Smith, Linda [104220] wife of Bob Swett
Smith, Mark David [104178] b.15_May_1954, GReensboro NC
Smith, Mary Katherine [104179] [104179] b.20_Apr_1985, Waynesville NC
Smith, Richard George [105897] [105897]
Smith, Robin Taft [104175] b. Greensboro NC
Smith, Rufus Walsh [104988] b.5_Jul_1944
Smith, Ruth [108583] b.16_Sep_1739, Shrewsbury MA
Smith, Sandy Allen [104989] b.29_May_1954
Smith, Sarahanne Wright [104181] [104181] b.1992, Waynesville NC
Smith, Solomon [108587] b.18_Mar_1749/50, Shrewsbury M
Smith, Sylvia Taft [104194] b.31_Mar_1985, Winston-Salem NC
Snyder, Violet [110116] wife of ________ Wilson
Sorsenson, Alana [106106] b.5_Feb_1983
Sorsenson, David Whitney [106105] [106105]
Spaulding, Allison Rachael [104347] [104347] b.29_Mar_1991
Spaulding, Daniel Robert [104345] [104345] b.31_Jan_1987
Spaulding, Kevin Edward [104343] [104343] b.1_Nov_1961
Spaulding, Kristen Rebekah [104346] [104346] b.2_Jan_1989
Sprague, ________ [108232] d. Phillips ME wife of G. H. Hamlin
Stafford, Clayton W. [104314] b.1_Jun_1888 d.24_Nov_1932
Stafford, John L. [104313] b.19_Apr_1882 d.1_May_1953
Stafford, Marjorie Jean [104315] [104315] b.19_Sep_1932 m.1953 wife of Max Mendenhall
Stafford, May B. [104312] b.13_Dec_1878 d.24_Jul_1960
Staples, Andrew Whitney [111060] [111060] b.4_Dec_1854
Staples, Betsy Jane [111002] b.23_Oct_1850 m.12_Feb_1867 wife of Frederick B. Sweetser d.1920
Staples, Charles B. [111064] b.11_Jul_1868
Staples, Enoch [111061] b.1_May_1857
Staples, George Alvah [111005] [111005] b.19_Jun_1860
Staples, Harry U. [111065] b.2_May_1870
Staples, Hildreth S. [111006] b.1862
Staples, Lilla [111003] b.27_Apr_1855
Staples, Mary [111004] wife of Daniel Plaisted
Staples, Mertie [111052] wife of Carl Whorff
Staples, Myra A. [111062] b.18_May_1860 d.1929 wife of Edgar Calden
Staples, Phebe Belle [111066] b.20_Apr_1872 wife of ________ Tupper
Staples, Tryphena S. [111059] b.22_Dec_1852 wife of Charles B. Conant
Staples, William A. [111063] b.29_Jan_1863
Stark, Judy [109129] b.17_Dec_1940 wife of Bill Vorderbruegge
Stark, Mary Virginia [109127]
Stark, Patricia Linn [109128] b.24_Mar_1931, Elk City KS m.14_Jun_1950 wife of Thomas Eugene Norby
Stebe, Bessie [107031] b.Apr_1891
Stephens, Lucy [110837] b.10_Dec_1857, Mifflin WI wife of Joseph Osborne d.10_Mar_1942, Portland OR
Stephenson, Brian Edward [105861] [105861] b.2_Sep_1970, Salt Lake City UT
Stephenson, Cynthia Ellen [105860] [105860] b.2_Feb_1967, Denver CO
Stevens, Alison C. [107261] b.13_Jul_1969
Stevens, Anne [107260] b.12_Sep_1963 wife of Carson Lauer
Stevens, Barbara [107262] b.23_Apr_1971
Stevens, Jennifer [107265] b.1_Sep_1968 wife of Paul Herrmann
Stevens, Joan Marie [107244] b.22_Sep_1930 wife of Aaron Black wife of Kenneth T. Lilga
Stevens, John [107259] b.2_May_1962
