Bathurst, Elizabeth [143076] wife of William Tomlin wife of William Dangerfield
Bathurst, Lawrence [143077] d. before 1705
Bathurst, Susannah [143075] wife of Drury Smith
Benning, Anne Carloine [29870] [29870]
Benning, Louise Vivian [29869] [29869] wife of Samuel Spencer
Cowles, Thomas Meriwether [142533] [142533] b.1800, Georga
Daingerfield, Elizabeth [143267] [143267] m.29_Sep_1769, Richmond VA wife of Meriwether Smith
Davies, Henry Landon [142890], Virginia d.1_Mar_1767, Amherst VA
Jones, Bathurst [143099] b.1768, Virginia
Jones, Elizabeth [143096] b.1756
Jones, Elizabeth Carter [143115] [143115] b.1788, Virginia
Jones, Frances Tasker [143117] [143117]
Jones, Jane [143097] b.1760, Virginia wife of John Monroe d.1795
Jones, Jane Skelton [143116] b.1790, Virginia
Jones, Mary [143095]
Jones, Meriwether [143098] b.1766, Virginia
Jones, Sally [143094]
Jones, Sally Jekyll [143114] b.1787, Virginia wife of James Davis
Jones, Thomas [143092] b.25_Dec_1726, Virginia d.1785, Hanover Co. VA
Jones, Thomas [143093], Virginia d.1800, Bathurst, essex Co. VA
Jones, Thomas [143113] b.1784, Bathurst VA d.12_Apr_1843, Clark Co. VA
Lee, Alice [143260] wife of ________ Corbin m.1760, Essex Co. VA wife of Meriwether Smith
Littlepage, Judith [143274] b. before 1731 wife of John Fauntleroy
Meriwether, Ann [142530] b.24_Jan_1775 wife of William M. Cowles
Meriwether, Anne [142595] b.11_Nov_1721, Louisa Co. VA m.1740 wife of Thomas B. Smith d.1792
Meriwether, Catherine W. [142919] [142919] b.1838 m.1856 wife of William Hunter
Meriwether, Charles James [142642] [142642] b.1797, Cloverfields, Albemarle Co. VA d. Farmington VA
Meriwether, Charles James [142915] [142915] b.27_Mar_1832, Cloverfields, Albemarle Co. VA d.1887
Meriwether,, Col. David [142505] [142505], New Kent Co. VA d.25_Dec_1744, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, David [142602] b.2_Sep_1739, Albemarle Co. VA d.1_Sep_1806
Meriwether, David H. [142597] b.5_Oct_1726, Louisa Co. VA, Georgia
Meriwether, Elizabeth [142653] [142653] wife of N. H. Massie
Meriwether, Elizabeth Lewis [142649] [142649], Virginia
Meriwether, Ellen Douglas [142918] [142918] b.1835 m.7_Sep_1854 wife of Charles J. Meriwether d.1908
Meriwether, Fannie E. [142921] [142921] b.1843 m.4_Dec_1864 wife of Henry C. Summerville
Meriwether, Francis [142517], James City Co. VA d.1712-1713
Meriwether, Francis [142601] (Frank) b.31_Oct_1737, Louisa Co. VA d.2_Jan_1803, Meriwether Co. GA
Meriwether, Francis [143083] d. young
Meriwether, George Douglas [142896] [142896] b.26_May_1797, Bedford Co. VA d.1828
Meriwether, Harriet Anne [142898] [142898] b.22_Feb_1801 wife of Arthur Davies
Meriwether, Helen C. [142681] b. St. Louis MO
Meriwether, Henry Landon [142894] [142894] b.19_Mar_1794, Bedford Co. VA d. infant
Meriwether, Henry Landon [142914] [142914] d. young
Meriwether, James [142598] b.21_Jun_1729, Hanover Co. VA d.26_Sep_1801, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, Jane [142525], Goochland Co. VA
Meriwether, Jane [142652]
Meriwether, John [142522], Virginia
Meriwether, John [142639] b.1789, Cloverfields, Albemarle Co. VA
Meriwether, Margaret Douglas [142895] [142895] b.Dec_1795, Bedford Co. VA
Meriwether, Mary [142512] b.1707 wife of Samuel Cobb m.1729 wife of John Aylett d.1745
Meriwether, Mary [142527], Goochland Co. VA, Mecklenburg VA
