Bailey, Abigail [144110] b.1753
Bailey, Abner [144109] b. before 4_Aug_1751, Scituate MA d.7_Feb_1803
Bailey, Judith [144112] b.1757
Bailey, Mercy [144111] b.1755 d.1826
Bigelow, Catherine Scollay [37526] [37526] wife of Francis Parkman
Bourne, Elizabeth [144106] b.11_Jul_1726, Scituate MA d. before 14_Feb_1760
Brooks, Eleanor [37631] b.18_Sep_1867 m.17_Oct_1891 wife of Richard M. Saltenstall
Brooks, Gorham [37558] b.1795 d.1855
Brooks, Joanna Cotton [37551] wife of Nathaniel Hall
Brooks, Peter Chardon [37550] b.1767 d.1849
Brooks, Peter Chardon [37566] b.8_May_1831
Brown, Abigail [37544] b.1732 m.23_Sep_1764 wife of Edward Brooks d.1800
Brown, Elizabeth [37545] wife of John Chipman
Chipman, Elizabeth [37553] b.1756 wife of William Gray d.1823
Coffin, Francis Parkman [37535] [37535]
Cordner, Caroline Parkman [37533] [37533]
Cotton, Abigail [144101] b.1699 d.17_May_1732
Cotton, Elizabeth [144098] b.1693
Cotton, Joanna [37540] b.1691 wife of John Brown d.1772
Cotton, John [144097] b.1661 d.1706
Cotton, John [37539] b.1690 d.1757
Cotton, Josiah [144104] b.1703
Cotton, Mary [37542] b.7_Dec_1719 wife of ________ Cheny m.13_Oct_1748 wife of Dr. Joseph Pynchon
Cotton, Nathaniel [144100] b.1697 d.1729
Cotton,, Rev. John [144093] b.4_Dec_1585, Derby, Derbyshire, England d.23_Dec_1652, Boston MA
Cotton,, Rev. John [144096] b.15_Mar_1639/40 d.18_Sep_1699, Charleston SC
Cotton,, Rev. Roland [37538] b.27_Dec_1667 d.29_Mar_1722, Sandwich MA
Cotton, Roland [144094] b.1587
Cotton, Roland [144103] b.1701 d.1725
Cotton, Rowland [144091] b. before 1550, London, England d.1604, Derbyshire, England
Cotton, Thomas [144095] b.1594
Gray, Ellen Cordis [37627] b.1830 wife of W. Henry Brooks d.1901
Gray, Henry [37625] b.1784 d.1854
Hall, Caroline [37523] wife of Francis Parkman d.Aug_1871
Parkman, Caroline Hall [37525] [37525] b.30_Jun_1825 wife of John Cordner
Parkman, Francis [37522] b.3_Jun_1788 d.12_Nov_1852
Parkman, Francis [37524] b.1823 d.1893
Parkman, Grace [37529] wife of Charles P. Coffin
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