Adamson, Elizabeth Ann [52373] [52373] b.26_Jul_1854
Adamson, Ellis [52371] b.12_Apr_1851
Adamson, Lydia [52372] b.13_Sep_1853
Adamson, Mary [52369] b.18_Jun_1847
Adamson, Thomas [52370] b.20_Oct_1848
Allen, Keven [52094] b.23_Jan_1961
Allen, Linda Sue [52093] b.5_Aug_1956
Arnett, Sarah [51527] m.21_Mar_1844, Newhope OH wife of John E. Votaw
Ashby, Charles Platt [51220] b.30_Aug_1904, Chicago IL
Baecker, Katherine June [52067] [52067] b.17_Jun_1945 m.6_Jan_1962 wife of Robert W. Gabriel
Baecker, Phyllis Jane [52066] b.9_May_1938 m.16_Apr_1954 wife of Ronald Young
Baecker, Ruby Pauline [52063] b.17_Aug_1930 m.11_Jul_1948, Pomona CA wife of Ralph Blann
Baecker, Shirley Rose [52065] b.29_Jan_1936 m.14_Feb_1952 wife of Gary Lawellen
Baecker, Wanda Lucille [52064] [52064] b.12_Feb_1934 m.7_Jun_1953 wife of Howard Price
Baldwin, Jimmy Lee [52041] b.18_Jan_1949
Baldwin, Joyce Marie [52042] b.23_Nov_1951
Barber, Hannah [52332] b.22_Dec_1825 m.27_Oct_1852, Salem OH wife of Isaac B. Votaw
Bayley, Andrew [51238] b.6_Oct_1811, Circleville OH d.Sep_1882
Bayley, Andrew Jackson [51463] [51463] b.20_May_1843 d.7_Apr_1870
Bayley, Emily Jane [51464] b.2_Oct_1847
Bayley, James [51236] b. Fredricktown MD
Bayley, Lusindia [51465] b.30_Jan_1845 wife of William J. Millican
Bayley, Mary Elizabeth [51462] [51462] b.13_Jul_1841 wife of ________ Rinnul d.23_Apr_1906
Bayley, Rosamond [51461] b.17_Apr_1838 d.5_Oct_1846
Bayley, Sonna Amanda [51466] b.13_Mar_1849
Bayley, Zilliah [51460] b.31_Jul_1836
Beck, Donald Dean [51296] b.8_Jan_1921, South Bend IN
Beck, Earl Frank [51345] b.7_Jan_1981, Queens NY
Beck, Jessica Ann [51340] b.1_Jan_1987, Columbia SC
Beck, John Eric [51341] b.26_Jan_1989, Columbia SC
Beck, Robert Michael [51303] b.18_May_1947, Niles MI
Beck, Shannon Michael [51344] b.27_Oct_1975, Manhatten NY
Beck, Stephanie Michelle [51338] [51338] b.28_Mar_1973, Stuttgart, Bad Constadt, Germany
Beck, William Bruce [51304] (Bill) b.24_Jul_1952, Lincolnton NC
Beeson, Faith [52161] b.13_Sep_1913 m.21_Jul_1933 wife of Harry Wright
Bender, Harriett F. [52215] b.2_Feb_1899 m.2_Feb_1919 wife of Dewey R. Warner
Bender, Hazel M. [52218] b.9_Dec_1912
Bender, Phyllis L. [52216] b.16_Jul_1902
Bender, Ralph C. [52217] b.18_Sep_1908 d.21_Jun_1941
Bercovitz, Paul Allen [51980] b.28_May_1954
Bercovitz, Ronald [51981] b.1_Apr_1957
Bercovitz, William Boyce [51979] [51979] b.11_Jun_1952
Blackshaw, Sarah [51324] b.1661 m.1689 wife of Ralph Cowgill
Blann, Rance Douglas [52074] b.21_Mar_1952
Blann, Rendra Louise [52077] b.27_Mar_1964
Blann, Robin Lynn [52076] b.10_Oct_1960
Blann, Roetta [52073] b.8_Feb_1950
Blann, Roxann Marie [52075] b.19_Nov_1953
Boyce, Barbara [51967] b.3_Aug_1925 m.31_Aug_1949 wife of William H. Reinhart
Boyce, Beatrice [51966] b.3_Aug_1925 m.20_Jul_1949 wife of J. Peter Bercovitz