Meriwether, Mary [29841] wife of Richard P. White
Meriwether, Mary Catherine [142899] [142899] b.1803 d. young
Meriwether, Mary Gardener [142679] [142679] b. Albemarle Co. VA wife of John W. Wallace
Meriwether, Mildred Nelson [142647] [142647], Virginia wife of George W. Macon
Meriwether, Nicholas [142510] b.4_Jul_1699, Surry Co. VA d.1739, Virginia
Meriwether, Nicholas [142521], Goochland Co. VA d.1740, Hanover Co. VA
Meriwether, Nicholas [142594] b.11_Dec_1719, Louisa Co. VA d.3_May_1758, Goochland Co. VA
Meriwether, Nicholas [142640] b.1791, Cloverfields, Albemarle Co. VA
Meriwether, Nicholas Hunter [142635] [142635] b.9_Jan_1765, Hanover VA d.1805, Virginia
Meriwether, Richard [142523], Virginia d.1766, Albemarle Co. VA
Meriwether, Sally [142531] b.1_Aug_1783
Meriwether, Samuel Boyle [142901] [142901] b.1809 d. young
Meriwether, Sarah [142596] b.12_Feb_1724, Louisa Co. VA d.9_Sep_1725, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [142506], Goochland Co. VA d.25_Dec_1744, Frederickville, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [142518], James City Co. VA d.7_Jan_1708, Tappahannock, Essex Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [142592], New Kent Co. VA d.25_Jun_1757, Fredericksville, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [142609] b.5_Nov_1755, Albemarle Co. VA d.6_Nov_1755, Albemarle Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [142634] b.24_Apr_1763, Hanover VA d.21_Sep_1802, Louisa Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas [143082] b. after 1708
Meriwether, Thomas [29840], New Kent Co. VA
Meriwether, Thomas Warner [142651] [142651] b.1835
Meriwether, William [142507], Louisa Co. VA d.1768, Hanover VA
Meriwether, William [142519] b.17_Jun_1678, James City Co. VA
Meriwether, William [142599] b.25_Dec_1730, Louisa Co. VA d.24_Dec_1790, Jefferson Co. KY
Meriwether, William Douglas [142646] [142646] b.1825, Virginia d.1880
Meriwether, William Hunter [142641] [142641] b.1793, Cloverfields, Albemarle Co. VA
Meriwether, William Hunter [142678] [142678] b.1850
Meriwether, William Jr. [142524] [142524] b.13_Sep_1720, New Kent Co. VA d.1748, at sea
Skelton, Bathurst Meriwether [143089] [143089], Virginia d.1769
Skelton, Lucy [143088], Virginia wife of Robert Gilliam
Skelton, Meriwether [143087], Virginia d. after 1763
Skelton, Reuben [143086], Virginia
Skelton, Sarah [143085] (Sally), Virginia wife of Thomas Jones
Smith, Alice Lee [143262] d.1862
Smith, Elizabeth [143257] b.1737, S. Farnham Parish, Essex Co. VA d.24_Feb_1792
Smith, Francis [143254] b.1702, Essex Co. VA d.5_Mar_1760, S. Farnham Parish, Essex Co. VA
Smith, George William [143263] [143263] b.1762, Essex Co. VA d.26_Dec_1811, Richmond VA
Smith, George William Jr. [143271] [143271]
Smith, Lettice Lee [143265] m.1800, Old Rappahonock VA wife of Benjamin Rust
Smith, Lucy Dangerfield [143268] [143268] b.1773 m.1802, Old Rappahanoc VA wife of Frances Quarles
Smith, Mary [143256] b.1735, Middlesex Co. VA
Smith, Meriwether [143255] b.1730, Bathurst, Essex Co. VA d.25_Jan_1790, Marigold, Essex Co. VA
Smith, Richard Lee [143270] b.2_Apr_1794, Richard VA d. Casey Co. KY
White, Melinda Lewis [29850] wife of Pleasant M. Benning
Whiting, Catherine [142888], Virginia, Virginia wife of Nicholas Davies
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