John Alden [120694] = Elizabeth Daye [120695]
John Alden [120694] -------------
of Harwich, Essex, England
Elizabeth Daye [120695] ---------
wife of John Alden
|-- John Alden [42381]
| cooper
| Mayflower passenger
| b.1599, Harwich, Essex,
d.22_Sep_1687, Duxbury MA

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George Sampson [122745] = Hannah Soule [121227]
George Sampson [122745] ---------
b.10_Mar_1691, Plymouth MA
d.6_Feb_1774, Plymouth MA
Hannah Soule [121227] -----------
b.18_Mar_1696, Plymouth MA
m.10_Dec_1718, Plymouth MA
wife of George Sampson
d.2_Sep_1776, Plymouth MA
|-- Gideon Sampson [122736]
| b.15_Oct_1719, Plymouth MA
| d.30_Oct_1794, Plymouth MA
|-- Sarah Sampson [122737]
| b.29_Apr_1721, Plmouth MA
|-- Deborah Sampson [122738]
|-- Zabdiel Sampson [122739]
|-- Hannah Sampson [122740]
|-- George Sampson [122741]
| b.20_Jan_1733, Plymouth MA
| d.5_Feb_1733, Plymouth MA
|-- Rebecca Sampson [122742]
|-- Elizabeth Sampson [122743]

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Andrew Hallett [121003] = Anne Besse [121002]
Andrew Hallett [121003] ---------
Anne Besse [121002] -------------
wife of Andrew Hallett
|-- Abigail Hallett [42397]
| b.ca.1645, Barnstable MA
| m.10_Dec_1672, Duxbury MA
wife of Jonathan Alden
d.17_Aug_1725, Duxbury MA

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Moses Williams Simmons = Sarah Chandler [42638]
Moses Williams Simmons ----------
Leyland, Holland
d.17_Jun_1697, Duxbury MA
Sarah Chandler [42638] ----------
b. before 15_Oct_1622,
Leyden, Holland
m.ca.1637, Duxbury MA
wife of Moses W. Simmons
d. before 27_Oct_1675,
Bridgewater MA
|-- Mary Simmons [42398]
| b.ca.1538, Duxbury MA
| m.1652, Plymouth MA
| wife of Joseph Alden
| d. after 10_Mar_1696/97

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John Alden [42381] = Priscilla Mullins [38721]
John Alden [42381] --------------
Mayflower passenger
b.1599, Harwich, Essex,
d.22_Sep_1687, Duxbury MA
Priscilla Mullins [38721] -------
Mayflower passenger
b.ca.1600, Docking,
Surrey, England
m.12_May_1622, Plymouth MA
wife of John Alden
d.1685, Duxbury MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42401]
| b.ca.1624, Plymouth MA
| m.26_Dec_1644, Duxbury MA
| wife of William Pabodie
| d.31_May_1717,
| Little Compton RI
|-- Capt. John Alden [42402]
| b.ca.1627, Plymouth MA
| d.14_Mar_1701/02, Boston MA
|-- Joseph Alden [42403]
| b.22_May_1627, Plymouth MA
| d.8_Feb_1696/97,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Sarah Alden [42405]
| b.ca.1629, Plymouth MA
| m.ca.1664, Plymouth MA
| wife of Alexander Standish
| d. before 13_Jun_1688
|-- Jonathan Alden [42406]
| b.ca.1632, Plymouth MA
| d.14_Feb_1697, Duxbury MA
|-- Ruth Alden [42407]
| b.ca.1635, Plymoutn MA
| m.13_Feb_1657, Plymouth MA
| wife of John Bass
| d.12_Oct_1674, Braintree MA
|-- Rebecca Alden [42410]
| b.1636-1643, Plymouth MA
| m.1667, Duxbury MA
| wife of Thomas Delano
| d. after 13_Jun_1688
|-- Mary Alden [42408]
| b.ca.1638, Duxbury MA
| d. after 13_Jun_1688,
| unmarried
|-- Priscilla Alden [42411]
| b.1642, Plymouth MA
| d. after 13_Jun_1688,
| unmarried
|-- David Alden [42412]
| b.ca.1646, Duxbury MA
| d. before 1_Apr_1719,
| Duxbury MA

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Capt. John Alden [42402] = Elizabeth Everill Phillips
Capt. John Alden [42402] --------
b.ca.1627, Plymouth MA
d.14_Mar_1701/02, Boston MA
Elizabeth Everill Phillips ------
m.1_Apr_1660, Boston MA
wife of Captain John Alden
|-- Mary Alden [42391]
| b.17_Dec_1659, Boston MA
| d. before 28_Apr_1667
|-- John Alden [42415]
| b.20_Nov_1660, Boston MA
| d. before 12_Mar_1662/63
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42416]
| b.9_May_1662, Boston MA
| d.14_Jul_1662, Boston MA
|-- John Alden [42417]
| b.12_Mar_1662/63, Boston MA
| d.1_Feb_1729/1730, Boston MA
|-- William Alden [42418]
| b.16_Mar_1663/64, Boston MA
| d.7_Jun_1664, Boston MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42419]
| b.9_Apr_1665, Boston MA
| m.ca.1683, Boston MA
| wife of John Walley
| m.30_Apr_1702, Boston MA
| wife of Simon Willard
| d. after 1_Sep_1739
|-- William Alden [42420]
| b.5_Mar_1665/66, Boston MA
| d. before 10_Sep_1669
|-- Zachary Alden [42421]
| b.9_Jul_1667, Boston MA
| d. before 12_Feb_1672
|-- Nathaniel Alden [42422]
| b.9_Jul_1668, Boston MA
| d. before 24_Jul_1702,
| Antiqua, West Indies
|-- William Alden [42423]
| b.10_Sep_1669, Boston MA
| d.10_Feb_1728/29, Boston MA
|-- Zachariah Alden [42424]
| b.18_Feb_1672/73 Boston MA
| d. before 18_Aug_1709
|-- Sarah Alden [121000]
| c.5_Mar_1674/75, Boston MA
| d. before 27_Sep_1781
|-- Nathan Alden [42425]
| b.17_Oct_1677, Boston MA
| d. before 17_Feb_1701
|-- Sarah Alden [42426]
| b.27_Sep_1681, Boston MA
| d. before 17_Feb_1701

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Benjamin Soule [121232] = Sarah Standish [42470]
Benjamin Soule [121232] ---------
b.ca.1665, Duxbury MA
d.1_Dec_1729, Plymouth MA
Sarah Standish [42470] ----------
b.ca.1666/67, Duxbury MA
m.10_Mar_1692, Duxbury MA
wife of Benjamin Soule
d.4_Mar_1740, Plympton MA
|-- Zachariah Soule [121226]
| b.21_May_1694, Plymouth MA
| d.3_May_1751, Plymouth MA
|-- Hannah Soule [121227]
| b.18_Mar_1696, Plymouth MA
| m.10_Dec_1718, Plymouth MA
| wife of George Sampson
| d.2_Sep_1776, Plymouth MA
|-- Sarah Soule [121228]
| b.9_May_1699, Plymouth MA
| d.19_Nov_1716, Plymouth MA
|-- Deborah Soule [121229]
| b.23_Apr_1702, Plymouth MA
| m.12_Nov_1724, Plymouth MA
| wife of Jabez Fuller
|-- Benjamin Soule [121230]
| b.5_Jun_1704, Plymouth MA
| d.19_Apr_1751, Plymouth MA
|-- Ebenezer Soule [121231]
| b.16_Feb_1710, Plymouth MA

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Capt. Myles Standish [42428] = Rose ________ [42429]
Capt. Myles Standish [42428] ----
Mayflower passenger
b.ca.1586, England
d.3_Oct_1656, Roxbury MA
Rose ________ [42429] -----------
Mayflower passenger
b.ca.1586, England
m. England
wife of Capt. Myles Standish
d.29_Jan_1620/21, Plymouth MA
|-- Thomas Standish [42511]
father's other spousal relationships
Capt. Myles Standish [42428] = Barbara ________ [42430]

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Capt. Myles Standish [42428] = Barbara ________ [42430]
Capt. Myles Standish [42428] ----
Mayflower passenger
b.ca.1586, England
d.3_Oct_1656, Roxbury MA
Barbara ________ [42430] --------
arrived in Plymouth MA
on ANNE, 1623
b.ca.1586, England
m. before 1627, Plymouth MA
wife of Capt. Myles Standish
|-- Charles Standish [42431]
| b.ca.1624, Plymouth MA
| d. before 1634
|-- Alexander Standish [42432]
| b.ca.1626, Plymouth MA
| d.6_Jul_1702, Duxbury MA
|-- John Standish [42433]
| b.ca.1627, Plymouth MA
| d. before 1650, unmarried
|-- Myles Standish [42434]
| b.ca.1629, Plymouth MA
| d.19_Aug_1661, at sea
|-- Lora Standish [42435]
| b. after 22_May_1627,
| Plymouth MA
| d. before 7_Mar_1655/1656,
| unmarried
|-- Josiah Standish [42436]
| b.ca.1633, Plymouth MA
| d.19_Mar_1690/91, Preston CT
|-- Charles Standish [42437]
| b. after 1634, Plymouth MA
| d. after 7_Mar_1655/56,
| unmarried
father's other spousal relationships
Capt. Myles Standish [42428] = Rose ________ [42429]

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James Quayle [120962] = unknown
James Quayle [120962] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- James Danforth Quayle
| [120961]
| U.S. Senate, 1981-1983
vice president of USA,
b.1947, Indianapolis IN

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________ Quayle [120963] = Marie Cline [120964]

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________ Cline [120965] = Delia Burras [120966]

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Thomas Gwinn [121082] = Elizabeth Gillam [121081]
Thomas Gwinn [121082] -----------
Elizabeth Gillam [121081] -------
wife of Thomas Gwinn
|-- Elizabeth Gwinn [42447]
| b.16_Oct_1668, Boston MA
| m.ca.1686, Boston MA
wife of John Alden
d.26_Nov_1719, Boston MA

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John Walley [121095] = Elizabeth Wing [121102]
John Walley [121095] ------------
Elizabeth Wing [121102] ---------
wife of John Walley
|-- John Walley [42449]
| b.27_Aug_1662, Boston MA
| d. before 30_Apr_1702,

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George Mountjoy [121117] = Mary Phillips [121118]
George Mountjoy [121117] --------
Mary Phillips [121118] ----------
wife of George Mountjoy
|-- Hepzibah Mountjoy [42451]
| b.Nov_1673, Boston MA
| m.1_Oct_1691, Boston MA
wife of Nathaniel Alden

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John Drury [121129] = Mary Weare [121130]
John Drury [121129] -------------
Mary Weare [121130] -------------
wife of John Drury
|-- Mary Drury [42452]
| b.10_Jul_1672
| m.21_May_1691, Boston MA
wife of William Alden
d.11_Feb_1727, Boston MA

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John Viall [121131] = Mary Williams [121132]
John Viall [121131] -------------
Mary Williams [121132] ----------
wife of John Viall
|-- Mary Viall [42453]
| b.10_Oct_1676, Boston MA
| m.13_Jan_1700, Boston MA
wife of Zachariah Alden
d. after 13_Oct_1737

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Joseph Alden [42403] = Mary Simmons [42398]
Joseph Alden [42403] ------------
b.22_May_1627, Plymouth MA
Bridgewater MA
Mary Simmons [42398] ------------
b.ca.1538, Duxbury MA
m.1652, Plymouth MA
wife of Joseph Alden
d. after 10_Mar_1696/97
|-- Sarah Alden [121001]
| b.1663, Bridgewater MA
| m.24_Nov_1685, Taunton MA
| wife of Joseph Crossman
| d.29_Jun_1713, Taunton MA
|-- Isaac Alden [42454]
| b.21_Dec_1664,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.24_Jun_1727,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Deacon Joseph Alden [42455]
| b.8_Feb_1667,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.22_Dec_1747,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Hopestill Alden [42459]
| b.1668, Bridgewater MA
| m.1689, Bridgewater MA
| wife of Joseph Snow
| d. after 18_Dec_1753
|-- Mary Alden [136157]
| b.ca.1669, Bridgewater MA
| m.26_Jun_1688,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Samuel Allen
| d. after 1712,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Mercy Alden [42456]
| b.ca.1670, Bridgewater MA
| m.26_Jun_1688, Taunton MA
| wife of John Burrill
| d. after 28_Jul_1727
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42458]
| b.1672, Bridgewater MA
| m.12_Dec_1693,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Benjamin Snow
| d.8_May_1705,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- John Alden [42457]
| b.Sep_1674, Bridgewater MA
| d.29_Sep_1730, Middleboro MA

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Daniel Dunham [42625] = Mehitable Hayward [42631]
Daniel Dunham [42625] -----------
b.29_Jan_1639, Plymouth MA
d.18_Feb_1677, Dorchester MA
Mehitable Hayward [42631] -------
b.ca.1643, Plymouth MA
m.1670, Bridgewater MA
wife of Daniel Dunham
|-- Hannah Dunham [42460]
| b.ca.1670, Plymouth MA
| m.ca.1690,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Joseph Alden
| d.14_Jan_1747/48,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Mehitable Dunham [122392]
| b.1672, Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Joseph Hayward
West Bridgewater MA

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John Burrill [121165] = Rebecca ________ [121166]
John Burrill [121165] -----------
Rebecca ________ [121166] -------
wife of John Burrill
|-- John Burrill [42461]
| b.1658, Weymouth MA
| d.16_Nov_1731, Weymouth MA

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Capt. Ebenezer White = Hannah Phillips [121183]

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Nicholas Phillips [136011] = Hannah Mary Salter [136012]
Nicholas Phillips [136011] ------
Hannah Mary Salter [136012] -----
wife of Nicholas Phillips
|-- Hannah Phillips [121183]
| b.25_Nov_1754, Weymouth MA
| wife of Ebenezer White

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Alexander Standish [42432] = Sarah Alden [42405]
Alexander Standish [42432] ------
b.ca.1626, Plymouth MA
d.6_Jul_1702, Duxbury MA
Sarah Alden [42405] -------------
b.ca.1629, Plymouth MA
m.ca.1664, Plymouth MA
wife of Alexander Standish
d. before 13_Jun_1688
|-- Lorah Standish [42465]
| b.1658
| m. before 1681
| wife of Abraham Sampson
| d. after 2_Aug_1725,
| Duxbury MA
|-- Lydia Standish [42466]
| b.ca.1662, Duxbury MA
| m.ca.1686
| wife of Isaac Sampson
| d. after 30_Apr_1734,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Elizabeth Standish [42467]
| b.ca.1665, Duxbury MA
| wife of Samuel P. Delano
| d. after 1731
|-- Mercy Standish [42468]
| b.ca.1665, Duxbury MA
| m. before 1685
| wife of Caleb Samson
| d. before 30_Jan_1728/29
|-- Sarah Standish [42470]
| b.ca.1666/67, Duxbury MA
| m.10_Mar_1692, Duxbury MA
| wife of Benjamin Soule
| d.4_Mar_1740, Plympton MA
|-- Miles Standish [42469]
| b.ca.1668, Duxbury MA
| d.15_Sep_1739, Duxbury MA
|-- Ebenezer Standish [42471]
| b.ca.1672, Duxbury MA
| d.19_Mar_1755, Plympton MA
|-- David Standish [42472]
| b.1674
| d. before 14_Feb_1689
father's other spousal relationships
Alexander Standish [42432] = Desire Doty [41972]

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Alexander Standish [42432] = Desire Doty [41972]
Alexander Standish [42432] ------
b.ca.1626, Plymouth MA
d.6_Jul_1702, Duxbury MA
Desire Doty [41972] -------------
b.1645, Plymouth MA
m.24_Nov_1681, Marshfield MA
wife of Isreal Holmes
m.25_Dec_1667, Plymouth MA
wife of William Sherman
m.ca.1686, Marshfield MA
wife of Alexander Standish
Plymouth MA
|-- Desire Standish [42473]
| b.5_May_1689, Marshfield MA
| d.20_Jun_1766, Plympton MA
|-- Thomas Standish [42474]
| b.29_Jan_1690/1691,
| Marshfield MA
| d. after 13_Jun_1774
|-- Ichabod Standish [42475]
| b.10_Jun_1693, Marshfield MA
| d.29_Feb_1772, Halifax MA
father's other spousal relationships
Alexander Standish [42432] = Sarah Alden [42405]
mother's other spousal relationships
Isreal Holmes [42170] = Desire Doty [41972]
William Sherman [42171] = Desire Doty [41972]

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Josiah Standish [42436] = Sarah Allen [42439]
Josiah Standish [42436] ---------
b.ca.1633, Plymouth MA
d.19_Mar_1690/91, Preston CT
Sarah Allen [42439] -------------
m. after Jul_1655
wife of Josiah Standish
|-- Mary Standish [42476]
| b.ca.1660, Duxbury MA
|-- Miles Standish [42477]
| d. before 9_Apr_1728,
| Preston CT
|-- Josiah Standish [42478]
| d.26_Mar_1753, Stafford CT
|-- Israel Standish [42479]
| d. before 26_Jan_1729/1730,
| Connecticut
|-- Lois Standish [42480]
| m.29_Nov_1706, Norwich CT
| wife of Hugh Caulkins
| m.21_Mar_1726, Lebanon CT
| wife of John Sprague
| d. after 16_Apr_1731
|-- Samuel Standish [42481]
| b.ca.1680, Duxbury MA
| d. before 4_Aug_1753,
| Preston CT
|-- Mercy Standish [42482]
| m.30_Sep_1726, Windham CT
| wife of Ralph Wheelock
| d.4_Nov_1748, Salisbury CT
father's other spousal relationships
Josiah Standish [42436] = Mary Dingly [42438]

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Jonathan Alden [42406] = Abigail Hallett [42397]
Jonathan Alden [42406] ----------
b.ca.1632, Plymouth MA
d.14_Feb_1697, Duxbury MA
Abigail Hallett [42397] ---------
b.ca.1645, Barnstable MA
m.10_Dec_1672, Duxbury MA
wife of Jonathan Alden
d.17_Aug_1725, Duxbury MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42490]
| b. after 1672, Duxbury MA
| m.1694, Duxbury MA
| wife of Edmund Chandler
| m.12_Jul_1722, Duxbury MA
| wife of Palatiah West
| d. before 2_May_1757
|-- Anna Alden [42491]
| b.1678, Duxbury MA
| m.21_Dec_1699, Duxbury MA
| wife of Josiah Snell
| d.8_Jun_1705,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Sarah Alden [42492]
| b.ca.1679
| m.ca.1701, Duxbury MA
| wife of Thomas Southworth
| d.26_Jun_1738, Duxbury MA
|-- John Alden [42493]
| b.ca.1681/82, Duxbury MA
| d.24_Jul_1739, Duxbury MA
|-- Andrew Alden [42494]
| b.ca.1684, Duxbury MA
| d.1770-1777, Duxbury MA
|-- Jonathan Alden [42495]
| b.2_Mar_1686, Duxbury MA
| d.10_Jul_1770, Gorham ME

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Samuel West [121262] = Tryphosa Partridge [121263]
Samuel West [121262] ------------
Tryphosa Partridge [121263] -----
wife of Samuel West
|-- Palatiah West [42497]
| b.8_Mar_1674, Duxbury MA
| d.7_Dec_1756, Duxbury MA

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John Briggs [121264] = Deborah Hawke [121265]
John Briggs [121264] ------------
Deborah Hawke [121265] ----------
wife of John Briggs
|-- Hannah Briggs [42500]
| b.8_May_1684, Scituate MA
| m.12_Jan_1709/1710,
Scituate MA
wife of John Alden
d.8_Feb_1739/1740, Duxbury MA

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David Alden [42412] = Mary Southworth [42390]
David Alden [42412] -------------
b.ca.1646, Duxbury MA
d. before 1_Apr_1719,
Duxbury MA
Mary Southworth [42390] ---------
b.1654, Duxbury MA
m.1670, Plymouth MA
wife of David Alden
d. after 28_Mar_1718
|-- Ruth Alden [42505]
| b.ca.1674, Duxbury MA
| m.29_Nov_1694, Duxbury MA
| wife of Samuel Sprague
| d.2_Jul_1758, Rochester MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [42506]
| b.9_Apr_1675, Duxbury MA
| m.9_Dec_1697, Duxbury MA
| wife of John Seabury
| d.4_Jan_1771, Groton CT
|-- Pricilla Alden [42507]
| b.1679, Duxbury MA
| m.1699-1700
| wife of Samuel Chesebrough
| d. after 19_Jan_1735/36,
| Stonington CT
|-- Alice Alden [42508]
| b.ca.1686, Duxbury MA
| m.5_Dec_1706, Duxbury MA
| wife of Judah Paddock
| d.12_Jul_1744, Yarmouth MA
|-- Benjamin Alden [42509]
| b.ca.1690, Duxbury MA
| d.14_Apr_1741, Duxbury MA
|-- Samuel Alden [42510]
| b.22_Dec_1688, Duxbury MA
| d.24_Feb_1781, Duxbury MA

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Oscar Burras [120967] = unknown

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________ Burras [120968] = Sally Standish [120969]

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Peleg Standish [120970] = unknown

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John Bass [42396] = Ruth Alden [42407]
John Bass [42396] ---------------
Saffron Waldon,
Essex, England
d.12_Sep_1716, Braintree MA
Ruth Alden [42407] --------------
b.ca.1635, Plymoutn MA
m.13_Feb_1657, Plymouth MA
wife of John Bass
d.12_Oct_1674, Braintree MA
|-- John Bass [42512]
| b.26_Nov_1658, Braintree MA
| d.30_Sep_1724
|-- Samuel Bass [121005]
| b.25_Mar_1660, Braintree MA
| d.20_Feb_1751,
| E. Bridgewater MA
|-- Ruth Bass [42513]
| b.29_Jan_1663, Braintree MA
| m.ca.1683, Braintree MA
| wife of Peter Webb
| d.5_Jun_1699
|-- Joseph Bass [121006]
| b.5_Dec_1665, Braintree MA
| d,22_Nov_1732-1733
|-- Hannah Bass [42514]
| b.22_Jun_1667, Braintree MA
| m.2_Mar_1688, Braintree MA
| wife of Joseph Adams
| d.24_Oct_1705, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Bass [42515]
| b.11_Dec_1669, Braintree MA
| m.24_May_1686, Braintree MA
| wife of Christopher Webb
| m.13_Apr_1694, Braingree MA
| wife of William Copeland
| d.10_Apr_1725, Randolph MA
|-- Sarah Bass [121007]
| b.29_Mar_1672, Braintree MA
| m.7_Jan_1691/92,
| Braintree MA
| wife of Ephraim Thayer
| d.19_Aug_1751, Braintree MA

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Zacharaih Standish [120971] = unknown

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Josiah Standish [42436] = Mary Dingly [42438]
Josiah Standish [42436] ---------
b.ca.1633, Plymouth MA
d.19_Mar_1690/91, Preston CT
Mary Dingly [42438] -------------
m.19_Dec_1654, Marshfield MA
wife of Josiah Standish
father's other spousal relationships
Josiah Standish [42436] = Sarah Allen [42439]

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Myles Standish [42434] = Sarah Winslow [42440]

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Zachariah Standish [120972] = unknown
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Standish [120972] = Abigail Whitman [122794]
mother's other spousal relationships
Abigail Whitman [122794] = unknown

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John Alden [42417] = Elizabeth Gwinn [42447]
John Alden [42417] --------------
b.12_Mar_1662/63, Boston MA
d.1_Feb_1729/1730, Boston MA
Elizabeth Gwinn [42447] ---------
b.16_Oct_1668, Boston MA
m.ca.1686, Boston MA
wife of John Alden
d.26_Nov_1719, Boston MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [121083]
| b.7_Nov_1687, Boston MA
| d. before 1787
|-- Hannah Alden [121084]
| b.20_Nov_1688, Boston MA
| m.4_Aug_1726, Hopkington MA
| wife of John Jones
|-- John Alden [121085]
| b.20_Sep_1690, Boston MA
| d. before 31_Mar_1727,
| Jamaica, West Indies
|-- Mary Alden [121086]
| b.15_Dec_1691, Boston MA
|-- Katharine Alden [121087]
| b.19_Aug_1697, Boston MA
| d.31_Oct_1702, Boston MA
|-- Gillam Alden [121088]
| b.7_Jul_1699, Boston MA
| d.25_Dec_1726, Boston MA
|-- Ann Alden [121089]
| b.7_Jul_1699, Boston MA
| d. before 1787
|-- Nathaniel Alden [121090]
| b.6_Jul_1700, Boston MA
| d.ca.1738-1740
|-- Thomas Alden [121091]
| b.13_Aug_1701, Boston MA
| d.13_Aug_1701, Boston MA
|-- Katharine Alden [121092]
| b.17_Sep_1704, Boston MA
| d. before 5_May_1727
|-- Thomas Alden [121093]
| b.1_Mar_1707, Boston MA
|-- 1William Alden [121094]
| b.9_May_1710, Boston MA
| d.27_Dec_1714, Boston MA
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [42417] = Susanna Winslow [42448]

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John Alden [42417] = Susanna Winslow [42448]
John Alden [42417] --------------
b.12_Mar_1662/63, Boston MA
d.1_Feb_1729/1730, Boston MA
Susanna Winslow [42448] ---------
b.31_Jul_1675, Boston MA
m.22_Nov_1722, Boston MA
wife of John Alden
d. after 25_Oct_1746
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [42417] = Elizabeth Gwinn [42447]

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John Walley [42449] = Elizabeth Alden [42419]
John Walley [42449] -------------
b.27_Aug_1662, Boston MA
d. before 30_Apr_1702,
Elizabeth Alden [42419] ---------
b.9_Apr_1665, Boston MA
m.ca.1683, Boston MA
wife of John Walley
m.30_Apr_1702, Boston MA
wife of Simon Willard
d. after 1_Sep_1739
|-- Sarah Walley [121096]
| b.25_Aug_1684, Boston MA
| d.29_Jun_1690
|-- Abiel Walley [121097]
| b.30_Aug_1686, Boston MA
| d.1759, Boston MA
|-- William Walley [121098]
| b.23_Dec_1687, Boston MA
|-- John Walley [121099]
| b.19_Jul_1688, Boston MA
| d. before 24_Oct_1745
|-- Elizabeth Walley [121100]
| b.4_May_1693, Boston MA
|-- Sarah Walley [121101]
| b.27_Apr_1695, Boston MA
| m.10_Jan_1720, Boston MA
| wife of Richard Checkley
| d. after 17_May_1742
mother's other spousal relationships
Simon Willard [37272] = Elizabeth Alden [42419]

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Nathaniel Alden [42422] = Hepzibah Mountjoy [42451]
Nathaniel Alden [42422] ---------
b.9_Jul_1668, Boston MA
d. before 24_Jul_1702,
Antiqua, West Indies
Hepzibah Mountjoy [42451] -------
b.Nov_1673, Boston MA
m.1_Oct_1691, Boston MA
wife of Nathaniel Alden
|-- Mary Alden [121112]
| b.20_Aug_1692, Boston MA
| m.3_Oct_1714, Boston MA
| wife of Joseph Brightman
|-- Nathaniel Alden [121113]
| b.6_Aug_1694, Boston MA
| d. before 1732
|-- Hepzibah Alden [121114]
| b.ca.1696, Boston MA
| m.28_Apr_1718, Boston
| wife of Nathaniel Hayward
| d. before 21_Aug_1761,
| Boston MA
|-- Philips Alden [121115]
| b.31_Dec_1698, Boston MA
| d. before 16_Jan_1731
|-- Elizabeth Alden [121116]
| b.1690-1700, Boston MA

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William Alden [42423] = Mary Drury [42452]
William Alden [42423] -----------
b.10_Sep_1669, Boston MA
d.10_Feb_1728/29, Boston MA
Mary Drury [42452] --------------
m.21_May_1691, Boston MA
wife of William Alden
d.11_Feb_1727, Boston MA
|-- Mary Alden [121119]
| b.10_Feb_1693, Boston MA
| d.Oct_1702. Boston MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [121120]
| b.10_Mar_1695/96, Boston MA
| m.26_Jul_1720, Boston MA
| wife of Thomas Betterley
|-- William Alden [121121]
| b.23_Jul_1679, Boston MA
| d. before 14_Jul_1728
|-- Lydia Alden [121122]
| b.22_Dec_1701, Boston MA
| m.12_Nov_1722, Boston MA
| wife of Peter Britton
|-- Mary Alden [121123]
| b.12_Jun_1706, Boston MA
| m.29_Apr_1736, Boston MA
| wife of Joseph Gale
|-- Drury Alden [121124]
| b.12_May_1708, Boston MA
| d. before 14_Jan_1728
|-- John Alden [121125]
| b.22_Jan_1711, Boston MA
| d. before 14_Jan_1728

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Zachariah Alden [42424] = Mary Viall [42453]

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Isaac Alden [42454] = Mehitable Allen [20119]
Isaac Alden [42454] -------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Mehitable Allen [20119] ---------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Isaac Alden
d.2_Dec_1685, Duxbury MA
|-- Mehitable Alden [121136]
| b.7_Mar_1687,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.1_Jan_1711,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Benjamin Richards
| d.1720-1722
|-- Sarah Alden [121137]
| b.24_Sep_1688,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.13_Oct_1712,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Seth Brett
| m.17_Jan_1727/28,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Recompense Cary
| d.4_Jul_1744,
| E. Bridgewater MA
|-- Mary Alden [123643]
| b.10_Jul_1691,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.6_Oct_1720
| wife of John Webb
| d.1782
|-- Isaac Alden [121138]
| b.10_Mar_1692,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.21_Oct_1781,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Ebenezer Alden [121139]
| b.5_Jan_1693,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.31_Dec_1776,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Mercy Alden [121140]
| b.30_Oct_1696,
| Bridgeport MA
| m.21_Oct_1725,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Zacheus Packard Jr.
| d.12_May_1775,
| North Bridgewater MA
|-- Abigail Alden [121141]
| b.28_Jul_1699,
| Bridgewater MA
| d. before 24_Apr_1727
|-- Jemima Alden [121142]
| b.9_Jan_1702,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.22_Nov_1727,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Thomas Whitman
| d.5_Mar_1766,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- John Alden [121143]
| b.ca.1703, Bridgewater MA
| d.17_Apr_1759,
| Bridgewater MA

