George Lee [27855] = Evelyn Byrd Beverley [27854]
mother's other spousal relationships
Patrick Hume Douglas [27856] = Evelyn Byrd Beverley [27854]
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Patrick Hume Douglas [27856] = Evelyn Byrd Beverley [27854]
mother's other spousal relationships
George Lee [27855] = Evelyn Byrd Beverley [27854]
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William Byrd Douglas [27820] = Martha Rebecca Bright
father's other spousal relationships
William Byrd Douglas [27820] = Hannah Underwood [27858]
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James R. Buckner [27859] = Mary Margaret Douglas
mother's other spousal relationships
Edward D. Richards [27860] = Mary Margaret Douglas
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James R. Buckner [27823] = Louise Eve [27861]
James R. Buckner [27823] --------
Louise Eve [27861] --------------
wife of James R. Buckner
|-- Edward Richards Buckner
| [27824]
| b.1892
|-- Jane Eve Buckner [27825]
| b.1893
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Edward D. Richards [27860] = Mary Margaret Douglas
mother's other spousal relationships
James R. Buckner [27859] = Mary Margaret Douglas
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William Byrd Douglas [27820] = Hannah Underwood [27858]
father's other spousal relationships
William Byrd Douglas [27820] = Martha Rebecca Bright
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G. A. Baxter [27864] = Ellen Douglas [27828]
G. A. Baxter [27864] ------------
Ellen Douglas [27828] -----------
wife of G. A. Baxter
|-- Byrd Douglas Baxter [27829]
|-- Bruce Beverley Baxter
| [27830]
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Hugh Douglas [27821] = Nancy Hamilton [27865]
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John Sergeant Wise [27866] = Evelyn Beverley Douglas
John Sergeant Wise [27866] ------
Evelyn Beverley Douglas ---------
wife of John Sergeant Wise
|-- John S. Wise [27832]
|-- Hugh D. Wise [27833]
|-- Henry Alexander Wise [27834]
|-- John S. Wise [27835]
|-- Hamilton Wise [27836]
|-- Eva Douglas Wise [27837]
|-- Jennings C. Wise [27838]
|-- Margaretta Wise [27839]
|-- Byrd Douglas Wise [27840]
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Owen H. Wilson [27862] = Evelyn Byrd Richards [27826]
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Bruce Douglas [27827] = Ella Kirkman [27863]
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Carter Beverley [27848] = Jane Wormeley [27872]
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Robert Beverley [27867] = Maria Carter [27322]
Robert Beverley [27867] ---------
b.____, Blandfield VA
Maria Carter [27322] ------------
b.1745, Sabine Hall VA
wife of Robert Beverley
d.1817, Williamsburg VA
|-- William Beverley [27842]
| b.1763
|-- Maria Beverley [27843]
| b.1764
|-- Robert Beverley [27844]
| b.1766, Blandfield VA
| d.1767, Blandfield VA
|-- Robert Beverley [27845]
| b.1769
|-- Lucy Beverley [27846]
| b.1771
|-- Burton Beverley [27847]
| b.1772, Blandfield VA
| d.1781, Blandfield VA
|-- Carter Beverley [27848]
| b.1774
|-- Byrd Beverley [27849]
| b.1775, Blandfield VA
|-- James Mills Beverley [27850]
| b.1776
| d.1779
|-- Anna Munford Beverley
| [27851]
| b.1778
|-- Munford Beverley [27852]
| b.1779, Blandfield VA
|-- Peter Randolph Beverley
| [27853]
| b.1780
|-- Evelyn Byrd Beverley [27854]
| wife of George Lee
| wife of Patrick Hume
| Douglas
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Col. William Beverley = Elizabeth Bland [27875]
Col. William Beverley -----------
His young mother died from
Elizabeth Bland [27875] ---------
wife of Col. William Beverley
|-- Robert Beverley [27867]
| b.____, Blandfield VA
| d.1800
|-- Ursula Beverley [27868]
|-- John Beverley [27869]
| d.1743
|-- Elizabeth Beverley [27870]
| Though she gave birth to
| six children, none of them
| lived even a year.