Stevens, Marion [107247] b.27_Jun_1941 wife of William Boben
Stevens, Matthew John [107266] [107266] b.1_Aug_1971, Kingston PA
Stevens, Richard A. [107245] b.7_May_1934
Stevens, Robert V. [107246] b.26_Nov_1935
Steward, Florence [111039] b.1909 wife of Arthur Newell
Steward, Malcolm [111038] b.1906 d.1922
Steward, Pauline [111040] b.1922
Stillman, Calvin Eastman [108099] [108099]
Stillman, John Sterling [108100] [108100]
Stillman, Timothy Goodrich [108101] [108101]
Stinchfield, Abbie [110967] b.9_Jul_1857 d.6_Mar_1886, Eyota MN
Stinchfield, Augustus White [110962] [110962] b.1_Dec_1842, Phillips ME
Stinchfield, Charles Alvah [110963] [110963] b.15_Oct_1847 d.22_Apr_1863
Stinchfield, Clara B. [110969] [110969] b.23_Nov_1863 m.11_Dec_1881 wife of C. Burton Richardson
Stinchfield, Lura [110966] b.24_Jun_1854 d.21_Dec_1875
Stinchfield, Minnie A. [110968] [110968] b.17_Jan_1859 m.29_May_1890 wife of Henry W. True
Stinchfield, Nellie M. [110964] [110964] b.28_Nov_1847 d.23_Apr_1873
Stockwell, Jonathan Alden [107433] [107433] b.11_May_1973, Lompoc CA
Stockwell, Lindsey Beth [107434] [107434] b.28_Oct_1980, Framingham MA
Stockwell, Mathew Ramsey [107432] [107432] b.7_Feb_1971, Larado TX
Stone, Joanna [105867] wife of Simon Taynter
Stowe, Annette [105656] m.1884 wife of Robert David Bell
Stowe, Benjamin [105651] d.1865
Stowe, Charles G. [105657] b.1853
Stowe, George Washington [105655] [105655] b.1851
Stowe, Harriett [105650] wife of ________ Bell
Stowe, Helen [105752] b.1903 wife of Carlton Gordon
Stowe, Jo Warren [105652] b.1843, Newton MA
Stowe, Martha Wales [105654] b.1848 m.1888 wife of Charles T. Wales d.1933
Stowe, Nathaniel [105649] b. Newton MA
Stowe, Raymond [105751] b.1895
Stowe, Sarah Elizabeth [105653] [105653] b.1846, Newton MA wife of Robert David Bell d.1913
Stowe, William [105658] b.1854
Straight, Willard Whitney [106242] [106242]
Suttle, Helen Court [111515] b.18_May_1916, Aberdeen SD m.12_Jun_1943 wife of Samuel B. Shoults
Svedine, Barbra Eloise [107455] [107455] b.29_Dec_1927, Milford MA wife of John Tibman
Svedine, Brenda Lea [107537] b.15_Feb_1969
Svedine, Carl Henry [107457] b.10_May_1929, Milford MA
Svedine, David Earl [107461] b.25_May_1942, Brockton MA
Svedine, David Earl [107524] b.5_Jun_1965, Stoughton MA
Svedine, Deborah Lynn [107531] [107531] b.28_Mar_1958
Svedine, Donna Linnea [107463] [107463] b.27_Jun_1948, Brockton MA wife of George M. McDonald
Svedine, Harold Arthur [107462] [107462] b.21_Dec_1945 d.22_Dec_1945
Svedine, Lawrence Chandler [107459] [107459] b.25_Sep_1933, Quincy MA
Svedine, Lisa Ann [107536] b.9_May_1963
Svedine, Norma Beverley [107460] [107460] b.25_Aug_1935, Quincy MA m.1959 wife of Howard W. Hooke
Svedine, Paula Jean [107535] b.15_Nov_1961
