarde of_Flanders
| [12525]
| b.ca.1015, Flanders
m.ca.1021, Gand, East
Vlaanderen, Belgium
wife of Adalbert of Holland
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Eleanor of_Normandy [2804]
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Orgina ________ [12601]

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Arnold II of_Flanders = Rosela d'Ivrea [85765]

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Baldwin III of_Flanders = Matilda of_Saxony [13513]
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin III of_Flanders = Matilda of_Burgundy [1825]
mother's other spousal relationships
Godfrey of_Verdun [2664] = Matilda of_Saxony [13513]

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Arnold I of_Flanders [12536] = Alix of_Vermandois [2176]
Arnold I of_Flanders [12536] ----
(the Old)
count of Flanders
and Artois
Alix of_Vermandois [2176] -------
b.ca.915, Vermandois
m.934, Flanders
wife of Arnold I,
count of Flanders
d.10_Oct_958, Bruges
|-- Baldwin III of_Flanders
| [12531]
| count of Flanders
| b.ca.940, Flanders
| d.1_Nov_962
|-- Hildegarde of_Flanders
| [12532]
| b.937, Gand, Flanders
| wife of Waleran of Vexin
| wife of Thierri II
| d.981
|-- Elstrude of_Flanders [12533]
| b.ca.932, Flanders
| m.ca.950, Guisness, France
| wife of Sigefred the Dane,
| 1st count of Guines
|-- Luitgard of_Flanders [12534]
| b.ca.941, Flanders
| m.950, Gand, Flanders
| wive of Wickmann II
| d.29_Sep_964
|-- Egbert of_Flanders [12535]
| b.ca.937, Flanders
| d.10_Jul_953

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Baldwin II of_Flanders = Alfthryth of_England [316]

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Odoacer of_Flanders [12539] = unknown

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Ingelram of_Flanders [12540] = unknown

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Lyderic de_Buc [12541] = unknown

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Saluart of_Digon [12542] = Eringarde of_Rossilon

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Gerard of_Rossilon [12544] = unknown
Gerard of_Rossilon [12544] ------
Lord of Rossilon
unknown -------------------------
|-- Eringarde of_Rossilon
| [12543]
| wife of Saluart of Digon

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Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Eleanor of_Normandy [2804]
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Ogive of_Luxembourg [81980]
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Orgina ________ [12601]

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Baldwin I of_Flanders = Judith of_France [2407]
mother's other spousal relationships
Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Judith of_France [2407]
Aethelbald of_England [322] = Judith of_France [2407]

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Robert le_Frison [12522] = Gertrude of_Saxony [13528]
mother's other spousal relationships
Florent I of_Holland [13380] = Gertrude of_Saxony [13528]

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Anselme Candavaine [12555] = Eustachie of_Champagne

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Hugues III de_St._Pol = Beatrice ________ [12566]

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Hugues II Candavene [12558] = Hellissende de_Ponthieu

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Hugues I Candavene [12559] = Clementina ________ [12565]

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Roger de_St._Pol [12560] = Hadwide de_Houchin [12564]

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Eudes of_Cambrai [12527] = Odele de_Bois_Ferrand

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Thibaud de_Baud_Ferrand = unknown
Thibaud de_Baud_Ferrand ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Odele de_Bois_Ferrand
| [12562]
| wife of Eudes,
| count of Cambrai

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William de_Mortain [12570] = unknown

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Robert de_Mortain [12575] = Maud de_Montgomery [19054]

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Herluin de_Burgo [12577] = Herleve of_Falaise [2895]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert I of_Normandy [2801] = Herleve of_Falaise [2895]
Gilbert of_Brienne [2925] = Herleve of_Falaise [2895]

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John de_Burgo [12530] = ________ ________ [12679]

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Godfrey I of_Lorraine = Clemence of_Burgundy [12585]
Godfrey I of_Lorraine -----------
duke of Lower Lorraine
Clemence of_Burgundy [12585] ----
m. before 1092
wife of Robert II,
count of Flanders
wife of Godfrey I,
duke of ________
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert II of_Flanders = Clemence of_Burgundy [12585]

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Philip of_Leo [12552] = ________ ________ [12583]
Philip of_Leo [12552] -----------
________ ________ [12583] -------
mistress of Philip of Leo
|-- William of_Ypres [12582]
| d.1165

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Robert II of_Flanders = Clemence of_Burgundy [12585]
mother's other spousal relationships
Godfrey I of_Lorraine = Clemence of_Burgundy [12585]

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Guillaume de_Bourgogne = unknown
Guillaume de_Bourgogne ----------
count of Burgundy
b. before 1066
unknown -------------------------
|-- Clemence of_Burgundy [12585]
| m. before 1092
| wife of Robert II,
| count of Flanders
| wife of Godfrey I,
| duke of ________

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Sir Donald de_Mar [12591] = Helen of_Wales [80248]
Sir Donald de_Mar [12591] -------
of Kildrummy,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
6th earl of Mar
d. after 25_Jul_1297
Helen of_Wales [80248] ----------
natural dau. of
Llewellyn the Great,
prince of Wales
m. before 1269
wife of Malcolm of_Fife
wife of Donald de_Mar
d. after 1295
|-- Marjory of_Mar [12586]
| of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| b.ca.1270
| m.ca.1289
| wife of John de Strabolgi
| wife of Kenneth Sutherland,
| 4th Earl of Sutherland
| d. before 24_Jul_1326
|-- Gratney of_Mar [12587]
| (Gartnet)
| 7th earl of Mar
| b.ca.1272, Castle of Kildru,
| Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| d.Sep_1305
|-- Duncan of_Mar [12588]
| of Castle Kildrummy,
| Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| b. 1274
|-- Alexander of_Mar [12589]
| b.1276, Castle of Kildru,
| Aberdeenshire, Scotland
|-- Isabella of_Mar [12590]
| (Matilda)
| of Castle Kildrummy,
| Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| b.ca.1278
1st wife of Robert I,
king of Scots
mother's other spousal relationships
Malcolm of_Fife [80247] = Helen of_Wales [80248]

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William de_Mar [12592] = Elizabeth Comyn [12704]
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Mar [12592] = Muriel Ferteth [12600]

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Geoffrey V de_Chateaudon = Clemence des_Roches [12662]

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Erard I de_Brienne [12604] = Alice de_Ramerupt [12595]

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Gilbert de_Gaunt [12518] = unknown

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Rudolph de_Cambrai [12547] = unknown

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John Comyn [12571] = unknown

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Adalolf of_Boulogne [12537] = unknown
Adalolf of_Boulogne [12537] -----
count of Boulogne
unknown -------------------------
|-- Arnold I ________ [12599]
| d. after 972

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William de_Mar [12592] = Muriel Ferteth [12600]
William de_Mar [12592] ----------
of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
5th earl of Mar
d. before 15_Jul_1281
Muriel Ferteth [12600] ----------
wife of William de_Mar,
earl of Mar
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Mar [12592] = Elizabeth Comyn [12704]

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Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Orgina ________ [12601]
Baldwin IV of_Flanders ----------
(the Bearded) [12526]
count of Flanders
count of Valenciennes
b.980, Flanders
d.30_May_1036, Flanders
Orgina ________ [12601] ---------
wife of Baldwin IV
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Ogive of_Luxembourg [81980]
Baldwin IV of_Flanders = Eleanor of_Normandy [2804]

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Guy de_Brienne [12603] = Petronille de_Chacenay

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Milo II de_Brienne [12605] = Matilda de_Noyers [12616]

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Walter I de_Brienne [12606] = Eustachie de_Tonnere [12613]

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Engelbert IV de_Brienne = Petronille ________ [12612]

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Engelbert III de_Brienne = Windelmode ________ [12611]

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Engelbert II de_Brienne = unknown

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Englebert I de_Brienne = unknown

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unknown = Adela de_Salins [11969]

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Milo I [12614] = Azeka ________ [12615]
Milo I [12614] ------------------
Azeka ________ [12615] ----------
wife of Milo I
|-- Eustachie de_Tonnere [12613]
| wife of Walter I

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Miles II ________ [12617] = Anne ________ [12618]
Miles II ________ [12617] -------
d. after 1103
Anne ________ [12618] -----------
wife of Miles II
|-- Matilda de_Noyers [12616]
| d. after 1115
| wife of Milo II

