Allendi, Leona [54199] wife of Sir William Clayton d.1854, England
Alvarez, Angela Bridget [54202] [54202] m.1857 wife of Sir William Clayton
de_Baatz, Constance [54252] natural daughter of Charles de_Baatz wife of John Charles Conyers
Blakeney, Marguerite [54074] wife of Paul Honore Delagardie
Blakeney, Marguerite Grosvenor [54094] [54094] wife of George Rutherford
Blakeney, Percy Armand [54071] [54071]
Blakeney, Serena [54072] wife of ________ Rutherford
Blakeney, Suzanne [54073] wife of Scott Rutherford
Bloom, Leopold [54112] immortalized by James Joyce
Bumppo, Agatha [54225] wife of Mycroft Holmes
Caldwell-Grebson, Harold Cecil [54249] [54249] took the name Clayton
Caldwell-Grebson, John [54239] [54239] b.1531
Caldwell-Grebson, John Charles [54243] [54243] captain b.1607 d.5_Jul_1643
Caldwell-Grebson, John Dermod [54240] [54240] b.1556 d.1634
Caldwell-Grebson, John Edmund [54236] [54236]
Caldwell-Grebson, John Mycroft [54227] [54227]
Caldwell-Grebson, John Ralph [54222] [54222] 9th lord Grebson 4th earl of Grebson b.1396
Caldwell-Grebson, John Richard [54241] [54241] b.1587
Caldwell-Grebson, Ralph Arthur [54248] [54248] b.1634
Caldwell-Grebson, Thomas Ralph [54221] [54221] 8th lord Grebson 3rd earl Grebson b.1366
Carfax, Jane [54195] wife of Lord Dacre
Challenger, Enid [54131] wife of Edward D. Malone
Clayton,, Capt. John [54257] 4th earl Staveley 13th lord Grebson d.1749
Clayton, Cecil Arthur [54175] 2nd earl of Greystoke b.1749, New York
Clayton, Chrysogon [54259] wife of Harold C. Caldwell-Grebson
Clayton, Joane [54092] wife of Richard Wimsey wife of Byron Noel-King
Clayton, John [54090] 5th earl of Greystoke b.8_Nov_1835
Clayton, John [54113] d. 22 NOV 1889 West Africa
Clayton, John [54129] "Tarzan" 8th earl of Greystoke
Clayton, John [54258] aka capt. Bob Singleton
Clayton, John Cecil [54168] 1st earl of Greystoke b.1730 d.1765
Clayton, Martha [54210] d.1874
Clayton, Phileas [54188] b.1832
Clayton, Roxana [54189] b.1833
Clayton, Sir Jesse [54068] 4th earl of Greystoke d.1858
Clayton, Sir John Paul [54147] [54147]
Clayton, Sir William [54069] b.1_Jan_1799 d.1902
Clayton, Ultima [54214] b.1877 m.1898, London, England wife of John T. McGee
Clayton, William [54206] b.1867
Clayton, William Cecil [54091] [54091] 6th earl of Greystoke b.2_Oct_1836 d.3_Feb_1909
Clayton, William Cecil Arthur [54109] [54109] 7th earl of Greystoke b.18_May_1891 d.1910, Gabon
Collis-Wimsey, Barbara [54137] [54137]
Conyers, John Charles [54251] 12th lord Grebson of Grebson b.1668 d.1_Jul_1690
Dacre, Lorina [54187] wife of Sir William Clayton m.1835 wife of Sir Heraclitus Fogg
Darcy, Athena [54093] wife of John Clayton d.1894
Darcy, Fitzwilliam Bennet [54075] [54075]
Delagardie, Enid [54121] wife of George Edward Rutherford
Delagardie, H. Lucasta [54122] [54122] wife of Gerald Wimsey
Delagardie, Paul Honore [54083] [54083]
Delagardie, Rhoda [54123] wife of John Byron Wentworth
Dewhurst, Anthony [54062] member of the league of the scarlet pimpernel
Dewhurst, Georgia [54063] wife of Sir Hugh Drummond
Drummond,, Capt. Hugh [54134] "Bulldog"
