Patch, Jonas Knower [151272] b.15_Dec_1822
Patch, Mary S. [151269] b.3_Feb_1814, Ashby MA
Patch, Polly [151264] b.22_Jan_1782 d.22_Jan_1782
Patch, Sally Miles [151270] b.29_Apr_1819
Patch, Samuel [151265] b.24_Mar_1784 d.24_Mar_1784
Patch, Samuel [151267] b.26_Feb_1787 d.23_Oct_1792
Patch, Stephen Jr. [40743] b.15_Sep_1776 d.18_Apr_1862
Patch, Stephen Knower [151271] [151271] b.13_Feb_1821
Patch, Thankful [151261] b.25_Mar_1778 m.14_Jul_1812 wife of Deacon James White d.19_Jun_1845
Prachar, Andrew [28433] b.5_Jun_1912, Piermont NJ d.14_Jan_1973
Prachar, Andrew [28444] d. after 1980
Prachar, Cynthia Ann [28482] b.1968
Prachar, Daniel [28466] b.1944, Newark, NJ
Prachar, Daniel [28481] b.1967
Prachar, Dorothy Mae [28442] b.5_Feb_____ wife of Allan Galloway
Prachar, Elizabeth L. [28434] b.14_Jul_1913, Piermont NJ wife of Richard Cisco d.23_Oct_1987
Prachar, John [28432] b.1_Apr_1905/06, Bratislavskej Chezkslovakia d.29_Aug_1943, East Orange NJ
Prachar, John [28443] b.9_Oct_1933, Jersey City NJ d.28_Aug_1995, Waco TX
Prachar, Julia Belle [28439] wife of James Braziel
Prachar, Matilda [28438] wife of Paul Carlton
Prachar, Michael [28435] b.23_Apr_1915, Piermont NJ d.28_Apr_1957
Prachar, Theresa [28436] b.21_Apr_1918, Piermont NJ wife of Frank Wallace
Prachar, Wendell [28431] b.10_Oct_1903, Chezkslovakia d.9_Dec_1978, Dade City FL
Prince, Bertha [28501], Newark, NJ wife of John Prachar wife of Ray Brown d. before 1951
Prince, Stephen [28500] b.1900
Prince, Violet [28502] b.20_Apr_1912 wife of William Turner d.12_May_1997
Roy, Living [151141] wife of Living Delp
Roy, Living [151142] wife of Living Slocum
Savage, Anne Brown J [28308] b.23_Mar_1678
Sweet, Lori [28603] wife of Mike Harper
Sweet, Terry [28595] d. killed in a plane crash
Wallace, Nancy [28458] wife of Steve ________ m.4_Feb_1984 wife of Michael ________
________, Jason [28476] b.1971
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