Boyce, Carolyn [51975] b.19_May_1954
Boyce, Elizabeth [51977] b.23_Mar_1949
Boyce, James Reid [51978] b.28_Oct_1957
Boyce, Janet [51973] b.15_May_1950
Boyce, Kathleen [51974] b.6_Mar_1953
Boyce, Paula [51972] b.6_Jun_1949
Boyce, Richard Dudley [51965] b.12_Sep_1921
Boyce, William Dillard [51964] [51964] b.5_Oct_1918
Boyce, William Thomas II [51976] [51976] b.4_Dec_1947
Brewer, Donald Eugene [51285] b.3_Jan_1962
Brewer, Heather Ashley [51287] [51287] b.25_Jul_1988, Fairbanks AK
Brewer, Holly Nicole [51288] b.25_Jul_1988, Fairbanks AK
Brewer, Nicholas Ryan [51286] b.28_Apr_1985, Fairbanks AK
Brown, Mary [51508] b.13_Jun_1776 m.4_Sep_1793, Winona, OH wife of Moses Votaw
Bureau, Mlle. Magdalen [51488] [51488] wife of Peter Vauteau
Burson, Rebecca [51478] m.9_Jan_1793, South Fork VA wife of John Votaw
Camp, Colleen Grace [52146] b.2_May_1964
Camp, Elizabeth Elaine [52145] [52145] b.30_Apr_1959
Camp, Warren Kenneth [52147] b.29_Aug_1964
Carpenter, Martha [51389] wife of Reese Meredith
Cobbs, Albert [52341] b.9_May_1839
Cobbs, Ann [52342] b.24_Jul_1841
Cobbs, Eli [52343] b.13_Nov_1843
Cobbs, George [52338] b.16_Jan_1833
Cobbs, Jennett [52339] b.1_Feb_1835
Cobbs, Lucy [52344] b.22_Apr_1846
Cobbs, Mary Jane [52345] b.3_Oct_1848 d.12_Apr_1857
Cobbs, Robert [52324] b.26_Feb_1806 d.13_Mar_1876
Cobbs, Sarah [52340] b.4_Jan_1837
Cobbs, Simeon [52346] b.2_Mar_1851
Compton, Phebe [51526] m.15_Jan_1846, Newhope OH wife of Isaac Votaw
Courtney, Alonzo [51761] b.24_Nov_1838
Courtney, Ann [51755] b.8_Jul_1826
Courtney, Edward [51748] b.11_Oct_1794
Courtney, Emaline [51758] b.22_Jan_1834
Courtney, Isaac [51756] b.2_Dec_1827
Courtney, John [51754] b.7_Mar_1825
Courtney, Judith [51760] b.29_Jan_1837
Courtney, Mary V. [51757] b.19_Dec_1830
Courtney, Nathan [51759] b.17_Feb_1835
Courtney, Phebe C. [51762] b.6_Oct_1840
Courtney, Sarah [51753] b.7_Feb_1824
Cowgill, Abraham [51393] b.15_Jun_1690
Cowgill, Abraham [52409] b.Dec_1731
Cowgill, Abraham [52412] b.Oct_1736
Cowgill, Alexander [51472] b.1784, Frederick Co. VA d.1865
Cowgill, Edmund [51320] b.1669, Seattle, Yorkshire, England
Cowgill, Eleazer [51470] b.1711, Delaware d.1738
Cowgill, Elisha [51471] b.1743, Cecil Co. MD d.1804
Cowgill, Elmer W. [51475] b.1886, Union Co. OH d.1955
Cowgill, George W. [51473] b.1811, Ross Co. OH d.1881
Cowgill, George W. [51474] b.1854, Union Co. OH d.1914
Cowgill, Harah [51395] b.3_Sep_1694
Cowgill, Isaac [52413] b.Aug_1740 d.1823
Cowgill, Jennett [51318] b.1665, Settle, Yorkshire, England m.2_Dec_1687 wife of Bernard Lane
Cowgill, John [51319] b.1667, Seattle, Yorkshire, England d.1731, Yorkshire, England
Cowgill, John [52406] b.Jan_1726
Cowgill, Mary [51442] b.1702 m.1720 wife of Archibald Silver d.3_Nov_1767
Cowgill, Mary [52411] b.Oct_1736
Cowgill, Nehemiah [51394] b.13_Mar_1692
Cowgill, Nehemiah [52410] b.Apr_1734
