Allen, Allerton [82946] b.6_Feb_1898
Allen, Frances Priscilla [82945] [82945] b.17_Apr_1894
Allen, Leon Ballord [82944] b.9_Jan_1891
Ballord, Catherine Augusta [82942] [82942] b.5_Aug_1864 m.26_Jun_1888 wife of Leon M. Allen
Ballord, Esek Steere [82938] b.26_Jul_1830, Bloomfield, CT
Ballord, John Bates [82936] b.25_Oct_1795 d.29_Jan_1856, New York
Ballord, Lynde [82928] b.15_May_1774 d.7_Jun_1825
Ballord, Mary [82916] b.1657 m.20_Oct_1674 wife of Samuel Lynde d.1697
Bates, Polly [82935] b.1777 m.4_Dec_1794 wife of Lynde Ballord d.1816
Beler, Jean [82887] wife of Simon de_Digby
Billings, Nancy [82986] b.23_Dec_1792 m.13_Mar_1815 wife of Joseph Otis d.2_Jan_1858, Berlin, Ohio
Bowdoin, Elizabeth [83002] b.1717 m.26_Oct_1732 wife of James Pitts d.1771
Bowdoin, Elizabeth [83032] m.20_Jan_1767 wife of John Temple
Bowles, Mary Goodrich [82849] m.1_Nov_1731 wife of Benjamin Lynde
Bucke, Mary [83033] b. Kempsey, England wife of William Winslowe d. after 1560
Carpenter, Grace [82863] d. young
Carpenter, Lloyd Preston [82865] [82865]
Carpenter, William Dorr [82864] [82864]
Clarke, Anne [82890] wife of Everard de_Digby
Cutter, Mary Webber [82963] m.24_Jan_1859 wife of Hugh McKittrick
de_Digby, Everard [82888] d.29_Mar_1461, killed at Towton
Digby, Everard [82903]
de_Digby, Robert [82883] d. before 1412
de_Digby, Simon [82885] d. before 1440
Digby, Simon [82900] d.Mar_1570, executed for being a rebel
Digby, William [82897] d. before 1_Aug_1529
Dorr, Esther Odin [82858] wife of William Hewitt Webb
Dorr, Harriet Odin [82857] m.17_Oct_1867 wife of James E. Carpenter
Dorr, Mary Warren [82856] wife of William L. Schaffer
Duffield, Divie Bethune [83020] [83020]
Duffield, Henry Martyn [83018] [83018]
Duffield, Morse Stewart [83022] [83022]
Eliot, Jared [82877] b.1728 d.1811
Eliot, Jared [82878] b.1761 d.1841
Eliot, Mary [82994] b.1792 wife of Henry Eliot wife of Joseph Dana Grafton d.1838
Elys, Jacquetta [82893] d.29_Jun_1496 wife of Everard de_Digby
Farnsworth, Henrietta Lynde [82955] [82955]
Farnsworth, Mary Susan [82956] [82956] m.14_Feb_1867 wife of William Wirt Smith
Fiske, Mary [82947] b.29_Jan_1783 m.1_Jan_1809 wife of Samuel Valentine d.13_Aug_1861
Gouche, Elizabeth [82924] m.17_Jul_1735 wife of Thomas Valentine
Grafton, Frances E. [82879] b.1829 m.1846, Little Rock AK wife of William E. Ashley d.1898
Grey, Anne [82902] wife of Simon Digby
Griffin, Catherine [82896] d. before 1517 wife of John de_Digby
Griswold, Elizabeth [82875] b.16_Jul_1729 m.1747 wife of John Raymond d.16_Jan_1779
Harcourt, Alice [82832] d.1526 wife of William Bessiles, of Bessiles-Leigh, Berkshire
de_Harcourt, Arabella [82829] wife of Fulk Pembrugge wife of John de_Digby
Harcourt, John [83038] b. Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England d.26_Jun_1485
de_Harcourt, Margaret [82828] wife of John de_Cantelupe
de_Harcourt, Richard [82830] of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxford d.1293
de_Harcourt, Robert [82834] b.20_Sep_1410, Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, England d.14_Nov_1470
de_Harcourt, Sir John [82818] of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxford d.1330
de_Harcourt, Sir Richard [82820] [82820]
de_Harcourt, Sir Thomas [82816] [82816] of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxford d.1417
de_Harcourt, Sir William [82817] [82817] of Stanton-Harcourt, Oxford d.1349
de_Harcourt, Sir William [82819] [82819]
Harrington, Frances A. [82961] [82961] b.26_May_1817 m.1838 wife of Norman Cutter d.22_Oct_1886
Hobby, Elizabeth [82933] wife of James Gouche
Jenkins, John Elliott [82992] b.30_Dec_1890
Jones, Elizabeth [82929] m.17_Dec_1771 wife of Samuel Valentine
