unknown = unknown
unknown -------------------------
unknown -------------------------
|-- Thomas Vail [6203]
| of Glocestershire, England
| came to America in 1640
| b.ca.1620, England
| d.1687
|-- Jerimiah Vail [6204]

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Thomas Vail [6203] = Sarah Wentworth [6205]
Thomas Vail [6203] --------------
of Glocestershire, England
came to America in 1640
b.ca.1620, England
Sarah Wentworth [6205] ----------
wife of Thomas Vail
|-- Samuel Vail [6133]
| b.ca.1654, Salem MA
| d. before 26_Jun_1693,
| Westchester NY
|-- Thomas Vail [6134]
| b.ca.1664
|-- John Vail [6135]
|-- Sarah Vail [100311]
| b.1665
| m.5_Oct_1707
| wife of Edward Crowell

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Samuel Vail [6133] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Gach [6214] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
John Griffin [6218] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]

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Samuel Vail [6206] = Abagail ________ [6212]
Samuel Vail [6206] --------------
Westchester NY
Abagail ________ [6212] ---------
wife of Samuel Vail
Westchester NY
|-- John Vail [6219]
| b.21_Apr_1708,
| Westchester NY
| d.17_May_1708,
| Plainfield NJ
|-- Stephen Vail [6220]
| b.22_Apr_1710
|-- Samuel Vail [6221]
| b.15_Apr_1711
|-- Phebe Vail [6222]
| b.14_Sep_1712
|-- Thomas Vail [6223]
| b.3_Nov_1714
|-- Issac Vail [6224]
| b.3_Aug_1715
|-- Joseph Vail [6225]
| b.3_Oct_1718
|-- Abagail Vail [6226]
| b.17_Feb_1719/20
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Vail [6206] = Sarah Farrington [6282]

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John Laing [6287] = Elizabeth Shotwell [6288]
John Laing [6287] ---------------
Elizabeth Shotwell [6288] -------
wife of John Laing
|-- Margaret Laing [6286]
| b.9_Dec_1710,
| Plainfield NJ
m.Dec 1731
wife of John Vail
d. before 1751

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John Vail [6219] = Margaret Laing [6286]
John Vail [6219] ----------------
Westchester NY
Plainfield NJ
Margaret Laing [6286] -----------
Plainfield NJ
m.Dec 1731
wife of John Vail
d. before 1751
|-- Samuel Vail [6289]
| b.1732
| d.7_Dec_1753
|-- John Vail [6290]
| b.20_Aug_1734
| d.13_Jan_1814,
| Plainfield NJ

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John Vail [6290] = Catherine Fitz_Randolph

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Mootry Kinsey [6300] = Sarah Fitz_Randolph [6301]
Mootry Kinsey [6300] ------------
Sarah Fitz_Randolph [6301] ------
wife of Mootry Kinsey
|-- Sarah Kinsey [6299]
| b.1769, Woodbridge NJ
| m.26_Dec_1793, Rahway NJ
wife of Edward Vail
d.2_May_1863, Plainfield NJ

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Edward Vail [6296] = Sarah Kinsey [6299]

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Abel Vail [6302] = Arletta Bristol [6303]
Abel Vail [6302] ----------------
Arletta Bristol [6303] ----------
wife of Abel Vail

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Samuel Smith [6308] = Ester ________ [6309]
Samuel Smith [6308] -------------
Ester ________ [6309] -----------
wife of Samuel Smith
|-- Benjamin Smith [6306]

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Benjamin Smith [6306] = Sarah Shotwell [6307]

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Abraham Smith [6305] = unknown

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Amos Vail [6297] = Phebe Smith [6304]

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Benjamin Nichols [6298] = Margaret Vail [6295]
Benjamin Nichols [6298] ---------
b. Middlesex NJ
Margaret Vail [6295] ------------
b.5_Jan_1762, Somerset NJ
wife of Benjamin Nichols

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Samuel Vail [6206] = Sarah Farrington [6282]
Samuel Vail [6206] --------------
Westchester NY
Sarah Farrington [6282] ---------
m.8_Apr_1725, Queens NY
wife of Samuel Vail
|-- Matthew Vail [6283]
| b.29_Jan_1725/26
|-- Sarah Vail [6284]
| b.3_Dec_1728
|-- Elizabeth Vail [6285]
| b.17_Dec_1731
father's other spousal relationships
Samuel Vail [6206] = Abagail ________ [6212]

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Edward Burling [6175] = Martha Vail [6207]
Edward Burling [6175] -----------
Martha Vail [6207] --------------
wife of Edward Burling
d. before 17_Dec_1742

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Rev. John Vail [6208] = Martha Fitz_Randolph [6169]
Rev. John Vail [6208] -----------
b.1685, Westchester NY
d.27_Nov_1774, Rahway NJ
Martha Fitz_Randolph [6169] -----
b.25_Apr_1693, Barnstable MA
m.17_May_1712, Woodbridge NJ
wife of Rev. John Vail
|-- John Vail [6176]
| b.14_Jun_1713,
| Morristown NJ
|-- Samuel Vail [6177]
| b.16_Dec_1714,
| Morristown NJ
|-- Joseph Vail [6178]
| b.1717, Morristown NJ
|-- Mary Vail [6179]
| b.1719, Morristown NJ
| m.27_Sep_1736
| wife of Edward Drake
|-- Thomas Vail [6180]
| b.29_Jun_1720,
| Woodbridge NJ
| d.26_May_1807, Hanover NJ
|-- Elizabeth Vail [6181]
| b.16_Mar_1722/23
| d.17_Jun_1740, unmarried
|-- Nathaniel Vail [6182]
| b.22_Sep_1724,
| Elizabethtown NJ
|-- Issac Vail [6183]
| b.30_Nov_1727
|-- Martha Vail [6184]
| b.28_Nov_1728,
| Morristown NJ
| wife of ________ Marlot
| d.15_Jun_1762
|-- Sarah Vail [6185]
| b.12_Oct_1730
| d.1752, OH
| wife of Issac Jennings
|-- Peter Vail [6186]
| b.9_Dec_1732
| d.22_Nov_1752, unmarried
|-- Noah Vail [6187]
| b.1734