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Deacon Joseph Alden [42455] = Hannah Dunham [42460]
Deacon Joseph Alden [42455] -----
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Hannah Dunham [42460] -----------
b.ca.1670, Plymouth MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Joseph Alden
Bridgewater MA
|-- Daniel Alden [42516]
| b.27_Jan_1690/91,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.3_May_1767, Stafford CT
|-- Joseph Alden [121144]
| b.26_Aug_1693,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.9_Dec_1693,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Eleazer Alden [121145]
| b.27_Sep_1694,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.29_Jan_1773,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Hannah Alden [121146]
| b.1_Feb_1696,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.29_Mar_1722,
| Bridgewater
| wife of Mark Lathrop
| d.1777, Easton MA
|-- Mary Alden [121147]
| b.10_Apr_1699,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.10_Feb_1719
| wife of Timothy Edson
| d.14_Feb_1782, Stafford CT
|-- Joseph Alden [121148]
| b.5_Sep_1700,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.25_Oct_1704,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Jonathan Alden [121149]
| b.3_Dec_1703,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.10_Nov_1704,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Samuel Alden [121150]
| b.20_Aug_1705,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.24_Mar_1783,
| Bridgewater ma
|-- Mehitable Alden [121151]
| b.10_Oct_1707,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.1729, Middleboro MA
| wife of Barnabas Eaton
| d.11_Apr_1737
|-- Seth Alden [121152]
| b.6_Jul_1710,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.6_Sep_1784,
| Bridgewater MA

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John Burrill [42461] = Mercy Alden [42456]
John Burrill [42461] ------------
b.1658, Weymouth MA
d.16_Nov_1731, Weymouth MA
Mercy Alden [42456] -------------
b.ca.1670, Bridgewater MA
m.26_Jun_1688, Taunton MA
wife of John Burrill
d. after 28_Jul_1727
|-- Elizabeth Burrill [121160]
| b.25_Sep_1689, Weymouth MA
| d.24_Mar_1714, Weymouth MA
|-- John Burrill [121161]
| b.25_Sep_1689, Weymouth MA
| d. young
|-- Thomas Burrill [121162]
| b.26_Mar_1692, Weymouth MA
| d. before 28_Jul_1727
|-- John Burrill [121163]
| b.19_Aug_1694, Weymouth MA
| d.16_Jan_1754, Abington MA
|-- Mary Burrill [121164]
| b.22_Jan_1700, Weymouth MA
| m.10_Sep_1717, Boston
| wife of Josiah Ripley

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John Alden [42457] = Hannah D. White [42462]
John Alden [42457] --------------
b.Sep_1674, Bridgewater MA
d.29_Sep_1730, Middleboro MA
Hannah D. White [42462] ---------
b.5_May_1681, Weymouth MA
m.1701, Taunton MA
wife of John Alden
d.5_Oct_1732, Middleboro MA
|-- David Alden [121185]
| b.18_May_1702,
| Middleboro MA
| d.24_Aug_1763,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Priscilla Alden [121186]
| b.2_Mar_1703/04,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Abraham Barden
| d.1722-1730
|-- Thankful Alden [121187]
| b.30_May_1706,
| Middleboro MA
| m.14_Dec_1727,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Francis Eaton
| d.29_Oct_1732,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Hannah Alden [121188]
| b.24_Mar_1708/09,
| Middleboro MA
| m.30_Apr_1729,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Thomas Wood
| d.24_Mar_1743,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Lydia Alden [121189]
| b.18_Dec_1710,
| Middleboro MA
| m.5_Feb_1732/33,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Samuel Eddy
| m.27_Apr_1762, Halifax MA
| wife of John Fuller
| d.11_Mar_1803,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Mary Alden [121190]
| b.18_Nov_1712,
| Middleboro MA
| m.22_Feb_1732/33,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Noah Thomas
| d.1_Aug_1787,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Abigail Alden [121191]
| b.28_Sep_1714,
| Middleboro MA
| m.1_May_1735,
| Middleboro MA
| wife of Nathan Thomas
| d.Jan_1744
|-- Joseph Alden [121192]
| b.11_Sep_1716,
| Middleboro MA
| d.26_Jan_1787,
| N. Middleboro MA
|-- John Alden [121193]
| b.8_Oct_1718,
| Middleboro MA
| d.27_Mar_1821,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Ebenezer Alden [121194]
| b.8_Oct_1720,
| Middleboro MA
| d.24_Feb_1810, Ashfield MA
|-- Samuel Alden [135998]
| b.1721, Middleboro MA
| d. young
|-- Nathan Alden [121195]
| b.12_Jun_1723,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Rev. Noah Alden [121196]
| b.31_May_1725,
| Middleboro MA
| d.5_May_1797,
| Bellingham MA

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Capt. Thomas White [136013] = Ann Workman [136014]
Capt. Thomas White [136013] -----
Ann Workman [136014] ------------
wife of Capt. Thomas White
|-- Capt. Ebenezer White
| [121184]
| b.25_Nov_1648, Weymouth MA
d.24_Aug_1703, Weymouth MA

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Ralph Wheelock [42483] = Mercy Standish [42482]
Ralph Wheelock [42483] ----------
b.12_Feb_1682, Mendon MA
d.13_Oct_1748, Windham CT
Mercy Standish [42482] ----------
m.30_Sep_1726, Windham CT
wife of Ralph Wheelock
d.4_Nov_1748, Salisbury CT

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Samuel Standish [42481] = Deborah Gates [42484]
Samuel Standish [42481] ---------
b.ca.1680, Duxbury MA
d. before 4_Aug_1753,
Preston CT
Deborah Gates [42484] -----------
b.22_Feb_1683, Stowe
m.1_Jun_1709, Preston CT
wife of Samuel Standish
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Standish [42481] = Hannah Park [42485]

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Samuel Standish [42481] = Hannah Park [42485]
Samuel Standish [42481] ---------
b.ca.1680, Duxbury MA
d. before 4_Aug_1753,
Preston CT
Hannah Park [42485] -------------
m.15_Jan_1745, Preston CT
wife of Samuel Standish
d.25_Nov_1757, Preston CT
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Standish [42481] = Deborah Gates [42484]

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Hugh Caulkins [42486] = Lois Standish [42480]
Hugh Caulkins [42486] -----------
b.Jun_1659, New London CT
d.15_Sep_1722, Norwich CT
Lois Standish [42480] -----------
m.29_Nov_1706, Norwich CT
wife of Hugh Caulkins
m.21_Mar_1726, Lebanon CT
wife of John Sprague
d. after 16_Apr_1731
mother's other spousal relationships
John Sprague [42487] = Lois Standish [42480]

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John Sprague [42487] = Lois Standish [42480]
John Sprague [42487] ------------
b. Duxbury MA
d.6_Mar_1728, Lebanon CT
Lois Standish [42480] -----------
m.29_Nov_1706, Norwich CT
wife of Hugh Caulkins
m.21_Mar_1726, Lebanon CT
wife of John Sprague
d. after 16_Apr_1731
mother's other spousal relationships
Hugh Caulkins [42486] = Lois Standish [42480]

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Israel Standish [42479] = Elizabeth Richards [42488]
Israel Standish [42479] ---------
d. before 26_Jan_1729/1730,
Elizabeth Richards [42488] ------
m.8_Feb_1703/1704, Preston CT
wife of Israel Standish
d. before 26_Jan_1729/1730

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Josiah Standish [42478] = Sarah Carey [42489]
Josiah Standish [42478] ---------
d.26_Mar_1753, Stafford CT
Sarah Carey [42489] -------------
Bridgewater MA
wife of Josiah Standish
d.16_Jun_1741, Stafford CT

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Edmund Chandler [42496] = Elizabeth Alden [42490]
Edmund Chandler [42496] ---------
b.ca.1670, Duxbury MA
d. before 29_Spt_1717,
Duxbury MA
Elizabeth Alden [42490] ---------
b. after 1672, Duxbury MA
m.1694, Duxbury MA
wife of Edmund Chandler
m.12_Jul_1722, Duxbury MA
wife of Palatiah West
d. before 2_May_1757
|-- John Chandler [121251]
mother's other spousal relationships
Palatiah West [42497] = Elizabeth Alden [42490]

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Palatiah West [42497] = Elizabeth Alden [42490]
Palatiah West [42497] -----------
b.8_Mar_1674, Duxbury MA
d.7_Dec_1756, Duxbury MA
Elizabeth Alden [42490] ---------
b. after 1672, Duxbury MA
m.1694, Duxbury MA
wife of Edmund Chandler
m.12_Jul_1722, Duxbury MA
wife of Palatiah West
d. before 2_May_1757
mother's other spousal relationships
Edmund Chandler [42496] = Elizabeth Alden [42490]

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Thomas Southworth [42499] = Sarah Alden [42492]
Thomas Southworth [42499] -------
d.2_Sep_1743, Duxbury MA
Sarah Alden [42492] -------------
m.ca.1701, Duxbury MA
wife of Thomas Southworth
d.26_Jun_1738, Duxbury MA

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John Alden [42493] = Hannah Briggs [42500]
John Alden [42493] --------------
b.ca.1681/82, Duxbury MA
d.24_Jul_1739, Duxbury MA
Hannah Briggs [42500] -----------
b.8_May_1684, Scituate MA
Scituate MA
wife of John Alden
d.8_Feb_1739/1740, Duxbury MA
|-- John Alden [121255]
| b.7_Oct_1710, Duxbury MA
| d.16_Oct_1712, Duxbury MA
|-- Capt. Samuel Alden [121256]
| b.7_Nov_1712, Duxbury MA
| d.10_Oct_1757, Bitton,
| Gloucestershire, England
|-- Judah Alden [121257]
| b.10_Aug_1714, Duxbury MA
| d.ca.1740, Scotland
|-- Anna Alden [121258]
| b.14_Jun_1716, Duxbury MA
| m.8_Feb_1739, Duxbury MA
| wife of Benjamin Loring
| d.1_Jul_1804, Duxbury MA
|-- Deborah Alden [121259]
| b.16_May_1721, Duxbury MA
| d.2_Oct_1730, Duxbury MA
|-- Briggs Alden [121260]
| b.8_Jun_1723, Duxbury MA
| d.4_Oct_1796, Duxbury MA
|-- Abigail Alden [121261]
| b.27_Feb_1727, Duxbury MA
| m.23_Jan_1745,
| Marshfield MA
| wife of Anthony Thomas
| d.24_Jul_1802,
| Marshfield MA

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Andrew Alden [42494] = Lydia Stanford [42501]
Andrew Alden [42494] ------------
b.ca.1684, Duxbury MA
d.1770-1777, Duxbury MA
Lydia Stanford [42501] ----------
m.4_Feb_1713/14, Duxbury MA
wife of Andrew Alden
d. after 7_Apr_1734
|-- Jabin Alden [121270]
| b.19_Nov_1714, Duxbury MA
| d.3_Aug_1808
|-- John Alden [121271]
| b.23_Jul_1716, Duxbury MA
| b.2_May_1764, Lebanon CT
|-- Prince Alden [121272]
| b.28_Oct_1718, Duxbury MA
| d.22_May_1807, Newport PA
|-- Andrew Alden [121273]
| b.20_Jun_1721, Duxbory MA
|-- Walter Alden [121274]
| b.11_Nov_1727, Lebanon CT
|-- Lydia Alden [121275]
| b.11_Nov_1727, Lebanon CT
| d.1804, Shaftsbury VT
|-- William Alden [121276]
| b.ca.1727, Lebanon CT

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Jonathan Alden [42495] = Elizabeth Arnold [42502]
Jonathan Alden [42495] ----------
b.2_Mar_1686, Duxbury MA
d.10_Jul_1770, Gorham ME
Elizabeth Arnold [42502] --------
Marshfield MA
wife of Jonathan Alden
d. before 5_Jan_1731
|-- Jonathan Alden [121278]
| b.14_Jan_1718,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Anthony Alden [121279]
| b.3_Aug_1720,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Seth Alden [121280]
| b.3_Jan_1721/22,
| Marshfield MA
| d.ca.1800, Shaftsbury VT
|-- Josiah Alden [121281]
| b.3_Jun_1724,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Austin Alden [121282]
| b.25_Mar_1729,
| Marshfield MA
| d.23_Mar_1803, Gorham ME
father's other spousal relationships
Jonathan Alden [42495] = Mehetable Allen [42503]

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Jonathan Alden [42495] = Mehetable Allen [42503]
father's other spousal relationships
Jonathan Alden [42495] = Elizabeth Arnold [42502]

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Daniel Moulton [42518] = Abigail Blodgett [42558]

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Freeborn Moulton [42519] = Rebecca Walker [42557]
Freeborn Moulton [42519] --------
b.2_Apr_1717, Windham CT
d.28_Jun_1792, Brimfield MA
Rebecca Walker [42557] ----------
b.7_Mar_1717, Ashford CT
m.23_Jun_1737, Brimfield MA
wife of Freeborn Moulton
d.1797, Brimfield MA
|-- Daniel Moulton [42518]
| b.1762
| d.1832

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Robert Moulton [42520] = Hannah Groves [42549]

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Robert Moulton [42521] = Mary Cook [42532]

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Robert Moulton [42522] = Abigail Goode [42525]

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Robert Moulton [42523] = Deborah ________ [42524]
Robert Moulton [42523] ----------
b.ca.1600, England
d.20_Feb_1655, Salem MA
Deborah ________ [42524] --------
wife of Robert Moulton
|-- Robert Moulton [42522]
| b.ca.1616
| d.1665, Salem MA

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John Goode [42526] = Abigail Downing [42527]
John Goode [42526] --------------
b.ca.1580, Suffolk, England
Abigail Downing [42527] ---------
b.ca.1580, Ipswich,
Suffolk, England
m.1614, Salem MA
wife of John Goode
|-- Abigail Goode [42525]
| b.1618
| m.Feb_1640, Salem MA
| wife of Robert Moulton
d.1665, Salem MA

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Henry Cook [42533] = Judith Birdsall [42541]
Henry Cook [42533] --------------
Yorkshire, England
d.25_Dec_1661, Salem MA
Judith Birdsall [42541] ---------
Yorkshire, England
m.29_Jun_1639, Salem MA
wife of Henry Cook
d.11_Sep_1689, Salem MA
|-- Mary Cook [42532]
| b.15_Sep_1649, Salem MA
| m.17_Jul_1672, Salem MA
| wife of Robert Moulton

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Edmund Cooke [42534] = Elizabeth Nicholls [42539]

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Henry Cooke [42535] = Anne Goodere [42537]

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John Cooke [42536] = unknown
John Cooke [42536] --------------
b.ca.1520, Broadwater,
Sussex, England
unknown -------------------------
|-- Henry Cooke [42535]
| b.ca.1545

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Henry Goodere [42538] = unknown
Henry Goodere [42538] -----------
b.ca.1519, London, England
unknown -------------------------
|-- Anne Goodere [42537]
| b.ca.1549
| wife of Henry Cooke

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John Nicholls [42540] = unknown
John Nicholls [42540] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Nicholls [42539]
| b.ca.1573, Northclay,
| Kent, England
| wife of Edmund Cooke

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Henry Birdsall [42542] = unknown

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Henry Birdsall [42543] = Alice ________ [42548]

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Robert Birdsall [42544] = Isabel Marshall [42547]

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John Birdsall [42545] = Isabel Auckland [42546]
John Birdsall [42545] -----------
Isabel Auckland [42546] ---------
b.ca.1490, Todcaster
wife of John Birdsall
|-- Robert Birdsall [42544]
| b.ca.1520

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Nicholas Groves [42550] = Hannah Sallows [42551]
Nicholas Groves [42550] ---------
b.ca.1645, Jersey,
Channel Isles, England
Hannah Sallows [42551] ----------
b.9_Jul_1654, Salem MA
wife of Nicholas Groves
|-- Hannah Groves [42549]
| b.Sep_1676, Beverly MA
| m.11_Apr_1698, Beverly MA
| wife of Robert Moulton

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Robert Sallows [42552] = Freeborn Wolfe [42554]

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Michael Sallows [42553] = unknown
Michael Sallows [42553] ---------
d.30_Dec_1646, Lynn MA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Robert Sallows [42552]
| b.ca.1628, Salem MA

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Peter Wolfe [42555] = Martha ________ [42556]
Peter Wolfe [42555] -------------
d.20_Jan_1675, Beverly MA
Martha ________ [42556] ---------
wife of Peter Wolfe
|-- Freeborn Wolfe [42554]
| b.ca.1632, Salem MA
| wife of Robert Sallows

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Joshua Blodgett [42559] = Hannah Alden [42591]

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Joshua Blodgett [42560] = Dinah Morse [42590]
Joshua Blodgett [42560] ---------
b.26_Feb_1694, Woburn MA
Dinah Morse [42590] -------------
b.ca.1697, Watertown MA
m.1716, Hemel Hempstead,
Hertford, England
wife of Joshua Blodgett
|-- Joshua Blodgett [42559]
| b.1722, Stafford CT
| d.1816, Stafford CT

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Samuel Blodgett [42561] = Huldah Simonds [42583]

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Samuel Blodgett [42562] = Ruth Eggleston [42570]

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Thomas Blodgett [42563] = Susanna ________ [42569]
Thomas Blodgett [42563] ---------
b.18_Nov_1605, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
d.7_Aug_1639, Cambridge MA
Susanna ________ [42569] --------
wife of Thomas Blodgett
d.10_Feb_1661, Woburn MA
|-- Samuel Blodgett [42562]
| b.Jun_1633, Stowmarket,
| Suffolk, England
| d.3_Jul_1693, Woburn MA

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Robert Bloggatt [42564] = Mary Whitlock [42568]
Robert Bloggatt [42564] ---------
b.1578, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
d.1625, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
Mary Whitlock [42568] -----------
b.ca.1587, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
m.1598, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
wife of Robert Bloggatt
|-- Thomas Blodgett [42563]
| b.18_Nov_1605, Stowmarket,
| Suffolk, England
| d.7_Aug_1639, Cambridge MA

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Robert Blowgate [42565] = Maria ________ [42567]
Robert Blowgate [42565] ---------
b.1543, Haughley,
Suffolk, England
Maria ________ [42567] ----------
b.ca.1544, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
wife of Robert Blowgate
|-- Robert Bloggatt [42564]
| b.1578, Stowmarket,
| Suffolk, England
| d.1625, Stowmarket,
| Suffolk, England

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Thomas Blowgatt [42566] = unknown
Thomas Blowgatt [42566] ---------
b.ca.1490, Haughley,
Suffolk, England
unknown -------------------------
|-- Robert Blowgate [42565]
| b.1543, Haughley,
| Suffolk, England
| d.1602

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John Iggleden [42571] = Jane ________ [42582]
John Iggleden [42571] -----------
b.25_Aug_1611, Biddenden,
Kent, England
d.1634, at sea
Jane ________ [42582] -----------
b.ca.1600, Biddenden,
Kent, England
m.1630, Stowmarket,
Suffolk, England
wife of John Iggleden
d.10_Mar_1687, Woburn MA
|-- Ruth Eggleston [42570]
| b.ca.1631
| m.13_Dec_1655, Woburn MA
| wife of Samuel Blodgett
| d.14_Oct_1703, Woburn MA

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Stephen Ingulden [42572] = Sarah ________ [42581]
Stephen Ingulden [42572] --------
b.5_Apr_1582, Biddenden,
Kent, England
d.1624, Kent Co., England
Sarah ________ [42581] ----------
b.ca.1582, Haffenden
m.13_Jan_1606, Tenterden,
Kent, England
wife of Stephen Ingulden
|-- John Iggleden [42571]
| b.25_Aug_1611, Biddenden,
| Kent, England
| d.1634, at sea

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Stephen Igulden [42573] = unknown

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William Igulden [42574] = Lettuce Stacey [42580]

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John Igulden [42575] = unknown

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John Iguilden [42576] = Alice ________ [42579]

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Richard Iqulden [42577] = Alice ________ [42578]
Richard Iqulden [42577] ---------
Alice ________ [42578] ----------
wife of Richard Iqulden
|-- John Iguilden [42576]
| b.ca.1462, Biddenden,
| Kent, England
| d.1511

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Zachariah Standish [122800] = Rebecca Wood [154741]
Zachariah Standish [122800] -----
b.30_May_1739, Plympton MA
d.30_Mar_1770, Plympton MA
Rebecca Wood [154741] -----------
b.23_Feb_1745, Middleboro MA
m.ca.8_Apr_1760, Halifax MA
wife of Zachariah Standish
d.19_Jun_1769, Plympton MA
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Standish [122800] = Olive Poole [154742]

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Zachariah Standish [122800] = Olive Poole [154742]
Zachariah Standish [122800] -----
b.30_May_1739, Plympton MA
d.30_Mar_1770, Plympton MA
Olive Poole [154742] ------------
Bridgewater MA
m.9_Jan_1770, Plymouth MA
wife of Zachariah Standish
d. after 4_Jul_1787,
Plympton MA
|-- Peleg Standish [154743]
| b.3_May_1774, Plympton MA
| d.10_Jul_1853, Peru OH
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Standish [122800] = Rebecca Wood [154741]

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Peleg Standish [154743] = Sarah Hamlin [154744]
Peleg Standish [154743] ---------
b.3_May_1774, Plympton MA
d.10_Jul_1853, Peru OH
Sarah Hamlin [154744] -----------
b.1779, Cummington MA
Cummington MA
wife of Peleg Standish
d.6_Jan_1822, Semporonius NY
|-- Sarah Standish [154745]
| (Sally)
| b.27_Apr_1815, Cayuga Co. NY
| m.7_Nov_1835, Huron Co. OH

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William Simonds [42584] = Judith Phippen [42587]
William Simonds [42584] ---------
b.18_Jan_1613, London,
d.14_Oct_1703, Woburn MA
Judith Phippen [42587] ----------
b.1619, Stepney Parish,
London, England
m.18_Jan_1644, Woburn MA
wife of William Simonds
|-- Huldah Simonds [42583]
| b.23_Jan_1660, Woburn MA
| m.30_Apr_1683, Woburn MA
| wife of Samuel Blodgett
| d.14_Mar_1745, Woburn MA

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Thomas Simmonds [42585] = unknown

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Joseph Simmonds [42586] = unknown
Joseph Simmonds [42586] ---------
b.1558, London, England
unknown -------------------------
|-- Thomas Simmonds [42585]
| b.29_Mar_1584, London,
| England

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William Phippen [42588] = Judith Burrow [42589]
William Phippen [42588] ---------
b.ca.1592, Wedmore,
Somerset, England
d.5_Oct_1647, Wedmore,
Somerset, England
Judith Burrow [42589] -----------
b.ca.1596, Wedmore,
Somerset, England
m.ca.1617, Wedmore,
Somerset, England
wife of William Phippen
d.10_Dec_1637, Wedmore,
Somerset, England
|-- Judith Phippen [42587]
| b.1619, Stepney Parish,
| London, England
| m.18_Jan_1644, Woburn MA
| wife of William Simonds
| d.3_Jan_1689

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Daniel Alden [42516] = Abigail Shaw [42592]
Daniel Alden [42516] ------------
Bridgewater MA
d.3_May_1767, Stafford CT
Abigail Shaw [42592] ------------
b.17_Jul_1695, Weymouth MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Daniel Alden
d.12_Jul_1755, Stafford CT
|-- Joseph Alden [122245]
|-- Daniel Alden [122246]
|-- Abigail Alden [122247]
|-- Zephaniah Alden [122248]
| b.13_Jun_1724,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.1804, Stafford CT
|-- Hannah Alden [42591]
| b.1727
| m.2_Nov_1749,
| Hemel Hempstead,
| Hertfordshire, England
| wife of Joshua Blodgett
|-- Mehitable Alden [122249]
| b.23_May_1729,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.13_Jul_1729,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Barnabas Alden [122250]
|-- Ebenezer Alden [122251]
| b.11_Aug_1734,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.Jul_1755
|-- Mary Alden [122252]
| b.12_May_1737,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.6_Mar_1738,
| Bridgewater MA
father's other spousal relationships
Daniel Alden [42516] = Rebecca Curtis [122270]

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John Dunham [42626] = Abigail Barlow [42628]
John Dunham [42626] -------------
b.1589, Scrooby,
Nottinghamshire, England
d.1_Mar_1669, Plymouth MA
Abigail Barlow [42628] ----------
b.ca.1600, Leyland, Holland
Leyland, Holland
wife of John Dunham
|-- Daniel Dunham [42625]
| b.29_Jan_1639, Plymouth MA
| d.18_Feb_1677, Dorchester MA

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John Denham [42627] = unknown
John Denham [42627] -------------
b.1560, Kirklington, England
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Dunham [42626]
| b.1589, Scrooby,
| Nottinghamshire, England
| d.1_Mar_1669, Plymouth MA

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Thomas Barlow [42629] = Anne ________ [42630]
Thomas Barlow [42629] -----------
Anne ________ [42630] -----------
wife of Thomas Barlow
d.1621, Leyland, Holland
|-- Abigail Barlow [42628]
| b.ca.1600, Leyland, Holland
| m.22_Oct_1622,
| Leyland, Holland
wife of John Dunham

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Moses Simmons [42636] = Lydia Ann Holland [42637]
Moses Simmons [42636] -----------
b.1570, Leyland, Holland
Lydia Ann Holland [42637] -------
b.1574, Devonshire,
Derbyshire, England
wife of William Simmons
|-- Thomas Simmons [136295]
| b.1602, Leyden, Holland
| d.1682, Boston MA
|-- Moses Williams Simmons
| [42635]
Leyland, Holland
d.17_Jun_1697, Duxbury MA

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Ebenezer Standish [42471] = Hannah Sturtevant [121245]
Ebenezer Standish [42471] -------
b.ca.1672, Duxbury MA
d.19_Mar_1755, Plympton MA
Hannah Sturtevant [121245] ------
b.ca.1679, Plymouth MA
wife of Ebenezer Standish
d.23_Jun_1759, Plymouth MA
|-- Zachariah Standish [120972]
| b.12_Oct_1698, Plymouth MA
| d.30_Mar_1770, Plymouth MA
|-- Moses Standish [121238]
| b.30_Aug_1701, Plymouth MA
| d.24_Apr_1769, Plymouth MA
|-- Hannah Standish [121239]
| b.6_Mar_1703/04, Plymouth MA
| m.4_Jan_1721/22, Plymouth MA
| wife of Seth Staples
| d.Apr_1774, Taunton MA
|-- Zerviah Standish [121240]
| b.8_Jan_1796/07, Plymouth MA
| m.20_May_1724, Plymouth MA
| wife of Andrew Ring
| m.19_Dec_1745,
| N. Yarmouth ME
| d.26_Apr_1778/79,
| N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Sarah Standish [121241]
| b.9_Nov_1709, Plymouth MA
| m.23_Sep_1728, Plymouth MA
| wife of Jabez Newland
| d.25_Aug_1792, Plymouth MA
|-- Mercy Standish [121242]
| (or Marcy)
| b.17_Oct_1716, Plymouth MA
| wife of ________ ________
| m.ca.1766, Plymouth MA
| wife of Benjamin Weston
d.22_Feb_1794, Plymouth MA

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Thomas Standish [42511] = Susannah Smith [42640]

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Christopher Webb [42450] = Mary Bass [42515]
Christopher Webb [42450] --------
b.25_Mar_1663, Billerica MA
d.Mar_1689-1690, at sea,
off Nantasker MA
Mary Bass [42515] ---------------
b.11_Dec_1669, Braintree MA
m.24_May_1686, Braintree MA
wife of Christopher Webb
m.13_Apr_1694, Braingree MA
wife of William Copeland
d.10_Apr_1725, Randolph MA
|-- Hannah Webb [121407]
| b.16_Dec_1686, Braintree MA
| d.1725
|-- Sarah Webb [121408]
| b.10_Dec_1688, Braintree MA
| m.13_Sep_1711, Braintree MA
| wife of Samuel Arnold
| d. after Jul_1745
|-- Christopher Webb [121409]
| b.19_Aug_1690, Braintree MA
| d.ca.1761-1761, Braintree MA
mother's other spousal relationships
William Copeland [121410] = Mary Bass [42515]

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John Bass [42512] = Abigail Adams [26003]
father's other spousal relationships
John Bass [42512] = Rebecca Sevil [121371]

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John Mullins [38711] = Joane Bridger [38712]
John Mullins [38711] ------------
of Docking,
Surrey, England
Joane Bridger [38712] -----------
of Dorking,
Surrey, England
wife of John Mullins
|-- William Mullens [38715]
| Mayflower passenger
| b.1572, Docking,
| Surrey, England
| d.21_Feb_1621, Plymouth MA

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William Mullens [38715] = Alice Atwood [62006]
William Mullens [38715] ---------
Mayflower passenger
b.1572, Docking,
Surrey, England
d.21_Feb_1621, Plymouth MA
Alice Atwood [62006] ------------
Mayflower passenger
St. Martin In The Field,
Surrey, England
m.1595, England
wife of William Mullens
d.Mar_1621, Plymouth MA
|-- Sarah Mullins [38718]
| b.ca.1594, Dorking,
| Sussex, England
| wife of Robert Blundau
| d.1621, England
|-- William Mullins [38719]
| b.1596, Dorking,
| Sussex, England
| d. Braintree MA
|-- Priscilla Mullins [38721]
| Mayflower passenger
| b.ca.1600, Docking,
| Surrey, England
| m.12_May_1622, Plymouth MA
| wife of John Alden
| d.1685, Duxbury MA
|-- Joseph Mullins [38722]
| Mayflower passenger
| b.ca.1602
| d. after 5_Apr_1621,
Plymouth MA

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William Mullins [38719] = Ann ________ [38724]
William Mullins [38719] ---------
b.1596, Dorking,
Sussex, England
d. Braintree MA
Ann ________ [38724] ------------
wife of William Mullins

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Robert Blundau [38725] = Sarah Mullins [38718]
Robert Blundau [38725] ----------
Sarah Mullins [38718] -----------
b.ca.1594, Dorking,
Sussex, England
wife of Robert Blundau
d.1621, England

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Abiel Walley [121097] = Margaret Corwin [121103]
Abiel Walley [121097] -----------
b.30_Aug_1686, Boston MA
d.1759, Boston MA
Margaret Corwin [121103] --------
m.27_Jun_1710, Boston MA
wife of Abiel Walley

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John Walley [121099] = Elizabeth Danforth [121104]
John Walley [121099] ------------
b.19_Jul_1688, Boston MA
d. before 24_Oct_1745
Elizabeth Danforth [121104] -----
b.29_Jul_1689, Taunton MA
m.30_Apr_1713, Boston MA
wife of John Walley

