Hillhouse, Ann [212861] b.9_Jan_1791, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Anna [212856] b.11_Mar_1759, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, David [212859] b.25_Apr_1784, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, David M. [212880] b.1865, Ontario, Canada d.1935, York, Ontario, Canada
Hillhouse, Dorothy [212891] b.ca.1911, Ontario, Canada
Hillhouse, Dorothy Isabel [212901] [212901]
Hillhouse, Elizabeth [212871] b.18_Mar_1817, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland wife of David Murray
Hillhouse, Ernest Hope [212886] [212886] b.5_Sep_1877, Wellington Co., Ontario, Canada
Hillhouse, Etkelwyn Isabella [212883] [212883] b.18_Nov_1872, Clifford, Ontario, Canada
Hillhouse, Frederick John [212900] [212900]
Hillhouse, Frederick Ross [212902] [212902]
Hillhouse, Harry Adams [212899] [212899]
Hillhouse, James [212854] b.7_Jul_1755, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Janet [212870] b.31_Dec_1814, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Jean [212872] b.15_Apr_1819, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland wife of John Hepburn
Hillhouse, John [212851] b.8_Aug_1711, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, John [212855] b.14_Jul_1757, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, John [212865] b.5_Jul_1804, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Lola J. [212885] b,ca.1876, Ontario, Canada wife of Chester L. Eedy
Hillhouse, Rachel [212867] b.30_Mar_1809, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Thomas [212860] b.4_Aug_1788, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, Thomas [212873] b.25_Aug_1821, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, William [212853] b.15_Apr_1753, Riccarton, Ayrshire, Scotland
Hillhouse, William [212874] b.14_Nov_1823, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
Lawrie, Margaret Louise [212908] [212908]
McWater, Janet [212858] b.1_Dec_1757, Monkton, Ayrshire, Scotland wife of John Hillhouse
Murray, Alice [212911] b.7_May_1860, Glasgow, Scotland
Parker, Mrgaret Jean [212888] b.Nov_1875, Ontario, Canada wife of Ernest H. Hillhouse
Smith, Ethelwyn Isabell [212894] [212894]
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