| b.1725, Blandfield VA
| m.1743
| wife of James Mills
| m.1783
| wife of Thomas Griffin
| Peachy
| d.1795
|-- Anna Beverley [27871]
| b.____, Blandfield VA
| wife of Robert Munford
| d.____, Blandfield VA
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Maj. Robert Beverley [3295] = Mary Keeble [27879]
father's other spousal relationships
Maj. Robert Beverley [3295] = Catherine Armistead [130693]
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Robert Beverley [27873] = Anne Ursula Byrd [27508]
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Richard Bland [27880] = Elizabeth Randolph [27881]
Richard Bland [27880] -----------
Elizabeth Randolph [27881] ------
wife of Richard Bland
|-- Elizabeth Bland [27875]
| b.1706
| wife of Col. William Beverley
|-- Anna Bland [27876]
| wife of Robert Munford
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Robert Munford [27882] = Anna Bland [27876]
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Peter Beverly [126225] = Susanna Hollis [126226]
Peter Beverly [126225] ----------, Hull,
Yorkshire, England
d.Sep_1650, Hull,
Yorkshire, England
Susanna Hollis [126226] ---------
b.1613, Hull,
Yorkshire, England
wife of Peter Beverly
|-- Maj. Robert Beverley [3295]
| b.1641, Beverley,
| Yorkshire, England
| d.15_Mar_1687, Jamestown VA
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James Mills [27883] = Elizabeth Beverley [27870]
James Mills [27883] -------------
Elizabeth Beverley [27870] ------
Though she gave birth to
six children, none of them
lived even a year.
b.1725, Blandfield VA
wife of James Mills
wife of Thomas Griffin
|-- John Mills [27884]
| b.1744
| d.1744
|-- Elizabeth Mills [27885]
| Lived only a few hours.
|-- Elizabeth Mills [27886]
|-- Anna Beverley Mills [27887]
| Died in infancy
|-- William Mills [27888]
| Died in infancy
|-- James Mills [27889]
| b.1757
| d.1757
mother's other spousal relationships
Thomas Griffin Peachy = Elizabeth Beverley [27870]
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Robert Munford [27877] = Anna Beverley [27871]
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Robert Kennon [27900] = Sarah Skipwith [27901]
Robert Kennon [27900] -----------
Sarah Skipwith [27901] ----------
wife of Robert Kennon
|-- Gen. Richard Kennon [27894]
| b.1759
| d.1805
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Gen. Richard Kennon [27894] = Elizabeth Beverley Munford
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Dr. Richard Kennon [27899] = Mary Anne Byrd [27721]
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Edward C. Doran [27903] = Emily Kennon [27902]
Edward C. Doran [27903] ---------
d.1883, Nice France
Emily Kennon [27902] ------------
wife of Edward C. Doran
|-- Edward B. Doran [27904]
| b.1864
| d.1923
|-- Emily Kennon Doran [27905]
| b.1866
|-- Charles R. B. Doran [27906]
| b.1868
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William Radford [27916] = Rebecca Winston [27917]
William Radford [27916] ---------
Rebecca Winston [27917] ---------
wife of William Radford
|-- Sarah Radford [27907]
| b.1785
| m.1802
wife of William Munford
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William Munford [27893] = Sarah Radford [27907]
William Munford [27893] ---------
One of the translator's of
Homer's Illiad.
b.1775, Mecklenburg Co. VA
Sarah Radford [27907] -----------
wife of William Munford
|-- Col. George Wythe Munford
| [27908]
| b.1803
|-- Anna Rebecca Munford [27909]
| b.1804
|-- John Durburrow Munford
| [27910]
|-- Dr. Robert Munford [27911]
| b.1816
|-- Elizabeth Madison Munford
| [27912]
|-- Col. William Preston Munford
| [27913]
| b.1818
|-- Elvira Henry Munford [27914]
| b.1823
|-- Lt. Carlton Radford Munford
| [27915]
| d.1847
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Thomas Griffin Peachy = Elizabeth Beverley [27870]
Thomas Griffin Peachy -----------
d.1810, Williamsburg VA
Elizabeth Beverley [27870] ------
Though she gave birth to
six children, none of them
lived even a year.
