Aethelred II of_England = Emma of_Normandy [2809]
Aethelred II of_England ---------
the Unready
king of England, 979-1013
king of England, 1014-1016
London, England
Emma of_Normandy [2809] ---------
2nd wife of Aethelred II,
king of England
wife of Canute of Denmark
|-- Alfred of_England [300]
| d.1036, monastery,
| Isle of Ely, England
|-- Edward of_England [301]
| the Confessor
| king of England, 1042-1066
| b.1002-1005, Islip,
| Oxfordshire, England
| d.5_Jan_1066,
| Westminster, England
|-- Godgifu of_England [302]
| b. before 1017
| wife of Dreux,
count of Vexin
wife of Eustace II,
count of Boulogne
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelred II of_England = Alfflaed ________ [529]

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Edgar of_England [307] = Elfrida ________ [414]
Edgar of_England [307] ----------
(Edgar the Peaceful)
king of England, 959-975
Elfrida ________ [414] ----------
m. before 965
wife of
Aethelwold of East Anglia
wife of
Edgar the Peaceful
|-- Edward the_Martyr of_England
| [303]
| king of England, 975-979
| b.ca.963
| d.18_Mar_978, Corfe Castle,
| assassinated
|-- Aethelred II of_England
| [304]
| the Unready
| king of England, 979-1013
| king of England, 1014-1016
| b.968
| d.23_Apr_1016,
| London, England
|-- Edmund of_England [305]
| d.970/71
father's other spousal relationships
Edgar of_England [307] = Wulfryth ________ [1562]
mother's other spousal relationships
Aethelwold of_East_Anglia = Elfrida ________ [414]

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Edmond of_England [497] = Aelfgifu ________ [410]
father's other spousal relationships
Edmond of_England [497] = Aethelflaed ________ [1625]

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Edward the_Elder of_England = Alfflaed of_Wessex [503]
Edward the_Elder of_England -----
king of England, 901-924
Alfflaed of_Wessex [503] --------
b.ca.878, Wessex
wife of Edward the Elder
|-- Athelstan of_England [308]
| king of England, 925-940
| b.895
| d.27_Oct_939, Gloucester
|-- Beatrix of_England [309]
| (Tyra, Danebod of Eng.)
| b.ca.896
| wife of Gorm the Old,
| king of Denmark
| d.ca.935
|-- Eadgifu of_England [310]
| (Edgiva)
| b.896, Wessex
| m.919
| wife of Charles III,
| king of France
| m.951
| wife of Herbert de_Troyes
| d. after 955
|-- Edwin of_England [311]
| b.902, Wessex
| d.933, drowned at sea
|-- Eadhild of_England [312]
| (Ethilda)
| b.908, Wessex
| m.936
| wife of Hugh the Great
| d.14_Sep_937, France
|-- Edith of_England [313]
| (Eadgyth)
| b.912, Wessex
| m.929
| wife of Otto the Great,
| Holy Roman Emperor
| d.26_Jan_946
|-- ________ of_England [314]
| wife of Sihtric,
| king of Northumberland
|-- Elfgifu of_England [315]
| wife of Boleslav II
father's other spousal relationships
Edward the_Elder of_England = Eadgifu of_Kent [407]

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Alfred of_England [326] = Ealhswith of_Mercia [399]
Alfred of_England [326] ---------
(Alfred the Great)
king of England, 871-901
b.849, Wantage,
Berkshire, England
Ealhswith of_Mercia [399] -------
b.ca.825, Mercia
wife of Alfred the Great
d.5_Dec_905, Winchester
|-- Alfthryth of_England [316]
| b.ca.868, Wessex, England
| wife of Baldwin II,
| count of Flanders
| d.7_Jun_929
|-- Edward the_Elder of_England
| [317]
| king of England, 901-924
| b.875
| d.27_Oct_925,
| Farndon-on-Dee
|-- Aethelflaed of_England [318]
| b.ca.880, Wessex
| m.889
| wife of Aethelred,
| king of Mercia
| d.12_Jun_918, Tamworth
|-- Aethelgeofu of_England [319]
| abbess of Shaftsbury
|-- Aethelweard of_England [320]
| d.920

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Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Osburh of_Hampshire [396]
Aethelwulf of_England [328] -----
king of England, 839-855
Osburh of_Hampshire [396] -------
wife of Aethelwulf,
king of England
|-- Athelstan of_England [321]
| b.ca.833
| d.850
|-- Aethelbald of_England [322]
| king of England, 855-860
| b.ca.834
| d.860
|-- Ethelbert of_England [323]
| king of England, 860-866
| b.ca.836
| d.866
|-- Ethelred of_England [324]
| king of England, 866-871
| b.ca.840
| d.23_Apr_871
|-- Aethelswith of_England [325]
| m.853 (Easter)
| wife of Burgrad,
| king of Mercia
|-- Alfred of_England [326]
| (Alfred the Great)
| king of England, 871-901
| b.849, Wantage,
| Berkshire, England
| d.26_Oct_899
|-- Judith of_England [327]
| wife of Eticho I
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Judith of_France [2407]

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Egbert of_England [329] = Raedburh ________ [395]
Egbert of_England [329] ---------
king of Wessex, 802-827
king of England, 827-839
b.775, Wessex, England
Raedburh ________ [395] ---------
wife of Egbert of England
|-- Aethelwulf of_England [328]
| king of England, 839-855
| b.ca.805
| d.13_Jan_858

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Ealhmund of_Kent [330] = ________ of_Kent [381]

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Eafa of_Wessex [331] = unknown

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Eoppa of_Wessex [332] = unknown

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Ingild of_Wessex [333] = unknown

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Cenred of_Wessex [339] = unknown

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Ceolwald of_Wessex [340] = unknown

group index
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Cutha_Cathwulf of_Wessex = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Cutha_Cathwulf of_Wessex = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
unknown = unknown

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Cuthwine of_Wessex [344] = unknown

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Ceawlin of_Wessex [347] = unknown
Ceawlin of_Wessex [347] ---------
king of Wessex, 560-593
b.ca.547, Wessex
unknown -------------------------
|-- Cuthwine of_Wessex [344]
| b. before 520
| d.584, in battle
|-- Crida of_Wessex [345]
|-- Cwichelm of_Wessex [346]

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Cynric of_Wessex [352] = unknown

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Cerdic of_Wessex [354] = unknown

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Elesa ________ [355] = unknown

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Esla ________ [356] = unknown

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Gewis ________ [357] = unknown

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Wig ________ [358] = unknown

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Freawine ________ [359] = unknown

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Frithogar ________ [360] = unknown

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Brand ________ [361] = unknown

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Baeldaeg ________ [362] = Nanna ________ [379]

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Woden ________ [364] = Frea ________ [378]
father's other spousal relationships
Woden ________ [364] = Frigg ________ [474]
Woden ________ [364] = unknown
Woden ________ [364] = Waegdaeg ________ [1585]

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Frithuwald ________ [365] = Beltsa ________ [377]

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Frealaf ________ [366] = unknown

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Frithuwulf ________ [704] = unknown

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Godwulf ________ [368] = unknown

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Geata ________ [369] = unknown

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Taetwa ________ [370] = unknown

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Beaw ________ [371] = unknown

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Sceldwa ________ [372] = unknown

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Heremod ________ [373] = unknown

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Itermon ________ [374] = unknown

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Hathra ________ [375] = unknown

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Hwala ________ [376] = unknown

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Bedwig ________ [64] = unknown
Bedwig ________ [64] ------------
not mentioned in Genesis
but cited by the Anglo
Saxon Cronicals as the
ancestor of their kings
unknown -------------------------
|-- Hwala ________ [376]
| b.ca.2000BC

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Gewar ________ [380] = unknown
Gewar ________ [380] ------------
b.ca.221, Norway
unknown -------------------------
|-- Nanna ________ [379]
| b.ca.247
| wife of Baeldaeg

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Ethelbert II of_Kent [382] = unknown

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Wihtred of_Kent [383] = Cynegyth ________ [394]

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Ecbert I of_Kent [384] = unknown

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Earconbert of_Kent [385] = Saxburga ________ [393]

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Eedbald ________ [387] = ________ ________ [392]

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Aethelberht ________ [388] = Bertha ________ [1757]

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Wambert ________ [390] = unknown

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Adalbert ________ [391] = unknown
Adalbert ________ [391] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Wambert ________ [390]
| b.ca.511

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Oslac of_Hampshire [397] = unknown
Oslac of_Hampshire [397] --------
ealdorman of Hampshire
the royal cup bearer
unknown -------------------------
|-- Osburh of_Hampshire [396]
| wife of Aethelwulf,
| king of England
| d.855

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Aethelred of_Mercia [400] = Eadburgh of_Mercia [401]

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Wigmund of_Mercia [402] = Aelfleda of_Mercia [404]

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Witgraff of_Mercia [403] = unknown
Witgraff of_Mercia [403] --------
king of Mercia
unknown -------------------------
|-- Wigmund of_Mercia [402]

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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Penda of_Mercia [405]
| king of Mercia
|-- ________ of_Mercia [406]
| wife of Cenwalh,
king of Wessex

group index
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home page

Sigehelm of_Kent [408] = unknown
Sigehelm of_Kent [408] ----------
earl of Kent
b.ca.871, Kent
unknown -------------------------
|-- Eadgifu of_Kent [407]
| b.ca.896, Kent
| m.919, Berkshire
| wife of Edward the Elder
| d.25_Aug_968

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Aethelred ________ [411] = Aethelflaed of_England [318]

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Hugh the_Great [412] = unknown

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Leofric ________ [413] = unknown
Leofric ________ [413] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Hugh the_Great [412]
| b.ca.835

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________ ________ [416] = Wulfrith ________ [417]
________ ________ [416] ---------
earl Ordgar
Wulfrith ________ [417] ---------
wife of Ordgar
|-- Elfrida ________ [414]
| (Ealfthryth)
| b.945
| m. before 965
| wife of
| Aethelwold of East Anglia
| m.965
| wife of
| Edgar the Peaceful
| d.1000
|-- Edulf ________ [415]
| (Edulph)
b.ca.901, Mercia

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Godwin of_Wessex [427] = Gytha of_Denmark [438]

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Wulfroth Cild of_Sussex = unknown

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Aethelmaer Cild of_Sussex = Aethelrhrith ________ [739]

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Aethelweard of_Sussex [430] = Aethelflaed ________ [741]

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Eadric of_Wessex [431] = Aethelgifu ________ [740]

group index
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Aethelfrith of_Wessex [432] = unknown

group index
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Aethelhelm of_Wessex [433] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelhelm of_Wessex [433] = Aethelgyth of_Mercia [656]
mother's other spousal relationships
Aethelgyth of_Mercia [656] = unknown

group index
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home page

Ethelred of_England [324] = Wulfthryth ________ [655]
father's other spousal relationships
Ethelred of_England [324] = unknown
Ethelred of_England [324] = Aethewald of_England [1622]

group index
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Jarl Ulf of_Denmark [437] = Estrid of_Denmark [506]

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Thorkill Sprakaleg [439] = Sigrid ________ [745]

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Styrbjorn Starke [440] = Tyra of_Denmark [490]

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Olof Bjornson of_Sweden = Ingelberg ________ [748]

group index
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Bjorn Erikson of_Sweden = Ingeborg ________ [746]
father's other spousal relationships
Bjorn Erikson of_Sweden = unknown
Bjorn Erikson of_Sweden = Erik Bjornsson of_Sweden

group index
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Erik Emundson of_Sweden = unknown

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Emund of_Sweden [444] = unknown

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Erik Raefillson of_Sweden = unknown

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Raefil Bjornsson of_Sweden = unknown

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Bjorn Jernsida of_Sweden = unknown

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Ragnar Lodbrok of_Sweden = Aslaug of_Denmark [486]

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Sigurd Ring of_Sweden [450] = Alfhild of_Alfhem [484]

group index
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Randver of_Gardarike [451] = unknown

group index
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Radbard of_Gardarike [452] = Aud Diephrandza of_Denmark
mother's other spousal relationships
Rorik of_Denmark [596] = Aud Diephrandza of_Denmark

group index
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Ivar Vidfamne of_Denmark = unknown
Ivar Vidfamne of_Denmark --------
(Vidfadmi, Widefathom) [454]
Skiolding of Skane
king of Denmark and Sweden
b. Hleithra, Denmark
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aud Diephrandza of_Denmark
| (Od) [453]
| queen of Holmgrad
| b. Am, Denmark
| wife of Rorik,
| king of part of Denmark
| wife of Radbard,
| king of Gardarike

group index
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Halfdan III of_Denmark [455] = Moalda ________ [483]
Halfdan III of_Denmark [455] ----
(Halfdan III of Hleithra)
king of Danes
b. Jutland
Moalda ________ [483] -----------
wife of Halfdan II of Denmark
|-- Ivar Vidfamne of_Denmark
| (Vidfadmi, Widefathom) [454]
| Skiolding of Skane
| king of Denmark and Sweden
| b. Hleithra, Denmark
| d.647

group index
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Frode VII Harold of_Denmark = Hildis ________ [482]
Frode VII Harold of_Denmark -----
king of Danes
b. Jutland
Hildis ________ [482] -----------
(of the Vandals?)
wife of Frode VII of Denmark
|-- Halfdan III of_Denmark [455]
| (Halfdan III of Hleithra)
| king of Danes
| b. Jutland
| d.580
|-- Gudrod of_Skane [456]
| king of Skane

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Frode VI Valdar of_Denmark = Hildis of_the_Vandals

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Hroar of_Denmark [459] = Ogne of_Northumbria [480]

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Halfdan II of_Denmark [461] = Sigris ________ [479]

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Frodi IV of Denmark [462] = unknown

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Friolief of_Denmark [463] = unknown

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Dan Mykillati of_Denmark = Auda ________ [477]

group index
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Olaf of_Denmark [466] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Olaf of_Denmark [466] = Danpi ________ [478]
mother's other spousal relationships
Danpi ________ [478] = unknown

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Vermund I ________ [467] = unknown

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Frodi II ________ [468] = unknown

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Havar ________ [469] = unknown

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Fridleif II ________ [470] = unknown

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Frodi I ________ [471] = unknown

