William de_Beauchamp [16026] = Isabel Mauduit [85303]

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William de_Beauchamp [16095] = Olive de_Beauchamp [16096]

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Walter de_Beauchamp [16029] = Bertha de_Braiose [18857]

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William de_Beauchamp [16030] = Joane Waleries [16047]

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William de_Beauchamp [16031] = Maud de_Braiose [18868]

group index
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Walter de_Beauchamp [16035] = Emeline de_Arbitot [16040]

group index
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Hugh de_Beauchamp [16036] = Matilda Taillebois [16037]

group index
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Rolf Taillebois [16038] = Azeline ________ [16039]
Rolf Taillebois [16038] ---------
of Normandy
Azeline ________ [16039] --------
wife of Rolf Taillebois
|-- Matilda Taillebois [16037]
| b.ca.1070
| wife of Hugh de_Beauchamp

group index
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Urso de_Arbitot [16041] = Adeline ________ [16046]

group index
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home page

Aumary de_Arbitot [16042] = unknown

group index
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home page

Gerard de_Tankerville = Helesinde ________ [16045]
Gerard de_Tankerville -----------
of Normandy
Helesinde ________ [16045] ------
wife of Gerard de_Tankerville
|-- Aumary de_Arbitot [16042]
| of Worcestershire
|-- Raoul de_Tankerville [16043]

group index
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Sir Thomas Waleries [16048] = unknown
Sir Thomas Waleries [16048] -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joane Waleries [16047]
| b.ca.1154
| wife of William de_Beauchamp

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Richard Beauchamp [16065] = Isabel Despenser [18245]

group index
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Henry Beauchamp [16049] = Cicely Neville [5504]

group index
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home page

Sir Richard Beauchamp = Elizabeth de_Berkeley
Sir Richard Beauchamp -----------
knight of the Garter
12th earl of Warwick
and Albemarle
b.28_Jan_1382, Salwarp,
Worcestershire, England
Rouen, France
Elizabeth de_Berkeley -----------
countess of Warwick
Abergavenny, Wales
wife of Richard Beauchamp,
12th earl of Warwick
|-- Henry Beauchamp [16049]
| duke of Warwick
| d.1446
|-- Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]
| b.Sep_1407, Eddgenoch,
| Warwick, England
| m.____
| wife of Thomas, lord Ros
| m.ca.1435
| wife of Edmond Beaufort,
| marquis of Dorset
| duke of Somerset
| m.____
| wife of Walter Rokesley, Esq.
| d.6_Mar_1466
|-- Anne Beauchamp [16051]
| b.1429
| m.1434
| wife of Sir Richard Neville,
| earl of Salisbury
| and Warwick
| d.1492
|-- Elizabeth Beauchamp [16052]
| wife of Edward Neville,
| baron of Bergavenny
father's other spousal relationships
Sir Richard Beauchamp = Isabel Despenser [18245]

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Sir Thomas Beauchamp [16054] = Margaret Ferrers [18028]

group index
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home page

Sir Thomas Beauchamp [16060] = Katherine de_Mortimer

group index
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Guy de_Beauchamp [16062] = Alice de_Toeni [16944]
mother's other spousal relationships
Wm. la_Zouche de_Mortimer = Alice de_Toeni [16944]
Thomas Leyburne [16951] = Alice de_Toeni [16944]

group index
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William de_Beauchamp [16022] = Maud Fitz_John [3174]
mother's other spousal relationships
Gerard de_Furnival [3173] = Maud Fitz_John [3174]

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William Beauchamp [16055] = Joan Fitz_Alan [7095]

group index
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Sir Richard de_Beauchamp = Elizabeth Stafford [16842]

group index
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Sir John de_Beauchamp = Margaret Ferrers [16077]

group index
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Sir William de_Beauchamp = Catherine Ufflete [16075]
Sir William de_Beauchamp --------
of Powyck and Alcester
constable of the castle
of Gloucdster
sheriff of Worcestershire
and Gloucestershire
d. before 1431
Catherine Ufflete [16075] -------
dau. of Sir Gerard Ufflete
wife of Sir William
de Beauchamp
|-- Sir John de_Beauchamp
| [16069]
| knight of the Garter
| baron Beauchamp of Powyck
| justice of South Wales
| lord treasurer of England
| d.1475

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Sir John de_Beauchamp = Elizabeth St._John [16074]
Sir John de_Beauchamp -----------
Elizabeth St._John [16074] ------
dau. of Sir John St._John
wife of Sir John
de Beauchamp
|-- Sir William de_Beauchamp
| [16070]
| of Powyck and Alcester
| constable of the castle
| of Gloucdster
sheriff of Worcestershire
and Gloucestershire
d. before 1431

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Sir Giles de_Beauchamp = Catherine de_Bures [18054]

group index
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Walter de_Beauchamp [16023] = Alice de_Tony [16949]

group index
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unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Richard Ferrers [16076]
|-- Margaret Ferrers [16077]
| m.ca.1434
wife of Sir John
de Beauchamp

group index
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home page

Sir John de_Beauchamp = Margaret Holand [16085]
Sir John de_Beauchamp -----------
3rd baron Beauchamp
of Bletsoe
Margaret Holand [16085] ---------
dau. of Sir John Holand
wife of Sir John
de Beauchamp
|-- Sir John de_Beauchamp
| [16078]
|-- Margaret de_Beauchamp
| [16079]
| m.ca.1439
| wife of John de_Beaufort
| wife of Sir Oliver St. John

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Sir Roger de_Beauchamp = Joan Clopton [16084]
Sir Roger de_Beauchamp ----------
2nd baron Beauchamp
of Bletsoe
Joan Clopton [16084] ------------
dau. of William Clopton
wife of Sir Roger
de Beauchamp
|-- Sir John de_Beauchamp
| [16080]
| 3rd baron Beauchamp
| of Bletsoe
| d.ca.1412

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Roger de_Beauchamp [16082] = unknown

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Roger de_Beauchamp [16072] = Sybil de_Patshull [16083]

group index
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William de_Beauchamp [16087] = Avice ________ [16091]

group index
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Simon de_Beauchamp [16088] = Isabel ________ [16090]

group index
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home page

Payne de_Beauchamp [16034] = Rohese de_Vere [19242]
mother's other spousal relationships
Geoffrey de_Manderville = Rohese de_Vere [19242]

group index
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Walcheline de_Beauchamp = Joane de_Mortimer [15415]

group index
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William de_Manderville = ________ de_Beauchamp

group index
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Hugh de_Beauchamp [16032] = unknown

group index
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Geoffrey de_Manderville = Matilda de_Biden [16094]

group index
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home page

Oliver de_Beauchamp [16097] = Agnes ________ [16098]
Oliver de_Beauchamp [16097] -----
Agnes ________ [16098] ----------
wife of Oliver
|-- Olive de_Beauchamp [16096]
| wife of William
| de_Beauchamp

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home page

Sir Oliver St._John [16099] = Margaret de_Beauchamp
Sir Oliver St._John [16099] -----
of Bletso,
Bedfordshire, England
b. before 1421
Margaret de_Beauchamp -----------
wife of John de_Beaufort
wife of Sir Oliver St. John
|-- Sir John St._John [16100]
| d. after 1488
|-- Agnes St._John [139426]
|-- Edith St._John [16101]
| wife of Sir Geoffrey Pole
| of Medmenham
|-- Mary St._John [139427]
|-- Oliver St._John [14212]
| b. before 1437
| d. before 10_Apr_1497
|-- Elizabeth St._John [139429]
| b. before 1437
mother's other spousal relationships
John Beaufort [11830] = Margaret de_Beauchamp