Cowgill, Paul E. [51476] b.1920, Union Co. OH
Cowgill, Ralph [51316] b.1661, Settle, Yorkshire, England d.Jun_1756
Cowgill, Ralph [52408] b.Oct_1729
Cowgill, Sarah [52407] b.Aug_1727
Cowgill, Tamar [52416] b.Nov_1790
Cox, David Lewis Jr. [51947] b.25_May_1948
Cox, Linda Jean [51948] b.16_Aug_1949
Cox, Maydra Elizabeth [51949] b.3_Apr_1958
Cox, Philip Matthew [51951] b.5_Jan_1962
Cox, Timothy Dale [51950] b.25_Jul_1958
Davis, Jana Lyn [51999] b.28_Oct_1960
Davis, Jeffrey Lloyd [51998] b.2_Sep_1959
Davis, Nancy Jo [51879] b.8_Dec_1944 m.28_Jul_1962 wife of Douglas E. Lockwood
Davis, Sandra Kay [51880] b.15_Nov_1951
Doane, Lydia [51385] wife of Thomas Stradling
Fleming, Carl Arden [51915] b.25_Oct_1945
Fleming, Karen Rose [51914] b.20_Apr_1938 m.16_Jun_1956 wife of Wayne Erwin Kanzig
Frazier, Evelyn [52031] b.29_Jun_1943 m.15_Aug_1958 wife of Jack Landon
Frazier, Helen Lucille [52030] [52030] b.17_Feb_1939 m.14_Sep_1958 wife of James Jackson
Freeman, Glenn Ervin II [51874] [51874] b.17_Mar_1942
Freeman, James Marion [51875] b.25_May_1946
Freeman, Mary Ann [51877] b.31_Jul_1950
Freeman, Richard Steven [51876] [51876] b.30_Dec_1947
Fuhlhage, Clarence [52246] b.1906
Fuhlhage, Glenn H. [52247] b.12_Mar_1908, Quincy KS
Fuhlhage, Kenneth [52249] b.1916 d.5_Nov_1970
Fuhlhage, Walter [52248] b.1910
Gaunt, Louisa [52262] m.7_Jul_1868, Wabash Co. IN wife of Daniel W. Votaw
Gerstenberger, Carol Sue [51921] [51921] b.12_Aug_1945
Gerstenberger, Carrol C. [51908] [51908] b.16_Dec_1920
Gerstenberger, Chester [51909] [51909] b.1_May_1923 d.1_May_1923
Gerstenberger, LaWanda [51920] [51920] b.24_Nov_1942 m.1_Apr_1960 wife of Michael Toler
Gerstenberger, Vera Rose [51910] [51910] b.4_Jan_1927 m.9_Sep_1945 wife of James M. Kanzig
Gerstenberger, Violet [51907] b.11_Jun_1917 m.29_Aug_1936 wife of Chester A. Fleming
Gibson, Elizabeth [52347] b.21_Apr_1830
Gibson, Esther [52348] b.9_Nov_1832
Gibson, Hannah [52349] b.6_Dec_1834
Gibson, John S. [52353] b.11_Dec_1842
Gibson, Lucena L. [52357] b.6_May_1852
Gibson, Lucetta [52354] b.22_Oct_1844
Gibson, Lydia Ann [52355] b.31_Oct_1846
Gibson, Sarah [52351] b.1_Feb_1839
Gibson, Tabitha Jane [52356] b.8_Jun_1850
Gibson, Tamar S. [52350] b.12_Dec_1836
Gibson, Thomas V. [52352] b.20_Feb_1841
Goforth, Callin Harrison [51350] [51350] b.20_Feb_1980, Shelby NC
Goforth, Christopher Kyle [51348] [51348] b.18_May_1972, Shelby NC
Goforth, Pamela Courtney [51349] [51349] b.29_Aug_1976, Shelby NC
Goforth, Warren G. Jr. [51305] [51305] b.22_Jul_1946, Shelby NC
Grover, Julie [51943] b.9_Aug_1963
Hamilton, Alberta [51872] b.4_Jul_1957
Hamilton, Timothy Del [51873] b.6_Jun_1959
Hamm, Fred John [51222] b.7_Jul_1900, Mishawaka IN d.10_Dec_1968, Buchanan MI
Harrison, Albert Jesse [51215] [51215] b.6_Feb_1873 d.13_Jul_1919, Dallas IN
Harrison, Florence Etta [51217] [51217] b.15_Aug_1875 wife of Alva Clay Brown
