Clement Throckmorton [41860] = Catherine Neville [5599]
Clement Throckmorton [41860] ----
Catherine Neville [5599] --------
wife of ________ Royden
wife of Clement Throckmorton
|-- Catherine Throckmorton
| [41861]
| b.ca.1550
| wife of Thomas Harby
wife of Henry Norwood
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Royden [6049] = Catherine Neville [5599]

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Thomas Harby [41862] = Catherine Throckmorton
mother's other spousal relationships
Henry Norwood [41865] = Catherine Throckmorton

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Henry Norwood [41865] = Catherine Throckmorton
Henry Norwood [41865] -----------
b.ca.1520, Leckhampton,
Gloucester, England
d. England
Catherine Throckmorton ----------
wife of Thomas Harby
wife of Henry Norwood
|-- William Norwood [41866]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Harby [41862] = Catherine Throckmorton

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John Oxenbridge [41897] = unknown

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Daniel Oxenbridge [41867] = Catherine Harby [41864]

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John Oxenbridge [41868] = Susannah ________ [41870]

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Caleb Cockercraft [41872] = Elizabeth Oxenbridge [41869]

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Pether Thacher [41874] = Theodora Oxenbridge [41871]

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Nathaniel Hering [41876] = Elizabeth Cockercraft

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Samuel Ruggles [41878] = Elizabeth Whiting [16139]

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Daniel Rogers [41881] = Elizabeth Ruggles [41879]
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Dummer [41880] = Elizabeth Ruggles [41879]

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Oxenbridge Thacher [41875] = Sarah Kent [41890]

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Jeremiah Dummer Rogers = Bathsheba Thacher [41884]

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Jonathan Chapman [41886] = Margaret Rogers [41885]

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Jonathan Dwight [41910] = unknown
Jonathan Dwight [41910] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Lucinda Dwight [41888]
| m.25_Apr_1832
| wife of Jonathan Chapman

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Jonathan Chapman [41887] = Lucinda Dwight [41888]

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Oliver Hering [41877] = Elizabeth Hughes [41891]

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Oliver Hering [41892] = Anne Maria Morris [41893]

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John Inglis [41908] = Catherine McCall [41907]

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Julines Hering [41894] = Mary Inglis [41895]

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Henry Rogers Dalton [41898] = Florence Chapman [41889]
Henry Rogers Dalton [41898] -----
Florence Chapman [41889] --------
wife of Henry Rogers Dalton
|-- Alice Dalton [41899]
|-- Philip Spalding Dalton
| [41900]
|-- Susan Dexter Dalton [41901]
|-- Florence Dalton [41902]
| d.1890
|-- Ellen Bancroft Dalton
| [41903]

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Arthur Middleton [41909] = unknown

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Henry Middleton [41904] = Mary Helen Hering [41896]

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George McCall [41906] = unknown
George McCall [41906] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Catherine McCall [41907]
| wife of John Inglis

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Samuel Dummer [41880] = Elizabeth Ruggles [41879]
Samuel Dummer [41880] -----------
Elizabeth Ruggles [41879] -------
wife of Samuel Dummer
wife of Daniel Rogers
mother's other spousal relationships
Daniel Rogers [41881] = Elizabeth Ruggles [41879]

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Robert Carlton [167177] = Emma Harby [167176]
Robert Carlton [167177] ---------
Emma Harby [167176] -------------
wife of Robert Charlton
|-- Katherine Charlton [167178]
| b.ca.1619, Whitton,
| Shropshire, England
| m.26_Dec_1644,
| Derbyshire, England
| wife of Richard Coke Esq.
| d.29_Mar_1668
|-- Job Charlton [167179]

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