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Thomas Bradshaw [16102] = unknown
Thomas Bradshaw [16102] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice Bradshaw [16103]
| wife of John St._John

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Sir John St._John [16100] = Alice Bradshaw [16103]

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William Walgrave [16105] = unknown

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John St._John [16104] = Margaret Walgrave [16106]

group index
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Oliver St._John [16107] = Agnes Fisher [16108]

group index
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Thomas St._John [16109] = unknown

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Oliver St._John [16110] = Sarah Bulkeley [43504]

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Richard de_Talbot [16112] = Sarah de_Beauchamp [16064]
mother's other spousal relationships
Richard Talbot [23808] = Sarah de_Beauchamp [16064]

group index
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Payne de_Tuberville [16114] = Gwenthellean de_Talbot

group index
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William de_Gamage [16116] = Sarah de_Tuberville [16115]

group index
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William Seymour [16124] = unknown
William Seymour [16124] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lettice Seymour [16118]
| wife of Gilbert de_Gamage

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Gilbert de_Gamage [16117] = Lettice Seymour [16118]

group index
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Thomas de_Rodburg [16125] = unknown
Thomas de_Rodburg [16125] -------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary de_Rodburg [16120]
| wife of William Gamage

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William Gamage [16119] = Mary de_Rodburg [16120]

group index
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John Dennis [16126] = unknown
John Dennis [16126] -------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Matilda Dennis [16122]
| wife of Thomas Gamage

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Thomas Gamage [16121] = Matilda Dennis [16122]

group index
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home page

Samuel Whiting [16127] = Elizabeth St._John [16111]

group index
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Leonard Chester [16155] = unknown
Leonard Chester [16155] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Dorcas Chester [16131]
| b.1_Nov_1637
| m.12_Nov_1656
wife of Samuel Whiting

group index
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Samuel Whiting [16128] = Dorcas Chester [16131]

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Thomas Danforth [16156] = unknown
Thomas Danforth [16156] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sarah Danforth [16134]
| wife of Joseph Whiting

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Joseph Whiting [16130] = Sarah Danforth [16134]

group index
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Samuel Whiting [16132] = Elizabeth Read [16137]

group index
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Oliver Whiting [16133] = Anne Danforth [16140]
Oliver Whiting [16133] ----------
Anne Danforth [16140] -----------
wife of Oliver Whiting
|-- Dorcas Whiting [16141]
| m.17_Mar_1720
| wife of Joshua Abbott
| d.21_May_1763

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John Whiting [16135] = Mary Cotton [15731]

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John Parmlee [16160] = Mary Mason [16161]
John Parmlee [16160] ------------
Mary Mason [16161] --------------
wife of John Parmlee
|-- Rebecca Parmlee [16143]
| m.30_May_1723
| wife of Benjamin Whiting

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Benjamin Whiting [16136] = Rebecca Parmlee [16143]

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Thomas Parker [16157] = Lydia Richardson [16158]
Thomas Parker [16157] -----------
Lydia Richardson [16158] --------
wife of Thomas Parker
|-- Lydia Parker [16145]
| m.25_Mar_1742
| wife of Thomas Whiting

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Thomas Whiting [16142] = Lydia Parker [16145]

group index
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Dringon Andrews [16148] = Abigail Whiting [16144]
Dringon Andrews [16148] ---------
b.27_Aug_1730, Meriden, CT
Abigail Whiting [16144] ---------
wife of Dringon Andrews
|-- Whiting Andrews [16149]
| b.23_Mar_1764, Meriden
| d.18_Dec_1811, Claramount, NH

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Ross Wyman [16159] = unknown
Ross Wyman [16159] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Olive Wyman [16150]
| b.1762
| m.1782
wife of John Lake Whiting

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John Lake Whiting [16147] = Olive Wyman [16150]

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Benjamin Curtis [16162] = unknown
Benjamin Curtis [16162] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lucy Curtis [16152]
| wife of Whiting Andrews

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Whiting Andrews [16149] = Lucy Curtis [16152]

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Reuben Foster Blood [16154] = Relief Whiting [16151]
Reuben Foster Blood [16154] -----
Relief Whiting [16151] ----------
b.11_Jul_1783, Shrewsbury, MA
m.24_Feb_1805, Carlisle, MA
wife of Reuben Foster Blood

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Mason Hulett [16323] = Elizabeth Matthewson [16324]

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Mason Hulett [16163] = Abigail Andrews [16153]

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Roger ap_Arnold [16165] = Jane Gamage [16123]

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Richard Wairnstead [16215] = unknown
Richard Wairnstead [16215] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agnes Wairnstead [16167]
| wife of Thomas Arnold

group index
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Thomas Arnold [16166] = Agnes Wairnstead [16167]

group index
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Pearce Young [16230] = unknown
Pearce Young [16230] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Emmote Young [16170]
| wife of Richard Arnold

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Richard Arnold [16169] = Emmote Young [16170]

group index
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home page

Richard Arnold [16171] = unknown

group index
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John Gully [16255] = unknown
John Gully [16255] --------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Alice Gully [16174]
| b.29_Sep_1553
| wife of Thomas Arnold

group index
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Thomas Arnold [16173] = Alice Gully [16174]
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Arnold [16173] = unknown
Thomas Arnold [16173] = Thomas Arnold [16177]

group index
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Thomas Arnold [16173] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Thomas Arnold [16173] = Alice Gully [16174]
mother's other spousal relationships
Alice Gully [16174] = unknown

group index
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Thomas Peake [16268] = unknown
Thomas Peake [16268] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Christian Peake [16178]
| wife of William Arnold

group index
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home page

William Arnold [16176] = Christian Peake [16178]

group index
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Thomas Arnold [16177] = Phebe Parkhurst [64471]

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home page

William Carpenter [16186] = Elizabeth Arnold [16179]

group index
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home page

Stukely Westcott [136243] = Juliana Marchant [136242]
Stukely Westcott [136243] -------
Somersetshire, England
Juliana Marchant [136242] -------
b.1590, England
wife of Stukely Westcott
|-- Damaris Westcott [16190]
| b. before 27_Jan_1621,
| Yoevil,
| Somersetshire, England
| m.17_Dec_1640,
Providence RI
wife of Benedict Arnold
d. after 1678, Newport RI

group index
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home page

Gov. Benedict Arnold [16180] = Damaris Westcott [16190]
Gov. Benedict Arnold [16180] ----
b.21_Dec_1615, Ilchester,
Dorset, England
d.19_Jun_1678, Newport RI
Damaris Westcott [16190] --------
b. before 27_Jan_1621,
Somersetshire, England
Providence RI
wife of Benedict Arnold
d. after 1678, Newport RI
|-- Benedict II Arnold [16191]
| b.10_Feb_1641/42,
| Providence RI
|-- Caleb Arnold [136215]
| b.19_Dec_1644,
| Providence RI
|-- Josiah Arnold [16192]
| b.22_Dec_1646
| d.26_Dec_1724
|-- Dameris Arnold [136216]
|-- William Arnold [136217]
|-- Oliver Arnold [136218]
| b.25_Jul_1655, Newport RI
| d.6_Nov_1697,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Freelove Arnold [136219]
|-- Penelope Arnold [136220]
| b.19_Feb_1652/53, RI

group index
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Edward Smith [16304] = unknown
Edward Smith [16304] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sarah Smith [16193]
| b.1629
| m.24_Nov_1646
| wife of Stephen Arnold