Svedine, Roberta Florence [107456] [107456] b.29_Dec_1927, Milford MA wife of Lennie F. Deversa
Svedine, Wendy Eleanor [107525] [107525] b.23_Jun_1971, Taunton MA
Swanson, Anne [105066] wife of Donald D. Benson
Swanson, Carl William [108818] [108818] b.20_Mar_1918, New Haven CT
Swanson, Gloria Mae [108820] b.26_Jul_1923, Keene NH m.1_Jun_1942 wife of Earl Brown
Swanson, William Franklin [108821] [108821] b.21_Mar_1941
Sweetser, Charles B. [111009] b.1868 d.1919
Sweetser, Donn W. [111026] b.1913
Sweetser, Evedene [111014] b.1888 wife of William O. Steward
Sweetser, Evelyn [111013] b.1888 wife of Ralph Morey
Sweetser, Faye J. [111024] b.1904 wife of Daniel Steward
Sweetser, Ferne E. [111023] b.1901 wife of Kenneth Smith
Sweetser, Florette [111015] b.1892, Farmington ME m.1932 wife of Clifford Cole
Sweetser, Joseph F. [111011] b.1874
Sweetser, Maxine E. [111025] b.1911 wife of Arnold Palmer
Sweetser, Willmot F. [111010] b.1870 d.1934
Swett, Caitlyn Alexandra [104166] [104166]
Swett, Roswell Berniece [107387] [107387] b.23_Jan_1900, Worcester MA d.1968, West Boyleston MA
Sylvester, Anna [110765] m.1886 wife of William Stratton
Sylvester, Attila [110707] b.1836 m.1857 wife of Caleb Barker
Sylvester, Bernice [110680] wife of John H. McGaughy
Sylvester, Caleb Jr. [110705] b.1832
Sylvester, Charles A. [110689] [110689] b.1862
Sylvester, Charles Carroll [110704] [110704] b.1830, ME d.1908
Sylvester, Charlotte [110696] b.1879 wife of William Cartwright
Sylvester, Eben Whitney [110699] [110699] b.25_Aug_1820, Phillips ME d.1906
Sylvester, Edna [110746] m.1910 wife of John Osborne
Sylvester, Electa Howard [110743] [110743], Chicago IL
Sylvester, Emma Bell [110751] wife of Richard Badger
Sylvester, Ernest [110690] b.1864
Sylvester, Eugene [110681] b.1893
Sylvester, Eugene Mitchell [110692] [110692] b.28_Apr_1869, ME d.29_Mar_1936, San Antonio TX
Sylvester, Fairfield E. [110691] [110691] b.1866
Sylvester, Florence [110682] b.1895
Sylvester, Florence [110688] b.1861
Sylvester, Franklin [110706] b.1834 d.1864
Sylvester, George [110703] b.1828
Sylvester, George E. [110697] b.1881
Sylvester, George Franklin [110741] [110741]
Sylvester, Jennie [110749] wife of ________ Skidmore wife of ________ Cole
Sylvester, John Fairfield [110709] [110709] b.1841
Sylvester, L. Emma [110710] b.1843 m.1868 wife of Orson Clark
Sylvester, Lydia [110701] b.1824 wife of Loren Ballou d.1853
Sylvester, Maybelle C. [110694] [110694] b.1873 wife of Edward T. Miller
Sylvester, Nellie [110742] wife of ________ Dyer
Sylvester, Nettie [110731] wife of Colin W. Wright
Sylvester, Sylvanus [110702] b.1825 d. before 1865, Civil War
Sylvester, Thelma [110683] b.1896
Sylvester, Walter Emmett [110684] [110684] b.17_Jan_1899, Rock Island IL d.23_Mar_1996, Houston TX
Sylvester, Winfield F. [110695] [110695] b.1874 d.1941