Drummond, Sir John [54135] (Korak) adopted son of John Clayton, 8th earl of Greystoke
Dupin, Charles Auguste [54106] [54106]
de_Greystock, Thomas [54220] d.1381
de_Greystock, William [54219] 4th lord Greystoke
de_Greystoke, Joan [54267] wife of John, 7th lord Darcy
de_Greystoke, John [54264] baron de_Greystoke b. before 1389 d.8_Aug_1436
de_Greystoke, Maud [54263] wife of Eudo de Welles
de_Greystoke, Ralph [54265] lord Greystoke b.18_Oct_1353 d.Apr_1418
von_Harben, Julia [54171] wife of Bolko Rubinroth
Higgins, Ellen [54089] wife of Rudolph Bloom
Holmes, Anne [54223] wife of John R. Caldwell-Grebson
Howard, Arabella [54183] wife of Sir Jesse Clayton
Jacot, Jeanne [54152] wife of Sir John Drummond
Jansenius, Agatha [54067] wife of Fitzwilliam Bennet Darcy
Jansenius, Edith [54086] wife of William Cecil Clayton
Jansenius, Henrietta [54087] d.1863 wife of John Clayton
Kemble, Mary [54166] actress wife of Charles Howard
Khatamagos, Ermione [54164] m. Greece wife of Sir William Clayton
van_Kortrijn, Katrina [54192] wife of Sir William Clayton
van_Kortrijn, Maida [54191] wife of Sir William Clayton
Larsson, Una [54262] wife of John Clayton
Otava, Haiba [54231] wife of Capt. Ulf Larrson
Porter, Jane [54144] wife of John Clayton
Raffles, A. J. [54119] famous cricketeer and gentleman burglar
Retief, Wilhelmina [54184] m. Africa wife of Sir William Clayton
Rochester, Alice Horatia [54148] [54148] wife of Sir John Paul Clayton
Rothschild, Ruth [54162] wife of Sir John Jansenius
Rubinroth, Hilda [54169] wife of John Cecil Clayton
von_Ruderfurd, Augusta [54173] [54173] wife of Dr. Wilhelm von_Harben
Rutherford, Alice [54114] b.13_Jan_1864 m.21_Feb_1888 wife of John Clayton d. West Africa
Rutherford, Alicia [54054] wife of John William Clayton d.26_Jan_1801, lost at sea off Cherbourg
Rutherford, George [54095] 13th lord Tennington
Rutherford, George Edward [54053] [54053] professor
Rutherford, George Edward [54116] [54116]
Rutherford, George Tennington [54098] [54098]
Rutherford, Hazel [54156] wife of John Armand Drummond
Rutherford, Lucasta [54100] wife of Francis Delagardie
Rutherford, Melissa [54115] wife of Blodgett Mayfair
Rutherford, Nina Tennington [54118] [54118]
Rutherford, Venetia [54097] wife of William Drummond
Rutherford, Violet [54099] wife of Siger Holmes
Ruthven, ________ [54237] lord Ruthven of Perthshire
Ruthven, Jean [54242] wife of John R. Caldwell-Grebson
Salvador, Dolores Maria [54254] [54254] mistress of Charles de_Baatz
Savage,, Dr. Clark [54128] "Doc Savage"
Shaw, Margaret [54205] m.1866 wife of Sir William Clayton d.1869
Strong, Hazel [54158] wife of Edward Rutherford
Tressilian, Elizabeth [54244] m.1629 wife of John C. Caldwell-Grebson
(Tressilian), John T. Caldwell-Grebson [54247] (Tressilian) [54247] d. age 9
Walters, ________ [54261] wife of John Clayton
Walters, William [54260] quaker
Wentworth, Richard [54138] aka Lamont Cranston, "the shadow"
Wharram, Martha [54208] m.1870 wife of Sir William Clayton d.1874
Wildman, Patricia Clarke [54088] [54088] wife of William Cecil Clayton
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