(Bird), Grover Landrum McDannold [142113] (Bird) [142113] d.1960
England, Sarah [141742] b.ca.1652, Gloucester Co. VA wife of Richard Long
Forrest, Abraham [141762] b.ca.1753, Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. VA d.1808, Prince Edward Co. VA
Forrest, Ann [141737] b.ca.1652, Virginia
Forrest, Bathsheba [141764] b.ca.1757, Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. VA wife of ________ Jackson
Forrest, Edmond [141736] b.ca.1650, England d. after 1685, Gloucester Co. VA
Forrest, Elizabeth [141739] b.ca.1657, Virginia
Forrest, George [141754] b.ca.1729, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
Forrest, James [141787] b.ca.1783, Halifax Co. VA
Forrest, John [141738] b.ca.1655, Milford Haven, Gloucester Co. VA d. before 1704, Gloucester Co. VA
Forrest, John [141746] b.ca.1682, Virginia
Forrest, John [141752] b.ca.1721, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA d. Lunenburg Co. VA
Forrest, John [141758] b.ca.1745, Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. VA
Forrest, Josiah [141759] b.ca.1747, Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. VA
Forrest, Joyce [141780] b.ca.1736, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
Forrest, Richard [141747] b.ca.1686, Virginia
Forrest, Richard [141781] b.1740, Gloucester Co. VA d. Randolph IN
Haden, Living [142050] wife of Living Chomphosy
Haden, Living [142052] wife of Living Miller
Haden_Chomphosy, Living [142057] [142057] wife of Living Crandall
Haden_Chomphosy, Living [142058] [142058]
Haden_Chomphosy, Living [142059] [142059]
Haden_Chomphosy, Living [142060] [142060]
Harrelson, Cas Graves [142119] [142119] b.1_Nov_1883, Pike Co. MO
Lewis, Mary Ann [142045] b.20_Feb_1910, Pike Co. MO d.23_Oct_1995, Pike Co, MO
Long, Anne [141744] b.ca.1660, Virginia wife of John Forrest
McDannold, Allen T. [142112] b.15_Nov_1873 d.5_Nov_1905
McDannold, Charley T. [142114] [142114] b.5_Aug_1876 d.27_Jan_1880
McDannold, Margaret [142111] b.21_Jul_1871 d.21_Oct_1876
McDannold, Sterling [142110] b.1869 d.ca.1962
Morehead, John Motley [142134] [142134]
Motley, Berdina Elza [142038] b.12_Oct_1878, Pike Co. MO wife of James M. Dutton d.ca.1970
Motley, Carey Lee [142096] b.21_Jun_1912 d.ca.1984
Motley, Daniel Jasper [142025] [142025] b.1838, MO
Motley, David [142028] b.28_Apr_1850, MO d.18_May_1851, MO
Motley, David James [30667] b.ca.1758, Amelia Co. VA d. before 20_Mar_1826
Motley, Delilah [142005] wife of Benjamin Terry
Motley, Elbert Phipps [142097] [142097] b.3_Mar_1914 d.ca.1985
Motley, Elizabeth [142008] wife of Floyd Tanner
Motley, Elizabeth P [142020] b.4_Jul_1828, VA wife of John Smiley d.6_Jul_1873, MO
Motley, Ernest Burton [142099] [142099] b.22_May_1924
Motley, Ernest Cleveland [142041] [142041] b.22_Feb_1885, Pike Co. MO d.19_Nov_1963, Hannibal MO
Motley, Homer C. [142040] b.1_Jan_1881, Pike Co. MO d.12_Feb_1881, Pike Co. MO
Motley, James Coleman [142016] [142016]
Motley, Joseph [141756] b.1697, Gloucester Co. VA d.27_Aug_1777, Amelia Co. VA
Motley, Joseph [141989] b.1720, Pittsylvania Co. VA d.1804-6, Pittsylvania Co. VA
Motley, Joseph [142010] b.ca.1720 d.ca.1806
Motley, Joseph H. [142128] b.ca.1811
Motley, Joseph T. [142023] b.27_Nov_1837, VA d.1_Jul_1900, MO
Motley, Maggie Edna [142035] b.17_Jul_1873, MO d.26_Jul_1873, MO
Motley, Martha [142126] (Patsy) b.29_May_1816
Motley, Martha T. [142027] b.1845, MO wife of William J. Hamlett
Motley, Mary Green [142022] b.5_Mar_1830, VA d.12_Jan_1855, Lincoln Co. MO wife of Buck Holloway
Motley, Milton T. [142095] b.27_Oct_1910 d.ca.1982
Motley, Milton Tilden [142018] [142018] b.15_May_1840, Hartford MO d.7_Nov_1919, Pike Co. MO
Motley, Obedience [141999] wife of John Morehead
Motley, Pauline Bernice [142098] [142098] b.6_Sep_1922 wife of ________ Matthews
Motley, Samuel Clayton II [142019] [142019] b.19_Dec_1834, VA d.12_Nov_1917
Motley, Samuel Pendleton [142125] [142125] d.23_Oct_1899
Motley, Sarah Catherine [142026] [142026] b.1848, MO wife of Leander Graves d.1931
Motley, Susie E. [142036] b.5_Jun_1874, Pike Co. MO d.12_Jul_1881
Motley, William David [142015] [142015]
Motley, William Douglas [142032] [142032] b.14_Jan_1867, Pike Co. MO d.6_Apr_1942, MO
Olenhausen, Gladys [142085] b.1900 wife of ________ Olebeare d.1948
Rinkel, Delbert [142079] b.2_Sep_1903, Pike Co. MO
Rinkel, George Vernon [142081] [142081]
Strador, Jewel [142089] wife of William R. Hume
Strador, Ruby [142090] b.1_Apr_1903, Pike Co. MO m.1927 wife of Morgan F. Cohagan
Upshaw, Forrest [141847] b.1718, Essex Co. VA d.1759, Essex Co. VA
Upshaw, Jonathan [141858] b.1867, Pocahontas, Randolph Co. AR d.1918, Chandler OK
Upshaw, Lee Roy [141856] b.Nov_1835, Jackson Co. AL d.Feb_1912, Carney OK
Upshaw, Leonard [141863] b.1922, OK d.1927. OK
Upshaw,, Lieut. Leroy [141849] b.1750, Essex Co. VA d.1803, GA
Upshaw, Lou [141860] b.1903, OK d.Oct_1984, Oklahoma City OK
Upshaw, Middleton [141854] b.1808, Wilkes Co. GA d.1886, Pocahontas, Randolph Co. AR
Upshaw, T. L. [141865] b.Aug_1933, OK
Upshaw, V. J. [141864] b.Jan_1931, Seminole OK wife of N. F. Cleveland
Upshaw, Wanda [141866] b.1928, Hominy OK d.1928, Hominy OK
Upshaw, William [141852] b.1778, Amherst Co. VA d.1830, Jackson Co. AL
Wilkins, Living [142047] wife of Peter J. Haden wife of Living Elgin
Williams, Abraham [141774] b.20_Dec_1741, North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co. VA
Williams, Judith [141775] b.31_Oct_1743, North Farnham Parish, Richmond Co. VA
Williams, Mary Ellen [142105] b.25_Jun_1858, Bowling Green MO d.30_Apr_1934. Stafford, KS
Williams, Samuel Edward [142106] [142106] b.3_Mar_1861, Louisville MO d.30_Jan_1947, Los Angeles CA
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