Harrison, Helen E. [51458] b.10_Mar_1904, Miami Co. IN
Harrison, Lucinda Myrtle [51219] [51219] b.17_Mar_1879 d.13_Dec_1880
Harrison, Richard Perry [51456] [51456] b.18_Dec_1901, Wabash Co. IN d.20_Dec_1901, Wabash Co. IN
Harrison, Thomas Elliott [51457] [51457] b.29_Dec_1902, Peoria IN
Hiatt, Anna Maria [51707] b.22_Feb_1827 wife of Isaac Votaw d.16_Oct_1913
Hilles, Ann [51667] wife of ________ Dugdale
Hilles, Martha [51672] wife of ________ Hopkins
Hilles, Mary [51671] wife of ________ Smith
Hilles, Rebecca [51665] wife of ________ Grey
Hilles, Sarah [51666] m.20_Nov_1828 wife of Daniel Votaw
Hock, Jason Michael [51284] b.20_Nov_1979, South Bend IN
Hock, Richard Lee [51282] b.23_Mar_1941, Rolling Prairie IN
Hollingsworth, Henry [51738] b. Los Angeles CA
Hollingsworth, Henry Albert [51739] [51739] b.20_Jul_1931, Inglewood CA
Hollingsworth, John Benjamin [51737] [51737] b.1861 d.1933
Jess, Rachel [51355] b.1_May_1746 wife of Henry Reves d.4_Dec_1810
Kanzig, Christina Kay [51917] b.19_Feb_1958 d.1960
Kanzig, John Erwin [51925] b.20_Nov_1948
Kanzig, Patricia Lynn [51919] b.18_Sep_1961
Kanzig, Terrence Wayne [51918] [51918] b.20_Aug_1959
Kanzig, Vi Ann [51926] b.19_Sep_1951
Kelly, David Lee [52194] b.7_Aug_1932
Kelly, Donna Jeanne [52191] b.30_Apr_1955, South Bend IN
Kelly, Frances Mae [52193] b.30_Apr_1929
Kelly, Ralph Henry [52188] b.27_Sep_1902, Canonsburg PA
Kelly, Robert Vincent [52192] b.11_Nov_1948, South Bend IN
Kendall, Harry Thomas [51451] b.9_Jul_1914, Delphi IN d.24_Dec_1967, Peru IN
Kendall, Thomas Walter [51455] [51455] b.9_Aug_1957, Peru IN
Knabe, Karla Jean [52099] b.3_Oct_1962
Knabe, Keith Edward [52100] b.2_Sep_1964
Knabe, Richard LaVern [52095] b.23_Feb_1939
Knabe, Twilla Lee [52096] b.24_Jan_1941 m.30_Dec_1962 wife of Karl W. Eisele
Knott, DeAnn Ruth [51871] b.24_Aug_1958
Knott, Virginia Sue [51870] b.7_Jan_1950
Landon, Berry John [52034] b.4_Feb_1959
Langstaff, Elizabeth P. [52335] [52335] b.3_Feb_1818 wife of Robert Cobbs
Lawellen, Debra Lee [52080] b.12_Jul_1952
Lawellen, Janet Elizabeth [52081] [52081] b.11_Nov_1958
Lawellen, Joyce Ann [52082] b.22_Aug_1962
LeGaigneur, Mlle. Magdalen [51484] [51484] b.1687, London, England m.1706 wife of John Jacob Vauteau
Lewis, Dale John [51904] b.19_Jul_1951
Lewis, Jane Esther [51905] b.1_Apr_1953
Lippincott, Abigail [51368] wife of James Shinn
Lippincott, Restore [51377] b.1652 d.Mar_1741
Lockwood, Douglas E. II [51882] [51882]
Lockwood, Leslie Diane [51883] [51883]
Lowe, Julia A. [51674] wife of Benjamin Weber
Lucy, Ann Elizabeth [51988] b.5_Sep_1956
Lucy, Janet Kathleen [51989] b.22_Jul_1957
Lucy, John Howard [51990] b.29_Dec_1962
Macy, Lydia [52256] wife of Joseph Votaw
Martin, Pierre [51491] b.1737 d.1761
McBride, Ann [51570] b.17_Aug_1830
McBride, Gideon [51563] b.19_Mar_1817
