Arthur George Rutherford = unknown

Arthur George Rutherford --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- George Edward Rutherford
|   [54053]
|   professor
|-- Alicia Rutherford [54054]
|   wife of John William Clayton
     lost at sea off Cherbourg

group index main index home page


Michael Alan Dewhurst = unknown

Michael Alan Dewhurst -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anthony Dewhurst [54062]
|   member of the league of
|    the scarlet pimpernel
|-- Georgia Dewhurst [54063]
|   wife of Sir Hugh Drummond

group index main index home page


________ Karoly [54048] = unknown

________ Karoly [54048] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Sir John Jansenius [54065]
|-- Julius Higgins [54066]
|-- Agatha Jansenius [54067]
|   wife of
|    Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy

group index main index home page


John William Clayton [54176] = Alicia Rutherford [54054]

John William Clayton [54176] ----
3rd earl of Greystoke
b.1750, New York
 lost at sea off Cherbourg
Alicia Rutherford [54054] -------
wife of John William Clayton
 lost at sea off Cherbourg
|-- Sir Jesse Clayton [54068]
|   4th earl of Greystoke
|   d.1858
|-- Sir William Clayton [54069]
|   b.1_Jan_1799
|   d.1902

group index main index home page


Sir Percy Blakeney [54051] = Alice Clarke Raffles [54052]

Sir Percy Blakeney [54051] ------
Alice Clarke Raffles [54052] ----
wife of Sir Percy Blakeney
|-- Mavice Blakeney [54070]
|-- Percy Armand Blakeney
|   [54071]
|-- Serena Blakeney [54072]
|   wife of ________ Rutherford
|-- Suzanne Blakeney [54073]
|   wife of Scott Rutherford
|-- Marguerite Blakeney [54074]
|   wife of
|    Paul Honore Delagardie

group index main index home page


Fitzwilliam Darcy [54050] = Alicia Bennett [54049]

Fitzwilliam Darcy [54050] -------
Alicia Bennett [54049] ----------
wife of Fitzwilliam Darcy
|-- Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy
|   [54075]

group index main index home page


George Edward Rutherford = Elizabeth Cavendish [54055]

George Edward Rutherford --------
Elizabeth Cavendish [54055] -----
wife of
 George Edward Rutherford
|-- ________ Rutherford [54077]
|-- Scott Rutherford [54078]

group index main index home page


Dr. Siger Holmes [54057] = Violet Clarke [54056]

Dr. Siger Holmes [54057] --------
Violet Clarke [54056] -----------
wife of Dr. Siger Holmes
|-- Mycroft Holmes [54080]

group index main index home page


Sir Hugh Drummond [54058] = Georgia Dewhurst [54063]

Sir Hugh Drummond [54058] -------
Georgia Dewhurst [54063] --------
wife of Sir Hugh Drummond
|-- John Drummond [54081]

group index main index home page


Honore Delagardie [54059] = Philippa Drummond [54060]

Honore Delagardie [54059] -------
Philippa Drummond [54060] -------
wife of Honore Delagardie
|-- Paul Honore Delagardie
|   [54083]
|-- Charles Dupin [54084]

group index main index home page


George Gordon [54064] = unknown

George Gordon [54064] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ada Augusta Gordon [54085]

group index main index home page


Sir John Jansenius [54065] = Ruth Rothschild [54162]

Sir John Jansenius [54065] ------
Ruth Rothschild [54162] ---------
wife of Sir John Jansenius
|-- Edith Jansenius [54086]
|   wife of William Cecil Clayton
|-- Henrietta Jansenius [54087]
|   d.1863
    wife of John Clayton

group index main index home page


unknown = Mavice Blakeney [54070]

unknown -------------------------
Mavice Blakeney [54070] ---------
|-- Patricia Clarke Wildman
|   [54088]
|   wife of William Cecil Clayton

group index main index home page


Julius Higgins [54066] = unknown

Julius Higgins [54066] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ellen Higgins [54089]
|   wife of Rudolph Bloom

group index main index home page


Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] = Arabella Howard [54183]

Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] -------
4th earl of Greystoke
Arabella Howard [54183] ---------
wife of Sir Jesse Clayton
|-- John Clayton [54090]
|   5th earl of Greystoke
|   b.8_Nov_1835
|-- William Cecil Clayton
|   [54091]
|   6th earl of Greystoke
|   b.2_Oct_1836
|   d.3_Feb_1909
|-- Joane Clayton [54092]
|   wife of Richard Wimsey
|   wife of Byron Noel-King

father's other spousal relationships

Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] = unknown

Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] =

group index main index home page


Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy = Agatha Jansenius [54067]

Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy --------
Agatha Jansenius [54067] --------
wife of
 Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy
|-- Athena Darcy [54093]
|   wife of John Clayton
|   d.1894

group index main index home page


Percy Armand Blakeney = Alexandra Grosvenor [54076]

Percy Armand Blakeney -----------
Alexandra Grosvenor [54076] -----
wife of Percy Armand Blakeney
|-- Marguerite Grosvenor Blakeney
|   [54094]
|   wife of George Rutherford

group index main index home page


________ Rutherford [54077] = Serena Blakeney [54072]

________ Rutherford [54077] -----
Serena Blakeney [54072] ---------
wife of ________ Rutherford
|-- George Rutherford [54095]
|   13th lord Tennington
|-- John Rutherford [54096]
|-- Venetia Rutherford [54097]
|   wife of William Drummond
|-- George Tennington Rutherford
|   [54098]
|-- Violet Rutherford [54099]
|   wife of Siger Holmes
|-- Lucasta Rutherford [54100]
|   wife of Francis Delagardie

group index main index home page


unknown = Suzanne Blakeney [54073]

unknown -------------------------
Suzanne Blakeney [54073] --------
wife of Scott Rutherford
|-- Egidnia Rutherford [54101]

mother's other spousal relationships

Scott Rutherford [54078] = Suzanne Blakeney [54073]

group index main index home page


Mycroft Holmes [54080] = ________ Vernet [54079]

Mycroft Holmes [54080] ----------
________ Vernet [54079] ---------
wife of Mycroft Holmes
|-- Siger Holmes [54102]

group index main index home page


John Drummond [54081] = unknown

John Drummond [54081] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Drummond [54103]

father's other spousal relationships

John Drummond [54081] = Oread Butler [54082]

mother's other spousal relationships

Oread Butler [54082] = unknown

group index main index home page


Paul Honore Delagardie = Marguerite Blakeney [54074]

Paul Honore Delagardie ----------
Marguerite Blakeney [54074] -----
wife of
 Paul Honore Delagardie
|-- Francis Delagardie [54104]

group index main index home page


Charles Dupin [54084] = unknown

Charles Dupin [54084] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Charles Auguste Dupin
|   [54106]

group index main index home page


unknown = Ada Augusta Gordon [54085]

unknown -------------------------
Ada Augusta Gordon [54085] ------
|-- Byron Noel-King [54108]

group index main index home page


William Cecil Clayton = Edith Jansenius [54086]

William Cecil Clayton -----------
6th earl of Greystoke
Edith Jansenius [54086] ---------
wife of William Cecil Clayton
|-- William Cecil Arthur Clayton
|   [54109]
|   7th earl of Greystoke
|   b.18_May_1891
|   d.1910, Gabon

father's other spousal relationships

William Cecil Clayton = Patricia Clarke Wildman

group index main index home page


William Cecil Clayton = Patricia Clarke Wildman

William Cecil Clayton -----------
6th earl of Greystoke
Patricia Clarke Wildman ---------
wife of William Cecil Clayton
|-- James Clarke Wildman [54111]

father's other spousal relationships

William Cecil Clayton = Edith Jansenius [54086]

group index main index home page


Rudolph Bloom [54161] = Ellen Higgins [54089]

Rudolph Bloom [54161] -----------
Ellen Higgins [54089] -----------
wife of Rudolph Bloom
|-- Leopold Bloom [54112]
|   immortalized by James Joyce

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54090] = Athena Darcy [54093]

John Clayton [54090] ------------
5th earl of Greystoke
Athena Darcy [54093] ------------
wife of John Clayton
|-- John Clayton [54113]
|   d. 22 NOV 1889 West Africa

father's other spousal relationships

John Clayton [54090] = Henrietta Jansenius [54087]

group index main index home page


George Rutherford [54095] = Marguerite Grosvenor Blakeney

George Rutherford [54095] -------
13th lord Tennington
Marguerite Grosvenor Blakeney ---
wife of George Rutherford
|-- Alice Rutherford [54114]
|   b.13_Jan_1864
|   m.21_Feb_1888
|   wife of John Clayton
    d. West Africa

group index main index home page


John Rutherford [54096] = unknown

John Rutherford [54096] ---------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Melissa Rutherford [54115]
|   wife of Blodgett Mayfair

father's other spousal relationships

John Rutherford [54096] = Dorothy Swinton [54179]

mother's other spousal relationships

Dorothy Swinton [54179] = unknown

group index main index home page


John Rutherford [54096] = Dorothy Swinton [54179]