Szydlowski, Carol Ann [107532] [107532] b.17_Dec_1960
Szydlowski, Diane Estelle [107533] [107533] b.6_Aug_1964
Szydlowski, Jana Beth [107534] [107534] b.27_Feb_1969 d.27_Feb_1969
Taft, Emily [104195] b. Chicago IL wife of Paul Howard Douglas d.29_Jan_1994, White Plains NY
Taft, Jessie Louise [104196] wife of Roger Crane
Tainter, Dorothy [105348] b.May_1706, Watertown MA m.1722 wife of Daniel Whitney d.7_Aug_1768
Tapley), George W. T. Whitney (Washington [111919] (Washington Tapley) [111919]
Taylor, Ruth Groo [104321] wife of Albert C. Johnson
Taynter, Simon [105866] b.30_Jul_1660, Watertown MA d.19_Jan_1738/39
Telling, Edward Chapin [106442] [106442]
Tetrick, Beverly Sue [111324] b.9_Mar_1953, Newcastle WY m.15_Mar_1974 wife of Bruce Hakanson
Tetrick, Eugene Monroe [111357] [111357] b.13_Mar_1960, Lake Charles LA
Tetrick, Henry Eugene [111320] [111320] b.14_May_1935, Vanzant MO
Tetrick, James Nolan [111319] b.14_Sep_1931, Champion NE
Tetrick, Jerald Lee [111322] b.23_Jul_1949, Hot Springs SD d.7_Jul_1968, Custer WY
Tetrick, Kathryn Fay [111323] b.13_Nov_1950, Newcastle WY m.4_Apr_1975 wife of Michael Moore
Tetrick, Leanne Gail [111351] b.21_Oct_1965, Hot Springs SD
Tetrick, Linda Kay [111350] b.21_Jan_1961, Newcastle WY
Tetrick, Lois Carol [111348] b.1958, Newcastle WY d.1958, Newcastle WY
Tetrick, Mary Elizabeth [111347] [111347] b.26_Mar_1957
Tetrick, Patricia Jean [111358] [111358] b.22_Apr_1961, Lake Charles LA
Tetrick, Robert Allen [111356] [111356] b.9_Mar_1958, Everett WA
Tetrick, Ronald Dean [111345] b.6_Dec_1952, Newcastle WY
Tetrick, Sharon Kay [111346] b.1954, Newcastle WY d.1954, Newcastle WY
Tetrick, Steven Ray [111349] b.10_Sep_1959, Newcastle WY
Tetrick, Tamara Lea [111359] b.13_May_1962, Everett WA
Tetrick, Voll Monroe [111317] b.24_Feb_1927, Haigler NE d.10_Oct_1955, Denver CO
Thayer, Peggy [105208] m.1821 wife of Timothy Whitney
Thayer, Sally [109203] wife of Isaac Whitney
Tibman, Darlene Marie [107551] [107551] b.19_Jan_1968
Tibman, Debra Ann [107546] b.30_Oct_1953
Tibman, Elaine Marilyn [107545] [107545] b.3_Aug_1951
Tibman, Janice Lorraine [107548] [107548] b.7_Apr_1960
Tibman, Jean Ellen [107549] b.30_Mar_1961
Tibman, Jeffery Allan [107553] [107553] b.6_Nov_1969
Tibman, Joanne Elizabeth [107544] [107544] b.27_May_1948
Tibman, Johnathan Bruce [107552] [107552] b.8_Jun_1968
Tibman, Judith Irene [107550] b.10_Oct_1962
Tibman, Linda Diane [107543] b.16_Jul_1947
Tibman, Lorie Jean [107547] b.20_Jun_1957
Tolman, Abigail D. [109685] m.4_Jun_1865, Leominster MA wife of Sidney Whitney
Tower, Pamela [106254] b.1921 m.1941 wife of Ketchum Secor m. after 1942 wife of Thomas LeBoutillier
Tower, Whitney [106255] b.1923
Trathen, Jarek Skyler [138286] [138286] b.31_Jan_1994, Grand Junction CO
