Adolphson, Kristen Marie [194027] [194027] b.1986
Adolphson, Mark Andrew Jr. [194028] [194028] b.1989
Adolphson, Valerie Ann [194026] [194026] b.1983
Bean, James Aaron [194151] b.1990
Bean, Shannon Taylor [194152] b.1992
Bilger, Erika Emery [194023] b.1977
Bilger, Jessica Mae [194024] b.1981
Bosewell, James Thomas Jr. [194216] [194216] b.1955
Bostodo, Amanda Louise [194015] [194015] b.1981
Bostodo, David John [194011] b.1968 d.1993
Bostodo, Jason Allen [194013] b.1974
Bostodo, Patrick John [194014] [194014] b.1978
Bostodo, Thomas Patrick [194012] [194012] b.1968
Briggs, Shirley Jean [194072] b.1953 wife of Robert G. Williams
Carmine, Dale Eugene [194080] b.1954
Carmine, Michelle Darlene [194084] [194084] b.1967
Carmine, Robert Wayne [194083] [194083] b.1965
Carmine, Steven James [194087] [194087]
Carmine, Susan Lynne [194082] b.1959
Carmine, Wanda Yvonne [194081] [194081] b.1957 wife of Howard Smith
Clement, Amber Danielle [194134] [194134] b.1991
Clement, Chad Everett [194133] [194133] b.1988
Cooper, Austen [194055] b.1995
Cooper, Heather [194053] b.1989
Cooper, Justin [194054] b.1992
Creekmore, Frances [194197] b.1912
Creekmore, Harvey [194199] b.1915
Creekmore, Lucille [194198] b.1914
Creekmore, Walter [194200] b.1927
D'Amico, Daniel Scott [194031] [194031] b.1964
D'Amico, Kelly Jean [194032] b.1968 wife of Kevin Boyd Fogarty
D'Amico, Michael Victor [194030] [194030] b.1962
D'Amico, Travis Scott [194037] [194037] b.1988
D'Amico, William Franklin [194033] [194033] b.1972
Donahue, Christina Hyacinth [194146] [194146] b.1990 d.1990
Donahue, Shawn Ryan [194147] b.1991
Elliott, Carla Sue [194121] b.1968 wife of Duval Clements
Elliott, Donna Jean [194119] b.1962 wife of Richard L. Nichols
Elliott, Heather Darlene [194122] [194122] b.1977
Elliott, Robin Lynn [194149] b.1971 wife of James V. Bean
Elliott, Sandra Kay [194118] b.1960 wife of James D. Roberts Sr.
Elliott, Wendalyn Hope [194120] [194120] b.1966 wife of Mark L. Mountcastle
Fogarty, Brandon Kyle [194039] [194039] b.1990
Fogarty, Lindsay Margaret [194040] [194040] b.1992
Hall, Brad Stephen [194186] b.1987
Hall, Gregg Montigue [194180] b.1968
Hall, Leonard Warren [194177] b.1948 d.1997
Hall, Lois Christine [193957] wife of Orville H. Forrest Sr.
Hall, Phyllis Myrtle [194176] b.1940 wife of Marvin M. Robbins
Hall, Robert Elwood [194175] b.1939
Hall, Robin Denise [194179] b.1964 wife of Raymond West
Hall, William Erik [194185] b.1982
Hendrix, John William Earl [193982] [193982] b.1989
Hendrix, Matthew Earl [193983] [193983] b.1994
Hogge, Dylan Wade [193992] b.1993
Howlett, Brenda Lee [194208] b.1962
Howlett, William Horace [194205] [194205] b.1927
Howlett, William Michael [194207] [194207] b.1960
Hunt, Janie Renee [194103] b.1959 wife of Donald Brewster wife of Thomas Joice
McDonald, Michael Jr. [194162] [194162]
Miller, Jennifer Marie [194077] [194077] b.1992
Miller, Joshua David [194078] b.1995
Mountcastle, Dianna Lee [194130] [194130] b.1984
Mountcastle, Mark Elliott [194131] [194131] b.1986
Nichols, Brittany Hope [194128] [194128] b.1992
Nichols, Candice Elizabeth [194127] [194127] b.1982
Padgett, Frank [194202] b.1894
Riddle, Victoria [194159] wife of Michael McDonald Sr.
Rivera, Carmen Lynn [194143] b.1966 wife of Marvin L. Donahue
Rivera, Christopher Lance [194144] [194144] b.1982
Robbins, Amanda Michelle [193998] [193998] b.1994
Robbins, Christina Dawn [193995] [193995] b.1987
Robbins, Cynthia Kay [193988] b.1960 wife of Thomas E. Hogge Jr.
Robbins, Daryn Cody [193999] b.1995
Robbins, Glenn Moore [194183] b.1964
Robbins, Heather Marie [193994] [193994] b.1982
Robbins, James Michael [193990] [193990] b.1968
Robbins, Justin Lee [193997] b.1992
Robbins, Ricky Lee [193989] b.1964
Roberts, George Patrick [194125] [194125] b.1980
Roberts, James David Jr. [194124] [194124] b.1978
Rowland, Ashley Dianne [194141] [194141] b.1988
Rowland, Jessica Michelle [194139] [194139] b.1993
Rowland, Mark Anthony [194136] [194136] b.1962
Rowland, Michael Christian [194137] [194137] b.1964
Samuels, Judy Gaynell [193977] [193977] b.1946 wife of ________ Godsey
Seeman, Albert Christian [194019] [194019] b.1975
Seeman, Brenda Kaye [194009] b.1959 wife of Mark A. Adolphson Sr.