group index
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Stephen Arnold [16182] = Sarah Smith [16193]

group index
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Pardon Tillinghast [16280] = ________ Butterworth [16281]
Pardon Tillinghast [16280] ------
________ Butterworth [16281] ----
wife of Pardon Tillinghast
|-- Mary Tallinghast [16198]
| b.Oct_1661
| wife of Benjamin Carpenter

group index
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Benjamin Carpenter [16187] = Mary Tallinghast [16198]

group index
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William Burton [16290] = Hannah Wickes [16291]
William Burton [16290] ----------
Hannah Wickes [16291] -----------
wife of William Burton
|-- Hannah Burton [16200]
| wife of Timothy Carpenter

group index
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Timothy Carpenter [16188] = Hannah Burton [16200]

group index
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home page

Benjamin Smith [16202] = Lydia Carpenter [16189]

group index
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Josiah Arnold [16192] = Sarah Mills [16205]
Josiah Arnold [16192] -----------
Sarah Mills [16205] -------------
wife of Josiah Arnold
|-- Abigail Arnold [16206]
| b.14_Dec_1685
| m.ca.14_Feb_1704
| wife of Jonathan Law
| d.ca.14_Dec_1705

group index
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William Andrews [16208] = Esther Arnold [16194]
mother's other spousal relationships
James Dexter [16207] = Esther Arnold [16194]

group index
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James Barker [16313] = unknown
James Barker [16313] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Barker [16210]
| m.16_Apr_1677
| wife of Israel Arnold
| wife of Elisha Smith
| d.19_Sep_1723

group index
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Israel Arnold [16195] = Mary Barker [16210]
mother's other spousal relationships
Elisha Smith [16223] = Mary Barker [16210]

group index
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home page

Peter Greene [16212] = Elizabeth Arnold [16196]

group index
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home page

Benjamin Smith [16203] = Phoebe Arnold [16197]

group index
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home page

Nathaniel Kingsley [16282] = Christian Cole [16283]
Nathaniel Kingsley [16282] ------
Christian Cole [16283] ----------
wife of Nathaniel Kingsley
|-- Prudence Kingsley [16216]
| b.23_Aug_1714
| wife of Benjamin Carpenter

group index
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Benjamin Carpenter [16199] = Prudence Kingsley [16216]

group index
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Peleg Williams [16218] = Elizabeth Carpenter [16201]

group index
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Simon Smith [16204] = Mary Andrews [16209]

group index
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Jonathan Law [16221] = Abigail Arnold [16206]
Jonathan Law [16221] ------------
b.6_Aug_1674, Milford, CT
Abigail Arnold [16206] ----------
wife of Jonathan Law
|-- Jonathan Law [16222]
| b.ca.5_Dec_1705
| d.24_Sep_1790

group index
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Silas Carpenter [16224] = Sarah Arnold [16211]
Silas Carpenter [16224] ---------
Sarah Arnold [16211] ------------
wife of Silas Carpenter
d.26_Nov_1727, Warwick, RI
|-- Mary Carpenter [16225]
| b.14_Feb_1714
| m.29_Apr_1733
| wife of Benjamin Westcott

group index
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home page

William Greene [16213] = Sarah Medbury [16226]
William Greene [16213] ----------
Sarah Medbury [16226] -----------
wife of William Greene
|-- James Greene [16227]
| b.1713
| d.30_May_1792

group index
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James Cargill [16320] = unknown

group index
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James Cargill [16228] = Phoebe Smith [16214]

group index
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Benjamin Potter [16284] = Jemima Williams [16285]
Benjamin Potter [16284] ---------
Jemima Williams [16285] ---------
wife of Benjamin Potter
|-- Susanna Potter [16231]
| b.3_Jul_1755
| wife of Oliver Carpenter

group index
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Oliver Carpenter [16217] = Susanna Potter [16231]

group index
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Arthur Fenner [16310] = unknown
Arthur Fenner [16310] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Frelove Fenner [16233]
| b.13_Jul_1743
| m.23_Mar_1766
| wife of Simon Smith

group index
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Simon Smith [16220] = Frelove Fenner [16233]

group index
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Jonathan Law [16222] = Eunice Andrew [16235]
Jonathan Law [16222] ------------
Eunice Andrew [16235] -----------
wife of Jonathan Law
|-- Benedict Arnold Law [16236]
| b.20_Dec_1740, Milford, CT
| d.19_Nov_1819, North Milford

group index
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Benjamin Westcott [16237] = Mary Carpenter [16225]

group index
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James Greene [16227] = Desire Slocum [16239]
James Greene [16227] ------------
Desire Slocum [16239] -----------
wife of James Greene
|-- James Greene [16240]
| b.26_Oct_1754
| d.14_Oct_1825

group index
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Nathan Arnold [16241] = Lucy Cargill [16229]

group index
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Jonathan Gladding [16286] = Susanna Cary [16287]
Jonathan Gladding [16286] -------
Susanna Cary [16287] ------------
wife of Jonathan Gladding
|-- Allen Gladding [16243]
| b.14_Nov_1764
| d.22_May_1837

group index
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Allen Gladding [16243] = Charlotte Carpenter [16232]

group index
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Simon Smith [16234] = Elizabeth Turpin [16245]

group index
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Richard Bryan [16298] = unknown
Richard Bryan [16298] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sarah Bryan [16247]
| b.24_Apr_1749
| m.4_Jan_1770
wife of Benedict Arnold Law

group index
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Benedict Arnold Law [16236] = Sarah Bryan [16247]

group index
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Nathan Arnold [16242] = Esther Slack Darling [16249]

group index
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William Tillinghast [16317] = Lydia Harris [16316]

group index
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James Westcott [16238] = Martha Tillinghast [16251]

group index
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James Greene [16240] = Rebecca Pitman [16253]
James Greene [16240] ------------
Rebecca Pitman [16253] ----------
wife of James Greene
|-- Eliza Greene [16254]
| b.1_Aug_1791
| m.3_Dec_1809
| wife of Stephen Harris
| d.23_Mar_1820

group index
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John Ormsbee [16288] = Barbara Holden [16289]
John Ormsbee [16288] ------------
Barbara Holden [16289] ----------
wife of John Ormsbee
|-- John Holden Ormsbee [16256]
| b.1780
| d.5_Sep_1860

group index
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John Holden Ormsbee [16256] = Susan Cary Gladding [16244]

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John Carpenter Bucklin = Sarah Smith [16246]
John Carpenter Bucklin ----------
Sarah Smith [16246] -------------
wife of John C. Bucklin
|-- Jeannette Bucklin [16259]
| b.1814
| m.Feb_1849
| wife of George Davis
| d.25_Jun_1854

group index
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Ebenezer Johnson [16319] = unknown
Ebenezer Johnson [16319] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ebenezer Johnson [16260]
| b.30_Apr_1774
| d.8_Jul_1863

group index
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Ebenezer Johnson [16260] = Sarah Bryan Law [16248]

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Jonathan Mason [16321] = Patience Mason [16322]
Jonathan Mason [16321] ----------
Patience Mason [16322] ----------
wife of Jonathan Mason
|-- Belinda Mason [16262]
| wife of Seth Arnold
| wife of ________ Streeter

group index
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Seth Arnold [16250] = Belinda Mason [16262]
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Streeter [16299] = Belinda Mason [16262]

group index
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James Westcott [16252] = Mary Dewer [16264]
James Westcott [16252] ----------
Mary Dewer [16264] --------------
b.1776, Providence
wife of James Westcott
|-- Stephen T. Westcott [16265]
| b.22_Nov_1799
| d.13_Jun_1874, West Roxbury, M

