My York Co. VA Project

- descendants of John Aduston of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas C. Amory of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of Roger Armistead of Yorkshire England
- descendants of Edward Baptist of York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Belvin of Abingdon Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of James Berry, b.1786, Maryland
- descendants of Robert Booth, d.1657, York Co. VA
- descendants of Richard Bradshaw of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of Thomas Bray of Middlesex Co. VA
- descendants of John Bryan b.1786, York Co. VA
- descendants of James Bonwell of Accomack Co. VA b.1650
- descendants of Jonathan Bunting of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Bartholomew Burcher of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Harwood Burt of York Co. VA
- descendants of Edward Burwell of England
- descendants of Richard Callis of York Co. VA
- descendants of William Calthorpe of Norfolk England
- descendants of Daniel Carmines of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Miles Cary of Warwick Co. VA
- descendants of Walter Chapman of York Co. VA
- descendants of Henry Charles of York County, Virginia
- descendants of Maj. Edmund Chisman of Charles River Co. VA
- descendants of James Clarke of Prince Edward Co. VA d.1834, York Co. VA
- descendants of Richard Cotterell of New Kent Co, VA
- descendants of Soloman Couch of Cumberland Co. NJ
- descendants of Thomas Cox of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Sampson Crockett of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Maj. Thomas Curtis of Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Edmund Custis of England
- descendants of Bartholomew Dandridge of England
- descendants of Thomas Davis of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of James Davis d.13_Nov_1824, Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Robert Dawson of York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas DeAlba of York Co. VA
- descendants of Jacob Digges of Barham, Kent, England
- descendants of William Dixon of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Hugh P. T. Drennen of Pennsylvania
- descendants of Capt. John Drummond of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Littleton Dryden of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of Richard Eggleston of James City Co. VA
- descendants of Josiah Evans of Maryland
- descendants of Edward W. Ferguson of Amherst Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Firth of Maryland, b.1812
- descendants of Abraham Forrest of Mathews Co. VA
- descendants of Henry Nathanial Forrest b.1814, Baltimore MD
- descendants of John R. Fosque of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Henry Fox of Great Missenden, Bucks, England
- descendants of William Fox of Warwick Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Freeman of Oxfordshire England
- descendants of Robert Gayle of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of Richard Garrett of York Co. VA
- descendants of William Goodwin of Buckinghamshire England
- descendants of John Graves of York Co. VA, b.1838
- descendants of William Green of York Co. VA
- descendants of Maj. John Hansford of York Co. VA
- descendants of Peter Hardgrave b. England, d.1684, York Co. VA
- descendants of Robert Harris, York Co. Virginia
- descendants of Sir George Harwood of London England
- descendants of Thomas Hogg of Northampton Co. VA
- descendants of William Hoges of York Co. VA
- descendants of George Holloway of England
- descendants of Robert T. Hopkins of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of William Hopkins d.1759, Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of George Hornsby of York Co. VA b.1825
- descendants of John H. Hornsby d.1765, Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of John Howard of Nottinghamshire England
- descendants of Robert Hubbard of York Co. VA
- descendants of Robert Hudgins b.1660, Lancashire, England
- descendants of James Hunley of York Co. VA
- descendants of James Hunt b.1809, Isle of Wight Co. VA
- descendants of John Hunt of York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Ironmonger of England
- descendants of Walter James of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of John Jarvis
- descendants of Allen Jones of York and Warwick Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Kerby of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of William Lawson of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of Henry Lee of York Co. VA
- descendants of Alexander Lewelling of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Lewis Lewis of Monmouthshire Wales
- descendants of Thomas Ludwell of England
- descendants of Otis Manson of York Co. VA
- descendants of Edward Maulson of England
- descendants of Zadok Messick of York Co. VA
- descendants of Henry E. Mills of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of John Minson b.1640, England d.1699, Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of William Montgomery of York Co. VA
- descendants of Levi Moore of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of John Moore of Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Moreland of York Co. VA
- descendants of Richard Moss of Lancastershire England
- descendants of William Nelson of Cumbria England
- descendants of Capt. Thomas Nutting of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of William B. Owens b.1818, Mathews Co. VA
- descendants of William C. Parker of York Co. VA
- descendants of John Parsons of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Walter Patrick of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of William Phillips of York Co. VA
- descendants of Louis Powell b.1810, Mathews Co. VA
- descendants of William Powell of York Co. VA b.1714 d.1764
- descendants of Nicholas Presson of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of Dawson Provoo of York Co. VA b.1775-1794 d. before 1840
- descendants of James Quinn of York Co. VA
- descendants of Joseph Rawlins of York Co. VA
- descendants of George Reade of Hampshire England
- descendants of James Richardson of York Co. VA b.1826
- descendants of Emory Riggin of Maryland
- descendants of Isaac Riggins of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of John Robinson of Yorkshire England
- descendants of John Rogers b.1645, Edinburgh, Scotland d.1715, York Co. VA
- descendants of George Rollins of York Co. VA, b.1801
- descendants of Thomas Rowe of York Co. VA
- descendants of John Saunders b.1635, York Co. VA
- descendants of John Saunders of York Co. VA,
- descendants of Henry Scarburgh of Norfolk England
- descendants of Robert Sheild of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of William Shields of Williamsburg VA
- descendants of Henry Smith of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Peter Smith Sr. of Kingston Parish, Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of Robert L. Smoot of Montgomery Co. VA
- descendants of David Sparrow of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Stacy Sr. of Essex England
- descendants of Benjamin Stroud of York Co. VA
- descendants of Humphrey Tabb of Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Taylor of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas C. Teagle of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of Capt. Joseph Tennis of Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Joshua Tennis of St. Mary's Co. MD
- descendants of Wise A. Thomas of York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Tomer of York Co. VA
- descendants of George T. Topping of Accomack Co. VA
- descendants of William T. Topping of York Co. VA
- descendants of Henry Tyler of York Co. VA
- descendants of John Wainwright of York Co. VA
- descendants of John Walker of King and Queen Co. VA
- descendants of Seth Ward b.1797, Somerset Co. MD d.1845, York Co. VA
- descendants of Thomas Warner of Norfolk England
- descendants of Thomas Watkins d.1678, Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of William Drummond Watson of York Co. VA b.1824 d.1863
- descendants of Sir Thomas West of Devonshire England
- descendants of Chilion White of Gloucester Co. VA
- descendants of James Williams of York Co. VA
- descendants of Francis Willis of Oxfordshire England
- descendants of William Wilson of Elizabeth City Co. VA
- descendants of Capt. Willis Wilson of York Co. VA
- descendants of Dr. John Winder of Somerset Co. MD
- descendants of John Wood of York Co. VA
- descendants of Samuel Wornom of York Co. VA
- descendants of John Wright of Charles Parish, York Co. VA
- descendants of John Wynne of York Co. VA d.1772