Beuschel, Alice [193841] b.1896 d.1917
Beuschel, John Homer [193842] b.8_Aug_1889 d.27_Feb_1963
Crowley, Albert Charles [193810] [193810] b.21_Feb_1898/1899 d.11_Jun_1964
Crowley, Arthur Fredrick [193808] [193808] b.14_Jun_1893 d.20_Jan_1974
Crowley, Catherine Eyleen [193825] [193825] b.2_Nov_1919
Crowley, George Lowell [193814] [193814] b.5_Apr_1928 d.21_May_1992
Crowley, Helen [193837] b.1906 wife of Maurice L. Mead d.1982
Crowley, John L. [193800] b.1866 d.1941
Crowley, John Lyman [193806] (JL) b.4_Oct_1886 d.17_Oct_1945
Crowley, Loren [193804] b.1876 d.1876
Crowley, Lowell Eddie [193807] [193807] b.14_Nov_1889 d.31_May_1965
Crowley, Lyle H. [193838] b.1909 d.1936
Crowley, Marilyn Ruth [193818] [193818] b.10_Sep_1924 wife of Elvis Hunt
Crowley, May [193801] b.1869 wife of John Beuschel d.1910
Crowley, Myron C. [193803] (Mike) b.1872 d.1948
Crowley, Olive L. [193802] b.1871 wife of G. P. Simmons d. after 1941
Crowley, Wallace Arthur [193817] [193817] b.29_Aug_1920 d.1972
Crowley, Wayne Merrick [193816] [193816] b.14_Jan_1918
Hoag, Adelaide [193851] b.1861, Michigan
Hoag, Albert [193795] b.1846, New York
Hoag, Belle F. [193855] b.1870, Michigan
Hoag, Charley S. [193797] b.1855, Michigan
Hoag, Clauda [193852] b.1863, Michigan
Hoag, Erastus S. [193857] b.1879, Michigan
Hoag, Frank Eugene [193854] b.1867, Michigan
Hoag, Irene [193862] b.1900, Michigan
Hoag, Living [193860] Hogg DNA Project ID MA1637b
Hoag, Living [193861] wife of Living Saunders
Hoag, Lorene [193863] b.1908, Michigan
Hoag, Lyman [193853] b.1865, Michigan
Hoag, Mary A. [193850] b.1859, Michigan
Hoag, Ray [193847] b.1894, Michigan
Hoag, Timothy D. [202401] farmer, Pittsfield, Loraine Co. OH b.1787, New York
Hoag, Walter [193846] b.Jul_1879, Michigan
Hoag, Walter E. [193856] b.1876, Michigan
Hoag, Warren [193791] of Lenox, Macomb Co. MI, 1860 b.1785, New York
Pittman, Bernard Crowley [193823] [193823] b.6_Oct_1924
Van_Den_Hout, Doris Jean [193834] [193834] b.21_Oct_1926
Van_Den_Hout, Roger [193835] b.17_Sep_1931 d.1978
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