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Fridlief ________ [472] = unknown

group index
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Skjold Scefing [473] = Gefion ________ [476]

group index
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Woden ________ [364] = Frigg ________ [474]
father's other spousal relationships
Woden ________ [364] = Frea ________ [378]
Woden ________ [364] = unknown
Woden ________ [364] = Waegdaeg ________ [1585]

group index
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Cadwalladr ________ [475] = unknown
Cadwalladr ________ [475] -------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Frigg ________ [474]
| b.ca.219, Asgard
| wife of Woden

group index
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Olaf of_Denmark [466] = Danpi ________ [478]
father's other spousal relationships
Olaf of_Denmark [466] = unknown
Olaf of_Denmark [466] = Frodi Olafsson of_Denmark

group index
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Norbril of_Northumbria [481] = unknown
Norbril of_Northumbria [481] ----
king of Northumbria
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ogne of_Northumbria [480]
| wife of Hroar of Denmark

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Gandalf of_Alfhem [485] = unknown
Gandalf of_Alfhem [485] ---------
king of Alfhem
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alfhild of_Alfhem [484]
| wife of Sigurd Ring of Sweden

group index
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Sigurd Fafnesbane [487] = Brynhild ________ [488]
Sigurd Fafnesbane [487] ---------
Brynhild ________ [488] ---------
wife of Sigurd Fafnesbane
|-- Aslaug of_Denmark [486]
| (Kraga)
| b.ca.755

group index
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Harald Bluetooth [492] = Gysita ________ [504]

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Gorm the_Old of_Denmark = Beatrix of_England [309]

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Harold II of_Denmark [531] = unknown

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Hard Knud of_Denmark [496] = unknown

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Sigurd Snogeje of_Sweden = Heluna of_England [565]

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Edward the_Elder of_England = Eadgifu of_Kent [407]
Edward the_Elder of_England -----
king of England, 901-924
Eadgifu of_Kent [407] -----------
b.ca.896, Kent
m.919, Berkshire
wife of Edward the Elder
|-- Edmond of_England [497]
| the Magnificent
| king of England, 940-946
| b.27_Oct_921, Wessex
| d.26_May_946, murdered,
| Pucklechruch, Glouscester
|-- Eadred of_England [498]
| king of England, 946-955
| b.923
| d.23_Nov_955, Frome,
| Sommerset
|-- Alberic of_England [499]
| b.ca.915
|-- Adela of_England [500]
| wife of Ebles Manzer
|-- Edgina of_England [501]
| b.ca.926
| m.951
| wife of Henry de_Vermandois
|-- Eadgifu of_England [502]
| wife of Louis of Aquitaine
father's other spousal relationships
Edward the_Elder of_England = Alfflaed of_Wessex [503]

group index
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Aethelhelm of_Wessex [433] = Aethelgyth of_Mercia [656]
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelhelm of_Wessex [433] = unknown
Aethelhelm of_Wessex [433] = Aethelfrith of_Wessex [432]

group index
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Sweyn Forkbeard [489] = Gunnhild ________ [507]
Sweyn Forkbeard [489] -----------
king of England, 1013-1014
Gunnhild ________ [507] ---------
wife of Swen Forkbeard,
king of England
|-- Canute of_Denmark [505]
| (Canute the Great)
| king of England, 1016-1035
| king of Denmark, 1019-1035
| b.ca.995
| d.12_Nov_1035,
| Shaftesbury, England
|-- Estrid of_Denmark [506]
| (Astrid)
wife of Jarl Ulf
wife of Robert II,
duke of Normandy

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Edward of_England [301] = Edith of_Wessex [418]
Edward of_England [301] ---------
the Confessor
king of England, 1042-1066
b.1002-1005, Islip,
Oxfordshire, England
Westminster, England
Edith of_Wessex [418] -----------
wife of Edward the Confessor
d.18_Dec_1075, Westminster

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Elgar of_Mercia [514] = Alfgifu of_England [526]
Elgar of_Mercia [514] -----------
earl of Mercia
Alfgifu of_England [526] --------
wife of Uchtred,
earl of Northumberland
wife of Elgar,
earl of Mercia
|-- William de_Malet [508]
| b.ca.1027
|-- Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
| (Edith or Agatha)
| b.ca.1024, Mercia, England
| m.ca.1057
| wife of Griffith ap Llewellyn
| wife of Edwyn de_Temple
| mistress of Harold II
| d. after 1086
|-- Lucia of_Mercia [510]
| b.ca.1040
| wife of Ivo de_Tailboys
| d. Spaulding, Lincolnshire
|-- Eadwine of_Mercia [511]
|-- Morkere of_Mercia [512]
|-- Burchard of_Mercia [513]
father's other spousal relationships
Elgar of_Mercia [514] = Alversa Malet [701]
mother's other spousal relationships
Uchtred of_Northumberland = Alfgifu of_England [526]

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Leofric of_Mercia [515] = Lady Godiva of_Mercia [517]

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Leofwine of_Mercia [516] = Alwara ________ [751]

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Edulf ________ [415] = Aelfwynn ________ [409]

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Thorold ________ [744] = unknown
Thorold ________ [744] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lady Godiva of_Mercia [517]
| wife of Lerfric,
| earl of Mercia

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Aethelred II of_England = Alfflaed ________ [529]
Aethelred II of_England ---------
the Unready
king of England, 979-1013
king of England, 1014-1016
London, England
Alfflaed ________ [529] ---------
1st wife of Aethelred II,
king of England
d. before 1002
|-- Aethelstan of_England [518]
| b.ca.986
| d.ca.1012
|-- Ecgbeohrt of_England [519]
| d.ca.1005
|-- Edmond Ironside of_England
| [520]
| king of England, 1016
| b.989
| d.30_Nov_1016, Oxford
|-- Eadred of_England [521]
| d.ca.1012
|-- Eadwig of_England [522]
| d.1017
|-- Eadweard of_England [523]
| d. before 1004
|-- Eadgar of_England [524]
| d.ca.1008
|-- Eadgyth of_England [525]
| wife of Eadric Streona
| wife of Thorkel Havi
|-- Alfgifu of_England [526]
| (Elgiva)
| wife of Uchtred,
| earl of Northumberland
| wife of Elgar,
| earl of Mercia
|-- Wulfhild of_England [527]
| wife of Ulfcytel Snylling
|-- ________ of_England [528]
| wife of
| Aethelstan of Ringmere
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelred II of_England = Emma of_Normandy [2809]

group index
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home page

Thored ________ [530] = unknown

group index
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home page

Gunnor ________ [669] = unknown
Gunnor ________ [669] -----------
b.ca.908, Wessex
unknown -------------------------
|-- Thored ________ [530]
| b.ca.942

group index
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home page

Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Judith of_France [2407]
Aethelwulf of_England [328] -----
king of England, 839-855
Judith of_France [2407] ---------
wife of Aethelwulf,
king of England
m. after 858,
wife of Ethelbald,
king of England
wife of Baldwin I,
count of Flanders
father's other spousal relationships
Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Osburh of_Hampshire [396]
mother's other spousal relationships
Aethelbald of_England [322] = Judith of_France [2407]

group index
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home page

Frotho of_Denmark [495] = unknown

group index
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home page

Canute of_Denmark [505] = Elfgiva ________ [535]
Canute of_Denmark [505] ---------
(Canute the Great)
king of England, 1016-1035
king of Denmark, 1019-1035
Shaftesbury, England
Elfgiva ________ [535] ----------
(first wife of
King Canute)
|-- Sweyn of_Norway [533]
| king of Norway, 1029-1035
| d.1036
|-- Harold I of_England [534]
| Harefoot
| king of England, 1035-1040
| b.ca.1016
| d.17_Mar_1040, London
father's other spousal relationships
Canute of_Denmark [505] = Emma of_Normandy [2809]

group index
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home page

Canute of_Denmark [505] = Emma of_Normandy [2809]
Canute of_Denmark [505] ---------
(Canute the Great)
king of England, 1016-1035
king of Denmark, 1019-1035
Shaftesbury, England
Emma of_Normandy [2809] ---------
2nd wife of Aethelred II,
king of England
wife of Canute of Denmark
|-- Hardicanute of_England [536]
| king of England, 1040-1042
| d.8_Jun_1042, Lamhithe, Englan
|-- Gunnhild of_England [537]
father's other spousal relationships
Canute of_Denmark [505] = Elfgiva ________ [535]

group index
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home page

Edward of_England [542] = Agatha of_Bavaria [13261]

group index
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home page

Edmond Ironside of_England = Ealgyth ________ [543]
mother's other spousal relationships
Sigeferth ________ [1579] = Ealgyth ________ [543]

group index
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home page

Morcar ________ [707] = Eadgyth ________ [709]

group index
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home page

Cynewulf of_Wessex [545] = unknown
Cynewulf of_Wessex [545] --------
king of Wessex, 757-786
unknown -------------------------
|-- Brihtric of_Wessex [544]
| king of Wessex, 786-802

group index
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home page

Sigeberht of_Wessex [546] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cuthred of_Wessex [547] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Aethelheard of_Wessex [548] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Cenwealh of_Wessex [550] = Seaxburh ________ [684]
father's other spousal relationships
Cenwealh of_Wessex [550] = ________ of_Mercia [406]

group index
main index
home page

Cynegils of_Wessex [554] = unknown

group index
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home page

Ceola of_Wessex [556] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cutha of_Wessex [348] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cenfus of_Wessex [560] = unknown
Cenfus of_Wessex [560] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aescwine of_Wessex [559]
| king of Wessex, 673-676

group index
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home page

Cenferth of_Wessex [561] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cuthgils of_Wessex [562] = unknown

group index
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home page

Ceolwulf of_Wessex [557] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cenbehrt of_Wessex [564] = unknown
Cenbehrt of_Wessex [564] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ceadwalla of_Wessex [563]
| king of Wessex, 686-688

group index
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home page

Ceadda of_Wessex [558] = unknown

group index
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home page

Ella of_England [566] = unknown
Ella of_England [566] -----------
kind Indiana
unknown -------------------------
|-- Heluna of_England [565]
| b.ca.784, England
| wife of Sigurd Snogeje

group index
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home page

Edmund of_Sweden [568] = Astrid ________ [730]

group index
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home page

Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] = Endia ________ [600]
Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] ----
king of Swedes and Gautar,
Endia ________ [600] ------------
wife of Olaf III
|-- Edmund of_Sweden [568]
| (the old Slumme)
| king of Sweden
| d.1056
|-- Ingegard of_Sweden [569]
| wife of Yaroslav I,
| grand prince of Kiev
| m.1019
| d.1050
|-- Astrid of_Sweden [570]
| wife of Olof II Haraldson,
| king of Norway
father's other spousal relationships
Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] = Astrid ________ [52885]

group index
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home page

Erik Bjornsson of_Sweden = Sigrid Storrada of_Sweden

group index
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home page

Skoglar Toste of_Sweden = unknown
Skoglar Toste of_Sweden ---------
(Warlike) [573]
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sigrid Storrada of_Sweden
| (the Haughty) [572]
| wife of Erik Bjornesson,
| king of Sweden
wife of Swen Haraldson,
king of England and Denmark

group index
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home page

Roman of_Galitch-Volynia = unknown
Roman of_Galitch-Volynia --------
prince of Galitch-Volynia
unknown -------------------------
|-- Daniel Galitsky [574]
| prince of Galitch-Volynia
| d.1264

group index
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home page

Mstislav II of_Kiev [576] = unknown

group index
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home page

Isyaslav II of_Kiev [733] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Lyubawa of_Novogorod [607]
father's other spousal relationships
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Christine of_Sweden [661]
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = unknown
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Isyaslav II of_Kiev [733]

group index
main index
home page

Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] = Gytha of_England [687]
father's other spousal relationships
Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] = Christine of_Sweden [661]

group index
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home page

Vsevolod I of_Kiev [584] = Theodora Monomachus [605]

group index
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home page

Yaroslav I of_Kiev [588] = Ingegard of_Sweden [718]

group index
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home page

Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = Rogneide of_Polotzk [603]
father's other spousal relationships
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ of_Oehningen
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ ________ [752]

group index
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home page

Svatislav I of_Kiev [591] = Maloucha ________ [601]

group index
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home page

Igor of_Kiev [592] = Saint Olga of_Kiev [599]

group index
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home page

Rurik ________ [593] = Alfrind of_Kiev [598]

group index
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home page

Halfdan of_Frisia [594] = unknown

group index
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home page

Harold Hilditom of_Denmark = unknown

group index
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home page

Rorik of_Denmark [596] = Aud Diephrandza of_Denmark
mother's other spousal relationships
Radbard of_Gardarike [452] = Aud Diephrandza of_Denmark

group index
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home page

Ivar Vidfadmi [713] = unknown

group index
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home page

unknown = unknown

group index
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home page

Oleg of_Kiev [597] = unknown

group index
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home page

Malk ________ [602] = unknown

group index
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home page

Dir ________ [716] = unknown

group index
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home page

Rogvolod ________ [604] = unknown
Rogvolod ________ [604] ---------
a Varangian
prince of Polotsk (Polotzko)
unknown -------------------------
|-- Rogneide of_Polotzk [603]
| wife of St. Vladimir,
| grand prince of Kiev

group index
main index
home page

Tostig of_England [421] = Judith of_Flanders [12545]
mother's other spousal relationships
Welf IV of_Bavaria [13552] = Judith of_Flanders [12545]

group index
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home page

Constantine IX Monomachus = Zoe ________ [729]
Constantine IX Monomachus -------
of Constantinople
emperor in the East
judge of Greece
Zoe ________ [729] --------------
wife of Constantine IX
|-- Theodora Monomachus [605]
| m.1046
| of Constantinople
| wife of Vsevolod I of Kiev
| d.1067

group index
main index
home page

Dimitri I of_Novogrod [608] = unknown
Dimitri I of_Novogrod [608] -----
possednik of Novogrod
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lyubawa of_Novogorod [607]
| m.1122
| wife of Mstislav I,
| grand prince of Kiev

group index
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home page

Mstislav Khrabry of_Kiev = unknown
Mstislav Khrabry of_Kiev --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mstislav Udaloi of_Kiev
| [609]

group index
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home page

Theodore Godunov [611] = Rostislav of_Kiev [734]

group index
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home page

Boris Godunov [613] = unknown

group index
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home page

unknown = unknown

group index
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home page

Theodore I of_Russia [615] = Irina Godunov [612]

group index
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home page

Ivan IV of_Russia [618] = Anastasia Zakharin [12380]

group index
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home page

Vassily III of_Moscow [619] = Elena ________ [654]

group index
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home page

Ivan III of_Moscow [620] = Sophia Paleologus [653]

group index
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home page

Vassily II of_Moscow [621] = Maria of_Borovsk [652]