Seeman, Diane Louise [194004] b.1947 wife of Archie T. Bostedo Jr.
Seeman, Frederick Christian [194008] [194008] b.1957
Seeman, Janet Dayle [194007] b.1954 wife of Michael D. Bilger
Seeman, Jeffrey [194020] b.1979
Seeman, John Franklin [194006] [194006] b.1952
Seeman, Joyce Antoinette [194005] [194005] b.1948 wife of Thomas Harrell
Smith, Leslie Ann [194089] b.1977
Sober, Anna Marie [194100] b.1990
Sober, Ivan Jeffrey [194099] b.1989
Soper, Jeffrey Wayne [194094] b.1960
Soper, Jon Christian [194093] b.1957
Soper, Weston Judson [194092] b.1955
St., Calin Leon West [194044] b.1957
Weat, Velvet Nicole [194051] b.1979
Wess, Patricia Lynn [194167] b.1942 wife of Frank E. Critzer
West, Aaron Paul [194116] b.1992
West, Alice Jeannette [194192] [194192] b.1910 d.1919
West, Alma Lucille [193969] b.1931 wife of Carl E. Briggs
West, Anna Marie [194050] b.1973 wife of Thomas Cooper
West, Bernadette Mae [193980] b.1963 wife of John W. Hendrix
West, Bernice Elizabeth [193973] [193973] b.1841 wife of George A. Elliot
West, Betsy Ann [193970] b.1933 wife of Welford O. Carmine d.1978
West, Betty Carol [193986] b.1945 wife of Donald Forsht
West, Booker B. [182701] b.1884 d.1964
West, Calvin Leon Jr. [194059] [194059] b.1982
West, Carlton Lee [194156] b.1926
West, Carlton Michael [194166] [194166] b.1941
West, Carrie Lee [182706] b.1898 wife of Milton Rowe
West, Cassandra Lynn [194068] b.1989
West, Cynthia [194165] b.1940 wife of Douglas Williams
West, Dtacey Renee [194057] b.1978
West, Earl Rudolph [193966] b.1925 d.1993
West, Eldred Rommie [193963] b.1908 d.1971
West, Ellis Leon Jr. [194109] b.1964
West, Ellis Leon Sr. [193972] b.1940
West, Ethel Belle [182707] b.1903 wife of Manuel Smith wife of Floyd Kirby
West, Eva Pearl [182702] b.1889 wife of Elmer C. Bray d.1959
West, Garris Wayne [193975] b.1944
West, Gordon Dale Jr. [194049] [194049] b.1970
West, Gordon Dale Sr. [194043] [194043] b.1950
West, Irving Jones Jr. [194157] [194157] b.1927
West, Irving Jones Sr. [193962] [193962] b.1904 d,1990
West, James [182705] b.1896 d.1957
West, James Eric Jr. [194114] b.1991
West, James Eric Sr. [194108] b.1961
West, Jean Shirley [194211] b.1926 wife of James T. Bosewell Sr.
West, Judy Lee [193985] b.1943 wife of Charles E. Robbins wife of William Smith wife of Terry Scott
West, Lillian Blanch [182703] b.1891 wife of Walter N. Creekmore Jr. d.1927
West, Lucretia Ann [203205] b.1852 m.12_Dec_1869, Gloucester Co. VA wife of Thomas Smith
West, Lucy Estelle [182704] b.1893 wife of John R. Padgett wife of Horace Howlett d.1983
West, Mary Magdeline [182700] b.1882 wife of Isaac H. Belvin
West, Melissa Ellen [194047] b.1966 wife of Timothy M. Liverman
West, Misty Deane [194063] b.1991
West, Myrtle Lucille [193964] b.1911 wife of Brady A. Hall d.1983
West, Nathan Carl [194067] b.1986
West, Otha L. [194191] b.1904 d.1986
West, Patricia Faye [194155] b.1925 wife of Gene Riddle
West, Phillip Anthony [194112] [194112] b.1982
West, Robert Earl Jr. [194061] [194061] b.1978
West, Robert Earl Sr. [194045] [194045] b.1959
West, Robert Franklin III [182699] [182699] b.1880 d.1949
West, Robert Franklin Jr. [182698] [182698] b.1857 d.1908
West, Shelby Dwight [194213] b.1937
West, Shiela Gayle [194062] b.1979
West, Shirley Jean [193971] b.1935 wife of Ivan J. Soper
West, Thomas Irving [194173] b.1948
West, Tracey Mae [194058] b.1979
West, Willard Eugene Jr. [194046] [194046] b.1964
West, Willard Eugene Sr. [193968] [193968] b.1929
West, Willare Eugene III [194065] [194065] b.1982
West, William Franklin [193961] [193961] b.1901 d.1947
West, William Franklin [194210] [194210] b.1917
Williams, Angel Denise [194074] [194074] b.1966 wife of Eric Miller
Williams, Lisa Marie [194075] b.1969
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