Livingston Rowe [209795] = Lucy Spencer [209796]
Livingston Rowe [209795] --------
b.1810, Virginia
d. after 1860,
Gloucester Co. VA
Lucy Spencer [209796] -----------
b.1822, Virginia
wife of Livingston Rowe
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Albert Rowe [209797]
| b.1842, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Lucy Rowe [209798]
| b.1844, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Benjamin F. Rowe
| d.15_Jul_1888, Norfolk VA
|-- Livingston Rowe [209799]
| b.1850, Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Uriah R. Rowe [209800]
| (Eulie)
| b.Feb_1854,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- ________ Rowe [209801]
| b.Jul_1857,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.Aug_1857,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- M. Susan Rowe [209802]
| (Sookie)
| b.20_Feb_1859,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| m.4_Apr_1877,
| Gloucester Co. VA
wife of John W. King
Gloucester Co. VA

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Benjamin F. Rowe [209803] = Lucy Rowe [209798]
Benjamin F. Rowe [209803] -------
b.1835, Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
Lucy Rowe [209798] --------------
b.1844, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Benjamin F. Rowe
d.15_Jul_1888, Norfolk VA
|-- Harriett L. Rowe [209804]
| b.1868, Gloucester Co. VA
| d.17_Dec_1883,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Albert Leroy Rowe [209805]
| b.8_Dec_1873, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.30_Nov_1940,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Lucy Goodall T. Rowe
| [209806]
| b.1879, Gloucester Co. VA
d.1959, Gloucester Co. VAA

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Albert Leroy Rowe [209805] = Sue Taliaferro King [209939]
Albert Leroy Rowe [209805] ------
b.8_Dec_1873, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
Sue Taliaferro King [209939] ----
b.31_Dec_1881, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Albert Leroy Rowe
d.12_Jan_1963, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Newington Baptist
Church Cemetery
|-- Jennie Cross Rowe [209807]
| b.18_Dec_1901,
| Newport News VA
| m.18_Jun_1919,
| Elizabeth Co. NC
| wife of Hilton A. Foxwell
| d.29_Jun_1982, Richmond VA
|-- Bernice Alice Rowe [209808]
| b.14_Jan_1904,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Charles A. White
| d.9_Jan_1990,
| Newport News VA
|-- Boyd Sears Rowe [209809]
| b.15_Mar_1906,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.16_May_1981,
| Winston Salem NC
|-- Sarah Elaine Rowe [209810]
| b.11_Nov_1911, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of LeRoy Carter
| d.21_Jan_1970,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Malvin Edward Rowe [209811]
| b.21_Jan_1912,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.5_Nov_1989,
| Newport News VA

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Hilton Andrew Foxwell = Jennie Cross Rowe [209807]
Hilton Andrew Foxwell -----------
Gloucester Co. VA
d.15_Apr_1983, Richmond VA
Jennie Cross Rowe [209807] ------
Newport News VA
Elizabeth Co. NC
wife of Hilton A. Foxwell
d.29_Jun_1982, Richmond VA
|-- Bernice Antionette Foxwell
| [209813]
| b.8_Mar_1911,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Earl J. Howell
|-- Jean Rowe Foxwell [209814]
| b.15_Jan_1924, Richmond VA
|-- Hilton Andrew Foxwell
| [209815]
| b.12_May_1926, Richmond VA
| wife of
| Winnifred E. Alexander
| d.30_Jul_1988, Richmond VA
|-- John Broaddus Foxwell
| [209816]
| b.22_Jun_1931, Richmond VA
| d.22_Feb_2008,
| Mechanicsville VA
|-- Living Foxwell [209817]
|-- Judith Virginia Foxwell
| [209818]
| b.4_Feb_1936, Richmond VA
| m.28_Dec_1969,
| Los Angeles CA
| wife of Living Hale
d.24_Nov_2005, Machipongo,
Northampton Co. VA

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Earl Jackson Howell [209819] = Bernice Antionette Foxwell

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Living Willard [209821] = Living Howell [209820]
Living Willard [209821] ---------
Living Howell [209820] ----------
wife of Living Willard
|-- Living Willard [209822]

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Winnifred Eugene Alexander = Hilton Andrew Foxwell

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Living Alexander [209824] = Living Gentry [209826]
Living Alexander [209824] -------
Living Gentry [209826] ----------
wife of Living Alexander
|-- Living Alexander [209827]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Alexander [209824] = Living Clarke [209828]

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Living Alexander [209824] = Living Clarke [209828]
Living Alexander [209824] -------
Living Clarke [209828] ----------
wife of Living Alexander
|-- Living Alexander [209829]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Alexander [209824] = Living Gentry [209826]

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Living Chewning [209830] = Living Alexander [209825]
Living Chewning [209830] --------
Living Alexander [209825] -------
wife of Living Chewning
wife of Living Sprouse
|-- Living Chewning [209831]
|-- living Chewning [209832]

