Adam Claypoole [6811] = Dorothea Wingfield [17194]
Adam Claypoole [6811] -----------
b. Norborough, England
Dorothea Wingfield [17194] ------
b. Upton, England
St. George's, Stamford
wife of Adam Claypoole
Norborough, England
|-- John Claypoole [6812]
| b. England
|, Norborough, England
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John Claypoole [6812] = Marie Angell [6813]
John Claypoole [6812] -----------
b. England, Norborough, England
Marie Angell [6813] -------------
b. probably in London, England
m.8_Jun_1622, London, England
wife of John Claypoole
Norborough, England
|-- James Claypoole [6814]
| b.8_Oct_1634, England
| d.6_Aug_1687, Philadelphia, PA
group index
main index
home page
James Claypoole [6814] = Helen Mercer [6815]
James Claypoole [6814] ----------
b.8_Oct_1634, England
d.6_Aug_1687, Philadelphia, PA
Helen Mercer [6815] -------------
m.12_Dec_1657, Bremen, Germany
wife of James Claypoole
d.1688, Philadelphia
|-- Joseph Claypoole [6816]
| b.14_May_1677, London, England
| d. before 3_May_1744,
| Philadelphia, PA
group index
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home page
Joseph Claypoole [6816] = Rebecca Jennings [6817]
Joseph Claypoole [6816] ---------
b.14_May_1677, London, England
d. before 3_May_1744,
Philadelphia, PA
Rebecca Jennings [6817] ---------
m.20_Jul_1703, Charleston, SC
wife of Joseph Claypoole
|-- George Claypoole [6818]
| b.14_Dec_1706, Philadelphia, P
|-- Rebecca Claypoole [6819]
| b.26_Nov_1711
| m.1_May_1729
wife of Henry Pratt
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Claypoole [6816] = Edith Ward [6820]
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Joseph Claypoole [6816] = Edith Ward [6820]
father's other spousal relationships
Joseph Claypoole [6816] = Rebecca Jennings [6817]
group index
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home page
George Claypoole [6818] = Hannah ________ [6823]
group index
main index
home page
Henry Pratt [6826] = Rebecca Claypoole [6819]
group index
main index
home page
David Chambers [6954] = unknown
David Chambers [6954] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Chambers [6830]
| wife of James Claypoole
group index
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home page
James Claypoole [6821] = Mary Chambers [6830]
father's other spousal relationships
James Claypoole [6821] = Rebecca White [6829]
group index
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home page
David Chambers [6832] = Edith Claypoole [6822]
group index
main index
home page
George Claypoole [6824] = Mary Parkhouse [6834]
group index
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home page
Joseph Claypoole [6825] = Mary Wilkinson [6836]
group index
main index
home page
Matthew Pratt [6827] = unknown
group index
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home page
Enoch Hobart [6839] = Hannah Pratt [6828]
group index
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home page
William Claypole [6835] = Mary Wright [6925]
group index
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home page
Joseph Claypoole [6837] = Anne Woodhouse [6842]
Joseph Claypoole [6837] ---------
d.21_Sep_1834, Hamilton Co., O
Anne Woodhouse [6842] -----------
wife of Joseph Claypoole
|-- Anne Claypoole [6843]
| b.31_Dec_1812
| m.7_Feb_1835, Hamilton Co., OH
| wife of Richard K. Sexton
|, Santa Barbara, CA
group index
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home page
Henry Pratt [6838] = Elizabeth Dundas [6759]
group index
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home page
Thomas McKean [6882] = Sarah Armitage [6883]
Thomas McKean [6882] ------------
Sarah Armitage [6883] -----------
wife of Thomas McKean
|-- Thomas McKean [6845]
| b.20_Nov_1779
| d.5_May_1852
group index
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home page
Thomas McKean [6845] = Sarah Clementina Pratt
group index
main index
home page
Stephen Warren [6884] = Martha Cornell Mabbett