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Col. Samuel Checkley = Mary Scottow [121106]
Col. Samuel Checkley ------------
Mary Scottow [121106] -----------
wife of Col. Samuel Checkley
|-- Richard Checkley [121107]
| b.4_Oct_1694, Boston MA
| d.7_May_1742, Boston MA

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Richard Checkley [121107] = Sarah Walley [121101]

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Rev. Timothy Green [121133] = Mary Flint [121134]
Rev. Timothy Green [121133] -----
Mary Flint [121134] -------------
wife of Rev. Timothy Green
|-- Timothy Green [121135]
| b.6_Dec_1706, Boston MA
| d.3_Oct_1763, New London CT

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Timothy Green [121135] = Elizabeth Alden [121128]

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Simeon Alden [122299] = Mary Packard [136449]
Simeon Alden [122299] -----------
Bridgewater MA
Mary Packard [136449] -----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Simeon Alden
|-- Simeon Alden [136474]
| b.29_Feb_1764,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.2_Apr_1843
|-- Alpheus Alden [136475]
| b.27_Apr_1765, Middleboro MA
| d.24_Mar_1820
|-- Silas Alden [136476]
| b.29_Jun_1766, Abington MA
| d.1_Jun_1845
|-- Solomon Alden [136477]
| b.1767, Plymouth MA
| d.4_May_1815
|-- Mary Alden [136478]
| b.1769, Plymouth MA
| d.1847
|-- David Alden [136479]
| b.1771, Middleboro MA
| d.1801
|-- Jonathan Alden [136480]
| b.6_Apr_1775, Newton MA
| d.13_Mar_1820
|-- Isaac Alden [136481]
| b.1777, Bridgewater MA
| d.Apr_1846
|-- Lot Alden [136482]
| b.1781, Plymouth MA
| d.29_Aug_1854

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Abraham Barden [121197] = Priscilla Alden [121186]
Abraham Barden [121197] ---------
b.11_Dec_1698, Middleboro MA
Priscilla Alden [121186] --------
Middleboro MA
wife of Abraham Barden

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Miles Standish [42469] = Experience Sherman [121224]
Miles Standish [42469] ----------
b.ca.1668, Duxbury MA
d.15_Sep_1739, Duxbury MA
Experience Sherman [121224] -----
b.Sep_1678, Marshfield MA
m. before 5_Jul_1702
wife of Miles Standish
d.31_Mar_1744, Duxbury MA
|-- Sarah Standish [121233]
| b.15_Apr_1704, Duxbury MA
| m.2_Mar_1729/30, Duxbury MA
| wife of Abner Weston
| d.20_Feb_1779, Duxbury MA
|-- Patience Standish [121234]
| b.16_Aug_1707, Duxbury MA
| m.6_Apr_1738, Duxbury MA
| wife of Caleb Jenny
| d. before 20_May_1746
|-- Priscilla Standish [121235]
| b.1_Apr_1710, Duxbury MA
| d. after 31_Dec_1739
|-- Myles Standish [121236]
| b.11_Mar_1713/14, Duxbury MA
| d.1784, Bridgewater MA
|-- Penelope Standish [121237]
| b.13_Apr_1717, Duxbury MA
| d.11_Nov_1739, Duxbury MA

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Samuel Sturtevant [121243] = Mercy ________ [121244]
Samuel Sturtevant [121243] ------
Mercy ________ [121244] ---------
wife of Samuel Sturtevant
|-- Hannah Sturtevant [121245]
| b.ca.1679, Plymouth MA
| m.ca.1697
wife of Ebenezer Standish
d.23_Jun_1759, Plymouth MA

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Jeremiah Newland [121246] = Susanna Harris [121247]
Jeremiah Newland [121246] -------
Susanna Harris [121247] ---------
wife of Jeremiah Newland
|-- Jabez Newland [121248]
| b.1703, Plymouth MA
| d.7_Apr_1787, Plymouth MA

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Jabez Newland [121248] = Sarah Standish [121241]
Jabez Newland [121248] ----------
b.1703, Plymouth MA
d.7_Apr_1787, Plymouth MA
Sarah Standish [121241] ---------
b.9_Nov_1709, Plymouth MA
m.23_Sep_1728, Plymouth MA
wife of Jabez Newland
d.25_Aug_1792, Plymouth MA

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________ ________ [121249] = Mercy Standish [121242]
________ ________ [121249] ------
Mercy Standish [121242] ---------
(or Marcy)
b.17_Oct_1716, Plymouth MA
wife of ________ ________
m.ca.1766, Plymouth MA
wife of Benjamin Weston
d.22_Feb_1794, Plymouth MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Benjamin Weston [121250] = Mercy Standish [121242]

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Benjamin Weston [121250] = Mercy Standish [121242]
Benjamin Weston [121250] --------
b.14_Nov_1701, Plymouth MA
d.5_May_1773, Plymouth MA
Mercy Standish [121242] ---------
(or Marcy)
b.17_Oct_1716, Plymouth MA
wife of ________ ________
m.ca.1766, Plymouth MA
wife of Benjamin Weston
d.22_Feb_1794, Plymouth MA
mother's other spousal relationships
________ ________ [121249] = Mercy Standish [121242]

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Capt. Samuel Alden [121256] = Edith Read [121266]
Capt. Samuel Alden [121256] -----
b.7_Nov_1712, Duxbury MA
d.10_Oct_1757, Bitton,
Gloucestershire, England
Edith Read [121266] -------------
m.31_Jul_1740, St. Werburg,
Gloucestershire, England
wife of Capt. Samuel Alden
d.29_Nov_1775, Bitton,
Gloucestershire, England

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Peter Roe [121267] = Mary Lackey [121268]
Peter Roe [121267] --------------
Mary Lackey [121268] ------------
wife of Peter Roe
|-- Abigail Roe [121269]
| b.ca.1721
| m.30_Dec_1739, Boston MA
wife of Judah Alden
d.16_Nov_1782, Boston MA

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Judah Alden [121257] = Abigail Roe [121269]
Judah Alden [121257] ------------
b.10_Aug_1714, Duxbury MA
d.ca.1740, Scotland
Abigail Roe [121269] ------------
m.30_Dec_1739, Boston MA
wife of Judah Alden
d.16_Nov_1782, Boston MA

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Walter Alden [121274] = Jane Blackman [121277]
Walter Alden [121274] -----------
b.11_Nov_1727, Lebanon CT
Jane Blackman [121277] ----------
wife of Walter Alden

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John Sprague [121308] = Ruth Bassett [121309]
John Sprague [121308] -----------
Ruth Bassett [121309] -----------
wife of John Sprague
|-- Samuel Sprague [121310]
| b.ca.1670, Duxbury MA
| d.25_Jul_1740, Rochester MA

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Samuel Sprague [121310] = Ruth Alden [42505]
Samuel Sprague [121310] ---------
b.ca.1670, Duxbury MA
d.25_Jul_1740, Rochester MA
Ruth Alden [42505] --------------
b.ca.1674, Duxbury MA
m.29_Nov_1694, Duxbury MA
wife of Samuel Sprague
d.2_Jul_1758, Rochester MA
|-- Noah Sprague [121311]
| b.18_Jan_1696, Duxbury MA
|-- Elizabeth Sprague [121312]
| b.4_Jul_1699, Duxbury MA
| m.20_May_1720, Rochester MA
| wife of Isaac Chapman
| d.5_Apr_1754, Yarmouth MA
|-- Nathaniel Sprague [121313]
| b.10_Jan_1701/02,
| Duxbury MA
| d.29_Jul_1739, Rochester MA
|-- Mary Sprague [121314]
| b.20_Dec_1708, Duxbury MA
| m.30_Dec_1727, Attleboro MA
| wife of Daniel Jenks
|-- Priscilla Sprague [121315]
| b.18_Mar_1708/09,
| Duxbury MA
| m.12_Nov_1730, Rochester MA
| wife of Benjamin Hammond
| m.30_Nov_1763, Rochester MA
| wife of Rev. Thomas West
| d.23_Oct_1779, Rochester MA
|-- Micah Sprague [121316]
| b.ca.1711-1712,
| Rochester MA
| d.Sep_1734, New Providence,
| West Indies

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Daniel Jenks [121317] = Mary Sprague [121314]
Daniel Jenks [121317] -----------
Mary Sprague [121314] -----------
b.20_Dec_1708, Duxbury MA
m.30_Dec_1727, Attleboro MA
wife of Daniel Jenks

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Philemon Sampson [151358] = Rachel Standish [122805]
Philemon Sampson [151358] -------
b.12_Sep_1720, Plympton MA
d.6_Sep_1756, Plympton MA
Rachel Standish [122805] --------
b.24_Apr_1726, Plympton MA
m.12_May_1742, Plympton MA
wife of Philemon Sampson
d.13_Oct_1809, Plympton MA
|-- Lydia Sampson [151359]
| b.19_Jan_1750, Plympton MA
| m.3_Dec_1767, Plympton MA
| wife of Francis Holmes

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Samuel Seabury [121318] = Patience Kemp [121319]
Samuel Seabury [121318] ---------
Patience Kemp [121319] ----------
wife of Samuel Seabury
|-- John Seabury [121320]
| b.7_Nov_1670, Duxbury
| d.17_Dec_1759, Hempstead NY

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John Seabury [121320] = Elizabeth Alden [42506]
John Seabury [121320] -----------
b.7_Nov_1670, Duxbury
d.17_Dec_1759, Hempstead NY
Elizabeth Alden [42506] ---------
b.9_Apr_1675, Duxbury MA
m.9_Dec_1697, Duxbury MA
wife of John Seabury
d.4_Jan_1771, Groton CT
|-- David Seabury [121321]
| b.16_Jan_1698/99,
| Stonington CT
| d.11_Nov_1750,
| Hempstead NY
|-- John Seabury [121322]
| b.25_Nov_1700, Stonington CT
| d.25_Nov_1700, Stonington CT
|-- Patience Seabury [121323]
| b.5_May_1702, Stonington CT
| m.28_Nov_1722, Groton CT
| wife of Joseph Latham
| m.5_Jan_1748/49, Groton CT
| wife of Benjamin Starr
| m.23_Dec_1755, Norwich CT
| wife of Francis Griswold
| d.19_Apr_1761, Norwich CT
|-- John Seabury [121324]
| b.22_May_1704, Stonington CT
| d.15_Jan_1744/45,
| New London CT
|-- Samuel Seabury [121325]
| b.8_Jul_1706, Groton CT
| d.15_Jun_1764, Hempstead NY
|-- Mary Seabury [121326]
| b.11_Nov_1708, Groton CT
| m.10_Oct_1728, Groton CT
| wife of Jonathan Starr
| d.13_Nov_1807
|-- Sarah Seabury [121327]
| b.16_May_1710, Stonington CT
| m.24_Sep_1747, Groton CT
| wife of William Morgan
| d.1778
|-- Nathaniel Seabury [121328]
| b.31_Jul_1720, Stonington CT

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William Morgan [121329] = Margaret Avery [121330]
William Morgan [121329] ---------
Margaret Avery [121330] ---------
wife of William Morgan
|-- William Morgan [121331]
| b.7_Apr_1697, Groton CT
| d.14_May_1778, Stonington CT

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William Morgan [121331] = Sarah Seabury [121327]

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Samuel Chesebrough [121332] = Pricilla Alden [42507]
Samuel Chesebrough [121332] -----
Stonington CT
d.27_Oct_1735, Stonington CT
Pricilla Alden [42507] ----------
b.1679, Duxbury MA
wife of Samuel Chesebrough
d. after 19_Jan_1735/36,
Stonington CT
|-- Mary Chesebrough [121333]
| b.12_Sep_1702, Stonington CT
| m.5_Oct_1720, Stonington CT
| wife of Joseph Hewett
|-- Priscilla Chesebrough
| [121334]
| b.6_Nov_1704, Stonington CT
| m.26_Dec_1723
| wife of Jabez Chesebrough
| m.1733
| wife of Thomas Palmer
| d. before 12_Jun_1776
|-- Nathaniel Chesebrough
| [121335]
| b.19_Aug_1706, Stonington CT
| d.22_Apr_1709, Stonington CT
|-- Amos Chesebrough [121336]
| b.2_Feb_1708/09,
| Stonington CT
| d. Stonington CT
|-- Hannah Chesebrough [121337]
| b.16_Jul_1712, Stonington CT
| m.24_Dec_1730, Stonington CT
| wife of Richard Shaw
|-- Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
| b.14_Aug_1715, Stonington CT
| m.27_Nov_1739, Stonington CT
| wife of James Geer
| m.20_Mar_1710/11,
| Stonington CT
| wife of Ebenezer Billings
| m.3_Mar_1762,
| N. Stonington CT
| wife of John Denison
| d.5_Mar_1786, Stonington CT
|-- Prudence Chesebrough
| [121339]
| b.28_Feb_1721/22,
| Stonington CT
| m.27_Feb_1736/37, Groton CT
| wife of John Stanton
| d.9_May_1783. Groton CT

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Judah Paddock [121340] = Alice Alden [42508]
Judah Paddock [121340] ----------
b.15_Sep_1681, Yarmouth MA
d.31_Mar_1770, Yarmouth MA
Alice Alden [42508] -------------
b.ca.1686, Duxbury MA
m.5_Dec_1706, Duxbury MA
wife of Judah Paddock
d.12_Jul_1744, Yarmouth MA
|-- Reuben Paddock [121341]
| b.27_Dec_1707, Yarmouth MA
|-- Judah Paddock [121342]
| b.27_Mar_1709, Yarmouth MA
| d.21_May_1748, Dartmouth MA
|-- Samuel Paddock [121343]
| b.12_Oct_1711, Yarmouth MA
|-- Mary Paddock [121344]
| b.5_Mar_1714, Yarmouth MA
| m.1_Nov_1731, Yarmouth MA
| wife of Judah Sears
| d. after 5_Feb_1773
|-- Grace Paddock [121345]
| b.27_Jan_1715, Yarmouth MA
| m.21_Nov_1734, Yarmouth MA
| wife of John Sears
| d.17_Sep_1780
|-- Rebecca Paddock [121346]
| b.12_May_1718, Yarmouth MA
| m.10_Jun_1742, Dartmouth MA
| wife of Thomas Spooner
| m.12_Nov_1781, Hardwick NA
| wife of Capt. Joseph Warner
| d.3_Jun_1812, Cunningham MA
|-- Nathaniel Paddock [121347]
| b.27_Feb_1723/24,
| Yarmouth MA
| d. before 6_Nov_1758,
| Rochester MA

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Benjamin Alden [42509] = Hannah Brewster [121307]
Benjamin Alden [42509] ----------
b.ca.1690, Duxbury MA
d.14_Apr_1741, Duxbury MA
Hannah Brewster [121307] --------
wife of Benjamin Alden
d.8_Jan_1763, Duxbury MA
|-- Mary Alden [121348]
| b.1_Jan_1709/10, Duxbury MA
| m.31_Dec_1734, Duxbury MA
| wife of John Wadsworth
| d.4_Apr_1789, Duxbury MA
|-- Sarah Alden [121349]
| b.5_Apr_1712, Duxbury MA
| d. before 5_Oct_1741
|-- Elizabeth Alden [121350]
| b.12_Dec_1714, Duxbury MA
| d.9_Jul_1771, Duxbury MA
|-- David Alden [121351]
| b.14_Feb_1717, Duxbury MA
| d. after 14_May_1782
|-- Ichabod Alden [121352]
| b.5_Oct_1719, Duxbury MA
|-- Abiathar Alden [121353]
| b.29_Jul_1721, Duxbury MA
| d. before 19_Oct_1801
|-- Bezaleel Alden [121354]
| b.15_May_1722, Duxbury MA
| d.9_Feb_1799, Duxbury MA
|-- Wrestling Alden [121355]
| b.11_Oct_1724, Duxbury MA
| d.5_Sep_1813, Duxbury MA

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Samuel Alden [42510] = Sarah Sprague [121358]
Samuel Alden [42510] ------------
b.22_Dec_1688, Duxbury MA
d.24_Feb_1781, Duxbury MA
Sarah Sprague [121358] ----------
b.May_1701, Duxbury MA
m.26_Frb_1727/28, Duxbury MA
wife of Samuel Alden
d.28_Mar_1773, Duxbury MA
|-- Rebecca Alden [121359]
| b.4_Jan_1730, Duxbury MA
| m.27_Nov_1760, Duxbury MA
| wife of Capt. Thomss Frazer
| d.21_Jul_1818, Duxbury MA
|-- Sarah Alden [121360]
| b.2_Dec_1731, Duxbury MA
| m.10_Mar_1757, Duxbury MA
| wife of Gamaliel Bradford
| d.4_Aug_1788, Duxbury MA
|-- John Alden [121361]
| b.30_Mar_1733/34, Duxbury MA
| d.28_Oct_1761,
| Crown Point NY
|-- Alice Alden [121362]
| b.5_Sep_1735, Duxbury MA
| m.7_May_1760, Duxbury MA
| wife of Oliver Seabury
| d.21_Sep_1778, Lebanon CT
|-- Samuel Alden [121363]
| b.13_Aug_1737, Duxbury MA
| d.18_Feb_1799, Duxbury MA
|-- Ichabod Alden [121364]
| b.11_Aug_1739, Duxbury MA
| d.11_Nov_1778,
| Cherry Valley NY
|-- Alethea Alden [121365]
| b.24_Aug_1744, Duxbury MA
| m.8_Jan_1767, Duxbury MA
| wife of William Loring
| d.31_Mar_1820, Pembroke MA
|-- Abigail Alden [121366]
| b.23_Apr_1750, Duxbury MA
| m.27_Oct_1768, Duxbury MA
| wife of Trancis Winter
| d.19_Apr_1826, Bath ME

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Benjamin White [135997] = Ruth Reed [135999]
Benjamin White [135997] ---------
Weymouth MA
d.10_Dec_1750, Middleboro MA
Ruth Reed [135999] --------------
Weymouth MA
wife of Benjamin White

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John Bass [42512] = Rebecca Sevil [121371]
John Bass [42512] ---------------
b.26_Nov_1658, Braintree MA
Rebecca Sevil [121371] ----------
b.3_Jul_1672, Braintree MA
wife of John Bass
d. after 30_Nov_1724
|-- Ebenezer Bass [121372]
| c.11_Oct_1702, Braintree MA
father's other spousal relationships
John Bass [42512] = Abigail Adams [26003]

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Samuel Bass [121005] = Ann Kirkland [121373]
Samuel Bass [121005] ------------
b.25_Mar_1660, Braintree MA
E. Bridgewater MA
Ann Kirkland [121373] -----------
b.16_Apr_1658, Lynn MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d. before 19_Nov_1689
|-- Ruth Bass [121374]
| b.ca.1688, Lynn MA
| m.ca.1709, Lynn MA
| wife of Daniel Legare
| d.ca.1722, Boston MA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mercy Marsh [121375]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mary Adams [26007]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Bethia Nightingale [121381]

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Samuel Bass [121005] = Mercy Marsh [121375]
Samuel Bass [121005] ------------
b.25_Mar_1660, Braintree MA
E. Bridgewater MA
Mercy Marsh [121375] ------------
b.2_Apr_1669, Braintree MA
m.29_Nov_1689, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121005] = Ann Kirkland [121373]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mary Adams [26007]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Bethia Nightingale [121381]

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Samuel Bass [121005] = Mary Adams [26007]
Samuel Bass [121005] ------------
b.25_Mar_1660, Braintree MA
E. Bridgewater MA
Mary Adams [26007] --------------
b.25_Feb_1667, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Webb
wife of Samuel Bass
d.9_Mar_1706, Braintree MA
|-- Jonathan Bass [121376]
| c.3_Aug_1697, Braintree MA
| d.17_May_1750,
| E. Braintree MA
|-- Abigail Bass [121377]
| c.3_Oct_1697, Braintree MA
| m.ca.1715
| wife of John Wild
| d. before 25_Oct_1744
|-- Mary Bass [121378]
| b.22_Jul_1690, Braintree MA
| m.2_Apr_1720, Braintree MA
| wife of William Bowditch
| m.ca.1711
| wife of John Miller
| d.31_Jan_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Samuel Bass [121379]
| b.26_Jul_1700, Braintree MA
| d.3_Apr_1768, Holbrook MA
|-- Bethiah Bass [121380]
| b.2_Feb_1704, Braintree MA
| m.7_Dec_1727, Boston MA
| wife of William Torrey
|-- Sarah Bass [26159]
| b.ca.1637
| wife of John Stone
| m.ca.1692
| wife of
| Deacon Joseph Penniman
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121005] = Ann Kirkland [121373]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mercy Marsh [121375]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Bethia Nightingale [121381]
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Webb [26158] = Mary Adams [26007]

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Deacon Joseph Penniman = Sarah Bass [26159]
Deacon Joseph Penniman ----------
Sarah Bass [26159] --------------
wife of John Stone
wife of
Deacon Joseph Penniman
mother's other spousal relationships
John Stone [63702] = Sarah Bass [26159]

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Samuel Bass [121005] = Bethia Nightingale [121381]
Samuel Bass [121005] ------------
b.25_Mar_1660, Braintree MA
E. Bridgewater MA
Bethia Nightingale [121381] -----
c.21_Mar_1680, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d. after 22_Feb_1749
|-- Daniel Bass [121382]
| b.ca.1710, Braintree MA
| d.1716, Braintree MA
|-- Bathdheba Bass [121383]
| c.29_Mar_1711, Braintree MA
| m.3_Feb_1731, Braingree MA
wife of Naphtali Thayer
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121005] = Ann Kirkland [121373]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mercy Marsh [121375]
Samuel Bass [121005] = Mary Adams [26007]

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Peter Webb [121384] = Ruth Bass [42513]
Peter Webb [121384] -------------
b.10_Dec_1657, Braintree MA
d.12_Feb_1717/18, Salem MA
Ruth Bass [42513] ---------------
b.29_Jan_1663, Braintree MA
m.ca.1683, Braintree MA
wife of Peter Webb
|-- Ruth Webb [121385]
| b.7_May_1684, Braintree MA
| m.22_May_1716, Braintree MA
| wife of Thomas Faxon
| d. after Sep_1733
|-- Peter Webb [121386]
| b.25_Dec_1685, Braintree
| d. before 22_Aug_1749
|-- David Webb [121387]
| b.27_Nov_1687, Braintree MA
| d. after 2_Feb_1760
|-- Christopher Webb [121388]
| b.30_Dec_1689, Braintree MA
| d.1724
|-- Hannah Webb [121389]
| b.14_May_1692, Braintree MA
| d.17_May_1693, Braintree MA
|-- John Webb [121390]
| b.10_Mar_1693, Braintree MA
| d.12_Oct_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Hannah Webb [121391]
| b.8_Sep_1694, Braintree MA
| m.7_May_1718, Boston MA
| wife of John Allen
| m. before 2_May_1722
| wife of ________ Griffin
|-- Joseph Webb [121392]
| b.17_Jun_1696, Braintree MA
| d.10_Oct_1762, Braintree MA
|-- Priscilla Webb [121393]
| b.1_Sep_1697, Braintree MA
| m.1_Mar_1713/14,
| Braintree MA
| wife of Samuel Hayden
| d.25_Aug_1731, Randolph MA
|-- Mary Webb [121394]
| b.5_Oct_1698, Braintree MA
| m.ca.1719
| wife of Henry Allen

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John Allen [121395] = Hannah Webb [121391]
John Allen [121395] -------------
Hannah Webb [121391] ------------
b.8_Sep_1694, Braintree MA
m.7_May_1718, Boston MA
wife of John Allen
m. before 2_May_1722
wife of ________ Griffin
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Griffin [121396] = Hannah Webb [121391]

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________ Griffin [121396] = Hannah Webb [121391]
________ Griffin [121396] -------
Hannah Webb [121391] ------------
b.8_Sep_1694, Braintree MA
m.7_May_1718, Boston MA
wife of John Allen
m. before 2_May_1722
wife of ________ Griffin
mother's other spousal relationships
John Allen [121395] = Hannah Webb [121391]

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Joseph Bass [121006] = Mary Belcher [121397]
Joseph Bass [121006] ------------
b.5_Dec_1665, Braintree MA
Mary Belcher [121397] -----------
b.8_Sep_1668, Braintree MA
m.5_Jun_1688, Braintree MA
wife of Joseph Bass
d.2_Nov_1707, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Bass [121398]
| b.22_Jun_1690, Braintree MA
| m.27_Sep_1716, Boston MA
| wife of John Miller
| d.Oct_1740
|-- Joseph Bass [121399]
| b.5_Jul_1692, Braintree MA
| d.9_Jan_1752, Dorchester MA
|-- Rev. Benjamin Bass [121400]
| b.19_Dec_1694, Braintree MA
| d.23_May_1756, Hanover MA
|-- Moses Bass [121401]
| b.23_Oct_1696, Braintree MA
| d.16_Jan_1780
|-- Ruth Bass [121402]
| b.21_Mar_1699, Braintree MA
| m.21_Mar_1722, Dorchester MA
| wife of Samuel Trott
| wife of Peter Webb
| d.14_Jan_1752
|-- John Bass [121403]
| b.19_Jan_1702, Braintree MA
| d.31_Jan_1702, Braintree MA
|-- Elizabeth Bass [121404]
| b.2_Feb_1703, Braintree MA
| m.30_Mar_1724, Boston MA
| wife of Daniel Henshaw
|-- Alden Bass [121405]
| b.28_Oct_1705, Braintree MA
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bass [121006] = Lois Ivory [121406]

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Joseph Bass [121006] = Lois Ivory [121406]
Joseph Bass [121006] ------------
b.5_Dec_1665, Braintree MA
Lois Ivory [121406] -------------
b.7_Feb_1660, Lynn MA
wife of Joseph Bass
d. after 26_Jun_1734
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bass [121006] = Mary Belcher [121397]

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William Copeland [121410] = Mary Bass [42515]
William Copeland [121410] -------
b.13_Apr_1694, Braintree MA
d.30_Oct_1716, Braintree MA
Mary Bass [42515] ---------------
b.11_Dec_1669, Braintree MA
m.24_May_1686, Braintree MA
wife of Christopher Webb
m.13_Apr_1694, Braingree MA
wife of William Copeland
d.10_Apr_1725, Randolph MA
|-- William Copeland [121411]
| b.7_Mar_1694/95,
| Braintree MA
| d.ca.1774, Randolph MA
|-- Ephraim Copeland [121412]
| b.1_Feb_1697, Braintree MA
| d.17_Jan_1766
|-- Ebenezer Copeland [121413]
| b.16_Frb_1698, Braintree MA
| d.29_Jan_1773
|-- Jonathan Copeland [121414]
| b.31_Aug_1701, Braintree MA
| d.11_Sep_1790,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- David Copelamd [121415]
| b.15_Apr_1704, Braintree MA
| d.15_Apr_1750, Milton MA
|-- Joseph Copeland [121416]
| b.18_May_1706, Braintree MA
| d.26_Jan_1793, Scituate MA
|-- Benjamin Copeland [121417]
| b.5_Oct_1708, Braintree MA
| d.Oct_1790, Norton MA
|-- Moses Copeland [121418]
| b.28_May_1710, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Copeland [121419]
| b.28_May_1713, Braintree MA
| m.2_Dec_1731, Braintree MA
| wife of Ephraim Jones
| d.1784-1786, Braintree MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Christopher Webb [42450] = Mary Bass [42515]

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Isaac Jones [122045] = Mary ________ [122044]
Isaac Jones [122045] ------------
Mary ________ [122044] ----------
wife of Isaac Jones
|-- John Jones [122046]
| b.Oct_1691, Boston MA
| d.7_Feb_1773, Ahsland MA

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John Jones [122046] = Hannah Alden [121084]
John Jones [122046] -------------
b.Oct_1691, Boston MA
d.7_Feb_1773, Ahsland MA
Hannah Alden [121084] -----------
b.20_Nov_1688, Boston MA
m.4_Aug_1726, Hopkington MA
wife of John Jones
|-- Isaac Jones [122047]
| b.17_Nov_1727, Hopkington MA
| d.Aug_1736

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Benjamin Brame [122048] = Elizabeth Clemy [122049]
Benjamin Brame [122048] ---------
Elizabeth Clemy [122049] --------
wife of Benjamin Brame
|-- Anna Brame [122050]
| b.23_Jul_1694, Boston MA
| m.1_May_1718, Boston MA
wife of John Alden
d.Apr_1761, Lynn MA

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John Alden [121085] = John Drury [121129]
John Alden [121085] -------------
b.20_Sep_1690, Boston MA
d. before 31_Mar_1727,
Jamaica, West Indies
John Drury [121129] -------------
|-- John Alden [122051]
| b.29_Nov_1719, Boston MA
| d. before 1726
|-- Anna Alden [122052]
|-- Benjamin Alden [122053]
| b.18_Sep_1724, Boston MA
| d. after 1742
|-- John Alden [122054]
| c.11_Sep_1726, Boston MA
| d. after 1742

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Nathaniel Alden [121090] = Mary Smith [122055]
Nathaniel Alden [121090] --------
b.6_Jul_1700, Boston MA
Mary Smith [122055] -------------
b.ca.1707, London, England
London, England
wife of Nathaniel Alden
|-- Elizabeth Alden [122056]
|-- Nathaniel Alden [122057]
| b.5_Feb_1731/32, Boston MA
| d.25_Feb_1746, Boston MA
|-- Hannah Alden [122058]

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James Whippe [122059] = Mary Allen [122060]
James Whippe [122059] -----------
Mary Allen [122060] -------------
wife of James Whippe
|-- Jane Whippe [122061]
| b.ca.1707, Boston MA
| m.12_Dec_1726, Boston MA
wife of Thomas Alden
d. after 6_Jul_1747

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Thomas Alden [121093] = Jane Whippe [122061]
Thomas Alden [121093] -----------
b.1_Mar_1707, Boston MA
Jane Whippe [122061] ------------
b.ca.1707, Boston MA
m.12_Dec_1726, Boston MA
wife of Thomas Alden
d. after 6_Jul_1747
|-- Thomas Alden [122062]
| b.10_Jun_1725, Boston ma
| d. before 23_Feb_1747
|-- William Alden [122063]
| b.26_Oct_1727, Boston MA
|-- John Alden [122064]
| b.30_Oct_1729, Boston MA

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Henry Brightman [122080] = Abiel ________ [122081]
Henry Brightman [122080] --------
Abiel ________ [122081] ---------
wife of Henry Brightman
|-- Joseph Brightman [122082]
| b.19_Jul_1693, Boston MA
| d. before 16_Dec_1718