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John Vail [6176] = Ellen Billings [6261]
John Vail [6176] ----------------
Morristown NJ
Ellen Billings [6261] -----------
wife of John Vail

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Samuel Vail [6177] = Deziah Jennings [6106]
Samuel Vail [6177] --------------
Morristown NJ
Deziah Jennings [6106] ----------
wife of Samuel Vail
Morristown NJ
|-- Stephen Vail [6073]
| b.ca.1792

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Stephen Vail [6073] = Elizabeth Craig [6074]
Stephen Vail [6073] -------------
Elizabeth Craig [6074] ----------
wife of Stephen Vail
|-- Emma Vail [6059]
| b.7_Sep_1819, Indiana
| m.26_Jan_1833
| wife of Alfred Winsor
| m.20_Nov_1840,
| Hamilton Co. OH
| wife of Moses Burdsall
| d.16_Feb_1908, Fruithill OH
|-- Abagail Vail [6060]

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Alfred Winsor [6072] = Emma Vail [6059]
Alfred Winsor [6072] ------------
Emma Vail [6059] ----------------
b.7_Sep_1819, Indiana
wife of Alfred Winsor
Hamilton Co. OH
wife of Moses Burdsall
d.16_Feb_1908, Fruithill OH
mother's other spousal relationships
Moses Burdsall [6054] = Emma Vail [6059]

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Joseph Vail [6178] = Grace Manning [6227]
Joseph Vail [6178] --------------
b.1717, Morristown NJ
Grace Manning [6227] ------------
Woodbridge NJ
wife of Joseph Vail
|-- Joseph Vail [6262]
| b.1743
|-- Solomon Vail [6263]
|-- Peter Vail [6264]
|-- Jonathan Vail [6265]
|-- Grace Vail [6266]
|-- Hannah Vail [6267]
|-- Elizabeth Vail [6268]
|-- John Vail [6269]

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Edward Drake [6229] = Hannah Fitz_Randolph [6230]
Edward Drake [6229] -------------
Hannah Fitz_Randolph [6230] -----
wife of Edward Drake
|-- Edward Drake [6228]
| b.6_Jan_1712/13,
| Morristown NJ

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Edward Drake [6228] = Mary Vail [6179]

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Thomas Vail [6180] = Sarah Davis [6126]
Thomas Vail [6180] --------------
Woodbridge NJ
d.26_May_1807, Hanover NJ
Sarah Davis [6126] --------------
b.ca.1721, Morristown NJ
wife of Thomas Vail
|-- Sarah Vail [6270]
| b.1745
|-- Martha Vail [6271]
| b.19_Nov_1747
|-- Noah Vail [6272]
| b.1749
|-- Ann Vail [6273]
| b.1753
|-- Henry Vail [6274]
| b.8_Jul_1754
|-- John Vail [6275]
| b.8_Jul_1754
|-- Davis Vail [6276]
| b.1756
|-- Elizabeth Vail [6277]
| b.1758
|-- James Thomas Vail [6278]
| b.1760

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Nathaniel Vail [6182] = Elizabeth Dennis [6231]
Nathaniel Vail [6182] -----------
Elizabethtown NJ
Elizabeth Dennis [6231] ---------
b.1724, Elizabethtown NJ
Elizabethtown NJ
wife of Nathaniel Vail

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Issac Vail [6183] = Elizabeth Jennings [6279]
Issac Vail [6183] ---------------
Elizabeth Jennings [6279] -------
wife of Issac Vail
|-- David Vail [6280]
| b.1767
|-- Samuel Vail [6281]
| b.1769

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________ Marlot [6232] = Martha Vail [6184]
________ Marlot [6232] ----------
Martha Vail [6184] --------------
Morristown NJ
wife of ________ Marlot

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Issac Jennings [6233] = Sarah Vail [6185]
Issac Jennings [6233] -----------
Sarah Vail [6185] ---------------
d.1752, OH
wife of Issac Jennings

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Daniel Vail [6209] = Hannah Griffing [6213]
Daniel Vail [6209] --------------
Hannah Griffing [6213] ----------
wife of Daniel Vail

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Thomas Vail [6211] = Rachel Fitz_Randolph [6173]

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Joseph Laing [6313] = Anna ________ [6314]
Joseph Laing [6313] -------------
Anna ________ [6314] ------------
wife of Joseph Laing
|-- Rebecca Laing [6312]
| b.1802
| wife of Abram Vail

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Abram Vail [6311] = Rebecca Laing [6312]

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Thomas Gach [6214] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
Thomas Gach [6214] --------------
Elizabeth Hunt [6105] -----------
wife of Samuel Vail
m. before 1700
wife of Thomas Gach
wife of John Griffin
|-- Mary Gach [6215]
| m.1727
| wife of William Bloodgood
|-- Thomas Gach [6216]
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Vail [6133] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
John Griffin [6218] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]

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William Bloodgood [6217] = Mary Gach [6215]
William Bloodgood [6217] --------
Mary Gach [6215] ----------------
wife of William Bloodgood

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John Griffin [6218] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
John Griffin [6218] -------------
Elizabeth Hunt [6105] -----------
wife of Samuel Vail
m. before 1700
wife of Thomas Gach
wife of John Griffin
mother's other spousal relationships
Samuel Vail [6133] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]
Thomas Gach [6214] = Elizabeth Hunt [6105]

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