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Stephen Harris [16266] = Eliza Greene [16254]
Stephen Harris [16266] ----------
Eliza Greene [16254] ------------
wife of Stephen Harris
|-- Cyrus Harris [16267]
| b.16_Oct_1812
| d.23_Jun_1887

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Alexander Farnum [16269] = Charlotte Barbara Ormsbee

group index
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George Davis [16271] = Jeannette Bucklin [16259]
George Davis [16271] ------------
Jeannette Bucklin [16259] -------
wife of George Davis
|-- Mary Davis [16272]
| b.9_Jun_1851
| m.23_Jan_1873
| wife of George C. Nightingale

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home page

Charles Warren Lippitt = Margaret Barbara Farnum
Charles Warren Lippitt ----------
Margaret Barbara Farnum ---------
wife of Charles W. Lippitt
|-- Charles Warren Lippitt
| [16274]
| d. young?
|-- Alexander Farnum Lippitt
| [16275]
| d. young?
|-- Jeanie Barbara Lippitt
| [16276]
|-- Charles Warren Lippitt
| [16277]
|-- Alexander Farnum Lippitt
| [16278]
|-- Gorton Thayer Lippitt
| [16279]

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Dewitt Clinton Morris = Charlotte Augusta Johnson
Dewitt Clinton Morris -----------
Charlotte Augusta Johnson -------
b.5_Jul_1823, New Haven, CT
wife of Dewitt C. Morris
|-- Charlotte Johnson Morris
| [16293]
| m.11_Jul_1876, New Haven CT
| wife of William A. Houghton

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William Addison Houghton = Charlotte Johnson Morris
William Addison Houghton --------
Charlotte Johnson Morris --------
m.11_Jul_1876, New Haven CT
wife of William A. Houghton
|-- William Morris Houghton
| [16295]
|-- Charles Andrew Johnson Houghto
| [16296]
|-- Harriet Cecil Houghton
| [16297]

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Stephen T. Westcott [16265] = Mary Smith Barker [16300]
Stephen T. Westcott [16265] -----
d.13_Jun_1874, West Roxbury, M
Mary Smith Barker [16300] -------
b.23_Dec_1800, Salem, MA
wife of Stephen T. Westcott
d.29_Sep_1860, West Roxbury, M
|-- Emma Westcott [16301]
| m.23_Dec_1868
| wife of Jonathan R. Bullock

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Cyrus Harris [16267] = Abby Spalding [16302]
Cyrus Harris [16267] ------------
Abby Spalding [16302] -----------
wife of Cyrus Harris
|-- Abby Greene Harris [16303]
| b.31_Dec_1851
| m.28_Feb_1876
| wife of Samuel Ames

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home page

George Corlis Nightingale = Mary Davis [16272]
George Corlis Nightingale -------
Mary Davis [16272] --------------
wife of George C. Nightingale
|-- Jeannette David Nightingale
| [16306]
|-- Mary Greene Nightingale
| [16307]
|-- George Corlis Nightingale
| [16308]
|-- Alice Bucklin Nightingale
| [16309]

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Jonathan Russell Bullock = Emma Westcott [16301]

group index
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________ Harris [16315] = unknown
________ Harris [16315] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lydia Harris [16316]
| wife of William Tillinghast

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John Matthewson [16385] = Phebe Steere [16377]

group index
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Samuel Comstock [16325] = Elizabeth Arnold [16183]

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Richard Arnold [16184] = Mary Angell [16328]

group index
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home page

John Smith [16353] = Elizabeth ________ [16354]
John Smith [16353] --------------
Elizabeth ________ [16354] ------
wife of John Smith
|-- Eleanor Smith [16332]
| wife of Eleazer Arnold
| d.1722

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Eleazer Arnold [16185] = Eleanor Smith [16332]

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Hassadiah Comstock [16326] = Catherine Pray [16334]

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John Comstock [16327] = Esther Jenks [16336]

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Richard Arnold [16379] = Ruth Aldrich [16399]

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Gideon Comstock [16335] = Ruth Arnold [16338]

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Samuel Comstock [16337] = Anne Brown [16340]

group index
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Benjamin Comstock [16341] = Mary Winsor [16342]

group index
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William Comstock [16343] = Harriet Pearson [16344]

group index
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Edward Augustus Balch = Anne Louise Comstock [16345]

group index
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Charles Value Chapin [16348] = Anne Augusta Balch [16347]
Charles Value Chapin [16348] ----
Anne Augusta Balch [16347] ------
wife of Charles Value Chapin
|-- Howard Miller Chapin [16349]
| b.11_May_1887

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Joseph Arnold [16333] = Mercy Stafford [16350]

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Caleb Arnold [16351] = Patience Brown [16355]

group index
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Samuel Arnold [16352] = Elizabeth ________ [16357]

group index
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Nehemiah Arnold [16356] = Alice Brown [16360]
Nehemiah Arnold [16356] ---------
Alice Brown [16360] -------------
wife of Nehemiah Arnold
|-- Amy Arnold [16361]
| m.19_Sep_1796
| wife of Caleb Earle

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Caleb Earle [16362] = Amy Arnold [16361]

group index
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William Robinson Watson = Mary Ann Earle [16363]

group index
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William H. Watson [16365] = Sarah Thompson Carlile
William H. Watson [16365] -------
Sarah Thompson Carlile ----------
wife of William H. Watson
|-- Lucy Carlile Watson [16367]
| b.10_Feb_1855

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Israel Arnold [16358] = Deborah Olney [16368]

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Christopher Brown [16370] = Elizabeth Arnold [16359]

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Israel Arnold [16369] = Nabby Brown [16371]

group index
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William Bibby [16373] = Charlotte B. Arnold [16372]

group index
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Thomas Steere [16376] = Mary Arnold [16329]

group index
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Joseph Woodward [16406] = Mary Pray [16407]
Joseph Woodward [16406] ---------
Mary Pray [16407] ---------------
wife of Joseph Woodward
|-- Mary Woodward [16378]
| wife of Richard Arnold

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Richard Arnold [16330] = Mary Woodward [16378]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Arnold [16330] = Dinah Steere [16381]

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Richard Arnold [16330] = Dinah Steere [16381]
father's other spousal relationships
Richard Arnold [16330] = Mary Woodward [16378]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Thornton [16402] = Dinah Steere [16381]

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Thomas Arnold [16331] = Elizabeth Burlingame [16383]

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Jonathan Arnold [16384] = Abigail Smith [16386]

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Welcome Arnold [16387] = Patience Greene [16388]

group index
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Richard James Arnold [16389] = Louisa Caroline Gindrat

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William Richmond Talbot = Mary Cornelia Arnold [16391]
William Richmond Talbot ---------
Mary Cornelia Arnold [16391] ----
wife of William R. Talbot
|-- Mary Cornelia Talbot [16393]
| b.9_Nov_1862
|-- Charlotte Richmond Talbot
| [16394]
| b.16_Sep_1864
| d.28_Feb_1865
|-- Arnold Gindrat Talbot
| [16395]
| b.19_Dec_1865
|-- Helen Talbot [16396]
| b.1_Jun_1872
|-- Harriet Talbot [16397]
| b.28_Aug_1873
|-- William de Peyster Talbot
| [16398]
| b.27_Apr_1877
| d.28_Oct_1878