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Joseph Brightman [122082] = Mary Alden [121112]
Joseph Brightman [122082] -------
b.19_Jul_1693, Boston MA
d. before 16_Dec_1718
Mary Alden [121112] -------------
b.20_Aug_1692, Boston MA
m.3_Oct_1714, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Brightman
|-- Mary Brightman [122083]
|-- Joseph Brightman [122084]

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Samuel Alden [122297] = Hannah Williams [153699]

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Thomas Betterley [122095] = Elizabeth Alden [121120]
Thomas Betterley [122095] -------
b.ca.1691, Boston MA
d.Jun_1729, NC
Elizabeth Alden [121120] --------
b.10_Mar_1695/96, Boston MA
m.26_Jul_1720, Boston MA
wife of Thomas Betterley
|-- Thomas Betterley [122096]

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Peter Britton [122097] = Lydia Alden [121122]
Peter Britton [122097] ----------
Lydia Alden [121122] ------------
b.22_Dec_1701, Boston MA
m.12_Nov_1722, Boston MA
wife of Peter Britton
|-- Elizabeth Britton [122098]
| b.ca.1728
| wife of ________ Frayser
|-- William Britton [122099]
| c.19_Jul_1730, Boston MA
|-- Susanna Britton [122100]
| b.ca.1731, Boston MA
| m.1_Jun_1777, Boston MA
| wife of Thomas Bayley
| d. before 13_Dec_1797,
| Boston MA
|-- Lydia Britton [122101]

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________ Frayser [122102] = Elizabeth Britton [122098]

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Thomas Bayley [122103] = Susanna Britton [122100]
Thomas Bayley [122103] ----------
b.10_Oct_1728, Weymouth MA
d.23_Jan_1811, Boston MA
Susanna Britton [122100] --------
b.ca.1731, Boston MA
m.1_Jun_1777, Boston MA
wife of Thomas Bayley
d. before 13_Dec_1797,
Boston MA

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Capt. Azor Gale [122104] = Mary Roots [122105]
Capt. Azor Gale [122104] --------
Mary Roots [122105] -------------
wife of Capt. Azor Gale
|-- Joseph Gale [122106]
| b.11_Feb_1710/11,
| Marblehead MA

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Joseph Gale [122106] = Mary Alden [121123]
Joseph Gale [122106] ------------
Marblehead MA
Mary Alden [121123] -------------
b.12_Jun_1706, Boston MA
m.29_Apr_1736, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Gale
|-- Joseph Gale [122107]
|-- Mary Gale [122108]
| b.20_Jul_1738, Boston MA
|-- Elizabeth Gale [122109]
| b.18_Mar_1740, Boston MA
| d.Sep_1817, Boston MA
|-- Azor Gale [122110]
| c.3_Jan_1742/43, Boston MA
| d. before 2_Aug_1769
|-- Lydia Gale [122111]
|-- William Gale [122112]

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John Hall [122113] = Jemima Sill [122114]
John Hall [122113] --------------
Jemima Sill [122114] ------------
wife of John Hall
|-- Jemima Hall [122115]
| b.8_Oct_1700, Medford MA
| m.14_Jan_1724/25, Medford MA
wife of Zachariah Alden

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Zachariah Alden [121126] = Jemima Hall [122115]
Zachariah Alden [121126] --------
b.11_Oct_1701, Boston MA
Jemima Hall [122115] ------------
b.8_Oct_1700, Medford MA
m.14_Jan_1724/25, Medford MA
wife of Zachariah Alden
|-- Mary Alden [122116]
| b.8_Mar_1725, Boston MA
| d. before 6_Jun_1733
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Alden [121126] = Lydia Crane [122119]

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Ebenezer Crane [122117] = Mary Tolman [122118]
Ebenezer Crane [122117] ---------
Mary Tolman [122118] ------------
wife of Ebenezer Crane
|-- Lydia Crane [122119]
| b.2_Apr_1703, Milton MA
| m.17_Nov_1728, Milton MA
wife of Zachariah Alden

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Zachariah Alden [121126] = Lydia Crane [122119]
Zachariah Alden [121126] --------
b.11_Oct_1701, Boston MA
Lydia Crane [122119] ------------
b.2_Apr_1703, Milton MA
m.17_Nov_1728, Milton MA
wife of Zachariah Alden
|-- Lydia Alden [122120]
| b.3_Jun_1730, Milton MA
| d. before 15_Jun_1786
|-- Zachariah Alden [122121]
| d. before 15_Jun_1786
| b.20_Jul_1731, Boston MA
|-- Mary Alden [122122]
|-- Elizabeth Alden [122123]
| b.ca.1735
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Alden [121126] = Jemima Hall [122115]

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John Kneeland [122124] = Mary Green [122125]
John Kneeland [122124] ----------
Mary Green [122125] -------------
wife of John Kneeland
|-- Samuel Kneeland [122126]
| b.31_Jan_1696, Boston MA
| d.14_Dec_1769, Boston MA

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Samuel Kneeland [122126] = Mary Alden [121127]
Samuel Kneeland [122126] --------
b.31_Jan_1696, Boston MA
d.14_Dec_1769, Boston MA
Mary Alden [121127] -------------
c.26_Mar_1704, Boston MA
wife of Samuel Kneeland
|-- Mary Kneeland [122127]
| b.19_Nov_1722, Boston MA
| d.24_Feb_1724, Boston MA
|-- Samuel Kneeland [122128]
|-- Daniel Kneeland [122129]
| b.11_Nov_1725, Boston MA
| d.1_May_1789, Boston MA
|-- Mary Kneeland [122130]
| b.2_Aug_1727, Boston MA
| d. before 21_Feb_1730/31
|-- Elizabeth Kneeland [122131]
|-- Mary Kneeland [122132]
|-- Ann Kneeland [122133]
|-- John Kneeland [122134]
|-- Jonas Kneeland [122135]
| c.21_Mar_1735/36, Boston MA
| d.1775
|-- Lydia Kneeland [122136]
| c.21_Mar_1735/36, Boston MA
| wife of Nathaniel Phillips
| d. after 12_Apr_1765
|-- Timothy Kneeland [122137]
| c.5_Feb_1737/38, Boston MA
| d.23_Dec_1773, Boston MA
|-- Sarah Kneeland [122138]
| c.25_Nov_1739, Boston MA
| d. before 3_May_1741,
| Boston MA
|-- Sarah Kneeland [122139]
| c.3_May_1741, Boston MA
| d. before 2_Jun_1745.
| Boston MA
|-- Hannah Kneeland [122140]
| c.16_Jan_1742/43, Boston MA
| d. before 12_Apr_1765
|-- Sarah Kneeland [122141]
| c.2_Jun_1745, Boston MA
| d. before 12_Apr_1765
|-- Joseph Kneeland [122142]
| c.13_Jul_1746, Boston MA
| d. before 12_Apr_1765
|-- Rachel Kneeland [122143]
| c.11_Oct_1747, Boston MA
| m.4_Dec_1766, Boston MA
| wife of Jonathan Raymond

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Nathaniel Phillips [122144] = Lydia Kneeland [122136]
Nathaniel Phillips [122144] -----
Lydia Kneeland [122136] ---------
c.21_Mar_1735/36, Boston MA
wife of Nathaniel Phillips
d. after 12_Apr_1765

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Timothy Kneeland [122137] = Lucretia Spalding [122145]
Timothy Kneeland [122137] -------
c.5_Feb_1737/38, Boston MA
d.23_Dec_1773, Boston MA
Lucretia Spalding [122145] ------
wife of Timothy Kneeland
father's other spousal relationships
Timothy Kneeland [122137] = Arista Dean [122146]

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Timothy Kneeland [122137] = Arista Dean [122146]
Timothy Kneeland [122137] -------
c.5_Feb_1737/38, Boston MA
d.23_Dec_1773, Boston MA
Arista Dean [122146] ------------
m.5_Mar_1772, Boston MA
wife of Timothy Kneeland
father's other spousal relationships
Timothy Kneeland [122137] = Lucretia Spalding [122145]

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Jonathan Raymond [122147] = Rachel Kneeland [122143]
Jonathan Raymond [122147] -------
Rachel Kneeland [122143] --------
c.11_Oct_1747, Boston MA
m.4_Dec_1766, Boston MA
wife of Jonathan Raymond

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John Spooner [123435] = Rosamond Hammond [123436]
John Spooner [123435] -----------
Rosamond Hammond [123436] -------
wife of John Spooner
|-- Thomas Spooner [123437]
| b.16_Jan_1718, Dartmouth MA
| d.16_May_1767, New London CT

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Thomas Spooner [123437] = Rebecca Paddock [121346]
Thomas Spooner [123437] ---------
b.16_Jan_1718, Dartmouth MA
d.16_May_1767, New London CT
Rebecca Paddock [121346] --------
b.12_May_1718, Yarmouth MA
m.10_Jun_1742, Dartmouth MA
wife of Thomas Spooner
m.12_Nov_1781, Hardwick NA
wife of Capt. Joseph Warner
d.3_Jun_1812, Cunningham MA
|-- Rebecca Spooner [123438]
|-- John Spooner [123439]
| b.23_Apr_1745, Dartmouth MA
| d.21_Feb_1773,
| New Bedford MA
|-- Thomas Spooner [123440]
| b.8_Mar_1747, Newport RI
| d. before 13_Aug_1794
|-- Judah Paddock Spooner
| [123441]
|-- Rosamond Spooner [123442]
|-- Alice Spooner [123443]
|-- Jeduthan Spooner [123444]
|-- Alden Spooner [123445]
|-- Frances Spooner [123446]
| b.2_Mar_1760, New London CT
| m.ca.1781
| wife of Joswph Bowman
| d.11_Mar_1824
mother's other spousal relationships
Capt. Joseph Warner [123450] = Rebecca Paddock [121346]

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John Spooner [123439] = Lydia Alden [122535]
John Spooner [123439] -----------
b.23_Apr_1745, Dartmouth MA
New Bedford MA
Lydia Alden [122535] ------------
b.30_Nov_1747, Dartmouth MA
m.25_Mar_1769, New London MA
wife of John Spooner
d.19_Jun_1775, Dartmouth MA

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Joseph Bowman [123447] = Frances Spooner [123446]
Joseph Bowman [123447] ----------
Frances Spooner [123446] --------
b.2_Mar_1760, New London CT
wife of Joswph Bowman

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Joseph Richards [122183] = Sarah ________ [122184]
Joseph Richards [122183] --------
Sarah ________ [122184] ---------
wife of Joseph Richards
|-- Benjamin Richards [122185]
| b.7_Apr_1686,
| Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA

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Benjamin Richards [122185] = Mehitable Alden [121136]
Benjamin Richards [122185] ------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Mehitable Alden [121136] --------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Benjamin Richards
|-- Mehitable Richards [122186]
|-- Joseph Richards [122187]
|-- Daniel Richards [122188]
|-- James Richards [122189]
| b.3_Mar_1717/18,
| Bridgewater MA
| d. before Jan_1740/41
|-- Sarah Richards [122190]

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Gilbert Brooks [136305] = Elizabeth Simmons [136306]
Gilbert Brooks [136305] ---------
b.14_Apr_1621, Concord MA
Bristol Co. MA
Elizabeth Simmons [136306] ------
b.11_Sep_1628, Plymouth MA
m.10_Sep_1644, Plymouth MA
wife of Gilbert Brooks
d.14_Jul_1687, Boston MA
|-- Elizabeth Brooks [136296]
| b.2_Aug_1645, Scituate MA
|-- Sarah Brooks [136297]
| b.21_Jun_1646, Scituate MA
|-- Mary Brooks [136298]
| b.15_Jul_1649, Scituate MA
|-- Rachel Brooks [136299]
| b.7_Jul_1650, Scituate MA
|-- Phebe Brooks [136300]
| b.5_Sep_1652, Rehoboth MA
|-- Bathsheba Brooks [136301]
| b.8_Apr_1655, Scituate MA
|-- Rebecca Brooks [136302]
| b.12_Apr_1657, Scituate MA
| m.ca.1675, Easton MA
| wife of William Manley
| d.2_Apr_1712, Easton MA
|-- Hannah Brooks [136303]
| b.2_Oct_1659, Rehoboth MA
| wife of Robert Crossman
| d.13_Jun_1695, Taunton MA
|-- Bethia Brooks [136304]
| b.29_Apr_1662, Scituate MA

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Ebenezer Alden [121139] = Anna Keith [122200]
Ebenezer Alden [121139] ---------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Anna Keith [122200] -------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Ebenezer Alden
Bridgewater MA
|-- Anna Alden [122201]
| b.19_Feb_1718,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.22_Nov_1738,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Eleazer Washburn
| d.13_Feb_1788,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Susanna Alden [122202]
| b.9_Apr_1719,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.22_Nov_1738,
| Bridgewater MA
| wife of Ephraim Cary
| d.18_Mar_1783,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Abigail Alden [122203]
|-- Nathan Alden [122204]
|-- Ezra Alden [122205]
father's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Alden [121139] = Lydia Tilson [122206]

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Ebenezer Alden [121139] = Lydia Tilson [122206]
Ebenezer Alden [121139] ---------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Lydia Tilson [122206] -----------
wife of Ebenezer Alden
father's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Alden [121139] = Anna Keith [122200]

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Thomas Whitman [122214] = Jemima Alden [121142]
Thomas Whitman [122214] ---------
b.24_Oct_1702, Weymouth MA
E. Bridgewater MA
Jemima Alden [121142] -----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Thomas Whitman
Bridgewater MA
|-- Simeon Whitman [122215]
|-- Peter Whitman [122216]
|-- Benjamin Whitman [122217]
|-- Jemima Whitman [122218]
|-- Nathan Whitman [122219]
|-- Amos Whitman [122220]
|-- William Whitman [122221]
|-- Isaac Whitman [122222]
| b.28_Mar_1742,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.1_Jun_1747,
| Bridgewater MA

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John Alden [121143] = Hannah Kingman [122223]
John Alden [121143] -------------
b.ca.1703, Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Hannah Kingman [122223] ---------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of John Alden
Bridgewater MA
|-- John Alden [122224]
| b.26_May_1729,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.24_Jan_1747,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- James Alden [122225]
| b.26_May_1729,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.21_Jun_1747,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Isaac Alden [122226]
|-- Jonathan Alden [122227]
|-- Hannah Alden [122228]
| b.23_Mar_1735/36,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.ca.1755
| wife of Reuben Field
|-- Adam Alden [122229]
| b.28_Apr_1738,
| Bridgewater MA
| d. Bridgewater MA
|-- ________ Alden [122230]
| b.ca.1740, Bridgewater MA
| d.1744, Bridgewater MA
|-- ________ Alden [122231]
| b.20_Feb_1740,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.12_Mar_1740,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Abigail Alden [122232]
| b.4_Apr_1742,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.2_Jul_1747,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Keziah Alden [122233]
| b.29_Oct_1743,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.11_May_1773
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [121143] = Rebecca Nightingale [122237]

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Reuben Field [122234] = Hannah Alden [122228]
Reuben Field [122234] -----------
Hannah Alden [122228] -----------
Bridgewater MA
wife of Reuben Field

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William Nightingail [122235] = Mary Cooper [122236]
William Nightingail [122235] ----
Mary Cooper [122236] ------------
wife of William Nightingale
|-- Rebecca Nightingale [122237]
| b.29_Aug_1724, Stoughton MA
| m.15_Mar_1745,
E. Bridgewater MA
wife of John Alden
d.ca.1820, Stowe VT

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John Alden [121143] = Rebecca Nightingale [122237]
John Alden [121143] -------------
b.ca.1703, Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Rebecca Nightingale [122237] ----
b.29_Aug_1724, Stoughton MA
E. Bridgewater MA
wife of John Alden
d.ca.1820, Stowe VT
|-- Rebecca Alden [122238]
|-- John Alden [122239]
|-- Esther Alden [122240]
| b.8_Sep_1749,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.9_Jan_1762,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- James Alden [122241]
|-- Adam Alden [122242]
| b.29_Jan_1754,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.11_Feb_1777, Claremont NH
|-- Joseph Alden [122243]
| b.15_Dec_1755,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.Sep_1778, Claremont NH
|-- Benjamin Alden [122244]
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [121143] = Hannah Kingman [122223]

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Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hopestill Wade [122256]
father's other spousal relationships
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hannah Foster [122264]
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Ann Dimmock [122265]

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Nathan Foster [122262] = Hannah Standish [122263]
Nathan Foster [122262] ----------
Hannah Standish [122263] --------
wife of Nathan Foster
|-- Hannah Foster [122264]
| b.15_Apr_1730, Stafford CT
| m.19_Jul_1750, Stafford CT
wife of Zephaniah Alden
d.18_Dec_1777, Stafford CT

group index
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Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hannah Foster [122264]
Zephaniah Alden [122248] --------
Bridgewater MA
d.1804, Stafford CT
Hannah Foster [122264] ----------
b.15_Apr_1730, Stafford CT
m.19_Jul_1750, Stafford CT
wife of Zephaniah Alden
d.18_Dec_1777, Stafford CT
father's other spousal relationships
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hopestill Wade [122256]
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Ann Dimmock [122265]

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Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Ann Dimmock [122265]
Zephaniah Alden [122248] --------
Bridgewater MA
d.1804, Stafford CT
Ann Dimmock [122265] ------------
m.8_Apr_1778, Stafford CT
wife of Zephaniah Alden
father's other spousal relationships
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hopestill Wade [122256]
Zephaniah Alden [122248] = Hannah Foster [122264]

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Joseph Curtis [122268] = Rebecca ________ [122269]
Joseph Curtis [122268] ----------
Rebecca ________ [122269] -------
wife of Joseph Curtis
|-- Rebecca Curtis [122270]
| c.9_May_1699, Scituate MA
| wife of Daniel Alden

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Daniel Alden [42516] = Rebecca Curtis [122270]
father's other spousal relationships
Daniel Alden [42516] = Abigail Shaw [42592]

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Eleazer Alden [121145] = Martha Shaw [122267]
Eleazer Alden [121145] ----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Martha Shaw [122267] ------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Eleazer Alden
Bridgewater MA
|-- Jonathan Alden [122271]
|-- Eleazer Alden [122272]
| b.30_Aug_1723,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.2_May_1803,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Abraham Alden [122273]
| b.31_Aug_1725,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.2_Sep_1726,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- David Alden [122274]
|-- Lieut. Joshua Alden [122275]
| b.19_Apr_1729,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.21_Mar_1809,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Caleb Alden [122276]
| b.20_Apr_1731,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.21_Apr_1733,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Ezra Alden [122277]
|-- Rev. Timothy Alden [122278]

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Eleazer Carver [122279] = Hepzibah Perkins [122280]
Eleazer Carver [122279] ---------
Hepzibah Perkins [122280] -------
wife of Eleazer Carver
|-- Mary Carver [122281]
| b.28_Aug_1748,
| Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of
Lieut. Joshua Alden
Bridgewater MA

group index
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Lieut. Joshua Alden [122275] = Mary Carver [122281]
Lieut. Joshua Alden [122275] ----
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Mary Carver [122281] ------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of
Lieut. Joshua Alden
Bridgewater MA

group index
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Samuel Alden [121150] = Abiah Edson [122293]
Samuel Alden [121150] -----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater ma
Abiah Edson [122293] ------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Samuel Alden
Middleboro MA
|-- Abiah Alden [122294]
|-- Mehetabel Alden [122295]
| b.27_Apr_1732,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.Jan_1755, Bridgewater MA
| wife of Joshua Packard
|-- Sarah Alden [122296]
| b.25_Mar_1734,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.ca.1759, Bridgewater MA
| wife of Timothy Packard
|-- Samuel Alden [122297]
| b.7_Apr_1736,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.1816
|-- Josiah Alden [122298]
|-- Simeon Alden [122299]
| b.10_May_1740,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Hosea Alden [122300]
| b.ca.1743, Bridgewater MA
| d.29_Sep_1744,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Mary Alden [122301]
|-- Silas Alden [122302]
| b.1746, Bridgewater MA
| d.12_Mar_1766,
| Bridgewater MA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Alden [121150] = Rebecca Washburn [122306]

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Samuel Alden [121150] = Rebecca Washburn [122306]
Samuel Alden [121150] -----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater ma
Rebecca Washburn [122306] -------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Samuel Alden
Bridgewater MA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Alden [121150] = Abiah Edson [122293]

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Samuel Eaton [122307] = Elizabeth Fuller [122308]
Samuel Eaton [122307] -----------
Elizabeth Fuller [122308] -------
wife of Samuel Eaton
|-- Barnabas Eaton [122309]
| b.12_Apr_1703,
| Bridgewater MA
d.Nov_1790, Middleboro MA

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Barnabas Eaton [122309] = Mehitable Alden [121151]
Barnabas Eaton [122309] ---------
Bridgewater MA
d.Nov_1790, Middleboro MA
Mehitable Alden [121151] --------
Bridgewater MA
m.1729, Middleboro MA
wife of Barnabas Eaton
|-- Hannah Eaton [122310]
|-- Samuel Eaton [122311]
|-- Mary Eaton [122312]
|-- Sarah Eaton [122313]
| b.16_Jun_1737,
| Middleboro MA
| d.1_Dec_1770,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Seth Eaton [122314]

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Seth Alden [121152] = Mehetabel Carver [122317]
Seth Alden [121152] -------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Mehetabel Carver [122317] -------
b.ca.1710, Taunton MA
wife of Seth Alden
|-- Oliver Alden [122318]
|-- Seth Alden [122319]
|-- Caleb Alden [122320]
| b.8_Apr_1744,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.20_Aug_1747,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Joseph Alden [122321]
father's other spousal relationships
Seth Alden [121152] = Jael Peterson [122322]

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Seth Alden [121152] = Jael Peterson [122322]
Seth Alden [121152] -------------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Jael Peterson [122322] ----------
b.ca.1720, Duxbury MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Seth Alden
Bridgewater MA
father's other spousal relationships
Seth Alden [121152] = Mehetabel Carver [122317]

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George Humphrey [122323] = Mary ________ [122324]
George Humphrey [122323] --------
Mary ________ [122324] ----------
wife of George Humphrey
|-- Mary Humphrey [122325]
| b.20_Mar_1697/98, Hingham MA
| m.8_Jan_1716, Hingham MA
wife of John Burrill
d.1771/72, Weymouth MA

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John Burrill [121163] = Mary Humphrey [122325]
John Burrill [121163] -----------
b.19_Aug_1694, Weymouth MA
d.16_Jan_1754, Abington MA
Mary Humphrey [122325] ----------
b.20_Mar_1697/98, Hingham MA
m.8_Jan_1716, Hingham MA
wife of John Burrill
d.1771/72, Weymouth MA
|-- John Burrill [122326]
|-- Joseph Burrill [122327]
|-- Abraham Burrill [122328]
|-- Humphrey Burrill [122329]
| b.20_Dec_1723, Weymouth MA
|-- Thomas Burrill [122330]

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Humphrey Burrill [122329] = Hannah Thayer [122331]
Humphrey Burrill [122329] -------
b.20_Dec_1723, Weymouth MA
Hannah Thayer [122331] ----------
wife of Humphrey Burrill

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Josiah Ripley [122332] = Joanna Smith [122333]
Josiah Ripley [122332] ----------
Joanna Smith [122333] -----------
wife of Josiah Ripley
|-- Josiah Ripley [122334]
| b.ca.1696
| d. after 19_Jan_1753,
Braintree MA

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Josiah Ripley [122334] = Mary Burrill [121164]
Josiah Ripley [122334] ----------
d. after 19_Jan_1753,
Braintree MA
Mary Burrill [121164] -----------
b.22_Jan_1700, Weymouth MA
m.10_Sep_1717, Boston
wife of Josiah Ripley
|-- Eliphalet Ripley [122335]
|-- Lemuel Ripley [122336]
| b.6_Sep_1722, Weymouth MA
|-- Josiah Ripley [122337]
| b.6_Feb_1725, Weymouth MA
|-- Elizabeth Ripley [122338]
|-- William Ripley [122339]
|-- Mary Ripley [122340]
|-- Hannah Ripley [122341]
|-- Lydia Ripley [122342]
| b.31_Mar_1739, Weymouth MA

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Jonathan Padelford [122444] = Hannah King [122443]
Jonathan Padelford [122444] -----
Hannah King [122443] ------------
wife of Jonathan Padelford
|-- Judith Paddleford [122445]
| b.ca.1709, Taunton MA
| m.21_Nov_1728,
Middleboro MA
wife of David Aldin
Middleboro MA

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David Alden [121185] = Judith Paddleford [122445]
David Alden [121185] ------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
Judith Paddleford [122445] ------
b.ca.1709, Taunton MA
Middleboro MA
wife of David Aldin
Middleboro MA
|-- Soloman Alden [122446]
|-- David Alden [122447]
|-- Rufus Alden [122448]
| b.19_Nov_1731,
| Middleboro MA
| d. before 2_Nov_1756
|-- Huldah Alden [122449]
| b.8_Oct_1733,
| Middleboro MA
| d.4_Dec_1754,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Hannah Alden [122450]
| b.18_Jan_1735/36,
| Middleboro MA
| d.28_Nov_1754,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Job Alden [122451]
|-- Silas Alden [122452]
|-- Abigail Alden [122453]
|-- Peter Alden [122454]
| b.17_Feb_1747,
| Middleboro MA
| d.22_Nov_1754.
| Middleboro MA
|-- Phebe Alden [122455]
| b. Middleboro MA
| d.28_Nov_1754,
| Middleboro MA

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Rufus Alden [122448] = Jerusha Bicknell [122456]
Rufus Alden [122448] ------------
Middleboro MA
d. before 2_Nov_1756
Jerusha Bicknell [122456] -------
b.1_Dec_1739, Ashford MA
wife of Rufus Alden

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Benjamin Eaton [122457] = Mary Coombs [122458]
Benjamin Eaton [122457] ---------
Mary Coombs [122458] ------------
wife of Benjamin Eaton
|-- Mary Eaton [122744]
| b.1699, Plymouth MA
| m.9_Jun_1720, Plymouth MA
| wife of Zachariah Soule
| d.14_May_1773,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Francis Eaton [122459]
| b.ca.1700, Kingston MA
d. before 1749,
Middleboro MA

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Francis Eaton [122459] = Thankful Alden [121187]
Francis Eaton [122459] ----------
b.ca.1700, Kingston MA
d. before 1749,
Middleboro MA
Thankful Alden [121187] ---------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Francis Eaton
Middleboro MA
|-- Joseph Eaton [122460]
|-- Jabez Eaton [122461]

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Thomas Wood [122462] = Hannah Alden [121188]
Thomas Wood [122462] ------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
Hannah Alden [121188] -----------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Thomas Wood
Middleboro MA
|-- Priscilla Wood [122463]
|-- Thomas Wood [122464]
|-- Abner Wood [122465]
| b.24_Feb_1731/32,
| Middleboro MA
| d.28_Sep_1754,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Amasa Wood [122466]
| b.8_Feb_1733/34,
| Middleboro MA
| d.1756-1757
|-- Zephaniah Wood [122467]
| b.12_Apr_1737,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Lemuel Wood [122468]
|-- Hannah Wood [122469]
| b.7_Frb_1741/42,
| Middleboro MA
| d.5_Dec_1749, Halifax MA
|-- Abigail Wood [122470]

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Samuel Eddy [122471] = Lydia Alden [121189]
Samuel Eddy [122471] ------------
b.ca.1710, Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
Lydia Alden [121189] ------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Samuel Eddy
m.27_Apr_1762, Halifax MA
wife of John Fuller
Middleboro MA
|-- Nathan Eddy [122472]
|-- Joshua Eddy [122473]
| b.6_Apr_1734/35,
| Middleboro MA
| d. before 2_May_1760
|-- Susannah Eddy [122474]
| b.22_Nov_1746,
| Middleboro MA
| d.28_Jul_1817,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Mary Eddy [122475]
| b.9_May_1740,
| Middleboro MA
| d.ca.1741, Middleboro MA
|-- Samuel Eddy [122476]
|-- Seth Eddy [122477]
| b.11_Feb_1744,
| Middleboro MA
| d. before 2_May_1760
mother's other spousal relationships
Hannah Kingman [122223] = Lydia Alden [121189]

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Hannah Kingman [122223] = Lydia Alden [121189]
Hannah Kingman [122223] ---------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of John Alden
Bridgewater MA
Lydia Alden [121189] ------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Samuel Eddy
m.27_Apr_1762, Halifax MA
wife of John Fuller
Middleboro MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Eddy [122471] = Lydia Alden [121189]

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Edward Thomas [122479] = Mary Nelson [122480]
Edward Thomas [122479] ----------
Mary Nelson [122480] ------------
wife of Edward Thomas
|-- Nathan Thomas [122499]
| b.12_Sep_1707,
| Middleboro MA
| d.16_May_1796,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Noah Thomas [122481]
| b.12_Oct_1709,
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA

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Noah Thomas [122481] = Mary Alden [121190]
Noah Thomas [122481] ------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
Mary Alden [121190] -------------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Noah Thomas
Middleboro MA
|-- Lucy Thomas [122482]
|-- Fear Thomas [122483]
|-- Mary Thomas [122484]
| b.29_Apr_1737,
| Middleboro MA
| m.1759, Middleboro MA
| wife of Benjamin Tucker Jr.
|-- Noah Thomas [122485]
| b.19_Mar_1738,
| Middleboro MA
| d.26_Nov_1758,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Abiel Thomas [122486]
| b.16_May_1741,
| Middleboro MA
| d.1_Feb_1775,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Daniel Thomas [122487]
| b.8_Jun_1743,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Job Thomas [122488]
| b.16_Mar_1744,
| Middleboro MA
| d. Woodstock VT
|-- Elias Thomas [122489]
|-- Hannah Thomas [122490]
|-- Priscilla Thomas [122491]
|-- Enoch Thomas [122492]
| b.7_Dec_1753,
| Middleboro MA
| d.16_Dec_1758,
| Middleboro MA

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Benjamin Tucker Jr [122493] = Mary Thomas [122484]
Benjamin Tucker Jr [122493] -----
Mary Thomas [122484] ------------
Middleboro MA
m.1759, Middleboro MA
wife of Benjamin Tucker Jr.

