Amory, ________ [133219] b.1928 d.1928
Bannister, ________ [147354] d. in infancy
Bonday, Annabel [148243] wife of ________ Heise
Boyd, Anna Elizabeth [147552] (Lizzie) b.1828 wife of Cyrus J. White d.1914
Boyd, Mamie [147555] wife of ________ Snellings
Buxton, George Edward [133561] [133561]
Chalkley, Hunter Jr. [88787] b.1929
Corder, Priscilla Lane [133235] [133235]
Crockett, Dorothy [133146] b.1902, Virginia wife of Robert Berry
Crockett, Henry Morris [133142] [133142] b.1891, Virginia d.23_Sap_1959
Crockett, Mary [133145] wife of Douglas Freeman b.1898, Virginia
Crockett, William Allen [133143] [133143] b.1893, Virginia
Cromwell, Judith Glenda [148453] [148453] b.12_Apr_1947
Davenport, Elizabeth [133001] b. Norfolk Virginia m.27_Nov_1791 wife of John White
D.D.S., Samuel E. Buxton Jr. [133562] [133562]
Derby, Dorothy [144909] wife of Percy Wornom
Derby, Golden [148357] b.Oct_1888, Virginia wife of ________ Hopkins wife of James Tennis
Derby, Harry [148365] b.1909, Virginia
Derby, Henry [200359] b.Dec_1893, Virginia d. in infancy
Derby, Iris [148369] wife of Linwood Hughes wife of Bert Door
Derby, John [148361] b.Oct_1896, Virginia
Derby, Leonard [148358] b.Oct_1886, Virginia
Derby, Louise [148363] b.Feb_1900, Virginia d. in infancy
Derby, Lulie [148360] b.May_1892, Virginia wife of Bert Gilbert
Derby, Mamie [148359] b.Aug_1890, Virginia wife of William Hudgins Sr. wife of Edward Hurley
Derby, Rodney [148364] d. in infancy
Derby, Walter [148362] b.Feb_1900, Virginia d. in infancy
Derby, William [148356] b.May_1884, Virginia
Dickinson, Anne Moreland [133413] [133413]
Diggs, Alice [147488] MA, Johns Hopkins University
Diggs, Benjamin Franklin Jr. [147476] [147476] soldier, CSA b.2_May_1845
Diggs, Benjamin Franklin Sr. [147473] [147473] b.23_Sep_1810
DIggs, Charles Henry [147477] b.15_Feb_1847
Diggs, Charles Robert [147517] [147517]
Diggs, Cyrenius Wesley [147479] [147479] b.30_Jun_1851 d.2_Aug_1852
Diggs, Ethel [147491] wife of Floyd Harris
Diggs, Helen [147487] d. unmarried
Diggs, John Borum [91181] b.20_Jul_1884 d.7_Mar_1959, Mathews Co. VA
Diggs, John Richard [147475] b.7_May_1843 d.10_Mar_1848
Diggs, John Richard [147478] b.11_Dec_1848 d.9_May_1855
DIggs, Julia Frances [147481] b.4_Mar_1857 d. in childhoos, typhoid fever
Diggs, Lydia [147492] wife of Pete C. Watson
Diggs, Mary Elizabeth [147519] [147519]
Diggs, Paulina Jane [147480] b.14_Mar_1854 d. unmarried
Diggs, Richard [147493] d. age 12
Diggs, Rosannah Whitfield [147482] [147482] b.21_Mar_1859 wife of Walter Forrest d.Nov_1938
Diggs, William Beverly Jr. [147485] [147485]
Diggs, William Beverly Sr. [147474] [147474] b.27_Feb_1841
Dye, Kathy Lynne [90076] b.27_Mar_1963 adopted by stepfather, name changed to Kathy Lynne Moore
Dye, Vickie Nannett [90075] b.9_May_1962 adopted by stepfather, name changed to Vickie Nannett Moore
Endebrock, Augustus [88804] b.5_Jan_1946
Endebrock, Robert Lee [88805] b.13_Jan_1948 d.13_Jan_1948
Endebrock, Willene Tully [88806] [88806] b.30_Jan_1949
Estes, ________ [147333] wife of Charles L. Lawson Jr.