group index
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home page

Vassily I of_Moscow [622] = Sophia of_Lithuania [651]

group index
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home page

Dmitri Donskoi of_Moscow = Eudokia of_Suzdal [650]

group index
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home page

Ivan II of_Moscow [624] = Feodosia of_Briansk [649]

group index
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home page

Ivan I of_Moscow [627] = Elena ________ [648]
Ivan I of_Moscow [627] ----------
grand prince of Moscow
Elena ________ [648] ------------
|-- Ivan II of_Moscow [624]
| grand prince of Moscow
| d.1359
|-- Semgon of_Moscow [625]
| d.1353
|-- Andrey of_Moscow [626]

group index
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home page

Daniel of_Moscow [629] = unknown

group index
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home page

Alexander Nevsky [630] = Aleksandra of_Polotsk [647]

group index
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home page

Yaroslav I of_Kiev [631] = Feodosia of_Raizan [646]

group index
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home page

Vsevolod III of_Kiev [632] = Maria ________ [645]

group index
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home page

Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] = Gertrude of_Poland [13682]
father's other spousal relationships
Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] = unknown
Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] = Andrey Bogolynbsky of_Kiev

group index
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home page

Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] = Christine of_Sweden [661]
Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] -------
grand prince of Kiev
Christine of_Sweden [661] -------
wife of Vladimir II,
grand prince of Kiev
wife of Mstislav,
grand prince of Kiev
|-- Yaropolk II of_Kiev [633]
| grand prince of Kiev
| b.1086
| d.17_Apr_1139
|-- Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634]
| grand prince of Kiev
| b.1091
| d.15_May_1157
|-- Viaczlaw of_Kiev [635]
| d.1154
|-- Andrei of_Kiev [636]
| d.1169
|-- Isiaslav of_Kiev [637]
| d.1095
|-- Vsevolod II of_Kiev [638]
| d.1138
|-- Rotislav of_Kiev [639]
|-- Ingeborg of_Kiev [640]
|-- Zbyslava of_Kiev [641]
| m.ca.1103
| wife of Boleslas III,
| king of Poland
| d.1113
|-- Malmfrid of_Kiev [642]
father's other spousal relationships
Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] = Gytha of_England [687]
mother's other spousal relationships
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Christine of_Sweden [661]

group index
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home page

Vsevolod II of_Kiev [670] = unknown
Vsevolod II of_Kiev [670] -------
grand prince of Kiev
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sviatoslav ________ [643]
| d.1194
|-- Jaroslav ________ [644]
| d.1108

group index
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home page

Aethelwulf of_Mercia [398] = unknown

group index
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home page

Igor of_Kiev [583] = unknown
Igor of_Kiev [583] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- David of_Kiev [658]
| (izgoy)

group index
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home page

David Sviatslavitsch [672] = unknown

group index
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home page

Isyaslav I of_Kiev [582] = Gertrude of_Poland [13682]

group index
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home page

Inge I of_Sweden [662] = Ragnhild ________ [666]

group index
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home page

Stenkil Ragvaldson of_Sweden = ________ of_Sweden [567]

group index
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home page

Ragvald of_Westergothland = Astrid ________ [665]
Ragvald of_Westergothland -------
Astrid ________ [665] -----------
wife of Ragvald
of Westergothland
|-- Stenkil Ragvaldson of_Sweden
| [663]
| king of Sweden
| d.1066

group index
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home page

Rolf Nefia [731] = unknown
Rolf Nefia [731] ----------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ragnhild ________ [666]
| wife of IngeI of Sweden

group index
main index
home page

Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ of_Oehningen
father's other spousal relationships
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = Rogneide of_Polotzk [603]
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ ________ [752]

group index
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home page

unknown = Senfrie of_Denmark [491]

group index
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home page

Oleg of_Kiev [671] = unknown

group index
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home page

Svyatoslav of_Kiev [581] = unknown

group index
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home page

Yaroslav Osmomysl [678] = unknown
Yaroslav Osmomysl [678] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Volodymyr ________ [676]
| d.1199
|-- Oleg ________ [677]

group index
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home page

Volodmyrko ________ [679] = unknown

group index
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home page

Volodar ________ [681] = unknown

group index
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home page

Rostislav ________ [683] = unknown

group index
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home page

Volodymr of_Kiev [587] = unknown

group index
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home page

Cwichelm of_Wessex [549] = unknown

group index
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home page

Vortigern ________ [690] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Vortigern ________ [690] = ________ ________ [691]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ ________ [691] = unknown

group index
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home page

Vortigern ________ [690] = ________ ________ [691]
father's other spousal relationships
Vortigern ________ [690] = unknown
Vortigern ________ [690] = Virtimer [686]

group index
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home page

Harold II of_England [420] = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
Harold II of_England [420] ------
king of England, 1066
d.14_Oct_1066, Hastings
Eadgyth of_Mercia [509] ---------
(Edith or Agatha)
b.ca.1024, Mercia, England
wife of Griffith ap Llewellyn
wife of Edwyn de_Temple
mistress of Harold II
d. after 1086
|-- Gytha of_England [687]
| m.ca.1070
| first wife of Vladimir II
|-- Harold of_England [688]
| d. after 1086
|-- Ulf of_England [689]
mother's other spousal relationships
Edwyn de_Temple [698] = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
Griffith ap_Llewellyn = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]

group index
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home page

Hengist ________ [694] = unknown

group index
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home page

Wihtgils ________ [702] = unknown

group index
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home page

Edwyn de_Temple [698] = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
father's other spousal relationships
Edwyn de_Temple [698] = unknown
Edwyn de_Temple [698] = Geoffrey de_Temple [824]
mother's other spousal relationships
Harold II of_England [420] = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
Griffith ap_Llewellyn = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]

group index
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home page

Edwyn of_Mercia [700] = unknown

group index
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home page

Elgar of_Mercia [514] = Alversa Malet [701]
father's other spousal relationships
Elgar of_Mercia [514] = Alfgifu of_England [526]

group index
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home page

Wecta ________ [703] = unknown

group index
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home page

Withar ________ [363] = unknown

group index
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home page

Finn ________ [367] = unknown

group index
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Svyatopolk II of_Kiev [660] = ________ ________ [721]

group index
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home page

Earngrim ________ [708] = unknown
Earngrim ________ [708] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Morcar ________ [707]
| b. Northumbria, England

group index
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home page

Wulfric ________ [710] = unknown

group index
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home page

Wulfrun ________ [712] = unknown
Wulfrun ________ [712] ----------
d. after 943
unknown -------------------------
|-- Wulfric ________ [710]
| d.ca.1002
|-- Alfholm ________ [711]

group index
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________ ________ [714] = unknown

group index
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Rurick ________ [715] = unknown

group index
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home page

Askold ________ [717] = unknown
Askold ________ [717] -----------
b. before 857
d.ca.882, slain
unknown -------------------------
|-- Dir ________ [716]
| d. after 883, slain

group index
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home page

Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] = Astrid ________ [52885]
Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] ----
king of Swedes and Gautar,
Astrid ________ [52885] ---------
b.ca.979, Sweden
m.ca.999, Upsala, Sweden
wife of Olaf III
|-- Ingegard of_Sweden [718]
| b.ca.1001, Uppsala, Sweden
| m.1019
| wife of Yaroslav I,
| grand prince of Kiev
| d.10_Feb_1050, Kiev
|-- Astrid of_Sweden [719]
| wife of St. Olaf II
father's other spousal relationships
Olaf Erikson of_Sweden [571] = Endia ________ [600]

group index
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home page

Alberic of_England [499] = unknown

group index
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home page

Comanie ________ [722] = unknown
Comanie ________ [722] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ ________ [721]
| wife of Sviatopolk II,
| grand prince of Kiev

group index
main index
home page

Bouchard de_Montlhery [720] = Hildegarde of_Blois [13857]
mother's other spousal relationships
Hugh I ________ [28181] = Hildegarde of_Blois [13857]

group index
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home page

Bourchard de_Montlhery [723] = Adelaid de_Crecy [724]
Bourchard de_Montlhery [723] ----
Adelaid de_Crecy [724] ----------
wife of Bouchard
|-- Thibault de_Montlhery [725]
| b.ca.983, Montlhery
|-- Elise de_Corbeil [726]
| b.ca.1048, Corbeil, Marne
| wife of Guy II
|-- Elizabeth de_Montlhery [727]

group index
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home page

Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Christine of_Sweden [661]
father's other spousal relationships
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Lyubawa of_Novogorod [607]
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = unknown
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Isyaslav II of_Kiev [733]
mother's other spousal relationships
Vladimir II of_Kiev [579] = Christine of_Sweden [661]

group index
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home page

Edgar of_England [539] = ________ ________ [5388]

group index
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home page

Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Lyubawa of_Novogorod [607]
Mstislav of_Kiev [578] = Christine of_Sweden [661]
mother's other spousal relationships
Lyubawa of_Novogorod [607] = unknown
Christine of_Sweden [661] = unknown

group index
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home page

Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] = unknown
Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] ----
grand prince of Kiev
unknown -------------------------
|-- Andrey Bogolynbsky of_Kiev
| [738]
| grand prince of Kiev
| d.1175
father's other spousal relationships
Yuri Dolgoruky of_Kiev [634] = Gertrude of_Poland [13682]
mother's other spousal relationships
Gertrude of_Poland [13682] = unknown

group index
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home page

Athelstan Mannesson [743] = unknown
Athelstan Mannesson [743] -------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alwara ________ [742]
| b.ca.950, Mercia, England
| wife of Leofwine
father's other spousal relationships
Athelstan Mannesson [743] = unknown
Athelstan Mannesson [743] = Alwara ________ [751]
mother's other spousal relationships
unknown = unknown
Alwara ________ [751] = unknown

group index
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home page

Thrand ________ [747] = unknown
Thrand ________ [747] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ingeborg ________ [746]
| wife of Bjorn Erikson the old

group index
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home page

Thraud ________ [749] = unknown
Thraud ________ [749] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ingelberg ________ [748]
| b.ca.935
| wife of Olaf Bjornsson

group index
main index
home page

Bjorn Erikson of_Sweden = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Bjorn Erikson of_Sweden = Ingeborg ________ [746]
mother's other spousal relationships
Ingeborg ________ [746] = unknown

group index
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home page

Athelstan Mannesson [743] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Athelstan Mannesson [743] = unknown
Athelstan Mannesson [743] = Alwara ________ [742]
mother's other spousal relationships
unknown = unknown
Alwara ________ [742] = unknown

group index
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home page

Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ ________ [752]
father's other spousal relationships
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = Rogneide of_Polotzk [603]
Saint Vladimir I of_Kiev = ________ of_Oehningen

group index
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home page

Crispin de_Bec [696] = Heloise de_Guines [85688]

group index
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home page

Baldric ________ [755] = unknown
Baldric ________ [755] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Emma de_Anjou [756]
| b.ca.797
| wife of Gilbert Crispin

group index
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home page

Gilbert Crispin [754] = Emma de_Anjou [756]

group index
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home page

William de_Malet [508] = Hesilia de_Crispin [757]

group index
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home page

Gilbert de_Malet [758] = unknown

group index
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home page

Robert de_Malet [759] = unknown

group index
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home page

William de_Malet [760] = Maud de_Mortimer [761]

group index
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home page

Ralph Picot [763] = unknown
Ralph Picot [763] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice de_Picot [764]
| b.ca.1140
| wife of Gilbert de_Malet

group index
main index
home page

Gilbert de_Malet [762] = Alice de_Picot [764]

group index
main index
home page

William Malet [765] = Mabel Bassett [19116]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Biset [141973] = Mabel Bassett [19116]

group index
main index
home page

Henry Lloyd [814] = Rebecca Nelson [809]

group index
main index
home page

Henry Everton Esq. [847] = unknown
Henry Everton Esq. [847] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Isabel Everton [777]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Temple [791] = Maria Gedney Mary [792]

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [778] = Isabel Everton [777]

group index
main index
home page

John Heritage Esq. [848] = unknown
John Heritage Esq. [848] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice Heritage [780]
| wife of Thomas Temple

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Temple [779] = Alice Heritage [780]

group index
main index
home page

William Jykett [849] = unknown
William Jykett [849] ------------
(or Jekyl)
unknown -------------------------
|-- Millicent Jykett [782]
| (Milicent Jekyl)
| wife of Peter Temple

group index
main index
home page

Peter Temple [781] = Millicent Jykett [782]

group index
main index
home page

Roger Corbet [785] = unknown
Roger Corbet [785] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margary Corbet [786]
| wife of Nicholas de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Richard de_Temple [827] = Catherine de_Langley [828]

group index
main index
home page

Nicholas de_Temple [787] = Margary Corbet [786]
father's other spousal relationships
Nicholas de_Temple [787] = unknown
Nicholas de_Temple [787] = Nicholas de_Temple [815]

group index
main index
home page

Nicholas de_Temple [794] = Maud Burguillon [793]

group index
main index
home page

William de_Shepey [845] = unknown
William de_Shepey [845] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joan de_Shepey [790]
| wife of Richard de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Richard de_Temple [789] = Joan de_Shepey [790]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Gedney Esq. [846] = unknown
Thomas Gedney Esq. [846] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maria Gedney Mary [792]
| wife of Thomas Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Burguillon [844] = unknown
John Burguillon [844] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maud Burguillon [793]
| wife of Nicholas de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Richard de_Temple [788] = Agnes Stanley [816]

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [821] = Dorothy Lee [17234]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Nelson [802] = Mary Temple [795]
Robert Nelson [802] -------------
Mary Temple [795] ---------------
wife of Robert Nelson
|-- John Nelson [803]
| d.ca.1760
|-- Temple Nelson [804]
| d.1671, s.p.
|-- Margaret Nelson [805]

group index
main index
home page

John Alston [806] = Dorothy Temple [800]

group index
main index
home page

John Nelson [803] = Elizabeth Tailer [808]

group index
main index
home page

Nicholas de_Temple [787] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Nicholas de_Temple [787] = Margary Corbet [786]
mother's other spousal relationships
Margary Corbet [786] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Ralph Stanley [843] = unknown
Ralph Stanley [843] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agnes Stanley [816]
| wife of Richard de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Spencer [850] = unknown
Thomas Spencer [850] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Susan Spencer [817]
| wife of John Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [783] = Susan Spencer [817]

group index
main index
home page

Miles Sandys [851] = unknown
Miles Sandys [851] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Esther Sandys [819]
| wife of Thomas Temple
| d.1656

