of_Amaya, Nuno [12132] b.ca.1010
de_Amaya, Teresa Nunez [12169] [12169] wife of Diego Laines Castro
of_Asturias, Alfonso I [12152] [12152] king of Asturias, 739-757
of_Asturias, Alfonso II [12184] [12184] king of Asturias, 791-842
of_Asturias, Alfonso III [12143] [12143] king of Asturias, 866-910 b.ca.848 d.20_Dec_910
of_Asturias, Aurelius [12148] king of Asturias, 768-774
of_Asturias, Ermisenda [12188] [12188]
of_Asturias, Fafila [12189] king of Asturias, 737-739
of_Asturias, Fruela I [12185] king of Asturias, 757-768
of_Asturias, Fruela II [12142] [12142] king of Asturias, 910-925
of_Asturias, Leogundis [12145] [12145] wife of Garcia Iniguez
of_Asturias, Mauregatus [12187] [12187] king of Asturias, 783-788
of_Asturias, Ordono I [12146] king of Asturias, 850-866
of_Asturias, Ramiro I [12147] king of Asturias, 842-850
of_Asturias, Vermundo I [12149] [12149] king of Asturias, 788-791
Asura, Sulla [12173] wife of Nuno Nunez of Amaya
Betota, Gonzalo [12245] d.ca.920
of_Bureba, Salvador Petriz [12228] [12228] count of Bureba d. after 994
of_Bureba, Urraca Salvadorez [12227] [12227] wife of Sancho Garces
of_Cantabria, Pedro [12153] duke of Cantabria b.ca.670
de_Cartagena, Theodosia [12194] [12194] b.cal.540 wife of Leovigild de_Espania
of_Castile, Elvira [12212] (or Nuna) b.ca.970 wife of Sancho the great, king of Navarre d.1035
of_Castile, Elvira Sanchez [12216] [12216] 2nd wife of Vermundo II d.1052
of_Castile, Fernan Gonzalez [12218] [12218] count of Castile, 923-970
of_Castile, Garcia Fernandez [12179] [12179] count of Castile, 970-995
of_Castile, Garcia Sanchez [12214] [12214] count of Castile, 1017-1029
of_Castile, Munia [12226] countess of Castile wife of Gonzalo Fernandez
of_Castile, Nuno Nunez [12221] [12221] count of Castilla d.900
of_Castile, Petrus Fernandez [12217] [12217]
of_Castile, Sancho Garcia [12215] [12215] count of Castile, 995-1017
of_Castile, Teresa [12213] wife of Vermundo III, king of Leon
of_Castile, Uracca Fernandez [12180] [12180] wife of Sancho Garces II d. after 1005
of_Castilla, Gutina Gutinez [12225] [12225] wife of Fernando Nunez
Castille, Urraca of [12177] wife of Ramiro I of Asturias
Diaz, Elvira [12235] b.ca.930 m. before 960 wife of Fernando Vermundez d. after 975
Eriz, Elduara [12248] wife of Gutierre Menedez
Fernandez, Ximena [12236] b.ca.970 m.ca.975 wife of Garcia II d. after 1035
Frolaz, Rodrigo [12150] count of Castille
of_Galicia, Ordono II [12140] king of Galicia, 910-920
Gonzales, Malindo [12240] b.965 d.ca.1008
Gonzalez, Pelayo [12244] d.ca.959
Gutierrez, Adosinda [12239] m.925 wife of Ramiro II
Gutierrez, Froila [12251] d.ca.934
Gutierrez, Hermesinda [12252] wife of Pelayo Gonzalez
Gutierrez, Ildonca [12161] wife of Guttierre Ororiz d.942
de_Italy, Theodoric [12198] b.ca.480 d.30_Aug_526
de_Lara, Gonzalo Fernandez [12219] [12219] count of Burgos d. after 919
of_Leon, Alfonso IV [12138] king of Leon, 925-930
of_Leon, Garcia I [12141] king of Leon and Castile, 910-914
of_Leon, Ordono III [12136] king of Leon, 951-956
of_Leon, Ordono IV [12171] king of Leon, 958-960
of_Leon, Ramiro II [12139] king of Leon, 930-951
of_Leon, Ramiro III [12172] king of Leon, 966-984
of_Leon, Sancho I [12137] king of Leon, 956-966
of_Leon, Vermundo II [12135] king of Leon, 984-999
of_Leon, Vermundo III [12170] king of Leon, 1028-1037
of_Leon, Ximena [12256] wife of Fernando Gundermariz
de_Lugo, Teresa Eriz [12247] wife of Gonzalo Betota
Melendez, Geloria [12254] b.ca.996 m.Jan_1013 wife of Alfonso V, the Noble d.2_Dec_1052, Leon
Menendez, Nuna Elvira [12160] wife of Ordono II of Oviedo
Nunez, Nuno [12223] d. after 860
Nunez, Vermundo [12222] b.ca.900 d. after 958
Nunez), Fernando de_Castrosiero (Fernando [12220] (Fernando Nunez) [12220]
Ordonez, Nunio [12144] d. after 870
Osoriz, Guttierre [12238] d.ca.941
Pelaez, Aragonta [12243] m.ca.952 wife of Ordono III
Pelaez, Ilduara [12242] wife of Gonzalo Menendez d. before 985
of_Portugal, Hermingildo (Hermingildo Gutierrez) [12162] d.ca.943
Rodrigo, [12176] count of Castille
Rodriguez, Diego [12174] count of Castille
Rodriguez, Diego [12178] count of Castille
of_Spain, Ervigio [12210] b.ca.640 d.687
Velasquez, Velasquita [12231] wife of Vermundo Nunez
Vermundez, Fernando [12232] b.ca.930 d.978
of_Vierzo, Ermesinde Gatonez [12166] [12166] wife of Hermingildo Gutierrez
of_Vierzo, Gaton [12155] count of_Vierzo
of_Vierzo, Nuna [12157] wife of Ordono I of_Asturias
________, Ardebasto [12208] b.ca.620
________, Asura [12183] wife of Diego Rodriguez, count of Castile
________, Athagildo [12206] b.ca.585
________, Paterna [12182] wife of Diego Rodriguez, count of Castile
________, Saint Hermengild [12192] [12192] b.ca.560 d.ca.585
________, Saint Isidore [12195] [12195] b.ca.540
________, Theodomer [12200] b.ca.450 d.475
________, Theodora [12197] b.ca.510 wife of Severginus de_Cartagen
________, Theodora [12199] b.ca.480 wife of Theodoric de_Italy
________, Tutadomna [12167] wife of Malindo Gonzales d.ca.1022
________, Valaravus [12203] b.ca.350
________, Wandalar [12201] b.ca.420 d.459
________, Winithar [12202] (Withemir) b.ca.380
________, ________ [12175] wife of Nuno Nunez
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