Estes, ________ [147334] wife of James W. Cumming
Etheridge, Robert Thurlow [145476] [145476]
Fantom, Carol Marie [148437] b.31_Aug_1951
Fantom, George J. [148428] b.29_Jan_1900
Fantom, Harvey [148432] b.30_Sep_1918
Fantom, Herman T. Jr. [148435] [148435] b.19_Aug_1924
Fantom, Herman T. Sr. [148429] [148429] b.13_Sep_1901
Fantom, John Michael [148439] b.6_Feb_1955
Fantom, Marion [148441] b.16_Nov_1928 m.26_Feb_1949 wife of Charles Pohl
Fantom, Mary Helen [148438] b.7_May_1953
Fantom, William H. Jr. [148430] [148430] b.25_Nov_1902 d.4_Apr_1956
Forrest, Marion Estelle [147522] [147522] d. age 5
Forrest, Mary [147525] wife of John T. Merrill Jr.
Forrest, Nora [147524] wife of Solomon S. Keeling Sr. wife of John W. Moss
Gayle, Mary Elizabeth [148389] [148389] b.1945
Gibbs,, Capt. Gerald G. Jr. [147381] [147381] USMA, West Point, 1952
Green, David Franklin [133459] [133459] b.3_Feb_1937
Green, Frances Marie [133462] b.13_Dec_1956
Green, Robert Wayne [133460] b.6_Jan_1942
Green, Russell Lee [133474] b.18_Oct_1961
Green, Susan Claire [133463] b.29_Aug_1960
Green, Thomas Calvin Jr. [133458] [133458] b.28_Nov_1932
Hall, Isabel [133437] b.22_Dec_1944
Hall, Lewis Harvey [133434] b.5_Oct_1907
Hall, Martha Carolyn [133435] b.27_Dec_1910 d.12_Sep_1911
Handy, Charles Gilbert [147515] [147515]
Handy, Edward M. [133428] b.15_Jan_1904
Handy, John Calvin Jr. [147513] [147513]
Handy, John Calvin Sr. [147507] [147507]
Handy, Mabel [133429] b.10_Jun_1906 wife of Gordon R. Kerr Sr.
Harris, Roland Jr. [88771] b.2_Oct_1950
Harris, Roland Sr. [88762] b.30_Jan_1920
Harris, Thomas S. Jr. [88763] b.31_May_1922
(Herbert), William Herman Presson Sr. [133339] (Herbert) [133339] b.11_Sep_1888
Hunt, Amy Lynn [90072] b.17_Apr_1962
Hunt, Dianne [90071] b.25_Jan_1954
Hunt, Frederick D. III [90073] [90073] b.9_Jul_1963
Hutchins, Margaret Trafton [145453] [145453] wife of Clyde Shimmer
Hutchins, Marion Trafton [145454] [145454] wife of Edward L. Nussey
Hutchins, Robert Trafton [145455] [145455]
Hutchins, Robert Trafton Jr. [145464] [145464]
Hutchins, Samuel B. Jr. [145457] [145457]
Hutchins, Walter Trafton [145456] [145456]
James, Phillip Randolph [133140] [133140] b.23_Jan_1923
James, William W. [133139] b.18_Feb_1920
Johnson, Debra Ann [133469] b.20_Jan_1960
Johnson, Edward Dallas Jr. [133182] [133182]
Johnson, Wallace S. Jr. [133160] [133160] b.6_Nov_1932
Keeling, Solomon Steed Jr. [147527] [147527]
Kerr, Gordon Russell Jr. [133432] [133432]
King, Larry [147356] d. unmarried
Kirwin, Hester [133034] wife of John Owens
Laing, Lawrence William [147392] [147392]
Laing, Mary Elizabeth [147391] [147391]
Lewis, James Christopher [133372] [133372]
Lewis, Linda [133374] wife of John E. Steger
Lewis, Stella [133373] wife of Benjamin W. Foster
Lindsay, Dennis Wayne [133214] [133214]
Lindsay, Horace V. Jr. [133213] [133213]
Machen, Eva Katherine [133397] [133397]
Maxwell, Harold Miles [146709] [146709]
Merrill, Frances [147532] wife of Col. Frederick E. Graef
Merrill, John Thomas III [147533] [147533]
Merrill, John Thomas IV [147536] [147536]
Miles, Carrie [148410] wife of Carlton Hudgins