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Temple [818] = Esther Sandys [819]

group index
main index
home page

Edwyn de_Temple [698] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Edwyn de_Temple [698] = Eadgyth of_Mercia [509]
mother's other spousal relationships
Eadgyth of_Mercia [509] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

John de_Temple [933] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

John Ribbesford [829] = unknown
John Ribbesford [829] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Matilda Ribbesford [826]
| (Maud)
| wife of Henry de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Henry de_Temple [934] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Thomas de_Langley Esq. [830] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Robert Dabernon [835] = unknown
Robert Dabernon [835] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maria Dabernon [831]
| wife of Nicholas de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Nicholas de_Temple [815] = Maria Dabernon [831]

group index
main index
home page

John Brasbridge [839] = unknown
John Brasbridge [839] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joan Brasbridge [833]
| wife of Thomas de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Thomas de_Temple [832] = Joan Brasbridge [833]

group index
main index
home page

William Ringescote [842] = unknown
William Ringescote [842] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maria Ringescote [836]
| wife of Robert de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Robert de_Temple [834] = Maria Ringescote [836]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert de_Temple [834] = unknown
Robert de_Temple [834] = Robert de_Temple [838]

group index
main index
home page

Robert de_Temple [834] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Robert de_Temple [834] = Maria Ringescote [836]
mother's other spousal relationships
Maria Ringescote [836] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

William Turvyle [931] = unknown
William Turvyle [931] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Grace Turvyle [840]
| wife of Robert de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Robert de_Temple [838] = Grace Turvyle [840]

group index
main index
home page

John Alston [807] = Anne Willis [852]

group index
main index
home page

John Alston [853] = Mary Clark [854]

group index
main index
home page

George Lillington [864] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

James Alston [855] = Christine Lillington [856]

group index
main index
home page

James Alston [857] = Grizeal Yancey [859]

group index
main index
home page

William Alston [858] = Charity Alston [862]

group index
main index
home page

Nathanial Alston [860] = Mary Grey Jeffreys [865]

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Groves [867] = Sarah Alston [861]

group index
main index
home page

John Joseph Groves [868] = Mary Louisa Harvie [869]

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Asbury Groves [870] = Elizabeth Royall Robertson
Joseph Asbury Groves [870] ------
Elizabeth Royall Robertson ------
wife of Joseph Asbury Groves
|-- Elizabeth Royall Groves
| [872]

group index
main index
home page

William Jeffreys Alston = Martha Cade [873]

group index
main index
home page

James Kent [875] = Mary Grey Alston [874]

group index
main index
home page

Edward Taylor Fowlkes [877] = Mary Rosaline Kent [876]
Edward Taylor Fowlkes [877] -----
Mary Rosaline Kent [876] --------
wife of Edward T. Fowlkes
|-- Grace Byrd Fowlkes [878]
| b.17_Aug_1876
| d.22_Aug_1876
|-- Ethel Edward Fowlkes [879]
| b.2_Nov_1879

group index
main index
home page

Andrew Hamilton [884] = unknown
Andrew Hamilton [884] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Catherine Hamilton [880]
| wife of James Alston

group index
main index
home page

James Alston [863] = Catherine Hamilton [880]

group index
main index
home page

William H. Cabell [887] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Henry Coalter Cabell [882] = Jane Alston [881]

group index
main index
home page

Herbert Claiborne [888] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Herbert A. Claiborne [885] = Catherine Hamilton Cabell

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [909] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Benjamin Arnold [907] = Anne ________ [908]
Benjamin Arnold [907] -----------
d. after 1687
Anne ________ [908] -------------
wife of Benjamin Arnold
|-- Anne Arnold [890]
| wife of Joseph Temple

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Temple [889] = Anne Arnold [890]

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Temple [891] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Benjamin Temple [910] = Mary ________ [911]

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Temple [920] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Temple [920] = Margaret Flint [912]
mother's other spousal relationships
Margaret Flint [912] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

________ Flint [915] = unknown
________ Flint [915] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margaret Flint [912]
| d. before 1656, The Would,
| in Matlock parish, Derbyshire
| wife of Joseph Temple
| wife of Robert Hall
|-- Henry Flint [913]
| d.1668

group index
main index
home page

Richard Temple [922] = Elizabeth George [923]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Burgoine [921] = unknown
Robert Burgoine [921] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Burgoine [917]
| wife of Edmund Temple
| d. before 1658

group index
main index
home page

Edmund Temple [916] = Elizabeth Burgoine [917]

group index
main index
home page

Richard Temple [925] = Joyce Lovet [926]

group index
main index
home page

John George [924] = unknown
John George [924] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth George [923]
| wife of Richard Temple

group index
main index
home page

Roger Temple [927] = Anne Beaufoy [928]

group index
main index
home page

Richard de_Temple [841] = Elizabeth Vincent [930]

group index
main index
home page

John Beaufoy [929] = unknown
John Beaufoy [929] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Beaufoy [928]
| wife of Roger Temple

group index
main index
home page

Richard Vincent [932] = unknown
Richard Vincent [932] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Vincent [930]
| wife of Richard de_Temple

group index
main index
home page

Geoffrey de_Temple [824] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Henry de_Temple [825] = Matilda Ribbesford [826]

group index
main index
home page

Anthony Temple [784] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Robert Harrison [937] = unknown
Robert Harrison [937] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Martha Harrison [936]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [935] = Martha Harrison [936]

group index
main index
home page

John Hammond [940] = unknown
John Hammond [940] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Hammond [939]
| wife of John Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [938] = Mary Hammond [939]

group index
main index
home page

Peter Osborne [946] = unknown
Peter Osborne [946] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Dorothy Osborne [945]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [941] = Dorothy Osborne [945]

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [947] = Mary de_Plessis [948]

group index
main index
home page

Sir Abraham Yarner [955] = unknown
Sir Abraham Yarner [955] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jane Yarner [954]
| wife of Sir John Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Temple Sir [942] = Jane Yarner [954]

group index
main index
home page

Abraham Houblon Esq. [959] = unknown
Abraham Houblon Esq. [959] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Houblon [958]
| wife of Henry Temple
| d.1735

group index
main index
home page

Henry Temple [956] = Anne Houblon [958]
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [956] = Isabella Gerard [961]

group index
main index
home page

Francis Gerard [962] = unknown
Francis Gerard [962] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Isabella Gerard [961]
| m.1738
| wife of Henry Temple
m. before 1738
wife of John Fryer

group index
main index
home page

John Bernard [967] = unknown
John Bernard [967] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jane Bernard [965]
| wife of Henry Temple

group index
main index
home page

Henry Temple [960] = Jane Bernard [965]
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [960] = ________ Lee [964]

group index
main index
home page

Francis Poole [969] = unknown
Francis Poole [969] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Frances Poole [968]
| m.1767
| wife of Henry Temple

group index
main index
home page

B. Mee [971] = unknown
B. Mee [971] --------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Mee [970]
| m.1783
| wife of Henry Temple

group index
main index
home page

Henry Temple [966] = Mary Mee [970]
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [966] = Frances Poole [968]

group index
main index
home page

________ ________ [980] = unknown
________ ________ [980] ---------
Viscount of Melbourne
unknown -------------------------
|-- Emily Melbourne [978]
| wife of Henry John Temple
| wife of Earl of Cowper

group index
main index
home page

Arthur Throgmorton [982] = unknown
Arthur Throgmorton [982] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Throgmorton [981]
| (Anna)
| wife of Peter Temple

group index
main index
home page

Peter Temple [820] = Anne Throgmorton [981]
father's other spousal relationships
Peter Temple [820] = Christian Leveson [987]

group index
main index
home page

________ Leveson [989] = unknown
________ Leveson [989] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Christian Leveson [987]
| wife of Peter Temple
|-- Richard Leveson [988]

group index
main index
home page

Peter Temple [820] = Christian Leveson [987]
father's other spousal relationships
Peter Temple [820] = Anne Throgmorton [981]

group index
main index
home page

Richard Temple [990] = Mary Knap [997]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Knap [998] = unknown
Thomas Knap [998] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Knap [997]
| wife of Richard Temple

group index
main index
home page

Richard Grenville [1010] = Eleanor Temple [1009]

group index
main index
home page

Timothy Tyrrell [1005] = unknown
Timothy Tyrrell [1005] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]
| b.ca.1614
| wife of Peter Temple
wife of Richard Grenville

group index
main index
home page

Peter Temple [796] = Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]
mother's other spousal relationships
Richard Grenville [1006] = Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]

group index
main index
home page

Richard Grenville [1006] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Grenville [1006] = Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]
mother's other spousal relationships
Eleanor Tyrrell [1004] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Purbeck Temple [798] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Edward Halsey [1014] = unknown
Edward Halsey [1014] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Halsey Anna [1013]
| wife of Richard Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [1007] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Temple [1011] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Peter Paxton [1020] = unknown
Peter Paxton [1020] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Paxton [1019]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [1015] = Elizabeth Paxton [1019]
father's other spousal relationships
William Temple [1015] = Elizabeth Ethersey [1025]

group index
main index
home page

William Dicken [1022] = Henrietta Temple [1021]
William Dicken [1022] -----------
Henrietta Temple [1021] ---------
wife of William Dicken
|-- John Dicken [1023]

group index
main index
home page

Hugh Ethersey [1026] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [1015] = Elizabeth Ethersey [1025]
father's other spousal relationships
William Temple [1015] = Elizabeth Paxton [1019]

group index
main index
home page

Peter Temple [1016] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Robert Temple [1017] = Mehitable Nelson [812]

group index
main index
home page

________ Whipple [1076] = unknown
________ Whipple [1076] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ Whipple [1038]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

Nathaniel Dowse [1039] = Margaret Temple [1036]
Nathaniel Dowse [1039] ----------
Margaret Temple [1036] ----------
wife of Nathaniel Dowse
|-- Edward Dowse [1040]
|-- Mary Dowse [1041]
| wife of Samuel Nicholson
|-- ________ Dowse [1042]
|-- ________ Dowse [1043]
|-- ________ Dowse [1044]
|-- ________ Dowse [1045]
|-- ________ Dowse [1046]

group index
main index
home page

Samuel Nicholson [1047] = Mary Dowse [1041]
Samuel Nicholson [1047] ---------
Mary Dowse [1041] ---------------
wife of Samuel Nicholson
|-- ________ Nicholson [1048]
|-- ________ Nicholson [1049]
|-- ________ Nicholson [1050]

group index
main index
home page

________ Shirley [1052] = unknown
________ Shirley [1052] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Harriet Shirley [1051]
| wife of Robert Temple

group index
main index
home page

Robert Temple [1029] = Harriet Shirley [1051]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Emmett [1220] = Elizabeth Mason [1223]
Robert Emmett [1220] ------------
Elizabeth Mason [1223] ----------
wife of Robert Emmett
|-- Christopher Temple Emmett
| [1056]
| b.5_Sep_1761
|-- William Emmett [1057]
| b.21_Apr_1762
| d. young
|-- Thomas Addis Emmett [1058]
| b.24_Apr_1764
|-- Catherine Emmett [1059]
| b.3_Jul_1766
|-- Joseph Mason Emmett [1060]
| b.15_Jun_1767
|-- Rebecca Harriet Emmett
| [1061]
| b.30_Jul_1768
|-- Anne Emmett [1062]
| b.26_Jul_1769
|-- Elizabeth Emmett [1063]
| b.8_Aug_1770
|-- Robert Emmett [1064]
| b.8_Sep_1771
| d. young
|-- John Emmett [1065]
| b.3_Sep_1772
|-- Mary Ann Emmett [1066]
| b.10_Oct_1773
| wife of Robert Holmes
|-- Robert Emmett [1067]
| b.4_Mar_1778
| d.1803, executed
| for high treason

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [1030] = Elizabeth Bowdoin [83032]

group index
main index
home page

Thomas Dickason [1074] = unknown
Thomas Dickason [1074] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Dickason [1073]
| m.26_Apr_1808
| wife of James B. Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [1033] = ________ Whipple [1038]
father's other spousal relationships
William Temple [1033] = Amy Fitch [1086]

group index
main index
home page

________ Seibels [1079] = Sarah Temple [1078]
________ Seibels [1079] ---------
Sarah Temple [1078] -------------
wife of ________ Seibels
|-- ________ Seibels [1080]
|-- ________ Seibels [1081]
|-- ________ Seibels [1082]
|-- ________ Seibels [1083]
|-- ________ Seibels [1084]

group index
main index
home page

________ Seibels [1080] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Eleazer Fitch [1087] = unknown
Eleazer Fitch [1087] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Amy Fitch [1086]
| wife of William Temple

group index
main index
home page

William Temple [1033] = Amy Fitch [1086]
father's other spousal relationships
William Temple [1033] = ________ Whipple [1038]

group index
main index
home page

George Watson [1092] = unknown
George Watson [1092] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Watson [1090]
| wife of Grenville Temple
| wife of Thomas Russell

group index
main index
home page

Grenville Temple [1069] = Elizabeth Watson [1090]
father's other spousal relationships
Grenville Temple [1069] = Maria Augusta Manners [1099]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Russell [1091] = Elizabeth Watson [1090]

group index
main index
home page

Frederick Manners [1101] = unknown
Frederick Manners [1101] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maria Augusta Manners [1099]
| m.9_Jun_1812
| wife of Grenville Temple
wife of Thomas Rumbold

group index
main index
home page

James B. Temple [1070] = Mary Dickason [1073]
James B. Temple [1070] ----------
Mary Dickason [1073] ------------
wife of James B. Temple
|-- James Temple Bowdoin [1102]
| b.17_Mar_1815
|-- Christine Temple Bowdoin
| [1103]
|-- Laura Temple Bowdoin [1104]

group index
main index
home page

Joseph Hawkins [1106] = unknown
Joseph Hawkins [1106] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Clara Hawkins [1105]
| m.Sep_1805
| wife of Robert Temple

group index
main index
home page

Robert Temple [1089] = Clara Hawkins [1105]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Temple [1089] = Charlotte Green [1115]

group index
main index
home page

Isaac Green [1116] = unknown
Isaac Green [1116] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Charlotte Green [1115]
| wife of Robert Temple

group index
main index
home page

Robert Temple [1089] = Charlotte Green [1115]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Temple [1089] = Clara Hawkins [1105]

group index
main index
home page

George Baring [1123] = unknown
George Baring [1123] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Baring [1122]
| m.5_May_1829
| wife of Grenville Temple