Trathen, Matthew William [105563] [105563] b.1_Sep_1989, Price UT
Trombley, Jeff Dustin [106182] [106182] b.4_Sep_1975, Manchester NH
Trombley, Jessica Lynn [106181] [106181] b.14_Dec_1973, Manchester NH
Truax, Brent Paul [108826] b.13_Dec_1963, Burlington VT
Truax, Sally Colleen [108827] b.31_Jul_1965, Burlington VT
Truax, Wendalyn Wiwilla [108824] [108824] b.14_Mar_1961, Burlington VT
Tudor, Dorothy Shriner [105707] [105707] b.29_Mar_1924 wife of Frank Olson
Tudor, Gary David [105713] b. 27_Jul_1945 ID
Tudor, Ruth [105705] wife of ________ Gee
Twitchell, Benjamin [112586] b.10_Jun_1599, Chesham, Buckingham, England d.1675/76, Medfield MA
Twombly, Nell Quimby [111150] b.1871 wife of Mason Parker wife of Herbert Vining
Villegas, David Edward [105545] [105545] b.1_Jul_1970
Villegas, Thomas Ryan [105546] [105546] b.15_Oct_1971
Vivilecchia, Demian James [106566] [106566] b.17_Oct_1970, Hyannis MA
Vivilecchia, Demian Mitchell [106572] [106572] b.16_Jul_1992
Vivilecchia, Erika Marie [106568] [106568] b.21_Nov_1974, Melrose MA
Vivilecchia, Krysta Judyaga [106570] [106570] b.1_May_1979, Melrose MA
Vivilecchia, Robert Joseph [106569] [106569] b.18_Nov_1976, Melrose MA
Vivilecchia, Sarah Elizabeth [106573] [106573] b.14_Mar_1996
Vogt, Joey Whitney [106622] b.1973
Vogt, Jon Quentin [106621] b.1970
Voss, Kristofer Thomas [111506] [111506] b.5_Oct_1968
Voss, Michael Cary [111505] b.28_Dec_1966
Wade, Jennifer Marie [111400] b.19_Jan_1983, Salem OR
Wade, Jerry Duane [111396] b.6_Mar_1959, Salem OR
Wade, Robert Michael [111395] b.21_Jun_1956, Ausberg, Germany d.24_Jun_1956, Germany
Wagner, Megan Elizabeth [106104] [106104] b.12_Nov_1992, Voorhees NJ
Waite, Gershom [112602] b.4_Feb_1700, Marlborough MA d.Nov_1784
Wales, Albert Henry [105483] (Bert) b.9_May_1924, Grand Junction CO d.12_May_2001, Grand Junction CO
Wales, Benjamin [105599] b.22_May_1819 d.16_Jun_1819
Wales, Benjamin [105802] b.14_Mar_1780
Wales, Betsy [105803] b.18_Jun_1782 d.24_Mar_1833
Wales, Bolen Eugene [105531] (BoGene) b.7_Sep_1961
Wales, Camille Elaine [105513] [105513] b.15_Dec_1937 d.8_Oct_1938
Wales, Carl Edward [105550] (Eddie) b.27_Jul_1943, Grand Junction CO
Wales, Cathey Ann [105625] b.13_Dec_1955
Wales, Charles [105725] b.1856 d.1918
Wales, Chris Anthony [105530] b.29_Dec_1957
Wales, Clyde Albert [105618] b.24_Apr_1940 d.24_Apr_1940
Wales, Dallas Bolen [105539] b.24_Jul_1991
Wales, Edward [105593] b.4_Feb_1807 d.23_Sep_1864
Wales, Edward [105739] b.1879 d.1937
Wales, Edward Raul [105480] b.13_Dec_1910 d.27_Sep_1986
Wales, Edwin Monroe [105508] b.11_Jun_1844 d.21_Jul_1932
Wales, Eleanor [105743] wife of Howard Graf
Wales, Elsie Rose [105630] b.25_Aug_1899 d.20_Apr_1976
Wales, Elveta Evelyn [105481] b.27_Jun_1913 d.20_Jun_1983 wife of Earl van_Gundy
