
de_Arderne, Philippa [19384] wife of John de_Drayton

Basset, Lucia [19377] wife of Walter de_Vere

Bolebec, Isabel [19261], Hatfield, Essex, England wife of Robert de_Vere d.2_Feb_1245, England

Bolebec, Walter [19262], Blancland, N. Hampshire, England d. before 1187

Borlace, Anne [19409] wife of Euseby Isham

Bourdon, Ivetta [19379] wife of Henry de_Drayton

Brett, Edward [19427]

Brett, Mary [19428] m.15_Aug_1625, Foddington, Bedfordshire, Eng. wife of William Isham

Dale, Elizabeth [19406] wife of Gregory Isham

Douglas, ________ [19300] wife of John Sheffield

de_Drayton, Baldwin [19380]

Drayton, Catherine [19385] wife of Henry de_Greene

de_Drayton, Henry [19378]

de_Drayton, John [19382]

of_Essex, Agnes [19247] m.1163 3rd wife of Aubrey de Vere

of_Essex, Henry [19248] lord of Rayleigh and Haughley

de_Essex, Lucia [19245], Essex, England wife of Aubrey de_Vere

Foliot, Jane [19265] wife of Alphonso de Vere

de_Furnell, Matilda [19372] wife of Robert de_Vere

de_Gaunt, Beatrice [19272], Bourboncy, France wife of Alberic de_Vere

de_Gimeeges, Idonea [19381] wife of Baldwin de_Drayton

Green, Agnes [19388] of Green's Norton, Northamptonshire, England m. before 27_Oct_1351 wife of William la Zouche d. before May_1393

de_Greene, Henry [19387]

de_Greene, Isabella [19394] wife of Richard de_Vere

de_Greene, John [19390] d.1433

Greene, Margaret [19393] wife of John de_Greene

Isham, Anne [19411] wife of Col. Francis Eppes

Isham, Anne [19417] d. after 1676

Isham, Euseby [19401]

Isham, Euseby [19407] d.1626, Pytchley

Isham, Euseby [19412]

Isham, Giles [19404]

Isham, Gregory [19403] d.4_Sep_1558

Isham, Henry [19413] d. before 1680

Isham, Henry [19416], at sea returning to Va. from England

Isham, Mary [19418] b.1659, Bermuda Hundred, Chesterfield Co. VA m. before 1676 wife of William Randolph d. after 1714

Isham, William [19410]

Kilrington, Alice [19295] wife of John de_Vere

Lovet, Catherine [19420] wife of Giles Poulton

Mauduit, Maud [19389] wife of Henry de_Greene

Poulton, Anne [19402] wife of Euseby Isham

Ryall, Joseph [19423]

de_Sanford, Alice [19263] m. before 1252 wife of Robert de Vere, 5th earl of Oxford d.1285

SerJeaux, Alice [19293] wife of Richard de_Vere

Sheffield, Edmund [19301] 3rd baron Sheffield 1st earl Mulgrave b.1566 d.1646

Sheffield, Frances [19303] wife of Sir Philip Fairfax

Sheffield, John [19299]

Tirwhit, Ursula [19302] wife of Edmund Sheffield

de_Vere, ________ [19277] of Hedingham, Essex wife of Gerard de_Camville

de_Vere, Adeliza [19241] wife of Roger de_Burgh

de_Vere, Alfonso [19257] of Great Hormean, Herts d.1329

de_Vere, Alice [19238], Hatfield, Essex, England d. England wife of Geoffrey De Say

de_Vere, Alice [19268] (Alicia) wife of Henry de_la_Pomeroy

de_Vere, Anne [19284] wife of Edmund Sheffield

de_Vere, Aubrey [19235], Hatfield, Essex, England d.Oct_1214, England

de_Vere, Aubrey [19239] 1st earl of Oxford d.25_Dec_1194

de_Vere, Aubrey [19252]

de_Vere, Aubrey [19287]

de_Vere, Aubrey [19432]

de_Vere, Aubrey I [19270], Hedingham, Essex, Colne Priory, Essex

de_Vere, Aubrey II [19244] (Alberic) of Great Addington and Drayton of Hedingham, Essex, England sheriff of London and Middlesex justice master chamberlain of England d.15_May_1141, (slain) London, England

de_Vere, Dorothea [19439] wife of John Neville, 3rd lord Latimer

de_Vere, Eleanor [19269] wife of Sir Ralph de_Gernon

de_Vere, Elene [19398] wife of Thomas Isham

de_Vere, Elizabeth [19255] wife of Hugh Courtenay

de_Vere, Elizabeth [19289]

de_Vere, Frances [19285] wife of Henry Howard

de_Vere, Geoffrey [19288]

de_Vere, George [19434]

de_Vere, Henry [19237], Hatfield, Essex, England d. England

de_Vere, Henry [19373]

de_Vere, Henry [19397]

de_Vere, Hugh [19267] 4th earl of Oxford hereditary master chamberlain of England, Hatfield, Essex, England d.23_Dec_1263

de_Vere, Isabel [19260], Totnes, Devonshire, England m.24_Jan_1276, Oxford, Oxfordshire, England wife of Oliver Dinham wife of Sir John de_Courtenay d.11_Aug

de_Vere, Joan [19258] m.1283 wife of William de Warenne, 7th earl of Surrey d.1293

de_Vere, John [19256] 7th earl of Oxford hereditary Chamberlain of England b.1311 d.1359, Rheims

de_Vere, John [19286] d.3_Aug_1562

de_Vere, John [19290] d.21_Mar_1539

de_Vere, John [19291]

de_Vere, John [19433] 13th earl of Oxford b.08_Sep_1442 d.10_Mar_1513

de_Vere, John [19438] 14th earl of Oxford b.14_Aug_1499

de_Vere, Juliana [19240] of Norfolk wife of Hugh Bigod

de_Vere, Margaret [19254] m.____ wife of Henry de Beaumont wife of Sir Nicholas de Louvaine m.____ wife of Sir John de Devereux, lord Devereux d.1396

de_Vere, Ralph [19236], Hatfield, Essex, England d. before Oct_1214, England

de_Vere, Richard [19283] d.1417

de_Vere, Richard [19435]

de_Vere, Robert [19234] 3rd earl of Oxford hereditary master chamberlain of England, Hatfield, Essex, England d.25_Oct_1221, England

de_Vere, Robert [19243]

de_Vere, Robert [19259] 5th earl of Oxford, Hedinham, Essex, England d.2_Sep_1296, England

de_Vere, Robert [19292]

de_Vere, Robert [19376]

de_Vere, Rohese [19242] of Rycott, Oxford, Hedingham, Essex wife of Geoffrey de Manderville wife of Payne de_Beauchamp d.1167

de_Vere, Thomas [19253] d.18_Sep_1371

de_Vere, Walter [19375]

________, Alice [19281] wife of Aubrey de_Vere

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