John Rutherford [54096] ---------
Dorothy Swinton [54179] ---------
wife of John Rutherford
|-- George Edward Rutherford
|   [54116]

father's other spousal relationships

John Rutherford [54096] = unknown

John Rutherford [54096] = Melissa Rutherford [54115]

group index main index home page


unknown = Venetia Rutherford [54097]

unknown -------------------------
Venetia Rutherford [54097] ------
wife of William Drummond
|-- Ludwig Horace Holly [54117]

mother's other spousal relationships

William Drummond [54103] = Venetia Rutherford [54097]

group index main index home page


George Tennington Rutherford = unknown

George Tennington Rutherford ----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Nina Tennington Rutherford
|   [54118]

group index main index home page


unknown = Egidnia Rutherford [54101]

unknown -------------------------
Egidnia Rutherford [54101] ------
|-- A. J. Raffles [54119]
|   famous cricketeer
|    and gentleman burglar

group index main index home page


William Drummond [54103] = Venetia Rutherford [54097]

William Drummond [54103] --------
Venetia Rutherford [54097] ------
wife of William Drummond
|-- Roger Drummond [54120]

mother's other spousal relationships

unknown = Venetia Rutherford [54097]

Ludwig Horace Holly [54117] = Venetia Rutherford [54097]

group index main index home page


Francis Delagardie [54104] = Lucasta Rutherford [54100]

Francis Delagardie [54104] ------
Lucasta Rutherford [54100] ------
wife of Francis Delagardie
|-- Enid Delagardie [54121]
|   wife of
|    George Edward Rutherford
|-- H. Lucasta Delagardie
|   [54122]
|   wife of Gerald Wimsey
|-- Rhoda Delagardie [54123]
|   wife of John Byron Wentworth

father's other spousal relationships

Francis Delagardie [54104] = Enid Austin [54105]

group index main index home page


unknown = Enid Austin [54105]

unknown -------------------------
Enid Austin [54105] -------------
wife of Francis Delagardie
|-- P. Austin Delagardie [54124]

mother's other spousal relationships

Francis Delagardie [54104] = Enid Austin [54105]

group index main index home page


Richard Wimsey [54107] = Joane Clayton [54092]

Richard Wimsey [54107] ----------
Joane Clayton [54092] -----------
wife of Richard Wimsey
wife of Byron Noel-King
|-- Gerald Wimsey [54125]
|-- Richard Peter Wimsey [54126]

mother's other spousal relationships

Byron Noel-King [54108] = Joane Clayton [54092]

group index main index home page


Byron Noel-King [54108] = Joane Clayton [54092]

Byron Noel-King [54108] ---------
Joane Clayton [54092] -----------
wife of Richard Wimsey
wife of Byron Noel-King
|-- John Byron Wentworth [54127]

mother's other spousal relationships

Richard Wimsey [54107] = Joane Clayton [54092]

group index main index home page


James Clarke Wildman [54111] = Arronaxe Larsen [54110]

James Clarke Wildman [54111] ----
Arronaxe Larsen [54110] ---------
wife of James Clarke Wildman
|-- Dr. Clark Savage [54128]
|   "Doc Savage"

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54113] = Alice Rutherford [54114]

John Clayton [54113] ------------
d. 22 NOV 1889 West Africa
Alice Rutherford [54114] --------
wife of John Clayton
d. West Africa
|-- John Clayton [54129]
|   "Tarzan"
|   8th earl of Greystoke

group index main index home page


Blodgett Mayfair [54143] = Melissa Rutherford [54115]

Blodgett Mayfair [54143] --------
Melissa Rutherford [54115] ------
wife of Blodgett Mayfair
|-- ________ Mayfair [54130]

group index main index home page


George Edward Rutherford = Enid Delagardie [54121]

George Edward Rutherford --------
Enid Delagardie [54121] ---------
wife of
 George Edward Rutherford
|-- Enid Challenger [54131]
|   wife of Edward D. Malone

group index main index home page


unknown = Sigrina Holmes [54142]

unknown -------------------------
Sigrina Holmes [54142] ----------
|-- Denis Nayland Smith [54132]

group index main index home page


Sherlock Holmes [54141] = Irene Adler [54139]