Stephen Warren [6884] -----------
Martha Cornell Mabbett ----------
wife of Stephen Warren
|-- Phoebe Elizabeth Warren
| [6850]
| m.8_Jul_1841
wife of Henry Pratt McKean
group index
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home page
Henry Pratt McKean [6846] = Phoebe Elizabeth Warren
group index
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home page
George Trott [6852] = Sarah Ann McKean [6847]
group index
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home page
Charles Louis Borie [6855] = Clementina Sophia McKean
group index
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home page
James W. Hazlehurst [6861] = Sarah McKean Trott [6853]
group index
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home page
John Thompson Lewis [6863] = Elizabeth McKean Borie
John Thompson Lewis [6863] ------
Elizabeth McKean Borie ----------
wife of John Thompson Lewis
|-- Charles Borie Lewis [6864]
|-- Phoebe Morris Lewis [6865]
|-- Elizabeth Borie Lewis [6866]
group index
main index
home page
James Mauran Rhodes [6868] = Emily Borie [6858]
James Mauran Rhodes [6868] ------
b.25_Dec_1848, Providence, RI
Emily Borie [6858] --------------
wife of James Mauran Rhodes
|-- Clementina Borie Rhodes
| [6869]
| wife of Edward T. Hartshorne
|-- Mary Aborn Rhodes [6870]
|-- James Mauran Rhodes [6871]
|-- Frank Mauran Rhodes [6872]
|-- Elizabeth McKean Rhodes
| [6873]
|-- Emily Borie Rhodes [6874]
| d.1881
|-- Emily Beauveau Rhodes [6875]
|-- Charles Borie Rhodes [6876]
|-- Sophia Beauveau Rhodes
| [6877]
|-- Lawrence Mauran Rhodes
| [6878]
group index
main index
home page
William Henry Hill [6886] = Anne Claypole [6841]
William Henry Hill [6886] -------
Anne Claypole [6841] ------------
wife of William Henry Hill
|-- Eliza Ann Hill [6887]
| b.13_May_1813
| m.1830
| wife of William A. Wright
group index
main index
home page
Richard Kiernan Sexton = Anne Claypoole [6843]
Richard Kiernan Sexton ----------
Hamilton Co., OH
Santa Barbara, CA
Anne Claypoole [6843] -----------
m.7_Feb_1835, Hamilton Co., OH
wife of Richard K. Sexton, Santa Barbara, CA
|-- Joseph Sexton [6889]
| b.14_Mar_1842,
| Hamilton Co., OH
| d.1_Aug_1917,
| Santa Barbara, CA
group index
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home page
William Augustus Wright = Eliza Ann Hill [6887]
group index
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home page
Joseph Sexton [6889] = Lucy Ann Foster [6894]
Joseph Sexton [6889] ------------
Hamilton Co., OH
Santa Barbara, CA
Lucy Ann Foster [6894] ----------
b.1_Apr_1853, Plainfield, IL
Santa Barbara, CA
wife of Joseph Sexton
Santa Barbara, CA
|-- Lucy Alice Sexton [6895]
| b.11_Sep_1888, Goleta, CA
| m.29_Sep_1907, Goleta, CA
| wife of Arthur Griffin
| d.10_Feb_1966, Salt Lake
| City, Utah
group index
main index
home page
Walker Meares [6896] = Anne Claypole Wright [6891]
Walker Meares [6896] ------------
Anne Claypole Wright [6891] -----
wife of Walker Meares
|-- William Augustus Meares
| [6897]
| d.1858
|-- Walker Meares [6898]
| d.1862
|-- Joshua Meares [6899]
|-- Susan Kidder Meares [6900]
|-- George Mordecai Meares
| [6901]
| d.1876
|-- Claypole Meares [6902]
| d.1882
|-- Adelaide Savage Meares
| [6903]
|-- Eliza Ann Hill Meares [6904]
| wife of William C. Munds
|-- Margaret Engelhard Meares
| [6905]
| m.1897
| wife of William B. Thorpe
group index
main index
home page
William Augustus Wright = Louisa Holmes [6906]
William Augustus Wright ---------
Louisa Holmes [6906] ------------
wife of William A. Wright
|-- Alice Wright [6907]
|-- William A. Wright [6908]
|-- Sally Wright [6909]
group index
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home page
William Fotterall Potter = Florence Wright [6893]
mother's other spousal relationships
John W. Atkinson [6913] = Florence Wright [6893]
group index
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home page
Arthur Griffin [6914] = Lucy Alice Sexton [6895]
Arthur Griffin [6914] -----------