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Thomas Arnold [16380] = Patience Cook [16400]

group index
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John Thornton [16402] = Dinah Steere [16381]
John Thornton [16402] -----------
Dinah Steere [16381] ------------
wife of Richard Arnold
wife of John Thornton
|-- Dinah Thornton [16403]
mother's other spousal relationships
Richard Arnold [16330] = Dinah Steere [16381]

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Josiah Arnold [16382] = Amy Phillips [16404]

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Adam Comstock [16339] = Margaret McGregor [16408]
Adam Comstock [16339] -----------
b.Jan_1740, Smithfield
d.10_Apr_1819, Saratoga, NY
Margaret McGregor [16408] -------
wife of Adam Comstock
d.3_Mar_1807, Saratoga
|-- Ruth Comstock [16409]
| b.31_Dec_1763
| m.11_Feb_1787, Schenectady
| wife of Nicholas Van_Vranken
| d.16_Aug_1800

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Nicholas Van_Vranken [16410] = Ruth Comstock [16409]
Nicholas Van_Vranken [16410] ----
Ruth Comstock [16409] -----------
m.11_Feb_1787, Schenectady
wife of Nicholas Van_Vranken
|-- Margaret Matilda Van_Vranken
| [16411]
| b.23_Nov_1795
| m.29_Sep_1819, Schenectady
| wife of Phinehas Prouty

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Phinehas Prouty [16412] = Margaret Matilda Van_Vranken

group index
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Phinehas Prouty [16415] = Adelaide Cobleigh [16420]

group index
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Walter Chrystie [16423] = Adelaide Alexander Prouty
Walter Chrystie [16423] ---------
Adelaide Alexander Prouty -------
wife of Walter Chrystie
|-- Phinehas Prouty Chrystie
| [16424]
|-- Margaret Harlan Chrystie
| [16425]
|-- Walter Chrystie [16426]

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William Buffum [16427] = Lydia Arnold [16401]

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Pliny Earle [16429] = Patience Buffum [16428]

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Thomas Earle [16430] = Mary Hussey [16431]

group index
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George H. Earl [16432] = Ellen Frances Von_Leer

group index
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Jonathan Arnold [16405] = Molly Burr [16440]
Jonathan Arnold [16405] ---------
Molly Burr [16440] --------------
wife of Jonathan Arnold
|-- Sally Arnold [16441]
| b.22_Nov_1777
| m.8_Oct_1797
| wife of James Burrill
| d.17_Jul_1814

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James Burrill [16442] = Sally Arnold [16441]
James Burrill [16442] -----------
Sally Arnold [16441] ------------
wife of James Burrill
|-- Sarah Perkins Burrill
| [16443]
| b.8_Feb_1812
| m.16_Nov_1829
| wife of William S. Fearing

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William Sedley Fearing = Sarah Perkins Burrill
William Sedley Fearing ----------
Sarah Perkins Burrill -----------
wife of William S. Fearing
|-- Kate Sedley Fearing [16445]
| b.25_Dec_1842
| m.18_Jan_1872
| wife of Alexander Carter
| m.12_Oct_1880
| wife of Edwin Cely Trevilian

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Edwin Cely Trevilian [16447] = Kate Sedley Fearing [16445]
Edwin Cely Trevilian [16447] ----
Kate Sedley Fearing [16445] -----
wife of Alexander Carter
wife of Edwin Cely Trevilian
|-- Maurice Fearing Cely Trevilian
| [16448]
| b.22_Oct_1881
mother's other spousal relationships
Alexander Carter [16446] = Kate Sedley Fearing [16445]

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James Dexter [16207] = Esther Arnold [16194]
James Dexter [16207] ------------
Esther Arnold [16194] -----------
wife of James Dexter
wife of William Andrews
mother's other spousal relationships
William Andrews [16208] = Esther Arnold [16194]

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Elisha Smith [16223] = Mary Barker [16210]
Elisha Smith [16223] ------------
Mary Barker [16210] -------------
wife of Israel Arnold
wife of Elisha Smith
mother's other spousal relationships
Israel Arnold [16195] = Mary Barker [16210]

group index
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________ Streeter [16299] = Belinda Mason [16262]
________ Streeter [16299] -------
Belinda Mason [16262] -----------
wife of Seth Arnold
wife of ________ Streeter
mother's other spousal relationships
Seth Arnold [16250] = Belinda Mason [16262]

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Albert Stanton Cheseborough = Emma Russell Bullock [16312]

group index
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Samuel Ames [16318] = Abby Greene Harris [16303]

group index
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Samuel de_Wolf Lewis [16375] = Maud Belle Bibby [16374]

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Richard P. White [16437] = Caroline Earle [16433]

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Edward Hine Johnson [16438] = Frances Earle [16434]

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Edward Hornor Coates [16439] = Florence Earle [16436]

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Alexander Carter [16446] = Kate Sedley Fearing [16445]
Alexander Carter [16446] --------
Kate Sedley Fearing [16445] -----
wife of Alexander Carter
wife of Edwin Cely Trevilian
mother's other spousal relationships
Edwin Cely Trevilian [16447] = Kate Sedley Fearing [16445]

group index
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Peter Hobart [16729] = unknown
Peter Hobart [16729] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jeremiah Hobart [16450]
| b.6_Apr_1630, Haverhill, Eng.
| d.ca.1716

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Jeremiah Hobart [16450] = Elizabeth Whiting [16129]

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Daniel Mason [16452] = Dorothy Hobart [16451]
mother's other spousal relationships
Hezekiah Brainerd [16454] = Dorothy Hobart [16451]

group index
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Hezekiah Brainerd [16454] = Dorothy Hobart [16451]
mother's other spousal relationships
Daniel Mason [16452] = Dorothy Hobart [16451]

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Thomas Clark [16743] = unknown
Thomas Clark [16743] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Clark [16458]
| b.1704
| m.1727
wife of Jeremiah Mason

group index
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Jeremiah Mason [16453] = Mary Clark [16458]

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David Smith [16460] = Dorothy Brainerd [16455]

group index
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Nehemiah Brainerd [16456] = Elizabeth Fiske [16462]

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Joseph Spencer [16464] = Martha Brainerd [16457]
Joseph Spencer [16464] ----------
Martha Brainerd [16457] ---------
b.1_Sep_1716, Haddam
wife of Joseph Spencer
|-- Joseph Spencer [16465]
| d.11_May_1824, Vienna, WV

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Jeremiah Mason [16459] = Elizabeth Fitch [16466]

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Ezra Brainerd [16468] = Jerusha Smith [16461]

group index
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Nehemiah Brainerd [16463] = Sarah Brainerd [16470]

group index
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Joseph Spencer [16465] = Deborah Selden [16472]
Joseph Spencer [16465] ----------
d.11_May_1824, Vienna, WV
Deborah Selden [16472] ----------
b.29_Dec_1753, Lynn, CT
wife of Joseph Spencer
d.25_Aug_1825, Vienna
|-- Elizabeth Spencer [16473]
| b.17_Sep_1786, Vienna
| wife of Lewis Cass
| d.31_Mar_1853, Detroit, MI

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Calvin Brainerd [16469] = Sarah Brainerd [16471]

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Lewis Cass [16477] = Elizabeth Spencer [16473]
Lewis Cass [16477] --------------
b.9_Oct_1782, Exeter, NH
d.17_Jun_1866, Detroit
Elizabeth Spencer [16473] -------
b.17_Sep_1786, Vienna
wife of Lewis Cass
d.31_Mar_1853, Detroit, MI
|-- Matilda Frances Cass [16478]
| b.11_Jul_1818, Detroit
| m.19_Sep_1839
| wife of Henry Ledyard
| d.16_Nov_1898, London, Eng.