group index
main index
home page

Grenville Temple [1093] = Mary Baring [1122]
Grenville Temple [1093] ---------
Mary Baring [1122] --------------
wife of Grenville Temple
|-- Grenville Leofric Temple
| [1124]
| b.5_Feb_1830
|-- George Ernest A. Temple
| [1125]
| b.4_Jan_1832
| d. young
|-- Algar Bowdoin Temple [1126]
| b.25_May_1833
|-- Napoleon G. E. Temple [1127]
| (Greenville d'Evereux)
| b.2_Jul_1839
|-- George Grenville Temple
| [1128]
|-- Blanche Adeelah Temple
| [1129]
|-- Rosalie Milicent Temple
| [1130]
|-- Eleanor Temple [1131]

group index
main index
home page

John Marshall [1133] = unknown
John Marshall [1133] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jane Dorothea Marshall
| [1132]
| m.29_Jul_1828
wife of John Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Temple [1094] = Jane Dorothea Marshall
John Temple [1094] --------------
Jane Dorothea Marshall ----------
wife of John Temple
|-- Grenville Marshall Temple
| [1134]
|-- Edwin Frederick Temple
| [1135]
|-- Matilda Dorthea Temple
| [1136]
|-- Laura Cecilia Temple [1137]
|-- Gertrude Temple [1138]

group index
main index
home page

Robert Emmett Temple [1108] = Catherine M. James [1139]
Robert Emmett Temple [1108] -----
Catherine M. James [1139] -------
wife of Robert Emmett Temple
|-- William Temple [1140]
| b.Mar_1842
|-- Catherine Temple [1141]
| b.Aug_1843
|-- Mary Temple [1142]
| b.Dec_1845
|-- Clara Temple [1143]
| d. young
|-- Charlotte Temple [1144]
| d. young
|-- Grenville Temple [1145]
| d. young
|-- Ellen Temple [1146]
| b.Oct_1850
|-- Henrietta Temple [1147]
| b.Jun_1853

group index
main index
home page

________ Lowe [1149] = unknown
________ Lowe [1149] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margaret Lowe [1148]
| wife of Charles Temple

group index
main index
home page

Charles Temple [1118] = Margaret Lowe [1148]
Charles Temple [1118] -----------
Margaret Lowe [1148] ------------
wife of Charles Temple
|-- Edward Temple [1150]
|-- Arthur Temple [1151]
|-- Alice Temple [1152]
|-- Charlotte Temple [1153]
|-- Eloisa Temple [1154]

group index
main index
home page

________ Tutten [1156] = unknown
________ Tutten [1156] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Catalina Tutten [1155]
| m.10_Oct_1851
| wife of William G. Temple

group index
main index
home page

John Wentworth [1159] = unknown
John Wentworth [1159] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Wentworth [1158]
| wife of Temple Nelson

group index
main index
home page

Temple Nelson [810] = Mary Wentworth [1158]

group index
main index
home page

________ Woolsey [1171] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

Melancthon Tailer Woolsey = Rebecca Lloyd [772]

group index
main index
home page

Melancthon Lloyd Woolsey = Alida Livingston [1168]

group index
main index
home page

Leonard Vassall Borland = Sarah Lloyd [1189]

group index
main index
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William Walton Woolsey = unknown

group index
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home page

unknown = ________ Woolsey [1172]

group index
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home page

________ Winthrop [1175] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

________ Winthrop [1177] = unknown

group index
main index
home page

John Borland [1170] = Rebecca Nelson Woolsey

group index
main index
home page

James Lloyd [776] = Sarah Corwin [1187]

group index
main index
home page

John Lloyd [769] = Sarah Woolsey [1192]

group index
main index
home page

John Lloyd [1194] = Amelia White [1204]
John Lloyd [1194] ---------------
Amelia White [1204] -------------
wife of John Lloyd
|-- John Nelson Lloyd [1205]
|-- Angelina Lloyd [1206]
| wife of George W. Strong
|-- Mary Amelia Lloyd [1207]

group index
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home page

George W. Strong [1208] = Angelina Lloyd [1206]

group index
main index
home page

E. Hasket Derby [1211] = Eloise Lloyd Strong [1209]
E. Hasket Derby [1211] ----------
Eloise Lloyd Strong [1209] ------
wife of E. Hasket Derby
|-- Hasket Derby [1212]
|-- George Strong Derby [1213]
| d. young
|-- George Strong Derby [1214]
|-- Nelson Lloyd Derby [1215]
| d. young
|-- Richard Henry Derby [1216]
|-- Nelson Lloyd Derby [1217]
|-- Lucy Derby [1218]

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home page

Christopher Emmett [1024] = Rebecca Temple [1018]

group index
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home page

Thomas Emmett [1219] = Grace ________ [1221]
Thomas Emmett [1219] ------------
Grace ________ [1221] -----------
wife of Thomas Emmett
|-- Elizabeth Emmett [1222]
| b.10_Jan_1753
| d.28_Jun_1755

group index
main index
home page

James Mason [1224] = unknown
James Mason [1224] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Mason [1223]
| m.16_Nov_1760
| wife of Robert Emmett

group index
main index
home page

Christopher Temple Emmett = Anne Western Temple [1053]

group index
main index
home page

John Patten [1228] = Margaret Colville [1229]
John Patten [1228] --------------
Margaret Colville [1229] --------
wife of John Patten
|-- Jane Patten [1227]
| m.11_Jan_1791
| wife of Thomas Addis Emmett

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home page

Thomas Addis Emmett [1058] = Jane Patten [1227]

group index
main index
home page

William Lance [1243] = Mary Temple [1035]

group index
main index
home page

William Fitz [1248] = unknown
William Fitz [1248] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ Fitz [1247]
| wife of David Lance

group index
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home page

Gawin Elliott [1250] = unknown
Gawin Elliott [1250] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ Elliott [1249]
| wife of William Lance

group index
main index
home page

Thomas L. Winthrop [1176] = Elizabeth B. Temple [1071]
Thomas L. Winthrop [1176] -------
Elizabeth B. Temple [1071] ------
wife of Thomas L. Winthrop
|-- Elizabeth B. T. Winthrop
| (Bowdoin Temple) [1252]
| b.16_May_1787
| wife of ________ Tappan
|-- Sarah Bowdoin Winthrop
| [1253]
| b.3_Jun_1788
| wife of George Sullivan
|-- Thomas Lindall Winthrop
| [1254]
| b.23_Jul_1789
| d.12_Jan_1812, s.p.
|-- Augusta Temple Winthrop
| [1255]
| b.3_Nov_1791
| d.18_Sep_1792
|-- Augusta Temple Winthrop
| [1256]
| b.23_Apr_1793
| wife of John Smyth Rogers
| d.7_Dec_1828
|-- James Bowdoin Winthrop
| [1257]
| b.23_Jul_1794
| d.Mar_1833, d.s.p.
|-- John Temple Winthrop [1258]
| b.14_May_1796
| d.5_May_1843 d.s.p.
|-- Francis William Winthrop
| [1259]
| b.1_Dec_1797
| d.23_Jun_1798
|-- Francis William Winthrop
| [1260]
| b.31_May_1799
| d.7_Mar_1819, d.s.p.
|-- Jane Winthrop [1261]
| b.15_Mar_1801
| d.22_Feb_1819, d.s.p.
|-- Anne Winthrop [1262]
| b.14_Apr_1803
| wife of J. C. Warren
| d.16_Dec_1850, d.s.p.
|-- George Edward Winthrop
| [1263]
| b.15_Jun_1805
|-- Grenville Temple Winthrop
| [1264]
| b.23_Mar_1807
| d.14_Sep_1852
|-- Robert Charles Winthrop
| [1265]
| b.12_May_1809

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________ Tappan [1266] = Elizabeth B. T. Winthrop
________ Tappan [1266] ----------
Elizabeth B. T. Winthrop --------
(Bowdoin Temple) [1252]
wife of ________ Tappan
|-- ________ Tappan [1267]
|-- ________ Tappan [1268]
|-- ________ Tappan [1269]
|-- ________ Tappan [1270]
|-- ________ Tappan [1271]
|-- ________ Tappan [1272]

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John Smyth Rogers [1274] = Augusta Temple Winthrop
John Smyth Rogers [1274] --------
Augusta Temple Winthrop ---------
wife of John Smyth Rogers
|-- ________ Rogers [1275]
|-- ________ Rogers [1276]

group index
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home page

John Heard [1281] = unknown
John Heard [1281] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Frances Maria Heard [1278]
| wife of Grenville T. Winthrop

group index
main index
home page

Francis Blanchard [1285] = unknown
Francis Blanchard [1285] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Eliza Cabot Blanchard [1279]
| m.12_Mar_1832
| wife of Robert C. Winthrop

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main index
home page

John Derby [1289] = unknown
John Derby [1289] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Laura Derby [1280]
| m.6_Nov_1849
| wife of Robert C. Winthrop
m. before 1849
wife of Arnold F. Welles

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main index
home page

Grenville Temple Winthrop = Frances Maria Heard [1278]
Grenville Temple Winthrop -------
Frances Maria Heard [1278] ------
wife of Grenville T. Winthrop
|-- Thomas L. T. Winthrop [1282]
| (Lindall Temple)
| b.16_Aug_1834
|-- Elizabeth Temple Winthrop
| [1283]
|-- Susan Heard Winthrop [1284]

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Robert Charles Winthrop = Eliza Cabot Blanchard [1279]
Robert Charles Winthrop ---------
Eliza Cabot Blanchard [1279] ----
wife of Robert C. Winthrop
|-- Robert Charles Winthrop
| [1286]
| b.7_Dec_1834
|-- Eliza Cabot Winthrop [1287]
|-- John Winthrop [1288]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Charles Winthrop = Laura Derby [1280]

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William L. Palmer [1075] = Augusta Temple [1072]
William L. Palmer [1075] --------
Augusta Temple [1072] -----------
wife of William L. Palmer
|-- John T. Palmer [1291]
| d. d.s.p.
|-- Charles C. Palmer [1292]
|-- Frederick T. Palmer [1293]
|-- William B. Palmer [1294]
|-- Anne E. Palmer [1295]
| b.1802
| d.14_Jun_1808
|-- Augusta T. Palmer [1296]
| wife of Rufus Prime
|-- Elizabeth Palmer [1297]

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________ Gwathmey [903] = Hannah Temple [897]
________ Gwathmey [903] ---------
Hannah Temple [897] -------------
wife of ________ Gwathmey

group index
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home page

________ Elliott [904] = Mary Temple [898]
________ Elliott [904] ----------
Mary Temple [898] ---------------
wife of ________ Elliott

group index
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home page

________ Elliott [905] = Martha Temple [899]
________ Elliott [905] ----------
Martha Temple [899] -------------
wife of ________ Elliott

group index
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home page

________ Fleete [906] = Nancy Temple [900]
________ Fleete [906] -----------
Nancy Temple [900] --------------
wife of ________ Fleete

group index
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home page

Joseph Temple [920] = Margaret Flint [912]
Joseph Temple [920] -------------
b.1606, Temple Hall
Margaret Flint [912] ------------
d. before 1656, The Would,
in Matlock parish, Derbyshire
wife of Joseph Temple
wife of Robert Hall
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Temple [920] = unknown
Joseph Temple [920] = Benjamin Temple [910]
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Hall [914] = Margaret Flint [912]

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home page

Robert Hall [914] = Margaret Flint [912]
Robert Hall [914] ---------------
Margaret Flint [912] ------------
d. before 1656, The Would,
in Matlock parish, Derbyshire
wife of Joseph Temple
wife of Robert Hall
mother's other spousal relationships
Joseph Temple [920] = Margaret Flint [912]

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home page

John Temple [957] = Elizabeth Temple [949]

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home page

Nicholas Bacon [951] = Dorothy Temple [950]

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home page

Henry Temple [943] = ________ Chambers [952]
Henry Temple [943] --------------
________ Chambers [952] ---------
wife of Henry Temple

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Thomas Gifford [953] = Martha Temple [944]
Thomas Gifford [953] ------------
Martha Temple [944] -------------
wife of Thomas Gifford

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home page

Henry Temple [956] = Isabella Gerard [961]
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [956] = Anne Houblon [958]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Fryer [963] = Isabella Gerard [961]

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home page

John Fryer [963] = Isabella Gerard [961]
John Fryer [963] ----------------
Isabella Gerard [961] -----------
wife of Henry Temple
m. before 1738
wife of John Fryer
mother's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [956] = Isabella Gerard [961]

group index
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home page

Henry Temple [960] = ________ Lee [964]
Henry Temple [960] --------------
________ Lee [964] --------------
wife of Henry Temple
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [960] = Jane Bernard [965]

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Henry Temple [966] = Frances Poole [968]
father's other spousal relationships
Henry Temple [966] = Mary Mee [970]

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________ Bowles [976] = Frances Temple [974]

group index
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home page

Lawrence Sullivan [977] = Elizabeth Temple [975]

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home page

Henry John Temple [972] = Emily Melbourne [978]
mother's other spousal relationships
Earl of Cowper [979] = Emily Melbourne [978]

group index
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home page

Earl of Cowper [979] = Emily Melbourne [978]
Earl of Cowper [979] ------------
Emily Melbourne [978] -----------
wife of Henry John Temple
wife of Earl of Cowper
mother's other spousal relationships
Henry John Temple [972] = Emily Melbourne [978]

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home page

Thomas Roper [985] = Anne Temple [983]
Thomas Roper [985] --------------
Anne Temple [983] ---------------
wife of Thomas Roper

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home page

Weston Ridgway [986] = Martha Temple [984]
Weston Ridgway [986] ------------
Martha Temple [984] -------------
wife of Weston Ridgway

group index
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home page

Edward Pascal [996] = Hester Temple [801]
Edward Pascal [996] -------------
Hester Temple [801] -------------
wife of Edward Pascal

group index
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home page

Richard Grenville [999] = Hester Temple [991]

group index
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home page

Thomas Lyttleton [1000] = Christian Temple [992]

group index
main index
home page

________ West [1001] = Maria Temple [994]
________ West [1001] ------------
Maria Temple [994] --------------
wife of ________ West
wife of John Langham
mother's other spousal relationships
John Langham [1002] = Maria Temple [994]

group index
main index
home page

John Langham [1002] = Maria Temple [994]
John Langham [1002] -------------
Maria Temple [994] --------------
wife of ________ West
wife of John Langham
mother's other spousal relationships
________ West [1001] = Maria Temple [994]

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home page

Moses Beranger [1003] = Penelope Temple [995]