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Anseric II ________ [12620] = Humbeline de_Troyes [12625]

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Milo de_Chacenay [12621] = Adelaide ________ [12624]

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Anseric I ________ [12622] = Gersinde de_Chacenay [12623]
Anseric I ________ [12622] ------
Gersinde de_Chacenay [12623] ----
d. after 1074
wife of Anseric I
|-- Milo de_Chacenay [12621]

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Tesceline Sorus [12626] = Aleth de_Montbard [12627]

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Bernard ________ [12628] = Humberge ________ [12629]
Bernard ________ [12628] --------
Humberge ________ [12629] -------
wife of Bernard
|-- Aleth de_Montbard [12627]
| wife of Tesceline Sorus

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Adelm de_Burgo [12567] = Agnes ________ [12630]
mother's other spousal relationships
John de_Burgo [12568] = Agnes ________ [12630]

group index
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Llwellyn ________ [12631] = Isabel of_England [11827]

group index
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William de_Burgh [12632] = Isabel of_England [11827]
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Burgh [12632] = Una O'Connor [12635]

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Hugh O'Connor [12634] = unknown
Hugh O'Connor [12634] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Una O'Connor [12635]
| wife of Robert de Gernon
| wife of William de Burgh

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Robert de_Gernon [12636] = Una O'Connor [12635]
mother's other spousal relationships
William de_Burgh [12632] = Una O'Connor [12635]

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William de_Burgh [12632] = Una O'Connor [12635]
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Burgh [12632] = Isabel of_England [11827]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert de_Gernon [12636] = Una O'Connor [12635]

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John de_Burgo [12568] = Agnes ________ [12630]
mother's other spousal relationships
Adelm de_Burgo [12567] = Agnes ________ [12630]

group index
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Dodo Bardulph [12639] = Beatrice de_Warenne [11914]

group index
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Hubert de_Burgh [12638] = Beatrice de_Warenne [11914]

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John de_Burgh [12640] = Hawise de_Lanvallel [3165]

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William de_Burgh [12643] = Maud Plantagenet [11754]
William de_Burgh [12643] --------
4th earl of Ulster
d.1333, LeFord, Belfast
Maud Plantagenet [11754] --------
wife of William de Burgh,
earl of Ulster
wife of Sir Ralph de Ufford,
justiciar of Ireland
|-- Elizabeth de_Burgh [12642]
| m.9_Sep_1342,
| Tower of London
| wife of Lionel of Antwerp,
| earl of Ulster and
| duke of Clarence
| d.10_Dec_1365, Dublin
mother's other spousal relationships
Ralph de_Ufford [11544] = Maud Plantagenet [11754]

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John de_Burgh [12644] = Elizabeth de_Clare [3092]
mother's other spousal relationships
Roger D'Amory [3258] = Elizabeth de_Clare [3092]
Sir Theobald de_Verdon = Elizabeth de_Clare [3092]

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Richard de_Burgh [12648] = Margaret de_Burgh [12651]

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Walter de_Burgh [12650] = Avelina Fitz_John [3176]

group index
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Richard de_Burgh [12633] = Hodierna de_Gernon [12637]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard de_Burgh [12633] = Gille de_Lacy [3169]

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John de_Burgh [12641] = Cicily Balliol [28024]

group index
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Roger Borsa [12653] = Adele of_Flanders [12550]
Roger Borsa [12653] -------------
duke of Apulia
Adele of_Flanders [12550] -------
wife of Canute IV,
king of_Denmark
wife of Roger Borsa,
duke of_Apulia
|-- William Borsa [12652]
| duke of Apulia
mother's other spousal relationships
Canute IV of_Denmark [12654] = Adele of_Flanders [12550]

group index
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Canute IV of_Denmark [12654] = Adele of_Flanders [12550]
mother's other spousal relationships
Roger Borsa [12653] = Adele of_Flanders [12550]

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________ Fulk [12658] = Ingertha of_Denmark [12655]

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Charles of_Flanders [12657] = Marguerite of_Clermont
Charles of_Flanders [12657] -----
(the Good)
count of_Flanders
b. before 1084
Marguerite of_Clermont ----------
wife of Charles the Good,
count of Flanders

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Richard de_Burgh [12633] = Gille de_Lacy [3169]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard de_Burgh [12633] = Hodierna de_Gernon [12637]

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William des_Roches [12664] = Marguerite of_Sablae [12663]
William des_Roches [12664] ------
seneschal of Anjou
Marguerite of_Sablae [12663] ----
wife of William des_Roches
|-- Clemence des_Roches [12662]
| wife of Geoffrey V,
| vicomte de_Chateaudon

group index
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John MacDougall [12666] = Joanna Isaac [6742]
mother's other spousal relationships
John de_Ergadia [6743] = Joanna Isaac [6742]

group index
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John MacDougall [12667] = unknown

group index
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Alexander MacDougall [12668] = ________ Comyn [12684]

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Dugall ________ [12669] = unknown

group index
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Somerled ________ [12670] = unknown

group index
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Thomas Cumming [12675] = unknown
Thomas Cumming [12675] ----------
d. after 1419
unknown -------------------------
|-- James Cumming [12671]
| d.s.p.
|-- Alexander Cumming [12672]
| d.ca.1454
|-- John Cumming [12673]
|-- Jane Cumming [12674]
| wife of Alexander de_Seton

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Ferquhard Cumming [12676] = unknown

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Richard Cumyn [12725] = ________ Grant [12678]

group index
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Baldwin III of_Flanders = Matilda of_Burgundy [1825]
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin III of_Flanders = Matilda of_Saxony [13513]

group index
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John Comyn [12685] = Joan de_Valence [28061]

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Sir John Comyn [12687] = Eleanor Balliol [28022]

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Sir John Comyn [12688] = unknown

group index
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Richard Comyn [12689] = unknown

group index
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William Comyn [12690] = ________ ________ [12695]
father's other spousal relationships
William Comyn [12690] = Marjorie of_Buchan [12706]

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Richard Comyn [12692] = Hextilda of_Tyndale [12693]

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William Comyn [12598] = unknown

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Huctred of_Tyndale [12694] = Bethoc of_Scotland [5393]

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Alexander Comyn [12697] = Joan le_Latimer [12708]

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Alexander Comyn [12701] = Elizabeth de_Quincy [18202]

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William Comyn [12690] = Marjorie of_Buchan [12706]
father's other spousal relationships
William Comyn [12690] = ________ ________ [12695]

group index
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Fergus of_Buchan [12580] = unknown
Fergus of_Buchan [12580] --------
4th earl of Buchan
unknown -------------------------
|-- Marjorie of_Buchan [12706]
| countess of Buchan
| m.1214
| 2nd wife of William Comyn,
earl of Buchan

group index
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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- William le_Latimer [12707]
| lord Latimer
|-- Joan le_Latimer [12708]
| wife of Alexander Comyn,
sheriff of Aberdeen

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Sir Walter Comyn [12702] = unknown

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John of_Brienne [12712] = Mary de_Montferrat [11925]
John of_Brienne [12712] ---------
king of Jerusalem
emperor of Constantinople
Mary de_Montferrat [11925] ------
b.1191, Tyre
1st wife of John of Brienne,
king of Jerusalem and
emperor of Constantinople
|-- Yolanda of_Jerusalem [12711]
| (Isabella)
| queen of Jerusalem
| b.1211
| m.1225
| wife of Frederick II,
| king of Jerusalem,
king of Germany, and
Holy Roman Emperor
father's other spousal relationships
John of_Brienne [12712] = Stephanie of_Armenia [52701]
John of_Brienne [12712] = Berengaria of_Leon [85770]

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Erard II of_Brienne [12713] = Agnes de_Montfaucon [12714]

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Walter II de_Brienne [12594] = Adela de_Romeru [28221]

group index
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Richard II de_Montfaucon = unknown
Richard II de_Montfaucon --------
count of Montfaucon
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agnes de_Montfaucon [12714]
| m.1166
| wife of Erard II,
| count of Brienne