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Zachariah Rhodes [16479] = Joanna Arnold [16181]

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John Low [16483] = Mary Rhodes [16480]
John Low [16483] ----------------
Mary Rhodes [16480] -------------
wife of John Low
|-- Mary Low [16484]
| b.ca.1674, Swansea MA
| m.16_Apr_1692, Swansea MA
wife of Ephraim Pierce
d.29_Apr_1709, Rehoboth MA

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Nicholas Power [16485] = Rebecca Rhodes [16481]
Nicholas Power [16485] ----------
d.19_Dec_1675, Providence
Rebecca Rhodes [16481] ----------
wife of Nicholas Power
wife of Daniel Williams
|-- Nicholas Power [16486]
| d.18_May_1734
mother's other spousal relationships
Daniel Williams [16487] = Rebecca Rhodes [16481]

group index
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Daniel Williams [16487] = Rebecca Rhodes [16481]
Daniel Williams [16487] ---------
Rebecca Rhodes [16481] ----------
wife of Nicholas Power
wife of Daniel Williams
|-- Mary Williams [16488]
| d. after 1740
| wife of Epenetus Olney
mother's other spousal relationships
Nicholas Power [16485] = Rebecca Rhodes [16481]

group index
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Resolved Waterman [16560] = Mercy Williams [16559]

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John Rhodes [16482] = Waite Waterman [16489]

group index
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Nicholas Power [16486] = Mary Tillinghast [16493]

group index
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Epenetus Olney [16495] = Mary Williams [16488]

group index
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Anthony Holden [16497] = Phebe Rhodes [16490]
Anthony Holden [16497] ----------
Phebe Rhodes [16490] ------------
wife of Anthony Holden
|-- Catherine Holden [16498]
| b.13_Oct_1717
| m.2_Jan_1736
| wife of Christopher Lippitt

group index
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James Brown [16501] = Hope Power [16494]
James Brown [16501] -------------
d.27_Apr_1739, Providence
Hope Power [16494] --------------
wife of James Brown
|-- Nicholas Brown [16502]
| b.28_Jul_1729
| d.29_May_1791

group index
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James Olney [16496] = Hannah Winsor [16503]
James Olney [16496] -------------
Hannah Winsor [16503] -----------
wife of James Olney
|-- Emor Olney [16504]
| b.28_Nov_1741
| d.29_Mar_1830

group index
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Christopher Lippitt [16505] = Catherine Holden [16498]

group index
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Nicholas Brown [16502] = Rhoda Jenckes [16510]
Nicholas Brown [16502] ----------
Rhoda Jenckes [16510] -----------
wife of Nicholas Brown
|-- Hope Brown [16511]
| b.22_Feb_1773
| wife of Thomas Pointer Ives
| d.21_Aug_1855

group index
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Emor Olney [16504] = Amy Hopkins [16512]
Emor Olney [16504] --------------
Amy Hopkins [16512] -------------
wife of Emor Olney
|-- Paris Olney [16513]
| b.18_Oct_1770
| d.1850

group index
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Christopher Lippitt [16506] = Waite Harris [16514]

group index
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John Low [16561] = unknown
John Low [16561] ----------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Penelope Low [16516]
| b.5_Feb_1758
| m.12_Jan_1783
wife of Charles Lippitt

group index
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Charles Lippitt [16507] = Penelope Low [16516]

group index
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Thomas Pointer Ives [16521] = Hope Brown [16511]
Thomas Pointer Ives [16521] -----
d.30_Apr_1835, Providence
Hope Brown [16511] --------------
wife of Thomas Pointer Ives
|-- Charlotte Rhoda Ives [16522]
| m.22_May_1821
| wife of William Giles Goddard

group index
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home page

Paris Olney [16513] = Mercy Winsor [16523]
Paris Olney [16513] -------------
Mercy Winsor [16523] ------------
wife of Paris Olney
|-- Mary Ann Olney [16524]
| b.21_Jun_1803
| m.25_Dec_1822
| wife of Clark Sayles
| d.11_Sep_1878

group index
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William Lippitt [16515] = Rhobey Sheldon [16525]
William Lippitt [16515] ---------
Rhobey Sheldon [16525] ----------
wife of William Lippitt
|-- Sarah Williams Lippitt
| [16526]
| b.7_Feb_1832
| m.15_Jun_1859
| wife of John Tyler Mauran

group index
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Joseph Sweet [16527] = Julia Lippitt [16517]
Joseph Sweet [16527] ------------
Julia Lippitt [16517] -----------
wife of Joseph Sweet
|-- Julia Sweet [16528]
| m.7_Jun_1849
| wife of John Henry Weir
|-- Catherine Sweet [16529]

group index
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Warren Lippitt [16518] = Eliza Seamans [16530]
Warren Lippitt [16518] ----------
Eliza Seamans [16530] -----------
wife of Warren Lippitt
|-- Henry Lippitt [16531]
| b.9_Oct_1818
| d.5_Jun_1891

group index
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William Giles Goddard = Charlotte Rhoda Ives [16522]

group index
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Clark Sayles [16536] = Mary Ann Olney [16524]
Clark Sayles [16536] ------------
Mary Ann Olney [16524] ----------
wife of Clark Sayles
|-- William Francis Sayles
| [16537]
| b.20_Sep_1824
| d.7_May_1894

group index
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John Tyler Mauran [16538] = Sarah Williams Lippitt
John Tyler Mauran [16538] -------
Sarah Williams Lippitt ----------
wife of John Tyler Mauran
|-- Julia Lippitt Mauran [16539]
| b.25_Jun_1860

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Henry Lippitt [16531] = Mary Ann Balch [16541]

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William Francis Sayles = Mary Wilkinson Fessenden

group index
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Roscoe Stetson Washburn = Mary Fessenden Sayles
Roscoe Stetson Washburn ---------
Mary Fessenden Sayles -----------
wife of Roscoe S. Washburn
|-- Maurice King Washburn
| [16547]
| b.ca.1880
|-- Roscoe Clifton Washburn
| [16548]
| b.ca.1880
|-- William F. S. Washburn
| [16549]
| b.ca.1880
|-- John Fessenden Washburn
| [16550]
| b.ca.1880

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Charles John Steedman = Mary Balch Lippitt [16543]
Charles John Steedman -----------
Mary Balch Lippitt [16543] ------
wife of Charles J. Steedman
|-- Charles Richard Steedman
| [16553]
| b.31_Jul_1897

group index
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Duncan Hunter [16554] = Abby Frances Lippitt [16544]
Duncan Hunter [16554] -----------
Abby Frances Lippitt [16544] ----
wife of Duncan Hunter
|-- Mary L. Hunter [16555]
|-- Frances G. Hunter [16556]
|-- Janet Malise Hunter [16557]

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Roger Williams [16558] = unknown
Roger Williams [16558] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mercy Williams [16559]
| b.1640
| wife of Resolved Waterman
| d.1705

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Oliver Arnold [136218] = Phebe Cooke [136236]
Oliver Arnold [136218] ----------
b.25_Jul_1655, Newport RI
Jamestown RI
Phebe Cooke [136236] ------------
b.1664-1665, Portsmouth RI
m.ca.1679, Portsmouth RI
wife of Oliver Arnold
wife of Jonathan Marsh
Jamestown RI
wife of Robert Barker
Jamestown RI
|-- Damaris Arnold [136221]
| b.30_Dec_1680,
| Jamestown RI
| m.3_Mar_1700, RI
| wife of John Cary
| d.1764
|-- Phoebe Arnold [136222]
| b.30_Dec_1682,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Patience Arnold [136223]
| b.16_Jan_1685,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Mary Arnold [136224]
| b.9_May_1689,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Sarah Arnold [136225]
| b.12_Sep_1689,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Oliver Arnold [136226]
| b.28_Apr_1684,
| Jamestown RI
|-- Freelove Arnold [136227]