Wales, Emmeline C. [105594] b.20_Mar_1808 d.1_Apr_1829
Wales, Esther Ruth [105745] d.1937
Wales, Forrest Alan [105516] b.26_Dec_1960
Wales, Gary Albert [105567] b.21_Sep_1970
Wales, George Edward [105503] d. 5 yr. old
Wales, George Edward [105629] b.5_May_1887, Saguache CO d.12_May_1981, Grand Junction CO
Wales, Grace [105799] b.7_Jul_1774 d.24_Feb_1784
Wales, Grace [105805] b.22_Jul_1787 d.15_Feb_1849
Wales, Harrison Grey Otis [105596] [105596] b.3_Mar_1812, Newton MA d.25_Dec_1889, Rito Alto CO
Wales, Henry Harrison [105504] [105504] b. Massachusetts d.1925
Wales, James Carl [105565] b.15_Aug_1966
Wales, James Mackintosh [105724] [105724] b.1853
Wales, James Wesley [105474] b.6_Nov_1931 d.29_May_1985
Wales, Karen Sue [105624] b.3_Mar_1952 m.24_Aug_1924 wife of Richard P. Roland
Wales, Kenneth James [105526] b.13_May_1952
Wales, Lena Elizabeth [105635] [105635]
Wales, Martha J. [105595] b.27_Aug_1810 d.16_Sep_1811
Wales, Martha J. [105597] b.26_Sep_1813, Massachusetts wife of Vaughn Jones
Wales, Marvin Eugene [105619] b.Dec_1941
Wales, Nathaniel [105509] (Nat) b.23_Jun_1851, Newton MA d.5_Feb_1893
Wales, Nathaniel [105801] b.20_Apr_1778, Newton Center MA d.3_Mar_1864
Wales, Otis A. [105507] b.9_Mar_1840 d.19_Mar_1914
Wales, Otis A. [105628] b.1885 d.17_Sep_1905
Wales, Otis Winfield [105482] b.6_Sep_1920 d.27_Aug_1981
Wales, Patricia M [105475] b.19_Apr_1933 m.25_May_1950, Gloucester MA wife of James Alferd Maaske
Wales, Phoebe Irene [105506] (Tede) wife of Charles R. Laporte d.Sep_1888
Wales, Priscilla [105744] d.1937
Wales, Rodney Edward [105512] b.20_May_1936
Wales, Roy Melvin [105620] b.Jan_1943
Wales, Samuel [105804] b.9_Aug_1784
Wales, Sandra Ellen [105514] b.24_Feb_1940 m.5_Jul_1957 wife of Richard Henry Garner
Wales, Sharon Deloris [105566] [105566] b.24_Feb_1969
Wales, Susannah [105800] (Sukey) b.12_Aug_1776 d.1_Feb_1846
Wales, Violet Eleanor [105478] [105478] b.5_Sep_1908 d.10_Sep_1909
Wales, Wesley Nathaniel [105479] [105479] b.22_Jul_1909
Wales, William [105726] b.1859 d.1928
Wall, Donald Lee [111341] b.4_Oct_1973, McKinney TX
Wall, John Madison [111340] b.15_Jun_1972, McKinney TX
Walsh, Authur John [104980] b.24_Jun_1909 d.4_Feb_1974
Walsh, Bessie Louise [104979] b.5_Oct_1907 d.28_Mar_1980
Walsh, Donald Edwin [104937] b.4_Jan_1937
Walsh, Francis Jeannette [104982] [104982] b.28_Jan_1915 wife of Rufus Smith
Walsh, James Raymond [104984] b.Oct_1945
Walsh, Karen Elizabeth [104939] [104939] b.6_Jan_1968
Walsh, Kimberly [104938] b.22_Dec_1965 m.4_Jun_1988 wife of Andrew J. Walters
Walsh, Raymond James [104981] b.15_Apr_1911
Ward, Annis [104511] b.13_Aug_1770 wife of John Newton
Ward, Eunice Glazier [104512] b.8_Sep_1772 wife of Jonathan Whittemore d.23_Dec_1842, Fitchburg MA
Ward, Jo-Anna Bertha [106169] b.14_Nov_1962 m.25_Nov_1982 wife of Roger Lee Graves