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John of_Brienne [12712] = Stephanie of_Armenia [52701]
father's other spousal relationships
John of_Brienne [12712] = Mary de_Montferrat [11925]
John of_Brienne [12712] = Berengaria of_Leon [85770]

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Henry Beaumont [12717] = Margaret de_Vere [19254]
Henry Beaumont [12717] ----------
lord Beaumont
Margaret de_Vere [19254] --------
wife of Henry de Beaumont
wife of Sir Nicholas
de Louvaine
wife of Sir John de Devereux,
lord Devereux
|-- Sir John Beaumont [12715]
| lord Beaumont
| knight of the Garter
| warden of the west marches
| toward Scotland
| admiral of the North Sea
| constable of Dover Castle
| lord warden of Cinque Ports
| b.ca.1361
| d.1369, Sterling
|-- Catherine de_Beaumont
| [12716]
of Somerset, England
wife of John de_Stourton

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Sir John de_Beaumont [12718] = Eleanor Plantagenet [11757]
mother's other spousal relationships
Sir Richard II Fitz_Alan = Eleanor Plantagenet [11757]

group index
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Sir Henry de_Beaumont = Alice Comyn [12696]

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Louis de_Brienne [12722] = Agnes de_Beaumont [3480]

group index
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John of_Brienne [12712] = Berengaria of_Leon [85770]
father's other spousal relationships
John of_Brienne [12712] = Mary de_Montferrat [11925]
John of_Brienne [12712] = Stephanie of_Armenia [52701]

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Jean de_Brienne [12723] = Jeanne de_Chateaudun [12593]
father's other spousal relationships
Jean de_Brienne [12723] = Mary de_Coucy [5426]

group index
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Thomas Cumyn [12726] = unknown

group index
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Robert Cumyn [12686] = unknown

group index
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Jean de_Brienne [12723] = Mary de_Coucy [5426]
father's other spousal relationships
Jean de_Brienne [12723] = Jeanne de_Chateaudun [12593]
mother's other spousal relationships
Alexander II of_Scotland = Mary de_Coucy [5426]

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Sir John de_Pulteney [12731] = Margaret de_Bereford [12730]
Sir John de_Pulteney [12731] ----
Margaret de_Bereford [12730] ----
dau. of John de Bereford
wife of Sir John de Pulteney
wife of Sir Nicholas
de Lovaine
mother's other spousal relationships
Sir Nicholas de_Lovaine = Margaret de_Bereford [12730]

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Sir Nicholas de_Lovaine = Margaret de_Bereford [12730]
father's other spousal relationships
Sir Nicholas de_Lovaine = Margaret de_Vere [19254]
mother's other spousal relationships
Sir John de_Pulteney [12731] = Margaret de_Bereford [12730]

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Sir Nicholas de_Lovaine = Margaret de_Vere [19254]
father's other spousal relationships
Sir Nicholas de_Lovaine = Margaret de_Bereford [12730]

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John Devereux [12728] = Margaret de_Vere [19254]

group index
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John Barre [12727] = unknown
John Barre [12727] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Barre [12734]
| wife of William Devereux

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William Devereux [12733] = Anne Barre [12734]

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Walter Devereux [12735] = Agnes Crophull [12736]

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Alexander Gordon Sutherland = Janet Stewart [12761]

group index
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Kenneth de_Sutherland = Marjory of_Mar [12586]
Kenneth de_Sutherland -----------
d.19_Jul_1333, Halidon Hill
Marjory of_Mar [12586] ----------
of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
wife of John de Strabolgi
wife of Kenneth Sutherland,
4th Earl of Sutherland
d. before 24_Jul_1326
|-- William de_Sutherland
| [12739]
| d.1370
mother's other spousal relationships
John de_Strabolgi [29061] = Marjory of_Mar [12586]

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William de_Sutherland = Margaret de_Bruce [6732]
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Sutherland = Joanna Menteith [12742]

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William de_Sutherland = Joanna Menteith [12742]
father's other spousal relationships
William de_Sutherland = Margaret de_Bruce [6732]

group index
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Patrick Dunbar [12753] = unknown
Patrick Dunbar [12753] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mabilla Dunbar [12744]
| wife of John de_Sutherland

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John de_Sutherland [12741] = Mabilla Dunbar [12744]

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Alexander Sutherland [12751] = Mariot McDonnell [12752]

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Robert Sutherland [12743] = Margaret Stewart [12747]

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John Macdonald [12754] = unknown

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Nicholas de_Sutherland = Elizabeth MacDonald [12749]

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Robert de_Sutherland [12750] = Mabilla Dunbar [5428]

group index
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Donald ________ [12765] = Margaret de_Ross [12766]
Donald ________ [12765] ---------
Margaret de_Ross [12766] --------
wife of Donald ________
|-- Mariot McDonnell [12752]
| wife of Alexander Sutherland

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John Sutherland [12764] = Margaret MacDonald [12756]

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Adam Gordon [12759] = Elizabeth Sutherland [12758]

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John Sutherland [12748] = Margaret Baillie [12762]

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William Sutherland [12769] = Mary Maxwell [12785]
William Sutherland [12769] ------
18th earl of Sutherland
Mary Maxwell [12785] ------------
of Preston
wife of William Sutherland,
18th earl of Sutherland
|-- Elizabeth Sutherland [12768]
| countess of Sutherland
| b.1765
| m.1785
| wife of George
Granville Leveson-Gower,
1st duke of Sutherland

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William Sutherland [12770] = Lady Elizabeth Wemyss
William Sutherland [12770] ------
17th earl of Sutherland
Lady Elizabeth Wemyss -----------
of Wemyss
wife of William Sutherland,
17th earl of Sutherland
|-- William Sutherland [12769]
| 18th earl of Sutherland
| d.1766

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William Sutherland [12771] = Catherine Morison [12783]

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John Sutherland [12773] = Helen Cochrane [12782]
John Sutherland [12773] ---------
16th earl of Sutherland
Helen Cochrane [12782] ----------
of Dundonald
wife of John Sutherland,
16th earl of Sutherland
|-- William Sutherland [12771]
| lord Strathnaver
| d.1720
|-- Jean Sutherland [12772]

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George Sutherland [12774] = Jean Wemyss [12781]
George Sutherland [12774] -------
15th earl of Sutherland
Jean Wemyss [12781] -------------
of Wemyss
wife of George Sutherland,
15th earl of Sutherland
|-- John Sutherland [12773]
| 16th earl of Sutherland
| d.1733

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John Sutherland [12775] = Lady Jean Drummond [24055]

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John Sutherland [12777] = Agnes Elphinstone [12780]
John Sutherland [12777] ---------
13th earl of Sutherland
Agnes Elphinstone [12780] -------
of Elphinstone
wife of John Sutherland,
13th earl of Sutherland
|-- John Sutherland [12775]
| 14th earl of Sutherland
| b.1609
| d.1679
|-- George Sutherland [12776]
| b.1616

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Alexander Sutherland [12786] = Lady Jean Gordon [12779]

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John Sutherland [12738] = Helen Stewart [7236]
mother's other spousal relationships
William Hay [24330] = Helen Stewart [7236]

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Sir Ludovic Gordon [12789] = unknown

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Sir Robert Sutherland = Louisa Gordon [12790]
Sir Robert Sutherland -----------
1st Bart. Gordonstoun
Louisa Gordon [12790] -----------
of Glenluce
wife of Sir
Robert Sutherland,
1st Bart. Gordonstoun
|-- Sir Ludovic Gordon [12789]
| 2nd Bart.
| d.ca.1686

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Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor = Natalia Phillips [12791]
Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor ------
6th duke of Westminster
b.22_Dec_1951, London
Natalia Phillips [12791] --------
duchess of Westminster
wife of Gerald C. Grosvenor
|-- Tamara Grosvenor [12792]
| b.ca.1980
|-- Edwina Grosvenor [12793]
| b.ca.1982
|-- Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor
| [12794]
| earl Grosvenor

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Guy David Innes-Ker [12797] = Jane Meriel Grosvenor
Guy David Innes-Ker [12797] -----
10th duke of Roxburghe
Jane Meriel Grosvenor -----------
wife of Guy D. Innes-Ker,
10th duke of Roxburghe
|-- Rosie ________ [12798]
| b.ca.1979
|-- Charlie ________ [12799]
| marquess of Bowmont
| and Cessford
| b.ca.1981
|-- Edward ________ [12800]
| b.ca.1984