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Coombs Barrows [122494] = Mary Dwelly [122495]
Coombs Barrows [122494] ---------
Mary Dwelly [122495] ------------
wife of Coombs Barrows
|-- Thankful Barrows [122496]
| b.11_Apr_1742,
| Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Daniel Thomas

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Daniel Thomas [122487] = Thankful Barrows [122496]
father's other spousal relationships
Daniel Thomas [122487] = Mary Jacock [122497]

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Daniel Thomas [122487] = Mary Jacock [122497]
Daniel Thomas [122487] ----------
Middleboro MA
Mary Jacock [122497] ------------
wife of Daniel Thomas
father's other spousal relationships
Daniel Thomas [122487] = Thankful Barrows [122496]

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Francis Holmes [151360] = Lydia Sampson [151359]
Francis Holmes [151360] ---------
b.28_Jan_1744, Kingston MA
Lydia Sampson [151359] ----------
b.19_Jan_1750, Plympton MA
m.3_Dec_1767, Plympton MA
wife of Francis Holmes
|-- Peleg Holmes [151361]
| b.5_Apr_1774, Plymouth MA
| d.3_May_1866

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Job Thomas [122488] = Molly Pratt [122498]
Job Thomas [122488] -------------
Middleboro MA
d. Woodstock VT
Molly Pratt [122498] ------------
Middleboro MA
wife of Job Thomas

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Nathan Thomas [122499] = Abigail Alden [121191]
Nathan Thomas [122499] ----------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
Abigail Alden [121191] ----------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Nathan Thomas
|-- Abner Thomas [122500]
| b.13_Feb_1736,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Rowland Thomas [122501]
| b.26_Jan_1738,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Nathan Thomas [122502]
| b.30_Mar_1740,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Zillah Thomas [122503]
| b.25_Feb_1742,
| Middleboro MA
| d. before 15_Feb_1837
|-- John Thomas [122504]
| b.1_Jan_1744,
| Middleboro MA
| d.1_Apr_1783,
| Middleboro MA

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Rowland Thomas [122501] = Jemima Fisher [122505]
Rowland Thomas [122501] ---------
Middleboro MA
Jemima Fisher [122505] ----------
m.11_Mar_1744, Dartmouth MA
wife of Rowland Thomas

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Samuel Hall [122506] = Mercy Willis [122507]
Samuel Hall [122506] ------------
Mercy Willis [122507] -----------
wife of Samuel Hall
|-- Hannah Hall [122508]
| b.1726, Bristol MA
| m.1_Apr_1742,
Bridgewater MA
wife of Joseph Alden
Middleboro MA

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Joseph Alden [121192] = Hannah Hall [122508]
Joseph Alden [121192] -----------
Middleboro MA
N. Middleboro MA
Hannah Hall [122508] ------------
b.1726, Bristol MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Joseph Alden
Middleboro MA
|-- Ebenezer Alden [122509]
|-- Amariah Alden [122510]
| b.Oct_1844, Middleboro MA
| d.1751
|-- Joseph Alden [122511]
| b.4_Feb_1746,
| Middleboro MA
| d.Dec_1751
|-- Mercy Alden [122512]
| b.23_Jul_1747,
| Middleboro MA
| d.1751
|-- Phebe Alden [122513]
| b.25_Apr_1749,
| Middleboro MA
| d.Dec_1751
|-- Hannah Alden [122514]
| b.24_Aug_1750,
| Middleboro MA
| d.18_Dec_1751
|-- Fear Alden [122515]
|-- Eunice Alden [122516]
| b.ca.1750, Middleboro MA
| d.11_Mar_1760
|-- Lois Alden [122517]
| b. Middleboro MA
| wife of Samuel Paddleford
| wife of Capt. Reuben Hall
| d.3_Nov_1836
|-- Abner Alden [122518]
| b.ca.1758, Middleboro MA
| d.26_Aug_1820, Bristol RI
|-- Eliab Alden [122519]
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Alden [121192] = Deborah Redding [122527]

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Samuel Paddleford [122520] = Lois Alden [122517]
Samuel Paddleford [122520] ------
b.ca.1757, Taunton MA
Lois Alden [122517] -------------
b. Middleboro MA
wife of Samuel Paddleford
wife of Capt. Reuben Hall
mother's other spousal relationships
Capt. Reuben Hall [122521] = Lois Alden [122517]

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Capt. Reuben Hall [122521] = Lois Alden [122517]
Capt. Reuben Hall [122521] ------
b.ca.1757, Raynham MA
Lois Alden [122517] -------------
b. Middleboro MA
wife of Samuel Paddleford
wife of Capt. Reuben Hall
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Paddleford [122520] = Lois Alden [122517]

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Ebenezer Redding [122525] = Mary Miller [122526]
Ebenezer Redding [122525] -------
Mary Miller [122526] ------------
(or Mercy)
wife of Ebenezer Redding
|-- Deborah Redding [122527]
| b.Aor_1722, Middleboro MA
| m.3_Sep_1767,
Middleboro MA
wife of Joseph Alden
d. after 29_Aug_1789

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Joseph Alden [121192] = Deborah Redding [122527]
Joseph Alden [121192] -----------
Middleboro MA
N. Middleboro MA
Deborah Redding [122527] --------
b.Aor_1722, Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Joseph Alden
d. after 29_Aug_1789
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Alden [121192] = Hannah Hall [122508]

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John Alden [121193] = Lydia Lazell [122530]
John Alden [121193] -------------
Middleboro MA
Bridgewater MA
Lydia Lazell [122530] -----------
b.5_Jan_1722/23, Plymouth MA
Middleboro MA
wife of John Alden
Middleboro MA
|-- John Alden [122531]
|-- Mary Alden [122532]
|-- Nathan Alden [122533]
|-- Susanna Alden [122534]
|-- Lydia Alden [122535]
| b.30_Nov_1747, Dartmouth MA
| m.25_Mar_1769, New London MA
| wife of John Spooner
| d.19_Jun_1775, Dartmouth MA
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [121193] = Rebecca Weston [122538]

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Zachariah Weston [122536] = Mehitable Shaw [122537]
Zachariah Weston [122536] -------
Mehitable Shaw [122537] ---------
wife of Zachariah Weston
|-- Zachariah Weston [151362]
| b.21_Dec_1728, Middleboro MA
| d.9_Apr_1794, Middleboro MA
|-- Rebecca Weston [122538]
| b.25_Nov_1730, Middleboro MA
m.12_Jul_1750, Middleboro MA
wife of John Alden
d.16_Jun_1807, Middleboro MA

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John Alden [121193] = Rebecca Weston [122538]
John Alden [121193] -------------
Middleboro MA
Bridgewater MA
Rebecca Weston [122538] ---------
b.25_Nov_1730, Middleboro MA
m.12_Jul_1750, Middleboro MA
wife of John Alden
d.16_Jun_1807, Middleboro MA
|-- Priscilla Alden [122539]
| b.30_Apr_1751,
| Middleboro MA
| d.23_Sep_1751,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Ruth Alden [122540]
| b.4_Oct_1752,
| Middleboro MA
| d.14_Aug_1753,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Elijah Alden [122541]
|-- Rebecca Alden [122542]
| b.18_Apr_1756,
| Middleboro MA
| d.14_Nov_1852,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Hannah Aldem [122543]
| b.15_Apr_1758,
| Middleboro MA
| d.16_Feb_1847,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Sarah Alden [122544]
| b.9_Feb_1760,
| Middleboro MA
| d.12_Mar_1839,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Lucy Alden [122545]
| b.12_Aug_1762,
| Middleboro MA
| m.1794
| wife of Eleazer Cary
| d.1795
|-- Jael Alden [122546]
|-- ________ Alden [122547]
| b.1766, Middleboro MA
| d.1766, Middleboro MA
|-- ________ Alden [122548]
| b.1767, Middleboro MA
| d.1767, Middleboro MA
|-- Ruth Alden [122549]
|-- Seth Alden [122550]
| b.7_Feb_1770,
| Middleboro MA
| d.22_Feb_1855,
| Middleboro MA
|-- Betsy Alden [122551]
|-- Elihu Alden [122552]
father's other spousal relationships
John Alden [121193] = Lydia Lazell [122530]

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Ebenezer Alden [121194] = Ann Whitaker [122553]
Ebenezer Alden [121194] ---------
Middleboro MA
d.24_Feb_1810, Ashfield MA
Ann Whitaker [122553] -----------
b.22_Aug_1728, Norwich CT
m.ca.1745, Middleboro MA
wife of Ebenezer Alden
d.28_Nov_1778, Ashfield MA
|-- Joseph Alden [122554]
| b.ca.1756, Stafford CT
|-- Hannah Alden [122555]
|-- Anne Alden [122556]
| b.22_Feb_1760, Ashfield MA
|-- Ebenezer Alden [122557]
| b.27_Dec_1761, Stafford CT
|-- Abigail Alden [122558]
|-- John Alden [122559]
| b.21_Apr_1765, Stafford CT
|-- Henry Alden [122560]
|-- Lemuel Alden [122561]
| b. Stafford CT
father's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Alden [121194] = Rebecca Smith [122563]

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Ebenezer Alden [122557] = Katharine Rogers [122562]
Ebenezer Alden [122557] ---------
b.27_Dec_1761, Stafford CT
Katharine Rogers [122562] -------
wife of Ebenezer Alden

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Ebenezer Alden [121194] = Rebecca Smith [122563]
Ebenezer Alden [121194] ---------
Middleboro MA
d.24_Feb_1810, Ashfield MA
Rebecca Smith [122563] ----------
m.13_Dec_1781, Ashfield MA
wife of Ebenezer Alden
father's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Alden [121194] = Ann Whitaker [122553]

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John Vaughn [122564] = Jerusha Wood [122565]
John Vaughn [122564] ------------
Jerusha Wood [122565] -----------
wife of John Vaughn
|-- Joanna Vaughn [122566]
| b.12_Sep_1725,
| Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Rev. Noah Alden
Bellingham MA

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Rev. Noah Alden [121196] = Joanna Vaughn [122566]
Rev. Noah Alden [121196] --------
Middleboro MA
Bellingham MA
Joanna Vaughn [122566] ----------
Middleboro MA
Middleboro MA
wife of Rev. Noah Alden
Bellingham MA
|-- Elisha Alden [122567]
|-- Israel Alden [122568]
|-- Lucy Alden [122569]
|-- Lydia Alden [122570]
| b.1_Apr_1751, Stafford CT
| m.21_Dec_1768,
| Bellingham MA
| wife of Caleb Thompson
| d after 7_Oct_1789
|-- Fear Alden [122571]
| b.16_May_1753, Stafford CT
| d.21_Sep_1755, Stafford CT
|-- Noah Alden [122572]
|-- Ruth Alden [122573]
|-- Samuel Alden [122574]
| b.3_Jan_1761, Stafford CT
| d.3_Jan_1761. Stafford CT
|-- Joanna Alden [122575]
| b.16_May_1763,
| Bellingham MA
| m.24_Jul_1783,
| Bellingham MA
| wife of Aaron Leland
| d.28_Jul_1787,
| Bellingham MA
|-- Zilpha Alden [122576]
| b.9_Feb_1766, Montague MA
| d.31_Jul_1775,
| Bellingham MA

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Caleb Thompson [122577] = Lydia Alden [122570]
Caleb Thompson [122577] ---------
Bellingham MA
d.1829, Monson MA
Lydia Alden [122570] ------------
b.1_Apr_1751, Stafford CT
Bellingham MA
wife of Caleb Thompson
d after 7_Oct_1789

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Aaron Leland [122578] = Joanna Alden [122575]
Aaron Leland [122578] -----------
b.28_May_1761, Holliston MA
d.25_Aug_1832, Chester VT
Joanna Alden [122575] -----------
Bellingham MA
Bellingham MA
wife of Aaron Leland
Bellingham MA

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Zachariah Soule [121226] = Mary Eaton [122744]
Zachariah Soule [121226] --------
b.21_May_1694, Plymouth MA
d.3_May_1751, Plymouth MA
Mary Eaton [122744] -------------
b.1699, Plymouth MA
m.9_Jun_1720, Plymouth MA
wife of Zachariah Soule
Middleboro MA
|-- Jabez Soule [122746]
|-- Zachariah Soule [122747]
|-- Mary Soule [122748]
| b.2_Apr_1725, Plymouth MA
| d.6_Jun_1761
|-- Sarah Soule [122749]
|-- Ephraim Soule [122750]
|-- Hannah Soule [122751]
|-- Eunice Soule [122752]
|-- James Soule [122753]
| b.19_Jun_1738, Plymouth MA
|-- Lois Soule [122754]

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Lieut. Isaac Cushman = Mercy Bradford [122755]
Lieut. Isaac Cushman ------------
Mercy Bradford [122755] ---------
wife of Lieut. Isaac Cushman
|-- Abigail Cushman [122756]
| b.31_Dec_1722, Plymouth MA
| m.21_Dec_1741, Plymouth MA
| wife of Gideon Sampson
d.8_Feb_1784, Plymouth MA

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Gideon Sampson [122736] = Abigail Cushman [122756]
Gideon Sampson [122736] ---------
b.15_Oct_1719, Plymouth MA
d.30_Oct_1794, Plymouth MA
Abigail Cushman [122756] --------
b.31_Dec_1722, Plymouth MA
m.21_Dec_1741, Plymouth MA
wife of Gideon Sampson
d.8_Feb_1784, Plymouth MA
father's other spousal relationships
Gideon Sampson [122736] = Rebecca Soule [122757]

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Gideon Sampson [122736] = Rebecca Soule [122757]
Gideon Sampson [122736] ---------
b.15_Oct_1719, Plymouth MA
d.30_Oct_1794, Plymouth MA
Rebecca Soule [122757] ----------
b.1763, Duxbury MA
m.22_Dec_1784, Duxbury MA
wife of Gideon Cushman
father's other spousal relationships
Gideon Sampson [122736] = Abigail Cushman [122756]

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Benjamin Soule [121230] = Hannah Whitman [122758]
Benjamin Soule [121230] ---------
b.5_Jun_1704, Plymouth MA
d.19_Apr_1751, Plymouth MA
Hannah Whitman [122758] ---------
Bridgewater MA
m.31_Mar_1730, Plympton MA
wife of Benjamin Soule
m.10_Jan_1754, Plymouth NA
wife of Isaac Little
d.3_Oct_1788, Plympton MA
|-- Benjamin Soule [122759]
|-- David Soule [122760]
| b.22_Apr_1735, Plymouth MA
| d.19_Jul_1735, Plymouth MA
|-- Abigail Soule [122761]
| b.22_Jul_1736, Plympton MA
| m.13_Nov_1755, Plympton MA
| wife of George Little
| m.1764 Plympton MA
| wife of Luke Perkins
| d.7_Mar_1823, Plympton MA
|-- Priscilla Soule [122762]
|-- Gideon Soule [122763]
| b.1728, Plymouth MA
|-- Hannah Soule [122764]
| b.31_Jul_1742, Plympton NA
| m.27_Oct_1758, Plympton MA
| wife of Jonathan Waterman
| m.14_Feb_1765, Plympton MA
| wife of Timothy Ripley
d.22_Mar_1820, Plympton MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Isaac Little [153691] = Hannah Whitman [122758]

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Ebenezer Soule [121231] = Susanna Coomer [122765]
Ebenezer Soule [121231] ---------
b.16_Feb_1710, Plymouth MA
Susanna Coomer [122765] ---------
(or Susan)
b.ca.1711, Kingston MA
m.9_Aug_1733, Plymouth MA
wife of Ebenezer Soule
d.7_Sep_1807, Hinsdale NH
|-- Deborah Soule [122766]
|-- Ebenezer Soule [122767]
|-- Asaph Soule [122768]
|-- Susanna Soule [122769]
| b.25_Feb_1741, Plymouth MA
| d.3_Nov_1771, Barre
|-- Sarah Soule [122770]
|-- Coomer Soule [122771]
| (or Comer)
| b.30_Apr_1747, Plymouth MA
| d.9_Jan_1777, Worcester MA
|-- Beza Soule [122772]
|-- Luther Soule [122773]
| b.4_Sep_1754, Plymouth MA
|-- Olive Soule [122774]
|-- Ivory Soule [122775]
| b.27_Jun_1760, Plymouth MA
| d.26_Mar_1846, Hinsdale NH

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Ivory Soule [122775] = Hannah Sanderson [122776]
Ivory Soule [122775] ------------
b.27_Jun_1760, Plymouth MA
d.26_Mar_1846, Hinsdale NH
Hannah Sanderson [122776] -------
wife of Ivory Soule

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Jeduthan Robbins [122784] = Hannah Pratt [122785]
Jeduthan Robbins [122784] -------
Hannah Pratt [122785] -----------
wife of Jeduthan Robbins
|-- Mehitabel Robbins [122786]
| b.9_Jul_1713, Plymouth MA
| m.17_Dec_1738, Duxbury MA
wife of Myles Standish
Bridgewater MA

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Myles Standish [121236] = Mehitabel Robbins [122786]
Myles Standish [121236] ---------
b.11_Mar_1713/14, Duxbury MA
d.1784, Bridgewater MA
Mehitabel Robbins [122786] ------
b.9_Jul_1713, Plymouth MA
m.17_Dec_1738, Duxbury MA
wife of Myles Standish
Bridgewater MA
|-- Miles Standish [122787]
|-- Penelope Standish [122788]
|-- Lydia Standish [122789]
|-- Experience Standish [122790]
|-- Hannah Sandish [122791]
|-- Sarah Standish [122792]
| c.22_May_1748, Duxbury MA
|-- Priscilla Standish [122793]
| b.2_Nov_1755, Duxbury MA
| d.Nov_1805

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Zachariah Standish [120972] = Abigail Whitman [122794]
Zachariah Standish [120972] -----
b.12_Oct_1698, Plymouth MA
d.30_Mar_1770, Plymouth MA
Abigail Whitman [122794] --------
Bridgewater MA
m.13_Oct_1720, Plymouth MA
wife of Zachariah Standish
d.30_Aug_1775, Plymouth MA
|-- Ebenezer Standish [122795]
| b.16_Oct_1721, Plymouth MA
| d.28_Nov_1747, Plymouth MA
|-- Hannah Standish [122796]
| b.15_Dec_1723, Plymouth MA
| m.7_Apr_1743, Plympton MA
| wife of Elkanah Cushman
| d.16_Oct_1756, Plymouth MA
|-- Sarah Standish [122797]
| b.5_Aug_1729, Plymouth MA
|-- Abigail Standish [122798]
| b.16_Dec_1731, Plymouth MA
| m.1_Sep_1752, Plymouth MA
| wife of Samuel Wright
| d.1_Dec_1774, Plymouth MA
|-- Peleg Standish [122799]
| b.21_Jun_1734, Plymouth MA
| d.17_Aug_1758, Plymouth MA
|-- Zachariah Standish [122800]
| b.30_May_1739, Plympton MA
| d.30_Mar_1770, Plympton MA
father's other spousal relationships
Zachariah Standish [120972] = unknown
Zachariah Standish [120972] = Zacharaih Standish [120971]

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Moses Standish [121238] = Rachel Cobb [122803]
Moses Standish [121238] ---------
b.30_Aug_1701, Plymouth MA
d.24_Apr_1769, Plymouth MA
Rachel Cobb [122803] ------------
b.8_Dec_1702, Middleboro MA
m.23_Nov_1723, Middleboro MA
wife of Moses Standish
d.24_Jun_1769, Plymouth MA
|-- Abigail Standish [122804]
| b.6_Oct_1724, Plymouth MA
| d.3_Feb_1725, Plymouth MA
|-- Rachel Standish [122805]
| b.24_Apr_1726, Plympton MA
| m.12_May_1742, Plympton MA
| wife of Philemon Sampson
| d.13_Oct_1809, Plympton MA
|-- Zerviah Standish [122806]
|-- Rebecca Standish [122807]
| b.24_Jan_1732, Halifax MA
| m.12_May_1752, Halifax MA
| wife of Zachariah Weston
| d.28_Jul_1769, Middleboro MA
|-- Moses Standish [122808]
|-- Sarah Standish [122809]
| b.26_Apr_1736, Halifax MA
| m.5_Jan_1758, Halifax MA
| wife of Ephraim Tinkham
| d. before 2_Dec_1809
|-- John Standish [122810]

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John Staples [122811] = Hannah ________ [122812]
John Staples [122811] -----------
Hannah ________ [122812] --------
wife of John Staples
|-- Seth Staples [122813]
| b.ca.1700, Taunton MA
| d.20_Mar_1778, Taunton MA

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Seth Staples [122813] = Hannah Standish [121239]
Seth Staples [122813] -----------
b.ca.1700, Taunton MA
d.20_Mar_1778, Taunton MA
Hannah Standish [121239] --------
b.6_Mar_1703/04, Plymouth MA
m.4_Jan_1721/22, Plymouth MA
wife of Seth Staples
d.Apr_1774, Taunton MA
|-- Hannah Staples [122814]
|-- Sarah Staples [122815]
|-- Susanna Staples [122816]
|-- Anne Staples [122817]
| b.ca.1730, Taunton MA
|-- Mary Staples [122818]
|-- Zerviah Staples [122819]
|-- Rev. John Staples [122820]
|-- Ruth Staples [122821]

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Andrew Ring [122822] = Zerviah Standish [121240]
Andrew Ring [122822] ------------
b.28_Mar_1696, Plymouth MA
N. Yarmouth ME
Zerviah Standish [121240] -------
b.8_Jan_1796/07, Plymouth MA
m.20_May_1724, Plymouth MA
wife of Andrew Ring
N. Yarmouth ME
N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Mary Ring [122823]
|-- Andrew Ring [122824]
| b.14_Sep_1727, Kingston MA
| d.13_Sep_1729, Kingston MA
|-- Susannah Ring [122825]
|-- Hannah Ring [122826]
|-- William Ring [122827]
|-- Sarah Ring [122828]
|-- Eleazer Ring [122829]
|-- Deborah Ring [122830]
|-- Martin Ring [122831]
| b.7_Nov_1744,
| N. Yarmouth ME
mother's other spousal relationships
Andrew Gray [122834] = Zerviah Standish [121240]

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John Gray [122832] = Susanna Clarke [122833]
John Gray [122832] --------------
Susanna Clarke [122833] ---------
wife of John Gray
|-- Andrew Gray [122834]
| b.29_Sep_1707, Harwich MA
| d.19_Dec_1757,
N. Yarmouth ME

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Andrew Gray [122834] = Zerviah Standish [121240]
Andrew Gray [122834] ------------
b.29_Sep_1707, Harwich MA
N. Yarmouth ME
Zerviah Standish [121240] -------
b.8_Jan_1796/07, Plymouth MA
m.20_May_1724, Plymouth MA
wife of Andrew Ring
N. Yarmouth ME
N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Ebenezer Gray [122835]
| b.3_Sep_1747,
| N. Yarmouth ME
| d.11_Jun_1777
mother's other spousal relationships
Andrew Ring [122822] = Zerviah Standish [121240]

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Benjamin Mitchell [122836] = Mehitable Bragdon [122837]
Benjamin Mitchell [122836] ------
Mehitable Bragdon [122837] ------
wife of Benjamin Mithcell
|-- Dorcas Mitchell [122838]
| b.8_Mar_1751,
| N. Yarmouth ME
N. Yarmouth ME
wife of Ebenezer Gray

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Ebenezer Gray [122835] = Dorcas Mitchell [122838]

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Eleazer Alden [122272] = Sarah D. Whitman [153678]
Eleazer Alden [122272] ----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
Sarah D. Whitman [153678] -------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Eleazer Alden
Bridgewater MA
|-- Abigail Alden [151283]
| b.23_Aug_1756,
| Plymouth Co, MA
| m.1_Nov_1774, Eaton NH
| wife of William Snell
| d.ca.1821, Tamworth NH

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Samuel Wright [154747] = Abigail Standish [122798]
Samuel Wright [154747] ----------
b.6_Oct_1728, Plympton NA
d.22_Dec_1814, Plympton MA
Abigail Standish [122798] -------
b.16_Dec_1731, Plymouth MA
m.1_Sep_1752, Plymouth MA
wife of Samuel Wright
d.1_Dec_1774, Plymouth MA

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Thomas Loring [122859] = Deborah Cushing [122860]
Thomas Loring [122859] ----------
Deborah Cushing [122860] --------
wife of Thomas Loring
|-- Benjamin Loring [122861]
| b.12_Oct_1708, Duxbury MA
| d.1_Mar_1781, Duxbury MA

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Anna Alden [121258] = Benjamin Loring [122861]
Anna Alden [121258] -------------
b.14_Jun_1716, Duxbury MA
m.8_Feb_1739, Duxbury MA
wife of Benjamin Loring
d.1_Jul_1804, Duxbury MA
Benjamin Loring [122861] --------
b.12_Oct_1708, Duxbury MA
d.1_Mar_1781, Duxbury MA
|-- Mary Loring [122862]
| b.22_Nov_1739, Duxbury MA
| d.5_Jan_1740, Duxbury MA
|-- Benjamin Loring [122863]
| b.31_Mar_1742, Duxbury MA
| d.8_Aug_1745, Duxbury MA
|-- Sarah Loring [122864]
| b.14_Feb_1743/44, Duxbury MA
| d.11_Aug_1745, Duxbury MA
|-- Benjamin Loring [122865]
| b.25_Nov_1745, Duxbury MA
| d.11_Nov_1752, Duxbury MA
|-- Samuel Loring [122866]
|-- Judah Loring [122867]
| b.5_Jun_1749, Duxbury MA
| d.6_Oct_1832, Duxbury MA
|-- Daniel Loring [122868]
|-- John Loring [122869]
| b.27_Sep_1752, Duxbury MA
| d.27_Oct_1753, Duxbury MA
|-- Seth Loring [122870]
| c.13_Apr_1755, Kingston MA
| d.10_Sep_1779
|-- Lucy Loring [122871]

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Ichabod Wadsworth [122872] = Margaret Marshall [122873]
Ichabod Wadsworth [122872] ------
Margaret Marshall [122873] ------
wife of Ichabod Wadsworth
|-- Mercy Wadsworth [122874]
| b.7_Sep_1724, Duxbury MA
| m.19_Nov_1741, Duxbury MA
wife of Briggs Alden
d.23_Apr_1812, Duxbury MA

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Briggs Alden [121260] = Mercy Wadsworth [122874]
Briggs Alden [121260] -----------
b.8_Jun_1723, Duxbury MA
d.4_Oct_1796, Duxbury MA
Mercy Wadsworth [122874] --------
b.7_Sep_1724, Duxbury MA
m.19_Nov_1741, Duxbury MA
wife of Briggs Alden
d.23_Apr_1812, Duxbury MA
|-- Hannah Alden [122875]
| b.24_Oct_1743, Duxbury MA
| m.6_Jan_1767, Duxbury MA
| wife of Capt. John Cray
| d.1790
|-- John Alden [122876]
| b.24_Jan_1744/45, Duxbury MA
| d.17_Nov_1766, Duxbury MA
|-- ______ Alden [122877]
| b.5_Sep_1746, Duxbury MA
| d.5_Sep_1746, Duxbury MA
|-- Deborah Alden [122878]
|-- Judah Alden [122879]
|-- Nathaniel Alden [122880]
|-- Edith Alden [122881]
| b.3_Jan_1754, Duxbury MA
| d.7_Jan_1815, Duxbury MA
|-- Abigail Alden [122882]
|-- Samuel Alden [122883]
| b.1_Jul_1757, Duxbury MA
| d.2_Nov_1778/79
|-- Amherst Alden [122884]
| b.22_Jul_1759, Duxbury MA
| d.20_Dec_1804, Duxbury MA

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Capt. John Cray [122885] = Hannah Alden [122875]
Capt. John Cray [122885] --------
b.1742, Boston MA
Hannah Alden [122875] -----------
b.24_Oct_1743, Duxbury MA
m.6_Jan_1767, Duxbury MA
wife of Capt. John Cray

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John Thomas [122886] = Lydia Waterman [122887]
John Thomas [122886] ------------
Lydia Waterman [122887] ---------
wife of John Thomas
|-- Anthony Thomas [122888]
| b.24_Mar_1719,
| Marshfield MA
Marshfield MA

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Anthony Thomas [122888] = Abigail Alden [121261]
Anthony Thomas [122888] ---------
Marshfield MA
Marshfield MA
Abigail Alden [121261] ----------
b.27_Feb_1727, Duxbury MA
Marshfield MA
wife of Anthony Thomas
Marshfield MA
|-- John Thomas [122889]
| b.6_Jul_1748,
| Marshfield MA
| d.11_Nov_1748,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Briggs Thomas [122890]
|-- Waterman Thomas [122891]
|-- Judah Thomas [122892]

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John Alden [121271] = Elizabeth Ripley [123385]
John Alden [121271] -------------
b.23_Jul_1716, Duxbury MA
b.2_May_1764, Lebanon CT
Elizabeth Ripley [123385] -------
b.4_Nov_1724, Windham CT
m.9_Oct_1744, Lebanon CT
wife of John Alden
|-- Violetta Alden [122893]
| b.8_Apr_1748, Lebanon CT
| wife of Isaac Fitch
| d.10_Feb_1810, Lebanon CT
|-- John Alden [122894]
| b.18_Jun_1750, Lebanon CT
| d.12_Aug_1784
|-- Judah Alden [122895]
| b.10_Mar_1752, Lebanon CT
| d.22_Aug_1777,
| White Plains NY
|-- Gen. Roger Alden [122896]
|-- Elizabeth Alden [122897]
| b.23_Dec_1757, Lebanon CT
| d.25_May_1758, Lebanon CT
|-- ________ Alden [122898]
| b.17_Aug_1759, Lebanon CT
| d.17_Aug_1759, Lebanon CT
|-- ________ Alden [122899]
| b.17_Aug_1759, Lebanon CT
| d.18_Aug_1759, Lebanon CT
|-- Elizabeth Alden [122900]

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Prince Alden [121272] = Mary Mason Fitch [122906]
Prince Alden [121272] -----------
b.28_Oct_1718, Duxbury MA
d.22_May_1807, Newport PA
Mary Mason Fitch [122906] -------
b.24_Apr_1727, Lebanon CT
m.18_Dec_1746, Montville CT
wife of Prince Alden
d.ca.1790, Newport PA
|-- Mary Alden [122907]
|-- Mason Fitch Alden [122908]
|-- Abigail Alden [122909]
|-- Sarah Alden [122910]
| b.6_Feb_1756,
| New London CT
| m.ca.1777, New London CT
| wife of Nathaniel Cook
| d.1812
|-- Lydia Alden [122911]
|-- Prince Alden [122912]
|-- Andrew Stanford Alden
| [122913]
|-- John Alden [122914]
|-- Daniel Alden [122915]

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Nathaniel Cook [122916] = Sarah Alden [122910]
Nathaniel Cook [122916] ---------
Sarah Alden [122910] ------------
New London CT
m.ca.1777, New London CT
wife of Nathaniel Cook

