Brown, Allen K. [185416] b.10_Jan_1829 d.11_Feb_1833
Brown, Annie C. [185539] b.26_Apr_1863
Brown, Charles H. [185540] b.4_Jul_1865
Brown, Elizabeth A. [185538] b.6_Aug_1860
Brown, Hannah E. [185418] b.1_Jun_1836
Brown, Ida Ross [185537] b.12_Dec_1857
Brown, Isaiah [185412] b.1825, Baltimore MD
Brown, Narcissa A. [185417] b.16_Jun_1832 m.8_Dec_1857 wife of Isaiah D. Passmore
Brown, Norville C. [185536] b.23_Sep_1855
Brown, Ruth A. [185414] b.14_Mar_1825 d.31_Aug_1831
Brown, Samuel J. [185415] b.21_Oct_1826
Derr, Living [185513] wife of Living Mark
Derr, Living [185514] wife of Louie Gebhart
England, Eli Elisha [185548] b.14_Jan_1834
England, Elisha [185399] b.17_Oct_1758, Cecil Co. MD d.2_Oct_1821
England, George [185394] b.1_Sep_1746, Calvert Co. MD
England, George [185404] b.4_Dec_1795, Cecil Co. MD d.14_Dec_1847
England, Granville Hughes [185549] [185549] b.22_Oct_1836
England, Isaac [185397] b.15_Jul_1754, Calvert Co. MD d.19_Feb_1782
England, John [185400] b.10_Jul_1762, Cecil Co. MD d.Dec_1799, E. Nottingham twp., Chester Co. PA
England, John [185406] b.8_Feb_1800, Cecil Co. MD
England, John Kirk [185557] d. before 1872
England, Joseph [185392] b.10_May_1742, Cecil Co. MD d.3_Apr_1828, Calvert Co. MD
England, Lydia [185393] b.18_Nov_1744, Calvert Co. MD d.27_Sep_1767
England, Mary Elizabeth [185547] [185547] b.17_Mar_1831 wife of Henry Brown
England, Rachel [185396] b.27_Apr_1752, Calvert Co. MD d.4_Dec_1830
England, Samuel [185398] b.12_May_1756, Zion, Cecil Co. MD d.11_Mar_1775
England, Sarah [185395] b.9_Feb_1749, Zion, Cecil Co. MD d.3_Sep_1770
England, William [185546] b.26 Jun_1829
England, William Granville [185556] [185556] d. before 1872
Kirk, Elisha England [185408] b.28_Feb_1819, Cecil Co. MD d.11_Jun_1901, Blue Mall MD
Kulp, Living [185465] wife of Living ________
Kulp, Living [185466] wife of Living ________
Nickle, Charles Walter Jr. [185439] [185439]
Nickle, Eleanor [185441] wife of Richard Keithley
Nickle, Evelyn L. [185445] b.17_Apr_1940 d.8_Mar_1942
Nickle, Living [185440] wife of Maurice Kulp wife of James Pierce
Nickle, Living [185442] wife of Charles? Ruckle
Nickle, Living [185443] wife of Living Derr wife of Living Walt wife of Living Bradley
Nickle, Living [185447] wife of Living Dickerson
Nickle, Living [185449] wife of Living Smagala
Passmore, Anni H. [185562] b.Dec_1881, Delaware
Passmore, Howard Eber [185563] [185563] b.6_Sep_1882, Nebraska
Passmore, Isaiah Reuben [185542] [185542] b.16_Oct_1858, Pennsylvania
Passmore, Louis [185559] b.1874, Pennsylvania
Passmore, Mary [185561] b.Apr_1876, Delaware
Passmore, Mary E. [185543] b.21_Nov_1861, Pennsylvania
Passmore, Orien Clifford [185560] [185560] b.1878, Delaware
Passmore, Thomas Wood [185544] [185544] b.8_Dec_1867, Pennsylvania
Ruckle, Kenneth [185496] d.1997
White, Clinton N. [185527] b.31_May_1871, Oakwood, Cecil Co. MD
White, Cora [185429] b.1874, Maryland
White, Dorris Patricia [185481] [185481]
White, Hannah E. [185426] b.22_Jan_1852
White, I. Clinton [185422] b.6_Dec_1844, Maryland d.1927
White, Ida [185433] b.1879, Maryland
White, Jefferson [185424] b.29_Apr_1848
White, Jessie Lind Sr. [185437] [185437] b.4_Jun_1913, Bowie MD d.3_Sep_1992, Palatka, Putnam Co. FL
White, John R. [185425] b.11_Oct_1850, Maryland d. after 1_May_1918
White, John T. [185528] b.17_Dec_1873, Oakwood, Cecil Co. MD d.1926
White, Marshal T. [185431] b.1875, Maryland
White, Mary A. [185531] b.20_Feb_1908 wife of Joseph Novak wife of ________ Humphrey d.Jan_1982
White, Mary A. N. [185427] b.28_Oct_1854
White, Otis Randolph [185434] b.29_Oct_1882 d.1931
White, Ringold T. [185423] b.24_Sep_1846, Maryland d.22_Feb_1888, Cecil Co. MD
White-Crawford, Living [185484] [185484]
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