Sherlock Holmes [54141] ---------
Irene Adler [54139] -------------
wife of Sherlock Holmes
|-- Nero Wolfe [54133]

group index main index home page


Roger Drummond [54120] = unknown

Roger Drummond [54120] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Capt. Hugh Drummond [54134]
|   "Bulldog"
|-- Sir John Drummond [54135]
|   (Korak)
    adopted son of John Clayton,
     8th earl of Greystoke

group index main index home page


Gerald Wimsey [54125] = H. Lucasta Delagardie

Gerald Wimsey [54125] -----------
H. Lucasta Delagardie -----------
wife of Gerald Wimsey
|-- Lord Peter Wimsey [54136]

group index main index home page


Richard Peter Wimsey [54126] = Lady Eleanor Collis [54177]

Richard Peter Wimsey [54126] ----
Lady Eleanor Collis [54177] -----
wife of Richard Peter Wimsey
|-- Barbara Collis-Wimsey
|   [54137]

group index main index home page


John Byron Wentworth [54127] = Rhoda Delagardie [54123]

John Byron Wentworth [54127] ----
Rhoda Delagardie [54123] --------
wife of John Byron Wentworth
|-- Richard Wentworth [54138]
|   aka Lamont Cranston,
|    "the shadow"

group index main index home page


Siger Holmes [54102] = unknown

Siger Holmes [54102] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mycroft Holmes [54140]
|-- Sherlock Holmes [54141]
|-- Sigrina Holmes [54142]

father's other spousal relationships

Siger Holmes [54102] = Violet Rutherford [54099]

mother's other spousal relationships

Violet Rutherford [54099] = unknown

group index main index home page


Archimedes Q. Porter [54145] = Jane Carter Lee [54146]

Archimedes Q. Porter [54145] ----
Jane Carter Lee [54146] ---------
wife of Archimedes Q. Porter
|-- Jane Porter [54144]
|   wife of John Clayton

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54129] = Jane Porter [54144]

John Clayton [54129] ------------
8th earl of Greystoke
Jane Porter [54144] -------------
wife of John Clayton
|-- Sir John Paul Clayton
|   [54147]

group index main index home page


Sir Holmes Rochester [54149] = Alice Gridley [54150]

Sir Holmes Rochester [54149] ----
Alice Gridley [54150] -----------
gr.gra.dau of Admiral
 Viscount Horatio Hornblower
wife of Sir Holmes Rochester
|-- Alice Horatia Rochester
|   [54148]
|   wife of Sir John Paul Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir John Paul Clayton = Alice Horatia Rochester

Sir John Paul Clayton -----------
Alice Horatia Rochester ---------
wife of Sir John Paul Clayton
|-- John Clayton [54151]

group index main index home page


Armand Jacot [54153] = Suzanne Fogg [54154]

Armand Jacot [54153] ------------
Suzanne Fogg [54154] ------------
wife of Armand Jacot
|-- Jeanne Jacot [54152]
|   wife of Sir John Drummond

group index main index home page


Sir John Drummond [54135] = Jeanne Jacot [54152]

Sir John Drummond [54135] -------
adopted son of John Clayton,
 8th earl of Greystoke
Jeanne Jacot [54152] ------------
wife of Sir John Drummond
|-- John Armand Drummond [54155]

group index main index home page


Edward Rutherford [54157] = Hazel Strong [54158]

Edward Rutherford [54157] -------
15th lord Rutherford
Hazel Strong [54158] ------------
wife of Edward Rutherford
|-- Hazel Rutherford [54156]
|   wife of John Armand Drummond

group index main index home page


George Strong [54159] = Beatrice Conyngsby [54160]

George Strong [54159] -----------
Beatrice Conyngsby [54160] ------
wife of George Strong
|-- Hazel Strong [54158]
|   wife of Edward Rutherford

group index main index home page


Absolom Rothschild [54163] = unknown

Absolom Rothschild [54163] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ruth Rothschild [54162]
|   wife of Sir John Jansenius

group index main index home page


Alexandros Khatamagos = unknown

Alexandros Khatamagos -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Ermione Khatamagos [54164]
|   m. Greece
|   wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Roger Kemble [54167] = unknown

Roger Kemble [54167] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Kemble [54166]
|   actress
|   wife of Charles Howard

group index main index home page


Capt. John Clayton [54257] = Elizabeth Gracia Conyers

Capt. John Clayton [54257] ------
4th earl Staveley
13th lord Grebson
Elizabeth Gracia Conyers --------
baroness Grebson
 of Grebson
wife of John Clayton
|-- John Cecil Clayton [54168]
|   1st earl of Greystoke
|   b.1730
|   d.1765

group index main index home page


Bolko Rubinroth [54170] = Julia von_Harben [54171]

