Boyd, Monica [89648] b.1_Apr_1965
Forrest, Carleton Page [89635] [89635] b.4_Oct_1934
Forrest, Cornel [138894] oysterman of Westville, Matthews Co. VA b.Jul_1834, Virginia
Forrest, Denise Antonette [90135] [90135] b.3_Aug_1960
Forrest, Elizabeth [138889] b.Sep_1865, Virginia
Forrest, Etta M. [138879] b.1906, Westville, Matthews Co. VA
Forrest, Eva V. [138892] b.Dec_1880, Virginia
Forrest, George Edward [138877] [138877] sailor b.1901, Westville, Matthews Co. VA
Forrest, George S. [138885] b.Apr_1863, Virginia
Forrest, George W. [138895] oysterman of Westville, Matthews Co. VA b.Apr_1835, Virginia
Forrest, Gregory [89643] b.7_Feb_1959
Forrest, Howard [138880] sailor b.1901, Virginia
Forrest, Jacqueline [89637] b.2_Oct_1941 m.9_Sep_1961 wife of William K. Robinson
Forrest, John H. [138887] sailor b.Apr_1866, Virginia
Forrest, Kimberly Page [89644] [89644] b.30_Aug_1966
Forrest, Mabel [138881] b.1905, Virginia
Forrest, Marshall [89636] b.27_Jul_1940
Forrest, Mary A. [138891] (Lady) b.May_1876, Virginia m.1899 wife of George S. Forrest
Forrest, Mary Virginia [89638] [89638] b.11_Feb_1944 m.25_May_1963 wife of Richard Boyd
Forrest, Nathan Spencer [90136] [90136] b.15_Oct_1966
Forrest, Raymond Spencer [89634] [89634] b.12_Feb_1932
Forrest, Sylas [138886] laborer b.1868, Virginia
Forrest, William Howard [138878] [138878] sailor b.1904, Westville, Matthews Co. VA
Forrest, Willie E. [138890] oysterman b.Oct_1875, Virginia
Robinson, William Dean [89646] [89646] b.4_Jan_1964
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