Miles, Carroll Herbert Jr. [146702] [146702] b.14_Aug_1918 d.31_Aug_2002
Miles, Carroll Herbert Sr. [146698] [146698] b.11_May_1886 d.11_Dec_1946
Miles, Hilda Belle [146700] wife of Frank Maxwell d.18_Dec_1965, Norfolk VA
Miles, Living [146705] wife of Living Lemmon
Miles, Thomas Edward [146697] b.5_Mar_1864, Mathews Co. VA d.3_Aug_1936, Mathews Co. VA
Miles, Thomas Garland [146699] [146699]
Minor, Henrietta Frances [133059] [133059] b.20_Dec_1838
Minor, Thomas F. [133058] b.28_Nov_1835
Moore, Timothy Deane [90078] b.14_Jan_1967
Moreland, Alfonzo [148559] b.1835, York Co. VA
Moreland, Alphonso B. [133404] [133404] b.1890 d.1946
Moreland, Anne Page [133408] wife of Lee Dickinson
Moreland, Annie [133406] wife of George P. Rouse
Moreland, Darius [148560] b.1843, York Co. VA
Moreland, Hugh M. Jr. [133411] [133411] b.1911 d.28_Jan_1928
Moreland, Hugh M. Sr. [133403] [133403] b.17_May_1879 d.21_Dec_1938
Moreland, John [148562] b.1848, York Co. VA
Moreland, Martha Virginia [133410] [133410] wife of William F. Thomas
Moreland, Nellie [133405] wife of S. C. Slaven
Moreland, Robert Bray [133402] [133402] b.7_Dec_1849 d.30_Aug_1915, York Co. VA
Moreland, Salomer [148561] b.1845, York Co. VA
Nussey, Edward Lyle Jr. [145450] [145450]
Page, Living [202673] wife of Living Brantly wife of Living Rinck
Page, Living [202674] wife of Living Jarrett Mandy L. Page
Parker, Anna [88823] wife of Fred Colston wife of Robert Jewell
Payne, Patrica Anne [133172] wife of Douglass L. Wilsted
Payne, Virginia Lynn [133173] wife of Alton W. Bunn
Perkins, Perlinia F. [133026] b.1_Oct_1825 m.1_Feb_1846 wife of Cyrus C. White d.11_Oct_1898
(Peter),, Dr. Eskrich Peterson White [133102] (Peter) [133102] b.26_Jan_1884 d.19_Apr_1951
Phillips, Donald Henry [133351] [133351] b.14_Jul_1937
Phillips, Terry [133352] b.9_Apr_1952
Pohl, Janet [148444] b.31_Aug_1952
Pohl, Linder [148443] b.8_Jun_1950
Presson, Billy [133347] b.18_Oct_1945
Presson, Brooklyn Wilson [133344] [133344] b.16_Feb_1924
Presson, Irene [133338] d. unmarried
Presson, Julia Irene [133346] b.9_Apr_1942 m.1959 wife of Ronald Mills
Presson, Pauline [133343] b.8_Nov_1918 m.18_Jul_1936 wife of Henry Phillips
Presson, Sandra [133354] b.14_Oct_1945
Presson, William Herman Jr. [133342] [133342] b.11_Sep_1915
Riley, Harry D. Jr. [133467] b.22_Aug_1947
Riley, Judith Ann [133466] b.7_Dec_1941 m.20_Dec_1958 wife of James Johnson
Roberts, Living [202666] (Adopted) wife of Living Hutchison
Robertson, Carolyn [145440] (adopted)
Robertson, C. Trafton [145443] [145443] b.22_Jul_1908
Robertson, Elizabeth [145444] (Libby)
Robertson, Richard [145441] b.Aug_1945
Rockefeller, Carrol Kerwan [133381] [133381] b.13_Dec_1919
Rockefeller, John D. Campbell [133380] [133380]
Rockefeller, William Sebring [133379] [133379]
Rouse, George P. Jr. [133417] physician of Philadelphia PA
Rowe, Annie [133194] wife of ________ King wife of ________ Nordburg
Rowe, Elizabeth [133249] wife of Hoyt D. Williams wife of Orlie W. Laing
Rowe, Elsie [133246] wife of Samuel H. Stevens wife of R. W. Shrope
Rowe, Louise [133248] wife of Capt. Ernest R. Perry
Rowe, Reathia [133244] wife of Pinckney Gentle wife of Cdr. George R. Jacobs Jr.