Bolko Rubinroth [54170] ---------
Julia von_Harben [54171] --------
wife of Bolko Rubinroth
|-- Hilda Rubinroth [54169]
|   wife of John Cecil Clayton

group index main index home page


Dr. Wilhelm von_Harben = Augusta von_Ruderfurd

Dr. Wilhelm von_Harben ----------
Augusta von_Ruderfurd -----------
wife of
 Dr. Wilhelm von_Harben
|-- Julia von_Harben [54171]
|   wife of Bolko Rubinroth

group index main index home page


________ von_Ruderfurd = unknown

________ von_Ruderfurd ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Augusta von_Ruderfurd
|   [54173]
|   wife of
|    Dr. Wilhelm von_Harben

group index main index home page


John Cecil Clayton [54168] = Hilda Rubinroth [54169]

John Cecil Clayton [54168] ------
1st earl of Greystoke
Hilda Rubinroth [54169] ---------
wife of John Cecil Clayton
|-- Cecil Arthur Clayton [54175]
|   2nd earl of Greystoke
|   b.1749, New York
|-- John William Clayton [54176]
|   3rd earl of Greystoke
|   b.1750, New York
     lost at sea off Cherbourg

group index main index home page


Edward D. Malone [54181] = Enid Challenger [54131]

Edward D. Malone [54181] --------
Enid Challenger [54131] ---------
wife of Edward D. Malone
|-- Lewis E. Malone [54182]

group index main index home page


Charles Howard [54165] = Mary Kemble [54166]

Charles Howard [54165] ----------
3rd viscount Breconcastle
4th lord Sallust
Mary Kemble [54166] -------------
wife of Charles Howard
|-- Arabella Howard [54183]
|   wife of Sir Jesse Clayton

group index main index home page


Jakobus Retief [54198] = unknown

Jakobus Retief [54198] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Wilhelmina Retief [54184]
|   m. Africa
|   wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Ermione Khatamagos [54164] ------
m. Greece
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Aspasia Clayton [54185]

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Lord ________ Dacre [54194] = Jane Carfax [54195]

Lord ________ Dacre [54194] -----
Jane Carfax [54195] -------------
wife of Lord Dacre
|-- Lorina Dacre [54187]
|   wife of Sir William Clayton
|   m.1835
    wife of Sir Heraclitus Fogg

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Lorina Dacre [54187] ------------
wife of Sir William Clayton
wife of Sir Heraclitus Fogg
|-- Phileas Clayton [54188]
|   b.1832
|-- Roxana Clayton [54189]
|   b.1833

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

mother's other spousal relationships

Sir Heraclitus Fogg [54190] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

group index main index home page


Petronius van_Kortrijn = unknown

Petronius van_Kortrijn ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]
|   wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]
|   wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Lord ________ Rufton [54196] = unknown

Lord ________ Rufton [54196] ----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jane Carfax [54195]
|   wife of Lord Dacre

group index main index home page


Giuseppe Allendi [54200] = unknown

Giuseppe Allendi [54200] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Leona Allendi [54199]
|   wife of Sir William Clayton
|   d.1854, England

group index main index home page


Pedro Alvarez O'Shaughnessy = unknown

Pedro Alvarez O'Shaughnessy -----
unknown -------------------------
|-- Angela Bridget Alvarez
|   [54202]
|   m.1857
|   wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Angela Bridget Alvarez ----------
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Angela Clayton [54203]

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Richard Shaw [54207] = unknown

Richard Shaw [54207] ------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Margaret Shaw [54205]
|   m.1866
    wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Margaret Shaw [54205] -----------
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- William Clayton [54206]
|   b.1867

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Robert Wharram [54211] = unknown

Robert Wharram [54211] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Martha Wharram [54208]
|   m.1870
    wife of Sir William Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Martha Wharram [54208] ----------
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Phileas Sallust [54209]
|-- Martha Clayton [54210]
|   d.1874

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Jane ________ [54213] -----------
wife of Charles Brandon
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Ultima Clayton [54214]
|   b.1877
|   m.1898, London, England
|   wife of John T. McGee

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

mother's other spousal relationships

Charles Brandon [54212] = Jane ________ [54213]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Genoa Darnley [54216] -----------
wife of Sir William Clayton
|-- Isaac Clayton [54217]

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


________ de_Greystock = unknown

________ de_Greystock -----------
3rd lord Greystoke
unknown -------------------------
|-- William de_Greystock [54219]
|   4th lord Greystoke
|-- Thomas de_Greystock [54220]
|   d.1381

group index main index home page


Thomas de_Greystock [54220] = Joane Caldwell-Grebson

Thomas de_Greystock [54220] -----
Joane Caldwell-Grebson ----------
7th baroness Grebson
2nd countess Grebson
wife of Thomas de_Greystock
|-- Thomas Ralph Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54221]
|   8th lord Grebson
|   3rd earl Grebson

group index main index home page


Thomas Ralph Caldwell-Grebson = Maude ________ [38025]