McBride, Hannah S. [51566] b.21_May_1822
McBride, Isaac V. [51561] b.1_Dec_1812
McBride, Jeremiah [51553] b.18_Jul_1788
McBride, John [51568] b.1_Mar_1826
McBride, Joshua [51569] b.24_Jan_1828
McBride, Mahlon [51565] b.30_Sep_1820 d.22_Mar_1822
McBride, Mary [51564] b.7_Oct_1818
McBride, Moses [51562] b.23_Mar_1814
McBride, Rachel [51567] b.28_Mar_1824
McCoy, Mervin K. [52160] b.11_Jan_1911
McFadden, Rachel [51735] b.1841 m.1860, Byron MN wife of Edward E. Hollingsworth d.1924
Meridith, Mary Elizabeth [51231] [51231] b.3_Nov_1810 m.3_Mar_1830, Salem OH wife of John B. Votaw
Miller, Mary Ann [51247] b.7_Dec_1807, Pendleton Co. WV d.23_Aug_1857 wife of Andrew Bayley
Millican, William J. [51469] b.18_Jul_1832 d.25_Jul_1906
Mills, Dorothy L. [51891] b.23_Sep_1915/1916 m.23_Aug_1938 wife of Waldo Toves
Mills, John Votaw [51890] b.22_Apr_1915 d.14_Apr_1943
Mills, Margaret Elizabeth [51889] [51889] b.22_Oct_1912 m.1_Jun_1940 wife of Howard Rowland
Mills, Mary Catherine [51892] b.3_Apr_1921 m.24_Aug_1948 wife of Wayne Lewis
Morley, Donald Ralph [52035] b.3_Aug_1941
Morley, Douglas [52038] b.12_Jan_1965
Morley, Robert Lee [52036] b.4_Apr_1943
Morris, Mary [51360] wife of Abraham Rakestraw
Naff, Kimberly Eileen [52059] b.23_Apr_1960
Naff, Mark Alan [52058] b.12_Apr_1957
Naff, William Newton [52057] b.17_Feb_1954
Nelson, Dennis W. [52229] b.23_Nov_1948
Nelson, Duane A. [52228] b.6_Oct_1947 d.5_Apr_1949
Nelson, Jennifer J. [52230] b.13_Jun_1950
Nelson, Nancy L. [52231] b.24_Jul_1951
Nelson, Patricia A. [52232] b.14_Aug_1953
Nicholson, Phebe [51730] b.31_Dec_1854 m.26_Mar_1891 wife of Albert H. Votaw
Palmiter, Doyle [51299] b.1891, IN
Palmiter, Leo [51300] b.1896, IN
Pancoast, Susannah [51321] b.1661 m.2_Sep_1697 wife of Ralph Cowgill
Peterson, Anne [51694] wife of William McFadden
Platt, Sarah J. [51279] wife of ________ Arrison
Pontious, Eve [51237] b. Northumberland Co. PA wife of James Bayley
Price, Lori Anne [52079] b.5_May_1960
Price, Matt Darwin [52078] b.22_Jun_1956
Rakestraw, Mary [51266] b.17_Jul_1785 m.20_Sep_1804 wife of Henry Reeves
Reeves, Daniel [52423] b.29_Dec_1841
Reeves, Elisebeth P. [52420] b.14_Oct_1835 wife of ________ Burns
Reeves, George W. [51267] b. PA d.23_Jun_1864
Reeves, Henry [51265] b.7_Mar_1783 d.19_Dec_1831
Reeves, Isabel Vashti [52425] b.9_Nov_1845 wife of ________ Sherman d.7_Apr_1884
Reeves, John Rudolphus [52426] [52426] b.29_Mar_1848
Reeves, Lewis [52424] b.6_Jan_1844 d.21_Mar_1846
Reeves, Mary [52422] b.13_Nov_1839
Reinhart, Dana [51984] b.10_Aug_1961
Reinhart, Gail [51983] b.9_Jun_1953
Reinhart, Mark Steven [51982] b.10_Apr_1951
Reves, Henry [51352] b.21_Dec_1742, Burlington Co. NJ d.2_Apr_1809, Mount Holly NJ
Reves, Henry [51353] b.1702, Burlington Co. NJ d.5_Nov_1745
Reves, John [51354] b.1674, England
Ridenour, Amy [52239] b.6_Aug_1906
