Thomas Batts [159474] = unknown
Thomas Batts [159474] -----------
Elizabeth City Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Henry Batts [159475]
| d.1717,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- Martha Batts [159476]
| wife of William Wood

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William Wood [159477] = Martha Batts [159476]

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Richard Wilson [159481] = Mary ________ [159482]
Richard Wilson [159481] ---------
Mary ________ [159482] ----------
wife of Richard Wilson
|-- Mary Wilson [159483]
| m. before 1759
| wife of William Wood
Elizabeth City Co. VA

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William Wood [159478] = Mary Wilson [159483]

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James Saunders [159488] = Judith Wood [159485]
James Saunders [159488] ---------
Elizabeth City Co. VA
Judith Wood [159485] ------------
wife of James Saunders
Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- Wilson Saunders [159489]
|-- William Sanuders [218379]
|-- John Saunders [218380]
|-- James Saunders [218381]
|-- Jucith "Judy" Saunders
| [218382]
| wife of William Wilson
|-- Mary Saunders [218383]
|-- Ann Saunders [218384]
|-- Elizabeth Saunders [218385]
|-- Ronert Saunders [218386]

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________ Brown [159490] = ________ Wood [159486]
________ Brown [159490] ---------
________ Wood [159486] ----------
wife of ________ Brown
|-- Mary Wilson Brown [159491]
|-- Elizabeth Brown [159492]

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John Allen [159493] = ________ Wood [159487]
John Allen [159493] -------------
________ Wood [159487] ----------
wife of John Allen
|-- John Allen [159494]

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________ Wood [159479] = unknown
________ Wood [159479] ----------
note: parentage of this
individual not proved
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Wood [159495]
| served in the Revolution
| b.ca.1745
| d.1799,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA

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William Bennett [159496] = unknown
William Bennett [159496] --------
unknown -------------------------
|-- John Bennett [159497]
|-- Hannah Bennett [159498]
| wife of John Wood

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John Wood [159495] = Hannah Bennett [159498]
John Wood [159495] --------------
served in the Revolution
Elizabeth City Co. VA
Hannah Bennett [159498] ---------
wife of John Wood
|-- John Wood [159499]
| served as corporal in
| Capt. Richard B. Scervant's
| Co., 115th Regiment, VA
| Militia, War of 1812
| farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
| b.15_Dec_1773,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
| d.7_Jun_1854
|-- Bennett Wood [159500]
| b.2_Oct_1776,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- Martha Wood [159501]
| b.28_Feb_1779,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
| wife of George Jones
|-- Robert Wood [159502]
| b.27_Apr_1782,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
| went to North Carolina
|-- James Wood [159503]
| served in the U. S. Navy
| on the USS Constitution
| in the War of 1812
| b.11_Jun_1785,
| Elizabeth City Co. VA
|-- William Wood [159504]

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James Davis [159505] = unknown
James Davis [159505] ------------
Elizabeth City Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Elizabeth Ann Davis [159506]
| m.ca.1808
| wife of John Wood

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John Wood [159499] = Elizabeth Ann Davis [159506]
John Wood [159499] --------------
served as corporal in
Capt. Richard B. Scervant's
Co., 115th Regiment, VA
Militia, War of 1812
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
Elizabeth City Co. VA
Elizabeth Ann Davis [159506] ----
wife of John Wood
|-- Martha Wood [159041]
| b.1810
| m.23_Dec_1834
| wife of George Fitchett
| wife of Edward S. Amory
| d.2_Apr_1856
|-- William Wood [159507]
| b.29_Dec_1812, Virginia
|-- Frances Wood [159090]
| b.1823, Virginia
| m.1845
| wife of Thomas Lewelling
| d.10_Jun_1885
|-- Hannah Wood [159110]
| b.1829, Virginia
| wife of John Lewelling
| wife of Willian Lewelling
|-- Mary Wood [159508]
| wife of ________ McIntosh
| wife of ________ Moore
|-- John Wood [159509]
| d. unmarried, lost at sea
| in the Golf of Mexico
|-- James Wood [159510]
| d. Warwick Co. VA, unmarried
father's other spousal relationships
John Wood [159499] = Sarah Taylor [159511]

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John Wood [159499] = Sarah Taylor [159511]
John Wood [159499] --------------
served as corporal in
Capt. Richard B. Scervant's
Co., 115th Regiment, VA
Militia, War of 1812
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
Elizabeth City Co. VA
Sarah Taylor [159511] -----------
Elizabeth City Co. HA
wife of John Wood
father's other spousal relationships
John Wood [159499] = Elizabeth Ann Davis [159506]

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George Jones [159512] = Martha Wood [159501]
George Jones [159512] -----------
Martha Wood [159501] ------------
Elizabeth City Co. VA
wife of George Jones

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Bennett Wood [159500] = Elizabeth Maney [159513]
father's other spousal relationships
Bennett Wood [159500] = Mary Noblin [159516]

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Bennett Wood [159500] = Mary Noblin [159516]
father's other spousal relationships
Bennett Wood [159500] = Elizabeth Maney [159513]

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George Fitchett [159518] = Martha Wood [159041]
George Fitchett [159518] --------
Martha Wood [159041] ------------
wife of George Fitchett
wife of Edward S. Amory
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward S. Amory [159037] = Martha Wood [159041]