b.1725, Blandfield VA
wife of James Mills
wife of Thomas Griffin
mother's other spousal relationships
James Mills [27883] = Elizabeth Beverley [27870]
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John George [126222] = Ursala Dudley [126223]
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John Dudley [126224] = Ursala Beverly [126220]
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Robert Beverly [126227] = Francis Fairfax [126230]
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John Beverly [126228] = Agnes Draycott [126229]
John Beverly [126228] -----------, Beverly,
Yorkshire, England
Agnes Draycott [126229] ---------,
Nottinghamshire, England
wife of John Beverly
|-- Robert Beverly [126227]
|, Selbey,
| Yorkshire, England
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Marmaduke Vincent [126231] = Ann Bowes [126232]
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Richard Vincent [126233] = unknown
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Richard Bowes [126236] = Elizabeth Aske [126237]
Richard Bowes [126236] ----------
b. ABT 1498 Seaham Manor,
Durham, England
d. 10 Nov 1558 Durham,
Elizabeth Aske [126237] ---------
b. 1505 Aske, Richmond,
Yorkshire, England
d. 1568 Durham, England
wife of Richard Bowes
|-- Ann Bowes [126232]
| b. ABT 1512 Richmond,
| Yorkshire, England
| wife of Marmaduke Vincent
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William Vyncent [126234] = Alicia Swynham [126235]
William Vyncent [126234] --------
b. ABT 1752 Smeton, Yorkshire,
Alicia Swynham [126235] ---------
wife of William Vyncent
|-- Richard Vincent [126233]
| b. ABT 1478 Smeton, Yorkshire,
| England
| d. 1558
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Ralph Bowes [126242] = Margaret Conyers [126243]
Ralph Bowes [126242] ------------
b. 1 Sep 1468 Streatlam,
Durham, England
d. 3 Jul 1482 Streatlam,
Durham, England
Margaret Conyers [126243] -------
b. ABT 1468 Stockborne,
Durham, England
d. 12 Aug 1532 Durham,
wife of Ralph Bowes
|-- Richard Bowes [126236]
| b. ABT 1498 Seaham Manor,
| Durham, England
| d. 10 Nov 1558 Durham,
| England
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Roger Aske [126238] = Margaret Wycliff [126239]
Roger Aske [126238] -------------
b. 1485 Aske, Easby,
Yorkshire, England
Margaret Wycliff [126239] -------
wife of Roger Aske
|-- Elizabeth Aske [126237]
| b. 1505 Aske, Richmond,
| Yorkshire, England
| d. 1568 Durham, England
| wife of Richard Bowes
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William Aske [126240] = Felicia Strangeways [126241]
William Aske [126240] -----------
b. 1465
Felicia Strangeways [126241] ----
b. 1467 Bradley Manor, Near
Wolsingham, Durham, England
wife of William Aske
|-- Roger Aske [126238]
| b. 1485 Aske, Easby,
| Yorkshire, England
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Commodore Beverley Kennon = Britannia Wellington Peter
Commodore Beverley Kennon -------
d.28_Feb_1844, on board
the US Frigate PRINCETON
Britannia Wellington Peter ------
b.28_Jan_1815, Tudor Place,
Georgetown, Washington DC
wife of
Commodore Beverley Kennon
|-- Martha Custis Kennon
| [127891]
| b.18_Oct_1843, Tudor Place,
| Georgetown, Washington DC
| m.23_Apr_1867, Tudor Place,
| Georgetown, Washington DC
| wife of Armistead Peter Sr.
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Armistead Peter Sr. [127892] = Martha Custis Kennon
Armistead Peter Sr. [127892] ----
Martha Custis Kennon ------------
b.18_Oct_1843, Tudor Place,
Georgetown, Washington DC
m.23_Apr_1867, Tudor Place,
Georgetown, Washington DC
wife of Armistead Peter Sr.
|-- Walter Gibson Peter [127893]
| architect, graduate MIT, 1890
| b.24_Jun_1868
| d.9_Feb_1946
|-- Armistead Peter II [127894]
| b.30_Nov_1870
| d.1960
|-- Beverley Kennon Peter
| [127895]
| b.21_Jun_1872
| d.15_Feb_1922
|-- George Freeland Peter Sr.
