Braudrick, Gladys [91403] b.14_Jun_1914 wife of Dennis Gwaltney
Braudrick, John [91401] b.30_Dec_1909
Braudrick, Katherine [91405] b.23_Oct_1918 wife of William Sandridge
Braudrick, Marion [91402] b.28_Nov_1911 wife of Floyd Irby
Braudrick, Russell [91400] d. at age 8
Braudrick, Ruth [91404] b.5_Jul_1916 wife of Ramon Warrin
Couch, ________ [200463] b.1910
Couch, Ajax [91329] (Asa) b.10_May_1793, Salem Co. NJ d.19_Dec_1867
Couch, Anna C, [200518] b.1891 wife of Walter Wilocr d.1940
Couch, Annie [91433] wife of Chauncey Foster
Couch, Bailey [200442], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Carrie Lillian [91437] b.1900 d.25_Jun_1960, unmarried
Couch, Clarysa [91333] (Clarissa), Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Cleon Leeroy [91341] b.20_Jan_1878 d.15_Oct_1917, New Kent Co VA
Couch, Daniel Edward [200466] b.1927, Quantico MD d.1987
Couch, Earl Charles [200524] b.1906 d.1960
Couch, Edwin Tyler [91431] b.15_Dec_1876 d.1950, New Kent Co VA
Couch, Eldeston [200439], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Elizabeth [200440], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Elizabeth [200504] b.1877, Burlington Co. NJ
Couch, Elizabeth Lillian [200525] [200525] wife of Louis Notaro
Couch, Ella Mae [200521] b.1897 wife of George Peterson d.1970
Couch, Ellen Alberta [91435] b.1885 m.10_May_1905 wife of William P. Hockaday d.8_Mar_1967
Couch, Emaline [200507] b.1857, New Jersey
Couch, Emily [91320] b.12_Aug_1849, Virginia died in infancy
Couch, Emily Eames [91362] b.1930 m.1_Jul_1950, New Kent Co VA wife of James O. Buchanan
Couch, Emily R. [91434] b.1882 m.27_Dec_1905 wife of William B. Woodward
Couch, Florence M. [91432] b.13_Oct_1878 d.10_Feb_1902, unmarried
Couch, George [200453] b.1850, New Jersey
Couch, George H. [200445] b.1814, New Jersey d.1880
Couch, George Henry [200522] b.1902
Couch, George Joseph [200541] b.1921, Baltimore MD
Couch, George Joseph Jr. [200544] [200544]
Couch, Hazel Florence [200539] [200539] b.1813, Baltimore MD
Couch, Henry [200495] b.1842, New Jersey
Couch, Hesiah [91331] (Keziah), Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Howard [200506] b.1852, New Jersey
Couch, Ida M. [200484] b.1880 wife of Oscar Cranmer d.1949
Couch, Isaac [200441], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Isaac Nicholas [200455] [200455] b.1854, New Jersey d.1916
Couch, Isaac S. Jr. [91321] b.22_Apr_1853 d.25_Feb_1928, Richmond VA
Couch, James F. [200446] b.1821, New Jersey d.1863
Couch, James Siffrin [200523] b.1904
Couch, James Watson [91316] b.8_Oct_1841, New Jersey d.13_Dec_1919, New Kent Co. VA
Couch, John [200452] b.1848, New Jersey d.1918
Couch, John [91327] farmer b.1790, New Jersey d.1849, Salem Co. NJ
Couch, John [91334], Alloway Creek, Salem Co. NJ d.31_Aug_1807, Salem Co. NJ
Couch, John Emmett [91353] b.1894
Couch, John H. K. [91346] b.30_Jul_1910 d.30_Jan_1927
Couch, John Wesley [91317] farmer b.7_Dec_1843, Virginia d.1917, New Kent Co. VA
Couch, Jonathan [200508] b.1859, New Jersey
Couch, Jonathan [91326], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Joseph [200444] b.1815, New Jersey
Couch, Joseph A. [200485] d.1992
Couch, Joseph A. [200496] b.1843, New Jersey d.1902
Couch, Joseph Melton [200465] b.1923, Quantico MD d.1992
Couch, Joseph Watson [200509] b.1861, New Jersey d.1934
Couch, Joseph Watson [200516] b.1887 d.1935