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Richard Grenville [1006] = Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Grenville [1006] = unknown
Richard Grenville [1006] = Richard Grenville [1010]
mother's other spousal relationships
Peter Temple [796] = Eleanor Tyrrell [1004]

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Richard Temple [993] = Anne Halsey Anna [1013]

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Richard Temple [1028] = Anne Sophia Temple [1027]

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Hans Blackwood [1068] = Mehitable Temple [1054]

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Thomas Russell [1091] = Elizabeth Watson [1090]
Thomas Russell [1091] -----------
Elizabeth Watson [1090] ---------
wife of Grenville Temple
wife of Thomas Russell
mother's other spousal relationships
Grenville Temple [1069] = Elizabeth Watson [1090]

group index
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home page

________ Byam [1098] = Elizabeth Augusta Temple

group index
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Grenville Temple [1069] = Maria Augusta Manners [1099]
father's other spousal relationships
Grenville Temple [1069] = Elizabeth Watson [1090]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Rumbold [1100] = Maria Augusta Manners [1099]

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Thomas Rumbold [1100] = Maria Augusta Manners [1099]
mother's other spousal relationships
Grenville Temple [1069] = Maria Augusta Manners [1099]

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home page

Henry Chapman [1111] = Clara Temple [1107]
Henry Chapman [1111] ------------
Clara Temple [1107] -------------
wife of Henry Chapman

group index
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home page

Edmund Tweedy [1112] = Mary Temple [1109]
Edmund Tweedy [1112] ------------
Mary Temple [1109] --------------
wife of Edmund Tweedy

group index
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home page

Robert Sweeney [1113] = Charlotte Temple [1110]
Robert Sweeney [1113] -----------
Charlotte Temple [1110] ---------
wife of Robert Sweeney
wife of John Rose
mother's other spousal relationships
John Rose [1114] = Charlotte Temple [1110]

group index
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home page

John Rose [1114] = Charlotte Temple [1110]
John Rose [1114] ----------------
Charlotte Temple [1110] ---------
wife of Robert Sweeney
wife of John Rose
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Sweeney [1113] = Charlotte Temple [1110]

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home page

William Grenville Temple = Catalina Tutten [1155]

group index
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home page

________ Hubbard [1157] = Elizabeth Temple [813]

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home page

Henry Lloyd [768] = ________ Hutchinson [1161]
Henry Lloyd [768] ---------------
d. England
________ Hutchinson [1161] ------
wife of Henry Lloyd

group index
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home page

Francis Bayard Winthrop = ________ ________ [1173]

group index
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Henry A. Coit [1183] = Sarah Lloyd Borland [1178]

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M. Woolsey Borland [1180] = Julia Gibson [1184]

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home page

John Nelson Borland [1181] = Madeline Gibson [1185]

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home page

________ Fitch [1186] = Elizabeth Lloyd [773]
________ Fitch [1186] -----------
Elizabeth Lloyd [773] -----------
m. England
wife of ________ Fitch

group index
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home page

James Lloyd [1190] = Hannah Breck [1188]
James Lloyd [1190] --------------
Hannah Breck [1188] -------------
wife of James Lloyd
d.1846, s.p.

group index
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home page

John Broome [1201] = Rebecca Lloyd [1195]

group index
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home page

James Cogswell [1202] = Abigail Lloyd [1197]

group index
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home page

Robert Holmes [1226] = Mary Ann Emmett [1066]
Robert Holmes [1226] ------------
Mary Ann Emmett [1066] ----------
wife of Robert Holmes

group index
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home page

William H. Leroy [1240] = Elizabeth Emmett [1232]

group index
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home page

Bache McEvers [1241] = Jane Erin Emmett [1236]

group index
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home page

Edward B. Graves [1242] = Mary Ann Emmett [1238]

group index
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home page

David Lance [1244] = ________ Fitz [1247]

group index
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home page

William Lance [1245] = ________ Elliott [1249]

group index
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home page

John Paton [1251] = Mary Lance [1246]
John Paton [1251] ---------------
Mary Lance [1246] ---------------
wife of John Paton

group index
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home page

George Sullivan [1273] = Sarah Bowdoin Winthrop
George Sullivan [1273] ----------
Sarah Bowdoin Winthrop ----------
wife of George Sullivan

group index
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home page

J. C. Warren [1277] = Anne Winthrop [1262]
J. C. Warren [1277] -------------
Anne Winthrop [1262] ------------
wife of J. C. Warren
d.16_Dec_1850, d.s.p.

group index
main index
home page

Robert Charles Winthrop = Laura Derby [1280]
father's other spousal relationships
Robert Charles Winthrop = Eliza Cabot Blanchard [1279]
mother's other spousal relationships
Arnold F. Welles [1290] = Laura Derby [1280]

group index
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home page

Arnold F. Welles [1290] = Laura Derby [1280]
Arnold F. Welles [1290] ---------
Laura Derby [1280] --------------
wife of Robert C. Winthrop
m. before 1849
wife of Arnold F. Welles
mother's other spousal relationships
Robert Charles Winthrop = Laura Derby [1280]

group index
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home page

Rufus Prime [1298] = Augusta T. Palmer [1296]

group index
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home page

Claes C. van_Schouwen [1369] = Margaret van_der_Goes [1303]
Claes C. van_Schouwen [1369] ----
b.3_Apr_1597, Boda, Sweden
d.ca.1674, NY
Margaret van_der_Goes [1303] ----
b.1601, Middleburg,
m.9_Nov_1623 Netherlands
wife of Claes Cornelissen
d.2_Aug_1631, Zierikzee,
|-- Peter Claesen Wyckoff [1299]
| b.6_Jan_1625, Boda, Oland
| Island, Netherlands

group index
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home page

Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness = Maycke H. van_der_Burchgraeff
Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness -----
b.1599/00, Nes, Island of
Ameland, Netherlands
d.1681, Fairfield, NY
Maycke H. van_der_Burchgraeff ---
(Hendrieux) [1313]
b.1602, Lavereld, Netherlands
m.31_Jul_1625, Harvendijk,
wife of Cornelius Hendrick
|-- Grietje Cornelis van_Ness
| [1300]
| b.1627, Emberland, Netherlands
| d. between 1699 & 1703,
| Flatlands, Long Island, NY
| m. between 1645 & 1649,
| Renssaler, NY
wife of Peter C. Wyckoff
m.1643, Bergen NJ
wife of Roelof Cornelissen
father's other spousal relationships
Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness = Maritie Damen [1316]

group index
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home page

Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness = Garritje ________ [1318]
Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness ------
b.1580, Emberland, Netherlands
Garritje ________ [1318] --------
b.1580, Netherlands
m.ca.1600, Netherlands
wife of Hendrick G. van_Ness
|-- Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness
| [1301]
| b.1599/00, Nes, Island of
| Ameland, Netherlands
| d.1681, Fairfield, NY
father's other spousal relationships
Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness = Ammele Wessels [1326]

group index
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home page

Martin van der Goes [1312] = Margaretha Tijsen [1304]
Martin van der Goes [1312] ------
b.1573, Island of Oland,
Margaretha Tijsen [1304] --------
m.2_Sep_1594, Amsterdam,
wife of Martin van der Goes
|-- Margaret van_der_Goes [1303]
| b.1601, Middleburg,
| Netherlands
| m.9_Nov_1623 Netherlands
| wife of Claes Cornelissen
d.2_Aug_1631, Zierikzee,

group index
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home page

Peter Eriksson [1321] = Matilda van_Houden [1325]
Peter Eriksson [1321] -----------
b.11_Sep_1527, Borgholm,
Matilda van_Houden [1325] -------
b.ca.1531, Karlskrona,
m.4_Nov_1558, Karlskrona,
wife of Peter Eriksson
|-- Cornelius Peterson [1305]
| b.1560, Borgholm, Sweden
| d.1599
|-- Sarah Peterson [1306]
|-- Maria Peterson [1307]
|-- Peter Peterson [1308]
|-- Claes Peterson [1309]
|-- Jacob Peterson [1310]

group index
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Jacobus van_der_Goes [1319] = Matilda Balbani [1320]

group index
main index
home page

H. A. van_der_Burchgraeff = Anetje Janse [1315]
H. A. van_der_Burchgraeff -------
(Hendrick) [1314]
Anetje Janse [1315] -------------
b.1577, Laeckervelt,
m.1602, Lavereld, Netherlands
wife of Hendrick A.
d. after 1635, Scherpenwyck,
|-- Maycke H. van_der_Burchgraeff
| (Hendrieux) [1313]
| b.1602, Lavereld, Netherlands
| m.31_Jul_1625, Harvendijk,
| Holland
wife of Cornelius Hendrick

group index
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home page

Adrian van_der_Burchgraeff = unknown

group index
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home page

Gerrit van_Ness [1327] = unknown
Gerrit van_Ness [1327] ----------
b.1540, Netherlands
unknown -------------------------
|-- Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness
| [1317]
| b.1580, Emberland, Netherlands

group index
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Adrian van_der_Goes [1334] = Anne van_Spangen [1335]

group index
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home page

Jean Balbani [1333] = unknown
Jean Balbani [1333] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Matilda Balbani [1320]
| m.14_Aug_1558
| wife of Jacobus van der Goes

group index
main index
home page

Erik Erikson [1330] = Anne Olafsdotter [1332]
Erik Erikson [1330] -------------
b.1490, Borgholm, Sweden
Anne Olafsdotter [1332] ---------
wife of Erik Erikson
|-- Peter Eriksson [1321]
| b.11_Sep_1527, Borgholm,
| Sweden
| d.2_Aug_1590
|-- Olaf Erikson [1322]
|-- Nils Erikson [1323]
|-- Hans Erikson [1324]

group index
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home page

Cornelius van_Houden [1329] = unknown
Cornelius van_Houden [1329] -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Matilda van_Houden [1325]
| b.ca.1531, Karlskrona,
| Sweden
| m.4_Nov_1558, Karlskrona,
wife of Peter Eriksson

group index
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A. A. van_der_Burchgraeff = unknown

group index
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home page

Erik Knutson [1336] = Cajsa Brita Gregorsdotter

group index
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home page

Aert van_der_Goes [1341] = Margaret van_Brincken [1342]

group index
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home page

Knut Simonson [1344] = Barbro Knus [1345]

group index
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home page

Gregor Mattson [1366] = unknown
Gregor Mattson [1366] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Cajsa Brita Gregorsdotter
| [1340]
| wife of Erik Knutson

group index
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home page

Peter van_der_Goes [1346] = ________ Aertsdotter [1347]

group index
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home page

Adriaen Burchgrave [1348] = unknown
Adriaen Burchgrave [1348] -------
unknown -------------------------
|-- A. A. van_der_Burchgraeff
| (Arnold Adrianensz) [1343]
| b. Herto, Netherlands
d. Hansoen, Netherlands

group index
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home page

Simon Kristoferson Strale = Elin Ivarsdotter [1350]

group index
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Hendrick van_der_Goes [1351] = Margaretha van_Rossum [1352]
Hendrick van_der_Goes [1351] ----
d.1460, Netherlands
Margaretha van_Rossum [1352] ----
wife of Hendrick van der Goes
|-- Peter van_der_Goes [1346]
| d. after 1479

group index
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Ivar Knutson Bla [1353] = Elin Larsdotter [1354]

group index
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Knut Jonson Bla [1355] = Katrina Bengtsdotter [1356]

group index
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John Jonson Bla [1357] = Ingeborg Knutson [1358]

group index
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Svantepolk Knutson [1359] = Bengta Folkunge [1360]

group index
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Knut Valdemarson [1361] = Hedvig ________ [1362]

group index
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Valdemar II ________ [1363] = Margarete ________ [1364]

group index
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Knut ________ [1365] = Ingebourg ________ [728]

group index
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Cornelius Peterson [1305] = Johanna van_der_Goes [1311]
Cornelius Peterson [1305] -------
b.1560, Borgholm, Sweden
Johanna van_der_Goes [1311] -----
b.1564, Netherlands
m.12_May_1593, Kalmar, Sweden
wife of Cornelius Peterson
|-- Jacob Cornelissen [1367]
| b.9_Mar_1594, Boda, Sweden
|-- Cornelia ________ [1368]
| b.10_Feb_1595, Boda, Sweden
|-- Claes C. van_Schouwen [1369]
| (Cornelissen)
| b.3_Apr_1597, Boda, Sweden
| d.ca.1674, NY
|-- Peter Corneliszen [1370]
| b.20_Dec_1598, Borgholm,
| Sweden

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Peter Claesen Wyckoff [1299] = Grietje Cornelis van_Ness
Peter Claesen Wyckoff [1299] ----
b.6_Jan_1625, Boda, Oland
Island, Netherlands
Grietje Cornelis van_Ness -------
b.1627, Emberland, Netherlands
d. between 1699 & 1703,
Flatlands, Long Island, NY
m. between 1645 & 1649,
Renssaler, NY
wife of Peter C. Wyckoff
m.1643, Bergen NJ
wife of Roelof Cornelissen
|-- Nicholas Wyckoff [1371]
| b.1646
|-- Mayken Wyckoff [1372]
|-- Margarietje Wyckoff [1373]
| b.1648
|-- Annetje Wyckoff [1374]
| b.1_Nov_1650,
| New Amsterdam, NY
| m.ca.1675
| wife of Roelof M. Schenck
| d.9_Nov_1688
|-- Cornelius Wyckoff [1375]
| b.1656
| d.1746
|-- Hendrick Wyckoff [1376]
| b.1658
| d.6_Dec_1744, Flatlands
|-- Geertje Wyckoff [1377]
| b.1660
|-- Gerret Wyckoff [1378]
| b.1662
|-- Marten Wyckoff [1379]
| b.1663
| d.1707
|-- Jan Wyckoff [1380]
| b.1665
mother's other spousal relationships
Roelof Cornelissen Van_Houten = Grietje Cornelis van_Ness

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Symond Jansen Van_Arsdalen = unknown
Symond Jansen Van_Arsdalen ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- M. Gertie Van_A. Charity
| (Van_Arsdalen) [1381]
| m.12_Oct_1678
| wife of Cornelius Wyckoff

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Cornelius Wyckoff [1375] = M. Gertie Van_A. Charity

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Simon Wyckoff [1383] = Gertie Van_Dervliet [1384]

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John Wyckoff [1385] = Gitty Vliet [1386]

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Simon Wyckoff [1387] = Mary Farley [1388]

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Jacob Wyckoff [1389] = Mary Kitchen [1390]

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Simon Wyckoff [1391] = Caroline Miller [1392]