Thomas Ralph Caldwell-Grebson ---
8th lord Grebson
3rd earl Grebson
Maude ________ [38025] ----------
wife of
 Thomas R. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Ralph Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54222]
|   9th lord Grebson
|   4th earl of Grebson
|   b.1396

group index main index home page


Mycroft Holmes [54224] = Agatha Bumppo [54225]

Mycroft Holmes [54224] ----------
Agatha Bumppo [54225] -----------
wife of Mycroft Holmes
|-- Anne Holmes [54223]
|   wife of
|    John R. Caldwell-Grebson

group index main index home page


Sir Nathaniel Bumppo [54226] = unknown

Sir Nathaniel Bumppo [54226] ----
of Winestead, Holderness
unknown -------------------------
|-- Agatha Bumppo [54225]
|   wife of Mycroft Holmes

group index main index home page


John Ralph Caldwell-Grebson = Anne Holmes [54223]

John Ralph Caldwell-Grebson -----
9th lord Grebson
4th earl of Grebson
Anne Holmes [54223] -------------
wife of
 John R. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Mycroft Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54227]

group index main index home page


John Mycroft Caldwell-Grebson = Maude Percy [13044]

John Mycroft Caldwell-Grebson ---
Maude Percy [13044] -------------
wife of
 John M. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John W. A. Caldwell-Grebson
|   (William Arthur) [54229]
|   10th lord Grebson
|   5th earl of Grebson

group index main index home page


Algirdas Otava [54230] = ________ ________ [54228]

Algirdas Otava [54230] ----------
________ ________ [54228] -------
half Waziri
|-- Haiba Otava [54231]
|   wife of Capt. Ulf Larrson

group index main index home page


John W. A. Caldwell-Grebson = Margaret Talbot [23822]

John W. A. Caldwell-Grebson -----
(William Arthur) [54229]
10th lord Grebson
5th earl of Grebson
Margaret Talbot [23822] ---------
wife of
 John W. A. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Thomas Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54232]
|   11th lord Grebson
|   6th earl of Grebson
|   d.4_May_1515,
|    London, England

group index main index home page


John Thomas Caldwell-Grebson = Jessica de_la_Pole [85114]

John Thomas Caldwell-Grebson ----
11th lord Grebson
6th earl of Grebson
 London, England
Jessica de_la_Pole [85114] ------
natural daughter of
 Edmund de_la_Pole
wife of
 John T. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Edmund Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54236]

group index main index home page


unknown = unknown

unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- ________ Ruthven [54237]
|   lord Ruthven of Perthshire
|-- ________ Ruthven [54238]

group index main index home page


John Edmund Caldwell-Grebson = Ellen Washington [5560]

John Edmund Caldwell-Grebson ----
Ellen Washington [5560] ---------
wife of
 John E. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54239]
|   b.1531

group index main index home page


John Caldwell-Grebson = Katherine O'Brien [23735]

John Caldwell-Grebson -----------
Katherine O'Brien [23735] -------
wife of John Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Dermod Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54240]
|   b.1556
|   d.1634

group index main index home page


John Dermod Caldwell-Grebson = unknown

John Dermod Caldwell-Grebson ----
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Richard Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54241]
|   b.1587

group index main index home page


________ Ruthven [54238] = Devorgulla Drummond [54235]

________ Ruthven [54238] --------
Devorgulla Drummond [54235] -----
wife of ________ Ruthven
|-- Jean Ruthven [54242]
|   wife of
|    John R. Caldwell-Grebson

group index main index home page


John Richard Caldwell-Grebson = Jean Ruthven [54242]

John Richard Caldwell-Grebson ---
Jean Ruthven [54242] ------------
wife of
 John R. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Charles Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54243]
|   captain
|   b.1607
|   d.5_Jul_1643

group index main index home page


Sir Oliver Tressilian = Rosamund Goldolphin [54246]

Sir Oliver Tressilian -----------
Rosamund Goldolphin [54246] -----
wife of Sir Oliver Tressilian
|-- Elizabeth Tressilian [54244]
|   m.1629
|   wife of
|    John C. Caldwell-Grebson

group index main index home page


John Charles Caldwell-Grebson = Elizabeth Tressilian [54244]

