Allan III of_Brittany = Berte of_Blois [13854]
mother's other spousal relationships
Hugh IV of_Maine [28073] = Berte of_Blois [13854]

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Geoffrey of_Brittany [13920] = Hawise of_Normandy [3517]

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Conan I of_Brittany [13921] = Ermengarde of_Anjou [1883]

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Jubel Berenger of_Rennes = Gerberge ________ [13935]

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Parkuritan II of_Rennes = ________ of_Rennes [13934]

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Alan I of_Brittany [13924] = Orequen de_Rennes [13928]

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Ridoredh of_Nantes [13925] = ________ ________ [13926]
Ridoredh of_Nantes [13925] ------
count of Nantes
________ ________ [13926] -------
mistress of Ridoredh of Nantes
|-- Alan I of_Brittany [13924]
| (the Great)
| count of Nantes and Vannes
| duke of Brittany
king of Brittany

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Gaerwant of_Rennes [13929] = ________ of_Brittany [13930]

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Erispoe of_Brittany [13931] = unknown

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Nominoe of_Brittany [13932] = Argentael ________ [13933]
Nominoe of_Brittany [13932] -----
king of Brittany
Argentael ________ [13933] ------
wife of Nominoe of Brittany
|-- Erispoe of_Brittany [13931]
| duke of Brittany
| b.ca.794
| d.Nov_857

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Berenger of_Rennes [13927] = unknown

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Conan IV of_Brittany [13937] = Margaret of_Huntingdon
Conan IV of_Brittany [13937] ----
duke of Brittany
earl of Richmond
Margaret of_Huntingdon ----------
wife of Conan IV,
duke of Brittany
wife of Humphrey IV
de Bohun
|-- Constance of_Brittany
| [13936]
| countess of Brittany
| b.ca.1162
| m.Jul_1181/1182, Minden
| wife of Geoffrey Plantagenet
wife of Gui de Thouars,
count of Brittany
mother's other spousal relationships
Humphrey IV de_Bohun [15353] = Margaret of_Huntingdon

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Alan II of_Penthievre = Bertha of_Brittany [13943]

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Stephen I of_Brittany = Hawise of_Guincamp [13942]

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Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes of_Brittany [13915]
father's other spousal relationships
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes Canhiart [13960]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = ________ ________ [13957]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = unknown
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Ribald ________ [13967]

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Conan III of_Brittany = Maud of_England [3035]

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Hoel of_Brittany [13945] = Hawise of_Brittany [13914]

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Alan IV of_Brittany [13944] = Constance of_Normandy [2796]
father's other spousal relationships
Alan IV of_Brittany [13944] = Ermengarde of_Anjou [11553]

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Alan IV of_Brittany [13944] = Ermengarde of_Anjou [11553]
father's other spousal relationships
Alan IV of_Brittany [13944] = Constance of_Normandy [2796]
mother's other spousal relationships
William VII of_Aquitaine = Ermengarde of_Anjou [11553]

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Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes Canhiart [13960]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] -------
count of Brittany
count of Penthievre
Agnes Canhiart [13960] ----------
wife of Eudes of Brittany
|-- Geoffrey I Boterel [13948]
| count of ________
|-- Brian of_Brittany [13949]
| count of ________
|-- Alan the_red of_Brittany
| [13950]
| d.ca.1093 o.s.p.l.
|-- Alan the_black of_Brittany
| [13951]
| count of ________
father's other spousal relationships
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes of_Brittany [13915]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = ________ ________ [13957]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = unknown
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Ribald ________ [13967]

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Henry Fitz_Hervey [13953] = Alice of_Greystoke [13958]

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Hervey of_Ravensworth = unknown

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Akaris Fitz_Bardolf [13955] = unknown

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Bardolf of_Brittany [13956] = unknown

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Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = ________ ________ [13957]
father's other spousal relationships
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes of_Brittany [13915]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes Canhiart [13960]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = unknown
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Ribald ________ [13967]

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Randolf Fitz_Wauter [13959] = unknown
Randolf Fitz_Wauter [13959] -----
of Greystoke
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice of_Greystoke [13958]
| wife of Henry Fitz Hervey

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Ralph FitzRanulf [13962] = Anastasia de_Percy [12969]

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Ranulf FitzRobert [13964] = Mary Bigod [2974]

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Robert FitzRalph [13965] = Helewisa de_Glanville

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Ralph FitzRibald [13966] = Agatha de_Brus [13970]

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Ribald ________ [13967] = Beatrix de_Tallebois [13968]

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Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes of_Brittany [13915]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = Agnes Canhiart [13960]
Eudes of_Brittany [13918] = ________ ________ [13957]
mother's other spousal relationships
Agnes of_Brittany [13915] = unknown
Agnes Canhiart [13960] = unknown
________ ________ [13957] = unknown

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Ivo de_Tallebois [13969] = unknown
Ivo de_Tallebois [13969] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Beatrix de_Tallebois [13968]
| b.ca.1050
| wife of Ribald

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Robert de_Brus [13971] = unknown
Robert de_Brus [13971] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agatha de_Brus [13970]
| b.ca.1080
| wife of Ralph FitzRibald

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Ralph de_Glanville [13973] = unknown
Ralph de_Glanville [13973] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Helewisa de_Glanville
| [13972]
| b.ca.1150
| d.1195
wife of Robert FitzRalph

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