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James Jordan [1394] = Edna Wyckoff [1393]
James Jordan [1394] -------------
Edna Wyckoff [1393] -------------
wife of James Jordan
|-- Mary Jordan [1395]
| b.17_Jan_1874, Oronogo, MO
| d. Fort Smith, Arkansas
wife of John W. Richardson

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John Wesley Richardson = Mary Jordan [1395]
John Wesley Richardson ----------
d. Fort Smith, Arkansas
Mary Jordan [1395] --------------
b.17_Jan_1874, Oronogo, MO
d. Fort Smith, Arkansas
wife of John W. Richardson
|-- Nellie M. Richardson [1397]
| b.29_Oct_1898, Webb City, MO
| m.29_Aug_1916
| wife of Howard James Watson
| d.29_Dec_1962

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John J. Watson [1400] = Elizabeth Hanson [1401]
John J. Watson [1400] -----------
b.4_Feb_1837, Indiana
d.26_May_1900, Oronogo, MO
Elizabeth Hanson [1401] ---------
b.13_Aug_1838, Shelby Co., IL
wife of John J. Watson
d.25_May_1900, Oronogo, MO
|-- Willis Marion Watson [1398]
| b.16_Oct_1867, Mitchel Co.
| d.22_Nov_1936, Oronogo, MO

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Hiram Hand [1417] = Martha Durham [1418]

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Willis Watson [1402] = Phoebe Franks [1403]
Willis Watson [1402] ------------
Phoebe Franks [1403] ------------
wife of Willis Watson
|-- John J. Watson [1400]
| b.4_Feb_1837, Indiana
| d.26_May_1900, Oronogo, MO

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James Hanson [1404] = Mary May [1405]
James Hanson [1404] -------------
b.15_Jan_1815, Etsel Co., KY
d.14_Apr_1898, Tower Hill, IL
Mary May [1405] -----------------
b.11_Jun_1814, Floyd Co., KY
wife of James Hanson
d.12_Mar_1868, Tower Hill, IL
|-- Elizabeth Hanson [1401]
| b.13_Aug_1838, Shelby Co., IL
| m.6_May_1859
| wife of John J. Watson
| d.25_May_1900, Oronogo, MO

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Conrad Hanson [1406] = Catherine Shultz [1408]
Conrad Hanson [1406] ------------
b. North Carolina
d.1853, Shelby Co., IL
Catherine Shultz [1408] ---------
b.5_Feb_1794, Clayburn Co., TN
wife of Conrad Hanson
d.16_Jan_1883, Severy, KS
|-- James Hanson [1404]
| b.15_Jan_1815, Etsel Co., KY
| d.14_Apr_1898, Tower Hill, IL

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John May [1411] = Elizabeth Hanson [1407]
John May [1411] -----------------
b.28_Apr_1780, VA or NC
d.24_Nov_1849, Illinois
Elizabeth Hanson [1407] ---------
b.ca.1792, North Carolina
wife of John May
d.ca.1831, Shelbyville, IL
|-- Mary May [1405]
| b.11_Jun_1814, Floyd Co., KY
| m.4_Feb_1836
| wife of James Hanson
| d.12_Mar_1868, Tower Hill, IL

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John Hanson [1409] = Mary Magdalena Wails [1410]
John Hanson [1409] --------------
b.1760, Greenbrier Co., VA
d.1818, Monroe Co., IN
Mary Magdalena Wails [1410] -----
b.1_Jul_1765, Virginia
wife of John Hanson
d.7_Mar_1845, Tower Hill, IL
|-- Conrad Hanson [1406]
| b. North Carolina
| d.1853, Shelby Co., IL
|-- Elizabeth Hanson [1407]
| b.ca.1792, North Carolina
wife of John May
d.ca.1831, Shelbyville, IL

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Jacob Shultz [1415] = Mary ________ [1416]
Jacob Shultz [1415] -------------
Mary ________ [1416] ------------
wife of Jacob Shultz
|-- Catherine Shultz [1408]
| b.5_Feb_1794, Clayburn Co., TN
| m.ca.1815
wife of Conrad Hanson
d.16_Jan_1883, Severy, KS

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John May [1412] = Sarah Jane Phillips [1413]
John May [1412] -----------------
b.1742, VA
d.1810, Floyd Co., KY
Sarah Jane Phillips [1413] ------
b. Virginia
d. Floyd Co., Kentucky
wife of John May
|-- John May [1411]
| b.28_Apr_1780, VA or NC
| d.24_Nov_1849, Illinois

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unknown = ________ Pollard [1414]
unknown -------------------------
________ Pollard [1414] ---------
|-- Sarah Jane Phillips [1413]
| b. Virginia
| d. Floyd Co., Kentucky
wife of John May

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Hiram Hand [1419] = Luther Benngham [1420]
Hiram Hand [1419] ---------------
Luther Benngham [1420] ----------
wife of Hiram Hand
|-- Hiram Hand [1417]
| b.5_Apr_1820
| d.28_Jan_1905, Daviess Co., IN

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Bill Durham [1421] = unknown

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unknown = ________ Rinardson [1422]
unknown -------------------------
________ Rinardson [1422] -------
|-- Bill Durham [1421]

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Willis Marion Watson [1398] = Joan Elizabeth Hand [1399]
Willis Marion Watson [1398] -----
b.16_Oct_1867, Mitchel Co.
d.22_Nov_1936, Oronogo, MO
Joan Elizabeth Hand [1399] ------
wife of Willis Marion Watson
d.22_Jan_1943, Oronogo, MO
|-- Bessie June Watson [1423]
| b.2_Dec_1886
|-- Howard James Watson [1424]
| b.24_Jun_1891, Oronogo, MO
| d.27_Sep_1957
|-- Harmon Watson [1425]
| b.9_Aug_1893
|-- Lillie Agnes Watson [1426]
| b.27_Mar_1896
|-- Treva LaFern Watson [1427]
| b.5_Apr_1900
| d.19_Sep_1925
|-- Alfred Watson [1428]
| b.15_Sep_1903
|-- Ishmael Watson [1429]
| b.8_Nov_1906
|-- Jack Watson [1430]
| b.29_Apr_1909
|-- Ralph Watson [1431]
| b.1_Dec_1912
| d.ca.Aug_1929

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Howard James Watson [1424] = Nellie M. Richardson [1397]

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Charles M. Blevins [1435] = Margaret L. Walk [1436]

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Othelo Locke [1444] = Nancy Taylor Franklin [1445]
Othelo Locke [1444] -------------
b.8_Oct_1855/56, Hart Co., KY
d.5_Feb_1935, Cherryvale, KS
Nancy Taylor Franklin [1445] ----
b.31_Oct_1859, Kentucky
m.4_Oct_1879, Tennessee
wife of Othelo Locke
|-- Cynthia Isabelle Locke
| [1434]
| b.7_Oct_1888, Hummansville, MO
| m.20_Mar_1905, Cherryvale, KS
| wife of Claude C. Blevins

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Willouby Blevins [1437] = Kate Pierson [1438]
Willouby Blevins [1437] ---------
Kate Pierson [1438] -------------
wife of Willouby Blevins
|-- Charles M. Blevins [1435]
| b.12_Jan_1858, Hardinsburg, IN
| d.1_Sep_1935

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Jacob Walk [1439] = Juliann Sonner [1440]

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Abe Walk [1441] = unknown
Abe Walk [1441] -----------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jacob Walk [1439]

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Isaac Sonner [1442] = Mary Lopp [1443]
Isaac Sonner [1442] -------------
Mary Lopp [1443] ----------------
wife of Isaac Sonner
|-- Juliann Sonner [1440]
| wife of Jacob Walk

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William Locke [1446] = Susan Ford [1447]

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George Henry Franklin [1453] = Mary Bailey [1454]

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William Locke [1448] = ________ Harper [1449]
William Locke [1448] ------------
________ Harper [1449] ----------
wife of William Locke
|-- William Locke [1446]
| d.1858

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Peter Ford [1450] = Susan Edwards Suckie [1451]

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unknown = ________ Knoblet [1452]

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Jeramiah Franklin [1455] = Lucy Rowland Murphy [1456]

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William Bailey [1460] = Nancy Spencer [1461]
William Bailey [1460] -----------
Nancy Spencer [1461] ------------
wife of William Bailey
|-- Mary Bailey [1454]
| b.11_Feb_1837
| m.2_Mar_1854
wife of George Henry Franklin

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Lewis Franklin [1457] = unknown

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Clem Murphy [1458] = Lucy Rowland [1459]
Clem Murphy [1458] --------------
Lucy Rowland [1459] -------------
wife of Clem Murphy
|-- Lucy Rowland Murphy [1456]
| m.1825
| wife of Jeramiah Franklin

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Samuel Spencer [1462] = Susan Bagby [1463]
Samuel Spencer [1462] -----------
Susan Bagby [1463] --------------
wife of Samuel Spencer
|-- Nancy Spencer [1461]
| b.29_Oct_1802
| wife of William Bailey

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Claude C. Blevins [1433] = Cynthia Isabelle Locke
Claude C. Blevins [1433] --------
b.23_Mar_1881, Hardisburg, IN
Cynthia Isabelle Locke ----------
b.7_Oct_1888, Hummansville, MO
m.20_Mar_1905, Cherryvale, KS
wife of Claude C. Blevins
|-- Locke Blevins [1464]
| b.26_Mar_1906
|-- Craig M. Blevins [1465]
| b.10_Jan_1910
|-- Herbert Franklin Blevins
| [1466]
| b.27_Jul_1913
|-- Joe Walk Blevins [1467]
| b.23_Dec_1917, Cherryvale, KS

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Joe Walk Blevins [1467] = Ruth A. Watson [1432]

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Charles Cecil Kast [1474] = Virginia Rose Silva [1476]
Charles Cecil Kast [1474] -------
b.22_Jun_1915, Hansen, Idaho
d.1_Mar_1995, Boise, Idaho
Virginia Rose Silva [1476] ------
b.2_Dec_1918, Sparks
wife of Charles Cecil Kast
|-- Christine Adel Kast [1469]
| b.18_Jan_1940, Marysville, CA
| m.Dec_1961, Sacremento, CA
| wife of James Watson Blevins
|-- Sharon Kast [1470]
|-- Charles Michael Kast [1471]
|-- Mari Kast [1472]
|-- James E. Kast [1473]

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Herman J. Kast [1480] = Loentine L. Yelek [1481]

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Edward Manuel Silva [1498] = Marion Violet Emery [1511]
Edward Manuel Silva [1498] ------
b.28_Mar_1896, Nevada City
Marion Violet Emery [1511] ------
b.5_Sep_1897, Smartsville
m.4_May_1918, Browns Valley
wife of Edward Manuel Silva
|-- Virginia Rose Silva [1476]
| b.2_Dec_1918, Sparks
| wife of Charles Cecil Kast
|-- Catherine Silva Katherine
| [1477]
| b.30_Jul_1920, Sparks, NV
|-- Elvira Silva [1478]
| b.9_Jul_1923, Browns Valley
|-- Edward Silva [1479]
| b.20_Dec_1930, Marysville, CA

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Jacob Kast [1482] = Carolina Schroth [1483]
Jacob Kast [1482] ---------------
Carolina Schroth [1483] ---------
wife of Jacob Kast
|-- Herman J. Kast [1480]
| b.14_May_1886

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Joseph Yelek [1484] = Mary Magdelene Jedeecheck

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Jan Jilek [1486] = Dorote Vicha [1487]

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Vaclav Havlicek [1492] = Anne Tobek Anna [1493]

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Josef Jilek [1488] = Anne ________ Anna [1489]
Josef Jilek [1488] --------------
Anne ________ Anna [1489] -------
wife of Josef Jilek
|-- Jan Jilek [1486]

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Jan Vicha [1490] = Keterina Pich [1491]
Jan Vicha [1490] ----------------
Keterina Pich [1491] ------------
wife of_Jan_Vicha
|-- Dorote Vicha [1487]
| wife of_Jan_Jilek

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Frantisek Havlicek [1494] = Veronike Rehor [1495]
Frantisek Havlicek [1494] -------
Veronike Rehor [1495] -----------
wife of Frantisek Havlicek
|-- Vaclav Havlicek [1492]

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Jan Tobek [1496] = ________ Kopeky [1497]
Jan Tobek [1496] ----------------
________ Kopeky [1497] ----------
wife of_Jan_Tobek
|-- Anne Tobek Anna [1493]
| wife of Vaclav Havlicek

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Manuel Edward Silva [1499] = Rose Sylva [1500]
Manuel Edward Silva [1499] ------
b. Washington, CA
Rose Sylva [1500] ---------------
b.1872, Rough-n-Ready
wife of Manuel Edward Silva
|-- Edward Manuel Silva [1498]
| b.28_Mar_1896, Nevada City

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________ Emery [1507] = unknown
________ Emery [1507] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joseph Emery [1501]
|-- George Emery [1502]

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John Rose [1508] = V. Daughtery [1509]
John Rose [1508] ----------------
V. Daughtery [1509] -------------
wife of John Rose
|-- Virginia Rose Mary [1503]
| b.1867
| m.6_Feb_1895
| wife of Joseph Emery
|-- Oscar Rose [1504]
|-- James Rose [1505]
|-- Frank Rose [1506]

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Joseph Emery [1501] = Virginia Rose Mary [1503]

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James Watson Blevins [1468] = Christine Adel Kast [1469]
James Watson Blevins [1468] -----
b.19_Jul_1940, Los Angelos, CA
d.20_Dec_1982, Chico, CA
Christine Adel Kast [1469] ------
b.18_Jan_1940, Marysville, CA
m.Dec_1961, Sacremento, CA
wife of James Watson Blevins
|-- David Michael Blevins [1513]
| b.11_Jun_1962, Chico, CA
|-- Bryan James Blevins [1514]
| b.6_Jan_1966, Gooding, ID

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________ McCleary [1517] = Nettie ________ [1518]
________ McCleary [1517] --------
Nettie ________ [1518] ----------
wife of ________ McCleary
|-- James McCleary Oscar [1515]
| b.30_May_1892, MO
| d.16_Mar_1974, Ontario

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Irving Smith [1519] = Elizabeth Proctor [1520]

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George Proctor [1521] = Polly Pierson [1522]
George Proctor [1521] -----------
Polly Pierson [1522] ------------
wife of George Proctor
|-- Elizabeth Proctor [1520]
| wife of Irving Smith