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Robert Stanford [122917] = Fear Wadsworth [122918]
Robert Stanford [122917] --------
Fear Wadsworth [122918] ---------
wife of Robert Stanford
|-- Rebecca Stanford [122919]
| b.7_May_1731, Duxbury MA
| m.1746, Duxbury MA
wife of Andrew Alden

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Andrew Alden [121273] = Rebecca Stanford [122919]

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Seth Alden [121280] = Lydia Alden [121275]
Seth Alden [121280] -------------
Marshfield MA
d.ca.1800, Shaftsbury VT
Lydia Alden [121275] ------------
b.11_Nov_1727, Lebanon CT
d.1804, Shaftsbury VT
|-- Seth Alden [122921]
|-- Jonathan Alden [122922]
|-- Sybil Alden [122923]
|-- Felix Alden [122924]
| b.16_Feb_1755, Norwich CT
| d.10_Feb_1775, Shaftsbury VT
|-- Joab Alden [122925]
| b.14_Jun_1756, Norwich CT
| d.1853
|-- Lydia Alden [122926]
| b.19_May_1758, Norwich CT
| d.11_Apr_1760, Norwich CT
|-- Lydia Alden [122927]
| b.4_Feb_1761, Norwich CT
| d.1791, Shaftsbury VT
|-- Melissa Alden [122928]
| b.13_May_1763, Lebanon CT
| d.1783
|-- Melissa Alden [122929]
| b.4_Feb_1765, Lebanon CT
| d. after 10_Mar_1780
|-- Christian Alden [122930]
| b.1768, Norwich CT
| d.28_Jun_1794, Shaftsbury VT

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Joab Alden [122925] = Elizabeth ________ [122931]
Joab Alden [122925] -------------
b.14_Jun_1756, Norwich CT
Elizabeth ________ [122931] -----
wife of Joab Alden

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Benjamin Metcalf [122932] = Sarah Abel [122933]
Benjamin Metcalf [122932] -------
Sarah Abel [122933] -------------
wife of Benjamin Metcalf
|-- Rebecca Metcalf [122934]
| b.3_Jun_1744, Lebanon CT
| m.29_May_1766
wife of William Alden
d. after 18_Mar_1805

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William Alden [121276] = Rebecca Metcalf [122934]
William Alden [121276] ----------
b.ca.1727, Lebanon CT
Rebecca Metcalf [122934] --------
b.3_Jun_1744, Lebanon CT
wife of William Alden
d. after 18_Mar_1805
|-- Eunice Alden [122935]
| b.19_Jan_1767, Lebanon CT
| m.ca.1788
| wife of David Hubby
|-- William Mullins Alden
| [122936]
|-- Jabin Alden [122937]
| b.26_Jan_1771, Lebanon CT
|-- Sarah Alden [122938]
| b.16_Aug_1773, Lebanon CT
| d. after 26_Oct_1835
|-- Lydia Alden [122939]
| b.18_Oct_1776, Lebanon CT
|-- Andrew Alden [122940]
| b.25_May_1785, Lebanon CT

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David Hubby [122941] = Eunice Alden [122935]
David Hubby [122941] ------------
Eunice Alden [122935] -----------
b.19_Jan_1767, Lebanon CT
wife of David Hubby

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Jabin Alden [122937] = Hannah Fitch [122942]

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John Ranger [122943] = Hannah Bartlett [122944]
John Ranger [122943] ------------
Hannah Bartlett [122944] --------
wife of John Ranger
|-- Hannah Ranger [122945]
| b.6_Oct_1727
| m.3_Feb_1751, Hull MA
wife of Austin Alden
d. before 25_Nov_1756

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Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Ranger [122945]
Austin Alden [121282] -----------
Marshfield MA
d.23_Mar_1803, Gorham ME
Hannah Ranger [122945] ----------
m.3_Feb_1751, Hull MA
wife of Austin Alden
d. before 25_Nov_1756
|-- John Alden [122946]
| b.30_Sep_1751, Hull MA
| d.1765, Hull MA
|-- Hosea Alden [122947]
| c.4_Apr_1753,
| Marshfield MA
father's other spousal relationships
Austin Alden [121282] = Salome Lombard [122950]
Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Battles [122957]

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Rev. Soloman Lombard = Sarah Purrington [122949]
Rev. Soloman Lombard ------------
Sarah Purrington [122949] -------
wife of Rev. Soloman Lombard
|-- Salome Lombard [122950]
| b.10_Jun_1736, Truro MA
| m.25_Nov_1756, Gorham CT
| wife of Austin Alden
d.18_Mar_1780, Gorham CT

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Austin Alden [121282] = Salome Lombard [122950]
Austin Alden [121282] -----------
Marshfield MA
d.23_Mar_1803, Gorham ME
Salome Lombard [122950] ---------
b.10_Jun_1736, Truro MA
m.25_Nov_1756, Gorham CT
wife of Austin Alden
d.18_Mar_1780, Gorham CT
|-- Elizabeth Alden [122951]
|-- Josiah Alden [122952]
|-- Humphrey Alden [122953]
| b.21_Jan_1763, Gorham ME
|-- Anna Alden [122954]
|-- Hezekaih Alden [122955]
| b.15_Jul_1767, Gorham ME
| d.27_Nov_1768, Gorham ME
father's other spousal relationships
Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Ranger [122945]
Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Battles [122957]

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Humphrey Alden [122953] = Mary Lord [122956]
Humphrey Alden [122953] ---------
b.21_Jan_1763, Gorham ME
Mary Lord [122956] --------------
wife of Humphrey Alden

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Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Battles [122957]
Austin Alden [121282] -----------
Marshfield MA
d.23_Mar_1803, Gorham ME
Hannah Battles [122957] ---------
wife of Austin Alden
father's other spousal relationships
Austin Alden [121282] = Hannah Ranger [122945]
Austin Alden [121282] = Salome Lombard [122950]

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Noah Sprague [121311] = Sarah Hammond [123201]
Noah Sprague [121311] -----------
b.18_Jan_1696, Duxbury MA
Sarah Hammond [123201] ----------
b.23_Dec_1695, Rochester MA
m.26_Apr_1722, Rochester MA
wife of Noah Sprague
|-- Joshua Sprague [123202]
| b.20_Feb_1722/21,
| Rochester MA
|-- Alden Sprague [123203]
| b.27_Sep_1724, Rochester MA
|-- Alathea Sprague [123204]
|-- Elizabeth Sprague [123205]
| b.15_Oct_1727, Rochester MA
| d.31_May_1726, Rochester MA
|-- Samuel Sprague [123206]
| b.9_May_1729, Rochester MA
| d.19_Jun_1729, Rochester MA
|-- Mary Sprague [123207]
| b.24_Jun_1730, Rochester MA
| d.4_Jul_1730, Rochester MA
|-- Noah Sprague [123208]
|-- Elizabeth Sprague [123209]
|-- John Sprague [123210]

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Alden Sprague [123203] = Lavinia P. Mansfield
Alden Sprague [123203] ----------
b.27_Sep_1724, Rochester MA
Lavinia P. Mansfield ------------
m.25_Dec_1752, Hope ME
wife of Alden Sprague

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Isaac Chapman [123212] = Elizabeth Sprague [121312]
Isaac Chapman [123212] ----------
b.29_Dec_1692, Boston MA
d.10_Dec_1776, Yarmouth MA
Elizabeth Sprague [121312] ------
b.4_Jul_1699, Duxbury MA
m.20_May_1720, Rochester MA
wife of Isaac Chapman
d.5_Apr_1754, Yarmouth MA
|-- Isaac Chapman [123213]
|-- Mary Chapman [123214]
| b.6_Jun_1723, Yarmouth MA
| m.14_Apr_1743, Yarmouth MA
| wife of Thomas Paddack
|-- Rebeckah Chapman [123215]
| b.14_Nov_1725-1726,
| Yarmouth MA
| d.30_Dec_1725-1726,
| Yarmouth MA
|-- Samuel Chapman [123216]
| b.14_Nov_1727, Yarmouth MA
| d.3_Oct_1758
|-- Rebeckah Chapman [123217]
|-- Ruth Chapman [123218]
|-- Micah Chapman [123219]

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Peter Paddack [123220] = Mary ________ [123221]
Peter Paddack [123220] ----------
Mary ________ [123221] ----------
wife of Peter Paddack
|-- Thomas Paddack [123222]
| b.20_Apr_1722, Yarmouth MA

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Thomas Paddack [123222] = Mary Chapman [123214]

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Nathaniel Sprague [121313] = Keziah Baker [123225]
Nathaniel Sprague [121313] ------
Duxbury MA
d.29_Jul_1739, Rochester MA
Keziah Baker [123225] -----------
Marshfield MA
Rochester MA
wife of Nathaniel Sprague
d.12_May_1790, Rochester MA
|-- Lucy Sprague [123226]
| b.23_Feb_1731/32,
| Rochester MA
|-- Micah Sprague [123227]
| b.31_Jan_1735/36,
| Rochester MA
| d. before 10_Jul_1762
|-- Nathaniel Sprague [123228]
| b.21_May_1738, Rochester MA

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Benjamin Hammond [123229] = Priscilla Sprague [121315]
Benjamin Hammond [123229] -------
b.1_Dec_1704, Rochester MA
d.19_Jul_1758, Rochester MA
Priscilla Sprague [121315] ------
Duxbury MA
m.12_Nov_1730, Rochester MA
wife of Benjamin Hammond
m.30_Nov_1763, Rochester MA
wife of Rev. Thomas West
d.23_Oct_1779, Rochester MA
|-- Ruth Hammond [123230]
| b.9_Mar_1731/32,
| Rochester MA
| d.12_Aug_1758, Rochester MA
|-- Nathaniel Hammond [123231]
| b.27_Jun_1734, Rochester MA
| d.1_Feb_1827, Rochester MA
|-- Enoch Hammond [123232]
|-- Timothy Hammond [123233]
| b.17_Aug_1738, Rochester MA
| d.6_Oct_1739, Rochester MA
|-- Priscilla Hammond [123234]
| b.31_Oct_1740, Rochester MA
| m.30_Nov_1763, Rochester MA
| wife of Thomas West
| d.19_Jun_17__, Rochester MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Rev. Thomas West [123243] = Priscilla Sprague [121315]

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Nathan Hammond [123235] = Sarah Snow [123236]
Nathan Hammond [123235] ---------
Sarah Snow [123236] -------------
wife of Nathan Hammond
|-- Phebe Hammond [123237]
| b.5_Apr_1734, Rochester MA
| m.17_Jun_1756, Rochester MA
wife of Nathaniel Hammond
d.10_Mar_1801, Rochester MA

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Nathaniel Hammond [123231] = Phebe Hammond [123237]
Nathaniel Hammond [123231] ------
b.27_Jun_1734, Rochester MA
d.1_Feb_1827, Rochester MA
Phebe Hammond [123237] ----------
b.5_Apr_1734, Rochester MA
m.17_Jun_1756, Rochester MA
wife of Nathaniel Hammond
d.10_Mar_1801, Rochester MA
father's other spousal relationships
Nathaniel Hammond [123231] = Elizabeth Hathaway [123240]

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Jacob Hathaway [123238] = Hannah Clark [123239]
Jacob Hathaway [123238] ---------
Hannah Clark [123239] -----------
wife of Jacob Hathaway
|-- Elizabeth Hathaway [123240]
| b.6_Aug_1763
| m.21_Nov_1803,
New Bedford MA
wife of Nathaniel Hammond
d.18_Jan_1854, Rochester MA

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Nathaniel Hammond [123231] = Elizabeth Hathaway [123240]
father's other spousal relationships
Nathaniel Hammond [123231] = Phebe Hammond [123237]

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Abner West [123241] = Jane Look [123242]
Abner West [123241] -------------
Jane Look [123242] --------------
wife of Abner West
|-- Rev. Thomas West [123243]
| b.26_Aug_1708, Tisbury MA
| d.14_Jul_1790 Rochester MA

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Rev. Thomas West [123243] = Drusilla Presbury [123244]
father's other spousal relationships
Rev. Thomas West [123243] = Priscilla Sprague [121315]

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Thomas West [123245] = Priscilla Hammond [123234]

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Rev. Thomas West [123243] = Priscilla Sprague [121315]
Rev. Thomas West [123243] -------
b.26_Aug_1708, Tisbury MA
d.14_Jul_1790 Rochester MA
Priscilla Sprague [121315] ------
Duxbury MA
m.12_Nov_1730, Rochester MA
wife of Benjamin Hammond
m.30_Nov_1763, Rochester MA
wife of Rev. Thomas West
d.23_Oct_1779, Rochester MA
father's other spousal relationships
Rev. Thomas West [123243] = Drusilla Presbury [123244]
mother's other spousal relationships
Benjamin Hammond [123229] = Priscilla Sprague [121315]

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Micah Sprague [121316] = Elizabeth Turner [123087]
Micah Sprague [121316] ----------
Rochester MA
d.Sep_1734, New Providence,
West Indies
Elizabeth Turner [123087] -------
b.12_Jan_1714, Rochester MA
m.22_Aug_1731, Rochester MA
wife of Micah Sprague
m.3_Dec_1736, Rochester MA
wife of Jonathan Delano
d. before 9_Dec_1741
|-- Mary Sprague [123246]
|-- Ruth Sprague [123247]
mother's other spousal relationships
Jonathan Delano [20617] = Elizabeth Turner [123087]

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Samuel Seabury [123248] = Abigail Allen [123249]
Samuel Seabury [123248] ---------
Abigail Allen [123249] ----------
wife of Samuel Seabury
|-- Abigail Seabury [123250]
| b.7_Mar_1704/05,
| Duxbury MA
m.3_Jan_1726, Duxbury MA
wife of David Seabury
d.5_Sep_1763, Boston MA

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David Seabury [121321] = Abigail Seabury [123250]
David Seabury [121321] ----------
Stonington CT
Hempstead NY
Abigail Seabury [123250] --------
Duxbury MA
m.3_Jan_1726, Duxbury MA
wife of David Seabury
d.5_Sep_1763, Boston MA
|-- Joseph Seabury [123251]
| b.11_Nov_1727,
| Cumberland ME
| d. before 30_Jul_1763
|-- John Seabury [123252]
| b.18_Mar_1729,
| N. Yarmouth ME
| d.18_Mar_1729
|-- David Seabury [123253]
| b.2_Dec_1731,
| N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Elizabeth Seabury [123254]
| b.17_Apr_1733,
| N. Yarmouth ME
| d.28_Apr_1734,
| N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Betty Seabury [123255]
| b.1_Aug_1738,
| N. Yarmouth ME
| m.22_Jul_1766, Boston MA
| wife of Jonathan Greeley
| d.14_Nov_1766,
| N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Abigail Seabury [123256]
|-- Samuel Seabury [123257]
|-- David Seabury [123258]
| b.24_Feb_1748,
| N. Yarmouth ME
|-- Patience Seabury [123259]
| b.1749, N. Yarmouth ME
| d.ca.1753-1764

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Joseph Latham [123260] = unknown
Joseph Latham [123260] ----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joseph Latham [123261]
| c.22_May_1692,
| New London CT
New London CT

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Joseph Latham [123261] = Patience Seabury [121323]
Joseph Latham [123261] ----------
New London CT
New London CT
Patience Seabury [121323] -------
b.5_May_1702, Stonington CT
m.28_Nov_1722, Groton CT
wife of Joseph Latham
m.5_Jan_1748/49, Groton CT
wife of Benjamin Starr
m.23_Dec_1755, Norwich CT
wife of Francis Griswold
d.19_Apr_1761, Norwich CT
|-- David Latham [123262]
|-- Elizabeth Latham [123263]
|-- Joseph Latham [123264]
| b.27_Jan_1728, Groton CT
|-- John Latham [123265]
|-- Abigail Latham [123266]
mother's other spousal relationships
Francis Griswold [128161] = Patience Seabury [121323]

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Comfort Starr [123267] = Marah Weld [123268]
Comfort Starr [123267] ----------
Marah Weld [123268] -------------
wife of Comfort Starr
|-- Benjamin Starr [123269]
| b.15_Apr_1679,
| Middletown CT
New London CT

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Patience Seabury [121323] = Benjamin Starr [123269]
Patience Seabury [121323] -------
b.5_May_1702, Stonington CT
m.28_Nov_1722, Groton CT
wife of Joseph Latham
m.5_Jan_1748/49, Groton CT
wife of Benjamin Starr
m.23_Dec_1755, Norwich CT
wife of Francis Griswold
d.19_Apr_1761, Norwich CT
Benjamin Starr [123269] ---------
Middletown CT
New London CT
father's other spousal relationships
Patience Seabury [121323] = Patience Seabury [121323]
Patience Seabury [121323] = Patience Seabury [121323]

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James Rogers [123270] = Elizabeth ________ [123271]
James Rogers [123270] -----------
Elizabeth ________ [123271] -----
wife of James Rogers
|-- Esther Rogers [123272]
| b.ca.1708
| m.1733, New London CT
wife of John Seabury

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John Seabury [121324] = Esther Rogers [123272]
John Seabury [121324] -----------
b.22_May_1704, Stonington CT
New London CT
Esther Rogers [123272] ----------
m.1733, New London CT
wife of John Seabury
|-- Esther Seabury [123273]
| b.4_May_1734, Groton CT
|-- John Seabury [123274]
| b.12_Jan_1735, Groton CT
| d. after 21_Jul_1752
|-- Elizabeth Seabury [123275]
| b.4_Jul_1738, Groton CT
|-- ______ Seabury [123276]
| b.ca.Nov_1740, Groton CT
| d.ca.Nov_1740, Groton CT

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Thomas Mumford [123277] = Hannah Remington [123278]
Thomas Mumford [123277] ---------
Hannah Remington [123278] -------
wife of Thomas Mumford
|-- Abigail Mumford [123279]
| b.3_Sep_1720,
| N. Kingstown RI
wife of Samuel Seabury
d.8_May_1731, New London CT

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Samuel Seabury [121325] = Abigail Mumford [123279]
Samuel Seabury [121325] ---------
b.8_Jul_1706, Groton CT
d.15_Jun_1764, Hempstead NY
Abigail Mumford [123279] --------
N. Kingstown RI
wife of Samuel Seabury
d.8_May_1731, New London CT
|-- Caleb Seabury [123280]
|-- Rev. Samuel Seabury [123281]
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Seabury [121325] = Elizabeth Powell [123284]

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Adam Powell [123282] = Esther Bernon [123283]
Adam Powell [123282] ------------
Esther Bernon [123283] ----------
wife of Adam Powell
|-- Elizabeth Powell [123284]
| b.8_Apr_1712/13, Newport RI
| m.27_May_1733,
Naragansett RI
wife of Samuel Swabury
d.6_Feb_1799, Hempstead NY

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Samuel Seabury [121325] = Elizabeth Powell [123284]
Samuel Seabury [121325] ---------
b.8_Jul_1706, Groton CT
d.15_Jun_1764, Hempstead NY
Elizabeth Powell [123284] -------
b.8_Apr_1712/13, Newport RI
Naragansett RI
wife of Samuel Swabury
d.6_Feb_1799, Hempstead NY
|-- Adam Seabury [123285]
|-- Richard Seabury [123286]
| b.14_Sep_1740, New London CT
| d.2_Nov_1740
|-- John Seabury [123287]
| b.2_Nov_1741, New London CT
|-- Elizabeth Seabury [123288]
|-- Abigail Seabury [123289]
|-- Nathaniel Seabury [123290]
| b.23_Sep_1747, Hempstead NY
|-- David Seabury [123291]
|-- Jane Seabury [123292]
| b.21_Oct_1758, Hempstead NY
| d.26_Feb_1774, Hempstead NY
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Seabury [121325] = Abigail Mumford [123279]

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Jonathan Starr [123293] = Elizabeth Morgan [123294]
Jonathan Starr [123293] ---------
Elizabeth Morgan [123294] -------
wife of Jonathan Starr
|-- Jonathan Starr [123295]
| b.19_Aug_1705, Groton CT
| d.18_Feb_1795, New London CT

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Jonathan Starr [123295] = Mary Seabury [121326]
Jonathan Starr [123295] ---------
b.19_Aug_1705, Groton CT
d.18_Feb_1795, New London CT
Mary Seabury [121326] -----------
b.11_Nov_1708, Groton CT
m.10_Oct_1728, Groton CT
wife of Jonathan Starr
|-- Elizabeth Starr [123296]
| b.13_Jul_1729, Groton CT
| m.10_Nov_1757
| wife of Ichabod Whetmore
|-- Abigail Starr [123297]
| b.25_Apr_1731, Groton CT
| d.10_Jul_1814, New London CT
|-- Jonathan Starr [123298]
| b.12_Aug_1733, Groton CT
|-- Mary Starr [123299]
| b.3_Dep_1837, Groton CT
| d.28_Feb_1824, New London CT
|-- Sarah Starr [123300]
|-- Jonathan Starr [123301]
|-- Edward Starr [123302]
| b.19_Mar_1745/46, Groton CT
|-- Jared Starr [123303]
|-- Rebecca Starr [123304]

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Peter Williams [123305] = Michal Lambert [123306]
Peter Williams [123305] ---------
Michal Lambert [123306] ---------
wife of Peter Williams
|-- Michal Williams [123307]
| b.ca.1720
| m.ca.1735, Groton CT
wife of Nathaniel Seabury
d. after Jun_1792

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Nathaniel Seabury [121328] = Michal Williams [123307]
Nathaniel Seabury [121328] ------
b.31_Jul_1720, Stonington CT
Michal Williams [123307] --------
m.ca.1735, Groton CT
wife of Nathaniel Seabury
d. after Jun_1792
|-- Nathaniel Seabury [123308]
| b.20_Nov_1736, Groton CT
| d. young
|-- David Seabury [123309]

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Jeremiah Wetmore [123310] = Abigail Bushnell [123311]
Jeremiah Wetmore [123310] -------
Abigail Bushnell [123311] -------
wife of Jeremiah Wetmore
|-- Ichabod Wetmore [123312]
| b.17_Aug_1734,
| Middletown CT

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Ichabod Wetmore [123312] = Elizabeth Starr [123296]

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Joseph Hewitt [123313] = Mary Chesebrough [121333]
Joseph Hewitt [123313] ----------
b.10_Dec_1696, Stonington CT
Mary Chesebrough [121333] -------
b.12_Sep_1702, Stonington CT
m.5_Oct_1720, Stonington CT
wife of Joseph Hewett
|-- Nathaniel Hewitt [123314]
|-- Samuel Hewitt [123315]
| b.11_May_1723, Stonington CT
|-- Mary Hewitt [123316]
|-- Hannah Hewitt [123317]
|-- Joseph Hewitt [123318]
|-- Alden Hewitt [123319]
| b.15_Nov_1734, Stonington CT
|-- Priscilla Hewitt [123320]
| b.28_May_1737, Stonington CT
| m.19_Nov_1758,
| N. Stonington CT
| wife of Jesse Swan
|-- David Hewitt [123321]
| b.28_Oct_1739, Stonington CT
|-- ________ Hewitt [123322]
| b.26_May_1744, Stonington CT
|-- Anna Hewitt [123323]
|-- Prudence Hewitt [123324]

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Samuel Hewitt [123315] = Comfort Billings [123325]
Samuel Hewitt [123315] ----------
b.11_May_1723, Stonington CT
Comfort Billings [123325] -------
wife of Samuel Hewitt

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Nathaniel Swan [123326] = Mehitable Brown [123327]
Nathaniel Swan [123326] ---------
Mehitable Brown [123327] --------
wife of Nathaniel Swan
|-- Jesse Swan [123328]
| b.29_Dec_1738, Stoningham CT
| d. After Apr_1791

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Jesse Swan [123328] = Priscilla Hewitt [123320]

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Jazeb Chesebrough [123329] = Priscilla Chesebrough
Jazeb Chesebrough [123329] ------
b.10_Jan_1701, Stonington CT
Priscilla Chesebrough -----------
b.6_Nov_1704, Stonington CT
wife of Jabez Chesebrough
wife of Thomas Palmer
d. before 12_Jun_1776
|-- Mary Chesebrough [123330]
| c.10_Apr_1726, Stonington CT
|-- Jabez Chesebrough [123331]
| c.20_Jul_1727, Stonington CT
|-- Priscilla Chesebrough
| [123332]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Palmer [123335] = Priscilla Chesebrough

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Nehemiah Palmer [123333] = Jerusha Saxton [123334]
Nehemiah Palmer [123333] --------
Jerusha Saxton [123334] ---------
wife of Nehemiah Palmer
|-- Thomas Palmer [123335]
| b.7_Jun_1703, Stonington CT
| d.1776, Stonington CT

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Thomas Palmer [123335] = Priscilla Chesebrough
Thomas Palmer [123335] ----------
b.7_Jun_1703, Stonington CT
d.1776, Stonington CT
Priscilla Chesebrough -----------
b.6_Nov_1704, Stonington CT
wife of Jabez Chesebrough
wife of Thomas Palmer
d. before 12_Jun_1776
|-- Lucy Palmer [123336]
| b.23_Dec_1734, Stonington CT
| m.19_Sep_1765, Stonington CT
| wife of Charles Thompson
| d.4_Mar_1828, Stonington CT
|-- Thomas Palmer [123337]
|-- Jabez Palmer [123338]
| b.24_Jan_1740/41,
| Stonington CT
| d.1_Jul_1812, Ashfield
|-- Bridget Palmer [123339]
|-- Desire Palmer [123340]
| b.19_Jul_1746, Stonington CT
|-- Samuel Palmer [123341]
mother's other spousal relationships
Jazeb Chesebrough [123329] = Priscilla Chesebrough

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Elihu Thompson [123342] = Desire Palmer [123340]

group index
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Amos Chesebrough [121336] = Desire Williams [123343]
Amos Chesebrough [121336] -------
Stonington CT
d. Stonington CT
Desire Williams [123343] --------
b.25_Aug_1712, Stonington CT
m.2_Dec_1729, Stonington CT
wife of Amos Chesebrough
d. after 10_Jan_1775
|-- Amos Chesebrough [123344]
|-- Desire Chesebrough [123345]
|-- Lydia Esther Chesebrough
| [123346]
|-- Priscilla Chesebrough
| [123347]
| b.11_Jan_1738, Stonington CT
| m.ca.1785, Stonington CT
| wife of William Pendleton
| d. after 7_May_1816
|-- Mary Chesebrough [123348]
|-- Samuel Chesebrough [123349]
|-- Hannah Chesebrough [123350]
|-- John Chesebrough [123351]
| b.4_Apr_1748, Stonington CT
| d.16_Jul_1815, Brookfield NY
|-- Joshua Chesebrough [123352]
| d. after 26_May_1770
| b.14_Oct_1750, Stonington CT
|-- Elizabeth Chesebrough
| [123353]

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William Pendleton [123354] = Priscilla Chesebrough
William Pendleton [123354] ------
Westerly RI
d.28_Aug_1820, Newport RI
Priscilla Chesebrough -----------
b.11_Jan_1738, Stonington CT
m.ca.1785, Stonington CT
wife of William Pendleton
d. after 7_May_1816

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Nehemiah Palmer [123355] = Mary Eldredge [123356]
Nehemiah Palmer [123355] --------
Mary Eldredge [123356] ----------
wife of Nehemiah Palmer
|-- Lois Palmer [123357]
| b.7_Sep_1751, Stonington CT
| m.5_Oct_1777, Stonington CT
wife of John Chesebrough

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John Chesebrough [123351] = Lois Palmer [123357]

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Richard Shaw [123358] = Hannah Chesebrough [121337]
Richard Shaw [123358] -----------
Hannah Chesebrough [121337] -----
b.16_Jul_1712, Stonington CT
m.24_Dec_1730, Stonington CT
wife of Richard Shaw
|-- Jabez Shaw [123359]
| c.10_Sep_1732, Stonington CT
|-- ________ Shaw [123360]
| b.14_Dec_1732, E. Hampton NY
d.14_Dec_1732, E. Hampton NY

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Robert Geer [123361] = Martha Tyler [123362]
Robert Geer [123361] ------------
Martha Tyler [123362] -----------
wife of Robert Geer
|-- James Geer [123363]
| b.7_Dec_1713, N. Groton CT

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James Geer [123363] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
James Geer [123363] -------------
b.7_Dec_1713, N. Groton CT
Sarah Chesebrough [121338] ------
b.14_Aug_1715, Stonington CT
m.27_Nov_1739, Stonington CT
wife of James Geer
Stonington CT
wife of Ebenezer Billings
N. Stonington CT
wife of John Denison
d.5_Mar_1786, Stonington CT
|-- Mary Geer [123364]
|-- Lydia Geer [123365]
|-- Lucy Geer [123366]
|-- James Geer [123367]
| b.17_Feb_1747/48, Groton CT
|-- Samuel Geer [123368]
mother's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Billings [123372] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
John Denison [123375] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]

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Nathaniel Hewitt [123314] = Rebecca Grant [123369]

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James Geer [123367] = Lucy Hewitt [123370]
father's other spousal relationships
James Geer [123367] = Hannah Bellows [123371]

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James Geer [123367] = Hannah Bellows [123371]
James Geer [123367] -------------
b.17_Feb_1747/48, Groton CT
Hannah Bellows [123371] ---------
m.1772, Connecticut
wife of James Geer
father's other spousal relationships
James Geer [123367] = Lucy Hewitt [123370]

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Ebenezer Billings [123372] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
Ebenezer Billings [123372] ------
Stonington CT
N. Stonington CT
Sarah Chesebrough [121338] ------
b.14_Aug_1715, Stonington CT
m.27_Nov_1739, Stonington CT
wife of James Geer
Stonington CT
wife of Ebenezer Billings
N. Stonington CT
wife of John Denison
d.5_Mar_1786, Stonington CT
mother's other spousal relationships
James Geer [123363] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
John Denison [123375] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]

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Edward Denison [123373] = Mercy ________ [123374]
Edward Denison [123373] ---------
Mercy ________ [123374] ---------
wife of Edward Denison
|-- John Denison [123375]
| b.1701, Stonington CT
| d.28_Nov_1777, Stonington CT

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John Denison [123375] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
John Denison [123375] -----------
b.1701, Stonington CT
d.28_Nov_1777, Stonington CT
Sarah Chesebrough [121338] ------
b.14_Aug_1715, Stonington CT
m.27_Nov_1739, Stonington CT
wife of James Geer
Stonington CT
wife of Ebenezer Billings
N. Stonington CT
wife of John Denison
d.5_Mar_1786, Stonington CT
mother's other spousal relationships
James Geer [123363] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]
Ebenezer Billings [123372] = Sarah Chesebrough [121338]