Couch, Kathleen E. [200515] wife of Fred Ensslew d.1977
Couch, Kathleen Elain [200549] [200549]
Couch, Lewis [91330], Salem Co. NJ
Couch, Margaret [200456] b.1858, New Jersey
Couch, Margaret [200461] b.1881 wife of Richard Missick d.1847
Couch, Margaret [200542] b.1929
Couch, Mary [200517] b.1889, Baltimore MD wife of Charles Hutson d.1918
Couch, Mary S. [200501] b.1866, New Jersey
Couch, Mary Susie [91347] b.1913, New Kent Co VA m.3_Jul_1933, Richmond VA wife of Henry A. Robens
Couch, Nelson J. [200457] b.1860, New Jersey
Couch, Patricia Ann [91363] m.3_Sep_1966 wife of David L. Cole
Couch, Paul Homer [200519] b.1892, Bridgeton NJ d.1947
Couch, Paul Homer [200540] b.1916
Couch, Phebe [200448] wife of John Mick
Couch, Robert [200454] b.1852, New Jersey
Couch, Robert K. [91318] b.1845, Virginia
Couch, Robert L. [91345] b.8_Sep_1908 d.10_Jan_1950
Couch, Robert Wesley Jr. [91365] [91365] b.1933, New Kent Co VA
Couch, Rufus Clifton [91352] b.1889
Couch, Samuel [91322] died in infancy
Couch, Sarah Annie [200503] b.1874, Burlington Co. NJ d.1913
Couch, Sharon Emilyne [200468] [200468] wife of Joseph M. Hnecht
Couch, Thurman [91328] (Firmin) b.15_Jan_1794, Salem Co. NJ d.12_Feb_1857, Illinois
Couch, Tila [91332] (Filas), Salem Co. NJ
Couch, William [200510] b.1860, New Jersey
Couch, William Adam [200520] b.1895
Couch, William Ira [200482] b.1877
Couch, William Joseph [200451] [200451] b.1847, New Jersey d.1885
Couch, William Thomas [200460] [200460] b.1884, Whitehaven MD d.1967
Couch, William Thomas [200464] [200464] b.1914 d.1982
Cranmer, Herman H. [200490] b.1904 b.1963
Cranmer, Lucy [200489] b.1901, New Jersey
Hardin, Sarah J. [91351] b.12_Oct_1866 m.26_Nov_1884 wife of John Wesley Couch d.11_Dec_1919
Hockaday, Betty [91455] wife of Robert White
Mathias, James [91422] b.21_Dec_195_
Mathias, John [91423] b.30_Mar_196_
Mathias, Richard [91424] b.28_Jun_196_
Mathias, Thomas [91421] b.13_Apr_195_
McDowell, Margaret Audrey [91413] [91413] b.17_Dec_1919 m.9_Apr_1937 wife of John W. Wydro
McDowell, Mildred Anne [91414] [91414] b.23_Jan_1927 m.1951 wife of Richard B. Mathias
Mills, Deborah [91373] (Dera) b.9_Aug_1880 wife of Porter Phaup
Mills, Grace [91378] d. in infancy
Mills, John [91377] d. in infancy
Mills, Margaret [91375] (Maggie) b.18_Aug_1888 m.1_Jan_1910 wife of Thomas McDowell
Mills, Pearl Estelle [91376] b.17_Jul_1893 wife of Robert Trimmer d.23_May_1963
Mills, William P. [91371] b.1829
Missick, Gladys W. [200475] b.1905
Missick, Marion [200474] b.1903
Missick, Nelson [200476] b.1906 d.1936
Missick, Woodrow [200477] b.1911 d.1943
Peterson, George Richard [200555] [200555]
Peterson, Joseph Frederick [200557] [200557]
Phaup, Alvin [91388] b.17_Apr_1920
Phaup, Ashton [91382] b.14_Jun_1907
Phaup, Carlese [91380] d.22_Jul_1902, infant
Phaup, Evelyn [91387] b.12_Jun_1917 wife of Benjamin Parker
Phaup, Gilroy [91381] b.13_Jul_1905
Phaup, Hansford [91385] b.24_Sep_1913
Phaup, Herman [91386] b.17_May_1915
Phaup, Irwin [91383] b.23_Aug_1909
Phaup, Julian [91389] b.8_Nov_1923
Phaup, Lloyd [91384] b.13_Oct_1911
Thompson, Alice L. [91358] b.1899 m.1920 wife of John E. Couch
Woodward, Adele [91442] wife of ________ Holzbach
Woodward, Bernice [91441] wife of Irwin Brightwell
Woodward, Louise [91443] wife of Henry Crews
Wydro, Robert [91417] (Bobb) b.5_Mar_1949
Wydro, William [91416] (Bill) b.14_Feb_1940
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