Thierri III of_Frisia = Othelendis ________ [13398]

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Arnoul of_Frisia [13397] = Luitgard de_Luxembourg

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Waleran of_Vexin [13425] = Hildegarde of_Flanders
Waleran of_Vexin [13425] --------
count of Vexin and Valois
Hildegarde of_Flanders ----------
b.937, Gand, Flanders
wife of Waleran of Vexin
wife of Thierri II
|-- Walter I of_Vexin [13385]
| (Gaucher, Gauthier)
| count of Vexin and Valois
| d.987

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Thierri I of_Frisia [13388] = Geberga of_Senlis [13396]

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Gerulf II of_Frisia [13389] = unknown

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Gerulf I of_Frisia [13390] = ________ de_Corbeil [13430]

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Nordolah of_Frisia [13391] = unknown

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Alfbad of_Frisia [13392] = ________ of_France [13395]

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Poppo of_Frisia [13393] = unknown

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Rodbar of_Frisia [13394] = unknown
Rodbar of_Frisia [13394] --------
king of Frisia
unknown -------------------------
|-- Poppo of_Frisia [13393]
| count of Middle Frisia

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Meginhard II ________ = unknown

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Thierri II of_Frisia [13386] = Hildegarde of_Flanders
father's other spousal relationships
Thierri II of_Frisia [13386] = Hildegard of_France [2401]

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Bernard I ________ [13399] = unknown
Bernard I ________ [13399] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Othelendis ________ [13398]
| (Otheilde or Wilthilde)
| b.993, Schweinfurt
wife of Diedrich III

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Florent IV of_Holland = Mechtild of_Brabant [13056]

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William I of_Holland [13402] = Adelaide of_Gueldre [81913]

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Florent III of_Holland = Ada of_Huntingdon [5413]

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Thierri VI of_Holland = Sophia of_Rheineck [81991]

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Thierri V of_Holland [13405] = Othilde of_Saxony [13407]

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Florent I of_Holland [13380] = Gertrude of_Saxony [13528]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert le_Frison [12522] = Gertrude of_Saxony [13528]

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Gebhard de_Arnsberg [13436] = Hedwig of_Formbach [85563]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thierry II of_Lorraine = Hedwig of_Formbach [85563]

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Sir Gilbert de_Gaunt [13410] = unknown

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Sir Gilbert de_Gaunt [13411] = unknown

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Robert de_Gaunt [13412] = Gunnor ________ [13424]

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Walter de_Gaunt [13415] = Matilda of_Brittany [13940]

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Gilbert de_Gant [13420] = Alice de_Montfort [13422]

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Wichmann II of_Frisia = Luitgard of_Flanders [12534]

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Rudolph I of_Alost [13421] = Gisele of_Luxembourg [81982]

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Adalbert of_Holland [13382] = Ermengarde of_Flanders

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Hugh de_Montfort-sur-Risle = unknown
Hugh de_Montfort-sur-Risle ------
count of Montfort-sur-Risle
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice de_Montfort [13422]
| wife of Gilbert de Gant

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Thierri II of_Frisia [13386] = Hildegard of_France [2401]
father's other spousal relationships
Thierri II of_Frisia [13386] = Hildegarde of_Flanders

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Diedrich I of_Holland = Gerberge of_Vermandois
Diedrich I of_Holland -----------
Gerberge of_Vermandois ----------
wife of Diedrich I
|-- Hildegarde of_Holland
| [13426]
| b.ca.961, Zuid, Holland
| m.ca.983, Gand, Flanders
| wife of Theoderic of_Gane

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Theoderic de_Gand [13418] = Hildegarde of_Holland

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Florent II of_Holland = Gertrude of_Saxony [13408]

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Wickmann I ________ [13432] = Evesa ________ [13433]
Wickmann I ________ [13432] -----
Evesa ________ [13433] ----------
wife of Wickmann I
|-- Meginhard II ________
| [13431]

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Landri of_Dreux [13435] = unknown
Landri of_Dreux [13435] ---------
count of Dreux
unknown -------------------------
|-- Eve of_Dreux [13434]
| wife of Walter I of Vexin

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Walter I of_Vexin [13385] = Eve of_Dreux [13434]

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