Ridenour, Donald E. [52240] b.8_May_1910
Ridenour, Dorothy [52238] b.24_Aug_1905 d.24_Aug_1905
Ridenour, Elsie [52234] b.11_Jan_1909
Ridenour, Kenneth V. [52233] b.21_Dec_1905
Rosenthal, ________ [51225] b.11_May_1911, Riverdale IL
Rosowski, James R. [52127] b.29_Oct_1938
Rosowski, Melvin [52128] b.20_Mar_1942
Rowland, Jean Louise [51898] b.12_Aug_1945
Rowland, Joan Lucille [51897] b.12_Aug_1945 m.31_Jan_1965 wife of Wilfred L. Lauberon
Rowland, Mary Elizabeth [51896] [51896] b.14_Nov_1943 m.1_Jun_1963 wife of Reid S. Charleson
Samms, Aaron [51699] b.30_Aug_1828
Samms, Jesse [51700] b.23_Mar_1831 d.12_Aug_1832
Samms, William [51701] b.21_Oct_1833
Scholer, Francis Peter [52178] [52178] b.15_Feb_1943, Chicago IL
Setzer, Barbara Joan [51937] b.27_Jan_1943 m.8_Dec_1962, Phoenix AZ wife of Bruce Grover
Setzer, Carolyn Jean [51938] b.19_Jul_1944
Setzer, Donna Sue [51940] b.26_Nov_1954
Setzer, Elsie [51927] b.1_Nov_1888 wife of Elmer Westerhouse d.7_May_1954
Setzer, Emma M. [51929] b.28_Apr_1896 wife of Lewis A. Cox
Setzer, Eva G. [51930] b.20_Nov_1905 m.24_Jun_1926, Long Beach CA wife of Addison J. Cole
Setzer, Hellen Sylvia [51939] b.10_May_1950
Setzer, James Clifford [51928] [51928] b.20_Oct_1893
Setzer, Marvin James [51935] b.5_Jun_1920
Setzer, Timothy James [51941] b.11_Oct_1963
Shattuck, Hannah [51397] wife of Restore Lippincott
Sheene, Clement [51372] b.1592, England d.1640
Shinn, Abigail [51356] m.26_Feb_1728 wife of Henry Reves
Shinn, John [51370] b.1632, England
Silver, Ruth [51364] wife of David Jess
Snider, Sidney O. [52062] b.12_Jul_1936
Stackhouse, Ellen [51314] b.1639, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England wife of Ralph Cowgill
Stackhouse, Ellin [51312] b.1637, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, Jannet [51311] b.1637, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, John [51308] b.1633, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, John [51313] b.1638, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, Thomas [51309] b.1635, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England
Stackhouse, Thomas Sr. [51310] [51310] b.1635, Giggleswick, Yorkshire, England d.1706, Bucks Co. PA
Stanley, ________ [52185] b.1914 d.1914
Stanley, Adora [52385] b.21_Jun_1864
Stanley, Elwood [52384] b.2_May_1863 d.17_Sep_1864
Stanley, Frances [51571] b.22_Apr_1819 wife of Isaac Votaw
Stanley, Henry G. [52378] b.4_Feb_1846
Stanley, Levi [52379] b.9_May_1848
Stanley, Littleberry [52331] b.20_Jan_1819
Stanley, Lydia E. [52382] b.15_Sep_1858
Stanley, Martha Ann [52381] b.9_Aug_1855
Stanley, Mary Ellen [52380] b.1_Nov_1851
Stanley, Tacy [52383] b.30_Sep_1860 d.29_Sep_1863
Stanley, William Jesse [51232] [51232] b.8_Jul_1875, Argos IN d.29_Jun_1943, Argos IN
Stanley, Wilma Jane [52186] b.2_Apr_1916, Argos IN m.1948, Gary IN wife of Ralph H. Kelly