| [127896]
| minister
| b.12_Jun_1875
| d.22_Feb_1953
|-- Agnes Peter [127897]
| b.3_Feb_1880
| m.28_Jul_1953
| wife of John R. Mott
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Walter Gibson Peter [127893] = Ellen Marbury Beale [127898]
father's other spousal relationships
Walter Gibson Peter [127893] = Grace Glasgow Dunlop
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Walter Gibson Peter [127899] = Evelyn Booth [127900]
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Walter Gibson Peter [127893] = Grace Glasgow Dunlop
Walter Gibson Peter [127893] ----
architect, graduate MIT, 1890
Grace Glasgow Dunlop ------------
wife of Walter G. Peter
father's other spousal relationships
Walter Gibson Peter [127893] = Ellen Marbury Beale [127898]
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Armistead Peter II [127894] = Anna Wright Williams
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Armistead Peter III [127902] = Helen ________ [127903]
father's other spousal relationships
Armistead Peter III [127902] = Caroline Ogden Jones
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Armistead Peter III [127902] = Caroline Ogden Jones
Armistead Peter III [127902] ----
Caroline Ogden Jones ------------
wife of Armistead Peter III
|-- Anne Custis Peter [127905]
| b.1922, Paris, France
| m.1953
| wife of Douglas W. Pearre
| d.6_Jun_1985, Unionville MD
father's other spousal relationships
Armistead Peter III [127902] = Helen ________ [127903]
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Douglas Worthington Pearre = Anne Custis Peter [127905]
Douglas Worthington Pearre ------
Anne Custis Peter [127905] ------
b.1922, Paris, France
wife of Douglas W. Pearre
d.6_Jun_1985, Unionville MD
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George Freeland Peter Sr. = Lulie Whitlock [127907]
George Freeland Peter Sr. -------
Lulie Whitlock [127907] ---------
wife of George F. Peter
|-- George Freeland Peter Jr.
| [127908]
| b.6_Nov_1919
| d.20_Aug_1991
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George Freeland Peter Jr. = Virginia San [127909]
George Freeland Peter Jr. -------
Virginia San [127909] -----------
wife of George F. Peter Jr.
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John Raleigh Mott [127910] = Agnes Peter [127897]
John Raleigh Mott [127910] ------
b.25_May_1865, Livingston NY
d.31_Jan_1955, Orlando FL
Agnes Peter [127897] ------------
wife of John R. Mott
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William Mansfield [135123] = Catherine George [126221]
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Peter Beverley [3284] = Elizabeth Peyton [3283]
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Robert Smith [3303] = unknown
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________ Smith [3304] = unknown
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Harry Beverley [3285] = Elizabeth Smith [3296]
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Maj. Robert Beverley [3295] = Catherine Armistead [130693]
Maj. Robert Beverley [3295] -----
b.1641, Beverley,
Yorkshire, England
d.15_Mar_1687, Jamestown VA
Catherine Armistead [130693] ----, Middlesex Co. VA
wife of Theoplius Hone
Christ Church,
Middlesex Co. VA
wife of Maj. Robert Beverley
Middlesex Co. VA
wife of Christopher Robinson
Middlesex Co. VA
|-- Catherine Beverley [145387]
| b.4_Jan_1679/80, Blandfield,
| Middlesex Co. VA
| wife of John Robinson
|-- William Beverley [145388]
| ba.4_Jan_1680,
| Christ Church,
| Middlesex Co. VA
| d.1702
|-- Thomas Beverley [145389]
| b.1681. Blandfield,
| Middlesex Co. VA
|-- John Beverley [145390]
| b.1684
|-- Christopher Beverley
| [145391]
| b.19_Feb_1685/86
father's other spousal relationships
Maj. Robert Beverley [3295] = Mary Keeble [27879]
mother's other spousal relationships
Theoplius Hone [145386] = Catherine Armistead [130693]
Christopher Robinson = Catherine Armistead [130693]
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John Robinson [145392] = Catherine Beverley [145387]
John Robinson [145392] ----------
Catherine Beverley [145387] -----
b.4_Jan_1679/80, Blandfield,
Middlesex Co. VA
wife of John Robinson
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William Beverley [145388] = Judith Wormeley [145394]
William Beverley [145388] -------
Christ Church,
Middlesex Co. VA
Judith Wormeley [145394] --------
wife of Dr. Corbin Griffin
wife of William Beverley
Middlesex Co. VA
wife of Christopher Robinson
mother's other spousal relationships
Dr. Corbin Griffin [145395] = Judith Wormeley [145394]
Christopher Robinson = Judith Wormeley [145394]
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