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John Stanton [123376] = Prudence Chesebrough
John Stanton [123376] -----------
b.29_Sep_1714, Stonington CT
d. before 16_Nov_1762,
Groton CT
Prudence Chesebrough ------------
Stonington CT
m.27_Feb_1736/37, Groton CT
wife of John Stanton
d.9_May_1783. Groton CT
|-- Sarah C. Stanton [123377]
| (Chesebrough)
| b.31_Jul_1739, Groton CT
| m.ca.1760
| wife of ________ Billings
|-- John Stanton [123378]
| b.17_May_1745, Groton CT
|-- Samuel Stanton [123379]
| b.10_Nov_1747, Groton CT
|-- Amos Stanton [123380]
| b.27_Nov_1750, Groton CT
|-- Robert Stanton [123381]
| b.ca.1752, Groton CT
| d.1783-1784, Groton CT
|-- Prudence Stanton [123382]
|-- James Stanton [123383]
| b.28_Dec_1756, Groton CT
|-- Cassandra Stanton [123384]
father's other spousal relationships
John Stanton [123376] = Abigail Bass [121377]

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Reuben Paddock [121341] = Rebecca Hand [123386]
Reuben Paddock [121341] ---------
b.27_Dec_1707, Yarmouth MA
Rebecca Hand [123386] -----------
wife of Reuben Paddock
|-- Jonathan Paddock [123387]
| b.ca.1740-1750
|-- Ebenezer Paddock [123388]
|-- Reuben Paddock [123389]
|-- William Paddock [123390]

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Jonathan Paddock [123387] = Keziah Smith [123391]

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Ebenezer Howes [123392] = Lydia Joyce [123393]
Ebenezer Howes [123392] ---------
Lydia Joyce [123393] ------------
wife of Ebenezer Howes
|-- Thankful Howes [123394]
| b.22_Aug_1711, Yarmouth MA
| m.2_Dec_1744, Yarmouth MA
wife of Samuel Paddock

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Samuel Paddock [121343] = Thankful Howes [123394]
Samuel Paddock [121343] ---------
b.12_Oct_1711, Yarmouth MA
Thankful Howes [123394] ---------
b.22_Aug_1711, Yarmouth MA
m.2_Dec_1744, Yarmouth MA
wife of Samuel Paddock
|-- Samuel Paddock [123395]
|-- Judah Paddock [123396]
|-- Mary Paddock [123397]

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Thomas Simmons [136295] = Elizabeth Nash [136307]

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Thomas Nash [136309] = Margaret Porter [136308]
Thomas Nash [136309] ------------
Margaret Porter [136308] --------
wife of Thomas Nash
|-- Elizabeth Nash [136307]
| b.12_Aug_1609
| m.1627, Plymouth MA
| wife of Thomas Simmons
d.20_Sep_1680, Scituate MA

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Daniel Warner [123448] = Mary Hubbard [123449]
Daniel Warner [123448] ----------
Mary Hubbard [123449] -----------
wife of Daniel Warner
|-- Capt. Joseph Warner [123450]
| b.8_Jun_1710, Hatfield MA
| d.20_Apr_1794, Cunningham MA

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Capt. Joseph Warner [123450] = Rebecca Paddock [121346]
Capt. Joseph Warner [123450] ----
b.8_Jun_1710, Hatfield MA
d.20_Apr_1794, Cunningham MA
Rebecca Paddock [121346] --------
b.12_May_1718, Yarmouth MA
m.10_Jun_1742, Dartmouth MA
wife of Thomas Spooner
m.12_Nov_1781, Hardwick NA
wife of Capt. Joseph Warner
d.3_Jun_1812, Cunningham MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Spooner [123437] = Rebecca Paddock [121346]

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Nathaniel Paddock [121347] = Eunice Delano [20019]
Nathaniel Paddock [121347] ------
Yarmouth MA
d. before 6_Nov_1758,
Rochester MA
Eunice Delano [20019] -----------
b.31_May_1727, Dartmouth MA
wife of Nathaniel Paddock
d. after 6_Nov_1758
|-- Alice Paddock [123451]
| b.23_Nov_1748, Rochester MA
|-- Stephen Paddock [123452]
| b.25_Jun_1750, Rochester MA
|-- Grace Paddock [123453]
|-- Daniel Paddock [123454]
| b.19_Aug_1754, Rochester MA
|-- Hannah Paddock [123455]
| b.4_Dec_1756, Rochester MA

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Robert Thorndike [123456] = Elizabeth Woodbury [123457]
Robert Thorndike [123456] -------
Elizabeth Woodbury [123457] -----
wife of Robert Thorndike
|-- Elizabeth Thorndike [123458]
| b.5_Mar_1730/31, Falmouth ME
| m.10_Nov_1750, Falmouth ME
wife of David Alden
d.Oct_1804, Portland ME

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David Alden [121351] = Elizabeth Thorndike [123458]
David Alden [121351] ------------
b.14_Feb_1717, Duxbury MA
d. after 14_May_1782
Elizabeth Thorndike [123458] ----
b.5_Mar_1730/31, Falmouth ME
m.10_Nov_1750, Falmouth ME
wife of David Alden
d.Oct_1804, Portland ME
|-- Hannah Alden [123459]
|-- Elizabeth Alden [123460]
| b.17_Oct_1754,
| Cape Elizabeth ME
| m.9_Jun_1782, Falmouth ME
| wife of Capt. Lemuel Dyer
| d. after 14_May_1782
|-- Bathsheba Alden [123461]
| b.22_Aug_1759,
| Cape Elizabeth ME
| m.25_Dec_1793, Falmouth ME
| wife of John Henderson
|-- Rebecca Alden [123462]
|-- David Alden [123463]
|-- Mary Alden [123464]
|-- Benjamin Alden [123465]
| b.23_Aug_1768,
| Cape Elizabeth ME
| d.19_Jan_1818, Baltimore MD
|-- John Alden [123466]
|-- James alden [123467]
|-- Abigail Alden [123468]
| b.25_Dec_1777,
| Cape Elizabeth ME
| wife of David Brown
| wife of James Wallace

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Capt. Lemuel Dyer [123469] = Elizabeth Alden [123460]
Capt. Lemuel Dyer [123469] ------
Elizabeth Alden [123460] --------
Cape Elizabeth ME
m.9_Jun_1782, Falmouth ME
wife of Capt. Lemuel Dyer
d. after 14_May_1782

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John Henderson [123470] = Bathsheba Alden [123461]
John Henderson [123470] ---------
Bathsheba Alden [123461] --------
Cape Elizabeth ME
m.25_Dec_1793, Falmouth ME
wife of John Henderson

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Benjamin Alden [123465] = Ann Richards [123471]
Benjamin Alden [123465] ---------
Cape Elizabeth ME
d.19_Jan_1818, Baltimore MD
Ann Richards [123471] -----------
wife of Benjamin Alden
father's other spousal relationships
Benjamin Alden [123465] = Mary Mitchell [123472]

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Benjamin Alden [123465] = Mary Mitchell [123472]
Benjamin Alden [123465] ---------
Cape Elizabeth ME
d.19_Jan_1818, Baltimore MD
Mary Mitchell [123472] ----------
m. before 5_Nov_1803,
Baltimore MD
wife of Benjamine Alden
d. after 14_Sep_1805
father's other spousal relationships
Benjamin Alden [123465] = Ann Richards [123471]

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David Brown [123473] = Abigail Alden [123468]
David Brown [123473] ------------
Abigail Alden [123468] ----------
Cape Elizabeth ME
wife of David Brown
wife of James Wallace
mother's other spousal relationships
James Wallace [123474] = Abigail Alden [123468]

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James Wallace [123474] = Abigail Alden [123468]
James Wallace [123474] ----------
Abigail Alden [123468] ----------
Cape Elizabeth ME
wife of David Brown
wife of James Wallace
mother's other spousal relationships
David Brown [123473] = Abigail Alden [123468]

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Abiathar Alden [121353] = Sarah ________ [123475]
Abiathar Alden [121353] ---------
b.29_Jul_1721, Duxbury MA
d. before 19_Oct_1801
Sarah ________ [123475] ---------
wife of Abiathar Alden
Pepperellborough ME
|-- ________ Alden [123476]
| b.ca.1771
| d.ca.1771

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Bezaleel Alden [121354] = Lydia Bartlett [121830]
Bezaleel Alden [121354] ---------
b.15_May_1722, Duxbury MA
d.9_Feb_1799, Duxbury MA
Lydia Bartlett [121830] ---------
b.30_Aug_1725, Duxbury MA
m.22_Dec_1748, Duxbury MA
wife of Bezaleel Alden
d.24_Mar_1810, Duxbury MA
|-- Benjamin Alden [123477]
| b.12_Sep_1749, Duxbury MA
| d.8_Jan_1835, Duxbury MA
|-- Lydia Alden [123478]
| b.5_Oct_1755, Duxbury MA
| d.12_Nov_1812
|-- Isaiah Alden [123479]

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Wrestling Alden [121355] = Elizabeth Samson [121723]
Wrestling Alden [121355] --------
b.11_Oct_1724, Duxbury MA
d.5_Sep_1813, Duxbury MA
Elizabeth Samson [121723] -------
b.Feb_1725/26, Duxbury MA
m. before 1749
wife of Wrestling Alden
d.29_Mar_1806, Duxbury MA
|-- Michael Alden [123481]
| b.9_Frb_1748/49, Duxbury MA
| d.19_Nov_1841
|-- Bartlett Alden [123482]
| b.22_May_1749-1750,
| Duxbury MA
|-- Wrestling Alden [123483]
| b.14_Jun_1751, Duxbury MA
|-- ________ Alden [123484]
| b.24_Jan_1753, Duxbury MA
| d.24_Jan_1753, Duxbury MA
|-- Hannah Alden [123485]
|-- ________ Alden [123486]
| b.Nov_1755, Duxbury MA
| d.8_Jan_1756, Duxbury MA
|-- Priscilla Alden [123487]
| b.19_Oct_1756, Duxbury MA
| d.21_Jan_1845, Duxbury MA
|-- Sarah Alden [123488]
| b.21_Mar_1758, Duxbury MA
| m.15_Jan_1785, Scituate MA
| wife of Samuel Latham
| d.17_Nov_1790,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Patmos Alden [123489]
| (Patty)
| b.12_Aug_1759, Duxbury MA
| d.14_Apr_1836, Duxbury MA
|-- Elizabeth Alden [123490]
| b.29_Mar_1761, Duxbury MA
| d.25_Mar_1836, Duxbury MA
|-- Abiathar Alden [123491]
| b.16_Apr_1763, Duxbury MA
| d. before 29_Oct_1790
|-- Sabra Alden [123492]
| c.16_Dec_1764, Duxbury MA
| d.1_Jan_1842, Duxbury MA
|-- Mary Alden [123493]
| c.11_Jan_1767, Duxbury MA
| d.27_Nov_1849, Duxbury MA

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Samuel Latham [123494] = Sarah Alden [123488]
Samuel Latham [123494] ----------
b.14_Apr_1751, Scituate MA
d.20_Dec_1843, Pembroke MA
Sarah Alden [123488] ------------
b.21_Mar_1758, Duxbury MA
m.15_Jan_1785, Scituate MA
wife of Samuel Latham
Marshfield MA

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Capt. Thomas Frazer [123495] = Rebecca Alden [121359]
Capt. Thomas Frazer [123495] ----
b.14_Feb_1736, Scotland
d.18_Nov_1782, Duxbury MA
Rebecca Alden [121359] ----------
b.4_Jan_1730, Duxbury MA
m.27_Nov_1760, Duxbury MA
wife of Capt. Thomss Frazer
d.21_Jul_1818, Duxbury MA
|-- John Frazer [123496]
| b.20_Dec_1761,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Thomas Frazer [123497]
| b.22_Jul_1764,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Samuel Alden Frazer [123498]
|-- Rebecca Frazer [123499]
| b. before 8_Oct_1768
| d.7_Nov_1840, Duxbury MA

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Samuel Alden [121363] = Abigail Sylvester [122851]
Samuel Alden [121363] -----------
b.13_Aug_1737, Duxbury MA
d.18_Feb_1799, Duxbury MA
Abigail Sylvester [122851] ------
b.17_Apr_1747, Duxbury MA
m.21_Jul_1774, Duxbury MA
wife of Samuel Alden
d.11_sep_1806, Duxbury MA
|-- Samuel Alden [123500]
| b.12_Jun_1778, Duxbury MA
| d.3_May_1797, West Indies
|-- Abigail S. Alden [123501]
|-- Lucy Alden [123502]
| b.ca.1785, Duxbury MA
| m.Aug_1806, Duxbury MA
| wife of Micah Soule
|-- Nancy Alden [123503]
| b.ca.1784, Duxbury MA
| d.1_Dec_1869, Duxbury MA

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Micah Soule [123504] = Lucy Alden [123502]
Micah Soule [123504] ------------
b.ca.1781, Duxbury MA
Lucy Alden [123502] -------------
b.ca.1785, Duxbury MA
m.Aug_1806, Duxbury MA
wife of Micah Soule

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Ichabod Alden [121364] = Mary Wakefield [123505]
Ichabod Alden [121364] ----------
b.11_Aug_1739, Duxbury MA
Cherry Valley NY
Mary Wakefield [123505] ---------
Middleboro MA
wife of Ichabod Alden
d.10_May_1838, Duxbury MA
|-- John Alden [123506]
|-- Rebecca Partridge Alden
| [123507]

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Nathaniel Loring [123508] = Priscilla Bailey [123509]
Nathaniel Loring [123508] -------
Priscilla Bailey [123509] -------
wife of Nathaniel Loring
|-- William Loring [123510]
| b.11_Oct_1741, Duxbury MA
| d.18_Oct_1815, Pembroke MA

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William Loring [123510] = Alethea Alden [121365]
William Loring [123510] ---------
b.11_Oct_1741, Duxbury MA
d.18_Oct_1815, Pembroke MA
Alethea Alden [121365] ----------
b.24_Aug_1744, Duxbury MA
m.8_Jan_1767, Duxbury MA
wife of William Loring
d.31_Mar_1820, Pembroke MA
|-- William Loring [123511]
|-- Ichabod Loring [123512]
| b.14_Apr_1772, Duxbury MA
| d. before 6_Dec_1815
|-- Joshua Loring [123513]
| b.4_Dec_1774, Duxbury MA
|-- Samuel Loring [123514]
|-- Alden Loring [123515]
|-- Sophia Bradford Loring
| [123516]
| c.27_Jun_1784, Pembroke MA
| m.4_Jan_1829,
| Marshfield MA
| wife of Elisha Tilden
| d,15_Jan_1874,
| Marshfield MA
|-- Clarissa Loring [123517]
|-- Bailey Loring [123518]

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Joshua Loring [123513] = Hannah Dingley [123519]
Joshua Loring [123513] ----------
b.4_Dec_1774, Duxbury MA
Hannah Dingley [123519] ---------
m.ca.1797, Plymouth MA
wife of Joshua Loring

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Elisha Tilden [123520] = Grace Lovis [123521]
Elisha Tilden [123520] ----------
Grace Lovis [123521] ------------
wife of Elisha Tilden
|-- Elisha Tilden [123522]
| b.19_Apr_1800,
| Marshfield MA
Marshfield MA

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Elisha Tilden [123522] = Sophia Bradford Loring
Elisha Tilden [123522] ----------
Marshfield MA
Marshfield MA
Sophia Bradford Loring ----------
c.27_Jun_1784, Pembroke MA
Marshfield MA
wife of Elisha Tilden
Marshfield MA

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Francis Winter [123523] = Abigail Alden [121366]
Francis Winter [123523] ---------
b.3_Dec_1744, Boston MA
d.Sep_1835, Bath ME
Abigail Alden [121366] ----------
b.23_Apr_1750, Duxbury MA
m.27_Oct_1768, Duxbury MA
wife of Trancis Winter
d.19_Apr_1826, Bath ME
|-- Francis Winter [123524]
| b.1_Oct_1778, Bath ME
| d.14_Oct_1811, Washington NC
|-- Charlotte Winter [123525]
|-- Abigail Winter [123526]
| b.5_Sep_1785, Georgetown ME
| m.28_Apr_1812, Bath ME
| wife of David Clifford
| wife of Thomas Lamont
|-- Samuel Winter [123527]
|-- Alden Winter [123528]

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Francis Winter [123524] = Elizabeth Berry [123529]
Francis Winter [123524] ---------
b.1_Oct_1778, Bath ME
d.14_Oct_1811, Washington NC
Elizabeth Berry [123529] --------
(or Polly)
b.Oct_1778, Bath ME
wife of Francis Winter

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David Clifford [123530] = Abigail Winter [123526]
David Clifford [123530] ---------
Abigail Winter [123526] ---------
b.5_Sep_1785, Georgetown ME
m.28_Apr_1812, Bath ME
wife of David Clifford
wife of Thomas Lamont
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Lamont [123531] = Abigail Winter [123526]

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Thomas Lamont [123531] = Abigail Winter [123526]
Thomas Lamont [123531] ----------
Abigail Winter [123526] ---------
b.5_Sep_1785, Georgetown ME
m.28_Apr_1812, Bath ME
wife of David Clifford
wife of Thomas Lamont
mother's other spousal relationships
David Clifford [123530] = Abigail Winter [123526]

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John Bass [121369] = Lydia Savil [123532]
John Bass [121369] --------------
b.8_Jun_1688, Braintree MA
d.16_Mar_1762, Braintree MA
Lydia Savil [123532] ------------
wife of John Bass
d.4_Feb_1715, Braintree MA
|-- ________ Bass [123533]
| b.4_Feb_1715, Braintree MA
| d.4_Feb_1715, Braintree MA
father's other spousal relationships
John Bass [121369] = Hannah Neal [123534]

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John Bass [121369] = Hannah Neal [123534]
John Bass [121369] --------------
b.8_Jun_1688, Braintree MA
d.16_Mar_1762, Braintree MA
Hannah Neal [123534] ------------
Braintree MA
m.21_Jun_1716, Braintree MA
wife of John Bass
d.15_May_1761, Braintree MA
|-- John Bass [123535]
|-- Benjamin Bass [123536]
|-- Jedediah Bass [123537]
|-- Joseph Bass [123538]
| b.29_Feb_1723, Braintree MA
| d.23_Sep_1800
|-- Jonathan Bass [123539]
|-- Hannah Bass [123540]
father's other spousal relationships
John Bass [121369] = Lydia Savil [123532]

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Joseph Bass [123538] = Hannah Banks [123541]
Joseph Bass [123538] ------------
b.29_Feb_1723, Braintree MA
Hannah Banks [123541] -----------
b.ca.1725, Braintree MA
m.6_Oct_1748, Braintree MA
wife of Joseph Bass

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Samuel Bass [121370] = Sarah Savil [123542]
Samuel Bass [121370] ------------
b.17_Jun_1691, Braintree MA
d.Mar_1724, Braintree MA
Sarah Savil [123542] ------------
b.10_Nov_1687, Braintree MA
m.15_Aug_1723, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d.29_Jan_1725, Braintree MA
|-- Samuel Bass [123543]
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Gould [123544]
Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Payne [123545]

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Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Gould [123544]
Samuel Bass [121370] ------------
b.17_Jun_1691, Braintree MA
d.Mar_1724, Braintree MA
Mary Gould [123544] -------------
b.ca.1688, Hull MA
m.28_Jul_1726, Dorchester MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d.12_Jul_1747, Braintree MA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121370] = Sarah Savil [123542]
Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Payne [123545]

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Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Payne [123545]
Samuel Bass [121370] ------------
b.17_Jun_1691, Braintree MA
d.Mar_1724, Braintree MA
Mary Payne [123545] -------------
b.4_May_1689, Braintree MA
m.22_Nov_1750, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121370] = Sarah Savil [123542]
Samuel Bass [121370] = Mary Gould [123544]

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Ebenezer Bass [121372] = Sarah Moseley [123546]
Ebenezer Bass [121372] ----------
c.11_Oct_1702, Braintree MA
Sarah Moseley [123546] ----------
b.23_Jul_1702, Dorchester MA
m.3_Jul_1733, Braintree MA
wife of Ebenezer Bass
|-- Ebenezer Bass [123547]
| b.11_Dec_1741, Braintree MA
| d.11_May_1762

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Daniel Legare [123548] = Ruth Bass [121374]
Daniel Legare [123548] ----------
Ruth Bass [121374] --------------
b.ca.1688, Lynn MA
m.ca.1709, Lynn MA
wife of Daniel Legare
d.ca.1722, Boston MA
|-- John Legare [123549]
| b.3_Oct_1709, Braintree MA
|-- Francis Legare [123550]
| b.31_Dec_1711, Braintree MA
| d.7_Jan_1712, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Legare [123551]
|-- Daniel Legare [123552]
| b.14_Dec_1714, Boston MA
| d.19_Oct_1715, Boston MA
|-- Anne Legare [123553]
| b.ca.1716, Boston MA
| m.ca.1737
| wife of Joseph Johnson
|-- Josiah Legare [123554]
| c.30_Jul_1720, Boston MA

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Joseph Johnson [123555] = Anne Legare [123553]
Joseph Johnson [123555] ---------
Anne Legare [123553] ------------
b.ca.1716, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Johnson

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Jonathan Bass [121376] = Susanna Byram [123556]
Jonathan Bass [121376] ----------
c.3_Aug_1697, Braintree MA
E. Braintree MA
Susanna Byram [123556] ----------
Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Jonathan Bass
E. Bridgewater MA
|-- Jonathan Bass [123557]
| c.3_Jan_1718/19,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Jonathan Bass [123558]
|-- Susanna Bass [123559]
|-- Mary Bass [123560]
|-- Mehitabel Bass [123561]
|-- Bethia Bass [123562]
| c.18_Oct_1730,
| E. Bridgewater MA
|-- Bathsheba Bass [123563]
|-- Sarah Bass [123564]
|-- Eunice Bass [123565]

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John Stanton [123376] = Abigail Bass [121377]
John Stanton [123376] -----------
b.29_Sep_1714, Stonington CT
d. before 16_Nov_1762,
Groton CT
Abigail Bass [121377] -----------
c.3_Oct_1697, Braintree MA
wife of John Wild
d. before 25_Oct_1744
|-- Abigail Wild [123567]
|-- John Wild [123568]
| b.18_Mar_1719, Braintree MA
| d.29_Mar_1721, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Wild [123569]
|-- Bathsheba Wild [123570]
|-- John Wild [123571]
|-- Samuel Wild [123572]
father's other spousal relationships
John Stanton [123376] = Prudence Chesebrough

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William Bowditch [123573] = Mary Bass [121378]
William Bowditch [123573] -------
b.2_Apr_1720, Braintree MA
d.16_Apr_1748, Braintree MA
Mary Bass [121378] --------------
b.22_Jul_1690, Braintree MA
m.2_Apr_1720, Braintree MA
wife of William Bowditch
wife of John Miller
d.31_Jan_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Bowditch [123574]
|-- Bethiah Bowditch [123575]
|-- Ruth Bowditch [123576]
| b.7_Mar_1724, Braintree MA
|-- William Bowditch [123577]
|-- Samuel Bowditch [123578]
|-- Abigail Bowditch [123579]
|-- Susanna Bowditch [123580]
|-- Bathsheba Bowditch [123581]
|-- Jonathan Bowditch [123582]
mother's other spousal relationships
John Miller [123583] = Mary Bass [121378]

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John Miller [123583] = Mary Bass [121378]
John Miller [123583] ------------
Mary Bass [121378] --------------
b.22_Jul_1690, Braintree MA
m.2_Apr_1720, Braintree MA
wife of William Bowditch
wife of John Miller
d.31_Jan_1749, Braintree MA
mother's other spousal relationships
William Bowditch [123573] = Mary Bass [121378]

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Samuel Bass [121379] = Hannah White [123584]
Samuel Bass [121379] ------------
b.26_Jul_1700, Braintree MA
d.3_Apr_1768, Holbrook MA
Hannah White [123584] -----------
b.11_Dec_1704, Braintree MA
m.4_Dec_1722, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d.6_Jun_1743, Braintree MA
|-- Hannah Bass [123585]
|-- Abigail Bass [123586]
|-- Samuel Bass [123587]
| b.5_Aug_1733, Randolph MA
|-- Jonathan Bass [123588]
|-- Daniel Bass [123589]
|-- ________ Bass [123590]
| b.11_Sep_1740, Randolph MA
| d.22_Sep_1740, Randolph MA
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121379] = Jerusha Webb [123591]

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Samuel Bass [121379] = Jerusha Webb [123591]
Samuel Bass [121379] ------------
b.26_Jul_1700, Braintree MA
d.3_Apr_1768, Holbrook MA
Jerusha Webb [123591] -----------
Braintree MA
m.10_Jan_1743, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Bass
d. after 21_Sep_1767
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Bass [121379] = Hannah White [123584]

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William Torrey [123592] = Bethiah Bass [121380]
William Torrey [123592] ---------
b.Sep_1701, Weymouth MA
d.4_Aug_1769, Boston MA
Bethiah Bass [121380] -----------
b.2_Feb_1704, Braintree MA
m.7_Dec_1727, Boston MA
wife of William Torrey
|-- William Torrey [123593]
| b.7_Jun_1729, Boston MA
|-- Samuel Torrey [123594]
| b.15_Jun_1730, Boston MA
| d.16_Jan_1731/32, Boston MA
|-- Bethia Torrey [123595]
| b.30_Dec_1731, Boston MA
|-- Esther Torrey [123596]
|-- John Torrey [123597]
|-- Joseph Torrey [123598]
| b.25_Feb_1735, Boston MA
|-- Benjamin Torrey [123599]
| b.15_Feb_1735, Boston MA
|-- Mary Torrey [123600]
| b.20_Jul_1737, Boston M
|-- Samuel Torrey [123601]
| b.7_Feb_1738, Boston MA
|-- Jonathan Torrey [123602]
| b.10_Aug_1740, Boston MA
|-- Ebenezer Torrey [123603]
| b.31_Jan_1741, Boston MA
|-- Mary Torrey [123604]
| b.23_Jul_1743, Boston MA
|-- Abigail Torrey [123605]

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William Torrey [123593] = Abigail Nichols [123606]
William Torrey [123593] ---------
b.7_Jun_1729, Boston MA
Abigail Nichols [123606] --------
c.19_Jul_1730, Boston MA
m.1_Nov_1750, Boston MA
wife of William Torrey

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Joseph Man [123607] = Bethia Torrey [123595]
Joseph Man [123607] -------------
Bethia Torrey [123595] ----------
b.30_Dec_1731, Boston MA

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Ebenezer Torrey [123603] = Sarah Willson [123608]
Ebenezer Torrey [123603] --------
b.31_Jan_1741, Boston MA
Sarah Willson [123608] ----------
b.ca.1746, Boston MA
m.17_Sep_1767, Boston MA
wife of Ebenezer Torrey

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Thomas Faxon [123624] = Ruth Webb [121385]
Thomas Faxon [123624] -----------
Braintree MA
d.Mar_1729/30, Braintree
Ruth Webb [121385] --------------
b.7_May_1684, Braintree MA
m.22_May_1716, Braintree MA
wife of Thomas Faxon
d. after Sep_1733
|-- Ruth Faxon [123625]
|-- Amee Faxon [123626]
| b.11_Feb_1718/19,
| Braintree MA
| d.19_Mar_1729/30,
| Braintree MA
|-- Hannah Faxon [123627]
|-- Priscilla Faxon [123628]
|-- Thomas Faxon [123629]
|-- Christopher Faxon [123630]

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Peter Webb [121386] = Hannah Tucker [123631]
Peter Webb [121386] -------------
b.25_Dec_1685, Braintree
d. before 22_Aug_1749
Hannah Tucker [123631] ----------
b.6_Jul_1699, Hingham MA
m.20_May_1719, Hingham MA
wife of Peter Webb
d.10_Jan_1719/20, Hingham MA
|-- Joseph Webb [123632]
| b.27_Dec_1719, Hingham MA
| d.12_Mar_1746, at sea
father's other spousal relationships
Peter Webb [121386] = Margaret Leavitt [123633]

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Peter Webb [121386] = Margaret Leavitt [123633]
Peter Webb [121386] -------------
b.25_Dec_1685, Braintree
d. before 22_Aug_1749
Margaret Leavitt [123633] -------
b.20_Oct_1683, Hingham MA
m.6_Nov_1722, Hingham MA
wife of Peter Webb
|-- Margaret Webb [123634]
father's other spousal relationships
Peter Webb [121386] = Hannah Tucker [123631]

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David Webb [121387] = unknown
David Webb [121387] -------------
b.27_Nov_1687, Braintree MA
d. after 2_Feb_1760
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Webb [123635]
| b.18_Feb_1713, Boston MA
| d.ca.1713
|-- Sarah Webb [123636]
| b.19_Mar_1714/15, Boston MA
|-- David Webb [123637]
|-- John Webb [123638]
| c.1_May_1719, Boston MA
|-- Abigail Webb [123639]
| b.18_Feb_1721/22, Boston MA

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Christopher Webb [121388] = Sarah Pratt [123640]
Christopher Webb [121388] -------
b.30_Dec_1689, Braintree MA
Sarah Pratt [123640] ------------
b.23_Oct_1695, Hingham MA
m.4_Jul_1720, Boston MA
wife of Christopher Webb
d.14_Oct_1721, Boston MA
|-- Aaron Webb [123641]
| b.25_Apr_1721, Boston MA
| d.22_Oct_1721, Boston MA
father's other spousal relationships
Christopher Webb [121388] = Sarah Newhall [123642]

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Christopher Webb [121388] = Sarah Newhall [123642]
Christopher Webb [121388] -------
b.30_Dec_1689, Braintree MA
Sarah Newhall [123642] ----------
b.14_Mar_1693, Boston MA
m.23_May_1723, Boston MA
wife of Christopher Webb
d. after 4_May_1724
father's other spousal relationships
Christopher Webb [121388] = Sarah Pratt [123640]

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John Webb [121390] = Mary Alden [123643]
John Webb [121390] --------------
b.10_Mar_1693, Braintree MA
d.12_Oct_1749, Braintree MA
Mary Alden [123643] -------------
Bridgewater MA
wife of John Webb
|-- John Webb [123644]
| b.20_Dec_1722, Braintree MA
| d.26_Aug_1726, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Webb [123645]
| b.21_Oct_1724, Braintree MA
| d.11_Oct_1725, Braintree MA
|-- Abigail Webb [123646]
| b.21_Feb_1726/27,
| Braintree MA
| d.17_Feb_1728/29,
| Braintree MA
|-- John Webb [123647]
| b.11_Nov_1728, Braintree MA
| d.19_Feb_1729