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Adolphus C. A. L. Cambridge = Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor
Adolphus C. A. L. Cambridge -----
(Charles Alexander Ladislaus)
1st marquess of Cambridge
Margaret Evelyn Grosvenor -------
wife of Adolphus C. Alexander
|-- George Francis Hugh Cambridge
| [12802]
| 2nd marquess of Cambridge
| b.11_Oct_1895
|-- May V. C. M. Cambridge
| (Victoria Constance Mary)
| [12803]
| b.ca.1897
| m.14_Jun_1923
| wife of Henry H. A. Fitzroy
|-- Helena F. A. Cambridge
| (Frances Augusta) [12804]
| b.ca.1899
| m.ca.1919
| wife of Lt.-Col. J. E. Gibbs
|-- Frederick C. E. Cambridge
| (Charles Edward) [12805]
| b.ca.1907
| d.ca_May_1940

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George Francis Hugh Cambridge = Dorothy Hastings [12806]

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Albert Leveson-Gower [12867] = Grace Emma Townshend Abdy

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Robert George Grosvenor = Viola Maud Lyttelton [23155]

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Hugh Lupus Grosvenor [12830] = Constance G. S.-Leveson-Gower
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Lupus Grosvenor [12830] = Katherine Caroline Cavendish

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George G. Leveson-Gower = Elizabeth Sutherland [12768]
George G. Leveson-Gower ---------
(Granville) [12767]
1st duke of Sutherland
Elizabeth Sutherland [12768] ----
countess of Sutherland
wife of George
Granville Leveson-Gower,
1st duke of Sutherland
|-- George G. S. Leveson-Gower
| (Granville Sutherland)
| [12831]
| 2nd duke of Sutherland
| b.08_Aug_1786
| d.22_Feb_1861

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Hugh William Grosvenor = Mabel Florence Mary Crichton
Hugh William Grosvenor ----------
Mabel Florence Mary Crichton ----
wife of Hugh W. Grosvenor
|-- Gerald Hugh Grosvenor
| [12832]
| 4th duke of Westminster
| b.13_Feb_1907
| d.25_Feb_1967
|-- Robert George Grosvenor
| [12833]
5th duke of Westminster

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Victor Alexander Grosvenor = Sibill Mary Lumley [12829]
Victor Alexander Grosvenor ------
earl Grosvenor
Sibill Mary Lumley [12829] ------
wife of Victor A. Grosvenor
|-- Constance Sibell Grosvenor
| [12836]
| b.22_Aug_1875
| m.15_Jul_1899
| wife of
| Anthony Ashley-Cooper,
| 9th earl of Shaftesbury
| d.08_Jul_1957
|-- Lettice M. E. Grosvenor
| (Mary Elizabeth) [12837]
| b.25_Dec_1876
| m.26_Jul_1902
| wife of William Lygon,
| 8th earl Beauchamp
| d.28_Jul_1936
|-- Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor
| [12838]
| 2nd duke of Westminster
d.19_Jul_1953, Witley

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Hugh Lupus Grosvenor [12830] = Katherine Caroline Cavendish
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Lupus Grosvenor [12830] = Constance G. S.-Leveson-Gower

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Henry George Grosvenor = Dora Mina Wemyss [12845]
Henry George Grosvenor ----------
Dora Mina Wemyss [12845] --------
wife of Henry G. Grosvenor
|-- Millicent Constance Grosvenor
| [12846]
| b.14_Jan_1889
| d.24_Aug_1944
|-- Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
| (Alice Margaret Augusta)
| [12847]
| b.22_Aug_1890
| m.15_Apr_1909
| wife of Albert E. H. Mayer
| m.16_Mar_1920
| wife of Robert B. Brassey
| m.23_May_1929
| wife of Chetwode C. Hamilton
| m.07_Feb_1938
| wife of Richard H. Mack
| d.11_Jan_1966
|-- William Grosvenor [12848]
| 3rd duke of Westminster
| b.23_Dec_1894
father's other spousal relationships
Henry George Grosvenor = Rosamund Angharad Lloyd

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Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Constance E. Cornwallis-West
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor ---
2nd duke of Westminster
d.19_Jul_1953, Witley
Constance E. Cornwallis-West ----
(Edwina) [12817]
wife of Hugh R. A. Grosvenor
|-- Ursula Mary Olivia Grosvenor
| [12850]
| b.21_Feb_1902
|-- Edward George Hugh Grosvenor
| [12851]
| earl Grosvenor
| b.16_Nov_1904
| d.13_Feb_1909
|-- Mary Constance Grosvenor
| [12852]
| b.27_Jun_1910
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Violet Mary Nelson [12818]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Loelia Mary Ponsonby [12819]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Anne Winifred Sullivan

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William Lygon [12812] = Lettice M. E. Grosvenor
William Lygon [12812] -----------
7th earl Beauchamp
Lettice M. E. Grosvenor ---------
(Mary Elizabeth) [12837]
wife of William Lygon,
8th earl Beauchamp
|-- William Lygon [12857]
| 8th earl Beauchamp
| b.03_Jul_1903
|-- Mary Lygon [12858]
| b.12_Feb_1910, Madresfield
| Court, Malvern
m.01_Jun_1939, London
wife of Vsevolode Ivanovitch

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George G. S. Leveson-Gower = Lady Harriet E. G. Howard
George G. S. Leveson-Gower ------
(Granville Sutherland)
2nd duke of Sutherland
Lady Harriet E. G. Howard -------
(Elizabeth Georgiana)
of Carlisle
wife of
George G. Leveson-Gower,
2nd duke of Sutherland
|-- George G. W. Leveson-Gower
| (Granville William) [12861]
| 3rd duke of Sutherland
| b.19_Dec_1828
| d.22_Sep_1892
|-- Frederick G. Leveson-Gower
| (George) [12862]
| b.11_Nov_1832
| d.06_Oct_1854
|-- Lady E. G. Leveson-Gower
| (Elizabeth Georgiana)
| [12863]
| of Sutherland
| m.31_Jul_1844
| wife of George E. Campbell,
| 8th duke of Argyll
| d.25_May_1878
|-- Evelyn Leveson-Gower [12864]
| b.08_Aug_1825
| m.04_Oct_1843
| wife of ________ Blantyre,
| lord Blantyre
| d.24_Nov_1869
|-- Caroline Leveson-Gower
| [12865]
| m.13_Oct_1847
| wife of Charles W. Fitzgerald
| d.13_May_1887
|-- Constance G. S.-Leveson-Gower
| (Gertrude Sutherland)
| [12866]
| b.16_Jun_1834
| m.28_Apr_1852
| wife of Hugh L. Grosvenor,
| 1st duke of Westminster
| d.19_Dec_1880
|-- Albert Leveson-Gower [12867]
| b.21_Nov_1843
| d.23_Dec_1874
|-- Ronald Charles Leveson-Gower
| [12868]
| b.02_Aug_1845
| d.09_Mar_1916

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George G. W. Leveson-Gower = Anne Hay-Mackenzie [12869]
George G. W. Leveson-Gower ------
(Granville William) [12861]
3rd duke of Sutherland
Anne Hay-Mackenzie [12869] ------
countess of Cromartie
wife of George G. William
|-- George G. Leveson-Gower
| (Granville) [12870]
| earl Gower
| b.27_Jul_1850
| d.05_Jul_1858
|-- Cromartie Leveson-Gower
| [12871]
| 4th duke of Sutherland
| b.20_Jul_1851
| d.27_Jun_1913
|-- Francis M. Leveson-Gower
| (Mackenzie) [12872]
| 2nd earl of Cromartie
| b.03_Aug_1852
| d.24_Nov_1893
|-- Florence Leveson-Gower
| [12873]
| m.15_Nov_1876
| wife of Henry Chaplin,
| 1st viscount Chaplin
| d.10_Oct_1881
|-- Alexandra Leveson-Gower
| [12874]
| d.16_Apr_1891
father's other spousal relationships
George G. W. Leveson-Gower = Mary Caroline Michell