b.8_Feb_1881, Goulburn,
New South Wales, Australia
d.9_Jan_1946, Salt Lake
City, Utah
Lucy Alice Sexton [6895] --------
b.11_Sep_1888, Goleta, CA
m.29_Sep_1907, Goleta, CA
wife of Arthur Griffin
d.10_Feb_1966, Salt Lake
City, Utah
|-- Phyllis Ruth Griffin [6915]
| b.11_Sep_1921, Salt Lake
| City, Utah
| m.4_May_1950, Chico, CA
| wife of Orville H. Wood
group index
main index
home page
William C. Munds [6916] = Eliza Ann Hill Meares [6904]
William C. Munds [6916] ---------
Eliza Ann Hill Meares [6904] ----
wife of William C. Munds
|-- Annette Claypole Munds
| [6917]
|-- William Capers Munds [6918]
group index
main index
home page
William Bennett Thorpe = Margaret Engelhard Meares
William Bennett Thorpe ----------
Margaret Engelhard Meares -------
wife of William B. Thorpe
|-- William B. Thorpe [6920]
| b.1898
group index
main index
home page
Tench C. Coxe [6922] = Sarah Potter [6912]
Tench C. Coxe [6922] ------------
Sarah Potter [6912] -------------
wife of Tench C. Coxe
|-- Franklin Coxe [6923]
| b.Sep_1899
group index
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home page
unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Joshua Wright [6924]
|-- Mary Wright [6925]
| m.1790
wife of William Claypole
group index
main index
home page
Orville Harold Wood [6926] = Phyllis Ruth Griffin [6915]
Orville Harold Wood [6926] ------
b.25_Jul_1918, Big Piney, MO
d.27_Sep_1969, Lebanon, MO
Phyllis Ruth Griffin [6915] -----
b.11_Sep_1921, Salt Lake
City, Utah
m.4_May_1950, Chico, CA
wife of Orville H. Wood
|-- Joseph Roy Wood [6927]
| b.25_Dec_1952, Seattle, WA
group index
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home page
Thomas Bradbury [6935] = Jane Chandler [6936]
Thomas Bradbury [6935] ----------
Jane Chandler [6936] ------------
wife of Thomas Bradbury
|-- Mary Goodin Bradbury [6929]
| d.4_Apr_1847
| m.6_May_1800
wife of John Henry Hobart
group index
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home page
John Henry Hobart [6840] = Mary Goodin Bradbury [6929]
group index
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home page
George Emlen Hare [6931] = Elizabeth Catherine Hobart
group index
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Charles Willing Hare [6932] = Mary S. Widdifield [6933]
group index
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home page
Robert Wallace [6938] = Rebecca Chambers [6833]
group index
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home page
William Burnet [6944] = unknown
William Burnet [6944] -----------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Jacob Burnet [6940]
group index
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home page
Jacob Burnet [6940] = Rebecca Wallace [6939]
group index
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William Slocum Groesbeck = Elizabeth Burnet [6941]
William Slocum Groesbeck --------
Elizabeth Burnet [6941] ---------
wife of William S. Groesbeck
|-- Julia Groesbeck [6943]
| m.1_Jun_1876
| wife of Robert Ludlow Fowler
group index
main index
home page
Robert Ludlow Fowler [6945] = Julia Groesbeck [6943]
Robert Ludlow Fowler [6945] -----
Julia Groesbeck [6943] ----------
wife of Robert Ludlow Fowler
|-- William S. G. Fowler [6946]
|-- Mary Powell Fowler [6947]
|-- Robert L. Fowler [6948]
|-- Elizabeth Burnet G. Fowler
| (Groesbeck) [6949]
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Abraham George Claypoole = Elizabeth Steele [6950]
group index
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Thomas James [6955] = Jane Byrne Claypoole [6951]
Thomas James [6955] -------------
b.5_Nov_1776, Maryland
Jane Byrne Claypoole [6951] -----
b.7_Mar_1797, Trenton, NJ
m.21_Jun_1819, Chillicothe
wife of Thomas James
|-- William James [6956]
| b.30_Mar_1823
group index
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David Gwynne [6957] = Alice Anne Claypoole [6952]
group index
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William David Lewis [6959] = Sarah Claypoole [6953]