Ward, Jonas [104510] d.1776
Ward, Jonathan [104513] d. Vermont
Warford, Nicolas Allen [106678] [106678] b.1995
Warren, Anna [108571] b.26_Aug_1721, Weston MA
Warren, Elizabeth [108574] b.1_Nov_1727, Weston MA m.9_Oct_1750, Watertown MA wife of Josiah Bemis
Warren, Eunice [108567] b.19_Aug_1714, Weston MA m.16_Nov_1731, Watertown MA wife of Judah Clarke
Warren, Grace [108570] b.28_Nov_1719, Weston MA
Warren, Keziah [108568] b.2_Aug_1716, Weston MA m.23_Nov_1733, MA wife of Jacob Smith
Warren, Mary [108572] b.17_Aug_1723, Weston MA m.17_Jan_1753, Watertown MA wife of William Hagar
Warren, Sarah [108569] b.22_Apr_1718, Weston MA m.1740, MA wife of Joseph Smith
Warren, Tabitha [108566] b.4_Jun_1713, Weston MA
Warren, Thankful [108573] b.4_Apr_1725, Weston MA d.29_Apr_1730, Weston MA
Warren, Thankful [108576] b.23_May_1730, Watertown MA
Wasner, Danielle Lorraine [111281] [111281] b.7_Jun_1980, Lincoln NE
Watson, Alfonzo [110535] b.23_Jul_1896, Rexburg ID d.16_Feb_1957
Watson, Colman Phinney [110245] [110245], Gorham ME
Watson, Cyral A. [110525] b.11_Sep_1889, Fairview ID d.5_Nov_1979
Watson, Cyrus [110526] b.11_Sep_1889, Fairview ID d.26_Mar_1948, Pocatello ID
Watson, Eleanor Whitney [104551] [104551] b.1902 d.1955
Watson, Electa [110521] b.4_Oct_1880, Beaver Canyon ID d.13_Aug_1962
Watson, Eliphalet [110103] b.4_Jun_1797, Gray ME
Watson, Elizabeth [110098] b.24_Sep_1779, Gorham ME
Watson, Elizabeth [110523] b.8_Aug_1885, Lewiston UT d.19_Apr_1953
Watson, Eniz [110533] b.19_Mar_1890, Fairview ID d.11_Jan_1902
Watson, Frederica Gore [104553] [104553] b.1_Nov_1905 m.3_Mar_1928 wife of William L. Payson
Watson, Glenn [110530] b.11_Jan_1888, Smithfield UT d.30_Mar_1889
Watson, Hannah [111731] wife of Samuel Scribner Jr.
Watson, Harriet Caroline [110520] [110520] b.15_Oct_1878, Lewiston UT d.17_Jul_1969
Watson, Hiram Abiff [110514] b.22_Aug_1828, Rochester NY d.20_Apr_1908, Minneapolis MN
Watson, Hiram Abiff [110518] b.30_Jun_1875, Smithfield UT d.12_Dec_1975
Watson, Ira [110524] b.31_Mar_1887, Lewiston UT d.25_Jun_1947
Watson, Irving G. [110527] b.5_Apr_1894, Rexburg ID d.31_Jan_1956
Watson, John [110101] b.4_Jan_1789, Gorham ME
Watson, John [110244] b.23_Sep_1741 d.26_Oct_1834
Watson, Joseph [110096] b.1_Jul_1774, Gorham ME
Watson, Joseph W. [110534] b.8_Jun_1894, Marysville ID d.5_Jun_1978
Watson, Lovina Rebecca [110519] [110519] b.18_Oct_1876, Richmond UT d.12_Jan_1963
Watson, Margaret Jane [110536] [110536] b.14_Aug_1899, Rexburg ID wife of Elgin Day Handy
Watson, Marjorie [104552] b.1903 d.1956
Watson, Nathan Whitney [110102] [110102] b.5_Sep_1791, Gorham ME d.17_Sep_1849
Watson, Oliver [110528] b.23_Dec_1900, Rexburg ID d.5_Jan_1901
Watson, Samuel [110097] b.30_Jun_1777, Gorham ME