John Charles Caldwell-Grebson ---
Elizabeth Tressilian [54244] ----
wife of
 John C. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John T. Caldwell-Grebson
|   (Tressilian) [54247]
|   d. age 9
|-- Ralph Arthur Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54248]
|   b.1634
|-- Harold Cecil Caldwell-Grebson
|   [54249]
|   took the name Clayton

group index main index home page


Ralph Arthur Caldwell-Grebson = Ursula Darcy [54250]

Ralph Arthur Caldwell-Grebson ---
Ursula Darcy [54250] ------------
sister of lord Darcy
wife of
 Ralph A. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Charles Conyers [54251]
|   12th lord Grebson
|    of Grebson
|   b.1668
|   d.1_Jul_1690

group index main index home page


Charles de_Baatz [54253] = Dolores Maria Salvador

Charles de_Baatz [54253] --------
seigneur d'Artagnan
field marshall of France
Dolores Maria Salvador ----------
mistress of Charles de_Baatz
|-- Constance de_Baatz [54252]
|   natural daughter of
|    Charles de_Baatz
|   wife of John Charles Conyers

group index main index home page


Don Esteban de_Echequivarra = unknown

Don Esteban de_Echequivarra -----
of Cadiz, Spain
unknown -------------------------
|-- Dolores Maria Salvador
|   [54254]
|   mistress of Charles de_Baatz

group index main index home page


John Charles Conyers [54251] = Constance de_Baatz [54252]

John Charles Conyers [54251] ----
12th lord Grebson
 of Grebson
Constance de_Baatz [54252] ------
natural daughter of
 Charles de_Baatz
wife of John Charles Conyers
|-- Elizabeth Gracia Conyers
|   [54256]
|   baroness Grebson
|    of Grebson
|   b.4_Apr_1688
|   m.Jul_1730
|   wife of John Clayton

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54258] = Una Larsson [54262]

John Clayton [54258] ------------
aka capt. Bob Singleton
Una Larsson [54262] -------------
wife of John Clayton
|-- Capt. John Clayton [54257]
|   4th earl Staveley
|   13th lord Grebson
|   d.1749

father's other spousal relationships

John Clayton [54258] = ________ Walters [54261]

group index main index home page


Harold Cecil Caldwell-Grebson = Chrysogon Clayton [54259]

Harold Cecil Caldwell-Grebson ---
took the name Clayton
Chrysogon Clayton [54259] -------
wife of
 Harold C. Caldwell-Grebson
|-- John Clayton [54258]
|   aka capt. Bob Singleton

group index main index home page


________ Clayton [54234] = unknown

________ Clayton [54234] --------
3rd earl Staveley
 of Staveley Hall, Islington
decendant of George Clayton
 of Grimsby (ancestor also
 of Lord Tennyson)
decendant of John (or Thomas)
 Horner, stewart to the last
 abbot of Glastonbury
 ("little Jack Horner",
  Horner of Mells Park)
unknown -------------------------
|-- Chrysogon Clayton [54259]
|   wife of
|    Harold C. Caldwell-Grebson

group index main index home page


unknown = unknown

unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Walters [54260]
|   quaker
|-- ________ Walters [54261]
|   wife of John Clayton

group index main index home page


Capt. Ulf Larrson [54233] = Haiba Otava [54231]

Capt. Ulf Larrson [54233] -------
Swedish merchantman
Haiba Otava [54231] -------------
wife of Capt. Ulf Larrson
|-- Una Larsson [54262]
|   wife of John Clayton

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Wilhelmina Retief [54184] -------
m. Africa
wife of Sir William Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] = unknown

Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] -------
4th earl of Greystoke
unknown -------------------------

father's other spousal relationships

Sir Jesse Clayton [54068] = Arabella Howard [54183]

mother's other spousal relationships

Arabella Howard [54183] = unknown

group index main index home page


Scott Rutherford [54078] = Suzanne Blakeney [54073]

Scott Rutherford [54078] --------
Suzanne Blakeney [54073] --------
wife of Scott Rutherford

mother's other spousal relationships

unknown = Suzanne Blakeney [54073]

Egidnia Rutherford [54101] = Suzanne Blakeney [54073]

group index main index home page


John Drummond [54081] = Oread Butler [54082]

John Drummond [54081] -----------
Oread Butler [54082] ------------
wife of John Drummond

father's other spousal relationships

John Drummond [54081] = unknown

John Drummond [54081] = William Drummond [54103]

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54090] = Henrietta Jansenius [54087]

John Clayton [54090] ------------
5th earl of Greystoke
Henrietta Jansenius [54087] -----
wife of John Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

John Clayton [54090] = Athena Darcy [54093]

group index main index home page


Siger Holmes [54102] = Violet Rutherford [54099]