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William Wood [159507] = Elizabeth Jones [159519]
William Wood [159507] -----------
b.29_Dec_1812, Virginia
Elizabeth Jones [159519] --------
of Nansemond Co. VA
wife of William Wood
b.1825, Virginia
|-- John D. Wood [159520]
| b.7_Oct_1845
| d.7_Oct_1848
|-- William H. Wood [159521]
| b.14_Dec_1847
|-- Scott C. Wood [159522]
| b.14_May_1849, Virginia
|-- Hannah Jones Wood [159523]
| b.9_Jun_1851
|-- Robert D. Wood [159524]
| of Elizabeth City Co. VA,
| 1937
| b.25_Nov_1852, Virginia
|-- Mary A. J. Wood [159525]
| b.14_Jun_1856
| d.14_Aug_1856
|-- John D. Wood [159526]
| b.17_Jul_1857
| d.11_Sep_1857
|-- Hennie Wood [159527]
| b.27_Feb_1859
|-- Virginia L. Wood [159528]
| b.3_Oct_1863

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________ McIntosh [159529] = Mary Wood [159508]
________ McIntosh [159529] ------
Mary Wood [159508] --------------
wife of ________ McIntosh
wife of ________ Moore
mother's other spousal relationships
________ Moore [159530] = Mary Wood [159508]

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________ Moore [159530] = Mary Wood [159508]
________ Moore [159530] ---------
Mary Wood [159508] --------------
wife of ________ McIntosh
wife of ________ Moore
mother's other spousal relationships
________ McIntosh [159529] = Mary Wood [159508]

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Scott C. Wood [159522] = Sarah V. ________ [159531]
Scott C. Wood [159522] ----------
b.14_May_1849, Virginia
Sarah V. ________ [159531] ------
b.Jun_1851, Virginia
wife of Scott C. Wood
|-- Oreto L. Wood [159532]
| b.Jul_1883, Virginia
|-- Lila J. Wood [159533]
| b.Aug_1895, Virginia

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Joseph H. Parker [159534] = Susan T. ________ [159535]
Joseph H. Parker [159534] -------
of Surry Co. VA
Susan T. ________ [159535] ------
wife of Joseph H. Parker
|-- Joseph Williamson Parker
| [159536]
| b.1_Oct_1840

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Joseph Williamson Parker = Hannah Jones Wood [159523]

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William S. Jones [159537] = Mary Ann Wood [159517]
William S. Jones [159537] -------
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
b.1805, Warwick Co. VA
Mary Ann Wood [159517] ----------
b.1813, Warwick Co. VA
wife of William S. Jones
|-- Mary F. Jones [159538]
| b.1835, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Henry F. Jones [159539]
| b.1839, Warwick Co. VA

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George Green [159540] = Ann Benson [159541]
George Green [159540] -----------
Ann Benson [159541] -------------
wife of George Green
|-- Alden Green [159542]
| farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
| b.15_Sep_1802,
| Accomac Co. VA
| d.14_Dec_1855
|-- Ann Green [159543]
| wife of Thomas Edmunds
|-- Sarah Green [159544]
| wife of ________ Bell
|-- Mary Green [159545]
| wife of Robert Y. Weymouth

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Alden Green [159542] = Elizabeth Ann Wood [159514]
Alden Green [159542] ------------
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
Accomac Co. VA
Elizabeth Ann Wood [159514] -----
wife of Alden Green
|-- Ann Benson Green [159546]
| b.28_Jun_1832,
| Warwick Co. VA
| wife of William G. Young
| d.3_Apr_1893
|-- Bennett Wood Green [159547]
| b.6_Apr_1835
| d.31_Jul_1913
|-- George Kellam Green [159548]
| b.1837
| d.21_Dec_1863
|-- Elizabeth Maney Green
| [159549]
|-- John Alden Green [159550]
| b.1842, Warwick Co. VA
| d.18_Mar_1873
|-- Mary Palmer Green [159551]
| b.2_Aug_1845,
| Warwick Co. VA
| m.13_Feb_1872
| wife of Duroc H. Jones
| d.1929

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William Garrow [159553] = unknown
William Garrow [159553] ---------
of Warwick Co. VA
unknown -------------------------
|-- Mary Lewelling Garrow
| [159554]
| b.1790, Warwick Co. VA
| wife of John Young

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John Young [159552] = Mary Lewelling Garrow
John Young [159552] -------------
Mary Lewelling Garrow -----------
b.1790, Warwick Co. VA
wife of John Young
|-- William Garrow Young
| [159555]
| farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
b.1815, Warwick Co. VA

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William Garrow Young = Ann Benson Green [159546]

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unknown = Ann G. ________ [159556]
unknown -------------------------
Ann G. ________ [159556] --------
b.1787, Warwick Co. VA
|-- John Jones [159557]
| farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
| b.1806, Warwick Co. VA

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John Jones [159557] = Maria D. ________ [159558]
John Jones [159557] -------------
farmer, Warwick Co. VA, 1850
b.1806, Warwick Co. VA
Maria D. ________ [159558] ------
b.1799, Warwick Co. VA
wife of John Jones
|-- Maria E. Jones [159559]
| b.1836, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Andrew J. Jones [159560]
| b.1838, Warwick Co. VA
|-- Duroc Hughes Jones [159561]
| b.1842, Warwick Co. VA

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Duroc Hughes Jones [159561] = Mary Palmer Green [159551]

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