Rowe, Robert F. Jr. [147372] of Norfolk VA
Rowe, Robert Franklin Sr. [133245] [133245] d.23_Jul_1960
Rowe, Robert Lee [133196] of Norfolk VA
Rowe, Sarah [133193] (Sadie) wife of ________ Bannister
Rowe, William Franklin [133195] [133195] b.3_Mar_1873, York Co. VA d.29_Nov_1951
Sadler, ________ [148476] b.1955
Sheppe, Robert J. Jr. [133401] [133401]
Smith, Clara [133126] b.15_Oct_1889
Smith, Frances V. [133134] b.15_Feb_1918
Smith, Geraldine [133137] b.11_Aug_1928
Smith, J. Marshall [133135] b.11_May_1920
Smith, Lucy [133130] b.28_Mar_1903 wife of Bradford Todd
Smith, Margaret [133128] b.23_Nov_1896 d.13_Apr_1961
Smith, Marvin Edward [133127] b.30_Mar_1893
Smith, Marvin Edward Jr. [133136] [133136] b.4_Jun_1924
Smith, Nellie Lee [133131] b.17_Jun_1909
Smith, Ruby [133132] b.4_Nov_1913
Smith, Vera [133129] b.24_Nov_1899 m.22_May_1918 wife of William James
Stevens, Reathia Jane [147374] [147374] wife of Lionel Sesma
Stewart, Mary [148413] wife of Dewey Diggs
Thomas, Eunice [148405] wife of Wesley Miles
Thomas, Joseph Benjamin [148385] [148385] b.17_Jul_1874 d.4_May_1910
Thomas, Lilly [148406] wife of Monroe Stewart
Thomas, Mary Eudora [148386] wife of Earl Gayle
Thomas, Philip Moreland [133415] [133415]
Thomas,, Rev. William Alan [148418] [148418] of North Carolina Methodist minister
Trafton, Agnes [145436] b.5_Mar_1883 m.14_Nov_1906 wife of William D. Robertson
Trafton, Margaret W. [145437] (Maggie) b.16_May_1886 m.21_Oct_1908 wife of Samuel B. Hutchins d.1954
Trafton, Robert Jr. [145438] b.5_Jan_1889
Trafton, Robert Thomas [145472] [145472]
Trafton, William Bassett [145473] [145473]
Vogel, Dorothy Louise [148451] [148451] b.25_Sep_1910 m.28_Mar_1936 wife of Charles G. Cromwell
Wallis, Preston McMomas Jr. [148455] [148455]
Watson, Louise [147497] wife of Jesse Todd
Weston, Alexander Jr. [133124] [133124] b.7_Nov_1877
Weston, Bessie Anne [133156] b.1_Apr_1912 wife of Charles A. Payne
Weston, Eleanor Susan [133169] [133169]
Weston, Ellen Virginia [133153] [133153] b.10_Jan_1900 wife of Wallace S. Johnson
Weston, John Edward [133155] b.5_Feb_1910
Weston, Joseph [133157] b.3_Jul_1913
Weston, Lucy [133122] b.27_Sep_1866 m.13_Jan_1887 wife of William E. Smith d.1957
Weston, Margaret Tyler [133158] [133158] b.5_Jun_1917 wife of Edward D. Johnson
Weston, Margie Mae [133162] b.28_Nov_1922 wife of Byfon N. Buntin
Weston, Mary Ellen [133123] (Molly) b.25_Feb_1869, Virginia m.1890 wife of William S. Crockett
Weston, William Alexander [133154] [133154] b.26_May_1903
Weston, William Alexander Jr. [133163] [133163] b.9_May_1924
White, ________ [145393] d. at birth
White, ________ [88795] d, in infancy
White, ________ [88796] d. in infancy
White, Absalom [132977] b.1686
White, Absalom [132995] b.29_Oct_1777 d.17_Dec_1855
White, Absalom Jr. [133017] b.3_Sep_1811
White, Albert Sydney III [133523] [133523]
White, Albert Sydney Jr. [133520] [133520] b.16_Jan_1922 d.11_Jul_1993
White, Albert Sydney Sr. [133098] [133098] b.14_Mar_1876
White, Alexander [133301] b.3_May_1942
White, Alice [147542] wife of William J. Lee