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Capt. Thomas Cooke [136238] = Thomasin Havens [136239]
Capt. Thomas Cooke [136238] -----
Essex, England
Portsmouth RI
Thomasin Havens [136239] --------
Portsmouth RI
wife of Capt. Thomas Cooke
d.Oct_1670, Portsmouth RI
|-- Sarah Cooke [136228]
| b.ca.1646, Portsmouth RI
|-- Thomas Cooke [136229]
| b.ca.1648, Portsmouth RI
|-- Mary Cooke [136230]
| b.ca.1650, Portsmouth RI
|-- John Cooke [136231]
| b.ca.1652, Portsmouth RI
|-- George Cooke [136232]
| b.ca.1654, Portsmouth RI
|-- Stephen Cooke [136233]
| b.ca.1656, Portsmouth RI
|-- Elizabeth Cooke [136234]
| b.ca.1658, Portsmouth RI
|-- Ebenezer Cooke [136235]
| b.ca.1661, Portsmouth RI
|-- Phebe Cooke [136236]
| b.1664-1665, Portsmouth RI
| m.ca.1679, Portsmouth RI
| wife of Oliver Arnold
| m.17_Jan_1700
| wife of Jonathan Marsh
| m.7_Oct_1705,
| Jamestown RI
| d.13_Sep_1732,
| wife of Robert Barker
| Jamestown RI
|-- Martha Cooke [136237]
| b.ca.1667, Portsmouth RI

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William Havens [136240] = Dionis Allen [136241]
William Havens [136240] ---------
b.ca.1600, England
Dionis Allen [136241] -----------
wife of William Havens
|-- Thomasin Havens [136239]
| b.ca.1626,
| Portsmouth RI
| m.ca.1645
wife of Capt. Thomas Cooke
d.Oct_1670, Portsmouth RI

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Eleazar Cady Thomas [16732] = Cordelia Brainerd [16476]

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Benjamin Ledyard [16750] = Susan French Livingston

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Henry Ledyard [16734] = Matilda Frances Cass [16478]

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Oliver St._John [14212] = Elizabeth le_Scrope [44403]

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Francis Wayland Goddard = Elizabeth Cass Ledyard
Francis Wayland Goddard ---------
Elizabeth Cass Ledyard ----------
wife of Francis W. Goddard
|-- Charlotte Ives Goddard
| [16739]
| b.1_Mar_1863
| m.12_Oct_1887
| wife of Amos L. Danielson
|-- Henry Ledyard Goddard
| [16740]
b.23_Nov_1866, Providence, RI
d.30_Aug_1893, Colorado
Springs, Colorado

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Amos Lockwood Danielson = Charlotte Ives Goddard
Amos Lockwood Danielson ---------
Charlotte Ives Goddard ----------
wife of Amos L. Danielson
|-- Henry Ledyard Danielson
| [16747]
| b.21_Jul_1888

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Henry Brockholst Livingston = unknown
Henry Brockholst Livingston -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Susan French Livingston
| [16749]
| wife of Benjamin Ledyard

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John Henry Weir [16540] = Julia Sweet [16528]
John Henry Weir [16540] ---------
Julia Sweet [16528] -------------
wife of John Henry Weir

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William Babcock Weeden = Jeanie Lippitt [16542]
William Babcock Weeden ----------
Jeanie Lippitt [16542] ----------
wife of William B. Weeden

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John R. Jarboe [16738] = Mary Halsey Thomas [16733]
John R. Jarboe [16738] ----------
Mary Halsey Thomas [16733] ------
b.29_Aug_1842, Gates, NY
m.25_Oct_1880, San Francisco
wife of John R. Jarboe

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Joshua Abbott [16752] = Dorcas Whiting [16141]

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Oliver Abbott [16753] = Joanna French [16754]
Oliver Abbott [16753] -----------
Joanna French [16754] -----------
wife of Oliver Abbott
|-- Joanna Abbott [16755]
| b.24_Jul_1755
| m.21_May_1776
| wife of Simon Winship

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Simon Winship [16756] = Joanna Abbott [16755]
Simon Winship [16756] -----------
Joanna Abbott [16755] -----------
wife of Simon Winship
|-- Joanna Winship [16757]
| b.5_May_1777
| m.ca.1798
| wife of Darius Shaw
| d.10_Mar_1848

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Darius Shaw [16758] = Joanna Winship [16757]

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Oliver Abbott Shaw [16759] = Anne Aylett Brooke [48268]

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Selden Stuart Wright [16762] = Joanna Maynard Shaw [16760]
Selden Stuart Wright [16762] ----
Joanna Maynard Shaw [16760] -----
wife of Selden Stuart Wright
|-- Mary Stuart Wright [16763]
| b.17_Aug_1847, Lexington, MI
| m.21_Nov_1867
| wife of William B. Hooper
| d.7_Sep_1878, San Rafael, CA
|-- Robert Walker Wright [16764]
| b.27_Sep_1848, Lexington, MI
| d.11_Jul_1850
|-- Stuart Selden Wright [16765]
| b.5_Nov_1850, Yazoo City, MI
|-- Anne Aylette Brooke Wright
| [16766]
| b.9_Jan_1853, Yazoo City, MI
|-- George Thomas Wright [16767]
| b.22_Mar_1855, Yazoo Co. MI
|-- Sarah Maynard Wright [16768]
| b.26_May_1857, Carroll Co. MI
| d.10_Sep_1860, San Francisco,
|-- Eliza Shaw Wright [16769]
| b.12_Jun_1859, Carroll Co. MI
| m.Apr_1881, San Francisco, CA
| wife of John Drury Tallant
|-- Page Braxton Wright [16770]
| b.27_Jan_1863
| d.12_May_1864
|-- Ralph Kirkham Wright [16771]
| b.24_Apr_1865
|-- Roberta Evelyn Lee Wright
| [16772]
| b.30_Jan_1868
| m.26_Nov_1892
| wife of Geroge H. Hillmann
|-- William Hammond Wright
| [16773]
| b.4_Nov_1871
|-- Brooke Maynard Wright
| [16774]
| b.30_Jan_1877, Geneva,
| Switzerland

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Albert Henry Rose [16775] = Sarah Columbia Braxton Shaw
Albert Henry Rose [16775] -------
Sarah Columbia Braxton Shaw -----
wife of Albert Henry Rose
|-- Anne Brooke Rose [16776]

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William B. Hooper [16777] = Mary Stuart Wright [16763]
William B. Hooper [16777] -------
Mary Stuart Wright [16763] ------
b.17_Aug_1847, Lexington, MI
wife of William B. Hooper
d.7_Sep_1878, San Rafael, CA
|-- Mary Stuart Hooper [16778]
| b.15_Aug_1868
| m.Mar_1889
| wife of Cavalier H. Jouett
|-- Catherine Burchell Hooper
| [16779]
| b.26_Nov_1869
| d.Apr_1888
|-- George Kent Hooper [16780]
| b.22_Apr_1871
|-- Eulalie Hooper [16781]
| b.1873
| d.1877
|-- Selden Stuart Hooper [16782]
| b.6_Nov_1874
|-- Rosa Hooper [16783]
| b.19_Jul_1876