Lewis, Clarissa [82993] m.1785 wife of Jared Eliot
Lord, Elizabeth [82873] b.1735 m.1760 wife of Jared Eliot
Lord, Enoch [82872] b.1726 d.1814
Lord, Richard [82846] b.1752 d.1818
Lord, Sarah Ann [82845] b.1799 wife of Charles J. McCurdy d.1835
Lynde, Benjamin [82848] b.1700 d.1781
Lynde, Benjamin [82915] b.1665 d.1744
Lynde, Elizabeth [82869] b.1688 wife of Richard Lord d.1778
Lynde, Elizabeth [82914] b.25_Mar_1662 wife of George Pordage d.Jun_1746
Lynde, Hannah [82870] b.2_Dec_1694 m.22_Jun_1725 wife of George Griswold d. before 1736
Lynde, Lydia [82850] wife of William Walter
Lynde, Mary [82917] b.16_Nov_1680 m.6_Apr_1702 wife of John Valentine d.26_Mar_1732
Lynde, Nathaniel [82913] b.22_Nov_1659 d.5_Oct_1729, Saybrooke, CT
Lynde, Samuel [82912] b.1_Dec_1653 d.Oct_1721
Lynde, Simon [82909] d.22_Nov_1687
McKittrick, Alan [82968] b.17_Jul_1871 d.5_Dec_1886
McKittrick, Edward Sterling [82975] [82975] b.3_Nov_1897
McKittrick, Hugh [82967] b.16_Aug_1868
McKittrick, Hugh [82980] b.27_Mar_1896 d.7_Feb_1899
McKittrick, Margaret [82974] b.8_Jan_1891
McKittrick, Martha [82966] b.12_Jan_1866 m.6_Nov_1889 wife of William C. Stribling d.5_Nov_1892
McKittrick, Mary [82970] b.22_Feb_1875
McKittrick, Mary [82982] b.3_Sep_1898
McKittrick, Ralph [82971] b.17_Aug_1877
McKittrick, Thomas H. [82973] b.14_Mar_1889
McKittrick, Thomas Harrington [82965] [82965] b.17_Apr_1864
McKittrick, Walter [82969] b.19_Mar_1873
McKittrick, William Kennett [82981] [82981] b.1_Aug_1897
Mervin, Hepzibah [82876] wife of Enoch Lord
Mitchell, Anne [82847] wife of Richard Lord
de_Neville, Ellen [83035] d. after 1547 wife of Kenelm Bucke
Newgate, Hannah [82911] b.28_Jun_1635 m.ca_Feb_1652 wife of Simon Lynde d.20_Dec_1684
de_Newkirk, Catherine [82905] wife of Everard Digby
Norris, Anne [83039], Bray, Berkshire, England wife of John Harcourt
Odin, Esther [82854] wife of Benjamin Dorr
de_Oseville, Elizabeth [82882] [82882] wife of John de_Digby
Otis, Joseph Edward [82988] b.30_Apr_1830
Otis, Mary Taylor [82990] b.24_Nov_1860 m.19_Nov_1885 wife of John Elias Jenkins
de_Pakeman, Catherine [82884] m. Leicestershire wife of Robert de_Digby
Perwich, Rose [82899] wife of William Digby
Pitts, Emeline [83010] b.1812 d.1893 wife of Benjamin Sanborn
Pitts, Frances [83012] wife of Henry M. Duffield
Pitts, Helen Strong [83026] m.19_Jun_1900 wife of Arthur M. Parker
Pitts, Julia [83014] wife of Thomas Cranage
Pitts, Samuel [83005] b.1745 d.1805
Pitts, Samuel Mountfort [83009] [83009] b.1810 d.1886
Pitts, Thomas [83007] b.1779 d.1836
Pordage, Hannah [82919] m.1714 wife of James Bowdoin
Prescott), Harriet E. P. Fransworth (Eliza [82954] (Eliza Prescott) [82954]
Raymond, Anne [82984] b.13_Dec_1758 m.24_May_1787 wife of Stephen Billings d.28_Jul_1842, Salem, CT
Sanborn, Nancy Merrill [83016] [83016]
St._Clair, Edith [82837] m.1445 dau. of Thomas St. Clair wife of Sir Richard Harcourt
St._Clair, Thomas [82839] d.1434
Stribling, Mildred Clarkson [82977] [82977] b.23_Aug_1890
Stribling, William C. [82978] b.27_Jan_1892
Valentine, Elizabeth [82925] b.18_May_1739 wife of Zaccheus Ballord d.26_Mar_1807
Valentine, Eliza Fiske [82948] [82948] b.10_Nov_1813 Hopkinton wife of Benjamin Stow Farnsworth
Valentine, Harriet Jones [82950] [82950] b.1800 m.1806 wife of Abraham Harrington d.1870
Valentine, Joseph [82931] b.18_Nov_1776 d.26_Mar_1845
Valentine, Samuel [82926] b.7_Dec_1745 d.10_Mar_1834
Valentine, Samuel [82930] b.14_Feb_1773 d.19_Feb_1823
Valentine, Thomas [82922] b.3_Aug_1713 d.17_Apr_1783
Walter, Harriet Lynde [82852] wife of John Odin
Webb, Anne Griscom [82867] wife of Albert Ripley Leeds
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