White, Alice Emma [133068] b.1862 m.23_May_1883 wife of William W. Presson
White, Alleyne [133200] b.1901, Virginia wife of Horace V. Lindsay
White, Alonza B. [133071] b.30_Oct_1846 d.27_Sep_1898
White, Anna [224194] b.May_1775, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
White, Annie [133051] wife of Prof. ________ Barnett
White, Annie [133066] b.1858 d. in infancy
White, Annie Lee [133101] b.4_Apr_1882 m.29_Apr_1903 wife of Waleski Freeman d.2_Jul_1951
White, Archie Milton Jr. [133239] [133239]
White, Archie Milton Sr. [133204] [133204] b.1912, Virginia
White, Arthur Bennett Jr. [133081] [133081] b.5_Dec_1860 d.27_Jan_1940, unmarried
White, Bartlett B. [146309] mariner, ship carpenter d.Aug_1892
White, Betty Sue [133222] m.1959 wife of John H. Parkerson
White, Beulah [133369] b.24_Feb_1874 wife of Martin Lewis
White,, Capt. Bennett [133004] b.1796 d.1858
White, Carrie [133478] b.28_Nov_1893 m.22_Dec_1915 wife of Carroll L. Moore d.22_Sep_1981
White, Carrie Virginia [133357] [133357] d.9_Jul_1907
White, Cary Washington [146293] [146293] b.11_Aug_18__
White, Charles Aubrey Jr. [147510] [147510]
White, Charles Aubrey Sr. [147505] [147505] treasurer, Mathews Co., 1861
White, Charles French [133443] [133443]
White, Charles Henry [88746] oysterman, York Co. VA, 1870 b.22_Jun_1852, Baltimore MD d.20_Dec_1915
White, Charles L. [88758] b.3_Nov_1915
White, Charles Nixon [88799] b.9_Apr_1952
White, Chester Jackson [133399] [133399]
White, Chilion [132978] b.1689
White, Christina [148239] b.1841 wife of James Bonday
White, Claudius Fletcher [133074] [133074] b.4_Jul_1852 d.19_Feb_1918
White, Cora Belle [145429] b.30_Sep_1857 m.15_Dec_1881 wife of Robert T. Trafton
White, Cyrene Wesley [146292] b.24_Sep_1820 m.12_May_1840 wife of Benjamin Diggs d.17_Mar_1861
White, Cyrus Benjamin [146551] [146551] b.13_Sep_1839 d.27_Jun_1912
White, Cyrus Cary [133021] b.30_Jun_1819 d.1_Jun_1909
White, Cyrus James [146294] b.11_Aug_18__
White, David D. III [90068] b.23_Nov_1938
White, David Duncan Jr. [90066] [90066] b.20_Jun_1912 d.May_1984, York Co. VA
White, David Duncan Sr. [133092] [133092] b.9_Oct_1881 d.1_Feb_1955
White,, Dr. Stanley Wise Sr. [133550] [133550] b.1918 d.1_Aug_1955
White, Dudley [146299] b.30_Sep_1780, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA d.1853, Mathews Co. VA
White, Edith [133201] b.1905, Virginia wife of Bishop Amory
White, Edward [133018] b.26_Dec_1812
White, Edward [133298] b.21_Jan_1915, Crab Neck, York Co. VA
White, Edward [146301] b.24_Jul_1784, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
White, Edward Chisley [146546] [146546] b.17_Jun_1820, Mathews Co. VA d.15_Aug_1840, Mathews Co. VA
White, Edward F. [133099] b.27_Apr_1878 d.21_Jan_1891
White, Elizabeth [133006] b.1805 wife of Lewis Thomas d.1888
White, Elizabeth [146298] b.25_May_1779, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
White, Elizabeth [146313] wife of William B. White
White, Elizabeth "Betty" [132989] [132989] b.1760 wife of Thomas White
