Bloom, Margaret [84951] wife of Jacob Evertson
Brown, George Williams [84866] [84866]
Brown, Robert Pitfield [84868] [84868]
Butler, Charles Stewart [84983] [84983]
Butler, Lawrence Smith [84982] [84982]
Coles, Alice [84875] b.1540 wife of Fulke Woodhull d.1607
Delaplaine, Anne Jay [84938] m.1_Oct_1862 wife of Francis W. Woodward
Dorrance, Ruth [84967] d.13_Feb_1895
Evertson, George Bloom [84929] [84929]
Fargie, Anne [84927] wife of Samuel Nicoll
Field, Anne [84861] m.20_Jul_1750 wife of John Brown
Floyd, Charity [84912] m.1714 wife of Benjamin Nicoll
Floyd, Ruth [84994] b.1730 m.1761 wife of Nathaniel Woodhull d.1822
Grafton, Joane [84889] wife of John Nicolles
Haight, Arthur Kenneth [167570] [167570] b.19_Oct_1924, Oakley ID
Haight, Hector Caleb [167562] b.17_Jan_1804, Windham NY d.29_May_1882, Farmington UT
Haight, Horton David [167564] b.20_Jun_1832, Moravia NY d.19_Jan_1900, Oakley ID
Haight, Joseph Arthur [167568] [167568] b.1892, Oakley ID d.1967
Haight, Joseph Young [167566] b.9_Oct_1865, Farmington UT d.14_Nov_1946, Oakley ID
Haight, Living [167575] wife of Living Mills
Halsey, Elizabeth [167545] b.1665
Helm, Temperance [167556], Brookhaven NY wife of Ebenezer Owens
Holland, Eve [84948] wife of Winter Fargie
Holland, Mary Magdelen [84925] [84925] wife of Benjamin Nicoll
Horton, Keturah [167560] b.28_May_1777, Amenia NY wife of Caleb Haight d.18_Nov_1843, Nauvoo IL
Howell, Abigail [84906] b.1755 wife of Ebenezer Woodhull d.21_Nov_1829
Johnson, William Samuel [84914] [84914]
Lawrence, Elizabeth [84962] m.1837 wife of Alfred N. Lawrence m.1672 wife of Thomas Stevenson
Lawrence, Hannah Newbold [84977] [84977]
Lawrence, Lydia [84963] wife of William T. Horn
Miner, Eliza [84974] wife of Abraham R. Lawrence
Nicoll, Benjamin [84910] b.1694, Islip, Long Island, NY d.1724
Nicoll, Benjamin [84924] b.17_Mar_1718, Islip, Long Island d.15_Apr_1760
Nicoll, Eliza Willetts [84919] [84919] wife of Richard Smith
Nicoll, Henry Woodhull [84920] [84920] b.1789 d.1829
Nicoll, Margaret [84903] wife of Richard Floyd m.26_Sep_1725 wife of Samuel Johnson
Nicoll, Mary Louise [84959] wife of Henry G. Wayne
Nicoll, Samuel [84926] b.19_Aug_1754 d.2_Feb_1796
Nicoll, William [84902] b.1657, Islippe, Northamptonshire d.May_1723, Nicoll Manor
Nicolls, Matthias [84894] b. Islippe, Northamptonshire d.22_Dec_1687
Owens, Temperance [167558] b.20_Apr_1745, Blooming Grove NY wife of David Horton d.19_Apr_1849
Rowleigh, Mary [84879] wife of Nicholas Woodhull
Smith, Anne [84883] wife of Anthony Woodhull
Smith, Bessie [84973] wife of Standford White
Smith, Cornelia Stewart [84969] [84969] wife of Prescott H. Butler
Smith, Ella Batavia [84972] wife of Devereux Emmet
Smith, Kate Annette [84971] wife of J. B. Wetherill
Smith, Louisa Nicoll [84970] wife of F. S. Osborne
Smith, Sarah [84897] b.1700 m.1716 wife of Nathaniel Woodhull d.1750
Stevenson, Sarah [84873] m.29_Aug_1724 wife of Benjamin Field
Strong, Ruth Woodhull [84955] wife of Benjamin Dorrance
Van_Rensselaer, Anne [84909] m.1693 wife of William Nicoll wife of Kiliaen Van_Rensselaer
Wayne, Elizabeth C. [85002] wife of James E. Cooper
Woodhull, Agnes [84884] wife of Richard Chetwood
Woodhull, Anthony [84880] d.1543
Woodhull, Dorothy [167546] b.1686 wife of Job Smith
Woodhull, Ebenezer [84899] b.1742 d.4_Oct_1803
Woodhull, Elizabeth [167547] b.1688 wife of William Jayne d.1756
Woodhull, Elizabeth [84908] b.30_Nov_1762 wife of Henry Nicoll wife of John Smith d.14_Sep_1839
Woodhull, Fulke [84870] b.1530 d.1613
Woodhull, Gyles [84878] b.1582
Woodhull, Hannah [84898] b.1718 m.7_Oct_1740 wife of Selah Strong
Woodhull, Jemima [167543] b.1647 wife of Daniel Halsey
Woodhull, Josiah [167549] b.1695 d.1761
Woodhull, Lawrence [84877] b.1600 d.1620
Woodhull, Mary [84881] wife of William Nicolls
Woodhull, Nathaniel [84892] b.1695 d.9_Mar_1760
Woodhull, Nathaniel [84900] b.30_Dec_1722 d.20_Sep_1776, prison-ship
Woodhull, Richard [167548] b.1691 d.1768
Woodhull, Richard [84882] b.13_Sep_1620, Thenford d.Oct_1690
Woodhull, Richard [84888] b.9_Oct_1649 d.18_Oct_1699
Woodhull, Ruth [84907] b.1770 wife of Selah Strong d.1810
Woodhull, Temperence [167550] b.1697 wife of William Helme d.1727
Woodward, Francis William [84934] [84934]
Woodward, George Evertson [84933] [84933]
Woodward, Harriet B. [84939] m.18_Oct_1899, Eau Clarie, WI wife of Caleb Forbes Davis
Woodward, Harriet Bowen [84935] [84935] wife of John Wylie Barrow
Woodward, Mary Nicoll [84932] m.30_Jan_1867 wife of Erastus G. Putnam
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