Boone, Anne [77413] wife of Abraham Lincoln
Boone, Benjamin [77409] b.27_Jul_1706, England d.14_Oct_1762
Boone, Daniel Morgan [126329] b.1769 d.1839, Jackson Co. MO
Boone, Dinah [77398] wife of Benjamin Tallman
Boone, Edward [77447] b.30_Nov_1740, Exeter PA d.1780, Kentucky
Boone, George [77446] b.13_Jan_1739, Exeter PA d.Nov_1820
Boone, George II [77418] b.17_Nov_1646, Exeter, Devonshire, England d.1706
Boone, George III [77401] b.1666, Stoak, Devonshire, England d.7_Aug_1744
Boone, George IV [77403] b.24_Jul_1690, England d.1753
Boone, Hannah [77449] b.Aug_1746, Exeter PA d.1828
Boone, Israel [126326] b.1759 d.1782
Boone, Israel [77440] b.20_May_1726, New Britain PA
Boone, James [126325] b.1757 d.1773, Clinch Mountain VA
Boone, James [77410] b.18_Jul_1709, England d.1_Sep_1785, Exeter PA
Boone, Jemima [77436] b.1762 wife of Flanders Callaway
Boone, Jesse Bryan [126330] b.1773 d.1820, St. Louis MO
Boone, John [77407] b.14_Jan_1702, England d.Oct_1785, Exeter PA
Boone, Jonathan [77442] b.6_Dec_1730, New Britain PA
Boone, Joseph [77408] b.5_Apr_1704, England d.30_Jan_1776, PA
Boone, Levina [126332] b.1776 d.1802, Clark Co. KY wife of Joseph Scholl
Boone, Mary [77406] b.4_Oct_1699, England wife of John Webb d.16_Jan_1774
Boone, Mary [77445] b.14_Nov_1736, Exeter PA m. Rowan Co. NC wife of William Bryan d.1819
Boone, Nathan [115015] b.1781 d.1856, KY
Boone, Rebecca [126328] b.1768 wife of Phillip Goe d.1805, Clark Co. KY
Boone, Samuel [77411] b.1711, England d.6_Aug_1745, PA
Boone, Samuel [77441] b.31_May_1728, New Britain PA d.1808, Fayette Co. KY
Boone, Sarah [77404] b.29_Feb_1692, England wife of Jacob Stover
Boone, Sarah [77439] b.18_Jun_1724, New Britain PA m.1742 wife of John Wilcoxen d.1815
Boone, Squire [77405] b.6_Dec_1696, Devonshire, England d.2_Jan_1765, Rowan Co. NC
Boone, Squire [77448] b.30_Nov_1740, Exeter PA d.1780, Kentucky
Boone, Susannah [126327] b.1760 wife of William Hays d.1800, St. Charles Co. MO
Boone, William [126331] b.1775
Callaway, Elizabeth [77434] wife of Morgan Bryan
Callaway, Frances [77433] wife of William Lamme
Carter, Mary [126336] wife of Jonathan Boone
Grant, William [77426] b.1726, Scotland d.1804, KY
Lamme, Czarina [77430] wife of Willis Bryan
Lamme, Hulda [77431] wife of John Bryan
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