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Cromartie Leveson-Gower = M. F. St._Clair-Erskine
Cromartie Leveson-Gower ---------
4th duke of Sutherland
M. F. St._Clair-Erskine ---------
(Millicent Fanny) [12875]
wife of
Cromartie Leveson-Gower,
4th duke of Sutherland
|-- Victoria E. Leveson-Gower
| (Elizabeth) [12876]
| b.05_Aug_1885
| d.28_Jan_1888
|-- George G. S. Leveson-Gower
| (Granville Sutherland)
| [12877]
| 5th duke of Sutherland
| b.29_Aug_1888
| d.01_Feb_1963
|-- Alastair S. Leveson-Gower
| (St._Clair) [12878]
| b.24_Jan_1890
| d.28_Apr_1921
|-- Rosemary M. Leveson-Gower
| (Millicent) [12879]
| b.09_Aug_1893
| m.08_Mar_1919
wife of William H. E. Ward,
3rd earl of Dudley

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Alastair S. Leveson-Gower = Elizabeth Helene Demarest
Alastair S. Leveson-Gower -------
(St._Clair) [12878]
Elizabeth Helene Demarest -------
wife of Alastair St. Clair
|-- Elizabeth M. Leveson-Gower
| (Millicent) [12881]
| countess of Sutherland
| baroness of Strathnaver
| b.30_Mar_1921
| m.05_Jan_1946
wife of Charles N. Janson

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Charles Noel Janson [12882] = Elizabeth M. Leveson-Gower
Charles Noel Janson [12882] -----
Elizabeth M. Leveson-Gower ------
(Millicent) [12881]
countess of Sutherland
baroness of Strathnaver
wife of Charles N. Janson
|-- Alistair C. S. S. Janson
| (Charles St._Clair Sutherland)
| [12887]
| Lord Strathnaver
| Master of Sutherland
| b.07_Jan_1947
|-- Martin D. S. Janson [12888]
| (Dearman Sutherland)
| b.07_Jan_1947
|-- Annabell E. H. S. Janson
| (Elizabeth Helene Sutherland)
| [12889]
| b.16_May_1952
|-- Matthew P. D. S. Janson
| (Peter Demarest Sutherland)
| [12890]
| b.08_Apr_1955

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Arthur Hugh Grosvenor = Helen Sheffield [12840]

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Thomas Patrick John Anson = Leonora Mary Grosvenor
Thomas Patrick John Anson -------
5th earl of Lichfield
Leonora Mary Grosvenor ----------
wife of Thomas P. J. Anson
|-- Thomas W. R. H. Anson
| (William Robert Hugh)
| [12896]
| viscount Anson
| b.19_Jul_1978

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Charles William Fitzgerald = Caroline Leveson-Gower
Charles William Fitzgerald ------
4th duke of Leinster
Caroline Leveson-Gower ----------
wife of Charles W. Fitzgerald
|-- Gerald Fitzgerald [12897]
| 5th duke of Leinster
| b.16_Aug_1851
| d.01_Dec_1893

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Edward Arthur Grosvenor = Dorothy Margaret Browne
Edward Arthur Grosvenor ---------
Dorothy Margaret Browne ---------
wife of Edward A. Grosvenor
|-- Beatrice E. K. Grosvenor
| (Elizabeth Katherine)
| [12901]
| b.06_Nov_1915
| m.03_Jun_1944
| wife of Richard D. Girouard
|-- Rosemary Helen Grosvenor
| [12902]
wife of George W. f. Dawney

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Robert Arthur Grosvenor = Doris May Wignall [12900]
Robert Arthur Grosvenor ---------
Doris May Wignall [12900] -------
wife of Robert A. Grosvenor
|-- Hugh Frederick Grosvenor
| [12904]
| b.19_Oct_1927
| d.09_Apr_1947
|-- Robina Jill Grosvenor
| [12905]
wife of Michael Philip
wife of Ronald Mills

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Michael P. Forsythe-Forrest = Robina Jill Grosvenor
Michael P. Forsythe-Forrest -----
(Philip) [12906]
Robina Jill Grosvenor -----------
wife of Michael Philip
wife of Ronald Mills
|-- Anita Forsythe-Forrest
| [12907]
| b.25_Oct_1952
|-- Teresa Forsythe-Forrest
| [12908]
mother's other spousal relationships
Ronald Mills [12909] = Robina Jill Grosvenor

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Ronald Mills [12909] = Robina Jill Grosvenor
Ronald Mills [12909] ------------
Robina Jill Grosvenor -----------
wife of Michael Philip
wife of Ronald Mills
|-- Robin Mills [12910]
| b.ca.1962
|-- Serina Mills [12911]
| b.ca.1965
mother's other spousal relationships
Michael P. Forsythe-Forrest = Robina Jill Grosvenor

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Algernon Francis Stanley = Mary Cavendish Grosvenor
Algernon Francis Stanley --------
Mary Cavendish Grosvenor --------
wife of Henry W. Crichton
wife of Algernon F. Stanley
|-- Constance Mary Stanley
| [12921]
| b.24_Jan_1919
| m.18_Feb_1946
| wife of Malcolm Weaver
|-- Anthony Hugh Stanley [12922]
| b.20_Feb_1923
mother's other spousal relationships
Henry William Crichton = Mary Cavendish Grosvenor

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Henry H. A. F. Somerset = May V. C. M. Cambridge
Henry H. A. F. Somerset ---------
(Hugh Arthur Fitzroy)
10th duke of Beaufort
May V. C. M. Cambridge ----------
(Victoria Constance Mary)
wife of Henry H. A. Fitzroy

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Peter Whitley [12808] = Mary Ilona Margaret ________

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Lt.-Col. J. E. Gibbs [12809] = Helena F. A. Cambridge
Lt.-Col. J. E. Gibbs [12809] ----
Helena F. A. Cambridge ----------
(Frances Augusta) [12804]
wife of Lt.-Col. J. E. Gibbs

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Frederick N. Leveson-Gower = Blanche Lucie Gillard
Frederick N. Leveson-Gower ------
(Neville) [12810]
Blanche Lucie Gillard -----------
wife of Frederick Neville

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Vsevolode I. ________ = Mary Lygon [12858]
Vsevolode I. ________ -----------
(Ivanovitch) [12811]
b.07_Jan_1914, St. Petersburg
d.18_Jun_1973, London
Mary Lygon [12858] --------------
b.12_Feb_1910, Madresfield
Court, Malvern
m.01_Jun_1939, London
wife of Vsevolode Ivanovitch

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Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Violet Mary Nelson [12818]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor ---
2nd duke of Westminster
d.19_Jul_1953, Witley
Violet Mary Nelson [12818] ------
wife of Hugh R. A. Grosvenor
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Constance E. Cornwallis-West
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Loelia Mary Ponsonby [12819]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Anne Winifred Sullivan

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Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Loelia Mary Ponsonby [12819]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor ---
2nd duke of Westminster
d.19_Jul_1953, Witley
Loelia Mary Ponsonby [12819] ----
wife of Hugh R. A. Grosvenor
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Constance E. Cornwallis-West
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Violet Mary Nelson [12818]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Anne Winifred Sullivan

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Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Anne Winifred Sullivan
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor ---
2nd duke of Westminster
d.19_Jul_1953, Witley
Anne Winifred Sullivan ----------
wife of Hugh R. A. Grosvenor
father's other spousal relationships
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Constance E. Cornwallis-West
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Violet Mary Nelson [12818]
Hugh Richard Arthur Grosvenor = Loelia Mary Ponsonby [12819]

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Anthony Ashley-Cooper = Constance Sibell Grosvenor
Anthony Ashley-Cooper -----------
9th earl of Shaftesbury
Constance Sibell Grosvenor ------
wife of
Anthony Ashley-Cooper,
9th earl of Shaftesbury

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Gerald Hugh Grosvenor = Sally Perry [12835]
Gerald Hugh Grosvenor -----------
4th duke of Westminster
Sally Perry [12835] -------------
wife of Gerald H. Grosvenor,
4th duke of Westminster

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Henry George Grosvenor = Rosamund Angharad Lloyd
Henry George Grosvenor ----------
Rosamund Angharad Lloyd ---------
wife of Henry G. Grosvenor
father's other spousal relationships
Henry George Grosvenor = Dora Mina Wemyss [12845]