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John Broaddus Foxwell = Living Cooper [209833]
John Broaddus Foxwell -----------
b.22_Jun_1931, Richmond VA
Mechanicsville VA
Living Cooper [209833] ----------
wive of John B. Foxwell
|-- Living Foxwell [209834]

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Living Foxwell [209817] = Living Hundley [209835]
Living Foxwell [209817] ---------
Living Hundley [209835] ---------
wife of Living Foxwell
|-- Living Foxwell [209836]
|-- Living Foxwell [209837]

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Living Hale [209838] = Judith Virginia Foxwell
Living Hale [209838] ------------
Judith Virginia Foxwell ---------
b.4_Feb_1936, Richmond VA
Los Angeles CA
wife of Living Hale
d.24_Nov_2005, Machipongo,
Northampton Co. VA

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Charles Aubrey White = Bernice Alice Rowe [209808]

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Living White [209840] = Living Lee [209841]
Living White [209840] -----------
Living Lee [209841] -------------
wife of Living White
|-- Living White [209842]
|-- Living White [209843]

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Boyd Sears Rowe [209809] = Julia Elizabeth Shelton

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Living Saunders [209847] = Living Rowe [209845]
Living Saunders [209847] --------
Living Rowe [209845] ------------
wife of Living Saunders
|-- Living Saunders [209848]
|-- Living Saunders [209849]

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Living Cody [209850] = Living Rowe [209846]

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LeRoy Carter [209851] = Sarah Elaine Rowe [209810]
LeRoy Carter [209851] -----------
b.16_Oct_1896, New York NY
Sarah Elaine Rowe [209810] ------
b.11_Nov_1911, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of LeRoy Carter
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Living Carter [209852]
| wife of Living Winston
|-- Living Carter [209853]

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Living Winston [209854] = Living Carter [209852]
Living Winston [209854] ---------
Living Carter [209852] ----------
wife of Living Winston
|-- Living Winston [209855]
|-- Living Winston [209856]
|-- Living Winston [209857]

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Malvin Edward Rowe [209811] = Vivienne Eugenie Clawson

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Living Burris [209863] = Living Rowe [209859]
Living Burris [209863] ----------
Living Rowe [209859] ------------
wife of Living Burris
wife of Lining Robinson
|-- Living Burris [209864]
mother's other spousal relationships
Living Robinson [209865] = Living Rowe [209859]

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Living Robinson [209865] = Living Rowe [209859]
Living Robinson [209865] --------
Living Rowe [209859] ------------
wife of Living Burris
wife of Lining Robinson
|-- Living Robinson [209866]
mother's other spousal relationships
Living Burris [209863] = Living Rowe [209859]

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Living Zaller [209867] = Living Rowe [209860]
Living Zaller [209867] ----------
Living Rowe [209860] ------------
wife of Living Zaller
|-- Living Zaller [209868]

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Living Bristow [209869] = Living Rowe [209861]

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Living Bristow [209870] = Living Harwood [209872]
Living Bristow [209870] ---------
Living Harwood [209872] ---------
wife of Living Bristow
|-- Living Bristow [209873]
|-- Living Bristow [209874]

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Uriah R. Rowe [209800] = Georgianna King [210072]
Uriah R. Rowe [209800] ----------
Gloucester Co. VA
Georgianna King [210072] --------
b.Feb_1865, Virginia
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Uriah R. Rowe
|-- Lennie Thurman Rowe Sr.
| [209875]
| b.18_Mar_1888,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Paul U. Rowe [209876]
| b.11_Sep_1891, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.Oct_1983, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Albert Christian Rowe
| [209877]
| b.17_Oct_1894,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.6_Feb_1985, Achilles,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Susie Jennings Bryant Rowe
| [209878]
| b.20_Oct_1895,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| m.4_Apr_1915
| wife of
| Christopher Shackelford
| d.Jun_1984,
| Newport News VA
|-- Lucille Belle Rowe [209879]
| (Lucy)
| b.1_Jun_1899,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of James F. Watkins
d.10_May_1976, Hopewell VA

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Lennie Thurman Rowe Sr. = Rosie Lee Hudgins [209880]
Lennie Thurman Rowe Sr. ---------
Gloucester Co. VA
Rosie Lee Hudgins [209880] ------
b.1892, Virginia
wife of Lennie T. Rowe Sr.
|-- Geraldine Rowe [209881]
| b.1898
|-- Mattie Rowe [209882]
| b.1908
|-- Daisie Rowe [209883]
| b.1910
|-- Wilsie Rowe [209884]
| b.1912
|-- Lennie Thurman Rowe Jr.
| [209885]
| b.28_Jul_1915,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.15_Nov_1989, Bena,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Danie Rowe [209886]
| b.1817, Virginia

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Lennie Thurman Rowe Jr. = Virginia Adelaide Hogge
Lennie Thurman Rowe Jr. ---------
Gloucester Co. VA
d.15_Nov_1989, Bena,
Gloucester Co. VA
Virginia Adelaide Hogge ---------
b.22_Oct_1919, Perrin,
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Lennie T. Rowe Jr.
Gloucester Co. VA