group index
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Robert Dun [6975] = Lucy Wortham Angus [6976]
Robert Dun [6975] ---------------
Lucy Wortham Angus [6976] -------
wife of Robert Dun
|-- Lucy Ann Dun [6961]
| b.21_Aug_1822
| m.2_Jul_1846
wife of William James
group index
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William James [6956] = Lucy Ann Dun [6961]
group index
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William Hearst Bowles [6977] = Augusta Glanville [6978]
William Hearst Bowles [6977] ----
Augusta Glanville [6978] --------
wife of William H. Bowles
|-- Octavia Ann Bowles [6965]
| m.2_Jul_1873
| wife of Thomas James
group index
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Thomas James [6962] = Octavia Ann Bowles [6965]
group index
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home page
William Alexander Rucker = Lucy James [6963]
William Alexander Rucker --------
b.17_Mar_1831, Grosse Isle, MI
d.22_Jan_1893, Chicago
Lucy James [6963] ---------------
b.29_Dec_1848, Chillicothe
wife of William A. Rucker
wife of James Dun
|-- William James Rucker [6968]
| b.25_Apr_1873, St. James, MO
mother's other spousal relationships
James Dun [6969] = Lucy James [6963]
group index
main index
home page
George Hamilton Cook [6970] = Jane James [6964]
George Hamilton Cook [6970] -----
Jane James [6964] ---------------
b.4_Oct_1851, Maramec
Iron Works, Missouri
wife of George H. Cook
|-- Lucy James Cook [6971]
| b.13_Dec_1882
|-- Elizabeth Graham Cook [6972]
| b.28_Jan_1884
|-- Jane James Cook [6973]
| b.15_Jul_1885
|-- Frances Swayne Cook [6974]
| b.13_Dec_1887
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home page
Henry Collins Flagg [6988] = unknown
Henry Collins Flagg [6988] ------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Cettie Moore Flagg [6979]
| d.18_Mar_1863
| wife of Abraham Evan Gwynne
group index
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Abraham Evan Gwynne [6958] = Cettie Moore Flagg [6979]
group index
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home page
William Henry Vanderbilt = unknown
group index
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home page
Cornelius Vanderbilt II = Alice Claypoole Gwynne
Cornelius Vanderbilt II ---------
chairman of the board,
New York Central RR
Staten Is. NY
Alice Claypoole Gwynne ----------
wife of Cornelius Vanderbilt
|-- William H. Vanderbilt [6983]
| b.21_Dec_1870
| d.22_May_1892
|-- Cornelius Vanderbilt III
| [6984]
| b.1873, New York City
| d.1942
|-- Gertrude Vanderbilt [6985]
| b.1875
| wife of Henry P. Whitney
| d.1942
|-- Alfred Vanderbilt [6986]
|-- Gladys Vanderbilt [6987]
group index
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home page
Cornelius Vanderbilt [6989] = unknown
Cornelius Vanderbilt [6989] -----
commodore Vanderbilt
1st president of the
New York Central RR
b.1794, Staten Is. NY
unknown -------------------------
|-- William Henry Vanderbilt
| [6990]
| president,
| New York Central RR
| b.1821, New Brunswick NJ
| d.1885
|-- Marie Louise Vanderbilt
| [6991]
wife of Horace F. Clark
group index
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home page
Thomas Neilson [6992] = Sarah Claypoole Lewis [6960]
group index
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Robert Henry Neilson [6994] = Emily Souder Lemiard [7001]
Robert Henry Neilson [6994] -----
Emily Souder Lemiard [7001] -----
wife of Robert H. Neilson
|-- Dorothy Lewis Neilson [7002]
| b.27_Apr_1892
group index
main index
home page
Lewis Neilson [6997] = Clara Augusta Rosengarten
Lewis Neilson [6997] ------------
Clara Augusta Rosengarten -------
wife of Lewis Neilson
|-- Henry Rosengarten Neilson
| [7005]
| b.8_Dec_1893
|-- Sarah Claypoole Neilson
| [7006]
group index
main index
home page
James Claypoole [6821] = Rebecca White [6829]
James Claypoole [6821] ----------
Rebecca White [6829] ------------
