Browne, Betty Carter [80183] m.12_Sep_1786 wife of John Bassett
Browne, Elizabeth [80144] b.1502 wife of Henry H. Somerset d.20_Oct_1565
Browne, Francis [80179] d.9_May_1626
Browne, Jane [126366] b.1580 wife of Francis Englefield d.17_Sep_1650
Browne, Judith Walker [80184] wife of Robert Lewis
Browne, Mary [80189] m.27_Apr_1699 wife of Benjamin Lynde
Browne, Mary Burnet [80185] wife of Herbert Claiborne
Browne, Sir Anthony [80135] sheriff of Surrey and Sussex viscount Montague d.1592
Browne, Sir Anthony [80143] Knight of the Garter d.1548
Browne, Sir George [80147] of Beechworth Castle d.1483 (beheaded)
Browne, Sir Robert [80151] of Beechworth Castle, County Surrey
Browne, Sir Stephen [80152] lord mayor of London
Browne, Thomas [80177] d.1_May_1608
Browne, William [80136] of Puddington, Northamptonshire d.1664, England
Browne, William [80180] b.1608 d.25_Jan_1687
Browne, William [80182] d.1716
Browne, William [80191] b.1709 d.1763
Browne, William Burnet [80186] [80186] b.7_Oct_1738
Burnet, Mary [80192] m.14_Nov_1737 wife of William Browne
Curwen, Hannah [80187] wife of William Browne
Dacres, Magdalen [80158] (or Margaret)
Danvers, Margery [126355] wife of Thomas Englefield
Englefield, Francis [126347] b.Jun_1562 d.Oct_1631
Englefield, John [126348] d.Apr_1567
Englefield, Mary Dorothy [126346] [126346] wife of Sir Edward Morgan
Englefield, Thomas [126349] d.1537
Fitton, Margaret [126360] wife of John Englefield
Harbottle, Mary [126362] wife of Edward Fitton
Keatch, Abigail [80190] m.1705 wife of Samuel Browne
Milborn, Joan [126353] wife of John Englefield
Smith, Sarah [80181] wife of William Browne
Throckmorton, Elizabeth [126357] [126357] wife of Thomas Englefield
Willoughby, Jane [126364] wife of Guiscard Harbottle
Young, Mary [80195] m.London wife of William Browne d.1635
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