Hogg names

We have identified the following list of surnames as variants of the name Hogg:
   Hogg, Hog, Hoggs,
   Hoag, Hoage,
   Hodge, Hodges,
   Hooge, Hoeg, Hoege,
   Hoge, Hogge,
   Hoggard, Hogart, Hoggarth, Hoggatt, Hogsett,
   Hogman, Hoggman,
   Hogue, Hague,
   Ogg, Ogge, Oge

The Most Common Names and Surnames in the U.S. (1990) are presented at http://names.mongabay.com based on analysis of the 1990 census by The U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, Population Analysis & Evaluation Staff.

Note: these results appear to be derived from a sampling approach in which the smallest decernable percentage of the total population was 0.001%; and the population numbers appear to be the approximate percentage, rounded off to the nearest 0.001%, multiplied by an estimate of the total population. As a result, the number 2,487 appeares to be the granularity of the estimates.

Of the names on our list, these are amoung the 100,000 most common surnames in the U.S. population (1990):

   Surname         Rank   percent   Number
                 (appx)    (appx)   (appx)

   Hogg           3,327     0.004    9,948
   Hoag           4,900     0.002    4,974
   Hoage         40,465    <0.001   <2,487
   Hodge            518     0.022   54,714
   Hodges           391     0.029   72,123
   Hoeg          63,290    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoge          12,405     0.001    2,487
   Hogge         16,498     0.001    2,487
   Hoggard        6,644     0.002    4,978
   Hoggatt       19,145    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogsett       17,303     0.001    2,487
   Hogue          1,764     0.007   17,409
   Hague          6,491     0.002    4,974
   Ogg           11,009     0.001    2,487
   Oge           61,479    <0.001   <2,487

The remaining names on our list, not amoung the 100,000 most common, are:

   Surname         Rank   percent   Number
                 (appx)    (appx)   (appx)

   Hog         >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggs       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hooge       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoege       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogart      >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggarth    >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogman      >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggman     >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Ogge        >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
We might be tempted to drop these names from our list, but we know these names have been used historically, and are probably in use currently in the global population. So we will keep them on out list.

In addition, we find some names in the list of 100,000 most common names that we seem to have overlooked; those clearly variations of name on our list are these:

   Surname         Rank   percent   Number
                 (appx)    (appx)   (appx)

   Hogarth       30,257    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogatt        71,021    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogsette      63,278    <0.001   <2,487

Finally, these names might also be considered variations of Hogg:

   Surname         Rank   percent   Number
                 (appx)    (appx)   (appx)

   Haag           3,052     0.004    9,948
   Hage           7,974     0.001    2,487
   Hagg          30,319    <0.001   <2,487
   Hagge         23,003    <0.001   <2,487

An interesting list results from sorting all of these name by frequency of occurance:

   Surname         Rank   percent   Number
                 (appx)    (appx)   (appx)

   Hodges           391     0.029   72,123
   Hodge            518     0.022   54,714
   Hogue          1,764     0.007   17,409
   Haag           3,052     0.004    9,948
   Hogg           3,327     0.004    9,948
   Hoag           4,900     0.002    4,974
   Hague          6,491     0.002    4,974
   Hoggard        6,644     0.002    4,978
   Hage           7,974     0.001    2,487
   Ogg           11,009     0.001    2,487
   Hoge          12,405     0.001    2,487
   Hogge         16,498     0.001    2,487
   Hogsett       17,303     0.001    2,487
   Hoggatt       19,145    <0.001   <2,487
   Hagge         23,003    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogarth       30,257    <0.001   <2,487
   Hagg          30,319    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoage         40,465    <0.001   <2,487
   Oge           61,479    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogsette      63,278    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoeg          63,290    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogatt        71,021    <0.001   <2,487
   Hog         >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggs       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hooge       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoege       >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogart      >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggarth    >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hogman      >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Hoggman     >100,000    <0.001   <2,487
   Ogge        >100,000    <0.001   <2,487