wife of James Claypoole
father's other spousal relationships
James Claypoole [6821] = Mary Chambers [6830]
group index
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Adolphe Edward Borie [6854] = Elizabeth Dundas McKean
Adolphe Edward Borie [6854] -----
Elizabeth Dundas McKean ---------
wife of Adolphe E. Borie
group index
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home page
Thomas McKean [6851] = Elizabeth Wharton [6860]
Thomas McKean [6851] ------------
Elizabeth Wharton [6860] --------
wife of Thomas McKean
group index
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home page
Beauveau Borie [6857] = Patty Duffield Neill [6867]
Beauveau Borie [6857] -----------
Patty Duffield Neill [6867] -----
wife of Beauveau Borie
group index
main index
home page
George Champlin Mason [6879] = Sarah Clementina McKean Borie
George Champlin Mason [6879] ----
b.8_Aug_1849, Newport, RI
Sarah Clementina McKean Borie ---
wife of George Champlin Mason
group index
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home page
Daniel Lammot [6880] = Elizabeth Borie Hazlehurst
group index
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home page
Edward T. Hartshorne [6881] = Clementina Borie Rhodes
group index
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home page
John W. Atkinson [6913] = Florence Wright [6893]
John W. Atkinson [6913] ---------
Florence Wright [6893] ----------
wife of William F. Potter
wife of John W. Atkinson
mother's other spousal relationships
William Fotterall Potter = Florence Wright [6893]
group index
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home page
Thomas Settle [6921] = Eliza Potter [6911]
Thomas Settle [6921] ------------
Eliza Potter [6911] -------------
wife of Thomas Settle
group index
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home page
Joseph Roy Wood [6927] = Mary Joyce Cooke [6928]
Joseph Roy Wood [6927] ----------
b.25_Dec_1952, Seattle, WA
Mary Joyce Cooke [6928] ---------
b.22_Apr_1956, Butler, MO
m.22_Sep_1976, Columbia, MO
wife of Joseph Roy Wood
group index
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home page
Newberry Allen Stockton = Christine Singer Hare [6934]
group index
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James Dun [6969] = Lucy James [6963]
James Dun [6969] ----------------
Lucy James [6963] ---------------
b.29_Dec_1848, Chillicothe
wife of William A. Rucker
wife of James Dun
mother's other spousal relationships
William Alexander Rucker = Lucy James [6963]
group index
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home page
Thomas Rundle Neilson [6996] = Louise Fotteral [7003]
group index
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William Kissam Vanderbilt = Alva Erskine Smith [7010]
William Kissam Vanderbilt -------
b.1849, Staten Is. NY
Alva Erskine Smith [7010] -------
b.17_Jan_1853, Mobile AL
wife of
William K. Vanderbilt
divorced, 1895
wife of
Oliver H. P. Belmont
|-- Consuelo Vanderbilt [7007]
| b.1877
| m.1895
| wife of Charles Richard
| John Spencer_Churchill,
| 9th duke of Marlborough
| d.1964
|-- Harold Sterling Vanderbilt
| [7008]
inventor of the game of
contract bridge
b.1888, Oakdale NY
mother's other spousal relationships
Oliver H. P. Belmont [7011] = Alva Erskine Smith [7010]
group index
main index
home page
Cornelius Vanderbilt III = unknown
Cornelius Vanderbilt III --------
b.1873, New York City
unknown -------------------------
|-- Cornelius Vanderbilt Jr.
| [7009]
| reporter, columnist,
| and author
| b.1898, New York City
group index
main index
home page
Oliver H. P. Belmont [7011] = Alva Erskine Smith [7010]
Oliver H. P. Belmont [7011] -----
(Hazard Perry)
Alva Erskine Smith [7010] -------
b.17_Jan_1853, Mobile AL
wife of
William K. Vanderbilt
divorced, 1895
wife of
Oliver H. P. Belmont
mother's other spousal relationships
William Kissam Vanderbilt = Alva Erskine Smith [7010]
group index
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