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James McCleary Oscar [1515] = Pearl Alvira Smith [1516]
James McCleary Oscar [1515] -----
b.30_May_1892, MO
d.16_Mar_1974, Ontario
Pearl Alvira Smith [1516] -------
b.28_Oct_1892, MO
d.15_Jul_1984, Atascadero, CA
wife of James McCleary Oscar
|-- Max Donald McCleary [1523]
| b.1918, Joplin
| d.1944, France, WWII
|-- Maxine McCleary [1524]
| b.ca.1919
| d.ca.1921
|-- Ernest Lee McCleary [1525]
| b.21_Sep_1921, Joplin, MO
|-- Wayne Leo McCleary [1526]
| b.25_Oct_1923
|-- Glen Oscar McCleary [1527]
| b.19_Sep_1925, Joplin, MO
|-- Elva Pearl McCleary [1528]
| b.12_Jul_1927
|-- Geneva Elizabeth McCleary
| [1529]
| b.11_Mar_1929

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Sim Wesley Floyd [1532] = Nancy Adeline Carter [1533]

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William Phylo Peeples [1538] = Tidi Melton [1539]

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Isaac Floyd [1534] = Martha ________ [1535]
Isaac Floyd [1534] --------------
Martha ________ [1535] ----------
wife of Isaac Floyd
|-- Sim Wesley Floyd [1532]
| b.22_Apr, Tennessee
| d.1933, Oklahoma

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Meredith Carter [1536] = Nancy Adeline ________
Meredith Carter [1536] ----------
Nancy Adeline ________ ----------
wife of Meredith Carter
|-- Nancy Adeline Carter [1533]
| wife of Sim Wesley Floyd

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Morris Bascom Peeples [1540] = Johanna Taylor [1541]

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Isaac Melton [1544] = Sarah ________ [1545]
Isaac Melton [1544] -------------
Sarah ________ [1545] -----------
wife of Isaac Melton
|-- Tidi Melton [1539]
| wife of William Phylo Peeples

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William Peeples [1542] = Margaret ________ [1543]
William Peeples [1542] ----------
b.1809, North Carolina
Margaret ________ [1543] --------
b.1813, SC
wife of William Peeples
|-- Morris Bascom Peeples [1540]
| b.7_Jan_1855, Vaughn, TX
| d.26_May_1938

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Thomas Talvie Floyd [1530] = Mary Evelyn Peeples [1531]
Thomas Talvie Floyd [1530] ------
b.4_Mar_1908, Oklahoma
d.24_Aug_1948, Upland
Mary Evelyn Peeples [1531] ------
b.23_Jul_1909, Hillsboro, TX
wife of Thomas Talvie Floyd
|-- Billie Jean Floyd [1546]
| b.21_Apr_1927,
| San Bernadino, CA
|-- Thomasene Phyllis Floyd
| [1547]
| b.22_Mar_1929, Pomona, CA
| m.30_Oct_1947, Ontario, CA
| wife of Glen Oscar McCleary
|-- Elwin Ray Floyd [1548]
| b.20_Apr_1935, Ontario
| d.Apr_1935
|-- Nancy Evelyn Floyd [1549]
| b.14_Nov_1937, Ontario
|-- Mary Joan Floyd [1550]
| b.4_Feb_1943l, Ontario

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Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] = Thomasene Phyllis Floyd
Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] ------
b.19_Sep_1925, Joplin, MO
Thomasene Phyllis Floyd ---------
b.22_Mar_1929, Pomona, CA
m.30_Oct_1947, Ontario, CA
wife of Glen Oscar McCleary
|-- Michael McCleary [1552]
| b.28_Jan_1944
|-- Phyllis Jean McCleary [1553]
| b.13_Dec_1949, Upland, CA
|-- Dale Floyd McCleary [1554]
| b.27_Nov_1951, Riverside, CA
|-- Lois Ann McCleary [1555]
| b.10_Oct_1953, Riverside, CA
| d.24_May_1954, Hinkley
|-- Sarah Dawn McCleary [1556]
| b.16_Sep_1955, Riverside, CA
|-- Glenna Patricia McCleary
| [1557]
| b.22_May_1959, Gooding, ID
|-- Thomasene Mary McCleary
| [1558]
| b.12_May_1962, Gooding, ID
| m.10_Jul_1982, King Hill, ID
| wife of David Michael Blevins
father's other spousal relationships
Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] = June Richardson [1551]

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David Michael Blevins [1513] = Thomasene Mary McCleary
David Michael Blevins [1513] ----
b.11_Jun_1962, Chico, CA
Thomasene Mary McCleary ---------
b.12_May_1962, Gooding, ID
m.10_Jul_1982, King Hill, ID
wife of David Michael Blevins
|-- Andrew David Blevins [1559]
| b.26_Aug_1987, Burien, WA
|-- Abigail Ruth Blevins [1560]
| b.30_Sep_1990, Burien, WA
|-- Anne Rose Blevins [1561]
| b.1_Jul_1993, Pullman, WA

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Roelof Cornelissen Van_Houten = Grietje Cornelis van_Ness
Roelof Cornelissen Van_Houten ---
Grietje Cornelis van_Ness -------
b.1627, Emberland, Netherlands
d. between 1699 & 1703,
Flatlands, Long Island, NY
m. between 1645 & 1649,
Renssaler, NY
wife of Peter C. Wyckoff
m.1643, Bergen NJ
wife of Roelof Cornelissen
mother's other spousal relationships
Peter Claesen Wyckoff [1299] = Grietje Cornelis van_Ness

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Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness = Maritie Damen [1316]
Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness -----
b.1599/00, Nes, Island of
Ameland, Netherlands
d.1681, Fairfield, NY
Maritie Damen [1316] ------------
Renselaerwyck, NY
wife of Cornelius Hendrick
father's other spousal relationships
Cornelius Hendrick van_Ness = Maycke H. van_der_Burchgraeff

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Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness = Ammele Wessels [1326]
Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness ------
b.1580, Emberland, Netherlands
Ammele Wessels [1326] -----------
wife of Hendrick G. van_Ness
father's other spousal relationships
Hendrick Gerritse van_Ness = Garritje ________ [1318]

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Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] = June Richardson [1551]
Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] ------
b.19_Sep_1925, Joplin, MO
June Richardson [1551] ----------
wife of Glen Oscar McCleary
father's other spousal relationships
Glen Oscar McCleary [1527] = Thomasene Phyllis Floyd

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________ ________ [1619] = unknown

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Edgar of_England [307] = Wulfryth ________ [1562]
Edgar of_England [307] ----------
(Edgar the Peaceful)
king of England, 959-975
Wulfryth ________ [1562] --------
abbess of Wilton
wife of Edgar, the Peaceful,
king of England
|-- Abbess Eadgyth of_England
| [1563]
| b.ca.961
| d.16_Sep_984
father's other spousal relationships
Edgar of_England [307] = Elfrida ________ [414]

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Cenwealh of_Wessex [550] = ________ of_Mercia [406]
father's other spousal relationships
Cenwealh of_Wessex [550] = Seaxburh ________ [684]

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Osweald of_Bernicia [1564] = Cyneburh of_Wessex [552]
Osweald of_Bernicia [1564] ------
king of Bernicia
Cyneburh of_Wessex [552] --------
wife of Osweld,
king of Bernicia

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Cuthgist of_Wessex [555] = unknown

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Ceolwulf of_Wessex [350] = unknown

group index
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Cuthgils of_Wessex [1566] = unknown

group index
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Cenferth of_Wessex [1567] = unknown

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Cenfus of_Wessex [1568] = unknown
Cenfus of_Wessex [1568] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aescwine of_Wessex [1569]
| king of Wessex
| d.676

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Cynebald [343] = unknown

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Cenbert of_Wessex [1570] = unknown

group index
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Cutha_Cathwulf of_Wessex = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Cutha_Cathwulf of_Wessex = unknown
mother's other spousal relationships
unknown = unknown

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Aethelbald [1574] = unknown
Aethelbald [1574] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Oswald [1575]
| d.730

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Caedwalla of Wessex [1571] = Coenthryth ________ [1573]
Caedwalla of Wessex [1571] ------
king of Wessex
d.689, Rome
Coenthryth ________ [1573] ------
wife of Caedwalla,
king of Wessex

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Kenten of_Wessex [335] = unknown
Kenten of_Wessex [335] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ealdhelm of_Wessex [1576]
| bishop of Sherborne

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Ine of_Wessex [334] = Aethelburh ________ [1577]
Ine of_Wessex [334] -------------
king of Wessex, 688-726
b. before 688
d. after 728, Rome
Aethelburh ________ [1577] ------
wife of Ine, King of Wessex

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Ealdfrith of_Northumberland = Cuthburh of_Wessex [336]
Ealdfrith of_Northumberland -----
king of Northumberland
Cuthburh of_Wessex [336] --------
wife of Ealdfrith,
king of Northumberland

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Earngrim ________ [1580] = unknown

group index
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Sigeferth ________ [1579] = Ealgyth ________ [543]
mother's other spousal relationships
Edmond Ironside of_England = Ealgyth ________ [543]

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Eadric Streona [1581] = Eadgyth of_England [525]
Eadric Streona [1581] -----------
earl of Mercia
Eadgyth of_England [525] --------
wife of Eadric Streona
wife of Thorkel Havi
mother's other spousal relationships
Thorkel Havi [1629] = Eadgyth of_England [525]

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Ulfctel Snylling [1582] = Wulfhild of_England [527]
Ulfctel Snylling [1582] ---------
earl of East Anglia
d.1016, killed at Assandun
Wulfhild of_England [527] -------
wife of Ulfcytel Snylling

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Aethelwold of_East_Anglia = Elfrida ________ [414]
Aethelwold of_East_Anglia -------
Elfrida ________ [414] ----------
m. before 965
wife of
Aethelwold of East Anglia
wife of
Edgar the Peaceful
mother's other spousal relationships
Edgar of_England [307] = Elfrida ________ [414]

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Woden ________ [364] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Woden ________ [364] = Frea ________ [378]
Woden ________ [364] = Frigg ________ [474]
mother's other spousal relationships
Frea ________ [378] = unknown
Frigg ________ [474] = unknown

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Aelle of_Deira [1588] = Osburgh of_Wessex [1589]

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Westerfalcna of_Deira [1586] = unknown

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Waegdaeg ________ [1585] = unknown

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Komak Sigurdsson [1590] = unknown
Komak Sigurdsson [1590] ---------
lord of Sigerside
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ ________ [1591]
| wife of Godwulf ________

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Godwulf ________ [1587] = ________ ________ [1591]

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Godwulf of_Grebson [1592] = unknown

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Westerfalcna ________ [1594] = ________ ________ [1596]
mother's other spousal relationships
Godwulf ________ [1593] = ________ ________ [1596]

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unknown = unknown

group index
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Beowulf ________ [1595] = Erica of_Norway [1598]

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FitzRainulph ________ [1599] = Elizabeth Dacre [1600]

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William FitzRainulph [1601] = ________ ________ [1602]

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John ________ [1603] = unknown

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Abdul el_Dehshetli [1606] = unknown

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John FitzJohn [1604] = Ayesha el_Dehshetli [1605]

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Alessandro de_Parco [1610] = unknown
Alessandro de_Parco [1610] ------
count of
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alessandra de_Parco [1608]
| d.1238
| wife of Richard Grebson

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Richard Grebson [1607] = Alessandra de_Parco [1608]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Grebson [1607] = Catherine O'Brien [19231]

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William Grebson [1609] = Margery Nevill [15599]

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Godwulf ________ [1593] = ________ ________ [1596]
mother's other spousal relationships
Westerfalcna ________ [1594] = ________ ________ [1596]

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Richard Grebson [1607] = Catherine O'Brien [19231]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Grebson [1607] = Alessandra de_Parco [1608]

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Sweyn II of_Denmark [434] = unknown
Sweyn II of_Denmark [434] -------
king of Denmark, 1047-
unknown -------------------------
|-- Harold of_Denmark [1612]
| (Hein)
| king of Denmark
| d.1080
|-- Cnut IV of_Denmark [1613]
| (the Saint)
| king of Denmark
| d.1086
|-- Olaf of_Denmark [1614]
| king of Denmark
| d.1095

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Aethelweard of_England [320] = unknown
Aethelweard of_England [320] ----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aelfwine of_England [1615]
| d.937, killed at Brunanbach
|-- Aethelwine of_England [1616]
|-- Thurcytel of_England [1617]

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Wihtburding ________ [1618] = unknown
Wihtburding ________ [1618] -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ ________ [1619]
|-- Wulfhild ________ [1620]
| abbess of Barking
| and Horton
| d.996
|-- Wynflaed ________ [1621]
| abbess of Wherwell

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Ethelred of_England [324] = unknown
Ethelred of_England [324] -------
king of England, 866-871
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aethewald of_England [1622]
| d.ca.902
father's other spousal relationships
Ethelred of_England [324] = Wulfthryth ________ [655]
mother's other spousal relationships
Wulfthryth ________ [655] = unknown

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Sihtric of_Northumberland = ________ of_England [314]
Sihtric of_Northumberland -------
king of Northumberland
________ of_England [314] -------
wife of Sihtric,
king of Northumberland

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Aelfgar ________ [1624] = unknown
Aelfgar ________ [1624] ---------
earl of the Wilsaetas
unknown -------------------------
|-- Aethelflaed ________ [1625]
| wife of
| Edmund the Magnificent

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Edmond of_England [497] = Aethelflaed ________ [1625]
father's other spousal relationships
Edmond of_England [497] = Aelfgifu ________ [410]

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Louis of_Aquitain [1626] = Eadgifu of_England [502]

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Burgred of_Mercia [1627] = Aethelswith of_England [325]
Burgred of_Mercia [1627] --------
king of Mercia
Aethelswith of_England [325] ----
m.853 (Easter)
wife of Burgrad,
king of Mercia

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Eadwig of_England [306] = Aelgifu ________ [1628]
Eadwig of_England [306] ---------
king of England, 955-959
Aelgifu ________ [1628] ---------
wife of Eadwig,
king of England

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Thorkel Havi [1629] = Eadgyth of_England [525]
mother's other spousal relationships
Eadric Streona [1581] = Eadgyth of_England [525]

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Aethelbald of_England [322] = Judith of_France [2407]
Aethelbald of_England [322] -----
king of England, 855-860
Judith of_France [2407] ---------
wife of Aethelwulf,
king of England
m. after 858,
wife of Ethelbald,
king of England
wife of Baldwin I,
count of Flanders
mother's other spousal relationships
Aethelwulf of_England [328] = Judith of_France [2407]

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