Watson, Stephen [110095] b.8_Sep_1772, Gorham ME
Watson, Stephen [110099] b.25_May_1782, Gorham ME
Watson, William [110100] b.22_Apr_1785, Gorham ME
Watson, Zina [110522] b.14_Dec_1882, Lewiston UT d.11_Jan_1899
Watts, Christopher Lee [111546] [111546]
Watts, Daniel Jeffrey [111588] [111588]
Watts, Donald E. [111554] b.14_Apr_1920, Roques Bluffs ME d.3_May_1981, Manchester NH
Watts, Eugene Whitney [111553] [111553] b.28_Feb_1915, Roques Bluff ME
Watts, Franklin [111671] b.2_Feb_1936, Machais ME
Watts, Jeannie Mae [111691] b.8_Apr_1947
Watts, Jessica Louise [111683] [111683] b.2_Feb_1972, Millinockett ME
Watts, Katharine Dawn [111589] [111589]
Watts, Lawrence Everett [111701] [111701]
Watts, Michelle Christina [111591] [111591]
Watts, Myrle Irma [111550] b.16_Jun_1905, Roques Bluff ME d.1_Jun_1964, Roques Bluff ME
Watts, Norma Ellen [111672] b.20_Jul_1939, Machais ME m.11_Jun_1961 wife of Norris H. Manchester
Watts, Peggy Sue [111682] b.9_Jan_1967, Island Falls ME d.9_Jan_1967, Island Falls ME
Watts, Pennecia Louise [111680] [111680] b.1_Nov_1958, Island Falls ME
Watts, Ralph Lee [111681] b.23_Jul_1962, Island Falls ME
Watts, Rebbeca Elaine [111586] [111586]
Watts, Richard Eugene [111705] [111705]
Watts, Robert Lee [111552] b.25_Jul_1912, Roques Bluff ME d. Roques Bluff ME
Watts, Sarah Elizabeth [111547] [111547]
Webb, Amon [106031] b.16_Jun_1959
Webb, Donna Jean [106030] b.7_Jul_1958 m.26_Dec_1979 wife of Richard Dumas
Webb, Jessica Mae [106156] b.20_Feb_1988, Londonderry VT
Webb, Jonathan [106034] b.22_Aug_1963
Webb, Laura Leigh [106041] b.20_Nov_1980
Webb, Lisa [106032] b.17_Jan_1961 m.2_Aug_1986 wife of William Rowell
Webb, Matthew [106033] b.2_Mar_1962
Webb, Sarah Lynn [106155] b.20_Sep_1986, Bellows Falls VT
Webb, Tammy Ann [106042] b.14_Jun_1984
Wedge, Florence Delina [109680] [109680] b.27_Oct_1854 wife of George S. LaSelle d.18_Oct_1918
Wedge, Oscar D. [109676] b.9_Mar_1889
Welch, Edward Johnson [104339] [104339] b.19_Dec_1907 d.5_Aug_1983
Welch, Jacqueline Jean [104341] [104341] b.14_Apr_1938 wife of Reginald H. Spaulding
West, Christina Carol [109913] [109913] b.8_Mar_1984
West, James David [109914] b.22_Nov_1985
West, Jaycie Lynn [109915] b.16_Jul_1987
Weston, Patience [110162] b.3_Dec_1751 m.15_Apr_1775 wife of Asa Whitney d.23_Dec_1784, Gorham ME
Wetherbee, Edward [112406] b.7_Oct_1720, Stow MA
Wheaton, Donald Whitney [108070] [108070] b.1894 d.1967
Wheaton, Olive Whitney [108071] [108071] b.Apr_1896, Oakland CA d.Mar_1940, Huntington LI NY
Wheeler, Mary [107069] b.17_Mar_1756, Concord MA m.28_Feb_1776, Concord MA wife of Isaiah Whitney
Whitaker, Charles Frederick [108333] [108333] b.16_Jan_1862, Dayton OH
White, Margaret Chapin [106453] [106453] wife of John S. Mechern
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