Siger Holmes [54102] ------------
Violet Rutherford [54099] -------
wife of Siger Holmes

father's other spousal relationships

Siger Holmes [54102] = unknown

Siger Holmes [54102] = Mycroft Holmes [54140]

group index main index home page


Francis Delagardie [54104] = Enid Austin [54105]

Francis Delagardie [54104] ------
Enid Austin [54105] -------------
wife of Francis Delagardie

father's other spousal relationships

Francis Delagardie [54104] = Lucasta Rutherford [54100]

mother's other spousal relationships

unknown = Enid Austin [54105]

P. Austin Delagardie [54124] = Enid Austin [54105]

group index main index home page


Lord Peter Wimsey [54136] = Harriet Vane [54180]

Lord Peter Wimsey [54136] -------
Harriet Vane [54180] ------------
wife of Lord Peter Wimsey

group index main index home page


John Armand Drummond [54155] = Hazel Rutherford [54156]

John Armand Drummond [54155] ----
Hazel Rutherford [54156] --------
wife of John Armand Drummond

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Marie Grandon [54186] -----------
dau. of a French trapper
 and a Crow womman
wife of Sir William Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir Heraclitus Fogg [54190] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir Heraclitus Fogg [54190] -----
Lorina Dacre [54187] ------------
wife of Sir William Clayton
wife of Sir Heraclitus Fogg

mother's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Maida van_Kortrijn [54191] ------
wife of Sir William Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192] ----
wife of Sir William Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Leona Allendi [54199] -----------
wife of Sir William Clayton
d.1854, England

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

group index main index home page


Sir William Clayton [54069] = Natalie Gromsky [54201]

Sir William Clayton [54069] -----
Natalie Gromsky [54201] ---------
m. 1855
wife of Sir William Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Ermione Khatamagos [54164]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Lorina Dacre [54187]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Angela Bridget Alvarez

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Margaret Shaw [54205]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Martha Wharram [54208]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Genoa Darnley [54216]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Wilhelmina Retief [54184]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Marie Grandon [54186]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Maida van_Kortrijn [54191]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Katrina van_Kortrijn [54192]

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Leona Allendi [54199]

group index main index home page


Charles Brandon [54212] = Jane ________ [54213]

Charles Brandon [54212] ---------
Jane ________ [54213] -----------
wife of Charles Brandon
wife of Sir William Clayton

mother's other spousal relationships

Sir William Clayton [54069] = Jane ________ [54213]

group index main index home page


John T. McGee [54215] = Ultima Clayton [54214]

John T. McGee [54215] -----------
Ultima Clayton [54214] ----------
m.1898, London, England
wife of John T. McGee

group index main index home page


John Clayton [54258] = ________ Walters [54261]

John Clayton [54258] ------------
aka capt. Bob Singleton
________ Walters [54261] --------
wife of John Clayton

father's other spousal relationships

John Clayton [54258] = Una Larsson [54262]

group index main index home page


Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] = Katherine de_Clifford

Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] ------
lord Greystoke
Katherine de_Clifford -----------
wife of Ralph de Greystoke,
 lord Greystoke
|-- Maud de_Greystoke [54263]
|   wife of Eudo de Welles
|-- John de_Greystoke [54264]
|   baron de_Greystoke
|   b. before 1389

father's other spousal relationships

Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] = Alice de_Audley [17091]

group index main index home page


William de_Greystock [54219] = Joan FitzHugh [54266]

William de_Greystock [54219] ----
4th lord Greystoke
Joan FitzHugh [54266] -----------
wife of William de_Greystoke
|-- Ralph de_Greystoke [54265]
|   lord Greystoke
|   b.18_Oct_1353
|   d.Apr_1418

group index main index home page


John de_Greystoke [54264] = Elizabeth de_Ferrers [18013]

John de_Greystoke [54264] -------
baron de_Greystoke
b. before 1389
Elizabeth de_Ferrers [18013] ----
lady of Wem
b. before 1395
wife of John de Greystoke,
 baron of Greystoke
d.1434, York
|-- Joan de_Greystoke [54267]
|   wife of John, 7th lord Darcy

group index main index home page


Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] = Alice de_Audley [17091]

Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] ------
lord Greystoke
Alice de_Audley [17091] ---------
wife of Ralph de Neville
wife of Ralph, lord Greystoke

father's other spousal relationships

Ralph de_Greystoke [54265] = Katherine de_Clifford

mother's other spousal relationships

Ralph de_Neville [5470] = Alice de_Audley [17091]

group index main index home page