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Stuart Selden Wright [16765] = Maria Byrd Hopkins [22217]

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George Thomas Wright [16767] = Sophie Landsburger [16785]
George Thomas Wright [16767] ----
b.22_Mar_1855, Yazoo Co. MI
Sophie Landsburger [16785] ------
wife of George Thomas Wright
|-- Cedrie Wright [16786]
| b.9_Apr_1889

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John Drury Tallant [16787] = Eliza Shaw Wright [16769]
John Drury Tallant [16787] ------
Eliza Shaw Wright [16769] -------
b.12_Jun_1859, Carroll Co. MI
m.Apr_1881, San Francisco, CA
wife of John Drury Tallant
|-- Elise Tallant [16788]
| b.15_Apr_1883
|-- Drury Tallant [16789]
| b.Nov_1885
|-- Selden S. Tallant [16790]
| b.1_Mar_1887
| d.20_Jan_1897
|-- John D. Tallant [16791]
| b.17_Apr_1888

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George H. Hillmann [16792] = Roberta Evelyn Lee Wright
George H. Hillmann [16792] ------
Roberta Evelyn Lee Wright -------
wife of Geroge H. Hillmann
|-- Mary Selden Hillmann [16793]
| b.6_Dec_1893
|-- Catherine Hillmann [16794]
| b.Mar_1897

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Cavalier Hamilton Jouett = Mary Stuart Hooper [16778]
Cavalier Hamilton Jouett --------
Mary Stuart Hooper [16778] ------
wife of Cavalier H. Jouett
|-- William Hooper Jouett
| [16796]
| b.9_Dec_1889
|-- John Hamilton Jouett [16797]
| b.14_May_1892

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John Mannen McClure [16798] = Louise Kimball Wright
John Mannen McClure [16798] -----
Louise Kimball Wright -----------
wife of John Mannen McClure
|-- Mannen Wright McClure
| [16799]
| b.7_Apr_1896

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Benedict II Arnold [16191] = Mary Turner [16800]

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Benedict III Arnold [16801] = Hannah Waterman [42783]
Benedict III Arnold [16801] -----
b.28_Aug_1683, Newport RI
Hannah Waterman [42783] ---------
b.28_Sep_1708, Norwich CT
m.11_Aug_1730, Norwich CT
wife of Capt. Absalom King
m.8_Nov_1733, Norwich CT
wife of Benedict III Arnold
d.15_Aug_1759, Norwich CT
|-- Benedict IV Arnold [16804]
| b.15_Aug_1738
| d.30_Apr_1739
|-- Benedict V Arnold [16805]
| (the traitor)
| b.3_Jan_1740
| d.14_Jun_1801, England
|-- Hanna Arnold [16806]
| b.9_Dec_1742
| d.1803, Montague, Canada
|-- Mary Arnold [16807]
| b.4_Jun_1745
| d.10_Sep_1753
|-- Absalom King Arnold [16808]
| b.4_Apr_1747
| d.22_Oct_1750
|-- Elizabeth Arnold [16809]
| b.19_Nov_1749
| d.29_Sep_1753
mother's other spousal relationships
Capt. Absalom King [42784] = Hannah Waterman [42783]

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________ Mansfield [16803] = unknown
________ Mansfield [16803] ------
sheriff of New Haven Co., CT
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margaret Mansfield [16810]
| b.24_Apr_1745, New Haven CT
| m.22_Feb_1767
| wife of Benedict V Arnold
d.19_Jun_1775, New Haven CT

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Benedict V Arnold [16805] = Margaret Mansfield [16810]
father's other spousal relationships
Benedict V Arnold [16805] = Margaret Shippen [16811]

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Edward Shippen [16802] = unknown
Edward Shippen [16802] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margaret Shippen [16811]
| m.Apr_1779
| wife of Benedict V Arnold

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Benedict V Arnold [16805] = Margaret Shippen [16811]
father's other spousal relationships
Benedict V Arnold [16805] = Margaret Mansfield [16810]

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Thomas Ros [16812] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]
Thomas Ros [16812] --------------
lord Ros
Eleanor Beauchamp [16050] -------
b.Sep_1407, Eddgenoch,
Warwick, England
wife of Thomas, lord Ros
wife of Edmond Beaufort,
marquis of Dorset
duke of Somerset
wife of Walter Rokesley, Esq.
mother's other spousal relationships
Walter Rokesley, Esq [16813] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]
Edmond Beaufort [11831] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]

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Walter Rokesley, Esq [16813] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]
Walter Rokesley, Esq [16813] ----
Eleanor Beauchamp [16050] -------
b.Sep_1407, Eddgenoch,
Warwick, England
wife of Thomas, lord Ros
wife of Edmond Beaufort,
marquis of Dorset
duke of Somerset
wife of Walter Rokesley, Esq.
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Ros [16812] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]
Edmond Beaufort [11831] = Eleanor Beauchamp [16050]

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John Moor [16815] = Mary Davis [16816]

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Nathaniel Davis [16817] = Lydia Harwood [16822]

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Nathaniel Davis [16818] = Susanna Lane [16819]

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John Lane [16820] = Catherine Whiting [16138]

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John Lane [16821] = unknown
John Lane [16821] ---------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Lane [16820]

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Hiram D. Moor [16814] = Abigail Franklin [16823]

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Sir Richard Beauchamp = Isabel Despenser [18245]
Sir Richard Beauchamp -----------
knight of the Garter
12th earl of Warwick
and Albemarle
b.28_Jan_1382, Salwarp,
Worcestershire, England
Rouen, France
Isabel Despenser [18245] --------
wife of Richard Beauchamp,
earl of Worcester
wife of Richard de_Beauchamp,
earl of Warwick
father's other spousal relationships
Sir Richard Beauchamp = Elizabeth de_Berkeley

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William Barron [16825] = Mary Whiting [16146]

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Stalham Williams [16827] = Mary Augusta Barron [16826]

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Richard Winslow Sherman = Frances Lucretia Williams
Richard Winslow Sherman ---------
Frances Lucretia Williams -------
wife of Richard W. Sherman
|-- Cornelia Franklin Sherman
| [16831]
| m.2_Jan_1853
| wife of William T. Mumford
| m.29_Jan_1877
wife of William B. Jackson

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Thomas H. Wood [16833] = Sarah T. N. Williams [16829]
mother's other spousal relationships
David Scoville [16832] = Sarah T. N. Williams [16829]

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Wallace Clarke [16837] = Sarah Elizabeth Scoville Wood
Wallace Clarke [16837] ----------
Sarah Elizabeth Scoville Wood ---
wife of Wallace Clarke
|-- Wallace Roxburgh Clarke
| [16838]
|-- Thomas Wood Clarke [16839]

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David Scoville [16832] = Sarah T. N. Williams [16829]
David Scoville [16832] ----------
Sarah T. N. Williams [16829] ----
(Tileston Newton)
wife of David Scoville
wife of Thomas H. Wood
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas H. Wood [16833] = Sarah T. N. Williams [16829]

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William Thomas Mumford = Cornelia Franklin Sherman
William Thomas Mumford ----------
Cornelia Franklin Sherman -------
wife of William T. Mumford
wife of William B. Jackson
mother's other spousal relationships
William Bennett Jackson = Cornelia Franklin Sherman

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William Bennett Jackson = Cornelia Franklin Sherman
William Bennett Jackson ---------
Cornelia Franklin Sherman -------
wife of William T. Mumford
wife of William B. Jackson
mother's other spousal relationships
William Thomas Mumford = Cornelia Franklin Sherman

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