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Paul U. Rowe [209876] = Lucy E. Roberts [209887]
Paul U. Rowe [209876] -----------
b.11_Sep_1891, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
d.Oct_1983, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
Lucy E. Roberts [209887] --------
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Paul U. Rowe
d.15_Oct_1991, Acilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Achilles Friends Church
|-- William Paul Rowe [209888]
| b.1920, Virginia
|-- Evelyn Rowe [209889]
| b.1924
| wife of ________ Hudgins
|-- Doris Etheleen Rowe [209890]
| b.1927, Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of ________ Banfield
|-- Alma Jean Rowe [209891]
| b.8_Jul_1929,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| d.13_Jan_1938,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Achilles Friends Church

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Albert Christian Rowe = Bertha Hilda King [210078]
Albert Christian Rowe -----------
Gloucester Co. VA
d.6_Feb_1985, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
Bertha Hilda King [210078] ------
b.4_Feb_1895, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Albert C. Rowe
d.11_Jul_1980, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Martha Ann Rowe [209892]
| b.Sep_1921
| wife of William A. Simmons
|-- Wallace Clayton Rowe
| [209893]
| b.14_Mar_1925
| d.5_Jul_1989
|-- Albert Christian Rowe Jr.
| [209894]
| b.5_Sep_1929, Achilles,
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens

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William Avalon Simmons = Martha Ann Rowe [209892]
William Avalon Simmons ----------
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Point,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens
Martha Ann Rowe [209892] --------
wife of William A. Simmons
|-- Living Simmons [209896]
|-- Living Simmons [209897]
|-- Living Simmons [209898]

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Christopher Shackelford = Susie Jennings Bryant Rowe
Christopher Shackelford ---------
Gloucester Co. VA
d.23_Sep_1946, Norfolk VA
Susie Jennings Bryant Rowe ------
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of
Christopher Shackelford
Newport News VA
|-- Georgia Geraldine Shackelford
| [209900]
| b.5_Apr_1918,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of Howard L. Robbins
| d.9_Feb_2001, Hayes,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens
|-- Muriel Christine Shackelford
| [209901]
| b.3_Apr_1920,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| m.30_Nov_1940, Roanes,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of James E. H. Thomas
| d.18_May_2006, Hayes,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| bu. Gloucester Point Cem.,
| Gloucester Point VA
|-- Susie Clements Shackelford
| [206725]
| b.4_Nov_1922,
| Gloucester Co. VA
| wife of William D. Hogge
| d.4_Nov_1992, Severn,
| Gloucester Co. VA
|-- Louis Hall Shackelford
| [209902]
| b.3_Oct_1921,
| Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA

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Howard Lynnwood Robbins = Georgia Geraldine Shackelford
Howard Lynnwood Robbins ---------
(Pete) [209903]
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens
Georgia Geraldine Shackelford ---
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Howard L. Robbins
d.9_Feb_2001, Hayes,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens
|-- Living Robbins [209904]
|-- Living Robbins [209905]
mother's other spousal relationships
James Edward Hogge Thomas = Georgia Geraldine Shackelford

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Living Robbins [209904] = Gwyn ________ [209906]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Robbins [209904] = Shirley ________ [209907]

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Living Robbins [209904] = Shirley ________ [209907]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Robbins [209904] = Gwyn ________ [209906]

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Living Robbins [209905] = Living Haywood [209908]

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James Edward Hogge Thomas = Georgia Geraldine Shackelford
James Edward Hogge Thomas -------
Gloucester Co. VA
d.29_Dec_1980, Hayes,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Gloucester Point Cem.,
Gloucester Point VA
Georgia Geraldine Shackelford ---
Gloucester Co. VA
wife of Howard L. Robbins
d.9_Feb_2001, Hayes,
Gloucester Co. VA
bu. Rosewell Mem. Gardens
|-- Living Thomas [209910]
|-- Living Thomas [209911]
| wife of Living Hines
mother's other spousal relationships
Howard Lynnwood Robbins = Georgia Geraldine Shackelford

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Living Thomas [209910] = Living Rilee [209912]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Thomas [209910] = Living Burrel [209916]

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Living Thomas [209913] = Living Price [209914]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Thomas [209913] = Living Herman [209915]

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Living Thomas [209913] = Living Herman [209915]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Thomas [209913] = Living Price [209914]

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Living Thomas [209910] = Living Burrel [209916]
father's other spousal relationships
Living Thomas [209910] = Living Rilee [209912]

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Living Hines [209917] = Living Thomas [209911]
Living Hines [209917] -----------
Living Thomas [209911] ----------
wife of Living Hines
|-- Living Hines [209918]

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Louis Hall Shackelford = Living Lang [209919]
Louis Hall Shackelford ----------
Gloucester Co. VA
Gloucester Co. VA
Living Lang [209919] ------------
wife of
Louis H. Shackelford
|-- Living Shackelford [209920]
|-- Living Shackelford [209921]
|-- Living Shackelford [209922]
|-- Living Shackelford [209923]

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