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________ Butler [12853] = Elizabeth Harriet Grosvenor
________ Butler [12853] ---------
3rd marquess of Ormonde
Elizabeth Harriet Grosvenor -----
wife of ________ Butler,
marquess of Ormonde

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Henry William Crichton = Mary Cavendish Grosvenor
Henry William Crichton ----------
viscount Crichton
Mary Cavendish Grosvenor --------
wife of Henry W. Crichton
wife of Algernon F. Stanley
mother's other spousal relationships
Algernon Francis Stanley = Mary Cavendish Grosvenor

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Henry Charles Seymour = Helen Frances Grosvenor
Henry Charles Seymour -----------
Helen Frances Grosvenor ---------
wife of Henry C. Seymour

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George G. S. Leveson-Gower = Eileen Gwladys Butler
George G. S. Leveson-Gower ------
(Granville Sutherland)
5th duke of Sutherland
Eileen Gwladys Butler -----------
wife of George G. Sutherland
father's other spousal relationships
George G. S. Leveson-Gower = Clare Josephine O'Brian

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George G. S. Leveson-Gower = Clare Josephine O'Brian
George G. S. Leveson-Gower ------
(Granville Sutherland)
5th duke of Sutherland
Clare Josephine O'Brian ---------
wife of George G. Sutherland
father's other spousal relationships
George G. S. Leveson-Gower = Eileen Gwladys Butler

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________ Blantyre [12860] = Evelyn Leveson-Gower [12864]
________ Blantyre [12860] -------
12th lord Blantyre
Evelyn Leveson-Gower [12864] ----
wife of ________ Blantyre,
lord Blantyre

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Alistair C. S. S. Janson = Eileen Elizabeth Baker
Alistair C. S. S. Janson --------
(Charles St._Clair Sutherland)
Lord Strathnaver
Master of Sutherland
Eileen Elizabeth Baker ----------
wife of Alistair Janson

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George G. W. Leveson-Gower = Mary Caroline Michell
George G. W. Leveson-Gower ------
(Granville William) [12861]
3rd duke of Sutherland
Mary Caroline Michell -----------
wife of George G. William
father's other spousal relationships
George G. W. Leveson-Gower = Anne Hay-Mackenzie [12869]

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Gerald Fitzgerald [12897] = Hermione Wilhelmina Duncombe
Gerald Fitzgerald [12897] -------
5th duke of Leinster
Hermione Wilhelmina Duncombe ----
wife of Gerald Fitzgerald,
5th duke of Leinster

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Henry Chaplin [12899] = Florence Leveson-Gower
Henry Chaplin [12899] -----------
1st viscount Chaplin
Florence Leveson-Gower ----------
wife of Henry Chaplin,
1st viscount Chaplin

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Francis M. Leveson-Gower = Lilian Janet ________
Francis M. Leveson-Gower --------
(Mackenzie) [12872]
2nd earl of Cromartie
Lilian Janet ________ -----------
wife of Francis Mackenzie

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Heinrich von_Dale [138303] = unknown

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W. R. J. Alston-Roberts-West = Constance Isolde Grosvenor
W. R. J. Alston-Roberts-West ----
(William Reginald James)
Constance Isolde Grosvenor ------
wife of William R. James

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John Anthony Alexander Rous = Barbara Grosvenor [12894]
John Anthony Alexander Rous -----
4th earl of Stradbroke
Barbara Grosvenor [12894] -------
wife of John A. A. Rous

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Albert E. H. M. A. Primrose = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Albert E. H. M. A. Primrose -----
(Edward Harry Mayer [12914]
6th earl of Rosebery
Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor ------
(Alice Margaret Augusta)
wife of Albert E. H. Mayer
wife of Robert B. Brassey
wife of Chetwode C. Hamilton
wife of Richard H. Mack
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Bingham Brassey = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Chetwode C. H. Hilton-Green = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Richard Herbert Mack [12917] = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor

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Robert Bingham Brassey = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Robert Bingham Brassey ----------
Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor ------
(Alice Margaret Augusta)
wife of Albert E. H. Mayer
wife of Robert B. Brassey
wife of Chetwode C. Hamilton
wife of Richard H. Mack
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert E. H. M. A. Primrose = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Chetwode C. H. Hilton-Green = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Richard Herbert Mack [12917] = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor

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Chetwode C. H. Hilton-Green = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Chetwode C. H. Hilton-Green -----
(Charles Hamilton) [12916]
Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor ------
(Alice Margaret Augusta)
wife of Albert E. H. Mayer
wife of Robert B. Brassey
wife of Chetwode C. Hamilton
wife of Richard H. Mack
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert E. H. M. A. Primrose = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Robert Bingham Brassey = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Richard Herbert Mack [12917] = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor

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Richard Herbert Mack [12917] = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Richard Herbert Mack [12917] ----
Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor ------
(Alice Margaret Augusta)
wife of Albert E. H. Mayer
wife of Robert B. Brassey
wife of Chetwode C. Hamilton
wife of Richard H. Mack
mother's other spousal relationships
Albert E. H. M. A. Primrose = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Robert Bingham Brassey = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor
Chetwode C. H. Hilton-Green = Dorothy A. M. A. Grosvenor

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Richard Desire Girouard = Beatrice E. K. Grosvenor
Richard Desire Girouard ---------
Beatrice E. K. Grosvenor --------
(Elizabeth Katherine)
wife of Richard D. Girouard

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George W. f. Dawney [12919] = Rosemary Helen Grosvenor
George W. f. Dawney [12919] -----
(William ffolkes)
Rosemary Helen Grosvenor --------
wife of George W. f. Dawney

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Heinrich von_Dale [138312] = unknown

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William Lygon [12857] = Else Schiwe [12920]
William Lygon [12857] -----------
8th earl Beauchamp
Else Schiwe [12920] -------------
wife of William Lygon,
8th earl Beauchamp

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Malcolm Weaver [12923] = Constance Mary Stanley
Malcolm Weaver [12923] ----------
Constance Mary Stanley ----------
wife of Malcolm Weaver

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Donald of_Mar [12929] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
Donald of_Mar [12929] -----------
earl of Mar
of Saline,
Fifeshire, Scotland
d.12_Aug_1332, Dupplin
Isabel Stewart [12927] ----------
wife of Donald of_Mar,
earl of Mar
m. before Sep_1334
wife of Geoffrey Moubray
wife of William Carsewell
|-- Margaret of_Mar [12924]
| of Castle Cary,
| Somersetshire, England
| Lady of Garioch
| countess of Mar
| b.ca.1265
| wife of John Swinton
| m.ca.1286
| wife of William Douglas,
| 1st earl of Douglas
| d.ca.1392
|-- Thomas of_Mar [12925]
| of Drumfrieshire, Scotland
earl of Mar
mother's other spousal relationships
Geoffrey Moubray [12930] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
William Carsewell [12931] = Isabel Stewart [12927]

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Heinrich II von_Dale = Bertha von_Bentheim [138857]
father's other spousal relationships
Heinrich II von_Dale = Adelheid von_Boxtel [138858]

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Peter I von_Dale [138309] = Richarda von_Altena [138856]

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Gratney of_Mar [12587] = Christina Bruce [6711]
Gratney of_Mar [12587] ----------
7th earl of Mar
b.ca.1272, Castle of Kildru,
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Christina Bruce [6711] ----------
of Seton,
East Lothian, Scotland
wife of Gratney, Earl Mar
wife of Andrew Moray
wife of Christopher Seton
|-- Ellen of_Mar [12928]
| of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
| b.ca.1284
| m.ca.1320
| wife of John Menteith
| d. after 1342
|-- Donald of_Mar [12929]
| earl of Mar
of Saline,
Fifeshire, Scotland
d.12_Aug_1332, Dupplin
mother's other spousal relationships
Andrew Moray [6802] = Christina Bruce [6711]
Christopher Seton [6803] = Christina Bruce [6711]

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Heinrich I von_Dale [138310] = Ragenwiza von_Diepenheim

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Gerhard of_Hainaut [138298] = Hedwig von_Dale [138852]

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Peter II von_Dale [138306] = Konigunde von_Bronckhorst

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Baldwin VII of_Flanders = Havide of_Brittany [138294]