White, Elizabeth Louise [133448] [133448]
White, Ella [147554] b.1853 d.1926, unmarried
White, Elsie Marie [131292] b.1_Sep_1918 wife of Fitzhugh C. Moore
White, Esther Marie [133493] wife of William Proctor
White, Etta Olympia [133076] (Esta) b.11_Jul_1861
White, Eudora [148342] (Mittie) wife of ________ Miles
White, Eugenia [224199] b.1839, Mathews Co. VA d.1937, Whitehaven, Mathews Co. VA
White, Eva [133392] wife of W. H. Machen
White, Francis B. H. [148449] (Benjamin Hoadley) of Baltimore MD b.28_Oct_1883 d.31_Jan_1948
White, Frank [133054] d. California
White, Franklin Winhusa [148238] [148238] b.3_Oct_1833 d.22_Jul_1841
White, George A. [146518] b.20_Aug_1837, Mathews Co. VA d.20_Aug_1919
White, George Absalom [133070] [133070] b.22_Apr_1855 d.15_Jan_1926
White, George Armistead [133557] [133557]
White, George Washington [133023] [133023] b.22_Feb_1823 d.6_Nov_1897, unmarried
White, Georgia [133390] wife of Claudius F. White
White, Georgia [148394] wife of John Williams
White, Georgia [148397] wife of John Shockley
White, Georgianna [133253] b.24_Mar_1888 m.25_Dec_1913 wife of John W. Hornsby d.10_Nov_1956
White, Hallett Bascom [133359] [133359]
White, Hallett Bascon Jr. [133360] [133360]
White, Hannah [132981] b.10_Apr_1704, Abington Parish, Gloucester Co. VA wife of James Satterwhite
White, Harriet Francis [146544] [146544] b.6_Oct_1817, Mathews Co. VA
White, Harriett Jane [148237] b.13_Aug_1829 d.16_Jun_1830
White, Harry Lee [133202] fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930 b.1908, Virginia
White, Henry [146300] b.15_Oct_1782, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
White, Herman [133199] fisherman, York Co. VA, 1930 b.Jun_1899, Virginia
White, Indiana [146520] b.16_Oct_1839, Mathews Co. VA
White, Irene [145433] b.1_May_1867 wife of Robert Etheridge
White, Iva Fowler [88793] b.29_Oct_1951
White, Jack [88820] b.1905 d.28_Jul_1942, unmarried
White, James [132984], Gloucester Co. VA d. Gloucester Co. VA
White, James [224189] b.18_May_1760, Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
White, James B. [224202] b.1845, Mthews Co. VA, Mathews Co. VA
White, James Bartlett [133007] [133007] b.1810 d.1896
White, James Carey [146545] b.5_Apr_1818, Mathews Co. VA d.10_Jan_1843
White, James Earl [133472] b.4_May_1948
White, James Wesley [145434] b.17_Aug_1871
White, Jesse Franklin [133085] [133085] b.9_Jan_1870 d.9_Jan_1870
White, Jessie [133455] b.1919 d.1920, York Co. VA
White, Jethro Festus [133091] b.1_Feb_1877 d.12_Oct_1953
White, John [132988] b.27_Feb_1758, Gloucester Co. VA d.12_Jun_1834
White, John A. [133094] b.3_May_1866
White, John Arthur [133003] (Jack) b.17_Nov_1794, Matthews Co. VA d.4_May_1848
White, John Diggs [224197] b.14_Aug_1835, Mathews Co. VA d.30_Dec_1912, Mathews Co. VA
White, John E. [146515] b.15_May_1829, Mathews Co. VA d.3_Jul_1858, Mathews Co. VA
White, John French II [133439] [133439] b.23_Oct_1908
White, John Wise [133519] b.1910 d.1925
White, Joseph [146310]
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