Stradling, Mary [51383] wife of John Smith
Taylor, David [52326] b.11_May_1814 d.17_Nov_1862
Taylor, Drusilla Anna [52360] b.8_Dec_1844
Taylor, Garrett [52361] b.3_Nov_1846 d.14_Dec_1881
Taylor, Isaac Jesse [52363] b.28_Dec_1854
Taylor, Jane [52362] b.21_Oct_1852
Test, Rebecca D. [51763] b.21_May_1806 m.6_Dec_1827, Salem OH wife of Benjamin Votaw d.13_Feb_1831
Toler, Cynthia Sue [51924] b.14_Mar_1964
Toler, Rose Ann [51923] b.31_Oct_1961
Toves, James W. [51901] b.13_Sep_1942
Toves, Terry Jean [51902] b.6_Apr_1949
Tyler, ________ [52242] b.4_Nov_1881 d.4_Nov_1881
Tyler, ________ [52243] b.4_Nov_1881 d.4_Nov_1881
Tyler, ________ [52244] b.4_Nov_1881 d.4_Nov_1881
Vauteau, Anne [51489] wife of Robert Martin
Vauteau, Isaac Jr. [51482] d.1733, Dublin, Ireland
Vauteau, John Jacob [51481] b.1684, France
Vauteau, Peter [51483] b.1700, London, England d.15_Apr_1778, Dublin, Ireland
Vauteau, Peter Jr. [51492] b.1737
Vleaminck, Al Michael [52198] b.23_Feb_1953, South Bend IN
Vleaminck, Prosper Roger [52189] [52189] b.15_Jul_1913, South Bend IN
Vleaminck, Roger Alan [52197] b.15_Jan_1946, South Bend IN
Votaux, John [51501] b.1711, Dublin, Ireland
Votaw, ________ [51204] b.8_Feb_1917, Chikaming MI d.8_Feb_1917, Chikaming MI
Votaw, Abner [51577] b.20_Mar_1825 d.14_Dec_1894
Votaw, Adaline [51407] b.5_May_1835 wife of Calvin King
Votaw, Alan Dean [52103] b.10_Oct_1947
Votaw, Albert Hiatt [51723] b.19_Feb_1850 d.21_Feb_1931, Haddonfield NJ
Votaw, Albert S. [51835] b.21_Oct_1861, Brownsville MI d.25_May_1945, Sacramento CA
Votaw, Allisanna [51816] b.1843 wife of ________ Owen d.1865
Votaw, Alma Virginia [51857] b.26_Aug_1916 m.4_Jul_1941 wife of Maurice H. Knott
Votaw, Ann [51420] b.13_Jun_1810 m.7_Dec_1831 wife of Abraham Walton Jr.
Votaw, Ann [51511] m.20_Nov_1823 wife of Maurice Miller
Votaw, Ann [52315] b.16_Feb_1811 m.26_Nov_1828, Goshen OH wife of Samuel Gibson
Votaw, Anna [51544] wife of Morris Miller
Votaw, Anna M. [52213] b.29_Jul_1905
Votaw, Anna Mary [51209] b.20_Dec_1864, Wabash Co. IN d.4_Apr_1878
Votaw, Anna Smith [52394] b.9_Oct_1811, Ohio d.16_Mar_1825 Chester Co. IN
Votaw, Ardella [51840] b.8_Aug_1975 d.24_Oct_1878
Votaw, Ardella [51851] b.11_Apr_1888 m.3_Sep_1908 wife of John Delos Mills
Votaw, Arline [51992] b.18_Nov_1935 m.17_Dec_1957 wife of Marlen Wade Davis
Votaw, Arthur [51416] b.8_Apr_1857 d.16_Mar_1859
Votaw, Ascenath [51586] b.31_Jan_1842 wife of Prescott ________
Votaw, Ben Austin [52441] b.1912
Votaw, Benjamin [51417] b.28_Jun_1803
Votaw, Benjamin [51742] b.15_Apr_1804
Votaw, Beverly Ann [52054] b.5_Oct_1955
Votaw, Carleton Knott [51205] b.29_May_1908, Argos IN d.17_Jul_1922, Michigan City IN
Votaw, Caroline E. [51724] b.18_Sep_1852 d.24_Dec_1853
Votaw, Chalkley [51530] b.7_Nov_1828 d.23_Feb_1829
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