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John Swinton [12926] = Margaret of_Mar [12924]
John Swinton [12926] ------------
Margaret of_Mar [12924] ---------
of Castle Cary,
Somersetshire, England
Lady of Garioch
countess of Mar
wife of John Swinton
wife of William Douglas,
1st earl of Douglas
mother's other spousal relationships
William Douglas [25427] = Margaret of_Mar [12924]

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Geoffrey Moubray [12930] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
Geoffrey Moubray [12930] --------
Isabel Stewart [12927] ----------
wife of Donald of_Mar,
earl of Mar
m. before Sep_1334
wife of Geoffrey Moubray
wife of William Carsewell
mother's other spousal relationships
Donald of_Mar [12929] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
William Carsewell [12931] = Isabel Stewart [12927]

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William Carsewell [12931] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
William Carsewell [12931] -------
Isabel Stewart [12927] ----------
wife of Donald of_Mar,
earl of Mar
m. before Sep_1334
wife of Geoffrey Moubray
wife of William Carsewell
mother's other spousal relationships
Donald of_Mar [12929] = Isabel Stewart [12927]
Geoffrey Moubray [12930] = Isabel Stewart [12927]

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Thomas of_Mar [12925] = Margaret Stewart [12932]
Thomas of_Mar [12925] -----------
of Drumfrieshire, Scotland
earl of Mar
Margaret Stewart [12932] --------
of Angushire, Scotland
wife of Thomas of_Mar
earl of Mar
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas of_Mar [12925] = Margaret Graham [12933]

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Thomas of_Mar [12925] = Margaret Graham [12933]
Thomas of_Mar [12925] -----------
of Drumfrieshire, Scotland
earl of Mar
Margaret Graham [12933] ---------
wife of Thomas of_Mar
earl of Mar
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas of_Mar [12925] = Margaret Stewart [12932]

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John Menteith [12934] = Ellen of_Mar [12928]
John Menteith [12934] -----------
Ellen of_Mar [12928] ------------
of Aberdeenshire, Scotland
wife of John Menteith
d. after 1342

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Heinrich von_Dale [138300] = Mechtild ________ [138299]

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Wilhelm von_Dahl [138313] = unknown

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Heinrich von_Dahl [138315] = unknown
Heinrich von_Dahl [138315] ------
b. before 1360
unknown -------------------------
|-- Johann von_Dahl [138317]
| b. before 1390
|-- Jacob von_Dahl [138318]
| b. before 1390

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Johann von_Dahl [138314] = unknown
Johann von_Dahl [138314] --------
b. before 1340
unknown -------------------------
|-- Wilhelm von_Dahl [138319]
| b. before 1365
|-- Adolph von_Dahl [138320]
| b. before 1365
|-- Dries von_Dahl [138321]
| (Andreas)
|-- Evert von_Dahl [138322]
| (Eberhard)

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Adolph von_Dahl [138320] = unknown

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Johann von_Dahl [138323] = unknown

group index
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Adolph von_Dahl [138325] = Margaretha ________ [138326]

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Johannes von_Dahl [138328] = unknown

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Adolph von_Dahl [138329] = unknown

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Johannes von_Dahl [138332] = unknown

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Adolf von_Dahl [138333] = Mergen von_Merschet [138335]
Adolf von_Dahl [138333] ---------
b. before 1510
Mergen von_Merschet [138335] ----
wife of Adolf von_Dahl
|-- Johannes von_Dahl [138336]
|-- Adolf von_Dahl [138337]
|-- Peter von_Dahl [138338]

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Walter von_Ath [138792] = Ade de_Roucy [138793]
Walter von_Ath [138792] ---------
Ade de_Roucy [138793] -----------
wife of Walter von_Ath
|-- Beatrix von_Ath [138794]
| b.ca.1075
| wife of Arnould of_Hainaut
d. before 1136

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Arnould of_Hainaut [138789] = Beatrix von_Ath [138794]

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Guy de_Chievres [138795] = Ide of_Hainaut [138784]
Guy de_Chievres [138795] --------
seignur de_Chievres
Ide of_Hainaut [138784] ---------
wife of Guy de_Chievres
wife of Thomas de_Coucy
d. after 1101
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas de_Coucy [28264] = Ide of_Hainaut [138784]

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Nicolas II de_Rumigny = Aelidis of_Hainaut [138791]
Nicolas II de_Rumigny -----------
Aelidis of_Hainaut [138791] -----
b. before 1098
wife of
Nicolas II de_Romigny
d. after 1153

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Thierry d'Avesnes [138812] = Richildis of_Hainaut
Thierry d'Avesnes [138812] ------
Richildis of_Hainaut ------------
wife of Thierry d'Avesnes
wife of Everard II Radulf
mother's other spousal relationships
Everard II Radulf [138813] = Richildis of_Hainaut

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Everard II Radulf [138813] = Richildis of_Hainaut
Everard II Radulf [138813] ------
burgrave of Doornick
Richildis of_Hainaut ------------
wife of Thierry d'Avesnes
wife of Everard II Radulf
mother's other spousal relationships
Thierry d'Avesnes [138812] = Richildis of_Hainaut

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Ives II de_Nesle [138814] = Yolande of_Hainaut [138805]
Ives II de_Nesle [138814] -------
count of Soissons
Yolande of_Hainaut [138805] -----
wife of Ives II de_Nesle
wife of Hugues IV de_St._Pol
d. after 1202
mother's other spousal relationships
Hugues IV de_St.Pol [138815] = Yolande of_Hainaut [138805]

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Hugues IV de_St.Pol [138815] = Yolande of_Hainaut [138805]
Hugues IV de_St.Pol [138815] ----
count de_St.Pol
Yolande of_Hainaut [138805] -----
wife of Ives II de_Nesle
wife of Hugues IV de_St._Pol
d. after 1202
mother's other spousal relationships
Ives II de_Nesle [138814] = Yolande of_Hainaut [138805]

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Dietrich van_Aalst [138816] = Laurette of_Hainaut [138808]
Dietrich van_Aalst [138816] -----
Laurette of_Hainaut [138808] ----
wife of Dietrich van_Aalst
wife of
Bouchard IV de_Montmorency
mother's other spousal relationships
Bouchard IV de_Montmorency = Laurette of_Hainaut [138808]

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Henri of_Hainaut [138809] = Joanna van_Peteghem [138818]
Henri of_Hainaut [138809] -------
signure de_Sebourg
d. after 1207
Joanna van_Peteghem [138818] ----
wife of Henri of_Hainaut
|-- Baudoin de_Sebourg [138819]
| d. young
|-- Philippe de_Sebourg [138820]
| signure de_Sebourg
|-- Sibylle de_Sebourg [138821]
| nun at Ghislenghien
|-- Yolande de_Sebourg [138822]
| nun at Ghislenghien

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Alard d'Estrepy [138823] = unknown

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Philippe de_Sebourg [138820] = ________ d'Estrepy [138824]

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Gauthier de_Bousies [138830] = Alix de_Sebourg [138828]

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Baudoin de_Cuinchy [138831] = Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829]
Baudoin de_Cuinchy [138831] -----
Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829] ----
heiress of Sebourg
wife of Baudoin de_Cuinchy
wife of
Arnold van_Oudernaade
mother's other spousal relationships
Arnold van_Oudernaade = Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829]

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Arnold van_Oudernaade = Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829]
Arnold van_Oudernaade -----------
Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829] ----
heiress of Sebourg
wife of Baudoin de_Cuinchy
wife of
Arnold van_Oudernaade
mother's other spousal relationships
Baudoin de_Cuinchy [138831] = Isabelle de_Sebourg [138829]

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Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut -----------
(de Bouwer) [12515]
count of Hainaut, 1120-1171
unknown -------------------------
|-- Willem de_Werchin [138833]
| natural son of
| Baldwin IV of Hainaut
| regent of Haunaut, 1201-1205
| chancellor of Flanders
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = Alix of_Namur [85438]
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
Alix of_Namur [85438] = unknown
unknown = unknown

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Willem de_Werchin [138833] = Hawit de_Saint-Saulve
Willem de_Werchin [138833] ------
natural son of
Baldwin IV of Hainaut
regent of Haunaut, 1201-1205
chancellor of Flanders
Hawit de_Saint-Saulve -----------
wife of Willem de_Werchin

