Edward Baptist [140056] --------- d.ca.1674, York Co. VA Barbara ________ [140057] ------- wife of Edward Baptist | |-- Morgan Baptist [140058] | d.ca.1706 | |-- Edward Baptist [140059] | b. York Co. VA | |-- Peter Baptist [140060] | d.ca.1784 | |-- Margaret Baptist [140061] | m.1695 | wife of Valeinte Harvey | |-- Elizabeth Baptist [140062] | m.1687 | wife of Robert Miller | m.1689 | wife of Edward Jones | |-- Judith Baptist [140063] | (adopted) |
Valeinte Harvey [140064] -------- Margaret Baptist [140061] ------- m.1695 wife of Valeinte Harvey | |-- | | |
Robert Miller [140065] ---------- Elizabeth Baptist [140062] ------ m.1687 wife of Robert Miller m.1689 wife of Edward Jones | |-- Sarah Miller [140066] | b.ca.1686 | |-- Edward Miller [140067] | b.ca.1687 |
Edward Jones [140068] = Elizabeth Baptist [140062]
Edward Jones [140068] ----------- Elizabeth Baptist [140062] ------ m.1687 wife of Robert Miller m.1689 wife of Edward Jones | |-- | | |
Robert Miller [140065] = Elizabeth Baptist [140062]
Morgan Baptist [140058] --------- d.ca.1706 Elizabeth ________ [140069] ----- wife of Morgan Baptist | |-- Elizabeth Baptist [140070] | m.ca.1723 | wife of John Potter | |-- Edward Baptist [140071] | b.ca.1700, York Co. VA | |-- John Baptist [140072] |
Edward Baptist [140071] --------- b.ca.1700, York Co. VA ________ Harris [140073] -------- wife of Edward Baptist | |-- John Baptist [140074] | |-- Elizabeth Baptist [140075] | |
Edward Baptist [140071] = Elizabeth Lee [140093]
John Baptist [140074] ----------- Mary Harris [140098] ------------ b. after 1717 wife of John Baptist | |-- | | |
John Baptist [140074] = Ann Glanville [140101]
John Baptist [140074] ----------- Ann Glanville [140101] ---------- wife of John Baptist | |-- William Glanville Baptist | [140102] | b. before 1760 | |-- Mary Baptist [140103] | b. before 1760 |
John Baptist [140074] = Mary Harris [140098]
Edward Baptist [140071] --------- b.ca.1700, York Co. VA Elizabeth Lee [140093] ---------- b.ca.1690, Yorkhampton, Parish, York Co. VA wife of Matthew Harris wife of Edward Baptist d. after 1746, Yorkhampton Parish, York Co. VA | |-- Edward Baptist [140104] | b.ca.1729 | d.ca.1797 | |-- Elizabeth Baptist [140105] | wife of ________ Hansford | |-- Lee Harris Baptist [140106] | |-- Catherine Baptist [140107] | |-- Ann Baptist [140108] | |-- Mary Baptist [140109] |
Edward Baptist [140071] = ________ Harris [140073]
Matthew Harris [140076] = Elizabeth Lee [140093]
Elizabeth Baptist [140105] ------ wife of ________ Hansford ________ Hansford [140110] ------ | |-- | | | |
Edward Baptist [140104] --------- b.ca.1729 d.ca.1797 Margaret Harwood [140352] ------- b.ca.1744, Warwick Co. VA wife of William Whitaker wife of Edward Baptist d.1781, York Co. VA | |-- Martha Baptist [140388] | b. before 8_Dec_1751, | York Co. VA | |-- Rebecca Baptist [140389] | b.10_Feb_1754 | wife of James Stevens | |-- Edward Baptist [140390] | b.6_Jun_1756 | |-- Sarah Baptist [140391] | b.19_Aug_1757 | |-- Diana Baptist [140392] | b.14_Feb_1760, York Co. VA | wife of ________ McClary | |-- Lucy Baptist [140393] | b.14_Feb_1760 | |-- Mary Baptist [140394] | d.17_Nov_1797, York Co. VA | wife of Thomas Holmes | wife of John Moss | |-- Elizabeth Baptist [140395] | b.ca.1760 | m.ca.1765 | wife of Vincent Rawlins | d. after 1799 | |-- William Harwood Baptist | [140396] | |-- Rachel Baptist [140201] | b. York Co. VA | wife of Francis Lee |
William Whitaker [140370] = Margaret Harwood [140352]
James Stevens [140397] ---------- Rebecca Baptist [140389] -------- b.10_Feb_1754 wife of James Stevens | |-- | | |
________ McClary [140398] ------- Diana Baptist [140392] ---------- b.14_Feb_1760, York Co. VA wife of ________ McClary | |-- | | |
Thomas Holmes [140399] ---------- Mary Baptist [140394] ----------- d.17_Nov_1797, York Co. VA wife of Thomas Holmes wife of John Moss | |-- | | |
John Moss [140400] = Mary Baptist [140394]
John Moss [140400] -------------- d. Bef 17 JAN 1795 Mary Baptist [140394] ----------- d.17_Nov_1797, York Co. VA wife of Thomas Holmes wife of John Moss | |-- | | | |
Thomas Holmes [140399] = Mary Baptist [140394]
William Harwood Baptist --------- [140396] Ann Robinson [140401] ----------- wife of William H. Baptist | |-- Edward Baptist [140402] | |-- Peter R. Baptist [140403] | |