of_Armenia, ________ [13365] wife of Hmayeak
of_Constantinople, Alexander [13354] [13354] emperor in the East d.913
of_Constantinople, Anna [13338] [13338] b.886 wife of Louis III, king of Provence
of_Constantinople, Bardas [13342] [13342] emperor in the East
of_Constantinople, Romanus II [13336] [13336] emperor in the East d.963
of_Constantinople, Stephen [13355] [13355]
of_Constantinople, Theophilus [13340] [13340] emperor in the East d.842
Lecapena, Helena [13347] wife of Constantine VII, emperor in the East
Maliene, ________ [13377] m. before 912 wife of Bardos Phokas
Martinakes, Eudocia Ingerina [13344] [13344] b.ca.840 mistress of Michael III wife of Basil I d.882
Phokas, Bardos [13374] b.ca.880 d.969
Phokas, Nikephoros [13375] the Old b.ca.840 d.896, Constantinople
Phokas, Sophia [13371] b.ca.936 m.ca.950 wife of Constantin Skleros
Prokaina, ________ [13373] m. before 925 wife of ________ Kourkouas
Skleros, Constantin [13356] b.ca.920 d. after 980
Skleros, Niketas [13357] b.ca.885 d. after 920
________, Basil I [13361] b.827 d.29_Aug_889
________, Constantinos [13363] [13363] b.785
________, Gregoria [13359] wife of Munir wife of Niketas Skleros
________, Theodocia [13367] wife of Leo V the Armenian
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