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Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut -----------
(de Bouwer) [12515]
count of Hainaut, 1120-1171
unknown -------------------------
|-- Gerhard of_Hainaut [138835]
| natural son of
| Baldwin IV of Hainaut
| a priest
| chancellor of Flanders
| d. after 12_Dec_1205
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = Alix of_Namur [85438]
Baldwin IV of_Hainaut = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
Alix of_Namur [85438] = unknown
unknown = unknown

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Philip I of_Namur [138800] = Marie of_France [11114]

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Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Agnes de_Montferret [138836]
Henri of_Flanders [138801] ------
emperor of Constantinople,
d.11_Jul_1216, murdered
Agnes de_Montferret [138836] ----
wife of Henri of Flanders
father's other spousal relationships
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Maria of_Bulgaria [138837]
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = unknown

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Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Maria of_Bulgaria [138837]
Henri of_Flanders [138801] ------
emperor of Constantinople,
d.11_Jul_1216, murdered
Maria of_Bulgaria [138837] ------
wife of Henri of Flanders
d. after 1216
father's other spousal relationships
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Agnes de_Montferret [138836]
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = unknown

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Henri of_Flanders [138801] = unknown
Henri of_Flanders [138801] ------
emperor of Constantinople,
d.11_Jul_1216, murdered
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ of_Flanders
| [138838]
| natural daughter
| of Henri of_Flanders
| m.1208, Constantinople
| wife of Alexii Slaw
father's other spousal relationships
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Agnes de_Montferret [138836]
Henri of_Flanders [138801] = Maria of_Bulgaria [138837]
mother's other spousal relationships
Agnes de_Montferret [138836] = unknown
Maria of_Bulgaria [138837] = unknown

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Alexii Slaw [138839] = ________ of_Flanders
Alexii Slaw [138839] ------------
voivode of Melnik
________ of_Flanders ------------
natural daughter
of Henri of_Flanders
m.1208, Constantinople
wife of Alexii Slaw

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Eustach of_Flanders [138802] = ________ Dukas [138840]
Eustach of_Flanders [138802] ----
regent of Thessaloniki,
d, after 1217
________ Dukas [138840] ---------
dau. of Michael
Komnenos Dukas
m. after 1209
wife of Eustace of Flanders

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Guichard IV de_Beaujeu = Sibylle of_Flanders [138803]
Guichard IV de_Beaujeu ----------
sire de_Beaujeu
Sibylle of_Flanders [138803] ----
wife of
Guichard IV de_Beaujeu

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Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] ----
count of Hainaut, 1171-1195
margrave of Namur, 1189-1195
count Baldwin VIII
of Flanders, 1191-1195
d.17_Dec_1195, Mons
unknown -------------------------
|-- Gerhard of_Hainaut [138842]
| natural son of
| Baldwin V of Hainaut
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = Margarite of_Lorraine
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
Margarite of_Lorraine = unknown
unknown = unknown

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Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] ----
count of Hainaut, 1171-1195
margrave of Namur, 1189-1195
count Baldwin VIII
of Flanders, 1191-1195
d.17_Dec_1195, Mons
unknown -------------------------
|-- Godfrey of_Hainaut [138843]
| natural son of
| Baldwin V of Hainaut
| archdeacib of Cambrai
father's other spousal relationships
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = Margarite of_Lorraine
Baldwin V of_Hainaut [12513] = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
Margarite of_Lorraine = unknown
unknown = unknown

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Fernamdo of_Portugal = Jeanne of_Flanders [2524]
Fernamdo of_Portugal ------------
Jeanne of_Flanders [2524] -------
countess of Flanders
and Hainaut, 1205-1224
wife of Fernando of Portugal
wife of Thomas II of Savoy
d.5_Dec_1244, Marquette
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas II of_Savoy [2497] = Jeanne of_Flanders [2524]

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Guillaume II de_Dampierre = Margaret II of_Flanders
Guillaume II de_Dampierre -------
b. after 1196
Margaret II of_Flanders ---------
countess of Flanders
and Hainaut, 1224-1278
b.2_Jun_1202, Valenciennes
m. before 23_Jul_1212
wife of Bouchard d'Avenes
divorced ca.1221
wife of
Guillaume II de_Dampierre
mother's other spousal relationships
Bouchard d'Avenes [13441] = Margaret II of_Flanders

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Wilhelm III von_Bronckhorst = Gunde von_Dale [138308]

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Wolbert von_Diepenheim = unknown
Wolbert von_Diepenheim ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ragenwiza von_Diepenheim
| [138854]
| wife of Heinrich I von_Dale

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Adolf von_Altena [138855] = unknown
Adolf von_Altena [138855] -------
count von_Altena
unknown -------------------------
|-- Richarda von_Altena [138856]
| wife of Peter I von_Dale

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Heinrich II von_Dale = Adelheid von_Boxtel [138858]
Heinrich II von_Dale ------------
count of Dale
Adelheid von_Boxtel [138858] ----
wife of Heinrich II von_Dale
father's other spousal relationships
Heinrich II von_Dale = Bertha von_Bentheim [138857]

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Simon von_Haerlem [138859] = Catherina von_Dale [138305]

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Wilhelm von_Dale [138311] = Richarda von_Arnsberg
Wilhelm von_Dale [138311] -------
count of Dale
Richarda von_Arnsberg -----------
wife of Wilhelm von_Dale

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Otto von_Tecklenberg = Kunigunde von_Dale [138862]
Otto von_Tecklenberg ------------
count von_Tecklenberg
Kunigunde von_Dale [138862] -----
wife of Otto von_Tecklenberg
m. before 18_Mar_1329
wife of Wilhelm von_Cuyck
mother's other spousal relationships
Wilhelm von_Cuyck [138864] = Kunigunde von_Dale [138862]

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Wilhelm von_Cuyck [138864] = Kunigunde von_Dale [138862]
Wilhelm von_Cuyck [138864] ------
Kunigunde von_Dale [138862] -----
wife of Otto von_Tecklenberg
m. before 18_Mar_1329
wife of Wilhelm von_Cuyck
mother's other spousal relationships
Otto von_Tecklenberg = Kunigunde von_Dale [138862]

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Stephen von_Zuylen [138867] = Bertha von_Dale [138850]
Stephen von_Zuylen [138867] -----
Bertha von_Dale [138850] --------
wife of Stephen von_Zuylen
wife of
Gottfried von_Borculo
mother's other spousal relationships
Gottfried von_Borculo = Bertha von_Dale [138850]

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Hermann von_Gemen [138866] = Katharina von_Dale [138849]

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Gottfried von_Borculo = Bertha von_Dale [138850]
Gottfried von_Borculo -----------
Bertha von_Dale [138850] --------
wife of Stephen von_Zuylen
wife of
Gottfried von_Borculo
mother's other spousal relationships
Stephen von_Zuylen [138867] = Bertha von_Dale [138850]

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Hermann von_Luedinghausen = Irmgard von_Dale [138851]
Hermann von_Luedinghausen -------
Irmgard von_Dale [138851] -------
wife of
Hermann von_Luedinghausen
wife of Hermann von_Muenster
mother's other spousal relationships
Hermann von_Muenster = Irmgard von_Dale [138851]

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Hermann von_Muenster = Irmgard von_Dale [138851]
Hermann von_Muenster ------------
Irmgard von_Dale [138851] -------
wife of
Hermann von_Luedinghausen
wife of Hermann von_Muenster
mother's other spousal relationships
Hermann von_Luedinghausen = Irmgard von_Dale [138851]

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John Milbourne [103963] = Elizabeth Devereux [12737]

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Ralph Baskerville [103965] = unknown
Ralph Baskerville [103965] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jane Baskerville [103964]
| wife of Simon Milbourne

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Simon Milbourne [103962] = Jane Baskerville [103964]

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James Whitney [103960] = Blanche Milbourne [103961]

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Robert Whitney [103959] = Margaret Wye [103966]

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Robert Whitney [103958] = Sybil Baskerville [29107]
mother's other spousal relationships
Rhys ________ [103985] = Sybil Baskerville [29107]

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Robert Whitney [103957] = Elizabeth Morgan [103967]

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