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Joseph Webb [121392] = Abigail Torrey [123648]
Joseph Webb [121392] ------------
b.17_Jun_1696, Braintree MA
d.10_Oct_1762, Braintree MA
Abigail Torrey [123648] ---------
b.18_Apr_1700, Boston MA
m.26_Oct_1721, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Webb
d.19_Jan_1753, Boston MA
|-- Joseph Webb [123649]
| b.19_Jul_1722, Boston MA
| d.ca.1724, Boston MA
|-- Samuel Webb [123650]
| b.31_Jul_1723, Boston MA
| d.10_Sep_1724, Boston MA
|-- Lydia Webb [123651]
| b.11_Feb_1724/25, Boston MA
| d.ca.1726, Boston MA
|-- Elisha Webb [123652]
| b.28_Aug_1726, Boston MA
| d.ca.1728, Boston MA
|-- Abigail Webb [123653]
|-- Grace Webb [123654]
| b.27_Sep_1729, Boston MA
| d.ca.1731
|-- Lydia Webb [123655]
| b.30_May_1735, Boston MA
| m.ca.1754, Boston MA
| wife of John Stoneman
|-- Joseph Webb [123656]
| b.29_Oct_1734, Boston MA
|-- Deborah Webb [123657]
| b.26_Feb_1735, Boston MA
| m.ca.1756, Boston MA
| wife of John Smith
|-- Grace Webb [123658]
| b.14_Jun_1737, Boston MA
| m.ca.1758, Boston MA
| wife of Prince Tobey
|-- Elisha Webb [123659]
| b.26_Jan_1738, Boston MA
| d.28_Feb_1739/40, Boston MA
|-- William Webb [123660]
| b.26_Jun_1740, Boston MA
|-- Nehemiah Webb [123661]
| b.31_Mar_1742, Boston MA
|-- Persis Webb [123662]
| b.27_Jul_1743, Boston MA
| d.10_Nov_1751, Boston MA
|-- John Webb [123663]
| b.13_Mar_1746, Boston MA

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John Stoneman [123664] = Lydia Webb [123655]
John Stoneman [123664] ----------
b.ca.1729, Boston MA
Lydia Webb [123655] -------------
b.30_May_1735, Boston MA
m.ca.1754, Boston MA
wife of John Stoneman

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Joseph Webb [123656] = Penelope Phillips [123665]
Joseph Webb [123656] ------------
b.29_Oct_1734, Boston MA
Penelope Phillips [123665] ------
b.ca.1738, Boston MA
m.ca.1759, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Webb

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John Smith [123666] = Deborah Webb [123657]
John Smith [123666] -------------
b.ca.1731, Boston MA
Deborah Webb [123657] -----------
b.26_Feb_1735, Boston MA
m.ca.1756, Boston MA
wife of John Smith

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Prince Toby [123667] = Grace Webb [123658]
Prince Toby [123667] ------------
b.ca.1731, Boston MA
Grace Webb [123658] -------------
b.14_Jun_1737, Boston MA
m.ca.1758, Boston MA
wife of Prince Tobey

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Nehemiah Webb [123661] = Sarah Smith [123668]
Nehemiah Webb [123661] ----------
b.31_Mar_1742, Boston MA
Sarah Smith [123668] ------------
b.ca.1746, Boston MA
m.30_Dec_1762, Sandwich MA
wife of Nehemiah Webb

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Samuel Hayden [123669] = Priscilla Webb [121393]
Samuel Hayden [123669] ----------
b.22_Apr_1683, Braintree MA
d. after 9_Jul_1755
Priscilla Webb [121393] ---------
b.1_Sep_1697, Braintree MA
Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Hayden
d.25_Aug_1731, Randolph MA
|-- Samuel Hayden [123670]
|-- Amy Hayden [123671]
| c.1_Sep_1717, Braintree MA
| d.Sep_1717
|-- Christopher Hayden [123672]
|-- Richard Hayden [123673]
|-- Jeremiah Hayden [123674]
| b.20_Feb_1722, Braintree MA
| d.1772
|-- ________ Hayden [123675]
| b.ca.1723
|-- Nehemiah Hayden [123676]
| b.3_Jan_1724, Braintree MA
|-- Nathaniel Hayden [123677]
|-- William Hayden [123678]
|-- ________ Hayden [123679]
| b.ca.1728
|-- Priscilla Hayden [123680]
| b.1731, Braintree MA
| d.1732, Braintree MA

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Henry Allen [123681] = Mary Webb [121394]
Henry Allen [123681] ------------
d. before 4_Oct_1729
Mary Webb [121394] --------------
b.5_Oct_1698, Braintree MA
wife of Henry Allen
|-- John Allen [123682]
| b.14_May_1719, Boston MA
|-- Peter Allen [123683]
| b.19_Apr_1721, Boston MA
|-- Mary Allen [123684]
| b.7_Apr_1723, Boston MA

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John Miller [123685] = Mary Bass [121398]
John Miller [123685] ------------
b.1691, Scotland
d. after 30_Sep_1743
Mary Bass [121398] --------------
b.22_Jun_1690, Braintree MA
m.27_Sep_1716, Boston MA
wife of John Miller
|-- John Miller [123686]
| b.3_Jul_1717, Boston MA
| d.ca.1717, Boston MA
|-- John Miller [123687]
| b.24_Dec_1722, Boston MA
|-- Joseph Miller [123688]
| b.5_Dec_1727, Boston MA

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John Miller [123687] = Margaret Millington [123689]
John Miller [123687] ------------
b.24_Dec_1722, Boston MA
Margaret Millington [123689] ----
b.ca.1726, Boston MA
m.ca.1747, Boston MA
wife of John Miller

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Joseph Miller [123688] = Mercy Mallett [123690]
Joseph Miller [123688] ----------
b.5_Dec_1727, Boston MA
Mercy Mallett [123690] ----------
b.ca.1731, Boston MA
m.ca.1752, Boston MA
wife of Joseph Miller

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Joseph Bass [121399] = Elizabeth Breck [123691]
Joseph Bass [121399] ------------
b.5_Jul_1692, Braintree MA
d.9_Jan_1752, Dorchester MA
Elizabeth Breck [123691] --------
b.30_Apr_1700, Dorchester MA
m.27_Sep_1716, Dorchester MA
wife of Joseph Bass
d.21_Jun_1751, Dorchester MA
|-- Elizabeth Bass [123692]
| b.15_Nov_1719, Dorchester MA
| d.20_Jan_1720, Dorchester MA
|-- Elizabeth Bass [123693]
|-- Joseph Bass [123694]
|-- Edward Bass [123695]
| b.23_Nov_1726, Dorchester MA
|-- Mary Bass [123696]
| b.10_Sep_1728, Dorchester MA
| m.1_Jan_1750, Roxbury MA
| wife of Joseph Williams
|-- William Bass [123697]
| b.12_Nov_1729, Dorchester MA
| d.24_Jan_1730, Dorchester MA
|-- William Bass [123698]
| b.8_Jan_1731, Dorchester MA
| d.29_Sep_1752, Dorchester MA
|-- Susannah Bass [123699]
| b.18_Feb_1733, Dorchester MA
| d.15_Dec_1752, Dorchester MA
|-- Benjamin Bass [123700]
|-- John Bass [123701]
| b.29_Sep_1738, Dorchester MA
|-- Hannah Bass [123702]
| b.9_May_1741, Dorchester MA
| wife of Amos Turner
| wife of Henry Miller
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bass [121399] = Hannah Glover [123708]

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Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]
father's other spousal relationships
Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]
mother's other spousal relationships
Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]

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Ebenezer Standish [122795] = Averick Churchill [151363]
Ebenezer Standish [122795] ------
b.16_Oct_1721, Plymouth MA
d.28_Nov_1747, Plymouth MA
Averick Churchill [151363] ------
b.15_Sep_1723, Plympton MA
m.27_Dec_1739, Halifax MA
wife of Ebenezer Standish
m.30_Oct_1750, Plympton MA
wife of ________ ________
d.28_Nov_1747, Kingston MA
mother's other spousal relationships
________ ________ [151364] = Averick Churchill [151363]

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Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]
father's other spousal relationships
Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]
mother's other spousal relationships
Elizabeth Bass [123692] = Moses Bass [121401]

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Joseph Williams [123705] = Mary Bass [123696]
Joseph Williams [123705] --------
b.1_Jan_1750, Roxbury MA
Mary Bass [123696] --------------
b.10_Sep_1728, Dorchester MA
m.1_Jan_1750, Roxbury MA
wife of Joseph Williams

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________ ________ [151364] = Averick Churchill [151363]
________ ________ [151364] ------
Averick Churchill [151363] ------
b.15_Sep_1723, Plympton MA
m.27_Dec_1739, Halifax MA
wife of Ebenezer Standish
m.30_Oct_1750, Plympton MA
wife of ________ ________
d.28_Nov_1747, Kingston MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Ebenezer Standish [122795] = Averick Churchill [151363]

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Amos Turner [123706] = Hannah Bass [123702]
Amos Turner [123706] ------------
Hannah Bass [123702] ------------
b.9_May_1741, Dorchester MA
wife of Amos Turner
wife of Henry Miller
mother's other spousal relationships
Henry Miller [123707] = Hannah Bass [123702]

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Henry Miller [123707] = Hannah Bass [123702]
Henry Miller [123707] -----------
Hannah Bass [123702] ------------
b.9_May_1741, Dorchester MA
wife of Amos Turner
wife of Henry Miller
mother's other spousal relationships
Amos Turner [123706] = Hannah Bass [123702]

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Joseph Bass [121399] = Hannah Glover [123708]
Joseph Bass [121399] ------------
b.5_Jul_1692, Braintree MA
d.9_Jan_1752, Dorchester MA
Hannah Glover [123708] ----------
Dorchester MA
m.23_Feb_17__, Braintree MA
wife of Joseph Bass
d.3_Nov_1766, Dorchester MA
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Bass [121399] = Elizabeth Breck [123691]

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Rev. Benjamin Bass [121400] = Mary Gardner [123709]
Rev. Benjamin Bass [121400] -----
b.19_Dec_1694, Braintree MA
d.23_May_1756, Hanover MA
Mary Gardner [123709] -----------
Marshfield MA
m.3_Nov_1729, Hanover MA
wife of Rev. Benjamin Bass
d.24_Feb_1772, Hanover MA
|-- Mary Bass [123710]
| b.30_Oct_1730, Hanover MA
| d.21_Mar_1802
|-- Elizabeth Bass [123711]
| b.18_Mar_1833, Hanover MA
| m.ca.1854
| wife of Edmund Sylvester
|-- Benjamin Bass [123712]

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Edmund Sylvester [123713] = Elizabeth Bass [123711]
Edmund Sylvester [123713] -------
Elizabeth Bass [123711] ---------
b.18_Mar_1833, Hanover MA
wife of Edmund Sylvester

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Moses Bass [121401] = Hannah Butler [123714]
Moses Bass [121401] -------------
b.23_Oct_1696, Braintree MA
Hannah Butler [123714] ----------
b.5_Jul_1707, Boston MA
m.28_Mar_1729, Boston MA
wife of Moses Bass
d.2_Nov_1796, Boston MA
|-- Henry Bass [123715]
| c.19_Aug_1733, Boston MA
|-- Moses Belcher Bass [123716]
|-- Hannah Bass [123717]
| c.2_Jul_1738, Boston MA
| d. before Sep_1791
|-- Henry Bass [123718]
|-- Joseph Belcher Bass [123719]
|-- Gillam Bass [123720]
father's other spousal relationships
Moses Bass [121401] = Moses Bass [121401]
Moses Bass [121401] = Moses Bass [121401]

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Samuel Trott [123721] = Ruth Bass [121402]
Samuel Trott [123721] -----------
c.8_Jan_1698, Dorchester MA
Ruth Bass [121402] --------------
b.21_Mar_1699, Braintree MA
m.21_Mar_1722, Dorchester MA
wife of Samuel Trott
wife of Peter Webb
|-- Mercy Trott [123722]
|-- Christian Trott [123723]
| b.19_Nov_1725, Dorchester MA
|-- Samuel Trott [123724]
| b.2_Jul_1727, Boston MA
|-- Samuel Trott [123725]
| b.25_May_1729, Boston MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Peter Webb [123728] = Ruth Bass [121402]

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Samuel Trott [123725] = Eliza Carpenter [123726]
Samuel Trott [123725] -----------
b.25_May_1729, Boston MA
Eliza Carpenter [123726] --------
m.31_Dec_1755, Boston MA
wife of Samuel Trott
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Trott [123725] = Vashti ________ [123727]

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Samuel Trott [123725] = Vashti ________ [123727]
Samuel Trott [123725] -----------
b.25_May_1729, Boston MA
Vashti ________ [123727] --------
wife of Samuel Trott
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Trott [123725] = Eliza Carpenter [123726]

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Peter Webb [123728] = Ruth Bass [121402]
Peter Webb [123728] -------------
Ruth Bass [121402] --------------
b.21_Mar_1699, Braintree MA
m.21_Mar_1722, Dorchester MA
wife of Samuel Trott
wife of Peter Webb
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Trott [123721] = Ruth Bass [121402]

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Daniel Henshaw [123729] = Elizabeth Bass [121404]
Daniel Henshaw [123729] ---------
b.3_Dec_1701, Boston MA
d.18_Nov_1781, Leicester MA
Elizabeth Bass [121404] ---------
b.2_Feb_1703, Braintree MA
m.30_Mar_1724, Boston MA
wife of Daniel Henshaw
|-- Daniel Henshaw [123730]
| b.13_Feb_1725, Boston MA
| d.9_Mar_1792, Worcester MA
|-- Joshua Henshaw [123731]
| b.21_Jun_1726, Boston MA
|-- Joseph Henshaw [123732]
| b.20_Dec_1727, Boston MA
|-- Mary Henshaw [123733]
| b.2_Feb_1728/29, Boston MA
| d.1729
|-- Benjamin Henshaw [123734]
|-- John Henshaw [123735]
| b.10_Jul_1731, Boston MA
| d.Dec_1731
|-- John Henshaw [123736]
| b.5_Dec_1732, Boston
| d.23_Aug_1748
|-- Elizabeth Henshaw [123737]
| b.22_Dec_1733, Boston MA
| d.1734
|-- William Henshaw [123738]
|-- Elizabeth Henshaw [123739]
|-- Mary Belcher Henshaw
| [123740]
|-- David Henshaw [123741]
| b.1_May_1741, Boston MA
| d.Jul_1741
|-- Hannah Henshaw [123742]
|-- David Henshaw [123743]
|-- Joseph Henshaw [123744]
| b.ca.1746, Boston MA

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Alden Bass [121405] = Mercy Dowding [123745]
Alden Bass [121405] -------------
b.28_Oct_1705, Braintree MA
Mercy Dowding [123745] ----------
b.11_Feb_1704, Boston MA
m.24_Aug_1727, Boston MA
wife of Alden Bass
d.26_Nov_1784, Boston MA
|-- Mary Bass [123746]
| b.8_Dec_1728, Boston MA
| m.ca.1750
| wife of Alexander Phillips
|-- Ann Bass [123747]
| b.7_Mar_1730, Braintree MA
|-- Mercy Paddy Bass [123748]
| b.15_Oct_1732, Braintree MA
|-- Alden Bass [123749]
|-- Sandys Bass [123750]
| b.4_Dec_1737, Braintree MA

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Alexander Phillips [123751] = Mary Bass [123746]
Alexander Phillips [123751] -----
Mary Bass [123746] --------------
b.8_Dec_1728, Boston MA
wife of Alexander Phillips

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Samuel Arnold [123776] = Sarah Webb [121408]
Samuel Arnold [123776] ----------
Braintree MA
Braintree MA
Sarah Webb [121408] -------------
b.10_Dec_1688, Braintree MA
m.13_Sep_1711, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Arnold
d. after Jul_1745
|-- Samuel Arnold [123777]
|-- Joseph Arnold [123778]
| b.16_May_1713, Braintree MA
| d.ca.1713
|-- Mary Arnold [123779]
|-- Sarah Arnold [123780]
|-- Joseph Arnold [123781]
|-- John Arnold [123782]
| b.4_Oct_1720, Braintree MA
| d.1722, Braintree MA
|-- Moses Arnold [123783]
| b.11_Jan_1722, Braintree MA
|-- Abigail Arnold [123784]
|-- Nathaniel Arnold [123785]
|-- Deborah Arnold [123786]
| b.14_Nov_1729, Braintree MA
| m.6_Dec_1748, Braintree MA
| wife of James Thayer
| d.14_Dec_1792, Braintree MA
|-- David Arnold [123787]

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Christopher Webb [121409] = Anne White [123788]
Christopher Webb [121409] -------
b.19_Aug_1690, Braintree MA
d.ca.1761-1761, Braintree MA
Anne White [123788] -------------
b.2_Mar_1696, Boston MA
m.30_Apr_1713, Boston MA
wife of Christopher Webb
d. after 13_Feb_1738/37
|-- Ann Webb [123789]
| b.24_Oct_1714, Boston MA
| d.30_Oct_1714, Boston MA
|-- Samuel Webb [123790]
|-- Mary Webb [123791]
| b.17_Aug_1718, Braintree MA
| d.12_Oct_1719, Braintree MA
|-- Christopher Webb [123792]
| b.5_Oct_1720, Braintree MA
| d.12_Nov_1720, Braintree MA
|-- Christopher Webb [123793]
| b.4_Dec_1721, Braintree MA
|-- Joseph Webb [123794]
| b.29_Mar_1724, Braintree MA
|-- Ann Webb [123795]
| b.2_Aug_1726, Braintree MA
| m.29_Dec_1746, Boston MA
| wife of Edward Burbeck
|-- Mary Webb [123796]
|-- Nathaniel Webb [123797]
|-- Sarah Webb [123798]
| b.14_Jul_1730, Braintree MA
| d.6_Sep_1731, Braintree MA
|-- Ebenezer Webb [123799]
| b.14_Oct_1731, Braintree MA
| d.26_Oct_1731, Braintree MA
|-- Thomas Webb [123800]
| c.15_Oct_1732, Braintree MA
|-- Ebenezer Webb [123801]
| c.23_Dec_1733, Braintree MA
|-- John Webb [123802]
| c.30_Mar_1734/35.
| Braintree MA
|-- Lydia Webb [123803]
| b.13_Feb_1736/37,
| Braintree MA
| wife of John Stevens
| wife of George Hunt

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Edward Burbeck [123804] = Ann Webb [123795]
Edward Burbeck [123804] ---------
b.18_Dec_1723, Boston MA
Ann Webb [123795] ---------------
b.2_Aug_1726, Braintree MA
m.29_Dec_1746, Boston MA
wife of Edward Burbeck

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John Stevens [123805] = Lydia Webb [123803]
John Stevens [123805] -----------
Lydia Webb [123803] -------------
Braintree MA
wife of John Stevens
wife of George Hunt
mother's other spousal relationships
George Hunt [123806] = Lydia Webb [123803]

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George Hunt [123806] = Lydia Webb [123803]
George Hunt [123806] ------------
Lydia Webb [123803] -------------
Braintree MA
wife of John Stevens
wife of George Hunt
mother's other spousal relationships
John Stevens [123805] = Lydia Webb [123803]

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William Copeland [121411] = Mary Thayer [123807]
William Copeland [121411] -------
Braintree MA
d.ca.1774, Randolph MA
Mary Thayer [123807] ------------
b.Feb_1689/90, Braintree MA
m.15_Jun_1718, Braintree MA
wife of William Copeland
d. after 1729
|-- Rebecca Copeland [123808]
|-- Lydia Copeland [123809]
| b.25_Oct_1720, Braintree MA
| m.25_Oct_1740
| wife of Benjamin Fassett
|-- William Copeland [123810]
| b.19_Aug_1722, Braintree MA
| d.29_Jun_1727, Braintree MA
|-- James Copeland [123811]
| b.19_Mar_1724, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Copeland [123812]
| b.31_May_1726, Braintree MA
|-- Anna Copeland [123813]
|-- William Copeland [123814]

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Benjamin Fassett [123815] = Lydia Copeland [123809]
Benjamin Fassett [123815] -------
b.6_Feb_1716, Canterbury CT
Lydia Copeland [123809] ---------
b.25_Oct_1720, Braintree MA
wife of Benjamin Fassett

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Jonathan Waterman [154748] = Hannah Soule [122764]
Jonathan Waterman [154748] ------
Hannah Soule [122764] -----------
b.31_Jul_1742, Plympton NA
m.27_Oct_1758, Plympton MA
wife of Jonathan Waterman
m.14_Feb_1765, Plympton MA
wife of Timothy Ripley
d.22_Mar_1820, Plympton MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Timothy Ripley [154749] = Hannah Soule [122764]

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Ephraim Copeland [121412] = Mercy Verien [123816]

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Jonathan Durant [123819] = Hannah Copeland [123817]
Jonathan Durant [123819] --------
b.21_Jan_1725, Dorchester MA
Hannah Copeland [123817] --------
b.1_Jul_1724, Boston MA
m.8_May_1751, Boston MA
wife of Jonathan Durant

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Timothy Ripley [154749] = Hannah Soule [122764]
Timothy Ripley [154749] ---------
b.16_Apr_1742, Plympton MA
d.30_Aug_1835, Plympton MA
Hannah Soule [122764] -----------
b.31_Jul_1742, Plympton NA
m.27_Oct_1758, Plympton MA
wife of Jonathan Waterman
m.14_Feb_1765, Plympton MA
wife of Timothy Ripley
d.22_Mar_1820, Plympton MA
mother's other spousal relationships
Jonathan Waterman [154748] = Hannah Soule [122764]

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Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Anna Cazneau [123820]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] -------
b.5_Feb_1726, Boston MA
Anna Cazneau [123820] -----------
b.ca.1730, Boston MA
wife of Ephraim Copeland
father's other spousal relationships
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Martha Harvey [123821]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Bethiah Baker [123822]

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Seth Alden [154746] = Harmony Southworth [154751]
Seth Alden [154746] -------------
b.3_Nov_1777, Abington MA
d.3_Jun_1838, Stoughton MA
Harmony Southworth [154751] -----
N. Bridgewater MA
m.11_Jan_1802, Stoughton MA
wife of Seth Alden
E. Stoughton MA
father's other spousal relationships
Seth Alden [154746] = Betsy Littlefield [154750]

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Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Martha Harvey [123821]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] -------
b.5_Feb_1726, Boston MA
Martha Harvey [123821] ----------
b.ca.1755, Boston MA
m.13_Jul_1777, Boston MA
wife of Ephraim Copeland
father's other spousal relationships
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Anna Cazneau [123820]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Bethiah Baker [123822]

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Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Bethiah Baker [123822]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] -------
b.5_Feb_1726, Boston MA
Bethiah Baker [123822] ----------
m.17_Nov_1788, Boston MA
wife of Ephraim Copeland
father's other spousal relationships
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Anna Cazneau [123820]
Ephraim Copeland [123818] = Martha Harvey [123821]

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Seth Alden [154746] = Betsy Littlefield [154750]
Seth Alden [154746] -------------
b.3_Nov_1777, Abington MA
d.3_Jun_1838, Stoughton MA
Betsy Littlefield [154750] ------
b.5_Oct_1790, Stoughton MA
N. Bridgewater MA
wife of Seth Alden
E. Stoughton MA
father's other spousal relationships
Seth Alden [154746] = Harmony Southworth [154751]

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Ebenezer Copeland [121413] = Deborah White [123823]
Ebenezer Copeland [121413] ------
b.16_Frb_1698, Braintree MA
Deborah White [123823] ----------
b.5_Apr_1703, Braintree MA
wife of Ebenezer Copeland
|-- Deborah Copeland [123824]
|-- Abigail Copeland [123825]
|-- Hannah Copeland [123826]
|-- Mary Copeland [123827]

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Jonathan Copeland [121414] = Bettie Snell [123828]
Jonathan Copeland [121414] ------
b.31_Aug_1701, Braintree MA
Bridgewater MA
Bettie Snell [123828] -----------
(Betty, Betsey)
b.1705, Bridgewater MA
Bridgewater MA
wife of Jonathan Copeland
d.5_Sep_1775, Sharon MA
|-- Abigail Copeland [123829]
| b.9_Dec_1724,
| Bridgewater MA
| m.29_Aug_1745,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.27_Mar_1809
|-- Betty Copeland [123830]
| b.17_Apr_1726,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.14_Jun_1750,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Jonathan Copeland [123831]
| b.9_Aug_1728,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.16_Nov_1820,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Mary Copeland [123832]
|-- Joseph Copeland [123833]
| b.28_Apr_1734
| Bridgewater MA
| d.9_Jan_1811
|-- Hannah Copeland [123834]
|-- Elijah Copeland [123835]
| b.3_Jun_1739,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.8_Sep_1817, Easton MA
|-- Daniel Copeland [123836]
|-- Sarah Copeland [123837]
| b.13_Feb_1744/45,
| Bridgewater MA
|-- Ebenezer Copeland [151284]
| b.27_Jul_1746,
| Bridgewater MA
| d.Apr_1829
|-- Betty Copeland [123838]
| b.23_Sep_1750,
| Bridgewater MA

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David Copelamd [121415] = Elizabeth Bent [123839]
David Copelamd [121415] ---------
b.15_Apr_1704, Braintree MA
d.15_Apr_1750, Milton MA
Elizabeth Bent [123839] ---------
b.13_Jan_1707/08, Milton MA
m.1_Dec_1725, Milton MA
wife of David Copeland
|-- Rachel Copeland [123840]
| b.25_Aug_1729, Milton MA
| d.5_Oct_1745, Milton MA
|-- Mary Copeland [123841]
|-- Hannah Copeland [123842]
|-- David Copeland [123843]
|-- Moses Copeland [123844]
|-- Newcomb Copeland [123845]
| b.1743, Milton MA
|-- Elizabeth Copeland [123846]
|-- Joseph Copeland [123847]
|-- Rachel Copeland [123848]

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Elijah Copeland [123835] = Rhoda Snell [153943]

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Joseph Copeland [121416] = Elizabeth Tolman [123849]
Joseph Copeland [121416] --------
b.18_May_1706, Braintree MA
d.26_Jan_1793, Scituate MA
Elizabeth Tolman [123849] -------
b.5_Nov_1713, Scituate MA
m.23_Jul_1735, Scituate MA
wife of Joseph Copeland
d.13_Nov_1798, Scituate MA
|-- Elizabeth Copeland [123850]
|-- Joseph Copeland [123851]
| c.8_Aug_1737
|-- Ruth Copeland [123852]
|-- Mary Copeland [123853]
|-- Hannah Copeland [123854]
| b.24_Feb_1742, Scituate MA
| b.15_Dec_1846, Scituate MA
|-- Rhoda Copeland [123855]
|-- Lydia Copeland [123856]
| b.20_Jul_1747, Scituate MA
| d.6_Oct_1841, Scituate MA
|-- Joseph COpeland [123857]
|-- William Copeland [123858]
|-- Ebenezer Copeland [123859]
|-- Rebecca Copeland [123860]
|-- Sarah Copeland [123861]
|-- Elisha Copeland [123862]
|-- Hulda Copeland [123863]
| b.5_Nov_1761, Scituate MA
| d.12_Feb_1763, Scituate MA
|-- Huldah Copeland [123864]
| b.30_Sep_1764, Scituate MA

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Benjamin Copeland [121417] = Sarah Allen [123865]
Benjamin Copeland [121417] ------
b.5_Oct_1708, Braintree MA
d.Oct_1790, Norton MA
Sarah Allen [123865] ------------
b.15_Apr_1709, Braintree MA
m.21_Nov_1734, Braintree MA
wife of Benjamin Copeland
d.20_Mar_1801, Norton MA
|-- Benjamin Copeland [123866]
| b.7_Jun_1738, Braintree MA
| d.1749, Norton MA
|-- Sarah Copeland [123867]
|-- Susannah Copeland [123868]
|-- Elizabeth Copeland [123869]
|-- Eunice Copeland [123870]
|-- Moses Copeland [123871]
|-- William Copeland [123872]
|-- Samuel Copeland [123873]
|-- Deacon Asa Copeland [123874]
|-- Lydia Copeland [123875]

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Ephraim Jones [123876] = Mary Copeland [121419]
Ephraim Jones [123876] ----------
b.23_Apr_1709, Braintree MA
d.1778, Braintree MA
Mary Copeland [121419] ----------
b.28_May_1713, Braintree MA
m.2_Dec_1731, Braintree MA
wife of Ephraim Jones
d.1784-1786, Braintree MA
|-- Abraham Jones [123877]
| b.4_Sep_1732, Braintree MA
| d.10_Jan_1735/36,
| Braintree MA
|-- Moses Jones [123878]
|-- Abraham Jones [123879]
| b.13_Mar_1738, Braintree MA
| d.Jun_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Hannah Jones [123880]
| b.8_Mar_1739, Braintree MA
| d.8_Mar_1739, Braintree MA
|-- Ephraim Jones [123881]
| b.12_Sep_1742, Braintree MA
| d.Jun_1749, Braintree MA
|-- John Jones [123882]
| b.29_Jan_1744, Braintree MA
| d.Jun_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Joseph Jones [123883]
| b.24_Feb_1746, Braintree MA
| d.Jun_1749, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Jones [123884]
| b.24_Feb_1746, Braintree MA
| d.Apr_1748, Braintree MA
|-- Mary Jones [123885]
|-- Ephraim Jones [123886]
|-- Hannah Jones [123887]
| b.19_Feb_1755, Braintree MA
| wife of Levi Hayden
|-- Ephraim Jones [123888]
| b.19_Feb_1755, Braintree MA
|-- Betty Jones [123889]
| b.13_Jun_1758, Braintree MA
| m.ca.1779
| wife of Samuel Ludden

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Levi Hayden [123890] = Hannah Jones [123887]
Levi Hayden [123890] ------------
b.ca.1751, Braintree MA
Hannah Jones [123887] -----------
b.19_Feb_1755, Braintree MA
wife of Levi Hayden

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Samuel Ludden [123891] = Betty Jones [123889]
Samuel Ludden [123891] ----------
Betty Jones [123889] ------------
b.13_Jun_1758, Braintree MA
wife of Samuel Ludden

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