Category 1. You are a Hogg family researcher and already have a set of Y-DNA data representative of your family. In this case you can join the project by simply sharing your DNA data with us. It is most useful and rewarding if you also share with us knowledge of your family pedigree. Just email me at to provide me with your information.
Category 2. You are a qualified Y-DNA test candidate representative of a Hogg family but you do not yet have DNA data. In this case, you need to order a DNA test kit from one of the DNA testing companies. Once you have DNA data you can join the project by sharing your DNA data with us. Again, it is most useful and rewarding if you also share with us knowledge of your family pedigree. You don't need to wait until your data is returned from the lab to join; please feel free to let us know you want to join the project as soon as you have a test on order. If you want to join but are not sure what test to order, please contact me and allow me to help you in making that decision. Note that the basis of the project is Y-DNA. This requires that you be a male descendant of a Hogg ancestor by a direct male-to-male line. This requirement is driven by the fact that the Y chromosome is passed along from father to son and it is not carried by a female descendant. If you need to order a DNA test, feel free to use whatever testing company you prefer; our project will accept data from any testing company. There are several testing companies to choose from. Our general preference is FTDNA because they are the leading testing company, they have the largest data base, they provide excellent customer support, and they offer a wide range of services that make upgrades after the initial testing very easy and cost effective.
Category 3. You are a female Hogg family researcher (and hence cannot, yourself, be a Y-DNA donor) but you have a living male relative, father, brother, uncle, cousin, etc., who is willing to have the DNA test and provide data representative of your family. In this case, you should follow the same process as for category 2, above, arranging for your male representative to take the test.
Category 4. You are a female Hogg family researcher but you have no male relative available to provide the DNA data or you descend from a Hogg ancestor by a female connection. In this case you have no immediate opportunity to be represented in the DNA results table. Nevertheless, you are welcome to share your family history research with us and to follow the progress of the project and learn about your family along with us. The natural status for you to be in is that of waiting for an unknown cousin to provide DNA data representative of your family. You are encourage to actively seek to find such a DNA donor.